
TJhivorsity of Kentucky loxlngton/' Kentucky

: traRAnis*



Dairy Day Events

Candidates (or Rockcas t l e County Dairy P r i n c e s s t h i s year , are: Roberta Hayes, daughter of Mr. aid Mrs. Robert Hayes, J a n e Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cox, and Brenda Jones , daughter of Mr. and <rs. Hewitt J o n e s .

Miss Judy Tindal , s t a t e Dairy P r inces s will be on hand for the f e s t i v i t i e s along with Miss Doris Coffey, 1966 Rockcas t le County Dairy p r i n c e s s and Distr ict Dairy Princes?).

Ent r ies in the horse show should be at Mt. Vernon School - for judging from 11:30 to 12 noon. T h e parade will leave Mt. Vernon School at 1 p.m.

Dale Scott , Kentucky State Farm Bureau, will inter-view Dairy P r i n c e s s con-t e s t an t s .

Entertainment will b e provided by country music s t a r s on s tage o n .

•fr™" 11-30 to 1 p.m. with Wade Ray appear-ing sometime during that period.

KILLED IN VIETNAM Mrs. Laura Taylor of West

Main St., Mt. Vernon, was not i f ied last week that her grandson, Edd Taylor , 20, of Cincinnat i , Ohio had been kil led in act ion in Vietnam, June 13.

Taylor , the son of Mr. and Mrs. J e s s Taylor , a l so of Cincinnat i , was serving h i s second tour of duty in Viet-nam. He was scheduled for d i scharge from the scrvice . in November. REVIVAL SCHEDULED

Reviva l . s e rv ices will . begfn s n a l f f f ; July 2 and

cont inue through July 9 at Sand Sp^ingsBapt is tChurch.

Evangel is t Allen Grant of Memphis, Tenn. will con-ductthe se rv ices which will begin each evening at 7:30 p.m.

Bro. B- Samuel Miller is pas tor of the church.,

AT CONVENTION Clifford Ba le s , Rock-

cas t l e County Court Clerk, is a t tending a_County Court Clerk ' s of Kentucky ..Con-vention at Kentucky L a k e this week.

KU Announces Reduction In Rates; Effective July 1

EXAMINES WRECKED AUTO— State Trooper David Moore examines the auto in which Willie Croucher, 47, a resident of Berea , received fa ta l in jur ies about 2:30 p.m., Satur-day, when his car left the road at the foot of Sigmon Hill on US 25. The car, a 1956 Chevrolet convert ible , with the top down, crashed into a fence on the farm of Mrs. Robert Croucher. There were no w i t n e s s e s to the accident but it i s bel ieved a mechani-ca l fa i lure possibly caused the accident . Mr. Croucher w a s taken from the s c e n e to the Rockcas t le County. Bap t i s t Hospital , removed from there College Hospi ta l , and then (aketrio the University Medical Cen(fcr**ffPl.exington where h e died at 7:12 ' p.m. the same" day. ' - .

Vandals L a t e Saturday night or

early Sunday morning. Van-. da i s cut doWn approximately one-half mile of four s trand barbed wire f ence on the farm oT ' Clifford Pit tman jus t south of Mt. Vernon.

Mr. P i t tman ' s farm is occupied by h i s son, George Pit tman.

According to the younger P i t tman, some pos t s were a l s o torn out of the ground and damage w a s done to some tombstones in the Rowe Family Cemetery located on the- farjn. Vauia&'to the f ence was est imated by Clifford Pit tman at $400.

Law of f ice rs be l ieve an attempt was made by the vandals to herd . ca t t le , belonging to George Pit tman up to the opening made in the fence and drive them over t h e c l i f f . , Damage, done to the f ences , forced Mr. Pi t tman to s e l l approximately 25 head of ca t t l e Monday.

A $500 reward h a s been . o f f e r e d fey George . g i t t p s p . ,

for iTifonnation leadlng-*to' the arrest and conviction of these v a n d a l s . '

New Social Security Office In a telegram received

th i s week from Senator John Sherman Cooper and Cong. Tim L e e Carter, the Signal was not i f ied that a new

"District" "Social Security of f ice will open at Somerset on June 26.

