Page 1: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

F orV icfoi^'•''I-


A Refional Newspaper Serving Nine Irrigated Idaho Counllea

WAR BULLETJN,8T 0C IU 10L M . Btorcb 1« (iuO -K »<

tU n p a n e b a to troops tu rn rertlfled poa iuon i beh lsd Ihe O em uA

- Unea on th e S raeten ik f n n l . th e M et- cow eorrevpondetit of the D a(<m N>h«tcr repo rted tod«r.


2 Bombers Crash Near Pendleton, Boise; 16 Killed

PENDLETON, Ore., March 16 (U.R)— T^vo flying fortress arm y bombers from th e nir base here crashed w ithin a half- hour today. killinR five officers and 11 enlisted men, Col. F rank W. W right, commanainfToffrdcr. annourtccd.

One o f thQ huRC four-Tnotorcd c r a f t c ru sh ed 20 miles n o r th e a s t o f h e r e ; th e o th e rth ree miles southw est of Boise.

O ne Cl tile loiiK-rnnsc CoelnR fillips strucic about 0:30 n. he re , e a rn 'ln s U 'ree oIHcers and licvcn m en to deatli. In Uic Dowc criwh. n!)oul 1 0 a. m.. two officer! and four en lb tcd m en died ' "Due 1 0 rem ow nesa ot U\c croalicii ft n (1 clreuHwt4UJCc3 ju rroundlng tfiem. ftJJ de tails are n o t j e t JcnonTi,' Colonel W righ t said.

T lie caaualiy lis t w u no t Immed' lately announced, iind Colonel W right indicated It would bo some

- tim e before i t could be completed.T im e of tlie Bolao criuh appeareO

to conflict wlUi a stnU n ien t glveit In th e Idaho city U ta t ttie ah lp h a d n o t been heard from since It signaled for n landing a t 3:15 b. m .. which would leave a lm w t an e igh t hour gap before the cra&li.

SearchhiK p lanes iiad been sen t ou t from Gowen field In Boise and from the Pendleton boie to .icar9li fo r the mlMlng c ra ft, and binding of th e wreckage w as announced al' m ost sljnultaneoualy.

Govern HcU ottSccrs hud brought the f irs t repo rt o f th e Idaho emsh.


W ASH m O TO N . M arch 16 W — N ational ’uJecU ve, service offlclaU accom panied by f ir s t World w # r vet- e n i p w ent to Philadelph ia to<lAy to t^ D S b td c to the cap ita l « h istoric

BoldXUh- 6owl whielt w ilt bold th e num bers toiDorrow n lg b t In the luUoD'a f i r s t wM->tUna dra it-lo ttery tn3«^e& r« . .

used tawing th o firs t

w ith 7.000 num bers. Tlieso wlU be draw n ulngly to determ ine th e o r­d e r of liability for m ilitary service

.o f some 0,000,000 m en wlio reg is ter. e<l under th e selective w rvlce ac t la st Feb. 10. T he bowl will b e ,re ­tu rned to Idependencc Imll a t Phila­de lph ia W ednesday.

Enclosed In green copsules. the num bers will f irs t be churned In n m echanical mixer. TTien Uiey will be dum ped In to Uje bowl and promptly a t 4 p. m.. m ounta in war tim e. Sec­re ta ry o t W ar Stlm son will d raw the flm t num ber. T he drawing will con- tlnuo until the cnpiule U re-

jn o \T d ,Tile m en whoie num bers will be

(Irnn-n tomorrow a re between 30 and Inclusive, who had no t rcgLi-

tc red In ’th e two prevlou.i llstlnK^. Each ha .1 been given a num ber by hla local d ra f t board and those hold ing the num ber draw n by S e c re U o ' Stlm son will be th e first called to th e colors. unltM deferred.

F irs t Inductloti.i Into m ilitary ser­vice from th e new (jroui^ probably will be m ade In June .


To accommodate farm ers wli’o ore now ready to tu rn to all-ou t pro­duction of th e foods needed for all-

• o u t w ar producUon, Tw in Falls mer­c h an ts and grocers voted today for 0 p, m. closing on Saturday.

T lie 0 p. m , hou r will apply to . . ta ll establishm ents In the general downtown area, including food ntorcfi. It wa.1 agreed a t a meeting of th e M erchants' bureau thLi a t th e Roeerson h o ttl .

A S p. m . S a turday eloitng ha.i beeh In e ffec t In recen t m onth# for r e ta il atore.s except groceries, which have been closing a t 7 p. m.

Voy Hudson, chairm an o f th e bu.. reau . said Uie S a tu rd ay n ig h t ex.

tension will assist farmer*, w ho will be doing Increased w ar production under a scarcity o f fa rm labor.

The closing Ume will be In itiated Salurday . MarcJj a i , and wlU

, m ain in effect " u n til fu rther > tlce," announced M r. Hudson

A represenUUvo croaa-»ectlon of m erchanU and grocers a ttended tlie session todfy . - .

Idaho Farm Unit Supports Clark

POCATELLO. M arch 18 W V -H ic Id ah o Farm B ureau fedem U on to­day was on record as approving G overnor Clarii'a s ta n d on the e rac- un tlon of Japanese from Uie west coast to Idaho.

In a le tte r to th e governor, the organlzaU on asserted "all Japanese m ored Into Idaho should bo p u t to Work u n C tt mlUtary gua rd a n d sent *o Ja p an w hen the w ar is oTer."

I n a resolution Uie group took the *Lond th a t “we will cooperate 10 0 P«r cen t w ith the federal govern* jn c n t la eraeua tlng enemy alietii from the pacific c o a s t We a re wlll-

, in g to UM them as farm laborers u prOTldlng they are Icept constantly r tu ider m u itary guard." ,


Dy EV ERETT It. IIO L L tS W ASH IN G TON . M arch 16 <U.P.»- n A m erican flying fortrcM , «trlli-

Ing again a t Japni^e^.e-selzed nir ba.ies a t th e no rthern approachr.i to A ustralia, has blasted th e airdrome a t R abaul on New BrlU In blniid In th e D lsm nrck Archipclafio Ju.<t east of New G uinea, th e war d partm en t announced today.

I t wa. 1 th e tJilrd tim e wlUiln wpclc th a t U . S . heavy l>ombrr.i have struck a t th e encm y-lield alrdr around New G uinea and a t Japanese Invasion sh lpa In th e tJn lted NutionV battle to s te m th e N lppon»e Uirmt tow'ord AiLitralla.

T he lone flying on rc___nalssance p a tro l la st Friday , drop­ped "stv e ra l bopibs" on th e Onpan- ese-held V unkonau a irdrom e a t Ha- baul. dam aging runw ays and de­stroying a t least two enem y planes on th e ground , a w ar departm ent communique M id.

506 pU ne* Downed 'T h a t b ro tigh t to 900 th e number

of enem y a irc ra f t destroyed by U. a naval s a d a rm y olr forces in tJie P u l f lc - fa r e a s t w or tone.i. Including thoee sh o t d o r a by A m erican vol­un teer p llo ta In C hina, according to unom clal tabu lations.

L ost week th e w ar departm ent ported t h a t e ig h t heavy American boraben ra id e d Japanese slilpping in B alom tua h a rb o r , New G uinea, and dropped 18 to tu of bombs th a t left two Jap an ese sh ips slnklne, four ablaxe a o d one beached on thOTC.

t u i d A lrd rtm es..A .«M Bitlii0 ^ n««vc«» .F rld#y sold th a t five fiyliig fo r t re « e a raided Uie Japanese-held aird rom es a t 8a]a« m aua and I a o in Now Guinea, wrecking runw aj's and destroying “all buildings." Five Japanese fight. ;r planes were sh o t down.

Today’s com m unique, th e flnil by Uie arm y since Friday morning, told ol a conUnucd lu ll on B a tn a n pen in­sula and dliroughout the Philippine* where G en. Dougla .1 M acA rthur’s defenders a re aw aiting a Japanese

I-out a ttac k .Hope of sending aid to MacArUiur

lias been m ade more, remote by Ja p an ’s navo l victory In the Java ACA. mllllAry experU said.


W ASHINGTON. M arch 16 o n - every A m erican a d u lt, except for G enera l M acA rthur a n d h li men, had to file a federal Income tax re* turn by m id n ig h t ton igh t, m aking the day Uie g reo test tos-paylng date 111 A m erican hlstor>’.

A ltogether, about 22.000.000 in ­dividuals a n d thousands o f corpora- tions had to m eet th e deadline. Probably $1.000.000,OOCror mote will be taken a t revenue windows or mailed to collectors. T h e m onth '» coUecUons o l Income a n d exceu profits taxes ore expected to to ta l *3,150,000,00(V-whleh Is m ore .than twice as m uch as was ever collected before In a n y monUi.

Congress, a few days ago, nuhed through a law postponing retum a for M acA rthur a n d his m en. and nil other persons ab road w ith the a r ed forces o r on official duties, “beleaguered oi; de tained by t . . . enemy." T hese persons w on’t have to file unUl th ree monthi* a fte r the war is over o r unU l they return the U nited B U tes.

Japs’ Evacuation Orders Expected Along (3oast Soon

SAN FRANCISCO. M arch 16 (U.R) Orders fo r th e rem oval o f enemy aliens and A m erlcon-bom Japanese from tlie Pacific coast w ere an tici­pated shortly as th e w artim e civil- ion control a dm in istra tion complet­ed Its organlxAtlon today.

Offices w ere se t up a n d prepara­tions were u nder way to handle the e m u aU o n . w ith a m inim um ot con- f tulon and hordslilp .

B ranch jjff ices of Uie WCCA will be se t up In a ll *ectloi« from whlcn Japoneie , G erm an and I ta l ia n aliens win be removed. T he cvacuees >,111 be sen t f irs t K> reception centers In Owens valley and near B ly th on tlie Colorado river.


Audrey Bcrkenblle of Coldwell won th e p la u d its of her « « today.

She c a u g h t a porker In the CtJdwcll n^erchan ts ' a n n u a l hog »p»m ble S a tu rd ay , becoming the l i n t girl to accomplish th e fea t In th e th ree ye a rs th e an n u al af­fair* have been held .

Fifty Bombed to Death in Rail Car Shelter

llrscue worker* In Sorrabajs. Javi. d>E Into th e wreckace of a railway r a r In wblcli CO persons were kill- and 60 tn jo w d a» they io u c h l ih tl l« r dutln* a Ja p a ir rxW. I 'lc ta ro rafllota fcocn M elhoam o to UjnUon

a n d London (o New York.

Sales Levy Opposed By Treasury Chiefs

WASHINGTON, March 16 (/?).— Tlic tre a su ry d e p a r tm e n t CHtim atcd today t h a t a R cneral fiv e per cent re ta i l sales-tax w ith no ex em p tio n s would yield .$5,018,000,000 in new reve­n ue , b u t re n e w e d its o b jec tio n s lo thiiL typo of levy. *

A sales levy ha.s been sugKwtecl liy the National Assoeia' tion of Ulanufacturer.s a n d ' was p ro p p e d today by tiie Brooklyn Chamber o t Com merce.

A t UlC npccUlc rcquK.t of llir; house wnyn and m e am coimiilttrc R andolph Paul, ta x ftdvl.wr to St^crc ta ry M orgentliau, gave commlttei

- - various typc.sof sales tjwcji and said in orandum :

No KquAl Tax'or a ^•arlrly of rcaioiu". any type

of general .sitltvi ta x would not. a f ­fec t oil ta»7>oyeni uniformly. Even Lhough levied on n il It 'mM a t a u n l- fom i rat^. a solra tax of w hatever form Is unlikely to offeci a ll p riccs equally."

Wuys nnd mcan.i conimlttce mem bers have been considering the nd- visiiblllty o f rc.iortlng to some form of sales ta x to help ral'.e »7.000,000,- 000 a s an n lt^ m a tlvc for Secre tary MonieqUiiiu’.i rccomniendatlon.i foi steeply.lucren.'iCd Individual and cor- poraUon taxe.i,

Pau l’s atntbUCK /Jiowcd;Pau l’s S U U itlo

O ne per cen t r c ia ll .lales tax. J l.- OH.000.000.

T en per cciij r c ta lb .lales tax, M.702,000.000.

O ne [>or c cn t mim ufiiclurcra sa les tax. $753,000,000.

Fivn p«-r cent m nnufncturers r.ales tax. *3.780.000.000.. T en per cen t mnnufaeturerr. Bales tax , $7,471,000,000.

H e e.itlmated Hint If salc.i to fed­eral KOvcmment were exempted, tl i r five per c e n t reUill nalM U x yield would drop to $3,113,000,000. If ex­em ptions n k o were Klvcn to food, medicine, cloUiln^. fuel, sales t< sta tes, local covertimrnLi nnd to w ar contmctOM iim l Hi Iterris now subject to excUp taxw . Uic yield would become $304,000,000.


W ASHINGTON. M arch 16 (U.R)— ProducUon C hief Donald M. NeJ- son today asked a aiwclal senate committee to InvesUflaie chnrges o f R obert R. G u th rie , rcslsned branch chief, th a t special interests in te r- te rred w ith conversion ot ccrtatn Industries to th e w ar rJfort.

Ben. Jam es M. Mead. D.. N. announced on the senate floor th a t the com m ittee w ould conduct a n "Im medlato" inveatlgaUon of th e charges.

In a le tte r to Sen. Harry S. T ru ­m an. D.. Mo., chairm an of th e cotn- m ltteea InvesUgaUnff tlie naUonal defense program . Nelson i>ald G u th ­rie, n.<) chief of Uie WPD tcxt.«e.-i. clothing a n d le a th e r cnods branelt. had au th o rity to d eal with th e oltua- Uon b u t th a t he failed to do so. He fu rth e r sa id U ia t G uthrie did n o t bring Uie dlfflculU es to liLi a tte n - Uon or request a n y acUon unUl a fte r h is r e s l^ a U o n .

W hile revealing th a t lie was In- vesUgaUng th e O uthrle charges. Nelson, said th a t " In view of th e public In tere st o f this m a tte r I t would be well to have an InvesUga- Uon conducted also by an outside agency" and h e woukl be glad to ■ '0 the T n im ari committee make


Short Circuit Is Blamed for Sifen

LOS ANGELES, M arch Ifl OIJD— A sh o r t c ircu it s ta r te d air raid Mreos walling on th e w cat aide of th e city early today, causlnS a m ild flurry of excitem ent unU l police announc­ed th e a larm was false.

Today’s a la rm was th e th ird caus­ed by m echanica l defects In the ipeclal a ir ra id s iren wiring system.


. S T . THOMAS. OnU, M arch 10— A S t . 'niomii.*. iwllee .•'crRcont rc- fclved a call from WliecllnR. W. Viv.

•’Can I buy t i r o In Cniiadiv?" 11 w ife innulrrd.

i'N o,’' rcp lifd the lersciuit."Okay," Rfiid the voice wistfully,

a rid liung iJP-

N O R tT rtM D SCOLDFIELD, Nev., M arch 10—

u u r ro i imvc drawback.-., but they d o n ’t hnvc to be retreatled.

Con.iM]ucntly. DcaUi valley pros­pectors arp taklHK back the mov- m s pack anlmal.1 Uiey dUearde<l (o r Jalople.i—when tlicy can fln<^ Uieni,

I-Iundrctl.’i of burrw were turneU looJic 111 u ic valley w hen speedier irfvzviiwrtiiUon wiui sought. Now all tlie tirc-lc.’-i pro,ipcctora have to do i.i catch tliem and rctam e Uiem.

TICADE-INPORTLAND, O re., M arcli 10—

N rver jpu rn a clft. toys George Hibbard.

A ll automobile wheel wlUi a new (Ire rolled Into liLi yard . H ibbard s e n t up th e lilll to Inve-itlKnle. No iiiito In dL'itre,v\ — no dLimaycil m otorht,

H ibbard iirlniicd h a p p ily - fo r a •nioxnent, T iie tire, h e . dLicovered, Ti’n - ' Uie w rong .ilre fo r h la car.

TJow he’.i coiw lderlns Its Value a.1 ft bwKalnlnn medium.

QUICK ltETUIt.NB inM lN G H A M . Ala.. M arch 10

MT— K college profcMor, w ho w rites (torlns. ha.i had m any of th e m come buck b u t none quite fLi ta u t 0 1 Uie la te it.

H e sent It off to fJew York, confident I t would sell. T he nex t flay he found Uic story In his m all box. He hod enclosed th e m anu- u.icrlpi In a n envelope Intended for w r In return ing It. In case li d id n ’t click.

Here’s How Your Share of Gasoline

Can Be StretchedS A N FRANCISCO, M arch 10 (UJy

—H a rry Cam p, office of price ad- mlnlatm Uon regional direc tor, today m id e suggestions fo r th e conserva-: Hon of gasoline, ta le o f which U now restricted In W ashington and OrrKon,

•T ra d e rldc.i wlUi your nelghbom.It o v t Sunday drlve.i. w alk mi

CiBiP urged."I>rlve ilow ly and carefully. Speed

.Jid careless driving a re w asteful ol tfw eline. _

T n k e care of yoiir enelne. fsu lty engine waste.i gasoline. Keep your carburetor and sparlc ad ju st­ed. h a v e your tp a tk ptugft cleaned, your distributor points checked and j-our air f ilte r cleaned every 5,000 rnllra. If you r clutch l-i slipping, luve it ad justed imm ediately. Keep ycur Ure# properly in fla ted and your battery charged.

•I J se your han d choke sparingly and tise f irs t and second gears o.i lilUe u jKMslble. S x th e proper olL A lighter oil in w inter will jii»lco your ennlne run easier and ' Iwm l e a gasoUne."


a n n u a l convenUon of t h e Idaho county trea su ren assoclaUon will bo held i n Boise April 20-23. Becretary- T rto su rer G ra d e P fcst o f Csldtvell announced today.


Aduptfttlon of iho Future Farm ers program to warUme needs held tho Apolllsht today a t a mccUng of Uie Idaho .%ute F. K. A. cxicuUve mlUcc a t the Pa rk Imitl.

'1‘lip n ll'day co n fcftncc , precedes th c ^ la to cliumjiloiialilp fUials In Uic

A. public speaking conte«, booked lo t s p. m . a t the high k KCoI auditorium . >

Lee Roljlnson, Groce. atSte pre;,l- clcnt, was lii charue of the nicptlng, which Included reprcsentaUves from six s ta te FKA rtktrlcts.

