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July 2019

Volume 22, Issue 7

Christ Lutheran Church Newsletter Mission Statement

Christ Lutheran Church exists to “...continue to Share the Good News of Jesus Christ with members, community & the world.”

The Word of the Lord as written in the Epistle of St. James (4:1-10): “What causes quarrels and what

causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have,

so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not

ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. You adulterous

people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes

to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the

Scripture says, ‘He yearns jealously over the Spirit that he has made to dwell in us’? But he gives more

grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit yourselves there-

fore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and

weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord,

and he will exalt you.”

Summer is the best. School is out, the days are long, we go on vacation, and we eat ice cream.

Summer can be a great time to slow down a bit, too. So take a break, and actually enjoy it. Spend time with

family and just enjoy that wonderful gift of God. But during the summer, don’t forget that your Lord is still

here, speaking through His Word and refreshing you through His sacraments. The Holy Spirit sees to it that

the Word is proclaimed to you freely, openly, and often. So as you take a break from many things this sum-

mer, I invite you to take a break from the world, but not from God.

Do we consider those two things to be in opposition to one another – God and the world?

They are. Jesus calls the devil the “ruler of this world” (John 14:30). St. James tells us that “Religion that is

pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep

oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27). St John writes, “Do not love the world or the things in the

world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires

of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the

world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forev-

er” (1 John 2:15-17). This summer, don’t take a break from the Church and the Word of God; take a break

from this dying world!

As St. James writes, friendship with the world is enmity with God. Flee, then, from worldliness. This

world has nothing to offer you but pain and death. God offers you joy and life in Christ. Money, status, pos-

sessions, the desires of the flesh – these will all pass away. God’s gifts are eternal, and they are for you.

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Join Christ Lutheran Church for Christian Education Night each Wednesday!

Beginning in the fall, our Christian Education Night will be held weekly every Wednesday. Bible History

and Youth Catechesis will continue, and our adult study group will also resume. The book we will be reading

next year is Has American Christianity Failed?, by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller, Senior Pastor of St. Paul Lu-

theran Church, Austin, Texas. This 2016 book will help us all to understand the many temptations around us

to disbelieve the Word of God and to build our own ladders to God instead. We will learn why these

manmade ladders are so unsatisfying and will ultimately let us down in the day of trouble. Wolfmueller's

style is exceptionally easy to read, doubly so in this book, as he traces his own journey away from these

manmade ladders and toward the cross. A blurb from one of my seminary professors: “Christianity in North America has largely been shaped by unbiblical assumptions about the power of human

choice. In an engaging and conversational style, Wolfmueller draws on his own experiences as a college stu-

dent moving from church to church and more recently as a Lutheran pastor to offer a Christ-centered cri-

tique. Wolfmueller does not offer programs or techniques for church revitalization but rather invites his read-

ers to hear the Word of the cross and find their confidence in the sure and certain promises of Christ Jesus.

This book will challenge, edify, and encourage faithful disciples of Jesus Christ in the context of our self-

addicted and chaotic culture.” —John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions, Concordia Theological Seminary,

Fort Wayne, Indiana

Take this summer to reflect on your own life. Are you caught in sins of worldliness? Do you find

yourself greedy, or deaf to the needs of your neighbor? Do you find that you more often hear the world’s ad-

vice for living than seek the counsel of the Word of God? Are you more likely to consult a TV show or pop-

ular book than the words of Christ? Do you sometimes think that you are free to reject some of the teachings

of the Church because you personally don’t agree with them?

This summer, take a break from the world. Dust off your Small Catechism and learn what the Bible

teaches. Read your Bible and hear what Our Lord teaches. Come to church and receive His good gifts, given

for you. And if you’re looking for a great summer book, I’d like to recommend the following:


Lutheranism 101, Scot Kinnaman, ed., Concordia Publishing House, 2010.

Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther, Roland Bainton, Abingdon Press, 2015.

Spirituality of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals, Gene Edward Veith, Jr., Concordia

Publishing House, 2010.


The Hammer of God, Bo Giertz, Augsburg Fortress, 2005.

