
Tithes & OfferingsGiving Budget for the 2015 year $247,127Budget Giving needed to last Sunday $171,088Budget Giving received to last Sunday $164,187Amount short to date $ 6,900

IMPORTANT NOTICEThe insurance company insuring the church, requires that the church have

on file, a criminal records check for all persons in staff and volunteer

positions. This means that if you are in an elected or appointed position, you

will need to provide the church with a copy of a recent criminal records

check. The copies will be kept on file in a secure place at the church. Our

file of records checks needs to be completed as soon as possible. So, if this

applies to you and you have not yet made application for a records check,

please see Len A. in the foyer after the service to get your copy of the letter

and an application form.

Drivers for Seniors Pick Up Return

September 13 Len A. Merv D.September 20 Len A. Merv D.

Thought for the weekA person will worship something, have no doubt about that.

That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determineour lives, and our character. Therefore it behooves us to be carefulwhat we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.

[Ralph W. Emerson]

This week at MRMC Tuesday 7:15 pm Church Council meetingWednesday 10:00 am Bethany Manor Bible Study Romans 1:18-32Saturday Multi-purpose room set up for MRMC Day in

the Park 5-7 pm JRAM worship band practice

Sunday 9:00 am Fellowship in the foyer9:30 am Sunday School for all ages

10:45 am Worship Service11:30 am MRMC Day in the Park 1:00 pm Jesus Rock of Ages Ministry Worship 5:00 pm Hispanic Worship

Welcome to Mount Royal Mennonite Church Learning to live - through relationships with Jesus,

our neighbours and each otherSunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m.

Vol. 52 September 13, 2015 No. 37

To Serve the World



Discipline of silence

We Gather to Praise

Call to worship

Gathering songs Halle, halle, hallelujah! StJ #17

God of the Bible StJ #27


Story for all ages Val R.

We Gather to Listen

We sing I know not why God’s wondrous HWB #338


Sermon Garth E. F.

Hymn of response Lord, you have come to the lakeshore HWB #229

We Scatter to Serve

Peace Lamp

Sharing of joys & concerns

Prayers of the people

Sending song The Lord lift you up StJ #73

Sending words Leader: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

All: Thanks be to God!

Today’ ServiceGreeter: Evelyn S. Worship Leader: Elmer R.

Songleader: Rita H. Pianist: Eileen K.

Ushers: John K., Roy W., Dave W., Ron W.

MRMC Photo DirectoryWe will be doing a complete re-do of the photodirectory this fall as we no longer have copies

of many of the pages from the current directoryand many pages have incorrect information. Please see your mailbox or the table in thefoyer for information forms and submit theform with your pictures to the office or see

Marianne to have a new one taken. We wantpictures of EVERYONE at MRMC!

Joys & ConcernsC Pray for: Irene & Jake W., Menno & Marg W., Helen B., Katie & Jake

B., Elinor E., Elizabeth F., Helen F., Maureen G., Nettie & Roy W.C Families of the week: Jerry & Kara B., Dennis & Tabitha P., Myrna S.C Congratulations to Zac S. and Aleta M. on their engagement! Ron & Sue

S. are thrilled that she will be joining the family.C Mennonite Church Canada helps to support the church in Cuba through

close partnerships and leadership development seminars presented byHippolyto Tshimanga (Director, Latin America Ministry) and Tom Roes.Pray for the growing church in Cuba and those who walk with them asnew pastors are sent to new locations to strengthen and build up ruralcongregations. (MC Canada)

C As a new school year begins, please pray that CMU’s students andprofessors would be graced with wisdom and understanding in their studyand teaching (CMU)

C Give thanks that the Aamjiwnaang First Nation is speaking out about thedamage that “Chemical Valley” in the Sarnia area is doing to its nation aswell as to the other living creatures. Christian Peacemaker Teams recentlyparticipated in a “Toxic Tour” as an act of solidarity with theAamjiwnaang people. Like ninety other First Nations in Canada,including Grassy Narrows, Aamjiwnaang First Nation is unable to drinkthe water on its land. (CPT)

The Sunday School Projectfor September and October:

Isaiah's Baby Home in Bulawayo Zimbabwe. The home a local MCC partner, cares for

abandoned or orphaned babies and childrenwho are referred to them by government social

services. The home has space for approximately20 children, most are under five years old.

MRMC Coming Events & Notesplease see bulletin board for posters with more details

1. Today - Appreciation potluck for Ron S. - Work schedule is: A-F prep& keep serving tables full; G-R clear & put away tables & chairs, mopfloor; S-Z wash dishes.

2. Sept 20 11:30 am - 3 pm MRMC's Day in the Park. Free BBQ,balloons and bouncy castles. We will be fundraising for WestmountCommunity School. We will be hosting our neighbours from the MountRoyal area, as well as the kids from Westmount and Saint Ed's School,and anyone else who wants to attend. We will need lots of volunteers before during and after the festivities.Volunteer sign-up sheets are in the foyer. Please come out and meet theneighbours!