ProgramA :.lx-poUiL protiram suggested In­

cludes:(I) Victory ga rd e ai on all /arm s;

<3> repftlc Ql a ll Iftrm m achlntry; (31 collection ot scrap m etal; (4) cOUecUon of w a.itepaper; (6)* en- la rgcm cnt of cooperative proBrams nnd (01 orgimlzaUon of leadership tra in ing courses In the six districts to tra in new officers.

"F a m i m achinery.'’ l i « a i emphi .■•lied, "nlready U belnk’ repaired by F u tu re F arm ers In vocational agri­cu ltu ra l c loues In Idolio high schools.’'

O tlicr.i a ttend ing were Merrill S tuckl, Ucon. vice pre.^ldent; Daryl G allup. Rigby, octlng tecrctary’ W arren M cEntlre, Pre.iion. trcn-Mir. c r; and Ray Rigby, Rcxburg. re. porter.

D istr ic t prcsldenUi alicndlnK w crt Reynold OeW er, Pre.iion, aciuiK for th e sou theas tern dW rlct; Rux.icll M lU hcll. Shelley, south upper Snake river dlKtrlct; R obert Ncll.wii. i3u«ar City. norUi upper Snake river: H u­b e rt Hicks. T w in FalLi, .louUi crntral Idaho; Je rry Lawhead, Botie. acUng ofr southtveslem Idaho; nnd How-

(On(ln» 4 «n Titi* J. Calnnn !>

6 Per Cent Limit On Profits Asked In House MeasureW ASHtNGTON, M arch 1C <-T) —

Legislation to lim it prollt.i on w ar con trac ts to a maxim um of :,lx per ccn t-and to suspend fedeml .itatutes prescribing maxim um hour*, of work »va.i Introduced Jn the lioa.i- today by Rep. Howftrd SinlUv. O.. Va.. and clio lrm an Vln.ion. D.. Gn.. of Uic house naval committee.

T heir ocUon followed rriwrLi oi th e floor by nearly a .'.core of repre. ■lentoUvca U iat Uiey were receiving ihou-ionds of le tte rs from UiPlr < ;.lltuenl3 demanding.ImniPdlale lion on labor legl.ilatlon,

Sm ith is the au th o r of a house ap­proved bill to ban ntrlkr.i In defense m duairtcs. w hich was before thin country’s e n try in Uie war and which is eUll pending in Uie senate.

Japs Bomb Darwin As Plans Speed for Australia Invasion


1 2 9 F R 0 M E IWASHINGTON. M arch 18 W) —

N inety of Uie American clvUlons now "In terned In Ja p an ’’- presumably were located there w hen the war s ta r ted , a war dcpartmenlt report dlsc la icd today.

I n addition. 120 civilians were taken prLioners’ln Uie Japanese oc­cupation of Guam l.iland.

•niP firs t official list of A m erican civilians captured wus rpcclvtd from Toki'o throuRh Uio In tcm atlo n a l Red Cro-is. I t con­ta ined 2 1 0 niimes. bu t did no t d ls- clo.'p th e prl.ioncr.i' home addresses.

T lic lists contained "all Infonna- Mon Hvnllnble to dato In regard to Anii'Clcf»ivi In the liand.i of Uio Ja p - iinr.’.p,'’ the w ar departm ent said, add ing th a t M ajor G eneral Allen W. Giilllon, the provost m arshal general, "has no hiformaUon as to tho w elfare or health of Uiose nam ed.”

CommunlcatlDn PU ni Local chapters of th e American

Red C ro s f ..l t w ai ta ld . were ex­pected to be able shortly to furnish hiform aU on on m eans of com m un­ication wlUi Uie Interned Amcri-

Som e of Uic civilians Itiled as taken in G uam were named In a li.1 t publUhed Feb. 10 by Uie navy.

Thoan (iplml Oiiun: m n lc Murloii Atiftll. O luim ’s V.

Aiigi-lo, nol>ert Tl«l['r AlUrn. -niomM D. Ai>roatlP, nielurd A. Arvldion. Woodkaw Or«ii Aiilrtif, 31. Bd««r<S D»- ron. Jr., QKbrlel IlroUipr DultlunenU. J«mm n»ri>ouf. Poul BrIu . n*iph Jo- •rph DeUt -Tbomo Liofd Il^nOon. (Hr\'.l Arnold BtfniJomlce. OforBi* Leon- nrd IllacKrU, It»rold Klniboll llrlnker- liofr. M»L nrtKJofikr. ro n lr r Dmn Rriinuin. I t in r rrtnk iin Durrowa. Chrrt*r C»rl Duller.

UfU Dou»l«i Ctraobcu. 0 :11 (tiO< (irnt numoi. UlEh B. Charalxn, Avrallt Urimonf- Cludu. Kuim* Edwtnl CUm,

Ororg*' M1Tum Conklin, Mklalmlnan

Missing off Java

W alter. W arren W aite, 32, Twin Falls, w arran t officer in the U. S. navy. Is missing as a result of enem y a c lltn e tf \i\» »h»rt* o( Ja v a , areordlng to tho navy de- p o rtm en t.

ITImes-N'ewf Engravlnf)


LONDON, M arch 16 (U.PJ—Brltl.ih forces havo taken up defenilve po- slU ons near Toungoo, 100 miles norUi o f Rangoon, a fte r recaptur. Ing th ree villages, including Scliwe- gyln. on U le 'S lttang river front, i com m unique from Im prrb l head - qua rlc rn in B urm a rcporled today.

"D uring Uieir withdrawal from Rangoon. forces In tho T oungoo a rea created a diversion and a ttack ed Uic enemy In Uio u p ­pe r S l tta n g river valley, capturing Uie villages o f Scliwegi'ln, Pyun- la ta nnd M ndauk.” the communi­que sa id . "T hey have now reljim ed to th e ir form er pa-iltlons according to p lan .” .

T lie communique wa.-i Uie first o f ­ficial conflrmaU on Uiat the B rit­ish h a d re taken Schwenyln. .itra te- glc position on the Rnngoon-Man- da lay railroad . T he o ther io»tli re ­cap tu red a re In Uic .lame area.

A BrIUsh m ilitary commentator, m ean while, reported U iat Chinese a n d B ritish forces were moving dov.T> from Uie new defensive b i ­llo n s tn th e i\orU\ and probably wold take th e Invoders who have occupied the southern p a rt of th e Irraw addy delta.

C iriL E FREIG H TER SUNKSA N TIAGO. Chile, M arch Ifl (/tV -

G o v rrn m e n t officials announced to ­day th a t Uic Chilean freighter T o b ten 'h a d been torpedoed and sunk ab o u t 30 mile# from Uie port of New "Vork and th a t only two oT th e crew of 30 were known to havo been rescued.

By ’Die A'l&oclattd l*re»»Reports th a t Japan would hIo w up it.s expansion drive

•souUvward to con.soHdate im portant gains already achieved and po.H.sibly to help Germany fig h t Soviet Russia were spik­ed fo r the momtmt today when ri. inRT sun bombers attack- Darwin. Aiiatralia’.s important navni base on the north side of th e "down-undcr” continent.

Aurttraliniis interpreted the raid ns a ccrtain omen th a t Japan hoped to knock the huge country out of tho war, thereby forcing tho allies out of tho fa r Pacific.* MeoivwhUc. Tokyo disclosed th a t 400 A m erican troops were captured by tiie Japanese a t Bandoeng, In c en tra l Ja v a , and 100 were taken In e aste rn Ja v a , when th a t allied bos- Uon fe ll to th e Invaders.

T h e Jopaneso olso claimed much w ar t» o ty was captured. Including s to res allegedly nbondonod by Uie BrlUsh.

AxlH a ttem p ts to destroy all Amer­ican sh ipp ing conUnued, with Chile d tic loslng U iat the C3illean frelgliter T o ltcn wtt.1 torpeood and sunk about 30 m llea from Uio port of New York. T lie rep o rt said only two of Uie crew of 20 w ere know n to have been res­cued.

F o u r te en bombers raided Darwin, cap ita l and po rt of the vast no rthern te rr ito ry a n d potenUally one of th e foW rem ain ing n a ra l strong points . of th e U n ited NaUons In the souUi- wc5t Pacific.

T ucked awoy in Uie HlUer com­m and 's regular communique was this crypUc sentence:

"A .B ritish m erchant sh ip o f 3.- 000 grow , registered tons was sunk by a G erm an fighter plana in the cen tra l AtlonUc.'’ ,

T lie re was no claboraUon. I t may have been worded a s elevesly as pohilblo for I ts alarm value. But, a t face value. I t Indicated the .p res- cnce o f an a irc raft carrier In an area f a r ^ y o n d Uie operaUng range of a land-based ligh ter plane.

E rro r .PonlbllKy T lie possibility o f *error o r th «

chance U ia t the G ennans really ■- m e an t, w ithou t saying, the eastern side of th e cen tra l A tlantic, a s d is­tinguished from the north or oouth

m an adm ission of tho Red arm y* d riv ing pow er w as a Moscow repo rt via Stockholm th a t R u s la n p a ra ­c h u tis ts h a d captured fortified po- slU ons behind the . Germ an lines near S m o lea ik and hod taken two to»-ns in th o V yaim a sector, east of a m o lens l^ G erm an aVUmpla to m op up Uie parachutists, had failed, a Sw edish correspondent wrote.

B ritish w arships and plonesjoohed ou t a t th e easternm ost l^ed lter- ra p e a n foothold of tho axis, the I ta l ia n lilan d o t Rhodes, Just off the T u rk ish coast.

T lie as.iault niggcst«d OrlUsh read iness fo r any sprtngltme m ore o f ^ e ax is to supplement the w ar w ith Rus.ila by a souUieostward lU b Into '1‘urkey.

May SU b a t Ttcrkey T h e common opinion of m any w ar

observers has been U iat if HlUer c a n n o t .ge t h is promised o ffe n tln tm der w ay In Russia he certainly will m a k e a stab toward the C a ti- . C0.1U3 th ro ug h Turkey.

In such event, Rhodes m ight T todlly aersi’O a s a lorw ard base lo r f lank ing assoult on Turkey's Med­ite r ra n e a n shore.

T h e f l n t news of the bombard­m en t o f Rliodes. m aking I t appear U iat tlie raid was concentrated on th e c a p ita l of the same nome, came from th e Italians.• T h e form er ^ r k l s h lslo2)d came under* I ta l ia n sovereignty In 1033 th rough the trea ty o t Sci-res.

M m ig h t b e expected, th e I ta lian h igh com m and denied any military' dam age from Uie a ttack and ad - m lt trd only m inor damage to other buildings, claim ing Uiat one of them ' was a n O rthodox church. Casual­ties w ere li.ited as Mven killed and 1 0 in ju red .

T h o BrltLih had no t yet reported on th e foray.

T h e moAt astonishing o t the la t­ent rep o r ts from the war In R us­s ia w as B erlin ’s bald odmlaolon th a t

(Cantlnii.d « . T an t. C c ln a 1)

Mass Production Gets Under Way for Foiu--Motor Bombers

3AN D IEG O . M arch 10 (UP'-Four. motored bom bing planes rolled down a n assem bly line today in Uic f irs t appUcaUon to heavy mlliuiry a ir ­c ra ft of th e m ass production Ayiterl used by automobile m anufactureri

) m ake Industrial history.T lie Consolldoted A ircraft corpofr

aUon adopted th e ossembly.llne *y«- itm for I ts San Diego plon t-to as­semble B -3 i bombers, called "L lb- cra to ra- by the British.

B are m e ta l fuselages for Uie g ian t p lanes roll on a track a t one end of th e assemUly p lan t and edge along unU l Uiey emerge a t tho far end. complete wlUi . brown and sreen cftmouflagc point, for test flights.

A lthough w artim e secrecy pre­vented th e com pany from revealing producUon details o r figures, o f­ficials sa id th e system was "highly uiUsfacU>ry.’' T hey said the assem­bly line system h a d been u.«d before for a irc ra f t producUon b u t only for ligh t planes.

As the fuselage fo r each plane s ta r ts down th e line, a swarm of dcnlm>clAd w orkm en dl^appean Into

Uie slab-sided structure and s ta r ts to add som e of th e 130,000 parts lucd in Uie g ia n t bomber.

W orking cre»-3 cliange whenever the fuselage reaches Uie next s ta - Uon. a n d th e plane grodually w kes shapo a s I t lnehe.i along Uie line. W hen, one crew flnlslics Its Job. I t clim bs fro m the plane and re tu rns to th e n e x t line to repeat Its oper­a tion . Inspectors a t each itaU on chock th e work before approving I t fo r th o n e x t operaUon.

T ^ e com pany prepared for the assem bly line sysU m by placing l u new buildings end to end, with huge sliding doors, so planes under con- strucU on could move readily from one dep artm e n t to the next. O ther so u th e rn California p lan ts have ad o p ted Kooie aascmbUr Une m e th ­ods. I n one factory, ha lf secUons of tw o-m otored bombera more a long se p a ra te lines to be assembled In a fina l operaUon.

Consolidated officials said Uiat If th e com pany obtains necessair rai m a teria ls and parts , i t would un quesUonably fUl its quo ta under P n s ld e n t Roosevelt's expanded air- lane producUon program .


W alte r W arren WalUj. 33, Twin F alls, Is "missing a fte r acUon In the perform ance of h la duty and In Uie service o f his country in Uie reccnt b a ttle o ff the aliore.i ot Jova."

T h a t w as Uie word Uie navy de­p a rtm en t acnt to his moUier, Mrs. W. L . W aite, 210 W aslilngton street so u th .'

Sh ip Not Ar A lUiough the navy announcement

to M rs. Wnltc did not release for publlcaU on the nam e of Uie wnrtlilp on w hlc li Uie w arran t officer serving In the ba ttle of Java, It a ssum ed here U iat Uie ship p robably one of th e two menUcmed 03 lo s t l^ U ie Associated Press tlls- pa tc li from W ashington Saturday nlghU T h a t dlspoteh was ba.ied on o fficial novy announcem ent of Uie sea f ig h t between United NaUons and J a p ships,

T w o U. S . warships—Uie cruiser H ouston a n d Uie destroyer John D. Pope—were revealed o.i lost In the f igh t "betw een Feb, 20 and ila rch

10-Year VeUsran'W aite , a lO-year veteran of- the

novy, w as graduated from Twin Falls h ig h school In 1D20 and en­listed In th e navy In W3t.

H is w ife is living In NaUonal Clly. Calif. L as t word from W aite was received here In m id-February, Mrs. W aite w as vlslUng h e r m other-in- law a t th e Ume. 'The letter te n In mW-Dccetribcr.

"■nie Houston." according to the AP d iip a tc h from Uie navy nounccm cnt. "endeavored to ru Sunda s tr a i t a t Uie w estern end ot the Liland,*' a fter Uie Japanese were In com m and of the sea and ale north of Java .

" T h a t night," on basis of reports(CaRllna* Ftgt S. U

Japanese Report Capture in Java Of 500 Americans

TO K Y O (PTom Japanese Broad- easts ), M arch 18 W>—Four hun. d red A m erican troop# were captured by th e Japoneie a t Bandoeng, cen­tra l J a v a , and 100 more In eaitem Java , a Domcl dLipotch said today.

All I tald .

r prisoners o t war, It

W ar m aterie l raised from the A m ericans Ineluded S3 automobiles, e igh t field guni, IB m achine guns, 390 au tom atic a n d . regular rifles and 60.000 rounds of ammunlUon, Uie dLipatoh sold.

BrtUah, -war ma.t£Tlel c a p tw d by the Ja p an e se Li sUll being counted. I t w as sa id , bu t so fa r It Includes 600 autom obiles, 76 guns, 00 macltlne guns e n d 6 .0 0 0 rifles.

Selectees Taking Physical Exams

B O IS S . M arch 10 (/fV-Selectees frdbi s in e cotmUes s ta r ted through a rm y physical examlnaUons today tm der supervision of a traveling se- lecUvo eerrtce m edical board.

T h e tee ts are to continue through l l iu rs d a y wlUi m en acccpted eligible for Immediate.tnducUcD. T he group Includes m en from Ada. Elmore. Gem, O anyon, Jerotne. Valley. Twin Falls a n d W ashington coonUe*.

Idaho Young GOP J o Hear Kelland

P (^ A T E L L O . M arch 18 aU9 — C larence Budlngton Kelland, wetl- know n. a u th o r and a director o f the naU ona l R epublican party, will ad ­d ress a m eeting o t southeastern Ida ­h o R epubU cans hero on April 33, o fficers o f th e Young Republican club announced today.

K elland 's visit h e n w u described, by o fflcera of tho local d u b as p a r t o f a p rogram to ''revitalise the Y o u n s Republican a n ra s tta tk n la th is p o r t o t th e state,"

3 Die as Tornado Lashes in Illinois

CHAMPAIGN, m , M arch 18 OLR - —T hree persoos were killed and aerf* ' e ra l In ju red today when jytoc&ado sw ept th rough G ham ptien ceuBty. ..

T he dSad were a M rs. Lotteo w <t i h e r tw o chOdrcn. !

Bodies o f th e ehUdrea w cra : found In Ute debris o f (toelr la n n . , home M u th o f 8t> Jompb. m a r t . . Cham p a ign . 3»ie n w tte r « • f t o n d . la » tr e e abo u t SO feet I r e n tha m oU alud bo tue .b rough t t o a O b ia ip alin boepltaL ;

At l e a s t a d c K a w m SttarMl - a a d - w t s t o f CbaniM llB ;

Page 2: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

'T—-Pags Two -- TiyES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Monday. March 16. 194a



LONDON, M arch 1C, tU.B—O hscr- w ra InlerpreU d Adolf HlUer'a p rom - Lio to the a e r m in people Uiai R ua- ■1 b would bo detenUd "In tho fo rth ­coming sum m er" lod»y iw t slsn lfl- c un t ndmlMlon of iho cffeetlveness of th e Soviet winter campolffii.

" O m ih ln a ’ i'e know," H itler ealtl ycstcrdfty In a war dead memorlnl day speech In Berlin, " H ie Bolshov, h t hordes which tlld no t succeed In defefttlna th e O enniin and allied M ldlcni du ring IhLi w inter will bo defeated a n d annlhllftted by u the forthcom lns Bummer."

