Page 1: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the



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MISSION STATEMENTThe object of the Corporation is to encourage, promote, and advance women in the fire service and shall include, and not be limited to:1. Inspiring positive change in the fire service;2. Encouraging the development of a diverse workforce in the fire services based on core values;3. Actively developing potential within the fire service through effective networking and support;4. Recognition of role models and mentors at all levels within the service;5. Fostering supportive, professional and personal relationships/networks among women in the

fire service.

FSWO Volume 2Edition 1

Page 2: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the



PRESIDENTCarol-Lynn Chambers

Office of the Fire Marshal

VICE PRESIDENTLouise Hine-SchmidtOttawa Fire Service


Kingston Fire & Rescue

TREASURERJessica Niereisel

Kitchener Fire Service

REGISTRARBrenda Tirrell

Ottawa Fire Service


Chatham-Kent Fire Department

SPECIAL EVENTS Allison Vickerd

London Fire Department


Markham Fire Service (retired)


Conestoga College

DIRECTOR AT LARGEJessica Stephenson

Waterloo Fire Department


Ottawa Fire Service

What’s InsidePresident’s Message.........................................Page 3

Fire Service Women Ontario.............................Page 4

FSWO Conference and AGM............................Page 5

Keynote - Chief Jona Olsson............................Page 6

“HOT” Classes and Workshops........................Page 7

Sponsor, Instructors, Presenters......................Page 8

Girls in Gear -Lambton College........................Page 9

Women in Uniform - Algonquin College..........Page 9

Camp Corner...................................................Page 10

Camp FFIT Statistics......................................Page 11

2013 Conference Save the Date.....................Page 12

The Back Page................................................Page 13

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including mimeograph, photograph, recording, or any information storage system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Fire Service Women Ontario is the official communication vehicle of the Fire Service Women Ontario. For advertising information email [email protected].

Fire Service Women Ontario does not assume responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by any contributor. Comments made by individuals may not reflect the official position of FSWP. Acceptance and publication of aarticles, advertisements, products and services does not indicate endorsement of same by FSWO and FSWO assumes no responsibility for accuracy.

Page 3: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


It has been a year of tremendous growth in our organization, a credit to the dedication of our Board of Directors, members, mentors and supporters.

Ou r 2012 con fe rence was an outstanding success, thanks to the efforts of our planning team, Waterloo host, volunteers and the generous support of our sponsors - on behalf of our organization, to all we owe a debt of gratitude.

The best our organization can aspire to is noticeable and lasting change and that we may leave a footprint of our influence, and 2012 has certainly been that kind of year.

From our involvement in college-level programs that encourage young women to think beyond traditional career boundaries, to our conference and camaraderie to help inspire and empower those who have already, or have yet to, choose a fire service career, to offering our best advice to those who seek to enrish and expand their fire service ranks with capable women, and to our day-to-day support by lending an ear to those who strive to cope wi th d i fficu l t work ing environments - that is what we are all about . L ike our Miss ion says; “Encourage, Educate, Empower.”

There is great commonality when we reach beyond traditional boundaries; the volunteer/part-time firefighter and career firefighter; aspiring candidate to seasoned firefighter; recruit to senior

officer; frontline to support roles; we are centred around common interests , providing encouragement and hope, shar ing success s to r ies , bes t practices, and strategies that help break down unnecessary boundaries for talented and capable women in the fire service.

As we look forward to our work ahead in 2013, we remain focused on assisting individuals, fire service leaders and their organizations, towards a critical public service that reflects the best our communities have to offer in terms of talent and capability, regardless of gender. We applaud those visionary leaders who have welcomed and support women into their ranks.

O u r 2 0 1 3 c o n f e re n c e i s f a s t approaching this fall, so please watch for more information as we strive to present another engaging line up of presenters, sessions and activities. We look forward to welcoming you. Please consider a membership or corporate sponsorship to help us in our continued growth and success.


