

    Green, Yet So TalentedA Look At The Young Talent Growing

    Out Of The Dallas-Fort Worth Area

    Go GreenEco-Friendly Tips To Keep Our Earth As

    Green As Possible

    Our Nations View Of Mary JaneWhere Is It Legal, Decriminalized, Or Medical?

    White House Gone GreenFirst Lady Obama Brings D.C. A Chicago Tradition

    Greener Grass SyndromCoach Solanos Struggle To Keep His Green Acres

    VOLUME 18 | MARCH 2015


    Trendkill Media

    CO-PUBLISHERTereso Ortiz

    Casa Guanajuato

    EDITORLucy Bocanegra

    GRAPHIC DESIGNERLuzette Portillo


    Lola FlorezMarc L. Brown


    Heather AnnMari Garza

    Rockz the FashionistaSofi a Galvan


    Lucy Bocanegra214-779-0400


    Unsolicited material may be submitted to [email protected] unsolicited material will not be returned.

    All rights reserved. Expressed opinions of the writers are not of the publisher/publication.Advertisers are verifi ed to be in good standing, but Th e Show Scene Magazine, Trendkill Media are not liable for any misconduct by advertisers/contributors and/or corespondents.

    (c)March 2015

    Table of Contents4 White House Gone GreenFirst lady obama brings d.C a chicago tradition.

    4 Go GreenEco friendly tips to keep our earth as green as possible.

    7 Greener Grass SyndromCoach solanos struggle to keep his green acres.

    9 Our Nations View Of Mary JaneWhere is it legal, decriminalized or medical

    14 Green, Yet So TalentedA look at the young talent growing out of the dallas - ft . Worth area

    Editors NoteDear Readers,

    Th ank you for joining us again. March is associated with spring and St. Patricks Day so we decided to go green in this issue.

    Th is is our special Green edition. We will touch base on the legalization of marijuana in our nation. We will talk about the White Houses green fountain and why it is dyed green. We will talk about helping earth stay green. We will also talk about the your growing talent coming out of Texas.

    We hope you will enjoy our green issues and remember we are Eco-friendly ourselves. We started to print early in our start up. We then decided to go strictly on-line. Aft er much request and propaganda to get the word out about of on-line magazine, we went back to printing. We are still friendly to our mother earth. We print half of what we were printing last year but growth still has us printing double of what we started to initially. Th is mean we are growing as well and not so green anymore with the publication.

    We are still growing and are seeking students and/or new writers wanting to build their portfolio. Send us an email. Visit our website at

    or email us at [email protected] ank You so much!

    Lucy BocanegraEditor

  • White House Gone Greenby Lucy BocanegraPhotos by Pete Souza

    From the White House, Obama tweeted: Th e story of the Irish in America is a story of overcoming hardship through strength, and sacrifi ce, and faith. Obama #HappyStPatricksDay

    Washington D.C.A Chicago tradition was brought to the White House six years ago. First

    Lady Michelle Obama requested that the fountain at the White House be dyed green as the river in Chicago does to honor St. Patricks Day.

    While we are seeing green at the White Houses fountain; I have to ask, Are other nations green with envy about our green? How is our money doing? We all know that producing green in our pockets is the real top priority. It is what motivates us to keep going. Not because we are money hungry, but because our families depend on us!

    Th e United States Department of Labor is a good source for information. Th ere is an abundance of useful information that the department puts out for us. Th ey have publications that range from career outlook, employment projections to green goods and services. Th e website has a link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

    Meanwhile at the White House.... President Barack Obama off ers a toast to Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Enda Kenny of Ireland during a St. Patricks Day lunch at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

    We as voters have to keep being supportive of our elected offi cials. Get out and vote. Make a diff erence if you want to see change!