ShlfU Date Ar>ln J t WM pointed ou t th a t H itler h iid

Ihus poilponert aanln the proml.ied de feat of th e RuMlnn.i whicli he hiid predicted would come wlUi Urn w1de- Ij' hera lded spring cam paign of th e O erm an arm let. H e hiul predicted a quick collapse for the RuMlaiw w hen he a ttacked them Iw t yenr. Illn la t- t4 l “ postponem ent" supported Soviet clAlnM of w in te r victorlr.i wlUi h u se Naxl lowes.

"Behind u.i Is a year, n o t only of Iho ha rd e st battle* In world h ls - tory." h# Bald, "bu t of tlie severest

. trinlfl for o u r peoples. We hnd to faco no t on ly the enemy’* a rm s and the a pparen tly unlim ited m a » es of the enemy, bu t also a w in ter nuch u been unknown for 140 year*. W hat U y e t to come can only be eiwlcr th a n w hal Is behind.''

H itle r Included h lj cuifom ary tirade a sa ln s t " the Jews. M arxists and capltaU#ta" who. he flald. w ere responsible lo r Uie war.

“Ezplslta Europe'*"W l^al so r t ot a wotld U » Presi­

den t of tlio United StatTA choones to live in U a m a tte r of Indifference to us." ho sa id . “B ut his Idea of ex ­p loiting th e European world for h is own requlrem enta and overthrowinit our world w hich we love will n o t only fall, b u t his own world will coUap«e. thank* to i t . ”

«IUCT’» b roadcast speech w m first ind ication th a t he had retu rned to B erlin . H o had vowed no t to re ­tu rn to hU cap ita l until the R ua- slaos were beaten and h a d been r e ­ported gathertng hU chief stra teg is ts a t K iev to p lon th e «prlng offensive.


<rrea F a n Oa<) lT«m u i A ustnU aa c ru l» r . "ahe a&d the H ouston had encountered » force o f J a p a s u e ship* off %t. M ich- olaa iw lnt. N othing has been heard from them since.”

M aj 4U ve Burvivcd O blof P s tty O fficer G. JL. Edm on-

M&. recru lU n* cfflcw In Tw in Falla, m close frle ix l of W aite, quesUoned "n h o ittw i t waa n o t pen^Wo su r­vivors have r e o A w sh tre , la* ' •sm uch as action w a i Joined off the w estern Up of Java.

‘.'W aite m a y have reached shore a u m a r be In th e hill* w ith o the r •u rrlT on ,’’ aald Edmonson, d lsc u u -

. Ing th e pouib lim ea. Several Magic Valley team en have been described as "m lailng In action." bu t Urn navy departm ent la te r notified relative* of th e ir safety.

• T ried l*.Eacape H m U. 8 . 8. Pope—eocompanled

by a dam aged A ustralian ch iU erand B ritish destroyer—se t out to n m th e Japanese-controU ed stra it the n igh t of F eb . n .

"O n Sunday , M arch 1, th e cruiser reporttfd th ree Ja p a n u e cruisers a p - proachlng. T h a t was th« la st word irom th s th re e ships of th e u n it,” said th e navy by way of Associated Prtsa,

W alto v u a graduate of the sub­m arine K bool a t Now London. Conn.. and o f the electrical school a t New­port. B . 1. H e served t^ 'b and one- ha lf years In AsUUo waters.

B ro ther In Navy W alto h as a brother. D onald O.

W aite, serving w ith the navy In tlio Pacific. T here are five slsU ra: M rs. H erbert H un te r end Mrs. V cm on O rlm m , bo th of Tw in Falls ; Mrs. ■Warren Farson. Chicago; M rs. J . W . Q raham . Jr.. of Lafayette. Colo., and M rs. F ra n k Zucker. Inglewood, CftlU.

Hog Pool Attains Ten-Year Record

H et prie« o f «13.10 hund red - w e lg h t^ th e highest In th e lO-year

' h istory of th e Tw in Falla County Livestock M arketing aaeoclaUon— today was recorded for Its hog pool of M arch 12 and 13.

O roes prices was tU.TS per h u n ­dredweight. Previous high n e t was SIS, I t was announced by County A i tn t B ert BoUngbroke.

N et re tu rn s for growers was 4Sg.l1 fo r IM head of hogs weighing 40.5T6 pounds. Purchasrr w as A r­mour a n d cotnpany, South S a n F ra n ­cisco. • '

N ext hog pool will be M arclj JC and 37. L u tings m ust be In Bollng- broko'fl office by M arch 33.

K e e ^ h e W hite Flag of Saiely Flying

Noib 59 without atra ffic dea th In our UagicVaUev.

■ B lf new effen.ilva a ra ln i t B a­taan Is expected a* G en. Temo- yukl Y am aih ita. ranquersr of 8ln (ape re . taiieii over aa com ­m ander flf Jap f o rm In th e PhU lpplntv


ho.Advisers on Hand

D istric t advisers p resen t were Dowe Bylngton. Preston; Russell C. Hall, Moscow; Alfred - J . Funke. Blaclcfoot, and Dean A. Droadheod, at. Anthony.

Also presen t were W illiam K err. .:a te d irector of vocational educa­tion a n d atAto adviser of the FFA ; and Stan ley B. R ichardson, s ta te Bupervlsgr of agricu ltu ral education and executive secretary of th e FFA.

Ug, a ssistan t dean of tlio University of Idiftio college of agriculture; E. F. R inehart, an im al husbandm an of the university extension division. Boise; a n d Milo T . M eans, sta te su ­pervisor of reliabiatatlon.

C ontestnnu will bo W arren L b- Follette. Moscow, speaking on "Food for F reedom :" H erm an Joachim , BoUe, 'T H e Fa rm er In a W arring W orld:" G ilbert F ield, T w in FnlU, "We A re In the A rm y N ow;" Rene Johnson. Shelley. " IntcrnnU onal Co­operation T h roush the C hannels of Free T rad e ;" Bob Orme. S i, AnUi- ony, "W ar nnd W ool;" a n d Steven Mortensen. Preston. "F a rm Mnclilii- ery Reimlr—O ur P o r t In tlio W ar Program ."

Tlie public Li Invited to ntlcnci to - nlKht'n f ln a l i In Uie public speaklni; c o n te s t .^ •


CtiariM Oardner Cravcr. Dlward I.rn Dam. nicllartl D, t>ovlnf. lU<-v.l. AOr). • - Donlon. Troy Downing. W alur r<S-

— Durliain. Kfnnclh Itobrri Btl- moiid*, Clark ITriiry Eldrwixi*. Illram William B llou. tJomlnlc# Kncrttl, rrrfl WMltr rail. William J. Falvi-y. aurtirnJ, ranr«:i. llrrtKrt Ofliy fntrpy. (luv.) Al«iandfr PTe«ly. Hubert William Ha-

Oeors® OoCfrfy Osdrn. KenneUj MUititm Lliiid

Marns OftZileT. UaTceMa & Oui*

Uarttn llanaan. KvacvU) P, Hardy, Loon Anthony llarrli. Harold Delloy Haun. n. C. iJ^tnnlng. Jottph M, Hernu.ltoD-

■ ■ rfn IIoff«iot. wminm llfnry nom-........J5l»-rt ne«d Hubbard. William Ru-(lu lIuiiliM, lionald N ral^Jliitlon. Ar- Uiur W. JackiQu, WUlla* ONJabtuton. Albert K rrnrr. DaTld \7. KlnnlMn, Hob. •f t *. Klr»«h. Aloln»lr. Lum nW In Lankpord. (IWr.l r u n Lry,

Ifortl Low#. Hirley JBy C. Mac” ........ "

McCortnae*. A_____ ________Xarirr Marcurlle, Edward u . u iiim , Kenneth Eldred Mayer. Herbert eumnrr Uead. IlaUrv paw Meyor. Sidney Mac* Michael, Chailr* fi-neet MoQfshon, Joarpb UoiwenChaler. Edvard I«nT*nc* Mytw, ■Larry T, Heaae. Jamfn Xarl Nel- lon. John C, Nataon. tuaarlo Occhlplntr. rairick Joerph 0'Cnnn«r, Jam rs Drr> - ud O'Lrtiry. ruell rraiicla Olive, Fred

. Opp«nl»nj,(IUt.I Uarclan Pellelt. tv r re tl !ltn1»r

-ennlnj. John n. PeioroUch, Walter H inrr I’lelUirr. Uelton Orland lUibln- aoo. Wallace U. Roblrv lUymond oeorte ItorHowylt. m n » D. Huprrt. '■ --I H. 8*chfr», Chatli* A. Omltn.

BnUtb. vnuiara Harrf StuH.h. Utv.Holman flterllne, " .......... " ' ‘

Rot E an? H

Stubbe. Taylor. Jam»a

Thomaa.Jamee Holland Undenrtjod. nobert

John VaviRhan. Wallace LftCayetls VaucAaR. Harland Wllmrr Walford. Charlra Lnnda Walkrr. nonaid Charln Wallace. MKrtlmrr E. Watnon. Grant BfltlM- ■WelU, Cart M- We«l. Alton noyc* White. Harold Wlckmann. Arthur Edward Woodruff, rverltl Btnaey Wool- l«Kro!(. It- H. T aucr, jr.

Rupert Site of Farm ffistitute

RUPE31T, M arch ’iB—A tw o-day farm Institution, u n d e r supcr>lilon of C. W. Dalgh. M inidoka county agent, «iU begin a t 1:30 p. m. Tue.iday. M arch 17. nt Uie court house w ith .ipeaiiers Including O. C, Anderson, p . p . R inehart. Ronal Purcell, L . K . Saum and O . R . Me, Dale.

Speakers W ednesday, beglm jlng a t the sam e tim e, will Included Pren Moore. E . R. Bennett. M arsa re t Hill C arter, M ilford V aught a n d H. U. Spence.

T . r . Maberly, A. T . Beymer, 0 . E. Met* and J . A. H andy are commit­tee m em bers in charge of the slons.

Motorist Pays $103 On Drinking ChargeA. T . Sokol. Tw in Falls, today paid

a flOB of » 10 0 a* well as co su of S3 on c h a rg ts of driving while ln> tozlcated. police record^.show .

T he alleged offense took place w ithin th e c ity Umlta Sa tu rday n igh t and Sokol entered a plea o f guilty a s h e appeared before W. H . E ld . ridge, c ity c lerk and acUng m unici­pal judge.


( f r .» ra»e Oa<>th e Red arm y had reached th# O er i

^m an line on the c en tral f ro n t during I* heavy anoWKtorm and th a t “heavy defensive fighting developed there ."

Renew AtU eks T iia t appeared In a special a n ­

nouncem ent of tlie H itler com m and while the regular communique a d ­m itted th a t the Russians had re ­newed ma-vi ntiacka against G er­m an forces on the K erch peninnula of Crimea.

From the RiLvlan skle came re- s r u Uint Uberation of the g rea t

..iduslrlai center o f Kharkov, on Uie *am i\eni fron t b u t n o r th of th e Crimea, wits Imminent.

TliR O rrm an high command de- clnrrrt th a t tlie cen tral fron t o t- lackers were favored- by a blinding suowfltorm in achieving th e ir "local breach . . . In closely wooded coun­ty '." Tlie a-vftult s ta rted Saturday . It wft.1 M»UI. and "afte r IB hours of h a rd (Ightlntt th e breach w as c lo ^ d again In a cm in ter.a ttack . The Sov- let.1 suffered heavy and bloodyloMr.n,"

Tlie Berlin communique said tlia t Uic RUMlans lo,it 48 tanks In the ir onslaught from the Kercli. peninsula yMterdny. T ills brought the c lalnu of R im lim tank lonaes in th ree days c l a ttack In th a t sector to i39.

TJie lilgh command said G erm an bombers struck far Into th e frozen northern finnic of the ba ttle arem bombing rail and ha rbo r tn.^lalla- ilons a t Muniian.ik and setting a large transport slilp ablaro off the Miirmannk .coaxt,

“Liberation Near'*RiLulan dL^pulclle5 said tlie "hour

of llberftilon" was n e a r for Kharkov, th e PltUburRh of th e Soviets, which the Germans liave held slnco la st Oct, 34,

T liey cliarged the G erm ans had lum ed K harkov Into a "nlghtm aro of a troc ltle i/ '

T lic UuMltum also clsinwid they had pierced G erm an positions on th e K liarkov-K ursk-O rel line below Moscow and th a t th e Red arm y ring a round the G erm an I9th arm y In a t v a j 'a Ra'.ia. below 3>nlnffrad, wn.-t being Ughtened.

T h e poMlblllty U iat H itler's p act pa rtne r. Japan , m ight help him by ftttack ln j R u » la In S lbetla came to th e fore. The London Dally Mall r e ­ported from StoclchDim th a t Russia WM prepared for a poMlble J a p an - exo a.viault while a R euters d ispatch from CliunKking cited a serlea of events which it sa id Indicated nn early Japanese a ttac k against th e Russians.

I n U bya, th e British reported onJy m inor fighting, lA w hich a t least one enem y tank and two lorries were smaslied and some prisoners taken. T he Italians and OennaJi.'i sold BrltLih patrobi were throw n back.

T he day a n d n igh t G erm an bom-

tack* on a B ritish airdrom e on Uie E ^ p l la n coast and Tobruk.

lU llatui Claims Successes T lie Italians claim ed as "a g rea t

new siicceM" Uie downing of four British planes over □ Adem.

I n tlie ESigllsh channel, the G er­m ans tt.wertrd th a t a British destroy-

• hnd been sunk in an attack on squadron by mot£ir torpedobonL"i,

le of w h lc h ^ 'a s Io.’'t .A Polt^j •destroyer, helping to

.ihleld a British convoy, scored hiia on two of Uiree big Junkers bombers S a turday evening, a Polish naval communique said. T he destroyer's fire was so accura te, i t was said, th a t the convoy escac«d unscathed. One of tlie Junkers crashed m to tlie sea,

liondon underw ent its f irs t <' ligh t a id raid a larm of n e a r l. , year. T he lone raider w n c h u i away wltliout dropping a bomb.

O n B tulneis Trip 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard D ouglas left

today on a («w days business trip to Callfomls.

Navy TralBs Recruit tM *Jolm Henry Hansen, 2fl, son of

. H. Hansen, route tw o. H ansen, has arrived a t the U. 8. n a v a l tra in ­ing suU on. G reat Lakes, 111, for recru it training,

R eperts MUhsp Jo h n D rakin, 411. M ain avenue

..est, reported to police o ffice rs Sun­day morning Uiat hU m achine , pa rk ­ed In fron t of his home, woa ccn- sidersbly damaged when s tru c k by an unidenUfled car. The m ish ap oc­curred sometime Saturday n igh t.

ha ll. R epresenutives of t h e _____side G range cooperative w ill speak. All G rangers,are Invited to attend, and asked to bring cookie* o r sand ­wiches.

DeMolsys a t Chureh Members of the O rder o f DeMo-

lay attended morning services Sun­day a t the M ethodist chu rch , ac- companled -by four a d u lt, leaders, Ray Sluyter, Claude O orden , W . T. W einberger and Hadley P otee . H ar­old Molenkamp was guest speaker. Mr. Molenkamp Is leaving fo r Den- ..... Colo., to study for th e ministry.

Toirm end Club Townsend club No, 1 will m eet at

B p. m, tomorrow a t tlie Farm ers' Auto Insurance company aud ito r­ium. Following the business session.

S t. Patrick 's day party a n d pro­gram are planned. M em bers are asked to bring cake or sandwiches ond table service, A free w illji^ i

%Oman SuccumbsCASTLEFORD. M arch 1«—Mrs,

___ C. R . U ry, w ith whom slie hadm ade he r home for the post several years. She h a d been 111 only a week.

B o m April 30. IB58. a t Blaydon, 0„ she comb to Idaho from Mon- u n a w ith h e r famll}- in 1023. Since th a t tim e, they have lived a t Buhl and WendcU a s well os Costleford.

She was m arried a t Portsm outli. O.; Sep t. 6. 1883, to Prank E. Ury, who preceded he r in deatli in 1S33.

Funeral services will b« held W ed- {\e^dfty, M arch U . a t 2 p, m . a t the E vaiu and Johnsotv funeral home. Diihl, where th e body now rest-i. Rev. Cecil a . H annan. MeUiodlst pastor, wlU be In cliarge. and In- U rm en t will be In tlie Buhl cemetery be.ilde the grave of her hu.nband.

S he 1s survived by tliree sons. C. R. U ry, Castleford: W illiam Ury and F rank U o ’, O ntario , O te,; one daughter. M rs. E\-a Richer. Sno­homish. W asli., and one 'b ro ther and four s b te n In Olilo.

Salvation Army Executives Here

Public service will be conducted a t B p. m. Tuesday, M arch n . In the Salvation A nny hall, ai7 Second avenue south, by M ajor and Mrs. R. Gifford. P o rtland . Ore.

M ajor and M rs; O lfford are dis­tric t young people's secretaries for O regon-and »outhem Idaho. They will also be In T w in F a lls W ednes­day, M arch ^

Hjansen Woman H urt As Gun Discharges

M rs. O. L . Sherwood, well known resident o f th e H ansen section, re- mile east and a quarter of a mile no rth of th e village, w u In "fa ir” eopdltlon In the county general hcgpital t h l * afU m oon w here she Is undergoing trea tm en t for gtinshot wounds, officers said.

M rs. Sherwood was wounded Sun­day m om hig a t h e r ranch home by accidental discharge of a small gun. She was Immediately taken to the county hospital where she under­w ent surgeiy.

H ospital a tten 'danta this aftam ooa listed h e r condition n ‘'fair."


Twin Falls News in Brief

oderlnK will be taken.

M ethodUt ClubM ethodist .Men's club w ill meet

Tuesday a t 8 p. m . in th e churcli parlors. H arry Heller, F i le r , will show motion pictures he h a s taken In Mexico. Alaska And o tlie r places, and a musical program will bo pre­sented. Refreshment* will be aerved. All men^of the church a re u rged to a ttend .

