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Page 1: Vol. III Issue 2

Samantha Jane Lopez, a resident ofHill Road, obtained a remarkable99.48 percentile score at the re-

cently declared CAT examinations. Sheattributes her success to efficient timemanagement, a systematic method ofstudying, the support of her parents, herinteraction with excellent teachers andprofessors, and the high calibre of herpeers at the august institutions in whichshe studied. She is presently in the finalyear of the Civil Engineering Course atV.J.T.I Matunga, and has also topped herclass this year with a GPA of 9.37.

An ex-student of the Bombay ScottishHigh School and Ruparel College,Mahim, Samantha successfully managesto strike a fine balance between academicsand volunteer work that involves taking

daily care of the many stray dogs in herneighbourhood. Her mother says, “I amproud of my daughter's achievements, butwhile academic success is important, stu-dents must be devote some part of theirday to help the less fortunate, distressedand needy. Volunteer work builds charac-ter, enhances academic performance, in-stills gratitude and draws blessings. Shehas been involved in social work sinceschool days when she was President of theInteract Club at Bombay ScottishSchool."

Samantha’s brilliance extends into therealm of music and she has also secured adistinction at the 8th Grade Trinity Col-lege Piano Exams. She feels that playingthe piano is a great stress buster. The threestray dogs that the family has adopted also

help her to relax and unwind. Samanthais a die-hard Harry Potter fan, a moviebuff and enjoys playing chess and basket-ball. When asked about her future plans,she says that she will either pursue herMasters in Engineering or an MBA, if of-fered, or accept an on-campus placementjob offer from Larsen and Toubro.

Vivek Pereira

BandraBuzzFebruary 2012 | Vol. III Issue 2 | Published Monthly To Advertise, Call 9820783686 | | 16 pages | Price: `2

c r e a t i n g c o m m u n i t y c o n n e c t

Bandra girl excels at CAT

Page 2: Vol. III Issue 2 NOSTALGIAFebruary 201202

“If you tossed a stone up in the air, itwould fall down upon either a pig or aPereira” was an old Bandra saying. Inplaces like Chuim or Chimbai, theprevalent version ended with “a pig ora Fernandes.” Apparently, since thereare hardly any pigs left in Bandra, thePereiras and Fernandes have eatenthem all up. But there has been a steadydecline in the number of Pereiras andFernandes in this area as well, due tosuch factors as migration, the high costof real estate and the pressure tacticsemployed by unscrupulous builders.No longer do we see those beautifulcottages with their breathtaking gar-dens. Bandra has indeed changed a lotand mostly for the worse.

We now live in a concrete junglefilled with malls, shopping centres,eateries and mobile stores. This con-crete jungle bustles with humans but isdevoid of humanity. It is a “might isright” world where kinfolk slap court

cases on each other. This is a far cryfrom the Bandra of yore. It is as if whenthe old wells of Bandra were blocked,the old Bandra died and a new one,much adored by our modern teenagersand shopaholics, came into being. Andeven now the process of change contin-ues as talented musicians compete withrecorded music, top notch athletes turninto online gamers and face-to-faceconversations are substituted with im-personal greetings on Facebook.

“Waterfield Road got its name fromthe water that collected on the paddyfields when we were school kids,” saidUncle Neville, who then provided mewith a nostalgic image of the Bandra ofyore. Yes, we need to lament the changethat has happened to this queen of sub-urbs; but we also need to keep an eyeon the future and somehow endeavourto cope with this change.

Vivek Pereira

Where have all the Pigs and Cottages gone?

Which churches were in existence whenChristianity was in its infancy in Ban-dra? A Jesuit letter of September 1575states that the Jesuits were in a smallhermitage on top of the hill (nowMount Mary) and lived in bandra fort.In 1577, a house was built which wouldalso serve as a fortress. Between theyears 1580-83, about 2000 personswere baptized and the Jesuits reportsays that "such Christianity deserved achurch". This refers to the church of St.Anne that was built in 1583 in thegrounds of the fortress which later wasoccupied by the Bandra slaughterhouse, and is now occupied by theB.E.S.T bus depot near Bandra Sta-tion, as the Mahim creek was often in-fested by pirates proceeding to Thanaand Chaul.

In 1599, a church was built throughthe generosity of a wealthy lady of goodsocial standing. A new church in Ban-dra, which was subsequently describedas the "biggest and the best of all thosein the island of salsette" was the parishchurch of bandra. There is evidencegathered from the indulgence grantedby Pope Clement VIII that the her-mitage of St. Andrew existed in 1601.However, since in those times, it couldhave taken about two years for the pe-tition to reach Rome from Bombay, andfor the consideration before its sanc-tion, it is very likely that the hermitage

was in existence some years earlier.Could it be possible, that the churchbeing built in 1599 was that of St. An-drew?

Incidentally the Jesuit report of 1669also refers to St. Andrew's Churchbeing built later than St. Anne. This re-port makes mention that the parish ofSt. Andrew was formed in 1616, sincethe parish of St. Anne had grown un-wieldy and therefore, an independentparish had to be formed at St. Andrew'sto serve the needs of neighbouring vil-lages.

The church of St. Anne with the sur-rounding fortifications were blown upby the English on 25th March 1739,leaving the church of St. Andrew as theonly church in Bandra. Other churchesand chapels were built later in the nine-teenth century. A 17 feet tall crosssculptured from one block of stone wasmoved to St.Andrews Church. 39 sym-bols each of the Old and NewTesta-ment are carved on boths sides of thecross.

After the destruction of the church ofSt. Anne in 1739, the church of St. An-drew was left to administer the spiritualneeds of the catholics of bandra. Thiswas a vast area extending in the northas far as juhu and included santa cruzand khar within the parish limits of St.Andrew's till about 1853.

Rehan Merchant

Santa Anna

I came to Bandra in October 1961 andhave been residing here ever since, nearSt. Andrew’s Church. Only the Westside was considered to be Bandra - thequeen of the suburbs. Bandra East wasjust developing. I remember the bridgeacross the railway lines to the East. Theroad which bridged the railway lineshad to be built more than once as it wascracking up due the ground not set-tling. But, I am digressing.

The life in Bandra was confined tothe west with its many iconic institu-tions, one of which was the cinemahouse off Hill Road, and next to thePost Office. It was an unpretentiousbuilding but had a homely air about it.When you entered the stalls or the bal-cony, you felt you were in some mo-fussil town. The informality about theplace made you feel at home and com-fortable. Since the cinema screenedmainly Hollywood films it was usuallythe English speaking middle class whopatronized ‘New Talkies’. In fact, youwould find several familiar faces in thetheater, each time you went to see a filmthere.

The late night show (9.30 p.m.) wasgenerally well attended, particularly onFriday and Saturday nights. There wereno rickshaws in those days. The scooterwas very convenient for my wife and meto make a quick dash to ‘New Talkies’after dinner. I saw many of the old fa-vorites like ‘Sabrina’ (Audrey Hepburn,William Holden and Humphrey Bog-art). Westerns were very popular like‘Rio Bravo’ (John Wayne), the AlfredHitchcock classics like ‘Psycho’, TheBirds’ and ‘The Man who knew toomuch’. Musicals also were popularwith the more sophisticated crowd. Thelikes of ‘My Fair Lady’, ‘Sound ofMusic’. Comedies of Danny Kaye andothers were well attended.

There were three pictures a week -and if you were a cinema buff, you were

pretty well entertained. Those were thedays when there was no T.V. or DVDplayers .Time hung heavily on peoples’hands. Socializing was limited, unlikethe rash of parties to-day. Above all,there was prohibition and you were leftwith local brew unless you had a per-mit. Only those who were desperatefrequented the ‘Joints’ run by the ‘Aun-ties’. The cinema was a healthier op-tion.

Sometimes the crowd in the lowerstalls was more entertaining than thefilm which was being screened. A voicefrom the front row would scream “HeyBostiao, what you doing to-night?Come for a drink.” The answer in thenegative would inspire a snappy reply“Árrey boss, Stop smooching with yourgirl!”. To which Bostiao would responsewith “Johnny, F--- you b------”. Theaudience would roar with laughter.Many of the comments involved thechoicest ‘gaallis’ in the vernacular.What I have given here is a sanitizedversion of a ‘typical’ conversation.

Then, the original New Talkies wasdemolished and an air conditionedstructure was put up. However the oldworld charm was lost - and I hardly sawany films there. That was also demol-ished in due course and now there isthe’ Globus’ cinema and departmentalstore – or more precisely a mall. Peopleof my vintage have mostly passed away.Two of our friends, Walter and EudoraDeSouza a couple from Khar were ascrazy about movies as we were. Theywere our frequent movie companions.Like us they are now in their sunsetyears. However there must be severalamong the younger crowd of my timewho are still around. If there are anywho have humorous recollections of‘New Talkies’ of the 60’s, I hope theycan share their memories with us.