Heaven on Earth: The Gifts of Christ in the Divine Service, Arthur A. Just, Concordia Publishing House,


Handling the Word of Truth: Law and Gospel in the Church Today, John T. Pless, Concordia Publishing

House, 2004.

More Challenging, but Worth It:

Confessions, St. Augustine, translated by F.J. Scheed, Hackett Publishing Company, 2006.

The Fire and the Staff: Lutheran Theology in Practice, Klemet I. Preus, Concordia Publishing House,


Why I Am a Lutheran: Jesus at the Center, Daniel Preus, Concordia Publishing House, 2004.

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ALTAR Sherry Odorizzi


ELDER Robert Ratliff

GREETERS Erwin & Barbara Merz

7/7 Haley Freeman

7/14 Anastasia Hinton

7/21 Colin Hoffman

7/28 Joseph Lorenz

The Lutheran Student Center hosts Supper-

On-Sunday’s each week during the Fall

and Spring semesters, beginning with a

bible study at 5:00 p.m. and followed by a

meal at 6:00 p.m.

The Supper-On-Sunday meals are provided

by local volunteers from area congrega-

tions and their various small groups. The

Lutheran Student Center is an outreach

ministry of all of the Lutheran churches in

the Lubbock county area. We greatly ap-

preciate everyone who has helped to make

this academic year a success, whether you

helped by providing food, participated in

the Brisket Cook-Off, or donated funds to

the LSC; Thank You!

This summer, on July 28th at 4 PM, Jeff

Jenkins will be ordained and installed as

the new pastor for both Redeemer Luther-

an Church and the Lutheran Student Cen-

ter. Jeff has served, this past year, as the

vicar for both ministries. The installation

service will be held at Redeemer.

If you know of a high school graduate who

is planning on attending TTU, introduce

them to the Lutheran Student Center and

introduce us to them. If you know someone

who would like to meet the incoming pas-

tor and tour the facility this summer, please

contact vicar Jeff via email at:

[email protected]

The Student Center is located at 2615 19th

Street, Lubbock, TX 79410. The email

address is [email protected]. The

phone number is 806-763-3644.

Brad Barrette 7/3

Braxton Agnew 7/6

John Keinath 7/10

Beth Turner 7/10

Amber Slater 7/12

Garrett Clark 7/12

Andrew Rushing 7/12

Candy Schoppa 7/15

Roger Pamperin 7/16

Brett Hinson 7/17

Pat Robinson 7/20

Mike Bunyard 7/21

Sharon Tull 7/21

Aaron Jackson 7/24

Bob & Linda Faber 7/2

Phil & Sara Guengerich 7/5

Albert & Marolyn Rinne 7/9

Bruce & Pam Kennedy 7/12

Jerry & Donna Weaver 7/12

Terry & Cathy Baxter 7/19

Rusty & Lori Hoffman 7/19

Brad & Rebecca Barrette 7/23

Clayton & Loretta Parks 7/24

Mike & Pat Bunyard 7/26

Chris & Stephanie Weiss 7/26

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Tom Zachman, [email protected], 281-455-8010

Greetings in Christ! Now that we are in the vacation season, please pray that those travelling to visit family

and friends would be kept safe. As I mentioned last month, I urge everyone who is out of town to find an

LCMS church nearby to attend.

The committee updating the church Constitution and By-Laws and the Church Council will continue their

work during the summer to finalize a draft of these documents to present to the congregation at the next Con-

gregational meeting on August 25.

Childcare is now in place on Sunday morning during the Sunday school hour. I continue to encourage every-

one to consider helping with this by contacting Susan Rowe if you are interested.

Please continue to pray for God’s blessings on Christ Lutheran.

In Christ, Tom Zachman

Church Council Notes by Tom Zachman, CLC President



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by Candy Schoppa

In June, several of the youth participated in Hope Lutheran’s Serve Lubbock week, volunteering at Mosaic,

Boy’s Ranch, the Animal Shelter, and the Food Bank. The youth cleaned windows at the McCaleb home on

June 22nd as part of their service work.

LCMS NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING: The National Youth Gathering will be held July 11-15,

2019, in Minneapolis, MN. Our young people will leave on July 9 and travel with the group from Hope.