T h e o f f i ce , which will s e rve r e s iden t s of P u l a s k i , Rockcas t le , and • Wayne Count ies and wil l be locat-ed at the Trade Winds Shopping Center on-the By-p a s s of U.$. 27, was approv-ed by the Commissioner of

Social Security in Wash-ngton. T h e of f ice will be under h e supervision of D. Q. Jobinson, Distr ict Manager

.if the Social Security Administration located in Corbin.

George Pittman Buys Registered Angus Bull

George Pi t tman, Mount Vernon, recently purchased an Aberdeen-Angus bull from John Kinnard, Crab Orchard, Kentucky.

Kentucky Ut i l i t i es Co. h a s announced rate reduct ions which wil l s a v e customers

CSM Receives *59,330 Grant

T h e Council of the Sout-hern Mountains has re-ceived a grca : a£ 559,830 from the.Economip Develop^ ment Administration (EDA) to conduct a feas ib i l i ty s tudy o'f small industry potential in Appalachia . The program, to begin J u n e 15, wil l run over 18 months.

Albert K. Mock, present ly Vice P re s iden t of Iron Mountain Stoneware in Laure Bloomery, Tenness i re , has been named director and Gerald Osbprfle, formerly of the CSMM'Community Action Technic ian s t a /L . wij l b e . - ( C o M . ' t o Pag»-7)

ARRIVES IN VIETNAM Army Special is t Four

' David S- Hunt, son of M r s-Gladys B. Hunt, Route 3, Mt. Vernon, arrived at Dong 6 a Thin , Vietnam, June 1, with h i s unit , the 205th Assaul t Support Helicopter Company.

Spec. Hunt is a crew chief; in the company which was l a s t s ta t ioned at F t . Si l l , Okla.

T h e 20-year-old soldier entered the Army in May 1966 and completed- bas ic train-ing at F t . Knox.

He was graduated from Mt. Vernon High School in 1963.

His wife , Marvine, l ives on Route 1, Hardy, Ark.

$50,600 Civil Suit Filed Against City Of Brodhead Loyd Albright Also Named Defendant

A $50,600 suit was. filed in Rockcas t le County Circuit Court Tuesday , by Albert Thomas.- Admini-strator of- the e s t a t e of Harold Thomas, deceased , agains t the City of brod-head and Loyd Albright,

Brodhead Ci ty policeman. The suit s tems from the

arrest , Saturday. ' night, May 20, o f Mr. Thomas ' son , Harold, who was lodged in the Brodhead City J a i l by Officer Albright. Younp Thomas suffociated during

3 Charged ln Raids State police and the loca l

Sheriff 's department were kept busy Sa>urday when they made raids on three:

more than- $1.5 million annually on their e lec t r ic b i l l s .

The new ra t e s . s chedu le s , a f fec t ing res iden t ia l , com-mercial , industrial and mine power customers , which KU f i led in Frankfort with the Publ ic Service Commission of Kentucky, are scheduled to eo. into e f fec t for b i l l* rerflrered on and a f t e r Ju ly f .

It will be the s ix th general rate reduction KU has made s ince 1962 and will bring to customers the combined s a v i n g s of these reduct ions t o more than $6.5 million on an annual b a s i s .

More than 80 per cent of KU ' s almost 240,000 cus tomers in 77 Kentucky count ies will sha re in the sav ings under the new ra tes . Res ident ia l customers wll! receive the largest total , s av ings , anoun t ing j | o more than $530,000 a year . T h e new r a t e s bring a saving to a l l home use r s of more than 100 kilowatt hours a month.

T h e new r a t e s for re- • s iden t ia l and commercial u se r s are promotional in jtature, designed toencourage ful ler use of ~ ex i s t ing e lec t r ical app l i ances and equipment and the addit ion of new e lec t r ic u s e s . KU hopes the new ra tes will introduce more people to the " a l l - e l e c t r i c " concept , par-t i cu la r ly e lec t r ic hea t ing .

T h e industrial and mine power r a t e s are a lso pro-motional to he lp the b u s :

iness and industrial develop-ment of the se rv i ce area through new plant loca t ions and expansions of present p l an t s .

