
17.............................. Susan.Walters20....................................Les.Yerger23................................. Tony.Miller25....................................Jordy.Rihl25.................................Josiah.Jones28................................... Ryan.Dyer1.............................Richard.Turner1.......................... Charles.Kimbrell4.................................. Paul.Caruso5................Lynn.Black,.Laura.Doss6............................ Andrew.Norkus11.........................Timothy.Nabholz12.........................Thelma.Nunziato15.............................Sarah.Hatcher19....................................Jim.Sweatt20............................Kate.Fliermans21.........................Charles.McClure21...........................Cathie.McClure22................................ Craig.Bailey23............................. John.Manthei

Volume 7, Issue 14 February - March 2012


Anniversaries22........Roseanna.&.Thomas.Marble27..................... Anne.&.Gene.Gojda.1.........................Maria.&.Ed.Russell1.............Carole.&.Enrique.Romero6...................... Sue.&.Ron.Moncrief8....................Karen.&.Vic.Chrjapin9...................Charlotte.&.Mel.Jewett11........................Myra.&.Bob.Frantz





The Pastor’s Pen...“It.was.with. great. joy. that. Jenn. and. I. received. the. news. that.Christ.Church,.Presbyterian,.after.much.prayer,.counsel,,.the.Session,,,,.for.the.last.several.months,

Further,, . . .’s.will,.we.believe.that.He.has.graciously.and.clearly.answered.our.prayer...Indeed,,.Presbyterian..



The Augusta Youth Chorale, a ministry supported by Christ Church conducted by Mark Nabholz, is a 30-voice auditioned high school choir whose membership represents schools and churches all over the CSRA. They have been invited to be the featured choir at the 2012 Nation’s Capitol Festival of Youth Choirs, June 28-July 3, to be held at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. The Festival will include around 300 teenaged singers from all over the country in attendance, and the final performance will be accompanied by the National Symphony. In addition to singing with the massed group, the Augusta Youth Chorale will present a 25-minute set of music by themselves in that concert. This is a great honor for the AYC, their conductor, and our church! The total cost of the endeavor is around $10,000.00, and the group still has $3,000.00 to raise in order to make the trip. The singers are working hard to raise funds: they have held car washes, and will be singing a benefit concert at Kiokee Baptist Church on Sunday evening, March 11. A recent performance for the Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW) at Fort Gordon resulted in a generous donation toward the trip from that organization. During February they are selling Krispy Kreme donuts to further defray expenses. Since the AYC has achieved 501c3 status with the IRS, gifts given to-ward this opportunity are tax deductible. The youth of Christ Church are well-represented in this year’s Chorale: Ted Chew, David Dyer, Michael Goodell, Grant Kimbrell, Hamilton McDaniel, Preston Rackley, Timothy Nabholz, and Will Nabholz are all members, and they’ll all be happy to sell you several coupons good for fresh, hot, tasty Krispy Kreme donuts!

Augusta Youth Chorale

National Cathedralto perform at the

Building Update .The Sign has been built on the corner of Furys Ferry and Southern Pines Drive. We are continuing the next phase of the project by building a flower box and installing the stone exterior to surround the sign. A plan for lighting is being developed.·The replacement bulbs for the steeple spot lights have been ordered. With the availability of the lift equipment, we are targeting a completion date of February.·The unused Baldwin Organ that is currently in storage in the elevator shaft has been listed for sale. If you know a church or individual who may be interested in purchasing this organ, please contact the church office at (706) 210-9090.·The Youth Building has new carpeting with new floor molding and outlet covers. This was the final project in the completion of Andrew Norkus’s Eagle Scout Project. Mercy & Hospitality Update· The Diaconate Approved a motion to formally accept several volunteers to serve in the Visitation Ministry. Those volunteers are Carol Ryans, Maria Russell, Cheryl and John Manthei, Emily Adams, and Thelma Nunziato. · The Usher Duty Schedule has been updated to an increased total of eight ushers. Thank You to these men who are willing to serve the Lord in this capacity! Additional Ushers are needed to assist in the Morning or Evening Worship Service. For those whowould like to assist, please contact John Norkus at (706) 860-4311.

