Page 1: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:

No. 21 468— 8 OctOber—307572—1






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Notice Page

Administration and Probate ............................... 1544

Crown Lands ...................................................... 1546

Land Acquisition ................................................ 1547

Living Marine Resources ................................... 1545

Mental Heath ...................................................... 1546

Notices to Creditors ........................................... 1543

Tasmanian State Service Notices ...................... 1551

MARJORIE MAVIS KEELEY late of Eliza Purton Nursing Home Ulverstone in Tasmania retired law clerk and widowed deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Marjorie Mavis Keeley who died on the eleventh day of July 2014 are required by the Executor Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited of Level 2/137 Harrington Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Company by the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.

MIKALA DAVIES, Trust Administrator.

BETH LYNETTE LUCKHURST late of 2268 Frankford Highway Frankford in Tasmania farmer/nurse/home duties and married deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Beth Lynette Luckhurst who died on the twenty-sixth day of June 2014 are required by the Executor Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited of Level 2/137 Harrington Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Company by the 8th November 2014 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.

REBECCA SMITH, Trust Administrator.

MAVIS PEGGY TEESDALE late of Sandhill Nursing Home South Launceston in Tasmania home duties and widowed deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Mavis Peggy Teesdale who died on the seventeenth day of July 2014 are required by the Executor Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited of Level 2/137 Harrington Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Company by the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.

KAY PHILPOTT, Trust Administrator Assistant

Notices to Creditors

Page 2: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:


MARISE LYN HERON late of 8/5-7 Aldridge Court Austins Ferry in Tasmania postal worker/receptionist and Ddivorced deceased.:Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Marise Lyn Heron who died on the twenty-fourth day of May 2014 are required by the Executor Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited of Level 2/137 Harrington Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Company by the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.JOHN ROBINSON, Trust Administrator.

ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Alan Stanton White who died on the fifth day of June 2014 are required by the Executors Margot Roslyn White and Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited of Level 2/137 Harrington Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Company by the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Executors may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.JOHN ROBINSON, Trust Administrator.

DAPHNE GRACE HOWELLS late of Corumbene Nursing Home Lower Road New Norfolk in Tasmania retired shop keeper widow deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Daphne Grace Howells who died on the seventh day of July 2014 are required by the Executor Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited of Level 2/137 Harrington Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Company by the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.LAURA ALLEN, Trust Administrator.

LYNETTE JOY SMITH late of 14 Fisher Drive Herdsmans Cove in Tasmania divorced who died on the eighteenth day of April 2014: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property of the abovenamed deceased are required by the Executors Mr Trent Stephen Smith and Ms Cheynee Pullen care of Blissenden Lawyers of 120 Main Road Moonah in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Executor on or before the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Administrators may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which the Executor then have notice.

Dated this eighth day of October, 2014.BLISSENDEN LAWYERS, Solicitors for the Estate

ARTHUR GEORGE CLARIDGE farmer deceased who died on the twenty-third day of February 2014 late of Aldersgate Nursing Home Newnham in Tasmania: As executors Wendy Joy Claridge and Ian Robert Wright c/- of Douglas and Collins 9-13 George Street Launceston in Tasmania respectively under section 54 of the Administration and Probate Act 1935 require that any person who has a claim against the Estate of the Testator lodge written details of their claim with the Registrar

of the Supreme Court at Salamanca Place Hobart in Tasmania or with Douglas & Collins Lawyers legal practitioners of the Estate 9-13 George Street, Launceston in Tasmania 2750 on or before the tenth day of November 2014 after which date the executors pursuant to section 55 of the Administration and Probate Act 1935 are at liberty to pay and distribute the assets of the Testator dealing then only with the claims of which they and the Registrar have notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.

DOUGLAS & COLLINS LAWYERS, Solicitors for the Estate.

GRAHAM JOHN JOYCE late of 2 Sunny View Avenue Swansea in Tasmania single deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the abovenamed deceased who died on the second day of May 2014 are required by the Executor Nigel Rutherford Henry to send particulars of their claim to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania GPO Box 167 Hobart 7001 by the eighth day of November 2014 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they have notice.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.



Notice of Intention to Apply for Letters of Administration

NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that Letters of Administration of the Estate of camerOn James Orr late of 219 Glengarry Road Glengarry in Tasmania deceased single man carer who died between the thirty-first day of July 2014 and the second day of August 2014 intestate may be granted to Murray James Orr divorced man builder of 219 Glengarry Road Glengarry in Tasmania the lawful father of the said deceased.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.