Carol-Lynn Chambers, President

Top - Carol-Lynn Chambers addressing the membership at the FSWO 2nd Annual Conference in Waterloo, ON

Middle - Carol-Lynn Chambers and Louise Hine-Schmidt (Vice-president FSWO, Ottawa Fire Services) at Camp FFIT 2012

Bottom - Carol-Lynn Chambers thanking FSWO sponsor, Francine Chambers, President/Co-Owner, DIVA International Inc.



Page 4: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the



FIRE SERVICE WOMEN ONTARIO - EST 2009Fire   Service  Women   Ontario   has  been   an   ac3ve  organiza3on   since   2009,  when   it   started  with   just   three  members.  The   goal   was  

simply  to  run  a  camp  for  teenage  girls  out  of  the  ODawa  Fire  Services  Training  Centre  and  perhaps  offer  a  support  network  for  other  

women  in  the  province.  Without  knowing  what  this  organiza3on  could  truly  become,  the  founders,  with  the  guidance  of  Susan  Jones  

(ODawa’s   General   Manager   of   Emergency  and  Protec3ve  Services)  and   constant   support   from   Erin   Bell   (Communica3ons  Business  

partner)   and   Tammy   Jelly   (Project/Policy   Officer),   both   from   the   Emergency   and   Protec3ve   Services   office,   incorporated   the  


With  the  help  of  Susan   Jones,  FSWO  recruited   Carol-­‐Lynn  Chambers  to  become  a  member,  and  at   the  first  Annual  General  mee3ng,  

she  was  voted  in  as  President.  There  were  26  members  in  aDendance  at  this  first  mee3ng  where  issues  of  importance  were  discussed  

and  a  direc3on  solidified.  Mental  health,  an3-­‐bullying,  and  women’s  health  and  reproduc3ve  issues  were  top  on  the  list  at  the  3me.  

The  organiza3on  has  taken  a  leadership  role,  not  only  with  female  firefighters,  but  in   inspiring  young  women  to  consider  fire  service  

careers.  Camp  FFIT,  the  inaugural   event,  in   partnership  with  ODawa  Fire  Services,  saw  it’s  third  successful  year   in  2012  On  its  heels  

came   “Girls   in   Gear,”   a   three-­‐day   event   for   high   school   students,   showcasing   public   safety   careers,   championed   by   President  

Chambers  during  her   tenure  at  Lambton  College.  Algonquin   College   (ODawa)   followed   suit   with  “Women   in  Uniform”   and  each   of  

these  benefited  from  leadership  and  par3cipa3on  by  Fire  Service  Women  Ontario  par3cipants.  

The   annual   conference   included   many  HOT   (Hands   On   Training)   sessions   at   the   outstanding   facili3es   of   the  Waterloo   Regional  

Emergency   Services   Training   Centre   and   Classroom   workshops   by   subject   maDer   experts.   Overall,   the   conference   provided   the  

perfect   springboard   for   a   posi3ve,   forward-­‐thinking   and   suppor3ve   outlook   for   women   in   the   fire   service.   Plants   are   currently  underway  for  our  third  annual  conference  and  AGM;  check  our  site  regularly  for  more  informa3on

Page 5: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


The 2nd Annual Conference and General Meeting was held in Waterloo, ON, with the great support of Waterloo Regional Mutual Aid, Waterloo Fire and Rescue, Waterloo Professional Firefighters Association and Conestoga College Pre-Service Firefighter Program. The Conference was held at WRESTRC - Waterloo Region Emergency Services Training and Research Complex, November 2-4, 2012. Allison Vickerd (London Fire Rescue) and Karen Simpson (Chatham-Kent Fire Depar tment ) , se rved as P lann ing Committee co-chairs and engaged an energetic group of Waterloo Firefighters as their committee, Jessica Stephenson, Laura Gutscher, Joanne Marchildon, Lindsay Wilson and Karen Davey, with strong encouragement and full support from Chief Brassard (now with Gravenhurst FD). The Conference was held over two days and two evenings. Delegates received t re m e n d o u s v a l u e f o r a n o m i n a l registration fee that included classroom workshops, HOT (Hands On Training) Classes, one-year membership to FSWO, banquet and Technical Showcase of firefighting clothing and equipment, as well as the AGM and breakfast on Sunday morning. FSWO was proud to host the Presidents of three associations at the Opening Ceremonies; Mark MacKinnon (OPFFA), Kevin Foster (OAFC) and John Sheeringa (FFAO), who all offered remarks of support for diversity and inclusion in Ontario Fire Services and the role of FSWO in helping to make advances in this area. Assistant Deputy Fire Marshall Shayne Mintz brought remarks on behalf of Fire Marshall Ted Wieclawek, and Councillor Karen Scian brought greetings on behalf of the City of Waterloo. Keynote speaker Fire Chief Jona