IN SAIGON—Sp/4 Douglas Glenn Durham,, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Aster Durham of Cooper Creek, is s ta t ioned in Cu Chi , Saigon, Vietnam with Company C, 1st Bn. , 25th Division. H e ' e c t s c s i the Array April 19, 1966" and has been in Saigon s ince November 29, 1966. a 1964 graduate of Livings-ton High School, he i s married to the former Chris Martin of Lima, Ohio.

bootlegging es tab l i shments and arrested two of the boot leggers .

Lou is Bel l , of Burt, was arres ted at h is home and charged with p o s s e s s i o n of intoxicat ing beverages for purposes of resa le .

5 c a s e s of beer were con-f i sca ted by arres*t<\g o f f i c - . ; rs , Sheriff Tip -RCppert, State Troopers Johnny Sims and Dough Hysinger , and State P o l i c e Sergeant Glen Riggs.

William Thomason of Mt. Vernon was raided by State Trooper Danny Coleman and Deputy Sheriff Frank De-Borde at h is home and charged with the same violat ion.

A warrant 'was i ssued for the arrest of Roy J o n e s of US 150 about two miles west of Mt. Vernon fcfter o f f ice rs raided his home and found 10 one-half pints of whiskey. Off icers were, Sheriff Tip Reppert . State Troopers -Johnny Sims and Dough Hysinger. and State Po l ice Sergeant Glen Riggs .

B e l l and Thomas were f reed on $500 bond and are scheduled to appear July 21 in Rockcas t le County Circuit Court .

ght when his ja i l filled with smoke from a mat t ress which caught on f i re .

The sui t reads , in part: " T h e . defendant . City of Brodhead. i ts agents , ser-vants and employee's," in-' eluding defendant . Loyd" Albright, wilful ly, care-less ly , and negligently permitted said jail to be and become dangerous to life and unfit for use or for con-finement of prisoners or persons confined, (herein; sa id did • any lighting fac i l i t i es in the c e l l s of said jail , did not have any water in said ce l l s , and it the time decedent , Harold Thomas, was placed therein, the toilet was out gf order and had no such f a c i l i t i e s at all; said build-ipf,-JSS^-jn bad s ta te of re-

" P l a i n t i f f says after the confinement of decendent , Harold • Thomas, at the time complained of no super-vision of any kind was kept or maintained for the safe ty of said person; t h a t ' ' s a i d defendant , Loyd Albright, knew the decedent , Harold Thomas, was under the in-f luence of • . intoxicat ing beverages and drunk and knew of condition of said Suilding but not with stand-ing ca re less ly and negli-gently failed to look after or care for him. h is s a fe ty , or to exe rc i se any super-vision at all for h i s care , welfare snfl sp'.ety; Drat during the night a fire occur-ed. in said building; that sa id Harold Thomas was thereby injured and died as a resul t t h e r e o f . "

" T h e death of said Harold Thomas was the direct and

proximate resul t of „ care-l e s s n e s s and negl igence of defendant . City of Brodhead. i ts agents , se rvants , and employees , and of the de-fendant . Loyd Albr ight . '*

T h e suit a s k s for the sum of $600 to cover funeral expenses and $50,000 for bodily injury suffered a s to c a u s e p la in t i f f ' s death a n d ' to compensate for l o s s Oi earning power.

According to Circuit Court Clerk. Money Ed Cummins, the suit has been placed on the docket for the July terni of Circuit Court.

RESOLUTION At the annual picnic-

meeting of the Rockcas t l e Fish and Game Club, held at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Olney J. Sutton l a s j week, . t h ^ o l l o w i n g ' r e s o l u t i o n was""1***' '

BE IT RESOLVES: Whereas - That Robert L. Cummins, Secretary-Treasur er . appoints James Shannon Franklin as h is personal aid and a s s i s t a n t , and Whereas - The t i t le of Honorary Secretary-Treasur-er of the R F & G Club be bestowed-upon him.

SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTS Slow pitch and fas t pitch

state dis t r ic t Softball tournaments (double elimina-tion) will be held through-out the s ta te again th i s year.

Winner and runner-up from each d is t r ic t will advance to the sfSfe tournafrfent held i n August 16.