BISHOPS, Solicitors for the Applicants.


Notice of Intention to Apply for Letters of Administration (with the Will Annexed)

NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed) of the Estate of margaret emily Hawkins late of 248 Geilston Bay Road Geilston Bay in Tasmania home duties married deceased may be granted to Alexandra Louie Harris of 22 Vigar Court Orielton in Tasmania registered nurse married and Justine Margaret Bantli of 27 Princes Street Tarramurra in New South Wales home duties married and Robert John Badenach of 10 Victoria Street Hobart in Tasmania solicitor married being the executors named in the Will.

Dated the first day of October, 2014.

MURDOCH CLARKE, Solicitors for the Applicant.

Administration and Probate

Page 3: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:



Notice of Intention to apply for Letters of Administration

NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication of this notice application will be made to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that Letters of Administration of the Estate of antOnin JOHn rudOlf HOlan late of 225 Wallarah Road Kanwal in New South Wales draftsman deceased intestate may be granted to Jessica Rose Holan of 237 Channel Highway Taroona in Tasmania PhD student daughter of the said deceased.

Dated this eighth day of October 2014.

ABETZ CURTIS, Solicitors for the Estate.


I MAKE the following order under section 48A(1) of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995.Dated: this 24th day of September 2014JEREMY ROCKLIFF MP, Minister for Primary Industries and Water1. Short titleThis order may be cited as the Fisheries (Change to Abalone Management Plan) Order 2014.2. CommencementThis order takes effect on the day on which it is published in the Gazette.3. Change to Abalone Management PlanRule 50(9) of the Fisheries (Abalone) Rules 2009 is amended by omitting paragraph (a) and substituting the following paragraph:

(a) before the end of the quota period in which the abalone were taken, provide the Secretary with such information as the Secretary may require in order for additional quota units to be specified on the fishing licence (abalone dive) against which all or part of the excess abalone is to be reconciled; or

(Explanatory note)This order changes the management plan for the abalone fishery by providing for the holder of a fishing licence (abalone dive) to reconcile excess abalone against additional quota units at any time during the quota period in which the abalone were taken.



nOtificatiOn Of cHange tO management Plan fOr tHe tasmanian abalOne fisHery

I, ROBERT GOTT, A/General Manager (Water and Marine Resources), Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, under section 48A(2) of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 (the Act) and pursuant to the delegated authority of the Secretary under section 20(2) of that Act hereby give notice that:

1.The management plan for the Tasmanian abalone fishery has been changed pursuant to section 48A(1) of the Act.

2. The change is as follows:

Rule 50(9) of the Fisheries (Abalone) Rules 2009 is amended by omitting paragraph (a) and substituting the following paragraph:

(a) before the end of the quota period in which the abalone were taken, provide the Secretary with such information as the Secretary may require in order for additional quota units to be specified on the fishing licence (abalone dive) against which all or part of the excess abalone is to be reconciled; or

(Explanatory note)

This order changes the management plan for the abalone fishery by providing for the holder of a fishing licence (abalone dive) to reconcile excess abalone against additional quota units at any time during the quota period in which the abalone were taken.

Dated this 29th day of September 2014

Robert Gott A/GENERAL MANAGER WATER AND MARINE RESOURCESFor further information please contact Wild Fisheries on (03) 6165 3033.


Section 57


nOtificatiOn Of alteratiOn Of management Plan fOr tHe tasmanian cOmmercial dive fisHery

I, ROBERT GOTT, A/General Manager, Water and Marine Resources, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, in accordance with section 57 of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 and pursuant to my delegated authority of the Secretary under section 20(2) of that Act, hereby notify that:

a) as a result of a review the Minister for Primary Industries and Water has accepted recommendations to alter the management plan for the Tasmanian Commercial Dive Fishery being the Fisheries (Commercial Dive) Rules 2011;

b) the alterations approved amend the Fisheries (Commercial Dive) Rules 2011 by:

• removing certain restrictions relating to the holding of a fishing licence (commercial dive); and

• providing that the holder of a fishing licence (commercial dive) endorsed for the use of a fish cauf may place fish taken under the authority of another fishing licence (commercial dive) in his or her cauf in certain circumstances.

c) the alterations take effect on 1st of October 2014.

Dated this 29th day of September 2014

Robert Gott A/GENERAL MANAGER WATER AND MARINE RESOURCESFor further information please contact Wild Fisheries on (03) 6165 3028.