Albert deSouza

New Talkies, Bandra – now nostalgia…

Page 3: Vol. III Issue 2

February 2012NEWS 03

Utility Sevice Charges can eat awayprecious funds from your monthlybudget - especially when they spiral attop speed, beyond your control. Whynot put these saved amounts to betteruse? Yes, now you can!

Tata Power Customer Care hasopened in Bandra, near Shoppers Stop,S.V. Road on 1st Feb 2012.

In effect, this will be a boon to thosewanting to switch over to Tata Power, in

order to reduce their electricity bills. Atthe help desk, Tariq will guide you re-garding the procedure to be followed -and whether this will help you or not.

Bandraites can now benefit from theTata tariffs, like their city counterparts.A trip to this customer care centre canclear all your doubts. So, make yourmove towards more realistic electricbills.

Varun Gupta

Reduce Your Electricity Bills

Ram Mandir temple, situated atBazaar road is over 100 year oldand has been organising Satya-

narayan Maha Puja every year on Re-public day for the past 40 years.

The Puja consists of worship ofSatyanarayan Bhagwan. First pancham-ritam is used to clean the place wherethe deity is placed. After placing thedeity in a correct position, Satya-narayana Swami is worshipped. Namesof Satyanarayan are chanted along withofferings of a variety of prasad (includ-ing a mixture of milk, honey, ghee/ but-ter, yogurt, sugar) and flower petals.Another requirement of the puja is thethat Satyanaraya Katha be heared by alltaking part in the puja. The Katha in-volves the origin of puja, the benefits ofit, and the potential mishaps that mayoccur when forgetting to organise thePuja. The prayer concludes with anAarti, which consists of revolving a

small fire-lit-lamp in the vicinity ofimage of the Lord. After the puja isover,participants and observers of thepuja are required to eat the prasad thatwas offered and blessed by the Bhag-wan.

Mr. Maruti Laxman Daundhar is thechief organiser of the satyanarayanmaha puja and Mr. Sudhir B. Dalvihelps by providing valuable guidance.Mr. Maruti Daundhar adds that evenduring the riots of 1992, SatyanarayanMaha Puja was held, while the C.R.P.Fand Police were patrolling the locality.The main aim for organising this pujais to pray for peace and happiness inour country, pray for freedom fightersand their families and pray for the sol-diers who died while fighting the warand ask Bhagwan to bless all of us. Allof us 1000 devotees come to Satya-naraya Maha Puja every year.

Mr. Manoj H

Satyanarayan Maha Puja marks Republic Day Celebration!

Bhagwan Dattatreya with Kamadhenu (wish fulfilling cow)

ENTERTAINMENTturn to pg 11 >>

Bandra Boy Mark Dharmai fromChimbai has made our suburb & cityproud, by thinking & performing insports beyond many able-bodied peo-ple.

Inspite of being born short-statured,he has reached heights of glory, by rep-resenting Mumbai at the statepararympic games, held at Yavatmal,near Nagpur. He was part of a team of30 handicapped players who had goneto participate. The team won a total of21 Gold, 17 Silver & 11 Bronze medals& certificates. Mark Dharmai won atotal of 3 Gold medals, one each forTable Tennis, Shot Put & Discuss

Throw - and a Silver medal for the 100metre race.

This enthusiastic youth works forState Bank of Patiala, Near Holy Fam-ily Hospital, Hill Road - and you will al-ways find him smiling and eager tohelp. With these achievements, he hasproved that even the handicapped cando something for our country.

Bandra Buzz is happy to highlightMark's remarkable acheivemnts - andinvites other local handicapped / able-bodied achievers to send in their re-ports, to be published.

Shyam Nair

Mark Dharmai makes Bandra proud

Page 4: Vol. III Issue 2 NEWSFebruary 201204

{we} + {you} = Bandra Buzz

We at Bandra Buzz try our best to bring you Bandra related news that’s fit to print but we can’t do it alone! We need YOU. You don’tneed a formal writing background to become a writer. If you’ve ever written an essay or posted on a blog then you’ve already gotexperience! We’re looking for writers to cover local news,civic problems, recipes and anything else you’d be willing to post in athoughtful and interesting way that we are not aware of. If you routinely submit quality content we’ll even consider bringing youon as a full fledged writer as long as you don’t mind being paid in kind. Bandra Buzz appreciates original editorial contributionsalthough we reserve the final right to publish it.

Shoot us an email on [email protected] if you’d like to write for us or just have a news tip you feel we’ve missed.

There was once an article in the Timesof India or Bombay Times where tworeporters attempted to go a day withoutusing the horn and the conclusion at theend of their article was ‘its not possible.’

I beg to differ. It is definitely possible.I know people who don’t use the hornunnecessarily. I don’t. I’ve been drivingsince 2005, and can count the numberof times I’ve used the horn to be lessthan 50 definitely.

Some basic logic, which I’m sure hasescaped most people on the road: whenyou take your car out, you intend to gofrom Point A to Point B without any im-pediment, right? What this means is youhave no intention of stopping along theway unless you come across some diffi-culty or a planned rest-break (in whichcase you will pull up by the side of theroad).

Now with this ‘intention’ in mind,let’s expand this to conclude: all vehicleson the road WANT TO MOVE. Theonly constraints are:

1. The volume of traffic puts an upperlimit on the rate of flow of traffic2. The poor condition of the roads dic-tate that you slow down at points3. All vehicles have mass and physics de-mands that a vehicle cannot come to astop immediately or instantly go fromrest to full motion (deceleration and ac-celeration)4. Every driver has an understanding ofhis ability to control his vehicle

Now with these points in mind, kindly

explain to me:

Why do you need to honk when thetraffic signal changes to green. (point 3demands that you have to wait irrespec-tive of how fast you want to move)

Why do you need to honk at the ve-hicle in front of you if it is moving? Ourbasic premise and point 4 infer that nei-ther is helping. At this point you mayargue, I want to overtake. My answer:then go overtake but do it withouthonking. Overtake means you need toget into the right lane, and if you knowthe average traffic stream and trafficlanes then you most definitely know thatif you cannot move into another lanebecause of traffic density, then don’t ex-pect the guy in front of you to magicallyfind a spot to move over so you canovertake.

In any case, if you overtake, you’ll beconstrained by the vehicle in front. In-stead, with a little planning, a cool head,and less honking, you will achieve thesame. Try it, it works.

Another cause for honking is at roaddivisions. Take for example the split onthe normal highway and flyover. MostIndians on the road believe that if theygo from the right-most lane and over-take all the traffic on the left of them,they’ll enter the division faster and beable to enter the normal highway laneeasier. They couldn’t be more wrong.They end up creating a bottle neck.Can’t they see that the width of the roadcan only accommodate x number oflanes of traffic. Anything more and

you’re trying to squeeze 5 lanes intothree, its but natural that you’ll slowdown everything, cause a logjam and re-sult in unnecessary honking. Further,since you’re going from 3 to 5 lanes, youare now blocking everyone who wantsto travel in lanes 4 onward (to go ontothe flyover). This has a ripple effect andwithin seconds everything is jammed.

So next time, please understand thereare lanes because that’s the way toachieve the best traffic rate of flowthrough a road. Anything more andyou’re bound to get into a mess.

Another peculiar irritant is at thecrossroads. The front line traffic forsome reason starts revving and jerkingand moving off the white STOP lineinto the traffic that’s flowing crosswiseto them. For what?

Here too, no one’s thinking: all thoselittle jerks and inch-by-inch movementsare taking you no where. You couldcover the same distance when the signalturns green in less time and that littledistance gain is negligible compared tothe overall distance you have to travel.So why do it? Please wait , have somepatience and you’ll save out on revving,honking, and another bottle neck in thecross-wise traffic.

Another reason for honking is that Ibelieve many of the riders/ drivers arenervous. They’re unsure if they’ll beable to control their vehicles and sohonk to continuously warn people tostay out of their way. And here’s an ex-ample. Two rickshaws, one tailgating theother. The rickshaw at the back is speed-

ing faster than the one in front, so nat-urally, at some point he’s going to comewithin inches of the rickshaw in frontand unless he brakes they will collide.But no, he keeps coming, coming, com-ing and then inches from the back-grilleof the rickshaw in front, he honks loudand long. For what? Who’s fault is it? In-stead of all that, he could have tried tomove to the next lane.

In conclusion, I’d say we shouldanalyse why we honk when driving andwhat is it gaining for us? Think if there’san alternative, a more peaceful way toachieve that ‘Everest’ on the roads. Ifeveryone makes the contribution, it canwork out.

Douglas Misquita

Make That Change – Horn OK Please

Page 5: Vol. III Issue 2

APPRECIATIONIt is a very good thing that the BandraBuzz paper is started as it is very in-formative and higlights all the localproblems. It has been successful in a very shorttime, so do continue the good work ofhighlighting the 'Peoples Problems' and'Local Issues'.

Kennedy Rodrigues..........................................................