    Go GreenGo Greenby Lola Florez

    Say NO to Paper or Plastic: Say NO to Paper or Plastic: In some cities it is required to use the re-usable grocery bag. Th e plastic bags are not earth friendly. We need to march right in to the stores with re-usables bags. City of Dallas adopted a plan to incourage the residents by charging 5 cents per plastic bag you use. Retailers say they are seeing a steady increase by customers using the re-usable totes. Observe an Eco-Sabbath:Observe an Eco-Sabbath: For one day, aft ernoon or hour a week, dont buy anything, dont use machines, dont switch on anything electric, dont cook, dont answer your phone and, in general, dont use any resources. (source) Replace Disposables:Replace Disposables: Wherever possible, replace disposable products with reusable ones (i.e., razor, food storage, batteries, ink cartridges (buy refi ll ink), coff ee fi lters, furnace or air conditioner fi lters, etc.). Buy Used: Buy Used: Cars and bikes are built to last and classic automobiles never go out of style. Be it you are customizing a used car or restoring it, it is recycling. Hot rodders and Low Riders have been eco-friendly for years!

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  • Friday - April 17, 2015Doors Open at 5:30 PM

    Steven James Las Fenix Los Lobos HEB Presents an Alamo Drafthouse Rolling Roadshow Screening of Selena the Movie Screening


    Saturday - April 18, 2015Doors Open at 10:00 AM

    Chicas Rock Clarissa Serna Nina Diaz Stefani Montiel Chris Perez Los Palominos Jay Perez & Band AB Quintanilla y Los Kumbia King Allstarz Little Joe y la Familia

  • GREENER GRASS SYNDROMEby Marc L. BrownPhotos by Associated Press Dallas, TexasWhile visitors to the Texas Horse Park visit, all they see are acres and acres of beautiful land and horses. What visitors attending the new public art installation, Equine Rhythm (a creation of Atlanta-based Sculptor Curtis Patterson who was selected for the commission from an international pool of artists.) Mr. Pattersonwas will be in attendance to provide remarks and visit with guests at the Texas Horse Park Community Event. Th e event gives visitors, the public opportunities to experience programming off ered by Equest and River Ranch Education Charities, the facilitys two non-profi t partners. Th e Texas Horse Park Community Event will take place March 28, 2015. Texas Horse Park is located at 811 Pemberton Hill Road in Dallas. Additional information is available at

    Th is extraordinary public art installation creates a noble presence at the entrance to Texas Horse Park, says Offi ce of Cultural Aff airs Interim Director, David Fisher.

    What is not being told to supporters of the project and

    visitors is the battle going on with Coach Solano a long time property owner of acres near the park. he city wants to force Coach Solano to sell his land that is used by many non-profi t organizations, schools and soccer associations for family type outdoor open area activities. I took a tour of Mr. Solanos fi elds last year. Th e city has conviently shut the road to the entrance of his land. Th e road needs repairs, but has been baracaded to encourage spectators of the soccer games, runs or festivals away.

    Now meet the neighbor with the Greener Grass that the City of Dallas wants. Trinity Park & Club owned by Coach Solano.

    Once your car makes it through the bumpy roads, you are amazed at the greenery and the atmosphere just a few miles away from the horse park. You feel like you are miles and miles away from the city, but did not spend the gas money to get there. North Dallas High School does their 5K Mile run here. Th ey are not only taking the land from me, but from the community! What type of events are held at Trinity Park & Club? Th ey have many diff erent events like usa-track & fi eld district meets, the disd cross country teams meet, north dallas high schools invitational, the dominican culture association quarterly fundraisers (for doctors to travel to the dominican republic to perform facial/cranial surgeries) ehere

    solano does not charge for the use of the facility. Quinceaneras & bautizos and an economical price range for the community range from $600-$700?I fi rst received a notice from the city in 2010, it says that the property was needed for the trinity river project. Th ey were never specifi c about it. Says coach solano who has been in business for 17 years. His goal is to provide a service to the community, mainly the hispanics who have been patrons over the years. On april 20th there will be a hearing to dismiss the case brought against coach solano forcing hin to sell. Th e hearing will be at the court of honorable ken tapscott, #4. Th e hearing will be short. It will determine if the trial will continue on. If it does, get this....It will be held on cinco de mayo. Th is will indicate the city of dallas might have a chance at succeeding in forcing solano to sell for the original off er of $252,000.

