Download - Volunteer Training

Page 1: Volunteer Training

Parent Volunteer Training

Page 2: Volunteer Training


Always report to the office to sign in and get a visitor’s pass.

Be prompt.

Turn off or silence cell phones.

Only unflavored coffee is permitted in Room 12.

Arrange for a substitute or let me know ASAP if you can not volunteer.

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What you see/hear in Room 12 - stays in Room 12.

You will see a variety of abilities and behaviors. Respect each student by keeping that information confidential.

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Arrive five (5) minutes before your assigned time to preview your lesson.

Use a quiet voice while teaching. There are three adults leading lessons at the same time.

Expect respect from the children.

Act like a “teacher” first, not a “parent” - encourage independence

Ask me for assistance if a child is uncooperative or is not be respectful.

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More Guidelines

Activities are not a choice. Children are expected to participate and complete activities.

Children should always raise hands to speak.

Phrase statements: “Now you’re each going to draw a picture” rather than “Would you like to draw a picture?”

Children are expected to do their best. They should not rush through an activity.

Please don’t spell words for children. They are learning how tap out and spell words phonetically.

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AM - Teaching Time: 10:15 to 10:45 except for Day 2 (Math Day) then it is: 9:45 to 10:45

PM - Teaching Time: 1:20 to 1:50 except for Day 2 (Math Day) then it is: 12:50 to 1:50

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Seating Charts

Each group has assigned seats at the table to ensure a quick transition between rotations.

Be sure that the children are in the correct seats.

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Sample Lessons

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More Sample Lessons

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More Sample Lessons

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Questions?Feel free to email me:

[email protected]

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