United In .MarriageMiss Betty Lou Fowler a n d M ai

colm George Dir, form erly of Sun Valley, were united In m arriag e at a single ring ceremony S un d ay at 1 p, m. a t the C hristian c h u rc h par­sonage. Rev. Mark C, Gronenberger offlclatlne. Mr. and Mrs. E d g ar £s> iinger. Filer, witnessed th e cere­mony, Mr.i. Eilhiiier and Mr.i. Dir a re sUlers. The couple w ill llv Filer.

tVed a t I 'A nenage *MI.vh I’uii;,ey E. Prince an ti Jolm

Ver Strnte. both of Calwwell. were un ited In innrrlnKC S a turday a t 0:30 a t tlin C hristian rhureh parRonaRr, Rev. Mark C. Gronenberger official. Ing. Mr. an d Mrs, Jam es E . Perton- e tte witnessed the ceremony. The bride Is the sister of M rs. person* e tte, Mr. and Mrs, S tra te will live In Caldwell, where the bridegroom Is ivvioclatcd with tlie C axton Printers.

C hurchm an VisitsRev. G lenn OrifriUi. N am pa, su-

p e rln len d tn t o5 the IdaU o-O rtgon- U tah d istric t. Church of th e Naza- rene. Is vUlUng Uie N asarene churches of th is section. H e spoke yesterday m om lnc and even ing a t R upert, where Rev. G erald W orces­te r Is pastor, He will preside a t a se.vlon a t K im berly Naza- rene church tonight, according to R tv .

:pert Will TeU mtrol Methods

For Wire Worm^ Y ilre 'worm control wiW be dis­

cussed by M. C, Lane of th e bureau of entomology, Wallit W alln. Wash., a t a m eeting of Tw ln.FalLi county farm ers In Kimberly high school a t 8 p . m. Wedne#day, M arch 18,

"L ane probably has hnd more perlence w ith wire worms Uiwj any o th e r m an in the United States.' sa id C ounty Agent Berk Bollngbroke

W ire worms cau*c heavy potato losses some years to tlio farm ers of thU county, he added. Lane will show colored slldfn on their life history, h ab its and control.

D r. W . E Shull, head of Uie en­tomology departm ent of th e U nlver- <illy of Idalio. Moscow, will a ttend .

TJie Hospital

T w in Fall* county general liospl, U1 hod no rooms available this afternoon.

ADMITTED O ris C o 'der. M aster R ichard G ul­

ley. M elvin L. Sm ith. Earl Collins Mrs, Roy Haven. Twin F a lli ; Mr*. Orville Stanfield, Mrs. Ed T hom p­son, P a tric ia Turner. M urtaugh; Baby Je.we Elliott, AUanta: Mrs. Jo h n Base. Richfield: W illiam Z. Sa ldm an, Lewiston.

DISMIS.SEO Mias V era Barnes. Mr.i. W alU r

Well*. Phyllis Downey, Mrs, F. . RuUierford and son. Mr . Russell M lngon and daughter. Ta-in Falls: M rf. U oyd Welch and daughU r. H asolton; Mrs. B. R. C ourtnay and daughter. Tw in Falls; Mrs. J . Van Johnson and son. M urtaugh; Paul Larson. Mrs. Maude K no tt, Eden; Mr*. R obert Leeper, Jr.. Castleford; Mr*. Deo ChrUtopherson, Hazelton.

M entor Club MecU 'M entor club will m eet Wednesday

I p. m . for a no -host lunclieoci and guest day even t a t the home cf Mrs, H. A. Olese.

Bieyele Fotmd Police today reported th a t a West- ■n Flyer bicycle h a d been found and

_ now a t th e sta tio n aw aiting Iden­tification by the owner. T h e wheel does no t have a c ity licensc.

Judge a t Burley Judge J . W. Porte r . Tw in Falls,

was In e u rle y today, to preside In dU trlct court Uiere, Judge T . Bailey Lee, Burley, senior Jurist of the llU i distric t, was in Boise.

T o Long Beaeh I ra S. Lambing, Lone Beach,

Jaiif,, will retu rn to his home to ­morrow, concluding a business visit here. He will be accompanied by his brother, H erbert Lam bing, K lm-

^ ,T o Build Porch

Application for a pe rm it to build _ porch on a house a t 476 W alnut s tre e t was m ade a t th e city ha ll to­day by E V. Cum m ins, reeords show. B itlm atcd coet was placed a t tl80 and C. N. Cheney w as listed as con­trac tor on th e application.


D r. G race Thompaon. Boise, was nam ed new president o f th e Idaho association of Chiropodists a t the tem j-annual meeting he re Sunday, flh* succeed* Dr. A. N. Miller, Po­catello. who presided a t sessions held a t the offices of D r. Gordon U Tobin.

D t. M iller was nam ed now vlce- sresldent, succeeding D r. Tobin, and D r. K enneth G arvin. Boise, was named secretary-trcaaurer. T he new staff .will assume office Ju n e 1,

Plans were m ade for a ttendance a t the northw est cone convention of chiropodists In Ifak lm a. W ash., April 18-10, and Dr. M iller. Pocatel­lo; D r. H arry G arvin, Boise, and Dr. Tobin, Twin Falls, w ere named delegates to the session.

D r. K ennetli G arv in led discus­sion of the bill now before th e house for commissioning chiropodists in the arm y. I t was pointed ou t th a t they are already commissioned In the navy, and the group expressed

pproval of the bill now u nder con- IderaUon for anm y commissions. M atters of Interest to th e s ta te and

national associations were discussed during Uie business m eeting, and scientific demonsU-atlons were given foUowing Uie business meeUng.

Seen TodayChief of poUce afoot, bueklng

winds on Second avenue n o rth . . . A ttention, civic departm ent:.B lack (very) smoke (very) pouring from chimney a t a schoolhaute, . . W orkmen changing police radio from old to new squad car. , . G irl ducking snowball tQ.i.ied by small boy. and emltUng hoot of derision a t h is punk a im .. . Tliose ca:'-chasing d o g s ^ a t Lincoln ■school now totalling*four. . . No­tice from G rand Coulee dam blg- wiRs advising a ll th a t visitors arc .'.till okay a t th e darn b u t for heaven's sake d o n 't bring cam ­eras. . . W oman w ith bo th arm s full of pacluges. doing very n eat juggling a c t as lock on au to door goes recalc itran t. . . Young lady In window of fem inine apparel shop, stand ing w i t h h e r arm s around dum m y. . . T u 'ln F a lb in- formiiHon requests from Mitchell, S. D., a n d Palo Alto, Calif. , , And cautious fellow coming out of downtown office, walking around com er a n d getting his rubbers tro m parked machine.


Ivan Rliodes, PorU and, official In charge of USO d rives in Idaho and O regon, m e t a t noon today with m embers of Uie T w in Palls county council a t a luncheon session

le Park hotel.Rhodes .lald th a t purpose of liLs

vl.Mt here wa.1 to lay groundwork for th e drive w hich will s ta r t M»y II. Q uota for Idaho In the drive Uili y ear has been se t fo r UO.OOO while Oregon's quo ta ls'8300.000. A t the present tim e th e s ta te quota for Idaho has no t been broken down according to cGUnUe.*^

Rliodes expressed plear.ure a t the organlraUon se tup In ^T w ln Palls county, headed by M rs. Em m a Clou- chek. chairm an, w ho presided a t to­d a y ’s meeUng. . >

T he tw o-state leade r said th a t . Idaho Gov. Chase A. Clark lias been nam ed honorary chairm an and J. L. Driscoll. Boise, p residen t of Uie F irs t Security bank, 1s acUve clialr-

S ta te USO lieailquarters will be established a t Boise. Rhodes said, w ith Mrs. Bea S m ith as office sec- retar>'.


C. C. SlgglM, 70. aud ito r of T w in Falls county from 1018 to 1030. died Marcli S a t the home of h is daugh­ter. Mrs. Edna C hatlln , Venice. Calif,, w here he and h is wlfe,ha<l made the ir home during liLi lllhess, according to word received here to­day.

M r. Slgglns. a rcUred accountant, and official, had marie h is homo In California for the post 18 years, ^ t one Unie ho enKftKC<l In farm ing In San Fernando valley.. He was bom in C entral City. Colo. Ho was a member o f the Elks lodge while In T u’lii Falls.

Funeral services were held M arch la. Surviving are h is widow, Mrs. Nellie Biggins; two dnuglitcrs. Mm. C hatlln and Mrs, Leona Dlngman, aLio of Venice; two so a i, Je rry L. Slgglns. Los Angeles, and Howard E Slgglns, Pasadena. And a sLiter, Mrs. L aura Me.vicrly, K ansa.i City, Mo. E ight grw ulrhildren and four great-grandchildren aLio survive.

News of Record

] U J I C L B EFSome of the

Long I s l a n d boys who phon­ed Uieir shu t­tered houses to see If eii-crything was a ll righ t a fte r recent sub­m arine sinkings o u t there will probably s t i l l a rgue th a t , the shlpa a t r u c k m i n e s planted by Uie in tcr-

ventlonlsta. You know . Long Island d idn 't believe In tlie Revolution and hated George W ashington and It h asn 't changed.

SOS—Band Unit At Gowen Field Needs Some Aid

T he m en a t Gowen Held, Boise, w ant to m ake m uslcl

B u t In order to m ake music, they m ust have bras* InsUTJments and drimi*.

An S. O. S. for old musical In­strum ents h as been received by the Tw in Falls c hap te r o f Uic Idaho Federation of M usic clubs, accord­ing to M rs. EHle R ih etd H lntcn.

Anyone having a discarded in ­strum ent to donate to Gowen field, fo r use in th e mJJltary band, is r e ­quested to take I t to th e office of Mrs. Rose M urray N orth, dean of girls, or th e office o t G erald W al­lace, dean of boys,.Tw in Falls high school, betw een now and Saturday,

BIRTHS •To Mr. and .Mrs. M arvin Bond,

Tv.’ln Fnlli. a boy, ixjul to Mr. and Mrs.- Roy Stockton, Buiil. a girl, boUi Sunday a t the T w in Falls coun­ty general hospital m o tern lty home.

FUNERALS LARK—Funeral services for Mr*.

JuU na T . Lark, wife of T . A, Lark. Of>odliig, who died F riday n igh t a t Uie Gooding county lionpltal, will be held a t i p, m. T uesday a t Cu<- Ueford, In tr rm e n t will be In the Tv.’ln FftlU cfn^elery. \in d t r th e d i ­rection of Thom pson's m ortuary, Gooding.

W H IT E -P u n era l servlce.i for Mrs. Mlnen-a W hile will be held T ues­day a t 3:30 p. m . a t Uie W hite m or­tuary besldo Uie grave of he r hiw- bftnd, John E. .W hite, w ho died in 1018. T he body will a rrive today from G reen Bay, WIs. M rs. W hite, formerly of Twin Falls , la th e m other of M rs-jB . H. Atkinson, Kimberly.

Temporary Judge Acts in 7 Cases

E evtn police c o u rt etudes were h e ard tliLi m om in* by W . H . Eld- rdlge, acUng Judge, and In each one fine* were elUier pa id by tlie de­fendants o r bonds were posted for appearances a t la te r dates.

T he c.ves listed Included the fol­lowing;

David Scherblnske. posted a bond of »10 on an Jntoxlcatton charge. H earlne a t a la te r date.

Leo Blgety. fo rfeited a bond of 110 on charge of being Intoxicated.

Joe F. G ontalcz, Mexican, paid a f ine of tlO on an intoxication charge,

Joe M arUner. Mexican, paid a 8 1 0 fine on a d runk charge.

Beverly F lo ra (m alei paid a fine of 8S on a n IntoxlcaUon charge.

Spencer Cowger paid a fine of 88 on a d runk charge.

P red S tum pf poated a 825 bond for appearance a t a la te r da te « n a charge of reckless driving.


Add thousands of miles to your p resen t tires. Bring in one junk Ure, 4 ply only." L e t us show you w hat we can do. Costs no th ing to investigate.



Move Cheaply Quickly




hkaatotbebmLast ebance bargains da ring oor Ma^eh .CTearanee, Sa le .. Here’s tranaperU U on J f the duration. Vesterday'a prtee* today,3< Chevrolet -Milster Deluxe


35 Plym outh Sedan Fordor,._ 173JO Plym outh DIx. Coupe....... 10537 Ford Deluxe T udor S edan -3M

MANY O TiiERS 38 ChO'oler Royal Sedan 30 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 41 M crcury Coflffc 11 Chev. Ma»Ur Deluxe Sedan 38 Studebaker Comm. Sedan 37 DeSoto Deluxe Sedan <0 Lincoln Z ephyr Sedan37 Ford Deluxe Coupe38 Ford Deluxe Fordor 38 Lincoln Zephyr Sedon

TRUCKS TRUCKS37 Chevrolet Pickup \ i Ton..|37837 P^ord Pickup ------ ----------- 37338 Ford Stake P i c k u p ______42318 Intem aU onal P i c k u p ------1 «39 Ford TTOck, 3* Speed. Axle 750

M anj e lh tra , aU make*, alt models. aU priced fo r qolek


South Idahoans Cited on Heroic Hawaiian ActionWASHINGTON, M arch’ 18 Cn—

Jam es Rlley A rcher of Oooding, Ida., and U J . Stevens of Rich­field, I d a , w ere among 272 per­sons receiving le tters of commen- daUon In recognition of heroic or coiuageous acUon during Ja p an - attxicks on Pearl ha rbor and G uam Dec. 7.

Arjilier, a pharm acist's mate, and Stevens, a signalm an, receiv­ed Uie le tte rs from th e command- er-ln-chlef of th e Pacific fleet.

] FILER H E IM Ns u c c y i s A i e

Edwin Carroll Rlon, 91, proprietor . of th e Blue Bird cafe a t Filer a n d • resident of th a t com m unity foi' tho past five years, died a t hLi homo In , Plier Sunday a t 7 ;I0 p. m.. follow­ing a sh o rt Illness. I

Ho was bom Feb. 38, 1881, tn T hayre. K an. Mr. Rlon served thre« >-ears on th e Island of M lndora. p a rt , , of the Philippine.'!, during Uie Span­ish Am erican w ar, '

He was a memljer of tho United Brethren church.

Surviving a re hLi wife, Mm. Edith Rlon; three children. Mory Ellza- beUi. Edwin and Bonnie Belle Rlon. I Flier, and two brotiiera. Lewla Rlon. ^ WIchlUi. Kan., and Robert Rlon, I P W etmore, K an. ^

Funeral services will bo held T ues­day a t 5:30 p. m. a t the Flier Bap­tist church. Rev. L. A. CarUon o f- flclaUng. In term en t will be In Uie Filer O dd Fellow cemetery.

Tho body rests a t th e Reynolds funeral liome.

Three More Men Join Navy’s RanksU ndeterred by Saturday's a n ­

nouncem ent of United Nations N a- J «al IcM ts In th e Ja v a sea. three m en ( applied and were tenUUvely ac ­cepted hero today for enllsunent In 1 the V. S . naval re se n e . I

Tliey were Aldon W illard Cooper. ; IB, Burley, four years; W illiam • * Adolph Miller, 20, Buhl, lour years; George Raymond Roller, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs, L. O. Roller. H3 W ash­ington s tre e t n o rth . Tw in Fall-v

T hree men. announced Cliief Pe t­ty Officer C. A. Edmon.ion. left to ­day fo r final tests a t S a lt lAke City.

Tliey were P au l F. Heyward. Gooding, two y e a ^ ; Jacob F. J e n - j [ r.en. 200 N inth avenue east, T w ln ^ Foils, fou r years; Alvin C. Strong, • Wendell, two years.

Miserable With A

HEAD COLD?3 u n t?y » .p«m e» V a -tio -n o l tip each. ncstrlL I t (1) shrink* awoUed mem* Im nes, (2) soothea irritation, ond (3) help* c lea r c o ld -c lo g g e d .^ jy o .

rectlons In folder. VA'TM^MOL

Samngs (')WII R O N I N G

T A B L E3 D A Y S O N L Y

* Strong, HgU, u a td f .* E tu r to op*n o n i efoM.* FuU tlM4, I S ’ M SO'.

Aa txccfrtional troo lag u b lc value priced a t only 12,49 for tbree dsysoaly. Hurry in — while our prcieat scock lu u .

2.49A <3.00 ValuB

THRirr-O-MATIC Electric Iron

* h a n J t,. 4 . 4 9Berelid edge for deiaii irooiog.

Hest cooirol dial with Ubric markings.

NON-SLIP “ RID.JID”Pad, Cover Set

* SlrH th-on trP t- T f* Eailro fmiey N ■

driU.Doii-proof claiiic in edgei. No

tsd o g . hooks o r lacking lo iotulL Pad Is koiited cotton.

HIGH BOY Clothes Rack

* S r cf DrrO,g _

★ s X w UmrJ. 3 « 2 9»oeJ.

Folds (o » iocfaes ta t. Soirdy co o n ec tio f ls w ith i t s t l . l l o t d M ats. Stands 63 M ' «»!».


Step Ladder

* 2 59This -Udder is firmly braced.

Ralaforced m all p ^ a ts . A U^e ladder for home use.


7 ire$fonellO^llivV AI TO SI l>l>I.V STOmCS

410 Main Ave. S - '

Page 3: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

Mordny, March 16, 1942 TIM ES-N EW S. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO


W ASm N O TO N . M arch 18 (,T>- Sfiiaior 'n iom M , R., Id#., fnim fr mid Uicstock m an . commended in- dft> ilir iicUoii of th e house In slftsli- InK lliP »J0.J83-055 requested by Ihe "Krlculiure dppftrtm enl for imvcl r*i>riv.c du ring Die year Unit will Mnri u rx i Ju ly 1.

Tlic Hem is l:i th e IB « asrlcuUure ■il'proiirliiilons bill pn-vicd ycstcnlny l).v tlir lioiir.c. I t M »n will come I lorr (Up hciiate.

llPtcrrliiK iinrtlculnriy . he siild. . pflnrLi ot np|). M oiironey. Oklahomix ncmocriii, nnd Rpp, Dlrkea^ru, llll- luiK Heinibllcnn, TliotnVi wild Jii fi .ilniriiietil:

T ivnnprs tvnd Uixiinykrs will t„ wiUi Ilfp, M onroney thftl U1 I.1 1.1 A rntliPr juitoiilshlns reqiifst tor Ir^vrl rxp<Mi.%c In Umen like llic.-.r, r.«nn fr\ have never hnd much fniih 111 Piillmnn*cnr nnd nlrllner oKrl' (iilitirbta aiiywny."