CIVIC ISSUESI was pleasantly suprised to get a copyof Bandra Buzz. Many things need to bedone in Bandra, on & around GoldGym.1) Put proper painted 'No Entry' signs,as senior citizens & children getknocked down with speeding cars onthe 'No Entry' lanes, particularly on St.Cyril Road. The Sign near Joseph's ColdStorage is completely rubbed off. Itneeds to be re-painted. The TrafficDept. is doing nothing about it.2) The Paver blocks on the roads are anightmare - they are so uneven.3) The foothpaths are so high, that it isdifficult to climb up and down all thetime. They do not taper off at the end ofthe lane. It is extremely difficult for sen-ior citizens to walk on these footpaths.4) The hoardings all over the place plas-tered with fat faces of Netas and Politi-cians are a constant eye sore! As it isthey do nothing - and yet expect us tovote them!The concerned authorities should dothe needful.

R. Bhagat..........................................................The B.M.C. have done a marvellous jobof making nice footpaths on St. Paul'sRoad, D'Monte Park Road, St. An-drew's Road, etc. etc. Unfortunately, itis being used by the dog's of our elitecitizens of Bandra for poohing; therebyforcing our humble citizens to walk onthe road; which is very dangerous forour senior citizens.

May I appeal through "Bandra Buzz",to all animal lovers / dog handlers whowalk their dogs on the footpath ''TOUSE THE ROADS" so that if theypooh, it will be on the road and NOTON THE FOOTPATHS, thereby mak-ing it comfortable and safe for us citi-zens of Bandra to walk on cleanfootpaths.

In case our elite citizens say it is not"our dog", then we'll be forced to clickthe snaps of the "dogs on the footpath".Then, with proof, we can ask them,"Isthis your dog, sir / madam??"

Please help us in keeping the foot-paths clean. Your co-operation is vital.

Dallas Pereira..........................................................I am an octogenarian senior citizen andI find it very difficult to cross the roadfrom the south side of R.N. Marg ( Hillroad) to the point near Yacht Restau-rant.

Traffic lights were installed someyears ago and used to operate at certaintimes. To-day the lights don'toperate.They are on 'the blink' atamber.The traffic is murderous bothways as also crossing to St.Andrew'sChurch from Yacht Restaurant.

Vehicle owners and rickshaws, busesetc don't give a damn if there are pedes-trians waiting to get across. Some even

accelerate ominously if they see a pedes-trian trying to cross. Zebra Crossingsare not marked. These were there onceupon a time. Do pedestrians have norights on the roads. ? Our M.P.s andMLAs and Municipal councillors visitus only at election times and forget thecommon man once it is over.

Through the columns of your paper'Bandra Buzz' I wish to draw the atten-tion of the authorities concerned to al-leviate the lot of the common man ingeneral and senior citizens in particular.

Albert C deSouza ..........................................................


In your Jan 2012 issue I was saddenedto see Kapil Bhatia's letter, speciallythe line "but it looks like she has losther memory". Pauline is a senior citi-zen 78 years old and I feel such a com-ment was in very bad taste.

Anil Joseph..........................................................I learnt that Mr. K Bhatia is a youngman while Mrs. Pauline Fernandes is asenior citizen aged 78. I hope he sur-vives Pauline's age and continues hispresent chirpy disposition with no lossof memory.

Pauline is an active citizen with asharp memory - who at 78, the sunsetyears of her life, brought down a twostory illegal building single handed bystint of her memory and perservance.

What she did at 76, this youngsterwith all his supporters will not be ableto do even now. He needs to learn thathe must have documentary evidence be-fore he maligns anyone.

Its time this youngster learns to re-spect old age and senior citizens

Daphne Warapen..........................................................

Its sad to read pg 4 in the Jan issuewhere Mr. Bhatia says that Mrs. PaulineFernanes has memory loss and Mr.Francis runs a hostel which he mostlygives to foreign females. Such a rude re-mark defaming both is an absolute caseof character assassination in public do-main, Does Mr Bhatia have proof to Mr.Noronha's stand.In the name of religion, an illegal con-

struction has come up on the road.Please note that Mr. Francis owns theplot where his heritage cottage stands.

Ms. Aftab Siddique..........................................................

I am shocked & surprised to read Mr.Kapil Bhatia’s reply in the January issueof your paper. The said letter is totallydefamatory and makes wild and imagi-nary allegations against me.

Your readers will know that I am anaverage citizen of Bandra Mumbai whois spear-heading a campaign against anillegal structure in front of my residence.The Congress Block President,

Sector 40 (Mr. Stephen Noronha)has blatantly flouted BMC rules andconstructed an illegal structure on apublic road - and I have been campaign-ing and seeking public opinion againstthis violation. I have no personal enmitywith Mr. Noronha. Mr. Kapil Bhatiahas taken up cudgels on behalf of MrNoronha.

He should realize that whatever I

have complained about is justified andtrue and is for the benefit of the com-munity.

I have not built any illegal structureand my ancestral bungalow “BarnnyVilla” is completely legal. I keep payingguests, foreign and Indian, after com-plying with the necessary formalities in-cluding police verification. I do not runa “hostel” for foreigners (females only)as stated by Mr. Bhatia.

This insinuates that shady activitiestake place at my residence, and I amshocked that Mr. Bhatia would stoop tosuch a level and make this comment.

Francis Gonsalves..........................................................

Salman Khan visits KRIPA rehab

Refer your article in your December2011 issue of Bandra Buzz on ‘SalmanKhan visits Kripa’. I would like to addthe following quotes for your readers.

Unlike his usual press conferencedates where he keeps the media waiting,Khan was on time and on his arrival gotthe motley crowd at Mt. Carmel’schurch, Kripa Foundation’s head officein a tizzy.

Speaking on the occasion held at theannexe behind the church, where in-mates under rehabilitation reside, Khanrecounted his school days and his trystwith alcohol. “I had my first drink whenI attended church services at St. An-drews. I was only 11 years old at thattime. My friends and I used to attendthe mass and like innocent children re-ceive Holy Communion dipped in wine.That was my first taste.

Later when I was about 15 years oldI had my first beer and puked the wholething out immediately. My familythought that was the last I would everdrink, but that was just the start”.

Salman stated that it is okay to haveone or two pegs of alcohol at the end ofa hard day at work, but to sit down anddrink during the day was the worst thingone could ever do. He also spoke on theevils of drug abuse and stated.”Drug ad-diction is one of the worst things onecan do to one’s body.

Compared to alcohol, we can say putdown the glass and say to ourselves thatfrom today we stop drinking, but whenwe are on drugs, we just need to have itmore and more as it not only interfereswith our body, but also our mind. It ismy urgent request to you all to quitdrinking and drug abuse and changeyour life.”

Salman also stated that even hecomes home from his shootings and hasone, maybe two or three pegs and goesto sleep. “Yes I too drink, but to a limit.I drink, eat and then sleep so that I amfresh to attend my shoot the next morn-ing. Its okay to have a drink and keep toyour limit, but making it a regular habitis wrong.”

Though your coverage was more onthe evils of drug and alcohol abusewhich every one already is aware of, Ithink a star of the status of SalmanKhan sharing his younger days would’vemade interesting reading.

I hope I have made up for it.Verus Ferreira

Letters to the EditorEditor’s Letter

Dear Readers,

Februarary 2012 starts with an unholyfrenzy of candidates contesting the up-coming BMC Elections.

The cool climate is a super settingfor the countdown to Valentine Day.Bandra Buzz has a lot in store for thosewho want to enhance that 'love is inthe air' feeling. Shops have alreadystarted stocking 'Valentine' gifts andhave offers for your 'someone special'.

We have given you interesting in-sights (center spread) about what theMunicipal Elections are all about - asort of 'Guide For Dummies'. Manydo not realize how important it is tohave an active and good local corpora-tor to create change for a better Ban-dra. Here, more than the party, thecharacter & ability of the local corpo-rator to perform - matters most. Theperson at the helm of local civic affairsis vital. This is the master key to betterlocal area management. Use it. Maybe,this will spur you to go out of yourcomfort zone and VOTE.

Carnival celebrations at the BandraGym & other venues create a commu-nity camaradae like no other - with'King Momo' and other floats addingto the fun. This is followed by 'PancakeTuesday'- and 'Ash Wednesday', mark-ing the start of 40 days 'Lent'.

All correspondence concerning theissue SHERLY RAJAN OR GOONRAJ is starting to get too personal -emotions are rising, while the main is-sues get side-tracked. Hence, pleasestop sending any more letters regard-ing this matter.

We at Bandra Buzz will continue tokeep you updated on local events, andissues - to keep you, our readers in theloop. So, till spring starts to warm usup, keep buzzing.

Warm Regards Merck D'SilvaEditor-in-Chief

The opinions expressed in this paper be-long to the authors only, and do not reflectthe opinion of the publishers and editors,unless otherwise stated. Readers shouldact on the information provided only afterconsulting with their own independent ad-visors, and the publishers and editors ofthis paper shall be in no way held respon-sible for any such action, or consequencesthereof.