Olsson engaged the delegates with inspiring messages about diversity and inclusiveness in the Fire Service to help kick off the weekend’s events.

The Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday, November 4. As this was the second general meeting, with many new members, the mandate and mission statements were reviewed and reaffirmed. The Board of Directors was elected from a broad range of candidates from across the province and a new position, Student Director, was created to represent students in the Pre-Service Firefighter Programs. Plans were also formulated for events and activities in 2013, including continued supportfor college-based programs such as for Women in Uniform (Algonquin College) and Girls in Gear (Lambton College) and Camp FFIT (Ottawa Fire Services). The FSWO Board is as follows;Carol-Lynn Chambers - PresidentLouise Hine-Schmidt - Vice PresidentAnn Bryan-McFie - SecretaryJessica Niereisel - TreasurerBrenda Tirell - RegistrarKaren Simpson -Professional DevelopmentAllison Vickerd - Special EventsMaria Murphy - Promotions/MarketingSue Jones - Media and CommunicationsJessica Stephenson - Director at Large

A special thank you to out-going directors Dawn Mar i ncak (P romot i ons and Marketing) and Carissa Campbell-Darmody (Treasurer). Without Carissa, this organization would not have taken wings as it did. She was instrumental in setting up our connection with our mentors from FDNY and others in New York State and gave our organization roots. We owe her a debt of gratitude and know she will stay deeply involved in the organization. Thanks Ladies!

Top- Name Name - Bagpipes and Signing of O CanadaMiddle - Karen Simpson, Chatham-Kent Fire Services and Board member FSWOBottom - Carol-Lynn Chambers, Fire Marshal’s Office and President FSWO and Deputy Chief Hepditch, Waterloo Fire RescueRight - Planning Committee Co-chairs, Karen Simpson and Alison Vickerd.

FSWO Conference and Annual General Meeting

Page 6: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


Chief Jona Olsson - Conference Keynote Speaker Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the

Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the

Year Award. She is the founder and director of Cultural Bridges of

Justice, and her resume boasts a broad spectrum of experience

including; trade union membership, work in the arts, the trades

and emergency services, college faculty positions, and continued

social activism. Chief Olsson has presented as a keynote speaker

to the IAFF (International Association ofFire Fighters), IAFC

(International Association of Fire Chiefs) and the Fire Brigades

Union in the UK, and at the 2012 Fire Service Women Ontario


Chief Olsson gives the hard statistics and asks the tough

questions. Starting with the number of women in Emergency

Services whom have been harassed, assaulted, or made to feel

under the microscope simply for due to gender. She is warm and

approachable and instills in her listeners a real need and desire to

work towards social justice.

Chief Olsson presented one of her most successful and

thought provoking workshops entitled, “When I Doubt Myself:

Challenging Internalized Sexism for Women in Emergency

Services.” She understands that many women have overcome the

sexist comments, behaviours and policies that challenged them

on their path to their current positions, but explains their own

internalized sexism may still be holding them back. Women have

come away realizing they may have been devaluing themselves

by not acting on issues in their stations or lives. She also has

brought some women to the realization that they treat other

women poorly in an effort to fit in or assimilate with the men they

work with.

After Chief Olsson’s presentation, many women have decided

to go after the promotion, job, position on the truck and/or

department despite the lack of support they may currently feel.

She reminds people (men and women alike) that being confident

and working hard towards their goals will help to gain the respect

and support they desire and deserve.