Tlionias aald llm l tnxpaycrs of Idalio nnd ilie w esi a rc dcicrmlnrd Uml "pvcry bit. of non-ei'en tlal si>fndlnR In every brunch of lli. govrrninrnl .iholl be eliminated.”

"Anoihrr Item th n l *ecm.i objrc IJonnblr 111 m e bill U -thc JS5i.n!ll Mkpd tor ihe office of Infonnallon. wlio.'C 103 employM put out bio- churrx and itmnphlcLs tlia l Hill i\dd an rMimalp<l million dollar;. prinUiii; c&\U. EnoiiHh money bp .'ave<l rlKht ih r re to buy two Kood boinhrrs, nnd farm ers would not niKs ilie tllffprcnce In jcrvlcp.'

■nioma.\ .iiklri he obJrcle<l nl: ilip $1J78.7D8 request for the l.H I employee In llic depnrtmenl'A noinJr.7 biirejux.

■IVo iiundrrrt n n d ' sl.xicci. so-calird oconomlsU dnvw morr than J3.800 h year and Hint l.i more than m ost farm ers make," lie jftld.

Page Three


HAVANA. M arch 10 WJ5 — Tlie newspaper E l U undo &ol<l today tliai tw o IrelghU ra loaded 'wll^i au8&r h*d been torpedoed NeuTltai, on th e cen tra l co o j' '

• n o rth e rn Cuba.Thlrty -aU - crow ’m em bers died

^-hen th e American Xrclshter Cola- bee was torpedoed Inat T h iinday nlfshl. Many perished Sn the sea when one lifeboat was wrecked by the torpedo explosion a n d the o ther was Inundated In launching. The lone survivor. F rank Eckm an. first nM lalant m achinist. rem ained aboard the vessel u n til tho next day. when he and th e ship 's doe were rcicued by th e A m erican ta n k ­e r K ansas,

Only tlie capU ln was know n defU nltely to have been aoved Irom

A unldenUfled yessel c a rry ln i 50. bans o f sugar to the U nited States which was «unlc abou t 2ff mile# nortli of Nue\’ltas. Cuban n a v a l launches were searching th e a re a for survivors.

A radio stotlon a t SanUaRO dc Cuba reported la s t n ig h t U iat I t had heard an SOS from a U nited States coast guard vc.viel which ^ald It was being Ahellcd by nn enemy sub. m arine. The vcmcI's call was nol heard again. I t said.

E ckm an. who was laiided a t Ma- tanzas. said tho Coliibee y a s a t ­tacked by "an enormoiis submarine —about 1 2 0 feet long.” about three hours' nnvlgiitlng tim e off Tluevltn.^.

Ifo said the subm arine circled the Colnbro three tim e, llghllng It wlUi A powerful seurchllght. and then di.iclinriicd a toriKdo which nlniek the jlilp on the stn rboord side. Tlie lirojectlle opened a huge hole ond the sh ip began to sink a t one

Bull Kills Nampa Breeder of Stock

_ NAMPA. Ida!. M arch Ifl CA^-ln- . 9 Jitrlet (luffered S a tu rd ay w hen a

bull rolled him against a fence prov- i-d falAl yesterday to Pcrcy C. Me- r ’lirland. 50. prom inent da try cattle breeder and laU jcr .of Ocrnld Me* I-’nrli,nd. news ed itor of the Idaho I'Tee X*re.'.i n l Nam pa. •

A native of Iowa, he died In ho.<;pltnI.

Since 1024 he had operated a. milk tr^icklng biLMne.M.

Other, Rurrtvor.'. Include hU widow. Mr.i. Ethel M cFarland, nnd two daughters. Praneps M cFarland, ren- lo r a t College of IdAho. nnd Mr.''. K atlilecn yoLilnger o t ORden, U tah,

Mother of Hailey Woman Succumbs

HAILEY, M arch ' 16 -M r» . Dor­o thy Ju stu s returned to h e r home lA»t week from California w here she was called on account of nn (tccldent which Involved h e r parent.1 . M r. and Mrs. Myron Keye.i. H er fa th e r Is

. H'ported to be recovering sn lb fi torlly bu t h e r m other died h i a 1 .vult. Mrx, Justus Is an employe a t the court house h e r t^

Mni. Jam es Sheen rc tu n ied After flpendlng a few day.i a t Spanish I 'ork. U tah, vliltlng h e r douBhter. Mrs. Merl Johnson. And fnmlly.

Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Cullcy. Mr, and , Mr.i, Johnny Cullcy nnd dKUghier.

M urctto . the ir houie guest. Mrs, Serllla York, drove to R upert T hurs­day evening to visit Mr. Culley/i sis- ler, Mr. and Mr,''. A lvin Holnip.',, fiiilt Lake City, who iiro vl.-.ltlng a t th e home of h e r brqUier, .Mr. and Mr*. F rank M arlclr, Mr.' and Mr.n Holmes arn eii route to Portland. Ore., where he will be employed In KOvcrnmcut iw ork .. . .Mrs. Uolme*

_ vn. fonnerly Ml.i.i Rose Cilllcy, for- mi-r P.TUl teiichcr.

Mr. and Mr.i. H arry I'lnchrm . Miiry.%ville, Kaii., a rrived In Paul lo-M weel: to vUll Ills b ro thcri, Perry and E jnm eti F lnchem . n ie y e.rpect to remnln here, nnd will make Uieir home on tlie W, W. P itilnger ranch, where he will be employed. Tliey rpcn t scveial days as guciLa of Mr, iind M ri, J . R. Cullcy.

Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Culley arrived In Paul from Bio T ln to . Nev.. and will make the ir home on the Henry Sm jth ranch.

Mrs. OeorKe M oier wiw W ednesday to the W. C. T . U. Ivdlth Trlebcr. iircildciil. wns In ohrtrge ot the |iroKruin._''Clirli.llnn Cltlzenshlpi" and group aliiKlng was enjoyed. Lunch was served by Uie ho.rte.M,

Allen Hardin left TliurNday for Portland. Ore.. wlLli n c.irload ot f.-Jt cattle for m arket. Eli route home he expqcLs to visit h is son, Keith H ardin; Potlatch, Itia,, and his daughter. Miss Frances H ardin, who Is 111 In the hospital n t M aicov,

• where she underw ent on appendix operation. —

The Ladles' Aid society of the B ap tis t church m et T liursday iit Uie home of Mr*, A rt K u n d re t w ith Ui« president. Mrs. J . Schaub. In charge o t the program. Devotional Scrii>- t-urt reading was given by Mrs. Schaub. P rayer was offered by Alma BertseJu

Mrs. A nna M eyer a n d son Fred; accompanied by M rs. Moore. Bur-

Sacram ento. Calif., called there by th e dcaUi of h e r grandson. L arry, h ttle seven- month-old son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Ted Meyer, form er Paul re.ildcnls. who d led 'from Uie effects o t pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. P e rry Jones sold th e ir home in P au l to D ave Com­stock. a n d ho le ft fo r O gden, where he has employment in th e m uni­tions foctory, M rs. Jones and two children accompanied Joe Jones and hla eon, Holph. to Ogden la s t week w here she Joined h e r husband. While In Ogden Mr. Jones and RalQb will visit hU sister, M rs. D ora Hoyncs. w ho Li HI In Uie Dee hospital. Mrs H aynes was a form er P nu i resident!

Mrs. Arnold Sam pe cntertA lned a t n blrUiday party T uesday n igh t In honor of her husband, a t Uielr home.

Mr. and Mrs. S . W, Beck en ter­ta ined a t dinner T uesday evening honoring Howard R oylanee, before hU ffeporture W ednesday to r arm y ■ePtlee. O ther guests were hU faUier, Mo»e Roylanee. and h is brother, M orris Roylanee.

Mr. and Mrs. G uy W eller retu rned JM t week frozfi an extended trip *pent, in Phoenix. Arlr,. E3 Centro, c w r . . and nichcre.^t. Calif. Tliey iM t here Nov. 35 and m ade th e trip OT M te .

Life’s Like That By Neher

Shed a Tear for Boistei’ous Gob“ No Girl iii Every Port


Shed a tear for th e roistering gob of old with A girl In every po rt and a naked Indy on h l i chest—he's a fast-dLiappearlng type.

At lejtst. th a t's w h at they .'ny a t Uie navy departm ent,

"WeVe got » pret^y gtx>d bunch of boys." a naval .ipokprjniin ,«ald. •Tliey behave themjielve.'s nnd keep, out of trouble."

However th a t m ay be. th e boys Aren't flaunting undraped V enates nnd miLwle dancers on thp lr m anly chesLn and Arms ns In days of yore.

'We dl.«ourARC tatooUiR of nil U and forbid th e ob.-.cene kind."

the .vild, ‘'neerult.^ with nnked woinrn on them are n o t a c-. ceptcd—unlPM they enulp Uie ladlen wlUj .tkld.i or .vimcthlng. And If a sailor acquire* obneene U toolng a fte r he nets in the navy, wp rc.ierve the

T ight to dl.ichnrRP lilm."Net Much Shore l.eavp

As for girls In every po rt." he conUnued, "Uie boys don 't g e t m uch shore leave these day.s a n d —well, Uiere are a lot of ports ou r navy doesn't vWt anymore."

I f the modern Amerlcnn sailo r l;i better behaved than hl.i prcdece.'.ior

r an earlier day It's no t bccau.'.e c's any less la ity o r ndvcnturoai. ‘•He's Just more IntPlllRent," the

spokeronan said. "And we tr e n t him dllfcrcnay:.w o,g tvc , him c t;cd ll,fo r having r.ome brains."

In m any 'respects, however, sa ll- ora haven’t changed. In 1707. E d ­ward W ard, a Briton, reported In • 'm e Woo<len W orld" th a t th e sa il­o r wns *lhe ram bler in ChrLitendom."

And when on .Miore leave. W ard wrote, "knowing hLs tim e to be hui short, he crowd.', much In a Utile

om and lives a-i fa s t os po-v.lble." •T lial's still tr\ie." th e spokesm an

admlUed. "A sailor a.Miore s till has th a t look In h is eye, Ife'.i still humnn."

An nutliorlty on the conduct of

Rites Held for L.O. Taylor, 54

nuni.K Y , .starch lC -^ ’une rn l ,%er-,res for Llewellyn Otho Taylor. 5<,

well-known View rancher, were held Thur.-idny nl 2 p.m, a t the "View L.D.S. rhurch, w ith Bishop J . E. Searle offlclatlnR.

A m en’s (juariet sniiR "Rc.sllng Now Prom Care and Sorrow." nnd A, F, Andreason gave th ^ Invocation, followed by a solo, "Face to Face.'' by Bishop A. L. H anks, S tarrh 'i Ferry. Speakers were L rster OrU' well. President R. O, H atch and Ellhu Beecher, Elba.

The fiuartet Rang "Je.ius Lover of My Soul." And Bishop H anks sang 'Going Home," I/Clund W oodbuo' :ave the benediction, and In ter­

ment was made In the Burley ceme tery. under direction of V em Me Cullorh,

Pallbearer:, were Eldon B e rn ’. Jed Owens, John L. Oliver, S, E. R obin­son. R, C. N ordstrom and John Brsden. Flowers V,-ere In charge o t the View Relief society.

sa iling*m en Is Ciipt. Leland P, Lovette, a.viL'.lAnt d irec to r of the navy's office of public rela tions and nuUior of th e book. "NavaI Cus- tom.1 . TmdlUons and U sage." '

His book dLscIoMd th a t In the laui and enrly 19lh cen turt.-s wc were carried on BrllLsh m en-of'A painting of tJiat dny . en titled "A Scene Between Decks." well llly.s- trates the tex t. I t depicU a niunber ot women on the lap s of happy sailors, hugging. kls.'Uns nnd gen­erally carrj’lng on.

Conduct C lia n tm Such conduct, how ever, h as lotir

since gone o u t of favo r In iiavnl circles along wiUi Q ueen EliwbPili practice ot l,'..sulng a ga llon of nle day to each sailor.

Dut m odern sailors a re .silll tough fishling men and will If h

Tlie bluejackel.s' niiinuiil, which frown* on profan ity . KaniijluiK, dnmkenne.^s, b raw ling and i tu rp ltude .thas no unp fo r a . who will not react to f igh ting words by flRhUng.

I t cites one Inciden t In which .. sailor occeptcd "vile nam es" from another wiUiout n p p iire n t ' r^,^eIll- ^nen t,' Both were iirrr.',ir<i. Tlip nnme-caller was " p u t 0 11 ilip report for p rofanity": th e o th e r " to r a c ­tually benlg w hat h e had be rn eall- Pd" becau.<p he "failed 1 0 tnke ceptlon to It,"

O lher .bluejackets took the h in t and, the. m anual rei>oriA. •'.-.evernl black eyes were noUced a f te r tha t."

Scout Head Confers With Three W orkersH iree Snake river a re a , council

volunteer Scotiters were Interviewed by Olln D, Sharpe,>a.Ml.%lAnt naUon- al director of p e r ^ n e l for th e Boy Scouts of America, on his T w in P a lb vblt.

Tlie men dU euued poulb le cepUnce os .students a t na tional Scout leadership tra in ing schools, a prelude to entering ScouUng as 1 profe.vilon.

Sharpe went from here to Poca tello Saturday.

Library BooksHANSEN. M arch 10 — *Hansen'

school library now has lOO ncv books, purchased by th a t d e p a r t­m ent of Uie school and placed on the Bheh-es the past week, popula r noveLi and works on In ternational relaUons are Included In th e *hlp- ment.

r F O R W O M E N S O N U f /


noU w m 'i VetrUbla Comixntna — rtroou. for rtii«vins «och “ fw liap of »onien'« "diffl-

ggyi.- roliow label <uneiioni.

c.-.lly and brl- llR cren tly . So w h e n . In h l i

lic't juolcs'ioiiiil \iiicp. Iin .laicli*My ciiginr'i lull of catixin - It's tiin gaioline I'm mliig." 1 let him ha\e It—but grmdl

noek, i(m . vary IlitU carbon (•mat from gaiallna. It <om«i metlly from wnitobls aUmanti Intns/srsill It ceeka ovr andar •ngin* hast end «lsga up yaur rlngi/ niok«i «nalnai knock, and r«lt«t havoc flanarellir-'’

“.So u lu t do I -do?" aiked the 1,^ '.'J. d o c to r. " S o you w o Triton Kfolor Oil." I r e p lie d . "S o

—becaujo '\/ou say >0 ?” i ty i llie g rea t lu rgeou . "Nn, beesuiD t e i t i prove th a t you ihould. “Show m e, b ro th p rP uy« Doc.

I told Mm that lob taiti «l th« 9 loading pratniwm motor alls told In ttia wait ahowad tfiat TrItan contslni 31% («i< carben-fom* Inf olamanta then any th»m — and a naot <«% loia then tho avaroga of all nino o f IhomI

“nien 1 tald that molorhts have to m ile their present c a n lost for the durotlon, lliat .it'* more impottant ll>an o c r to keep en­gines free o f cailxin. H e said hs Icnew that already; b u t 1 have a hunch the doc will take no chaoca—hell u js Triton MotorOIL

In aata yo« ara Ilka tha dac/ «nrf In

yau 'ra bsbylna y u u t a ngina with tha finaal In Hia land— than

Union Oilit«llan and fat • •Tclton Motor Oil and — »lay

Large Unexploded Shell Taken From Red Soldier’s Side

MOSCOW. M arch 16 uV/—An un- iploOtd .rhell two Inches In diam - e r was removed from Uie side ot Red army soldier In a delicate

operaUon unique Ih th e hU tory of surgery. Toss nc«» agency reported.

T h e soldier, Nikolai B)cstr1kov, ' rtco\-crlng.

He was h it In F cbruaty by a O er- in molar projectile w hlcli penc'

traced hU right shoulder.Bystrlkov, reallelng an explosion

m ight occur a t any m om ent, warned Btrctcher bearers away and tried twice to kill hlm.self wlUt a hand grenade, but was too weak to do To-vi saiil.

T he jtrelclicr bearers carried him back to a crude field hoc.pltal. where Dr. M. M. Pakhm an decided to < crate.

T lie dncior ordered the slu if leave, but all Insisted on staying to a-ssLit. and the shell was removed w ithout IncldenU

Labor Camp May Become Realt^

JKnOME. M arch 10-A ccord lng to worti received thl.s week from the reglonnl director, W alter A. Duffy; U nltrd Siules departm en t o t agri­culture, fnrm .security Admlnlstm- tlon, Jerome may Mill have a farm labor cnnip.

T ilt ciwnmunlcaUon was received by O .. A. Power, .secretary of the Jerom e Cham ber o t Commerce, sta ting th a t "If nilpfiuate beet acre­age l.s .ilgiied up to Ju.Mlfy Uie or Ihe camp a t Jerom e, we ahalt plan 10 eMablWt .such- a cam p du r­ing the/^um m er sPu.son,".

A survey of the required atolls, tlcal Information In m aking appli­cation Jor a m igra tory labor camp was srm recently by th e Chamb«;r of Coniintrce and Utrough th e FSA offices here to the rcglonAl offices In Portland.

I t hs< been enUmated th a t a no r­m al acreage would be considered "adetjiiale beet acreage" by tho P o r t­land office, ond it WAS learned here coday tha t approxim ately S.tWO acres 1.1 Uip avrriiRe norm al acrcoge Jor this couniy.

32 Deprived of Driver Licenses

BOISK. M arch 18 (-Tf-Law E n­forcement CoinmI.vMoner J . L, Bald- prston announce.', the revocation of

molnrlits' oiierators license* and (he i.UAprn-sion ot n ine ,o thers during tVbrunry.

(IrivitiR, nnd brought thp, to ta l per- r.on.s on thB lu t o f. drivers denied the right to drive to i i i .

Sea ls Bein^r So ldTo Help Cripples

GOODING, M arch 15-TIib nual Ea.ster seal sale fo r crippled children is «ow u nder way In Oood- ini;, announced M. W. Williams. OoojllnR chairm an . Proceeds from till? sale, w hich Is carried throuRhoiil the na tio n , will be u:.ed 10 advance the program for crippled children and adults.

Mr. Williams ,inys, "Although r ,sponnp lo our api>eal wns gencro Inst year. Uils year wn are facing an emerRency situation ."