    You might be saying to yourself, take the money! By in the end aft er court cost, fees to the goverment, lawyers and taxes mr. Solano will walk away with about $40,000. Th is leaves very little money to relocate the business to meet the needs of the community. Th e city is attempting to condemm the property yet raised the property value causing the taxes to go from $653 to $7000. Talk about dirty tactics to force a property owner to sell. Th is sort of thing happens oft en.

    So why would the city of dallas do this injust thing to coach Solano? Th e Texas Horse Park built will need to grow as time progresses and they want to secure the land for possible groth. Fine, but why not go to the rich companies (E-QUEST, AT&T and SMU) who stand to gain from the park; who by the way is ran by none other than Wayne Kirk a convicted man for cruelty to animals. How funny. I do not know if the city council, offi cials, or Mayor knows how this looks. Why would they allow this to happen?

    How could you send a powerful message to the City of Dallas? You can contact your representatives. An email, phone call or letter to the Mayor. If they do this to him and we allow it...How long before they bully you out of your land? Calling and screaming for help from Scott Griggs, Adam Medrano, Phil Kingston, Sandy Greyson and Mr. Kadane are just to name a few handful of public servants that may step up for the common man.

    If this goes to trial, Solano is asking for help to picket and peacefully demonstrate early morning at his hearing set for:May 5th, 2015Court #4 - Judge Ken Tapscott600 Commerce St #575Dallas, Texas 75202

    For information, contact Solano at (469) 233 - 7520.

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    upcoming eventsA p r i lSunday, April 12, 2015Fort Worth, Texas - Dreaming the CureT & P Station201 West Lancaster Fort Worth, Texas 76102Car Show/Fundraiser for Brain Tumor Cancer research.

    Cost and more information at

    Wednesday, April 15, 2015Dallas, Texas - Hour Long Lunchtime Walking TourState Fair ParkCost and information at

    Saturday, April 18, 2015Dallas, Texas - CinemaLatino Cultural Center2600 Live Oak Dallas, Texas 75204Featuring top dance numbers from the screen on stage!Cost - $20 Favian Herrera 682-551-2679

    Friday, April 17, 2015 - Saturday, April 18, 2015Corpus Christie, Texas - Fiesta dela FlorNorth Bayfront ParkLos Lobos, Jay Perez, Little Joe Los Fenix Chris Perez and many moregather to honor Selena.Cost: $2 -$5 at

    M a ySaturday, May 2, 2015Dallas, Texas - Fiesta De Las ArtesMargret Hun BridgeSingleton Blvd Dallas, Texas 75212Festival featuring arts, autos, musical entertainment and culture.Cost and time - TBA

    J u n eSunday, June 28, 2015Dallas, Texas - ULA Car ShowJ. Pepes2720 North Stemmons Fwy Dallas, Texas 75207Car Show/Hop Contest

    Cost: TBA, more information at

    J u lySunday, July 26, 2015Dallas, Texas - JB Kustoms Low Rider Car Show: Arts & CultureState Fair ParkCar Show, concert, culture, performances, and Hop Contest.Cost: TBA, more information at

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    Our Nations View of Mary JaneMary Janeby Lucy Bocanegra

    Since this is the Green issue , we have to talk about the green little plant we all know as marijuana. Mary Jane, Cush, weed, bud...what ever you call it. It is a hot topic. Even politicians are writing up propositions to change the laws on the drug. A total of 19 states plus Wshington D.C have anticipated or introduced bills to legalize and regulate marijuana like alcohol.

    First, the medical side. Marijuana contains two main active ingredients: cannabidiol, or CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Th e believed health benefi ts of these ingredients range from pain relief to seizure control. In some states it is legal to use it if you have a medical neccessity. But, lets face reality. What percentage of users you know have cancer, glucoma, chronic pain or any other condition that warrents a prescription?

    In the state of Texas possessing an eighth of an ounce of any grade marijuana is a misdemeanor that can land you in prison for up to 180 days, fi nes up to $2,000. Possessing more than 2 ounces means harsher punishment.

    Meanwhile in some states like Colorado,a business can run a KUSH SPECIAL giving you premium weed for the price of a lower quality and you can go home and smoke it rather you need it medically or not!