We would like to invite readers tosend us their feedback, articles,recipes, local civic problems orcomplaints to the Editor. Lettersmay be condensed and edited forcommunal harmony & clarity. 401Anica, 28, St. Paul Road, nearBandra Gymkhana, Bandra (w),Mumbai 400 050 or [email protected]

Vol. III Issue 2> R.N.I. No. : MAHENG/8-10-2010/12646Editor: Merck D’Silva > Printed & Publishedby Creative Concepts, 401 Anica, 28 St. PaulRoad, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W),Mumbai - 400 050 Printed at Marwah Estate,Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072

February 2012EDIT PAGE 05

Page 6: Vol. III Issue 2 LIFESTYLEFebruary 201206

2012 - a new year with new begin-nings and new resolutions to im-prove our life, our health and our

relationships etc. Many of us make res-olutions to reduce weight and to behealthy. And we make efforts in the firstmonth of the year by joining a Gym orwalking or swimming etc......

Then slowly we get into our oldhabits, busy schedules and old rut - andthe resolutions are shelved and forgot-ten. Many exercise routines slowly diedown as it takes too long to do. Andwhy does this happen? It is the mind- itwill give you 10 reasons why you shouldnot exercise today -eg:- Last night was a late night.- I have an important meeting today- I am travelling- I am low in energy- It will take away 2 hours from my verybusy schedule today. ...... etc, etc, etc.

Now here is a BRILIANT IDEA - asure way to keep your resolution to stayfit, healthy and lose those extra poundsyou put on during the Christmas festiv-ity.

If you could exercise for ONLY 15minutes daily in the comfort of yourhome, office or even hotel room at anytime of the day - what excuse do youhave for not being fit?

The Idea is Tibetan yoga which takesonly 3 hours to learn and ONLY 15MINUTES to practice daily. A definiteshort cut to good health.

Tibetan yoga is the union of mind,body and spirit which is achieved bypraanayam, meditation & 5 yogic exer-cises (called 5 Rites) that the TibetanLamas did and is their secret to livelong and stay young and healthy……..

Our life styles have changed andthese days. Most of us work long hoursand commuting takes the zest out ofour life. Working in an office or at acomputer for prolonged periods of timecan put strain on the neck, shoulderand back muscles which in turn canlead to tension and stiffness. This ten-sion can cause headaches, as well asback, neck and shoulder pain. If left un-attended, it could also impact your abil-ity to function effectively at work andyour overall quality of life. Simple tech-niques such as Tibetan Yoga may helpalleviate the pain and other symptomsby releasing tension and increasing

muscle strength & flexibility and im-prove concentration.

Managing stress is all about takingcharge: taking charge of your thoughts,your emotions, your schedule, your en-vironment, and the way you deal withproblems. The ultimate goal is a bal-anced life, with time for work, relation-ships, relaxation, and fun – plus theresilience to hold up under pressureand meet challenges head on.

What will 15 minutes' daily practicedo for you?The 5 Tibetan rites balance the 7"Chakras" (energy centers), promotingthe free flow of praana shakti ( lifeforce) and balancing the hormonal out-put. Once the hormones are regulated,all our organs work more efficiently.

* Blood circulation improves so ourskin, hair and eye sight improves. * 5 rites attract the universal energyinto our body giving more energetic towork longer without tiring. * Tibetan yoga cures backache, arthri-tis, insomnia and respiratory anddigestion problems. * Improve memory & concentration &removes stress from mind & body.

Now you can do Tibetan yoga daily andkeep your resolution to stay fit and im-prove your life and health in a shorttime.

Dr. Razia R Patel has conductedworkshops for 90 companies like air-lines, Call centers, pharmaceutical, oil,advertising & IT companies, clubs, or-ganizations, schools and colleges. In thelast 12 years more than 50,000 peopleall over India have benefited from thisyoga. Please see the feedback & testi-monials on the website.

Workshops can be conducted for anycompany anywhere in India, & for anyclub, society or group of people.

On weekends open workshops areconducted in Versova.

Good news - 3 hour workshops willbe offered in Bandra in February/March.

To know more visit: Website : Call : 9821433644 / 26360271 E-mail : [email protected]

Stay Fit & Stress Free

Ingredients:For the pork burger:• Fresh pork belly – 100gms• Fennel – 3gms• Cinnamon sticks – 2gms• Mustard powder – 2gms• Coriander – 2gms• Star anise – 2gms• Cloves – 2gms• Amchur powder – 2gms• Chilli powder – 3gms• Brown sugar – 3gms• Salt & pepper – 2gms

For the BBQ sauce:• Tomato ketchup – 5gms• Lime slice – ½• Ginger – 2gms• Garlic – 2gms• Chilli Powder – 2gms• Mustard Powder – 2gms• Soya sauce – 4gms• Red wine vinegar – 2gms• Brown sugar – 5gms• Worcestershire sauce – 2gms

For the radish kimchee:• Vinegar – 10ml• Water – 10ml• Chilli – 2gms• Ginger – 2gms• Sesame oil – 2ml• Fish Sauce – 2ml• Sugar – 5gms• Garlic – 2gms

For the hickory mayonnaise:• Veg mayo – 10gms• Hickory – 5gms

For cabbage slaw:• Cabbage – 10gms• Mustard seeds – 2gms• Vinegar – 5ml

• Sugar – 3gms• Water – 5ml• Apple – 2gms• Oil – 1gm

Method:For the pork burger:1. Marinate the pork belly (without thefat) with the spices given in the recipefor a day. 2. There are two ways of cooking it:- You can cook it in a pressure cooker,which will take 45 to 50 mins with a lit-tle water in it. - Or you could cook it in the oven.3. Then cut it into strips or as you like.

For the BBQ sauce:1. Put all ingredients in the pan and re-duce it till it becomes thick. 2. Remove the lemon slice. Puree it andthen strain it.

For the radish kimchee:1. Boil water, vinegar, ginger, garlic andchillies. Let it reduce and what’s left isa very sweet and sour liquid.2. Strain it.3. Puree the items in the strainer withsesame oil and fish sauce. 4. Mix the pureed mixture with the liq-uid. Let it cool down.5. Cut the radish and carrots into thinslices and then cut it lengthwise.6. Soak the veggies in the above liquidfor a day.

For the hickory mayonnaise:1. Take mayonnaise and hickory andmix it together.

Courtesy: Salt Water Café

Pork Spareribs + White Radish Kimchee Burger

Page 7: Vol. III Issue 2

February 2012WELLNESS 07

Our Creator has gifted us with the finestengine ever made, our very own body,that is strong and swift, yet so flexibleand mobile. The important criteria isthat to work efficiently as intended, itneeds proper natural fuel (nutrition), ona daily basis.

Today, most of our nutritional needscome from foods that are processed,cooked or fried. Moreover, the nutrientquality of fruits and vegetables availableis extremely poor, due to depletion ofthe nutrient content in the soil, where itis grown with chemical-based syntheticfertilizers and pesticides. Hybrid or ge-netically engineered seeds are creatinghavoc with our body systems. Today'strend of fast foods, aerated soft drinksand trace toxins are creating challengesto our immune system. Add to this, pol-luted air and water, which is difficult tohave total control, create conditions thattrigger trauma with our body systems.In short, the situation as it stands todayis a ready recipe for disaster to strike usat any moment.

The good news is that today we havea choice to change the way we want tolive. It is up to us to decide whether wewant to continue abusing our bodieswith toxic chemicals or turn to sources

of natural nutrition.When we feed our body the correct

impetus, i.e. a diet high in organic fruitsand vegetables, along with high qualitynatural food supplements to compen-sate for the above mentioned issues; wecan expect to notice profound improve-ments in our feeling of well-being. Yourbody engine will now thrive and workoptimally at the cellular level, function-ing at levels that promote wellness.

It is imperative that our diet promotes:

Abundance & Diversity in ourNutritional Intake: We need to con-sume from a wide variety of nutritionalsources, so that they act synergistically.This means that our daily meals shouldideally include a wide spread of differentfoods - like 'royalty meals'. As this maynot always be practical in today's hecticlifestyle, nutritional supplements from atrusted source is our best option to ful-fill our body's nutritional needs at regu-lar intervals. This maintains our bodyrhythm, optimizing functioning of allsystems.

Digestion & Absorption of our Nu-tritional Intake: Without good diges-

tion, our nutritional intake will not getabsorbed into our bloodstream to em-power our cells - our body's basic build-ing blocks. Certain digestive enzymesfrom natural sources ( fruit and veg-etable juices ) are required to help keepour digestive tract operating efficiently,thus enabling proper absorption of ourfood.

Protection Against Free Radicals:Oxygen is split during normal metabo-lism, releasing an unstable, free atom ofoxygen. This is a free radical. This alsocomes from pollution in our environ-ment. Many diseases are a direct resultof free radicals damaging our cells dueto oxidative stress. A wide variety of or-ganically grown fruits and vegetableseaten daily or natural and reliable foodsupplements can provide us withenough anti-oxidants to fight cell dam-age daily - making our immune systemstronger. When our body defenses arestrong external forces that threaten usare more likely to get repelled - ensuringa continuation of our wellness factor.