Chief Olsson’s approach to diversity and inclusion requires

the listener to challenge their own views and thoughts on race,

gender, sexual orientation. She requests that each person stand

up against racism, harassment, homophobia and injustice in

general, knowing that the outcome will eventually be positive, as

we all contribute to change.

Page 7: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


This year’s Conference offered HOT (Hands On Training) classes for the first time. Men and women who instruct at the Ontario Fire College and with the Brotherhood Instructors LLC offered their time and expertise. Courses offered were Roof Ventilation and Chainsaws; Hazmat; From the Inside Out; Self Rescue; and Forcible Entry. The courses were sold out and even the cold weather didn’t put a damper on the experience.

Some of the participants from smaller departments were pleased to take advantage of training with props and learning new techniques for rescue and forcible entry. Being able to operate the chain saw on a roof prop also proved to be helpful to some who have not been able to train in this matter before. The HazMat session proved to be a special treat for many who do not have HazMat teams on their department and rely on calling in a neighbouring City’s team. They now know what goes in to setting up for a call.

The wo rkshops g i ven o f f e red incredible insight into why and how we feel and behave at times. Jona Olsson’s workshop was particularly

poignant for those who have long felt they need to assimilate to be good at being a firefighter. She easily instills confidence and reminds women to “ l o v e t h e m s e l v e s a n d a v o i d themselves.”

Jennifer Pernfuss shared helpful tools in dealing with others deemed, “difficult” and used a open circle approach to discuss issues and solutions when there is interpersonal conflict.

Dr. Tom Hales and Colin Grieve gave participants insight into what research is being done with regards to women specific cancers and firefighter, as well as fertility and maternal issues that women have been facing since becoming firefighters.

Skye Lorimer’s workshop focused on Investigative work with the Ontario Fire Marshall’s office, giving some insight into “Fire Cause and Determination.”

The c lassrooms were fu l l and participants agreed the courses were very worthwhile and helpful in their careers.

Conference HOT Classes and WorkShops

Page 8: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


THANK YOU to our Conference Instructors and PresentersChief Jona Olsson - Latir Volunteer Fire Department; Cultural Bridges to Justice; 2012 Volunteer Fire Chief of the YearJennifer Pernfuss - Human Rights Lawyer, Life and Leadership CoachSkye Lorimer - Investigator, Ontario Fire Marshal’s OfficeDr. Thomas Hales - Senior Medical Epidemiologist, CDC-NIOSHFirefighter Colin Grieve - Hamilton Fire Department, OPFFA Committee Chair Occupational DiseaseAsst. Capt Lisa Belanger - Vaughan Fire Rescue, Instructor Ontario Fire CollegeCapt Esther Lakatos - Vaughan Fire Rescue, Instructor Ontario Fire College Firefighter Laura Gutscher - Waterloo Fire RescueFirefighter Andy Duncan - Waterloo Fire Rescue and Brotherhood Instructors LLCAct. Capt Karen Davey - Waterloo Fire RescueCapt Stacey Hemstock - Kitchener Fire DepartmentFirefighter Jessica Stephenson - Waterloo Fire RescueTraining Safety Officer Brad Lumgair - Sarnia Fire Rescue Conestoga College - PreService Firefighter Education and Training Students

And the many men and women from Waterloo Fire Rescue who came out to volunteer/support the instructors and help to make sure the weekend was safe and exciting.


Zonta International Volunteers

AFA Forest Products

AJ Stone Company Ltd

Ann Rich Acupuncture (Wortly Wellness Centre)

Box 690

Brotherhood Instructors LLC

Darch Fire

Diva International

Go Girl

Halco Productions

Lindsay JK Hicks Cosmetics/Freelance Artist


Nestle Waters Canada

Novack’s Uniform Design

PLANN-C Consulting Ltd

SafeDesign Apparel Ltd

Sapphire Events

The Baden Coffee Company

VFIS of Canada

Zonta International

Waterloo Professional Firefighters Assn.