Treasurer Update· The Session approved the Bond Committee’s motion to refinance the church’s property loan, purchase and install an elevator and organ, and complete small property improvement projects through a bond issue of $2.845 million, The motion also approves the Bond Committee to call a Congregational Meeting in March for a vote on approving the Bond Committee’s Bond Issue Motion. Prior to the Congregational Meeting in March, an informational gathering will be held to review the details of the Bond Issue and answer all questions. · A Committee composed of five members for redesigning the Church Website has been formed. The committee will be meeting on February 21, March 20, and April 17 to redesign the site to make it more user friendly and visually attractive for both the end user who visits the website and for those who are responsible for loading content to the website. The projected launch date of the redesigned site will be in the month of April.

Notes from the Session, Diaconate and Committee Meetings

If you love to sing, but are unable to commit to the regular ministry of the choir, please consider singing with us as we prepare for the Resurrection Festival Service! Rehearsal dates are March 10, March 21, April 1, April 4 and April 7.

Please contact Mark Nabholz if you have questions: [email protected]

Nurseries are provided for all rehearsals.

The Diaconate Visitation Ministry has been created as an outreach to widows, shut-ins, the bereaved, and those in our midst needing encouragement and comfort.

For those who would like to serve as a volunteer, please contact the Church Office at (706) 210-9090 or John Norkus at (706) 860-4311.

Women in the Church (WIC) News

Missionary Spotlight

Please be in prayer for the missionaries and agencies listed below. Ask the Lord: to strengthen their abilities to complete the tasks set before them; to give them patience, kindness and gentleness with those they would serve; to help them trust in Him for all their needs; to give them the courage to demonstrate the love of Christ. Missionaries Prayer Focus• Paul Volpitto, Augusta School of Biblical Studies (ASBS), Augusta, Georgia• Bruce and Barbara Wannemacher, Mission to the World (PCA), South Africa• Rick and Betty Aschmann, Mission to the World (PCA), Ecuador• Dick and Nancy Baggé, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Kenya• Bob and Andrea Burnham, Mission to the World (PCA), Ukraine• Louis and Anne Carter, SIM, Kenya and Papua New Guinea

Pray for the development of house churches in Cuba and for opportunities during the week of November 7-14.

They had the opportunity to share Christ with 488 people, of whom 304 placed their faith in Christ! Please be in prayer for their children:Tiffany & Jeremy – awaiting their 4th son in late MarchBrandon – pray that God will reveal Himself to him in special and gracious waysVirginia & Eric – Pray that God would continue to bless their marriage and familyAnton – Pray for his growing intimacy with GodSteve – Final year at University of Texas – Graduates in MayOlya – Pray that she will continue forging a closer walk with ChristChristina – Junior at Cambridge School of Dallas(CSD), pray for God’s direction and for her college futureAlyssa – 9th grader at CSD, pray for good and godly friend to surround her.Lauren – 7th grader at CSD, pray for sweet and faithful friendships

Women’s Bible Study continues to meet in February, studying Psalm 8. This study has been a rich time of opening and discussing God’s Word. All women are welcome to attend this time of fellowship and encouragement. Details of the next gathering are below.

Time: 6:45 pm - 8:00 pm February 23 Martha Folley’s home March 8 Monica Boyd’s home March 22 Martha Folley’s home

Choir News

Visitation Ministry

Rick and Betty Aschmann

Kurt and Pat Nelson

Continue praying for needed monthly support and for safety in travel visiting friends and supporters.

Please also pray for Betty as she continues home schooling the children.

A Little Levity

Christ Church Press








Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayFebruary 14 15 16 17 18

7 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting

19 20 21 22 23 24 257 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Women’s Bible Study 7 a.m. Men’s Prayer


26 27 28 29 March 1 2 37 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7 a.m. Men’s Prayer


4 5 6 7 8 9 107 p.m. Diaconate Mtng 7 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Women’s Bible Study 7 a.m. Men’s Prayer

MeetingEaster Choir Reh..


11 12 13 14 15 16 177 p.m. Session Mtng 7 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7 a.m. Men’s Prayer


18 19 20 21 22 23 24Easter Choir Rehearsal

7 p.m.

Women’s Bible Study 7 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting

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