    Polls show that our country is divided straight down the middle on the topic of legalizing use of marijuana. It basically has been left up to each state, which way they go with the 1970 ban of the drug.

    In August of 2013, the U.S. Justice Department said it wouldnt challenge Colorado or other states with laws legalizing recreational marijuana. Th e federal offi cials decided to focus on stopping drug traffi cking. Keeping marijuana away from children is the top priority.

    What happens if youre caught with marijuana? If it is something you must have, it is best to keep your self informed. Now, if you are traveling high as a kite, remember what state you are in beside an altered one!

    In some states, (ex: like Texas our headquarters) propositions to make it legal have not passed. In some states it has become

    a Non-punishable crime and only fi nes are given to the person depending on the amount they have on them. You can not roll around with two trash bags full of marijuana bricks and tell an offi cer it is for personal use. While this sounds humorous (no, I am not smoking anything but a brisket on the grill) it is a serious matter.

    Private possession of up to 1 ounce carries no penalty in Colorado. Growing up to six marijuana plants (no more than 3 being mature) at home is perfectly legal for someone 21 or older. many states have decriminalized marijuana; it is still against federal law, but generally speaking, you wont get prison time or a criminal record on fi rst off enses for carrying small amounts for personal use. You can still be hit with a civil fi ne, similar to a minor traffi c violation.

    Th e question is, does legalization bring down crime rates? Does it produce more economical growth for the governing state if they tax it and fi ne it vs incarcerate? Th e laws are changing and we are learning as we go.

    Th e only comparison we have is during the prohibition era. When alcohol was legalized again history tells us that the criminals just found something new to go do. Th e use of alcohol did not decrease or increase due to the laws, but to the changing morals of our country. What seems perfectly natural to a group of people, may seem absurd to others.

    In my personal opinion, (not as editor of the magazine) each person has to weigh the pros and cons of the choices they make. I do not smoke legal , let alone illegal, but should I ever visit Colorado I may just need to smoke. It may help if I go to that one burrito shop that has a 5 pound breakfast burrito. I will need the appetite to eat it in less than 30 minutes if I want it for free!

    It is all about making educated choices. For diabetics, a baked potato is as bad as a slice of cake. If the person chooses to eat either, both or avoid it all together he/she has to pay the consequences of what is medically proven to eff ect his or her body. As a parent of a diabetic child, I would avoid anything that could remotely contribute to an unhealthy life style. Now, if the diabetic is running a low blood sugar, he/she has to bring the number up quick by downing a glass of orange juice or any other food high in sugar. It becomes medically necessary. Just like the patient who is suff ering from cancer - who is not only suff ering from pain - but nausea. Th e patient has to make a call as to what medically comforts them.






    Marijuana Laws in the U.S.

  • FACTS Th e U.S would stand to gain $3,098,866,907 in state and local taxes on sales

    By 2018 Predicted sales of both recreational and medical marijuana sales will be ove $8 Billion

    In 2013 Colorado had 8078 cases of hospitalizations due to marijuana compared to 2084 cases in 2000

    In a Pew Research Center poll 83% of Americans would not care if you lighted out of sight, in your own home

    Gallup Poll shows 21 % Republicans, 37 % Democrats and 44% independents say marijuana should be made legal in this country

    You can buy stocks in cannabis related companies

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    Th e Growing Bunch Out of Th e DFW AreaDVA Kidz

    Denise, Valeria, and Amadeus are the kids that got a start when the youngest of the members was only 4 years old. Th ey started in the church choir. Th is happened naturally. Th e kids were listening to music since they were in the womb. Mom always accompanied Dad while he taught music at church. Th ey also slept with classical music playing.

    Denise is the lead singer, plays piano,guitar and bass. Valeria sings harmony, plays lead guitar and plays the piano as well. Amadeus is the drummer, plays bass and the piano too. Th e kids are musically inclined and they are getting out there. Th ey have come a long way since I fi rst saw them perform at my childrens family reunion. Th e guest at our Loya Family Reunion in 2011 made the occasion so memorable. Th e youngsters took the stage and they had the crowd of over 200 people up looking for a space to catch a glimpse of the kids performing.