Waterloo Mutual Aid Association

Waterloo Fire Services

London Professional Firefighters Association

City of Ottawa and Ottawa Fire Services

Sarnia Fire Rescue Services

Office of the Fire Marshal

Conestoga College Pre-Service Firefighter


Lambton College DIVA International

Page 9: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


The 2nd Annual Girls in Gear two-day camp featuring careers in Public Safety, including Firefighting, was held May, 2012, at Lambton College in Sarnia, Ontario. 70 grade 10 and 11 girls from across Southwester Ontario had the opportunity to hear a variety of presenters, including speakers from the Forensic Department of Sarnia Police, Sarnia EMS, London Fire Rescue, Waterloo Fire Rescue, Chatham-Ken Fire Department, Kingston Fire Department, Ottawa Fire Services, Canadian Coast Guard and the Canadian Forces to name a few. Participants also witnessed a live auto extrication demonstration by Sarnia Fire Rescue, toured the Sarnia Police station, a Sarnia Fire station and got hands on with a number of different pieces of emergency equipment at the Fire and Publ ic Safety Cent re o f Excellence. Students heard from successful women in the public safety sector from across the province, including: -Carol-Lynn Chambers; Operations Manager of Fire Protection Services and Fire Service Women Ontario President-Wendy Burrow; OPP Forensics

Constable- Susan Jones; General Manager Ottawa Emergency and Protective Services- Allison Vickerd; London Fire Services firefighter, Fire Service Women Ontario Board member, Girls in Gear coordinator- Skye Lor imer; Ontar io F i re Marshals Office Investigator- Karen Simpson; Chatham-Kent Fire Department firefighter, Fire Service Women Ontario Board member. Girls in Gear targets those students who have an interest in pursuing Paramedicine, Police Foundations, P r o t e c t i o n S e c u r i t y a n d Investigations and Fire Service Programs in their post-secondary studies. Costs of the overnight experience are covered through the Lambton Col lege School-Col lege-Work Initiative. Female applications for Lambton College’s Pre-Service program has significantly increased from the previous year and the presence of women on the fire ground at Lambton has been duly noted. The Girls in Gear program is definitely having an impact on all participants.

Girls in Gear - Lambton College

Women in Uniform - Algonquin College The 1st Annual Women in Uniform was held at Algonquin College in Ottawa in early May. The event was held to showcase Emergency Services to young women in grades 10 and 11, as well as the programs offered within Algonquin College’s Police and Public Safety Program. Young women in grades 10 and 11 with an interest in paramedicine, firefighting and policing/bylaw, were provided with an opportunity to explore these careers. Over 75

students and teachers from the area were in attendance. Participants were able to participate in classroom workshops and then demonstrations from members of Ottawa’s Emergency Services. Ottawa Fire Service, Ottawa Police and Ot tawa Paramedics a lso performed an extrication scenario to cap off the event. Young women from both of these programs attended Camp FFIT the following summer.

Page 10: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


Camp FFIT - Female Firefighters In Training


In August of 2012, Ottawa Fire Services (OFS), in partnership with Fire Service Women Ontario (FSWO) held the third annual Camp FFIT. It was an exceptional week for many reasons. Not only did we have a great group of girls participating, we had an abundance of instructors and student volunteers who had recently graduated from the Pre-Service Firefighter Program from Algonquin College and La Cite Collegial. The level of expertise and passion at this summer’s camp rivaled the others. The focus this year was undeniably, togetherness. There was no divide or discomfort that can sometimes occur when people come together with different skill and experience levels, or when people do not know each other or have not worked together. There was an instant level of trust and cooperation. As in previous years, we had men and women from OFS urban ranks, women from OFS rural ranks, as well as volunteer firefighters from other departments, and four female students from the area colleges. Camaraderie is the key to making this camp run well. There were many moments that made the co-directors proud of this camp.. For instance, during a fitness segment, many of the women had a spare moment. Donny Tolle, a veteran Ottawa firefighter and Amanda Gillespie, a probationary firefighter (at the time of camp) used their free time to teach the younger volunteers and students how to use the forcible entry prop (Donny) and how to swing a sledge hammer with force and accuracy (Amanda). During camp, Jen Durcok, who completed Algonquin Pre-service as the top student (first female student to achieve this) was a major contributing factor to helping a