The theme of this year’s gathering is “Real. Present. God.” Please pray for our young people as they attend

this gathering and for safe travels to and from Minnesota. Those going from Christ are Kendall Graham,

Ashleigh Hoffman, Colin Hoffman and Haylee Morgan.

CETA GLEN LUTHERAN CHURCH CAMP: Now that school is out for the summer, it is time to get

ready for camp. Ceta Glen Church Camp will be July 21-26, 2019. Costs are $350.00 for the first camper

per family and $300.00 for each additional family camper. Registration forms with $50 non-refundable de-

posit should be post marked by July 6, 2019. If you need more information, see Kim or Allen Graham.

Registration packets are available in the church office. Those attending from Christ are Kendall and Kailee

Graham and Ashleigh and Colin Hoffman.


Parents of young children please join us for Adult Bible class! We are now providing nursery care for all in-

fants and toddlers ages 0 to 2 years 8:50 – 10:00 each Sunday. In addition, do not forget Sunday school clas-

ses are open for all students ages 3 to 18.

YOUTH GROUP by Allen & Kim Graham

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Solo Lunch Bunch Thursday, July 11th at The Farmhouse

7718 Milwaukee

Game Day July 17th, 1:00 p.m.

Men’s Prayer & Breakfast Meeting Every Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. at Market

Street, 98th and Quaker

Portals of Prayer for July—September are available on the table near the kitchen. Please take as

many as you need for your use and to share with friends who might wish to use them for daily

devotions. There are a few copies in large print, if you need those.


Can you donate about 15 – 20 minutes of your time after worship a few or a lot of Sundays to

serve as an offering teller? Two non-related adults are required each Sunday to count and report

the Sunday offerings. Specialized skills are not required. Please contact Kelly Kensing (806-765

-4108) or [email protected] or Rebecca Barrette (210-355-0158) or [email protected])

or sign the sheet on the podium in the narthex to let her know when you’ll help.


Our two braille worker groups will take a break for the summer. Look for schedules starting again in Sep-



Ruth, A Novel by Lois T Henderson. The author takes us back to Moab and to Bethlehem in the time of

Ruth and Naomi. She fleshes out a compelling portrait of Ruth, the Moabite widow, whose strength was in

her gentleness and her devotion to her mother-in-law and to Naomi’s God of Israel.

Children’s books are being added to the shelves on a regular basis. Recommended are:

One Hundred Bible Stories from Concordia Publishing House, especially for ages 9-12, and My Stories

About God’s People by Sarah Fletcher, for younger children.


by Pat Robinson, CLC Librarian

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God is everywhere

Please pray for our children: Almighty God, heavenly Father, You have blessed us with the

joy and care of children. Give us calm strength and patient wisdom that as they grow in years, we may teach them to love

whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

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† CROSSword Puzzle †

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7801 Indiana Avenue

Lubbock, TX 79423-1805


Rev. Daniel A. Hinton

Phone: 806-799-0162

Fax: 806-799-2273



[email protected]


10:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Holy Communion is celebrated every Lord’s Day.

Holy Father, God of mercy, look with compassion upon this land and grant to us civil peace.

We cherish the right to express disappointment or disagreement publicly, but grant grace to

those who do so always to speak with respect and reason. Remove from all hearts hatred, sus-

picion, fear, and prejudice. Help us to explain our neighbor's actions in the kindest way and

use Your Church to be an agent of peaceful and reasoned discourse in this time. Grant us uni-

ty as a nation, delighting in the rule of law and not of men. Drive far from us the spirit of sedi-

tion and rebellion and help all our citizens to honor our government officials, to pray for

them, and to hold them accountable as servants of the common good. We ask this through

Christ, who taught us to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things

that are God's, and whose love embraces all and calls all to be Your children. Amen.

Son of God, eternal Savior,

Source of life and truth and grace,

Word made flesh, whose birth among us

Hallows all our human race,

You our Head, who, throned in glory,

For Your own will ever plead:

Fill us with Your love and pity,

Heal our wrongs, and help our need. LSB 842:1

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