RATK IIE A R IN a RKTDOISr:. M arch IB (»V}—April

has beni ;.et fo r a hc,-vrlng by tlir Idaho p\ib1ic utllltlc.s coramL'-'lpn on the application of Uie Pullman Co. lo In trasln te ra te s 1 0 per

DRAFTTlie Tlme.-.-News will publish

Wfdiic:,fliiy, M arch 18, the results ol the third naUonal d ra f t lottery to be held th e n igh t before In Wa.slilnRton, D, C.

Numbers selected T u e s d a y nlRlii and W ednesday morning will iieierm lne th e "order" In which new reKlstranl-i between th r ai;r.s ot 2 0 and 44 will be clax- hl(ir<l for Induction into ihe army.

Tills aU crnoon a ll south central Tiliilio.selci tU e scrvlce boards re­ported they had completed the ■■'.'..sisnment of serial numbers to men who regl-sKrcd Feb, 10.

Nniiii>eir, range from 1 to 1.2M a l 'nviii KulL'i county board No: I, tlir listing In Magic Viillev, Coii.scquently, all nuin- l>eis Irciin 1 lo liB 3 will be pub- IL'.lieii III oiitclnl "order" Wed- iip.-.cliiy.

ilcRbirant.s of o the r soulh ren- trnl Wnlio boards m ay deter­mine th f lr "o rde r'’ n u m b e r s by ehm lnnllng from the Ibi all {Inures above th e hluhc.ii rerlnl iMimber of,MKne<l by their boi>rd. SrriHl num bers ot alt reg­istran ts arc avollable a t sach I0c.1 l bo;ir<l, ReRl:itrnnl.s should Apcure ihe ir r^-rlal num bers by contaiiiiin th e ir local boards be­fore Wrdiie.stlny, ;.o Umt they can In irrp rn th e order numbers os printed M arch 18.

Home Ec PartyHANS1:n , M arch 1 0 -T en girls of

Hiinseii hiKh .scliool Home Ec club enlrri:iiti(.d ,it a poi-luck dinner ■I'hurNdiiy evening for as many of the ir hlRli sc-liool friends. Mtss Jos r|)hliie Mniicher, director, wns li i;cnei;il cluiiiT . Volley bail and other Indoor Rames cn tertn lncd the Rroup Inter.

ClANS liive miintiined the high- « t sunciif J j of etliic* in funetil service—sundardl which hare «on and held public confidence,

Al a member o f N. S. M, ouf sefvite must coofotm in every to diese ideall. A naph ti cHih- lishnitnt. pUinlf piiced menhtn- dlje, anil a ikilled ili(Faw«it youf call at any how —diy or night.



G O OD IN O. M arch 18-T he ra ­tioning board In Gooding released tour new cars la st week to resi­dents w ho had orderec^ them prior to th e free ilng of cor sales. These cars w ere delivered to Ilobcrt W. Sm ith. Ju lia s Schmitt, the First Security bAnk, Gooding, nnd 1 B rlnegnr. Fairfield.

P e rm its were is.sufd during the week fo r Urea and tubes lo Homer

Clark, oood ln* »nd O. B. W « t, •' WendeU. trac to r tU cs; W..Unger, Gooding, truck t i r e ;’ S u n Malone, Van 8 . PraU ier and D . a id Sm ith. obsoleU Urcs; O . Bid em ltb , tire for farm Im plem eat; k Ure t a d a tu e for a passenger c a r to X ««> , renco V. McDonlela, W UUam-flchrd- ber received re tread permlt« fo r two u-uek tlrca.

A pplications for retreada .h a ra been filed w ith tho raU onlna .b o a rd ' occordlng to Erie Wlilpkey. h u d o t Uie board. L«clc of quota prohibit! Uie Issuing of fu rth e r perm lta a t the p resent time.

T h e i r «mstiness U Bppnrent n l a Riance, their eomfoit eviilotil tbn

minute you tllp tlirm on. D on't cIioom) between aljle nnil eomfoft; buy I'oot llesls and g rt lo.'A. TliPte'a n Tool n « t ilioe for every woman. All bavn the m rt- ntaranl cu>hion and oilier Tour.Spot Comfort /enlorea llist nv^tito >ou dsy- long eomfort. Come In and s^e our ns.v>r t- m enl of beautiful Koot Heals for spring.


OF A SECOND!It ta k e s high-speed photography to " s to p ”D orothy Lewis’s fla sh in g blades, but It’s easy to s e e h e r p reference fo r Camels

Ic o f any huoiB n eye, tb c a m u l o f i t r o b o jc ^ i c cam era catches film s ta r D o ro tb y t n a i a o q e o f h e r b r i l ­lia n t routiD cs o n th e icco f tbc I r id iu o i R o o m in N ew Y o rk '* H o te l St. Jlcgi*.

D O R O T H Y L E W IS stud ied b a lle t from th e tg e o f 4, a n d h e r ro u t in e s o o th e ica com bine th e a td s try -o f- tb e (0 <>dancer ^ i t h the speed o f th e •ka tcr. H e r c ig a re t te com bine* e r o a m ild n e u and flavor. She a m o k u slow cr-bu in iag Camel*.

MISS L E W lS 'w orks o u t h e r ro u tia es f i n t 1b ba ilee ilip p e n . Many’s the C am el d g a re a e she sm okes 1^ sba relaxes. "Ye*; I im oke a s« > d b it," M iss le w is 'i t ty K '' ■‘I 't c found C aroeb m ildec by fa r. N o m a tte r b o w m uch I im okc,C atneb ncTcr w ea r o u t th c Ir welcome.**

'TX h e m o re I s m o k t , th e I a p p r e c ia te C a m e ls ,"M iu L ew is a t a lo te *upp<;^ w ith f r ie n d s a t th e S t. R egii,’T h e i r c o o l, r ic h f lav o r is all the m ore e a jo y a b le b c ca u sc Camels a re so m ild —w ith le ss n ic o t in e in the sm oke.Y o u , yo ixrsclf, t r y C am els . Y o u 'll l ik e e v e r y th in g abou t th is s lo w e r-b u rn in g c ig a re t te o f c o s tlie r to b a cc o s . Y o u ’ll l ik e th a t g r a n d 'f la v o r > -and yo u 'll ' l ik e k n o w in g th a t th e re ’s less □ Ico tin c i n tb c smuLc (see b e lo w ) .

The 8molt» o f slower- burning Camel* contains


s iv io k ^

2 8 % LESS N IC O t lN E

than die average o f the 4 other largcsc-sclling cigarcttQS (csted>«

icsj than atiy o f them-^accoriUog to indepcadcnt scientific tests

‘ o f I b t t m o k t i l s e l f t

Page 4: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have


> ‘si___• manlaa. • ! I K _____' U« T lM ^ m mblUhlac

« ' M rib . Ik IMi. a t Um Idabe Erwnliif (a J»». aH lU Twl«,r«n« H«w». mUklilM

Outald* SUU of I<laMl

>« AuocUl«d r n u aad Unltad

All nolJra r*uul»d bjoiufira wMAir will b« pt)bl[ah*d In p<»«r punun l la AMtlam St-IOI I.


ewer, 2 }« Duah fllrMt. A*a FnaeUK

TWO KINDS OF COURAGEChief stock In trade of moat professional

patriots, Fourth of July orators and rocking chair N athan Hales is tho word “couraBC." With tears In their eyes and sweat on their brows, they wear themselves Into a frenzy cxtolUnB the fearlessness of American heroes.

I t takes no ar tis t to gild th e heroes of American wars. Wc Icnow they were heroes, endowed with the greatest couragc, who made

n- It possible lor their country lo survive. Most of us, Bt least In our hearts, th an k God for them.

And wc thank God lor our heroes of to­day—on'B ataan , In the far Pacific, In Hawaii, in the Atlantic, and In other places of danger around the world. They are living—and dead —examples of the finest type of Amcflcfin couragc.

But there arc. other kinds of couragc. Just as Im portant. Just as laudable. Read this calm cxccrpt from a letter written by a m oth­er to h er son with the Army guarding th« Panam a canal: '

“All we can do l^ to be as courageous as wc can, under whatever circumstances. Our m ain thought, to save our cause even though we ourselves die. We all die soon­er or later. A soldier can give bu t little thought to his actual life. W hat really counta Is how he acquits himself during the few moments, days, years he does live dur­ing conflict.

"And so, If and when you d<v«ngage your- : self In conflict, do not waste a m om ent or • thought In preserving your own life. In - . stead, see how mucH you can accomplish

for your own cause, how calmly and cour­ageously you may do your task, be th a t

great o r sm all. . . "

Thus wrote an An\CTlcan nvothtr to her sgJdler son. No general encouraging hla men to moke a las t stand, no squadron leader bc-

,foEc a bombing attack, no captain as the- ship w ent down.

No mention of the sacrifice she is willing to make.

She will win no Distinguished Service •cross for writing It. yet It took as much spirit and fearlessness as any hero requires on the bottleflcld.

Such qualities bred Into American fighting A men supply th a t weapon without which tanks,

guns and planes are useless—courage.With courage like tha t a t home and In the

field, w ith courage like th a t In th e h e a r t of every one of us, we cannot lose. For w ith such courage, there can be no question of every American doing his part—and more.

GET YOUR TEETH INTO ITThe U. A. arm y's order for 5,000 pairs of

sealskin boots for Alaska's defenders is more than an ordinary requisition for warm foot­wear. I t carries proof that the Csktmo citizens of this Arctic territo ry realize both th e ir duty to defense and the danger they face from In­vasion. '

These boots are made by Eskimo women from sealskin and reindeer hide. All.sewing is by h a n ^ l t h reindeer sinews. In m aking the boot. I h e Eskimo woman crim ps both edges of seal and reindeer hide w ith her teeth. The tee th become razor sharp , w ear down to the gums.

Tlie Eskimo are literally getting their ■ tee th Into ^he defense effort, to keep fighting

m en warm. The>^ sisters, of continental United States, who complain about sugar ra­tioning. tire shortages and o ther inconven­iences could take a lesson from th e Eskimos.

HELPING HIROHITO Down a t Miami Beach, a m an hailed a taxi.

“Take m e to 50th and Broadway,” he directed. The bill was S300.

Does th a t make you mad? I t should. Extravagances of this type went out of style

Dec. 7, 1041. If you have extra money, buy bonds. The tax i driver was not a t fau lt, but he cut B couple of thousand miles off his tires. T he fare did n o t gain time—planes still operate between Miami and Gotham on faster th an tax i schedDles.

lt*8 tim e ALL Americans realize th a t dol­lars help win wars, tha t wasted dollars buy J a p a c ^ e victories.

RIGORS O F RATIONING The tises of adversity atlU are sweet, in

*pltfl of the sugar shortage. Many of ua, for Instance, are alm ost looking forward to the rlgora of a raUoned future In which there will be no soap operas, pleated trousers, cas­tor olL Sunday drivers and tapioca pudding,

W hat’a more, the new style In m en's clothes should finally satisfy our curiosity as to how Mr. Herbert Hoover would look in a single breasted suit.

I t won’t,be long now till well be going to picnics to forget everything—including the sa lt and pepper.

CheM ng ; u m costs Americans $50,000,000 ftnnuall7»w hich (s & lot o t money to eUck jUDder chain a n d tables.


WH IR LI GI G'4 'idln* .

Ill riBhUns & .1 with public

mil o rr C sp lto l.lilll iren more direct > P resident and

CONDUCT—TJic UnlWrt au pollleal w ar. And tiie res'i^rul ofdelaU ftnd bm lneas groupi KS well u wlUi thORe who charge of our «fr«lra, includliii hU cftblnct. '

if coiiffTfM tind CJiamberj of Commerce — bftcX homft have coaitnntly In terler-

cd 111 ih c locailo!! ot ftlrllcld*. ahlp- bulldlnR ceiilcrs, factories, depoU. e tc. MonUis ARO a powerrul clique from T ex a i forccd cotutnicUon of an airplane a-ucmbly p la n t In their sU ie , nlthoiiRh It was no t wanted by Uie Army. More recently partU aiis in a w estern commonwealUi fougnt th e erecUoii o f an a ir defense e lu ­de) on A slltt selected by the experts, nnd tran.tplaiiled It to a spot con- t'n u slly overluiiiit by clouds. Clash-

HAY TOCKEQ jn j jm crtsU have blockcd for y«*T8 Uie sU rt on a v lu l m ilita ry hlRhway from Uie United a tn tf s to A liuka. Personal favorites of official seat- holders have won commlsslDn-i for which they were wholly Incom petent. I t should be noted herw Umt Re­publican individuals and eroupn have been alm ost as coiuplcuous a .i‘ th« D em ocrats .In this undenounced sabotage.and Infltienco Ihelr promotions, r , D. II. could it«p tty for the conduct and outcome of Uio conflict pro­test privately over this alm ost Incredible' iltiuU on. Dut they dare n o t complain to the ir departmeniAl superlor,i. T lie U tte r are forced lo bow to the de­m ands of Ircb la to ra who coiilrol their approprlaUons and Influences th e ir proniotlom. K. D. R. could stop It. but under our polltlco.tleinocrntlr system he Ilgurea th a t he m ust re ta in the support of dom inant groups th roughout the country.

T A R G trr—Prr.'.ldcnt Roosevelt soon m ay stage Uie same so rt of shake-up In Uie w ar production board and other civilian agencies flj.nocl«ted w ith our emer- Bcncy e ffo rt th a t h e hs.i in the Army and navy, rw- splte fanfare and heartllties. close-upper.i a t the cap­ita l believe th a t Donald M. NeLion and his aides are

.InK the supplies arwl weapons to our soldiersand tliel allies

Tl^e Nclr.on oiiUlV U loailrd have not nIouRhed o ff th r "buslne.'. Tliey have failed to move In time lions as eonvertluR Uie automoblli and sim ilar Indii.itrle.i to the ou th a t will kill our enem ies and -i»

if democracy. In drclsalumlm . powi iitl I eshi

with men as unual” complex. 3U such key fnie.<- refrlKcrator. radio lut of implements e the lives o f Uio IIS Involving steel, they have ahown

icems. Mr. NebonBolnuhimself ha.s dLtplaycd a surprLilns faculty for retaining U»e friendship of conuoverslal group*—New Dealers. Ind tu trlallsts. the nrmy and navy, congressmen. He keeps his p resen t po st becnu.'.e h e hurt.i nobody'a feel­ings.

Some blam e lies a t Uie door of the broad policy makers In the adm in istra tion , w ho have been slow lo recognize th e sweep and implications o t the worlil itrucsln and to read ju st th r ir sights to the steadily menaclnR target. B u t In th e last anBl>-sU the respons­ibility falls upon Uic W. P . D.

D O U nTS—Tlie rubber crlils Is far more critical th a n the officials a t W ashlnglon have perm itted the public to know. T he experts are In a huddle lo decide w hether they will te ll Uie American people how much our civilization depends on this p roduct—few reallw It—and how a trln sen l tlie r.horlase may become. M ean­while here In iv roviaVi oylliiir o5 U^c p ltlu tc ;

After-Uie fall ot France, we stepped up our Inijwrta- tlons of th is sira trg le m ateria l a t a terrific rate. T lirouah 10*0 and 1041 we botiRht ftlmast one million elRht hundred thousand lonit tons from the Dutch and British when our norm al consiimpUon was ap­proxim ately five hundre<l Ihour.ond tons. In 1030. the y ear ' before the European w ar’ become tlireatcnlntJ. we Imported only four hundred nnd rlRhty-sIx thou­sand th ree hundred and forty-elK ht loiui. There would now be a plentiful reserve had we noi consumed It in a record ou tpu t of cadgeU —autos. clothlnR. footwear, household appliances, food containers, etc. B ut wo a le into th is stock Uke gluttons. W e delayed develop­m en t of a synUietlc Industry We received as- aurances th a t Uie United S tates and Drltlsh navies would always keep Uie supply lines open. Moreover, wc did n o t wish to offend tho .EnKlWi nnd Dutch by stepping them In th e face w ith a th a t our pro­duction of Uielr po t conimodlly would steal thLi trade from them, A.s a resu lt we now hav e only about a yesr’s supply for purely m ilita ry needs, and noUilng forClWlM.

J e v e H, Jones' forecast U ia l prU;Ate planU will pro­duce four hundred tliousnncl tons by mUl-1043 Is liish- ly colored. One doubts th a t they will tu rn ou t one hundred and fifty Uiousand tons as iicalnsl a need <j{ elRhl l\undred thousand . We wU\ not km hanfllul of elasticity from SouUt America, dci.pltc the fine p lans laid a t the recen t R io d e Janeiro conference. W estern juayule canno t bo raised In any volume for fou r o r five years. A nd tlfth -co lum nlng Japanese un- Vloubtedly knew o u r p ligh t w hen they cdicentrated

the seizure of th e rubber-producing countries.

RIBKEi—Tlie axis subm arine n lU cks alon« our At- lanU c coast rank w ltli th e P ta r l harbor destruction In so far a s crippling of ou r w ar effort Is concern^ . UnUl recently naval a u thoritie s minimized the ef­fectiveness of this offeiulve b u t now Uiey concede th a t It am ounts to a m ajor move against the allies in -the world battle .

Thfr .sinkings of tankers have c u t supplies ot oil for th e no rtheaste rn section of our country. Be.ildes handi­capping both civilian and Industrial activities, Uiey hav e U trow ex tra burder on the already over­crowded Mdlroads a n d tracks. T ho underw ater danger h a s also s'ivered a sixable segm ent of our South Amer­ican shipping llnef, through w hich we have been re­ceiving strategic producta needed In the emergency ou tp u t and also forced us to keep several capital .ihlps In our harbor.f. oUicrwlse they would be sccklna Uic enemy on th e ocean. Lastly, a-s C eneni's mythical f lee t did In 189B, Uie m enace li&s induced !>caboard towRteMwien lo dem and th a t a ir svnd naval lorees be kep i In hom e w aters Instead of striking offensive blows.

To blame Uie navy for n o t ridding us of this th rea t Li futile. O u r units- have done Uielr be.M ui Oils area a n d sunk more enemy U -boats Umn W ostiinston has announced. B u t In view of th e arduous duUes A.v,lRned to our sa ilo rs and Uic m any o th e r l&nex whicli they m ust protcct. I t is wanUng too m uch to n\k Uicm to safeguard th e long ahore line from Rio lo Portland. Me, TOe problem bolls dow n-to th e fact thn i wc must espect to take risks everywhere.