participant work through her fear of heights and close spaces. We also had a young women give a presentation about “the human side” of extrication, as she told the gut wrenching story of how her sister was involved in an accident that left her in a coma and with many major injuries and how she stayed by her side and helped her to recover. The girls also enjoyed guest speakers throughout the week, including, Fire Chief John deHooge, Chief of Training Phil Muggleton, Christine Taylor, founder of Year2Give, Carol-Lynn Chambers, Office of the Fire Marshal and President FSWO and Kristin Gauthier, Olympic paddler. This year’s camp was comprised of 24 young women, mostly older this year, from across Ontario and one from as far as Imperial Beach, California. Seven young women needed accommodations, with a few of our local campers opening their homes. The group was very keen and eager, and judging from their applications/essays, they were very inspired. The camp is almost all hands on. The participants experienced Ladder operations (carrying and use of ground and roof ladders, climbing a 100 foot aerial and a bucket ride), forcible entry, search and rescue, vertical and horizontal ventilation, knots and ropes, fire chemistry, catching hydrants, fire simulators, hose advance/control, nutrition and healthy living, fitness, high-rise operations, etc. There is also a 90 minute Q&A where the girls can feel comfortable asking any questions, which are answered honestly (women instructors and participants only). Camp Directors are looking forward to another successful camp in 2013. Camp applications will be available March 1st and must be post marked or handed in no later than May 17th,

Page 11: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


Camp FFIT StatisticsCamp FFIT Achievements★ 2010 Co-Directors received Mayor Larry O’Brien’s Agent

of Change Commemorative Coin★2010 Nominated for City of Ottawa Diversity Award

★ 2010 Organizing team received City of Ottawa’s highest

honour, Manager’s Award of Excellence

★Camp FFIT is part of Ottawa Paramedic and Fire Services

Diversity Champion Program which received the E.A.

Danby Award by the Association of Municipal Managers,

Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) with the top

award in the division of Municipal Administration

Camp information and assistance are available to Departments interested in operating a camp in their Municipality.

★72 participants in 3 years

★Approximately 1/3 are of age to apply to a Fire Department

★ 3 have completed Pre-Service Firefighter

★ 1 is currently enrolled in Pre-Service

★ 4 will be attending Pre-Service in fall of 2013

★1 is attending Lambton College Fire Science program

★1 is a rural firefighter with OFS

★ 1 is a junior firefighter with South Sherbrooke

★1 volunteers in the fire stations in Kemptville until she is old

enough to join the department

★13 have written the entrance exams for OFS

★ 2 student volunteers have become volunteers with OFS

★1 student volunteer has recently been hired fulltime with Ottawa

International Airport Fire Department

★ 1 will be completing her High School Co-op with OFS

Administration (new this year)

★ 1 young woman from Toronto has been on Diversity discussion

panels with Larry Sagen - FIRE 20/20

The program is still in its infancy, with the young women who have

attended currently between the ages of 15 and 21. The numbers

are very promising and we look forward to our first Ottawa Fire

Service hire who was a Camp FFIT participant!


Page 12: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the


CONFERENCE AND AGM 2013Save the Date - November 1-3

Ontario Fire College - GravenhurstMore Information to Follow - Please visit

Page 13: Volume 2 Edition 1 -2013 2012Jona Olsson hails from Latir, New Mexico, where she is the Fire Chief and the 2012 recipient of the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year Award. She is the



There’s A PLace For You.... Become A Member!Fire Service Women Ontario currently offers three forms of membership;1. Active Member ($30.00 yearly) Employed by or retired from a fire service2. Associate Member ($30.00 yearly) Associate/consultant to a fire service 3. Student Membership ($20.00 yearly) Currently enrolled full time in a College or UniversityTo become a member, please contact Brenda Tirrell - [email protected]

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