Detoxification of Toxins: The even-tual build up of toxins due to pollution,bad food choices, irregular eating habits

etc. gradually weaken our tissues lead-ing to disease - even death! Certain nat-ural foods, like Aloe Vera, are extremelyefficient in gradual and safe detoxifica-tion of our large intestines. When oursystem is clean, our body functions atoptimal levels, resulting in conditionsthat promote good health.

Besides our body's nutritional needs,daily physical exercises like walking, ad-equate sleep, timely food, lack of un-wanted stress and a positive mentalattitude will work wonders towards awellness way of life. Our health-promot-ing activities should be well balanced.However, we should take more care ofour diet than we normally do. Remem-ber, if your diet is correct, you will notneed medicine; and if your diet is incor-rect, medicine is of no use. Today's tech-nology provide perfect practicalsolutions, if we only have an open mindto make informed decisions.

Given a choice, natural nutritionshould always be the preferred option.Let's give our body the right nutrition -what it really needs. Then, you and I canlive a more fulfilled life. For further info,e-mail: [email protected]

Jignesh Shah

Your body's nutritional needsGet it right, naturally!

Page 8: Vol. III Issue 2

ELECTIO February 201208

Mumbai Municipal Cor 16th Fe

RESPONSIBILITIES:• Water Supply• Roads and Pavements

:Including lighting and upkeep• Drainage System• Sewerage• Regulation of Construction• City’s development Plan• Garbage Disposal :Including Solid Waste Management

• Disaster Management • Education : Running Schools, giving

recognition and registration toPrivate Schools

• Public Health Services :Including registration ofBirths & Deaths

• Open Space:Including Gardens, Treesand play grounds

• Licenses__________________________________

WHAT YOUR VOTE REPRESENTS • A desire for pot-hole free roads,

streets and footpaths.• A desire for a city with well lit roads

& parking facilities. • A desire for clean and hygienic

conditions for healthier living. • A desire for a city free of Garbage

strewn around. • A desire for a city with a good sewer-age and drainage system.• A desire for sufficient potable

drinking water through well maintained water pipelines.

• A desire for an efficient and affordablepublic healthcare system.

• A desire for a city administrationfree of corruption.

• A desire for a more greener city withopen parks and play grounds.

• A desire for the development of ourcity in a more planned and organizedmanner, keeping in mind the welfare ofits people.

Candidates contesting H/WEST WARD # 95

Sona Manglani, Ajeet Manyal, Shane Cardoz & Asif Zakaria


Page 9: Vol. III Issue 2

ON INFO February 2012 09

rporation Election Day eb 2012

WHY SHOULD YOU VOTE ?• It is your right - guaranteed under the constitution.

• It is your duty to exercise this right.• It is an obligation to yourself

and society at large.• It is an opportunity for you

to express yourself judiciously.The BMC has two major sources of rev-enue, the property tax and Octroi Duty.your pay both these taxes, directly andindirectly.

If you are unhappy with the way theBMC is maintaining the city and howyour money is being spent, you mustvote and make a difference.EVERY VOTE COUNTS : yours too!___________________________________

YOUR PARTICIPATION:- is an affirmation of your faith inDemocracy : “A Government of the people, for the people & by the people”.

- can stop and eradicate criminalizationof politics, corruption and injustice.

- ensures that no one else votes inyour place and in your name.

- is your commitment to the nextgeneration & ensures that the amount the govt. spends on these elections do not go waste.

- can make this city a better place.___________________________________

WHAT CAN YOUR CORPORATORS DO?- They can get the BMC to hand outfunds for amenities in their localities.- They can reject proposals by the civicadministration if they suspect it to be un-derhanded and not beneficial for the city.- They can highlight problems in your lo-cality and question the civic administra-tion about it. In short your corporator is the“link person” between you and your municipal corporation.

Candidates contesting H/WEST WARD # 96

Karen D'Mello, Ashwini Rasal


Page 10: Vol. III Issue 2 CAMPUS NEWSFebruary 201210

Disney rules the campus at RizviCollege. Rizvi College of artsscience and commerce prem-

ises were filled with students dressed inDisney costumes (like Micky Mouse,Donald Duck, etc) and cut out of allDisney cartoon characters, put upeverywhere in the College campus fortheir JASHN E RIZVI inter collegiateyouth festival, a popular annual extrav-aganza which started way back in 1989.This year's theme was Disney world(recall your childhood).

Principal Dr. Farooqui M.Z. inaugu-rated the JASHN-E-RIZVI function byreleasing 21 gas balloons with thermo-col pigeons attached, as a sign of worldpeace. In his inaugural speech, the prin-cipal thanked Dr. A.H. Rizvi (honor-able president) and Mr. Abis Rizvi(honorable secretary of Rizvi educationsociety) for their kind inspiration andwhole hearted support without whichJASHN-E-RIZVI would not have beenpossible.

The first event of the day was inter-collegiate telegames (which are areplica of German Telematches). Thesetelegames are 'relay type' games playedbetween different teams from differentColleges with metal props like ducks,penguin, surf boat, horses, feed freakyand finally save water (an eco-friendlygame).

The telegames were organized byMr. Russel D'souza and Sir Minaz fromSt. Peters Youth (Bandra(W)), (a socialorganization).

Mr. Pradeep Nagori (Cultural Con-

vener Degree College) added that theywere highly grateful to principal Dr. Fa-rooqui M.Z. who was the constant driv-ing force behind the mega event andwithout its kind guidance and co-oper-ation it would have been difficult toreach the high standards achieved. Mr.K. E. Verghese is cultural convener ofjunior College and Mrs. Usha Rameshis co convener. Dr. Farooque Ansari ismain cultural committee member. MissShakiba Merchant is the General Sec-retary and Cultural Secretary of theCollege.

The event began with Rizvi Collegemascot Sherkhan(the tiger) leading theway, followed by teams from differentColleges like (M.M.K., Sydnem man-agement, N.M. College, Xavier Col-lege, Rizvi Engg. College, HindujaCollege, M.L. Dhanukar College,Burhani College, Wilson College, toname a few. There were around 25 Col-leges taking part. Finally the host RizviCollege team came along with the Dis-ney Mascot.

Once the telegames started, therewas fun for rest of the day with differentCollege's students fiercely competingwith each other in this inter-active, ex-citing, funny and knowledgeable games.In the above event the first prize wasgrabbed by Rizvi College of Arts, Sci-ence and Commerce, the runner upprize went to M.L. Dhanukar(vileparle) and M.M.K. College was placedthird.

Sir Minaz

Disney rules Rizvi campusMET’s intra-collegiate festMET UTSAV 2012 startedwith a bang with the inaugu-

ration ceremony by Shri. ChhaganBhujbal, Founder Chairman – MumbaiEducational Trust (MET). MET Utsavbegan with Masti Ki Paathshala (Work-shops) fun and learn is the mantra atthe MET workshops. Members of theMET family attended speciallyarranged workshops like salsa, robotics,music therapy, baking, aroma therapy,gymming, flipart animation, hand writ-ing analysis to name a few on 25th Jan-uary. Creativity Exhibits were displayedon this day.On the second day i.e 26th January atthe MET Annual Sports Meet - stu-dents, staff and faculty members fromthe 14 affluent institutions of METparticipated in indoor and outdoorgames like – tug of war, box cricket,rink football, volley ball, carrom, lawntennis, throw ball and many more. Tal-ent Hunt which was held earlier on20th January showcasing the talent inmusic, orchestra, solo singing, mimicrycompetition and more. Winners of thetalent hunt had performed at the grandfinale. MET Bhushan was awarded atthe talent hunt to the MET employeeswho completed 15 years of dedicatedservice.All present witnessed pure talent at theMET’s intra-collegiate fest METUTSAV 2012 grand cultural nite finalewhich was held on Friday, 27th Janu-ary, 2012 at the Mumbai EducationalTrust, Bhujbal Knowledge Centre,Bandra (W), Mumbai - 50. The starsliterally came down on Planet Earth toencourage the talented METizens. Theshow was packed with over 20 perform-

ances. Students, staff and faculty fromall institutes at MET showcased theirmusical and theatrical talent at thismega event. The age of the participantsranged from 4 years to 60 years. Theenrapt items, stand up acts and thevocal performances and instrumentalbands featured Dances, Songs, Music,Fashion Shows etc. The academicachievers were felicitated by Shri.Chhagan Bhujbal, Founder Chairman– Mumbai Educational Trust (MET),with the MET Ratna. MET Gauravwas awarded on the International/Na-tional/State level achievers. Where asMET Pragnyavant award was declaredfor Institute level academic achievers.MET Vikram the rolling sports trophywas awarded to the winning sports in-stitute of the year.This is one time in the year when thestudents, staff and faculty members areon the same level. All the hierarchies aredissolved and everyone comes togetherwith the sole objective of having purefun. Everyone at every level is involvedin organizing the event and thus theteam spirit rules. The preparations forthe MET Utsav festivals started as earlyas December when it was time to set upperformances that will rock the festival.The six days of the MET Utsav ’12 cel-ebrations concluded with the grand cul-tural nite finale on 27th January,showcasing talents with dynamic per-formances from one and all making thisevent a life long memory to cherish.MET Utsav ’12 truly culminated intothe night shining brighter than the starsmaking it go down as a day worth re-membering in the minds of everyonepresent at the occasion.