Living Marine Resources

Page 4: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:



NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with section 139 of the Mental Health Act 2013, the undermentioned person has been approved as a mental health officer for provisions of the Mental Health Act 2013 within the Chief Civil Psychiatrist and Chief Forensic Psychiatrist’s jurisdictions for a period of five years commencing on the 26th day of September 2014.


Dated the 26th day of September 2014.

DR LEONARD GEORGE JOHN LAMBETH, Chief Civil Psychiatrist/Chief Forensic Psychiatrist.


NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with section 139 of the Mental Health Act 2013, the undermentioned person has been approved as a mental health officer for provisions of the Mental Health Act 2013 within the Chief Civil Psychiatrist and Chief Forensic Psychiatrist’s jurisdictions for a period of five years commencing on the 26th day of September 2014.


Dated the 26th day of September 2014.

DR LEONARD GEORGE JOHN LAMBETH, Chief Civil Psychiatrist/Chief Forensic Psychiatrist.


NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with section 139 of the Mental Health Act 2013, the undermentioned person has been approved as a mental health officer for provisions of the Mental Health Act 2013 within the Chief Civil Psychiatrist and Chief Forensic Psychiatrist’s jurisdictions for a period of five years commencing on the 26th day of September 2014.


Dated the 26th day of September 2014.

DR LEONARD GEORGE JOHN LAMBETH, Chief Civil Psychiatrist/Chief Forensic Psychiatrist.


I, MATTHEW GUY GROOM being and as the Minister administering the Crown Lands Act 1976 (Tas) hereby give notice that in accordance with Section 37 of the Crown Lands Act 1976, the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto which forms part of the land leased by the Flinders Council under an indenture of lease dated 14 January 1948 made between the HOnOurable eric elliOtt reece the then Commissioner of Crown Lands and the Warden Councillors and Electors of the Municipality of Flinders (“Lease”) is required for the purposes of staff accommodation for the Department of Health and Human Services for the delivery of health services for Flinders Island and that this is a purpose considered desirable in the public interest. The Lease will be taken to have been partially cancelled in so far as it concerns the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto upon that date being three (3) months after the date of the publication of this notice in the Tasmanian Government Gazette so that the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto can be made available for the said staff accommodation purposes.


All that 868 m² of Crown land at 6 James Street Whitemark on Flinders Island as comprised in Folio of the Register Volume 168286 Folio 1 registered in the office of the Recorder of Titles, Hobart.

Dated this first day of October 2014.PETER JERALD MOONEY being and as the Deputy Secretary for Parks on behalf of the Minister administering the Crown Lands Act 1976 (Tas).

Crown LandsMental Health

Page 5: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:


Land Acquisition


nOtice tO treat

(Section 11)

To: Public Trustee for the State of Tasmania on behalf of the Estate of William Jamieson

By: Burnie City Council Burnie Tas 7320

THE Burnie City Council being and as the Council exercising jurisdiction in the locality of the land described in the Schedule hereto, and being and as an acquiring authority for the purpose of the Land Acquisition Act 1993 (the Act), hereby gives you Notice under Section 11 of the Act that Burnie City Council needs to acquire the land described in the schedule hereto for the authorised purpose of the extension to public land namely the extension to the Burnie Regional Art Gallery.

The Burnie City Council is prepared to negotiate for the purchase of the estate in the land and draw to your attention that if an agreement for the purchase is not reached within 30 days of service of this Notice, Burnie City Council is authorised to take the land compulsorily in which case there is an entitlement to compensation, in accordance with the Act.

The Act also requires Burnie City Council to warn you that having received this Notice you must not without the consent of Burnie City Council carry out any work on or do any other act or thing in relation to the subject and that will materially vary the nature or value of the land.

Dated this 26th day of August 2014.

For and on behalf of Burnie City Council by its General Manager, ANDREW WARDLAW, 90 Wilson Street, Burnie.


All that part of the land contained in Folio of the Register Volume 37617 Folio 3 shown on the attached plan as (1a) being an area of 232m2 and located within the municipal area of Burnie. The acquisition leaves a balance of 8540m2.

Page 6: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:



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Page 8: VOL. CCCXXIII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING … · ALAN STANTON WHITE late of 22 Box Hill Road Claremont in Tasmania retired marine board officer/manager and married deceased:


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Printed by Mercury Walch Pty Ltd under authority of the Government of the State of Tasmania.

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