BANS—T here wUl be no “Slar* and StrlpeV lor our soldier* In the presen t se t- to because of a recent order Issued by th e war producUon board. F o r the infor- maUon of m ilitary newccnicrs—th e B and S waa an A . E. P . newspaper produced during the lust war by th e moat able, bUihe and daredevil group of army Joum allsta In history.

In view of the lack of essenUol materliili, tlie army can n o t purchase prln llng p ressu . Publl.rhliii; of pam phlets, books a n d magazines will be effecud under p rivate con trac i to save money and machlnerj'.

T he dlstrlbuUon problem also bans anoUier humor­ous. red-blooded, happ;>go-luck7 and typically Amer­ican paper—one w hich cheered a n d encouraged dough­boys la th e Biud ot B rest c r the blood of th e Arsonne. W ith our boyi scrapping on aev-eral continents Instead of In F rance alone. It a ppea rs Impossible to arrange clrculaUon even fo r such a gorgeous' and glorious aheet as th a t w hich bere th e fam ous Ulle.

ABOVE BTB iFErepo rt from California U ia t Uie planLjl-com'

poser. Percy O rolnger, urge* a bon on 'm usic of enemy compoier»“ a s an “ InsWiou* fo rm of propasantla" is dlfflctilt to believe. T he fanaU cal prohlbiung of Ger­m a n compoalUons during th e W orld war I i f u properly deplored by thoughtful p e i^ n s a n d la ter regretted by those responsible fo r it.

T he a r ts know no na tio n al boundary. I n the present w ar. w hich has f a r more complicated divisions of seography a n d race than th a t o f 19H-18. and which h a s brought to allied countries aa '

aaU onal o rlgto. th e d iscrim ination suggested is t h inkable. T here n u y b t wladom In barrtng compoal- Uooa on w hich royalUes go tA axis countries, bu t most mtislo belongs no t to any race o r covem m ent, b u 9 t« hum anity.—C hrlsU an Sclenct Monitor.

Preview of Axis Civilization ANALYZING CURRENT NEWS

FROM NEW YORKCAUGHT—C enaorsh lp so f a r has

concealed A ustralian alarm con- :em lng an enemy »Uen problem 10 1 altogeUier uhllko our own P a - .-Iflc coast troubles. W ith th e ad ­vancing Japs In N ew Oulnca Just acroas the narrow T o rre s s tra it , the folks down under liftve suddenly realized they have a poUnU al f if th column breeding g round In the

Q ueensland area, where Italian f a r m e r

;lusl«red. Ii Victoria are o thers living near Uie L a v e r t o n and Point Cook 'R . A,,

ilrflelds.1 Twenty-six thous<| md fo rtlgn -bom rnemy naUonals packed Into te jlc areas very large ment of, a naUon with only seven million people sc a ttered through three million square miles.

B u t Uie Anzacs a re more anxious ibout their s lx u e n thousand O er- nan>born resldenbi, found chiefly

In th e souUiem w ine db trlc la and M nr th e A d tla ld t TOunWona li torlea, m o to r 'p lan ts a n d Ifon woriui.Many o t thw e newcom ers a r ----- -ugeea bu t th e Rovem m cnt Is Ih st ftxls secret ag en ta are among them po.iln« as Innocent fuglUve.i, D uring tlie la st w n r the kaUer’s una."«lmllfttcd sub jccta caused con­siderable distu rbance and th e Aus-

Interned m a n y of tli

S ) P o t Sh o t swith the


PASSINO TJIE W . K, BUCKA.1 our coii.itltuent.'; know, the

ChanilxT of Commerce recently re-r.oluti crtaln

r.t ImporlAtloti of J a p altriis Into MnKlc Valley'.! farm flelclr,. T h is acUon wua commendable but we feel Uie c liam ber w asn 't too hoi>e- ful o f resulU.

Now com tn svn answer Jrom Cora, C om pton W hile.

II a ppea rs th a t.(a) T lip congrcssm nii referred the

rc.^olution to th e departm en t of Jus­tice. . f

. (l>i T h e deparU nent of Justice re- ferri'c! the resolution to the war de- partntTui,

A fter w hich we predic t on our own hook tliitt

ic) T h e viiiT d enarim enl will refer It to Uip Prc.%ldeiit.

(di 'n i c Prc-nldenl will refer U to ;.ecrcuiry No. 11.

(e) B c e re u ry No. I l will refer 11 to Q en . J o h n DeW llt. w estern de- fense com m ander.

If) O cn. D oW ltt will Just refer It,

H IG H HNANCEPol 8 h o u :

1 go t U ib slra lgh t.A p ro m in e n t local businessman

decldcd to Increase h is purchase of >3S governm ent bonds' each

m on th to one $ 1 0 0 bond during each 30-day period.

H e h a d Ju s t told h is son-ln-Iaw of th is fac t, "nie .lon-ln-law felt awfully poor Just a t th e moment.

T hen s&ld th e an to the a on -ln -law :

"Say. by Uie way, can you loan me a q u a rte r? I hifTe to have 11 in order to m a k e up S3 cents to get to tho b asketba ll game tonight.”


« 'E rB O T E S T , lilK E P (OR ARE WK?)

WlilIc P o t ShoLi h a sn 't menlloned llu ie M tas P o t 3hot.s In p rin t for quite .■'o'me spell now. we don 'l w ant our consU tucnts to think our lutcty unblaaed ami utterly unprej- udiced ndm lraU on of Uils rem ark­able child lia s abated one whit,

WlUi no p a re n ta l colorinK of the facts, wc could expatia te for an hour about th is nlne-m onUis-oId young lady .-B ut o u r sense o t modesty for- bld.v

U n^auat t u « e adovH Utile Miss P o t S l io u to be. however, we wWi to en ter a vigorous against Luch rem arks a s g ree ted u:i on Uie Kireet the oUier day . We m et Marge Shook and E le n Fox . a couple of attrac- Uve young m atro n s of our acquaint­ance. A nd w hen they greeted us. did they In d ica te Uiey recognize our JournallsU c ab ility , ou r winning per- sonaUly. o u r (alleged) word-sling- log ta len ts?

T hey d id n o t,. All we h e a rd was Marge saylnc to E llen: “H ero comes Uic fa the r of P a tr ic ia !”

Such, w e fea r. Is fame.


In thernlsecl.

ilddle ' a broad

e Uie tallh igh ' . .

In Uie mUlclle west whi corn grow.n.

Green and ra n iln g In mile-long rd»'s:

B ut M innie M inerva ha ted the farm .

W here w om en grow buxom and s tro n c of arm.

W here women grow brown In the sum m er sun.

And freckled and w * n e're the h e a t U done.

She ha ted Uie chlckeiw. the cm», and hogs.

And Bweatv m en. and m any dogs;For M innie M lnen 'a longed for

• th e cHy,W here both m en and women dress

up p re tty . ,

J , C u thbert Adam s was Pllt-iburRh bred.

He'd cu t h U te e th on a piston head.

He'd com m uted to work on a sub­way tra in .

And fought , fo r ipace coming hom e again.

For ao years he 'd dodged and buses.

And th e th a n k s h« had got policem en’s cussea.

So J, C u th b ert Adams i o t such su ite .

And longed fo r a farm and qu ie t life.

Minnie m e t CuUibert and Uiey w ere m arried —

B ut long In th e counu^- tliey never

Fort Adi

the wlslies o f_ ^ th -

And to keep Uie peace with the A dam s' M adam.

Tliey now e a t In restauran ts , they rule on th e L.

Tliey .linn a n d go w hen policemen yell.

Is Min reO ly happT^-OV i t It a

I f Ahe-.i o n r o f U ie .a ' nine lot.

Ifou can b e t your eye M innie does not

•rage feml-

teeth that

HO IIITM DEPT."U nde S am HunU N1ckel”-A P .

So do we,

FAMOUS U iS T LINE **. . . So I asked how many de­

fense bonds he 's beu«ht and tha t shn i him np l . .



IS Y EARS AGO—ALlBCn IS, 1R7 >7 TEA RS AGO—MARCH 16, 1»15 M rs. E. K . Bow man, president of

th e W om en V oters' league, Helena,M o n l, and -acU vely IdcnUfled w ith th e W om en's PederaUon of th a t s ta te , wlU sp e ak here undpr the aus­pices o f ti l# P»ren t-Teacher asso- CUUOQ M a rc h 34.

T tie T w in F a lls Dally Times h u again la n d ed th e con tract fo r p rin t­ing ’th e h ig h school a n n u a l Thla Is th e a lz th . year th a t Uils av ard * - ------- to a d e to th e Times.

U om lnga lde club m em beri met W ednesday fo r an a ll day-meeUnc a t th e hom e of Mrs. Vernon Scrlb-

HiB T w in FaUs band boys are working h a rd on th e ir prodflfcllon, T o r ty -F lv e M inu tes F rom Broad­way." T h o e n te rta lra n e n t will be Blrea A pril 6 th . a t th e Layering Uie- a t«r. T h e boys wlQ be assUted by th e best local ta le n t In th e city, w il- f o r t Olson wlU be s tage director, and J . T . B alnbrldge. mu.-acal dU rector.

CccDor o f F i le r to th e poslUon of deputy sh e riff . M r. Connor is well- known In T w in Fall* county, hav- Ing been « x a ra e r In th e Filer sec- UCQ fo r M re ra l y tare .



DRUDGERV IS N OT INSPIRINGI am no t fo r doing Uilngs ihe hard

..ay i t th e re la a n easy way when children are concerned. W ell-ffltnn ing people som etim es Uiink Uia they ha rm c h a rac te r in children if they do n o t m ake Uiem do the hard tilings, in th e h a rd way.

I do n o t believe Uist Li »o. I seems to m e U ia t doing Uilnss Ui ha rd way d iscourages children am Uiai is Uie b est pos.:lble wuy i< U ach Uiem to dislike Uie work tha brings such experience along wlU St-

ML4 M arie th in k s Uiat chlldre: ought lo do long examples in Ion division, using Uia toughest num bcrs nnd m aking .sure tlia t the nn swer never com es o u t even. I Uilnk Uiftt th e exam ples ought to be short

. ,ind a ll _________ .Ill the pupil hn . 1 team ed loni vision * 0 well th u t he could any kind of exam ple w ithout irnubli

T lia l ' • -


lid beseveral grndes h lchi th ird w here io n s division Is IuurIu . I t is no t &o m a n y ucneration.-. ago Uiat loiii; d ivis ion was considered a difficu lt m aU iem atlcal proce.u. it really Is Just U ia t fo r Uilrd graders,

AUke Jlom ew ork Eai Som e teachers th ink U. .

doing th a n ih c lr duty if Uicy do no t pick o u t Uie hard, problem a t Uie bade of th e book nnd inr,l: th a t Uie ch ild ren do them lo homework. 1 believe Uiut homo work .ihould be easy, a review c someyHhe ta u g tit in Uic room, needing Ju.-it a doliiK ovt to iitrenBthen th e memory of H fc tomorrow. H om tw ork th a t make a pupil work h a rd for hour.< In th evening is n o t helping anybody much.

T lien there a re ihe chores Uie hoiwe, I l ic a rd a womai Uilnks she Is k indness lUelf U tlren t«U a lit tle g irl Uiat she could no t use the lltUe vacuum cliraner to do Uie chalra because she must earn to c lean w ith '

W hat "would th e do « :,he hnd 10 vacuum c lean er? So Uie little :irl had to ta k e a whLik broom, I rnu, a pan a n d painfully sweep. I'lpe, collect a n d then cl hreo tools.

-You see If sh e learns tl vay she will hi

work." : jD m dgery N o t EliI don 't Uilnk .so. : Uilnk tlie

child WlU dlsllka Uiat kind of work and ahe w ill Uilnk th a t her teacher—imotiveta a re tetichcri — either unkind o r -dum b" to maki her use a h a n d b ru sh w hen shL could use a vacuum cleaner Uiat would do Uie w ork b e u cr with le.u e ffo rt a n d In one-quarter the

D rudgery Is n o t elevating to Uie soul. I t m ay disc ip line It, bu t the effect of th a t k in d of discipline is no i he alth y fo r th e soul. ReasonIs God'* g ift to m e n . and we d ------son. even w hen w c ar« chlldrei Uiat would p rev e n t us from believing drudgery, slow -ploddlng. heavy labor a ii.\eful way of life.

Time Is precious. A cheerful sp irit is p riceless. The world is full of en ticing way* of working our way th ro u g li.l lfe . W hy waste a m inuta In do ing things Uie hard way. th e d iscourag ing way. If iherr Is an easy w ay a n d a quick vay7

No good w orkm an goes about Uilngs Uie h a rd e s t way. Skill im­plies good thln lclng and good Judg- m enu Success Is Uie inaplratlon of tha soul a n d c h lld r tn n \u st have 11 to grow In sp ir it . Make learning as pleasant a s poaalble and le t your conscleoce be a t resL T here 's no th­ing Inspiring In drudgery.

J. H um* B4Mr« SUUofl.•!<?•)»{« for m ir-l.,. URMt b. utiW

♦n.tloM bMn csrrvrt unounl at p«»Ua».

3tiicr dem ocracica—very ... with Its guests. N umerous Fascist p rlioncra c ap tu red by the D Irri In L ibya have been ahlpped to t Anilpodei fo r w ork o n coailnictlon Jobs. Earlier Nazi av iato rs caught in England also w ere sen t thi The na tion 's soo Ja p « were roum up Im m ediately Jn D ecem ber.

down reports from th i ____\bor un rest Is In c rea sln s b u t fi U expressed .In New York busln circles th a t th e slU ia tlon Is growing worr.e despite th e gh a stly news '

flRhtlng fron t. SUlkes ii Industries alm m ered In Ja n

but in F ebruary th e figure soared lo 70. More th a n 16.000 m en were involved du ring th a first m onth and seventy tho u san d In

In IMO w hen we were building ane.i fo r Ph ilipp ine squandered th l r t^ s lx thL --------an hours In n lrc ra frp la n ta alone, Inal official record.-! exclusive of

November a n d D ecerhber la-it yeaj Jumpejl th e n u m b e r o f lrrctrte \’abl« man hours to ninety-seven thous. and. In February. 10<3. when t couple of hundred planes mlRlii have rescued M ncA rthur or saved either Singapore or J a v a the e q u h .. lent o t two hun d red four-englned bombers never wa.i built became men w ith a h u ff o r a- Jujl grlc tried to flptllo It U irousl; .ntoppages

'which con.sumed o v e r 'a mlllloi working hours.

•nila has n o t leaked out y e t but another labor row la In tho otflng If General M otors per.iists 1: claim Um I wage scalca based o . pscts are no longer valid because the form er a g re em en t dealt auto- production, a 'c r a f t enUrely dllferent from plane manufacturlnR. Tlip cni.tern leaders o f the United Automobile W orker* Union. C.IO. will w arn th a t Uiey consider OM .

ENBAGED-Although n o t m ui*Is known about I t oh th U ildo of the water, a b itter class atniggle has been sUrred up In the B ritish Isles over the food sUuaUon. The lUtgal traffle known a s the . black m arket has aroused social enm ity becaiua

'eallhy can purchase goods de­nied the poor.

The unlawful profits o t trad ts- lea. according to s e ^ t estimates.

_re over one hundred and fUty-sU million pounds a year. Edibles are featured first on Uie ouUawed lUt w ith liquor, clothing, gasoline and texUles close behind. All kinds of subterfuge, forgery a n d th e tl have been resorted to In th is racket.. Sir William Jow itt. aollciwr general. Is so Incensed th a t he h a s suggested the death penalty and a n o th er group of officials has advanced flogging as punishm ent.

One ot the m ost rccent scandals concerns tho diversion o t molasses

leeded for Uio m anufacture of ex­plosives and for c a ttle -feed . T«'o men were Jailed and 32 o th e r cul­prit* *ere 'f in e d te n thousand pounfls, su lflc lent to purchase a Cruiader ty p e -tan k which will be christened th e “Molaases." Eggs from Uio U nlU d S tates a re jnuch In demand. T h e public is W raged when the th ings for whose tran s­portation. tho m erehan t seamen have risked th e ir Uvea faU in to the hands o t booUegslng profiteers, n i e present forfeit for violaUons Is a fine three tim es the value of the article sold. ^

SCRUBS—TypUoiW torrenU ot defeat pelt down upon us w ith 'such violence th a t th e O nlied S tales m '- ' be overwhelmed before our tardy Industrial output come* to the rescue. A consclenUous checkup among some of the m ost Influential and patriotic c lilrens in New York reveals th is convlcUon: We shall no t quail before Impending disaster bu t since wc a re to m ake Uie aacrl- J tics in taxes and sw eat a n d blood, we liave a rig h t to dem and a w ar cabinet proporUonal* to th is great emergency.

Mr. Roosevelt's burdens are al- mo-il unbearable. No hum an being can lead this nation to victory un- le.u he has top -ranking executives capable of supplying facts, offerlntc sound advice, and rtm nlng their department*. Scarcely any of his official family have th e sta tu re to face the President as a n equal. Instead of being fully qualified to handle their as.ilgnmenls Indepen­dently. they throw tho big decisions back lo him and he has n o t the Ump to settle them promptly. Every bollleneck Is merely th e projection of the botUeneck In tha White Home.

Tlin group, m entioned abov^ claims a bureau chief should be judged by th is acid test: la tha man on the Job the best person to br found for th a t parU cular task? Submit esch one-to th is touclislonn and If he docs no t m easure up. bring la Uie replacement. U ntapped m in­eral resourcci, unused factory apace, unconverted m achinery a re driblet waste.i compared w ith the folly of not now drafting th e best brain power In America for tho cabinet. The score is our team In Uiese first Innings of ou r mont crucial game. Wc sha ll never win If we keep our scrubs on th e field and. our s u r s on the bcnch.