Sachin Mistry

MET Utsav 2012

Fashion Show performance in progress at the Grand Cultural Nite

The 62nd Republic Day was a daywhere memories and moments of his-toric times was relived in St. Joseph’sConvent, Bandra.

The Chief Guest of this proud occa-sion was Mr. Denzil D’mello. ‘Headsheld high and Mother India in theirhearts’ was when the prefects salutedthe respectful waving national flag. Thiswas how the glorious colors of saffron,white and green was spread to all thestudents present in the hall where theprogram was held.

The program then continued by ameaningful prayer service which madeall realize that our country’s publicwould have never received its independ-ence if God wasn’t present all along.’Fight Corruption! Save our nation’ wasthe message of the skit and it was re-leased to all by the skits interesting act-ing and hilarious tunes. The rhythmicdances which were dedicated to our

dear freedom fighters created goosebumps, and left us all jittered andaware. A life changing-duty was indi-cated to us all by the marvelous speechgiven.

Finally, we come to the conclusionthat today’s day is not to be dedicatedto those who are crowned with fame, Itis to be dedicated to the ones who areblamed, for they fought with courageand integrity, Yes! With the utmost sov-ereignty, I salute those who died in afight , For they were the ones who stoodwith India through those treacherousnights , Gandhiji, Anna , Shivaji… itcontinues, history in its most solemn at-titude.

No! India’s shining light will neverfuse, I thank those who made meproud, for they are the ones who are tobe bowed. Hence, Be the change! Makea change for you are the change.

Anushka Dutt

SJC’s 62nd Republic Day of Our Dear Nation

Page 11: Vol. III Issue 2

February 2012ENTERTAINMENT 11

Gold's Gym launched theirmuch awaited calendar for2012 in Bandra on 25th Janu-

ary. The launch saw an eclectic mix ofcelebs and socialites. It includes SohailKhan, Prateik Babbar, Tulip Joshi,Shazahn Padamsee (also featured in thecalendar) with Sammeer Sheth andmembers of Gold's Gym.

The very first time calendar featuredthe hot and sexy models from theGold’s Gym Calendar Model Huntalong with the top 3 winners of theGold’s Gym Miss Fit & Fab contest

2011. This year the calendar also high-lights 12 different ways to feel youngwith Fiama DiWills.

The party was hosted by Mr. G. Ra-machandran - Director of Gold’s Gym,Mr. Istayak Ansari – COO of Gold’sGym & Mr. Karan Valecha – Director.The stars unveiled their own pages andwere seen praising each other for theirchiseled and sexy bodies. This was fol-lowed with uncorking the Champagneand cutting the cake.

Shruti Desai

Gold’s Gym launches its star studded calendar

Shazahn Padamsee, Prateik, Althea Shah and G Ramachandran

Bandra saw fests in the last monthtoo, seeing popular and influen-tial people out and about sup-

porting community causes. One ofwhich was “I HATE FAKE” an NGOfounded by MM Satish fighting piracy,adulteration and terrorism. Supportingthe fight to stop these problems in con-sumable products was AlyquePadamsee, Baba Siddique, MukeshRishi, DJ Sin, Arti Puri, Aditiya RajKapoor, Akbar Sami and many more.The event that took place on CarterRoad, also played an interesting shortfilm entitled “The Common Man” by

Krishna Kotian, that addressed thesame topic. MM Satish made very clearin a speech directed towards the Bandracommunity at large, that “India is thelargest dumping yard in the world - andthat piracy and adulteration is eatinginto our economy.”

Bandra Buzzed when Living in Sinaka DJ Sin took to the stage withRichelle Mendes and raised the energyof the event to its peak.

Bandra Buzz supports the initiativethat MM Satish has started and hopesthat he continues to spread awarenessin this fashion.

‘I Hate Fake’ hits Carter Road

Alyque Padamsee, MM Satish and DJ Sin

With a keen desire to showcase exqui-site bridal wear, an enterprisingmother & son duo from Bandra havestarted an outlet called 'Flaunt', situ-ated just next to Moti Mahal.

The Store has a vivacious range ofBridal wear which is bold and modern- yet designed keeping the IndianBride in mind. This multi-designerstore has ensembles made for everybride and every ocassion - whether a

colourful Sangeet, a Mehendi Party ora wedding reception. Flaunt also hasan exclusive range of bridal footwearby 'Urban Walk', which can also becustomized as per the outfit. We spe-cialize in customized orders for BridalGowns, Lehengas and an assortmentof trousseau.

So, if you have it, here's your chanceto Flaunt It !

Ashish Khatri


How was the show at Mocha Mojo?We've done 2 open mic nights at MochaMojo, turn out has been great - bothparticipants and audience. Bandra haspeople with a great sense of humour.

What’s the difference between per-forming in Bandra and anywhereelse in Mumbai?Bandra is in the center of everything.The crowds here are voracious andthat's like jet fuel for a stand up comic.

How do you make standup comedyrelate to your everyday Bandra-lite?English stand up usually comes from apersonal point of view. Most of us havespent so much time in Bandra that itdoesn't take much.

What do you have coming up nextin Bandra or Mumbai?We'll keep doing shows at Mocha forthe moment. Check out for dates.

Who are your 5 biggest comedy in-fluences?George Carlin, Louis CK, Chris Rock,Mitch Hedberg and Will Ferrell.

Your number one advice to anyonewho comes to visit Bandra fromabroad?Bandra has easily the best nightlife inthe suburbs. Coupled with Carter Roadand Linking Road - its got the calm andthe chaos. Get some comfy shoes andexplore !

Your Favorite Bandra spots?Basillico, Totos, Royal China, MiaCucina, Bagel Shop and (the now de-funct) Zenzi.

Interview with Karan Talwar of Schitzengiggles

Page 12: Vol. III Issue 2 PAST EVENTSFebruary 201212

Rizvi Educational complex ( whichconsists of Rizvi Enginering College,Hotel Management College, Architec-ture College, Law college, PG Manage-ment college, B.Ed College and Rizvieducation schools) reverberated withthe National Anthem, National songand other "Desh Bhakti songs" on the26th morning.

The Republic day celebration startedwith the unfurling of the tricolour byDr. Kamlesh Chandana Principal of

Rizvi College ( B.Ed), followed by thenational Anthem, and then N.C.CCadets gave the guard of Honour to allthe principals present.

The above function was followed bythe cultural programme which con-sisted of Desh Bhakti geet, Poetry anda small skit. Dr Kamlesh Chandanathanked all the principal of VariousRizvi education complex for attendingthe function.

Sir Minaz

Republic Day Celebration at Rizvi Edu Complex

India's first sufi-rock band of Rab-bani Brothers (Murtuza and AbdulQadir Khan) son's of Padma

Bhushan Ustad Gulam Mustafa Khanand Akash performed 'live' at JASHN-E-RIZVI Intercollegiate Youth festival,a popular annual extravaganza whichstarted way back in 1989.

The Rabbani Brothers who singssongs for the famous music directorA.R. Rehman, sung Piya Haji Ali,Maula Mere Maula and many othersongs. Their melodious voice touched alot of hearts. The whole College atmos-phere became spiritually blessed andwas filled with oneness - rememberingthe Almighty.

The above occasion was graced bynoted film director Shashank Shah(Chalo Delhi, Dasvadania film), Mr.Mehboob, the famous lyricist(Rangeela, Bombay, Devdas), Nayab

Raja (upcoming music director) givenmusic in forthcoming film Yakeen, Co-median Sunil Paul (comedy circus,Movie Bombay to Goa(new)), Come-dian Rehman (papad pol (T.V. serialSAB T.V.)), T.V. Actress

Amreen (Adalat, Beendh BanungaGhodi Chadhunga)(lmagine T.V.), Mr.Mustaque Merchant(Theatre Direc-tor), Mr. Inayat Hussain(Theatre Di-rector) and Mr. Sameer Shaikh(castingdirector)(Sahar India T.V.).

Dr. Farooque Ansari (The CulturalCommittee Member) adds that the lastevent of the day (Sufi Rock Night) sawthe biggest turn out of the student(from different Colleges), parents andteachers . There were around 700 plusstudents from all colleges that took partin JASHN-E-RIZVI competition.

Sir Minaz

India's first Sufi Rock bandperforms at Jashn-e-Rizvi

Rabbani Brothers (Abdul Qadir and Murtuza)

This month India saw the most power-ful women in the world, Oprah Winfreycame to town visiting many parts of thecity on her trip. Celebrities from B-Town got to meet and greet Oprah at aparty thrown for her at the ‘GodrejHouse’. The A List seen at the gather-ing started from Hrithik Roshan to the

Bacchans and many more. Even Ban-dra boy Dino Morea was spottedpulling up at the high profile party.