3. Council has approved a request from Sasktel to install a wifi hotspot atthe church. What this means is that if you are a Sasktel 4G or 4G LTEcustomer your phone will automatically connect to the wifi hotspot,instead of using data services on your wireless plan, when you are at thechurch. This service is free to Sasktel customers and is no cost to thechurch. The install is scheduled for Friday, September 18.

Small Group InformationI have received the following listing for resources from Arlyn Friesen Epp from

MC Canada:

C 1. “Good God Theatre” – Old Testament

C 2. New Testament -

C 3. “Modern Parables” – a series that looks at a number of Jesus’ parables in

a contemporary format. Though it’s suggested that 2 weeks be given to

each parable, I think it would still work for persons who are sporadically

present -

C 4. “Dig In” – 13 key scripture texts; 1/lesson. From MennoMedia -

C 5 “Animate Bible” – 7 different speakers each take one session to stimulate

conversations about the Bible, how it came to be, etc.

C 6. “Living the Questions” – multiple sessions on many different

faith-related topics, independent of each other -

C 7. “With the Word” – a study/devotional for individuals and groups from

MennoMedia -

C 8. To see other Bible studies, check

Check out upcoming bulletins for updates on Small Groups / Care Groups.

Please talk to Trevor S. if you would like to join a group or if your group is

looking to have new people join!

Please continue to pray for this ministry.

Trevor S.

Conference & Community Eventsplease see bulletin board for posters with more details

a. Sept 13 2:30 pm RJC Opening Program in the RJC gymnasium. We would

be delighted to have you join us as we gather to give thanks and ask God's

blessings for the new school year.

b. Sept 25-27 (Not just a) Quilting & Scrapbooking Retreat at Shekinah

Strengthen your spirit, celebrate life and enjoy your favourite pastime in the

company of other women. Instruction will be offered in quilting and

scrapbooking, but those with other creative pastimes are also welcome.

c. Sept 27 3:30 pm You are invited to the installation service of Ryan Siemens

as Mennonite Church Saskatchewan Area Church Minister- Congregational &

Pastoral Relations at Grace Mennonite Church in Prince Albert. Fellowship

lunch will follow the service.

d. Sept 27 2:30 pm RJC Fall Concert presented by the Rosthern Junior College

Choir and Saskatoon Youth Orchestra at RJC. The concert will reflect the work

done by both groups during their weekend workshop on campus. Hear each

group perform their own pieces, and combine for a couple of songs together.

RJC and the SYO have cooperated for their fall workshop for close to 20 years!

Admission is by donation.

e. Oct 1-3 Restorative Justice: Building a Culture of Hope: We are all Related

conference and public lectures. Join us as we explore restorative justice and the

culture of hope among affected individuals and communities. For details see the

poster or go to

f. Oct 2-4 Sing with the Spirit is a weekend music workshop for the

congregational voice with Marilyn Houser Hamm hosted by Nutana Park

Mennonite. See the bulletin board for details and registration forms. Open to

anyone with an interest in congregational singing.

g. Oct 2 & 3 RJC Alumni Weekend Volleyball and Soccer (Saturday only - meet

in Rehearsal Hall at 10:00 and bring a white and dark t-shirt). Come join in the

fun as a participant or a spectator! A delicious lunch sponsored by Alumni will

be served between 11:00 and 1:00 in the Rehearsal Hall. Email Denelda at

[email protected] to register for volleyball by Sept. 28 or forth

information. Alumni & Friends welcome!

h. Oct 2-4 Jr. High Retreat Walking with God: Around the World. A great

opportunity for youth in grades 6-9 to meet at the Youth Farm Bible Camp and

enjoy favourites like the corn maze and new activities like the Ride for Refuge,

all with a special Mennonite World Conference twist as we look back and share

about the MWC 2015 Assembly. Deadline to register is Sept. 25, contact your

church office for the registration form, or Kirsten Hamm-Epp at 306-249-4844,

[email protected]. Hope to see you there!

i. October 16-17 Sask Women In Mission annual retreat at Shekinah.

“Igniting Our Creativity: Looking Back, Moving Forward.” Mel Harms,

Pauline Steinmann & Sharon Schultz will lead us. ALL women invited. A poster

and registration forms are on the bulletin board.

j. Oct 23-25 Peace it Together Conference: CMU will be hosting a national

youth conference on the theme A Meeting Place: Hearing God in Indigenous

Voices. Speakers include Sue Eagle, Vincent Solomon, Christy Anderson and

Steve Heinrichs. more information call 1-204-487-3300 or email

[email protected]. To register go to

k. Oct 30 6:30 pm Mennonite Disaster Service SK is holding an Awareness and

Fundraising Supper at West Portal MB Church, Saskatoon, SK. Call

306-342-4344 by Oct. 13 to reserve your

l. MCC Connects: MCC invites anyone who is interested in learning more about

the current refugee situation and refugee sponsorship to an information evening

at the MCC Centre, Saskatoon. Please join us on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 7:30pm.nd

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