    Now a days they are performing on TV networks, to family oriented events. In Dallas, the largest group they performed in front of was a crowd of 50,000 people. Th ey also went to Fan Fair in San Antonio this year and performed in front of 10,000 people. One exciting thing they were able to do was present a Tejano Award during the Latin Grammy Awards. Th ey were very thankful and honored to be introduced as , Th e next generation of music.

    Th e manager of the band is their father, Juan Davila, who started his violin lessons when he was 6 years old. Th e fact that music was part of his life through out college is more likely why the kids are so talented. Mr. Davila can be reached at (469) 230 - 4263.

    Jazzmen Pena Jazzmen is a very talented young lady that has been hitting the stage

    around the Dallas area for some time now. She is still in school, but always fi nds time to practice and get out and support the community by performing for charity fundraisers and festivals. Her sweet demeanor compliments the baby face with an awesome voice.

    I have grown up with all types of diff erent genres of music from Selena to Lil Suzy. Feeling the energy they give off through their music makes me want to be able to do that same thing with my audience. She has sang as far as she can remember, but the fi rst time she performed by herself was at a third grade talent show.

    Jazzmen says she gets incredibly nervous and feels so much pressure because she is always thinking, What if I dont connect to the audience or if what if they dont like me. Her manager is her very own dad, Pete Pena. Hes the one who gets all the shows and gets her name out there. He is a very well know DJ/MC in the Dallas-Ft Worth area for Tejano Jams, so this is why she has grown up around listening to all types of music.

    One of the hardest challenges she has faced thus far is when she was performing a few months ago. Some of her audience just stared at her emotionless. No matter what kind of song she did or how much she smiled and moved, they did not seem to be moved! Th ere were some people in the audience that would sing along and cheer. When I looked in the crowd, my eyes went straight to the people who looked unhappy.

    Does that stop her? No it does not. I am glad it dont because she is very talented. To book Jazzmen Pena call her manager Pete Pena at (214) 861 - 7837.

    Green, Yet So Talentedby Lucy Bocanegra

    Th e following performers are todays fresh faces but tomorrows stars. Th e Dallas - Fort Worth area is lucky to be home to these individuals with so much talent. I have had the opportunity to hear each one of them perform, some more than others but each one of the acts are unique in their own way.

    Photo by Juan Davila

    Photo by Tommy Gunz

  • Julians KeeperTh is awesomely talented band was founded and got its name in March

    of 2014. Th e band name Julians Keeper is in tribute to the Drummer, Bass, and Lead Guitars brother named Julian Alvarez. Julian was born prematurely on August 29, 2001. He lived for about an hour before passing due to being premature. Julians Keepers fi rst performance was in 2014. Marissa Mendoza the Band Manager says they recently starting to take off , We are all super proud of these youngsters! I am not the parent of any of them, but I felt proud as well.

    Mia Alvarez-Bass Guitar, Richard Alvarez-Lead Guitar, Cecilia Alvarez-Drummer, Ethan Palomo-Lead Singer, Victoria Gomez-Keyboard and Singer, Juliette Mendoza-Second Guitar make up the fairly new band.

    Th e rock genre of music is what really inspires Julians Keeper, from Classic Rock to a little bit of Heavy Metal. From artist like the Eagles to Metallica. When you hear them play it is hard to believe they have been performing only (9) Nine months!

    What is the biggest challenges the band faces? Being under estimated due to their ages. Everyone judges before hearing them play. Th ey are thinking, Th ey are just young kids and might not sound so good. Th e band has been turned down many times just by their appearance in age. All seem young and green to performing in front of audiences, but once the crowd hears the band start playing... Wow is all I can say.

    Th e fi rst time I caught a live performance by the kids was during an event left me wanting more. I had to leave the Dreaming the Cure meet and greet in Ft. Worth regretfully. Th e members had changed up a bit and brought out a wood box. One of the band members just sat on it and began to bang the box by hand and made some pretty awesome music! Th e Band Manager? Marisa Mendoza and she can be contact via cell at (972) 896 - 8562 or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]

    Karina Special K AbelinoTh is 11 years old is young, but her voice is great and determination is

    very impressive. In 2008, her Special Ks Mom, Marie joined a website called Meetup

    and found a group that loved Karaoke. Karina and Marie her Marie went to a coff eehouse in Euless. Karina was 4 at the time. Marie was very excited that Karina wanted to get up there and sing! She sang, Dontcha by the Pussycat Dolls featuring Busta Rhymes and the group was in such, Awe of her stage presence.