Oprah looked like she had a lot of funmingling with Bollywood’s top namesand Mumbai’s biggest socialites. Sheeven made time during her time inMumbai to see.

Celebrities in B-Town get achance to meet Oprah

Party BuzzShilpa Shetty’s new club in Bandra bythe name of “Royalty,” which is on Wa-terfield Road, where ‘Poison’ use to fillthe street in front of ICICI Bank a fewyears back, has started making therounds. We have heard a bit of buzz inthe last few weeks about this place fromsocialites, partying at the newly intro-duced club. Bandra’s spots to check outfor anybody being introduced to Mum-bai for the first time still have ‘Olive’,‘Bonobo’ and ‘Escobar’ remaining asmost favorite party locations.

SRK to launch the Devdas comic bookOm Books, One of Delhi’s largest publish-ing houses are set to release the originalscript’s to Bimal Roy’s “Devdas.” Thisclassic Indian tail’s Book and DVD will belaunched in Bandra by Shah Rukh Khan,who starred in the remake that was re-leased in 2002 and got named as the bestmovie by Time Magazine that same year.Special guest performances has also beenadded to the bill by Living in Sin and hisnew artist Richelle Mendes.

Hundreds of youth from acrossMumbai celebrated perform-ances by local artists in an

evening of music, song and dance onSaturday, January 14, 2012 at the Ban-dra Fort Amphitheatre, Mumbai. Theevent launched Habitat for Humanity’sYouthBuild campaign to promote safe,secure, decent and affordable shelter forfamilies in need, among the youth.

Local artists, Aditi Bhagwat, ColourCompound, Shazneen, Petula Ro-dricks, India’s hottest young saxophon-ist Rhys Sebastian and the legendary

Merlin DeSouza enthralled the audi-ence with a blend of Indian classical,Jazz, Rock and dance performances.

The crowd swayed to the music ofone of India’s most sought afterflautists, Ashwin Srinivasan and hisband - the Bombay Project.

To be a part of YouthBuild and createyour own support page, Formore information, log on to or drop a mail [email protected] .

Ara Johannes

Rhythms of Social Change

All the performers jam on Norwegian Wood for the final act

Page 13: Vol. III Issue 2


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Felix Bendish Design StudioMen & Women fashion Cloth-ing & Accessory BridalWedding Gowns-Indian &Western Hand Embroidery onIndian suits & sarees. Men'ssherwanies & suits handembroidered fashion neck-pieces. Contact: 6605058. 1stfloor, Juhu Gazdhar BandhRoad, behind Juhu garden,Santacruz (w) Mumbai4 0 0 0 5 4


Laxman 98672 63461 / 9820379676 St. Andrew’s Road.


Mohd. Naeem Fruits Stores -best quality fresh fruits -widest choice - Opp. SocietySuper Market, Chimbai RoadBandra (w). For FREE homedelivery. Call: 98192 95265 /98677 38152.


Rockdale Bungalow, Manori.Private & exclusive 3 bedroombungalow / Authentic Veg &Non - Veg, East Indian, Con-tinental, Indian menu / Kitchenwith fridge / Two attachedbath and toilets (Western) / 24-hour borewell water / Chil-dren’s swing / Open sitout forparties and barbecue / Nearbeach /Ample car parking /Reasonable rates / Discount onweekdays. Contact: 2640 7670/ 98195 10183


Learn guitar the easy way atyour residence. All age groupswelcome. Call 8097694660


Soda Machine (1950/-) ex-change offer & repair, refill (allflavours). Mini Washing Ma-chine (2800/-) Electric Tan-door (3990/-) Magic SteamCooker (3090/-) FREE HOMEDEMO Contact: Noble Enter-prises 9821394504 /9146729782 / 9870639334


For housekeeping material.Please contact: Vergis N- 9819268248. Free homedelivery of phenyl, mops,dusters, towels, etc.


Sonia & Dhiraj Bhatia -9167187856 / 9167187855


Joaquim Cardoz - InvestmentConsultant. call: 9833006757.Flat #3, 405, Patil Pada, PitaleLane, Ram Mandir Road,Danda, Khar (w), Mumbai 400052. For doorstep service.


Wanted female receptionistfor a hotel in Bandra (w) withBasic Computer / InternetKnowledge. Mail CV to :[email protected] call:9820044471. Freshers arewelcome!


Mohamed Ali - 98674 Godrej Nature’s Basket, HillRoad


Veena Classes Highly Experi-enced Teacher for Maths &Science Tution in Bandra forStd 5 – 10, SSC & ICSEContact: 9833176442.


NATPHIL GOA - for smallparty orders upto 50 peopledelicious,home-made Goanfood, with snacks. 56, WarodaRoad, Bandra (w).call: Philomena 9819152996


Joe Pereira Digital Photogra-phy & Video Shooting. Wed-ding,Parties & 9820071928 /9820501380.


24 hrs Home, Sales & Service(Bandra only) Gas Stoves,Hobs, Table Tops & Chimneys.Contact: Mahendra Sales ShivAsthan, Shop No. 7, Plot No. 31,16th road, near Shiv Sagar,Bandra (w). Amrut9323431633 / 26486525________________________

Three Star Repairs, Service,Installation, Buying, Selling ofA/C & Fridge. contact George- 9930951611. Chuim Khar (w). ________________________

Refrigerators / Air Condition-ers / Splits / Frost Free Refrig-erators / Indian / Imported.Guaranteed Repairs / Instal-lations / AMC - FRIZARE, 30th

Road, Bansari Apartments,opp. H2O, Pali Naka, Bandra(w) 9820197439 / 6544903________________________

For Radio & TV mechaniccontact : Shantaram Yadav -98203 58155 - Mount MarySteps, Bandra (w)________________________

Repairs: Washing Machine, GasStove, Microwave, Fridge, & A.C.CallRamesh -9892387330Bharat Service Centre, Pali Naka.


Pretty new baby frocks For 1year old- 100/- & working girlsdresses. Call: 30656246,30656243 ________________________

Back Rx Spine Care. Ideal forhousehold & office chair, carsetc. Ergonomicaly designed,reduces lower back pain, helpsmaintain blood circulation,Removal cover for easy clean-ing, or use wet clothes to wipethe surface of products.con-tact 9820793616


Vernon Duarte - 99207 67522- Sale of old Indian & ForeignStamps & Coins.


Knitting Crochet EmbroideryDressmaking Courses -9820451695


Global Travel Solutions pro-vides solutions for PassportDocumentation & PAN Card -Bus Booking for Goa, Manga-lore, Gujarat, Baroda etc.Air Tickets - Domestic & In-ternational. Contact: Narayan -99207 90344


BEST PRICE for Used CarsSpot Finalization, AnyMake / Model / Registration /Condition. Contact: Zuber -9820030777. SMS imore1209910 to 5667755


BABLU - 93208 82433 - S.V.Road, Khar, Near Masjid, OppBeauty Center.


1st Death Anniversary Mass-Rose Pimenta Born: 20th Jan1912 Died: 27th Feb 2011. Wifeof Late Joseph Pimenta 30,Pali Village, Bandra (West)Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her, OLord. And may perpetual lightshine upon her. May her soulrest in peace. Amen.Mass at St. Theresa'a Church,Bandra on 27th Feb 2012 at7pm. A Tribute from her Children,Grand Children & Great GrandChildren.

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Page 14: Vol. III Issue 2 EVENTSFebruary 201214

Aashirwad Krida Mandal (estd1941) organised their 15th un-derarm box cricket tournament

at Rizvi Chambers 2, Jain Mandir rd.There were 40 entries from all over

Mumbai, out of which only 24 teamscould make it to the main draw, for this(8 a side) and (4 over) under armcricket match which was a day andnight affair. There were teams fromBandra, Chimbai, Khar, Santacruz andmany more.

The above underarm box cricketmatch was Keenly contested and wasfiercly played and finally Group boys A)bagged the first prize of Rs 2000/- andan attractive trophy. Captain Danish

Shaikh collected the Trophy on behalfof his team. Captain Noheed (baba)collected the runners up Trophy andcash prize of Rs 1500/- on behalf of histeam Group boys B).The Best bats-man's trophy was won by Mr. Fahim N.Ahmed, best fielders trophy went toAmir Shaikh and Vilas Khandekar wasjudged the best bowler of the Tourna-ment.

The above underarm box cricket wasorganised by Mr.Babloo Dalvi, Man-glesh Mahapersekar, Saurabh Kubdeand Rohit Gawli on behalf of theAashirwad Kroda Mandal, Bandra (W)

Sir Minaz

Aashirwad Krida Mandal organisesBox Cricket Tournament

Players playing underarm box Tournament

Upcoming Events9th February 2012Bonobo Mad Men presents WANTED YESTERDAY (Live)Time: 09:00 pm onwardsVenue: Bonobo - Bar.Love.Food, Kenilworth Mall Phase 2, 2nd Floor, Off Linking Road,Bandra (W) ....................................................................................................................................