Tgams- or sponsors in-tering thg dis t r ic t Softball tournament should contact : ' Conley Manning, 333 East 4th St-. A-7. Frankfort , Kentucky 40601. '

SMALL BUSINESS REP. A represen ta t ive of the

Small B u s i n e s s Adminis tration will be at thai F e d e r a l ' a g e n c y ' s part-time o f f i ce in the County Court Room, County Ccuut-, house, ' London, on Wednes-day, will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The of f ice may be contacted a l s o by ca l l ing telephone number 864-4640 during the hours s t a t ed . Any businessmen in need of f inancia l a s s i s t a n c e or advice are invited t o x o n -sult with th i s representa t ive .

COMPLETES COURSE Arm^"- Pr iva te Jerry R.

Waddle, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waddle, Living-s ton , completed an eight-week administration course at F t . Leonard Wood, Mo., June 16.

He was trained in the pre-paration of military re-cords and forms. Instruction was a l s o given in funda-mentals of the Army fil ing sys tem, typinjs. and opera-t ion of of f ice machines .

Reading Clinic In Progress

LAYING THE C O N C R E T E - P a v i n g of In te rs ta te 75 in R o c k c a s t l e County Is .now under The above photo shows a crew from the W. L . Harper Construct ion Company of Covington laying the Northbound lane near Boone ' s Gap. In an 8-hour sh i f t , about 4500 f ee t of concrete can be laid on a 24 foot lane.

A Reading Cl inic : held under the a u s p i c e s of T i t l e 1, i s now in progress at Mt. Vernon School.

The Cl inic i s being held for the purpose of . t he ad-vancement of educat ion in Rockcas t le County.

Funds for the Cl inic are ava i lab le under a $223,000 grant made to Rockcas t le County under the Elementary and Secondary Educa t ion Act for programs under T i t l e I. Clyde Linvi l le i s coordinator of the T i t l e I program and Albert Al-bright - i s director recorder.

T h e Clinic will be com-posed of two-day s e s s i o n s for each a rea of s tudy. T u e s -day, tha f i rs t day of the clinic,* s o c i a l s c i e n c e t eache r s from throughout the county

met with a consultant from Eas te rn Kentucky Univer-s i ty .

Other a r e a s will be math and b u s i n e s s , vocat ional and industr ia l a r t s , hea l th and • physical education. , s c i ence , and languages . Elementary t eache r s will a l so be involved in the pro-gram.

20 children were chosen from Rockcas t le County s c h o r l s to aid the t e a c h e r s . in their different f i e lds . Mrs. Carol Cummins and Mrs. Ruth Ann Johnson are ins turc tors for the s ix-week period.

Funds for. the Remedial Reading programs, held during the school year , a re a l so included in $he grant.

Social Sc ience teachers in the Rockcos t l e County School System at tended a Reading Clinic ses s ion ot Mt. Vernon Tuesday and Wednesday. In the top photo, soc ia l Science teachers attending were, from lef t : Millard Robbins, Brodhead High School; R ichf rd Harris , Mt. Vernon High School; Robert Kelsey, Livingston High School; Mrs. Nancy Parkersoh, Mt. Vernon High School; Buford Porkerson, Mt. Vernon High School; Albert Albright, Brodheod High School; John L . Soylor, Mt. Vernon High School, and Cleston Say lor, Mt. Vernon High School. Shown in the bottom photo are administrator and the consul tant for the first s e s s i o n . They ore, from lef t : Clyde Linvi l le , Coordinator, .Title. I; Willard Whitoker, Social Worker, Otis Miracle, Pr incipal of Roundstone; Mrs. N o n c y J ^ j , . , Williams, Director of Pupil Personne l ; Tom Payne , Supervisor, T i t l e I; Mrs. Neureul Miracle, Superintendent of Schools; D. A. Robbins, Prihcipol of Brodhead School; Mrs. a o Paul ine Mullins, Speech Therapis t , Charles Pa r sons , Principal of Livingston School; Mrs. Sam Jones , Education Supervisor; P rofessor Quentin B. Keen, Consu l tan t ; - John L. Soylor, A s s i s t a n t Superintendent of School, and Cleston Soylor, Pr incipol of Mt. Vernon School. V

* D I S C O L O R E D S P O T S ON P A G E

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