    Th inking it was just a phase, Mom did not get behind her just yet. A couple of years later aft er seeing the movie Selena for the fi rst time, Karina said, Mom, thats it, thats what I want to do, sing Tejano music, like Selena! Karina began watching the movie everyday and practicing her songs and her movements. She says Selena is such an inspiration to her for the fact that she was a young girl who got picked on in school, being Hispanic, and being a women - but not letting that get in the way of her dreams of becoming a Tejano singer.

    Karina, known as Special K, would love to be able to speak and sing Spanish fl uently. She wants to write her own songs. She loves all types of music, her favorite song to sing is Como La Flor by Selena, but her heart and passion belong to the Tejano culture.

    She is currently taking voice and piano lessons in Spanish at Figaro Academy of Music. She is not booking yet, till she feels completely ready to wow the audience. You still can catch her perform at many local and regional events as she gains the practice and the hearts of an audience. It wont be long before we see her doing big things.


    Photos by Marissa Alvarez

    Photo by Babby V

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    Th e Morales BoyzTh e youngest, yet busiest, Conjunto band out of the Dallas are Th e

    Morales Boyz. I have to give a standing ovation on the way these boys carry themselves like grown men when they handle the instruments and perform. I have only heard them at private events (such as the b-day party of J. Rivera of Conjunto Prestigio) but along with the video's , appearances ranging from News Today on Fox 4 News and other TV appearances it is amazing the talent the boys have.

    Th e band is made up of 3 brothers and a cousin. Ignacio "Nachito" Morales - accordion, lead vocals, Rodolfo "Rudy" Morales - bajo sexto, Mario Morales - bass, Ezequiel "Cheque" Morales - drums. Breaking in to the conjunto scene in 2012, this group of under 18 year-olds is made up of three brothers and a cousin. Lead singer and accordionist Nachito Morales won Texas Folklifes Big Squeeze state-wide youth accordion contest in 2011. Younger brother Rudy plays bajo sexto, while nine year-old brother Cheque plays drums and cousin Mario Morales plays electric bass. Th e boys recently won the Young Conjunto of the Year Award at the South Texas Conjunto Association Awards. Th ey released their fi rst CD Con-junto Nunca Muere this year. Make sure you visit their page on facebook to get booking information.

    Th ere you have it. Th e talent of tomorrow. It is too early to predict who will rise to the top fi rst. One thing is for sure, they all will make it. Th e determination, support and talent is there. All the kids have continued support and encouragement by the parents and the community they have performed for.

    As editor of Th e Show Scene, I would like to wish each and everyone of them much success. Remember to tell yourself, "when we make it..." Never ever say, "if," because it is only a matter of time before you meet your goals. Good Luck! Suerte!

    Photos by Irma Conchas Morales

  • ATTORNEYDomingo Garcia(214) 941 -

    AUTOCenter Point Upholstery 3500 E. University Dr.Denton, Texas 76208(214) 545 - 4415

    Finest Auto Body7815 Irvington Houston , Texas 77022 (713) 692 - 0038

    JB Kustoms(214) 207 - 58972800 S. BeckleyDallas, TX 75224

    BANDSDVA KidzJuan Davila(469) 230 - 4263

    CREATIVETrendkill Photography(214) 780 -

    DJ Pacchuco Pete PenaDJ & MC 861 - 7837

    FOODEl Ranchito610 W. Jeff erson Blvd Dallas, Texas 75208 (214) 946 - 4238

    Business DirectoryList your business, product, or service for as little as $50.00 a month. Call (214) 779 - 0400 for more information.



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    Commission depends on experience.

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    Please Contact us at:214-779-0400

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    Over 15,000 hits online daily with combined affi liates!For any questions, please contact Th e Show Scene Magazine Editor Lucy Bocanegra:

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