11th February 2012Musical RenaissanceTime: 7:00 pmVenue: Rang Sharda, Near Lilavati Hospital,Bandra (W)

Mahindra Blues Festival 2012Time: 7:00pmVenue: Mehboob Studio...................................................................................................................................

13th February 2012Celebrate Your LifeTime: 8:30 amVenue: Taj Land's End Bandstand

Art of Living Part 1 courseTime: 6:30 pmVenue: Pali Hill, Bandra (W)Contact: 9833563187

English Crash Course for SSC and HSC studentsTime: 3:00 pmVenue: Near Hill Road, Bandra (W)Contact: 9820285318...................................................................................................................................

18th February 2012FIFA 12 Tournment Time: 12:00 amVenue: 603 The Gaming Cafe, Makhija Arcade, 35th Road, Bandra (W)Contact: 9820459945

One Day Self makeup course from LilacTime: 11:00 amVenue: 8b Rozada Villa,Bazaar Cross Road,Bandra (W) Contact: 8680952400...................................................................................................................................

19th February 2012Big WondersTime: 5:00 pmVenue: Manik Hall, Bandra Reclamation, Near Lilavati Hospital, K C Marg, Bandra (W)

20th February 2012Together - Nlmi's Family Conference 2012Time: 9:00 amVenue: IES Auditorium, Bandra (W)...................................................................................................................................

Crazy About AerobicsTime: 9.30 – 10.30 amVenue: St. Joseph Convent (Primary Section), Off Hill Road, Bandra (W)Contact: 9821404569

LIST YOUR EVENT FOR FREE E-mail details (date, time, location, contact) to: [email protected]

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Page 15: Vol. III Issue 2

It's time to introduce this lovely andcolourful gentle giant name 'Zac' thepretty looking blue gold macaw.

They are not only colourful, but alsointelligent. These birds originate fromSouth America and have a life span of75 years. They thrive on fruits, vegeta-bles and a pelleted diet.

'Zac' is loving, friendly and an excel-lent stress buster. He talks up a stormand is an adorable angel. I have him forover two years at my residence near PaliNaka. 'Zac' is like family to us.

Ismail Merchant

Birds in Bandra

The time had come but yes therewas no room! I, Pigeon Koo,spread my wings, and soared.

The concrete jungle stretched as far asmy beady orange eye could see. Thebuilders took Amitabh Bacchan’s ad se-riously. If you use Binani Cement youcan build higher than ever, and it willnot break.

I took a cue from Mary and Joseph.Search and you will find! Yet, I found noplace which would give me peace andtranquility for about a month. But I amno quitter.

The calm sea beckoned. I circledalong Bandstand in Bandra. I peered at‘Mannat’ and coo-ed at Shahrukh; Isoon reached ‘Galaxy’ and glared at thefans shouting to get a glimpse ofSalman. Further I scoured the new four-storied cottage of Sachin Tendulkar; Hehad insured it for a crore. Naturally, se-curity would be too vigilant there.

Was there no vacant niche at all? Al-most every apperture was barricadedwith an air-conditioner, those modernboxes which make it cold on the inside,and spew a disgusting hot air outside. Icoo-ed but nobody took up my cause.

I could tarry no longer. It was waypast my time. I did not need the Taj northe Seven Hills Hospital. After all, the‘King of Kings’ was born in a humblestable. I thought of Him and He helpedme.

Suddenly I spied a window ledge in asimple building at Pereira Road. Thesliding window happened to be slightlyopen. I tiptoed in, (If that is possible, fora pigeon). The tiny space was untidyand dusty. My prayers were answered. Ihad found my room!

We, pigeons in any case build practicalnests from sticks and debris which weplace on trees, ledges or even on barren

sand. I hastily assembled a nest and wasnot too posh to push myself. With greatdifficulty I laid my first egg: a little whiteone – and it looked so unbelievablycute!!! I was exhausted and thirsty. ThenI laid my second adorable little one!After that, I sat with patience to hatchmy proud production. Now three weekshave flown, and I hope all is well. Saidthe great actor, in the Three Idiots, “Yousay ‘all is well’ ”, and it happens. Thenwhy is nothing happening?

I wish we pigeons too had some ex-pert gynaec to tell us what’s going on. Itwould be best for us, pigeons and for hu-mans as well. Our race served with dis-tinction during World War I & II and 34of my ancestors were decorated with theDicken’s medal. Or, now, lovers canwing love notes to each other throughour Romance Services.

This is the third week I am spreadingmy warmth, love and concern over mytwo cute ones. When? When? How long?

About three weeks later or so one littlewhite egg burst open and who do youthink shook out? One cute little wonder– a helpless black ball, sprinkled withyellow and a sharp beak! After I staredand admired the little fellow, I got busythinking about food!

Getting in and out of the window sillrequires dextrous piloting skills forwhich I’m not trained. I’m sending adesperate appeal to Bibhas Amonkar,the president of AshwamedhPratishthan, “Help! Help! Help!” And toAdesh Shivkar, Quick! Quick! Save mychick! Meanwhile my little one is grow-ing strong and sinewy! How to take himon his first flight? Outside is a sheer drop- and inside are two nasty dogs, waitingto snap! As if they’ve never had a morselin their life! Coo-coo!

Oreen Mendez


Sketch: Erma Frank

Netas are often heard playing to thegallery at political campaigns, that theywould transform Mumbai into Shang-hai or any other world-class city. But itseems the cart is before the horse anddictating terms too…! Have you won-dered why Mumbai still remains theSlumbay of India?

One cannot blame the Governmentor the local administration, the BMCfor not trying. After regular ‘studytours’ abroad at government expense -with a large entourage, they return withfresh ideas and Mumbaikars are held toransom, while the foot soldiers of theadministration go at the city with ham-mer and tongs, performing plastic sur-gery, Botox doses , face-lifting, graftingand implanting in the form of sky-walks, fly-overs, pavements and roads.Why then is the city still lagging behindother glitzy high-class cities of theworld?

So, take a look at the beautiful fund-guzzling new creations. Look, listen,lament, for it is the taxes you paid thatwent down this drain……..Look at theshiny new sky-walks and fly-overs, rooffor the homeless and hungry. The poorof the surrounding countryside migrateto the big bad city with stars in theireyes and hope in their hearts - to findtheir little niche under zooming carssurrounded by poisonous fumes. Arethe unused sky-walks waiting to greettheir new occupants, the hawkers andthe homeless in the absence of pedes-trians who are merrily jaywalking onthe ground? The arteries are as chokedas before these monstrosities were con-structed. Till these white elephantsabove become museum pieces, theroads will still continue to be choked.Ask any traffic cop….

The roads which are a disgrace toany Metropolitan city have been thevictims of administrational avarice.After a prolonged hue and cry, thecraters on roads had ceased to betourist attractions and needed to beeliminated deftly. So they have been re-surfaced with ‘paver-blocks’ at junc-tions that see heavy traffic. But thetrouble is the amateur aliens roped into lay the blocks have never seen a roadback home, leave alone a paver block!So the dips and the pits are still slowing

the flashy SUVs and creating worsetraffic jams while the loose blocks serveas wickets for the street cricket team!Ask any motorist……

How can a world-class city be indif-ferent to the needs of its people, thepedestrians? So the pavements too havebeen subjected to the same treatmentof paving with blocks, while the en-croachers waited in the wings to takeover their new habitat with their cook-ing stoves to churn out mounds of ‘pav-baji’ and ‘vada-pav’ for the hungrynewcomers to the city. It is also an opensecret that under the benign patronageof our respected representatives, awhole new set of pavements have beenhijacked into hair-cutting saloons,gadget repair shops, paan-bidi shops,leaving little or no room for the pedes-trians defeating the very purpose ofbuilding those pavements at such phe-nomenal costs! Ask any pedestrian……

Road names in Bandra have changed- Hill road has become Hell Road.Thirty second road is now known ashawking road that sends shivers downthe spine of motorists and pedestriansalike! Roads without pavements..?

The fresh new ideas have left nostone unearthed or no road undug…….in an effort to make Mumbai intoShanghai. But what do the harassedmotorist and the poor pedestrian to-gether with thousands of tax-payersthink of all these fresh new ideas of ourpoliticians? Mumbaikars say that theirpriorities of good roads, clean water, ef-ficient dry waste collection, clearedpavements, open spaces and an end toillegal hawking have been totally over-looked by those in power.

Elections to the BMC are scheduledto be held on February 16th - and thetime has come to take the reigns intoyour hands and implement certainchanges. Set your tracking device inplace, searching for the candidates withgood track records of public service andqualities of honesty and integrity. SoBandraites, assistance to meet andknow your candidate will be given toyou by your very own NGOs. Please,VOTE without fail - keeping in mindthat the time to regret later is for thenext five long years!

Vera Alvares

Does Mumbai Matter to you?

February 2012NEWS 15

Page 16: Vol. III Issue 2 ADVTFebruary 201216

Page 17: Vol. III Issue 2

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