AT WASHINGTONHIGHWAY — N o tw lllis ta n d ln g W o re the Ja^a i

Hint Am erican troops a re defending to the norUiwt * British Columbia, th a t tho bars blow. liBve been le t down b y Uie United Slates to perm it f re e paasaRe of goods w hich 'W dinarlly would have to pay duty, a n d U m t Uncle Sam is a fuU broUicr in a rm s wlUi < ;an-

. . j - t e - In Uils war, t h o Canadians h av e finally and rcIuctanUy u ran t- ed perm ission lorthlSf-icounlfy tobullA a m u iu ry highw ay to Alaska acro.<Ji Drllish Co­lu m b ia province.T h e C a n a d i a n w a r council has afsreed lo UiU Toixd as a m ilitary n c i c s s U y . but

Uiere Is eUll dlsBBrcement a s to where Uie highw ay should slrlke off front Uie United S ta te s .

Pacific northw est h a s always be­lieved In and advoca ted a road lo Alaska which would b e an extension ot U. S. route No. 09. Uie Pacific highway. T h a t has never m e t with the views of th e C anadians, m ost of whom, apparently, w a n t the road to s u n in the v lclnily o f Chicago and meander acroas th e p rairies o t Sas­katchewan. A lberta a n d then norUi- west across B ritish Columbia. If, I t Is argued, Uie U nited S u te s Is » anxious to build a ro ad lo Alaskj then ] t may as w ell construct it through a large p a r t of the prov­inces. hence th e Chicago term inal.

The route P rim e M inister Mac- kenilc King favor* is o n e connecting array, a ir bases w h ic h have been constructed on C a n ad ian soU by the United States to b rea k Uie Jum p to Fairbanks. W hlbrOhla m ilitary high­way is an essential lo tlelense of DrlUsh Columbia, as I t Is to th e Pa- cl(lc norUiwest aU tcs, th e Canadians will contribute n o th in g tow ard 11 oUier th an tho right-of-w ay. and Uiere Is no a ssu ran ce th a t Canada wUl n o t Insist on paym ent fo r this.

S T E A M -it requ ired a world war to p u t steam b eh in d Ihe Alaska highway. T he Idea h a a been popu­lar In WaslUngton a n d Oregon lor many years, b u t th e C a nadians were not InteresWd. N or w ere Uie neigh­bors across th e b o rd e r wllUng to yield un til th e Ja p an e se Ulreat lo Ui* N orth A m erican con tinen t vU pie AleuUans a n d Alaaka, N o ^ h e Canadians a re wiUlng th a t the road be b u u t as rapidly a s possible.

The Ala%ka highw ay Is planned to gel munlUons Into th e territory, to proylde a sUijng defense on the ground and to build u p suppUes for tha g rea t offen*i»e—n o w being work­ed out by Uie -war stra tegist*. I n the n a tional capita l' I t Is a quesUoix wheUier Alaska can b e prepared for . . defetua and th e b u rn in g of Tokyo of nni<«.

md s in k s the first

NICKEL—T h e m etala d trtilcn of w ar producUon board ha* had aclen- Usts in Uie norUiwe.« in th e past few w«:k.^ icyaklns fo r nickel. All th e nickel used In Uils country comes from Canada and. so f a r a s known, none has been discovered In tho United state.v However, th e *pe- cliULits liave found th ree "signs," one near Riddle. Douglas county and a small deposit In Jackson county. Oreffon; the th ird in a n unnam ed .section of W aslilngton. I t these properties are reasonably good and sufficiently extensive, regardless of Uie cost o t producUon. WPD will we Uiat Ihey are financed. The metals division Is In d ifferen t hands than Uie do llar-a-year m en who served wlUi OPM and who refused to see any new possible rival* to going concerns a fte r th o war. VYPR Is ready to do a n jth ln g to acquire metals.

ALIENS—T licre are a few thou­sand aliens 'In the n o t^ iw esl who may find Uiemselvrs In uniform and fighUng for Uie United S tates be­fore many m onths. T h e Idea Is n o * being mapped ouc by TnlUtary au* thorlUes.- T he f lr t t luggcsUon of w ing this bloc of aliens cam e w hm Filipinos requested perm ission to get up a PlUplno ou tfit. T here are probably enough PlUplno boya on Uib P acific coast to complete several reg­iments. I h e proposal Inspired some­one with th e thought of launching a sort of foreign legion w hich many naUonallUcs could Join. T here are 5.000,000 rt^clstered aliens fai tha United States and I t Is though t a n • arm y of IJOO.OOO m igh t b« ga ther­ed.

A mlJIlary mission Is now on tha coast to dlscais wlUi Q eneral De- W ltt the Japanese sltuaU oa. tha aliens and A m crlcan-bom . Orders rvacuatlng these p o to itla l e n m lea have brought a problem In some o t - th e orchant dlsUlcts. P o r example, there are 98 onrhards In fam ed Hood n ir e r \-nlley which a re owned or leased by Amerlcan-toom o r alien Japanaie. T h is m onth spring work m ust s ta r t in th e orcliards. The Amtrtcan orchardlsla w ish to know when an alien property c u * to ^ n will be ippolnusd as they wish W make a recocnmendaUon. P o r this Job. the American* say. th e custo­dian must under*tand orchards a* weu as. finance, oUierwlse th e or- cards will n o t bo properly tended . and aill becctne a m enace to other orchards.

Last 7«ar American w o t» n used 52,000 tons of cleansing cr<am, S7,- OM toot o t tU n loUons, 30,000 Iona of coBiplexlon soap and 3.500 too l

Page 5: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have



Jean Harnett, Lt. John Cooper Exchange Vows at Olympia Rite

GOODING. March 16 — M rs. Bert H am elt, Gooflinfr, announces the murriagQ of h er daughter, Mi«s Jean H ar­n e tt, to Lt. John W. Cooper, form er GoodinR hit;h school nthlctic coach, a t servicca per­formed Friday, March 6, a t 7:30 p. m. a t the F irs t Metho­d is t church a t Olympia, W ash. Lt. Styles, chaplain of th e 183rd fichl artillery, read

. the single ring service.Vows were exchanKcd be

fore an altar of fernery and cu t flowcrft, flunked by many liphlcd while tapers.

The bride, a ttired in a navy

Slue suit w ith blue acee.s.s- nos, wore a corsage of or­

chids.Bridal A tlcndantx

Slic WM ftlUntletl by Mr.i. fYcd vniitrergrafl. form er OootlliiR' d r n l and wUe of M njor V andcr' prftfl. Cuploli) Arclilbixld. form erly of BoUc. ftLwndwl tlic briatBroDm

beat nmn.Immedliitely followltic tlie ccVc-

mony. iin Intormftl reccplion wiu arranKcd In llie church parlors fo r UiC bridal pftrly and im m ediate friends and relatives who a ttended Uie morrlaBC rlte.i. T lie tJrlile an<‘ bridegroom citt Uielr cake In tra d r tloiml laahion.

Mm. Cooper was Krwiuntcd from Goofllnif h lsh school w ith the c!n.-;.i of JOtn. and (illenrted th e U niver- Blty of Idaho, Moscow,' for two yenni, where she wa.i affilia ted w ith K ap p a Koppo Onmmii social sor orlty.

A ttended Woodbur?'*Lftter. ishe a tlcnded Woodtour)'

eollette. la s AnKcles. to continue h e r hvislneM education, and since th a tim e has been enipIoyc<l In Uie of' flee of M. W. T nte . supe rin tendent of th e OoodlnK achooLi.

t^t. Cooper, nbo h KtadunU , Goocllns: lilgli school, was f:ratlunte<l

from Uie University of Idaho and ■erved a.s Gooding hltsh school a th ' leUc Conch un til h k Induction lnt( th e arm y In April. 1011.

M Moscow, he was ^ mem ber o t Delta. Chi fraternity .

I.t. and Mr.i. Cooper a re now ai home In Olympia. W ash.

» # • V

CalendarSo-N-Sftve club win m eet In

alJ-day je.viloii tomorrow a t the home of Mrs. Addle Moore. 3G0 Jacloion (itreeU

* t *Circle No. 4. W omen's Society of

C h rl^ lnn s e r v i c e . Methodl.U churcli. will m eet T^iesdiiy. M arch 17. a t 3 p. m. a t the home of Mrs. O ene Dillon, MO Polk street.

V- V-Lincoln .school Pw en t-T eacher

A.uoclatlon room m others w ill meet Bt 8 p, m. today n l the home of M rs. Al Pelerji, 410 Foiirtli avenue no rth . Second Rrade room nioUicrs . will be hosleises. ,v y f

Tw in m il l G arden club meet- InK ha.% been postponc<l until

•Tlnir.'4aj’. M arch 10. n t 8 p. m. a t th e -Id a h o Power com pany audi­torium . c. L. Mink, form er G ood­in s eouniy naent. will M>eak on fertlllrers and .sprays. • Public t.-. Inylted.

Home and G arden dt]>artm cnt of th e T ttfn tle th Century club will m eet TuMday. M arch 17, n t 2:30 p., m. n t the American Legion Memorial liall. A lbert Murphy. jiatholOiSLil n t t h e Rovernment bureau of p lan t Industrj'. will

. si>eak on "Sprlnc PlixntlnM." M arlin Bweelry will present m usi­cal selections.

if. * nailneM and Profe.vlonal Wom­

en 's club will m eet for n .noclal sfwloii^Mondfty a t 8 p. m. n t the IdaH oT sw er company auditorium , plnoclilei brldRc and Chinese cherkenr^ 'lll be played, and each member Ts reijue.ited to brlnK one or more friend.s. Tlie liou-'ihiR ond calllni; committee, w ith Mr::. Hazel l^elRhlon M clialnnnn . will be hi chorge of arraniiemenU,

* *Church of Brethren

Has Social MeetingJu n io r Oulld or llie C hurch of the

BreUiren met T liuradny a t the home ot Mrs. Maurice M elton. T lie group sanK “ Idalio" and Mrs. Clarence NorrU In I Uic devotions. Jiach wo­m an quoted her favorite Bible quo- Utloii.

Roll call reapon.«s were npprop- T lsic to 81. Patrick’s day. M rs. 'Venie M elton presided. Mrs. Norrla con­ducted the social hour. wlUi Mrs. no b c rt Hempleman and Mra. V em Melton winnlnB th e prizes.

aue.-st.i tt-ere Mrs. lle rm w i P iu l. *on and M ri. Fred Pfelfle. ncfresh- menW were in the St. P a trick ’# ttitm e.

» * ¥ Fagg-Arndt Rite

Told a t RupertUUPE31T, M nrth 1C — Friends In

R upert have team ed «IU \ tn te resi o f the marrlnKC on St. V alentine’s clfly of Ilonald M. Pagj:. Jr., and Miss Gladys A rndt. P o rtland . Ore.. * l Por'* 'nd .• ’The b . ’•croom Is the son of Mr. M d M r». A: M. PftgB. R u p trt. and la » KnuJuatc of Rupert high achool w ith th e class Of 1538.

A corporal, he has been In serv­ice w ith Company A, 18th V . B. en^ UneCT*. Tor the p « t year. lU» bride t i a fo n tifr H lnnesoU elrl-

Bride of Lieutenant

A.Inu John Cooper. Olymplm. W ajh .. w ho w m .MIsi Je an llam e tt. d auchler of Mr*. n< rt lU m e tt . G oodlnr pioneer, bttoro h e r m arrlaio M uc lt 6 to Lt. Cooper a t O ljm p ia , \V«th. ;T lm n-N ew » E n tn v ln s j

Essay Winners Told By Legion Auxiliary

Winners in the c.*isny contc.'tt on “The CharncterisUc.s of a Good Amcricnn,” recently conductcd by the Twin I-'all.s tiiiil,. American Lewion uuxiliyry, were juiiinunced loiiiiy by Mrs. .1- U.'n, Am oricanism chuirmnn of the local unit, as follows: • '

F irst, Krnestinc Ghtin; sccotul, Bonnie Smith, nml third, John Hughes.

.Indies of the w ere Mr.s. .John K. Hayen, Mrs, (!. H. Krcn^rel and Rev. M ark C. . Croncnberger. Approxi- rnutely 850 TNvin FnUs jun io r hlKh .school sludent.s p artic i­pated.

Traclirrn A uistTlie 12 best ar.tays were .'.elected

by the .wclal UvIuk cla-vi tcac l\cra .M lis Rebecca Curtin, ML'-i D orotljy Evans. ML-.'S Helen G ran t, Mrr.. pearl McKenii. J . C. Nlchol.’i l t . Mh.s Ell?J\bcUi tlnillh. Mrs, G arth FltUl,M. R. Tljrockmorton and MIki A nn Wllllajn.1 , and these prer.ented to tite local jtldRcs for Ilnal dcclslon.

J i'jay s submitted were th w e of Leon Ford. Lnurcne Nrtl.'-en and O r- lene Oolay, seventh urnde; Jo lin HUKhes, Irvin Dln.'.er, Valene A r- rlnRton. elRhlh sradc: Bill H olt.R ichard PeliyRrove. Celia Doyd,Jenlve Crowley. Erne.itine O h n n .Donnie Smith. nlnUi grade.

Tlie wlnnUiR erjays will l>e se n t to Mrs. Jewel D urham. Pocatello .Idftlio department Amerlcanl.'sm chairm an , for entry In the c ln tc contest.

Educoton ApproveSpeaklnR o[ tn r value of conduct

InK the contest. Mrs. Vera C O Learj-, Junior hiRh school p rlncl |in l. .said, ’T he contest was Or cldetlly worlhwhlle. I t w as n tim ely topic, one on which children ■^houlcl begin to tliink serlou-ily."

W ritlns the ensaya served two accordlnR to Mrs. RoBe M urray Norlh. dean of Rlrls a t th e T w in Falls hiRh school, and ssig tlsh dep .irtm ent coordinator;

" It helped the children to Uilnk s tralRht. to think clearly and to crj-stallie tlielr ldea.i of the q u a il

le i of tt Rood American. I t nisi :nve them the IncenUve to express

I idea alonR these lines.


Uiue Bonnet uroup of Uie B lue B irds m e t Saturday a t th e home of th e guardian, Mrs. Alfred Punllftno. G am e* and jonRs were e n jo ^ d a n d refreshment.^ w e r e .■•.erved by th e hostess. a.islsted by Pa tric ia F ly n n ■ nd Patric ia O’Halloran.

N ext m etU ns will be hI^ld « t th e hom e of Patricia Flynn Sa tu rday , M arch 31, a t 3:30 p. m.

¥ # *

Albion Town Ladies Club Stages Party

ALBION. March 16—T h e T ow n L adles' Bridge club m et T hu rsday ftt the homo of Mrs. a icve M ahoney. Q uests of the club were Mrs. E vu B am m e. Mr*. A. L Etobbfl. Mm. j . C . W erner. M n. Fred H ogar a n d M rs, Ous Erickson.

M rs. Dobbs won high fo r suesta a n d Mra. Jam es Mahoney and M rs.

E. Woodl# won club prlxcs.

RequestAll social, club and calendar

news- .itioiild be tclciilioncd or brouKtit to the Tlnics-New.i of­fice by 10:30 a. m. o r e.wller each day for inclmlon in Uiol day's Kiuc. Item.'' for th e Sunday la- .iiif m iu t be rfcclved by 1 0 p. m. Friday or before 4:30 p. m. S a t­urday.

’nm nkY oul

Delplia Sager Is To Bqfcome Bride

Of Ted HagraanBURLEY, Mmrli ir,—Out.sUndlnK

amonff the cvcni.^ of tiie early (•prliiB seaion Is the w^ltlUiK of MIm Del- pha S.U!cr. dauRlilrr of Mr. and Mrs H nrry Saccf. Burlrv. to T ed H as- m an, .'.on of -Mr. nii<l Mrs. IIcnr>- HsRnian. al.«> of Hurley, which will take place Tuerjlsv rvrn inc . March n . a t 7:30 o 'doci n l Uie ChrlstJai churcli. wlUi Rev. Alvin L. Klein- feUU tJlllclatlnK.

Mr. Haffmnn nrrlvM In Burley Sunday from aiendalc. Ciillf,. wh tlie couple will rc.'ldr foUowlnfc

lowUiK U\e ccrtmwiy. i\«.l the pie will have a wn-k';. honeymoon trip before .-.etUliii! in California.

P rldny rvenlnc. Ml.-.-; Betty Berr^-. Ml.« M artha Troiil. nnd M lsi K ntli- r jn Bl-'.elioff enietUlnf-tl a l a tiiea- t<r p a rly a ltd prosteiilve tupper honoring MLvi a ic tr . A kUt w rf p re se n t^ to the iioiioree by the girls.

n iu r-v lay afternoon Mrs. SteelsmlUi entertiliird a few close frlend .1 of Uio britie-to-bc a t a luncheon In h e r honor. Bouquet-i of ponsle . 1 centered Uib tables ond bride dolls, m ade of paper lace dollies m arked each plncc. Qnmes werr plaj'ed. and each eueat brought a recipe fo r the bride.

* ¥ ¥M omlngsldo club will m eet for

an a ll-day sesslcin W ednesday a t the hom e of Mrs. Jim Howard 337 W alnut. '

Salmon Social Club Red Cross

Benefit SuccessA ttendance w as relatively sn a il,

b u t Uie am ount th e Salmon Social c lub Is p repared to Rive to Uie Red Crovs following tJie benefit box ao- c lol S a turday tven lng a t Uio Com­m u n ity church la one members are. p roud of.

N et re tu rns from the social wxre S36.SS. nnd added to tlie SIS cafth Uie c lub voted fo r Uie Rnl Cr0R.i nt lUi la s t m eeting will make a total of J50J5 for presentaUon to ’Twin I '^ lls c hap te r In Llie near future.

Bed Cross Kloal Variety m arked Uie decorated

boxt.^ swicHontd o5t by J. V ^ d F a t- . . Ii Uie h ighest sclllnBfone be­

ing dc.vlKiied to rpj>rc!.cnt a FourUi o f Ju ly float wlUi a Red CroM nurse ^tandlnR bcneailt an arcliway. T ouches of red and blue completed th e pa trio tic arrau ipm en t. which " took th e eye" o f-R oy SmlUi and .•lold fo r J4. R was dcMsned by Mra. N ina H ardy. •

Pollow ins the nticllon and supper. >b(n«o was iJie prlncl|>al diversion. Q en rra l arranK rjnenU lor Uie sue- c tis fu l party were under (he direc­tio n of Mr.v EsUier O'Dell, prtM-

nnd Mr-i. EUiel Marlell, liecre- uxrj-.

A ttend ParlyGue:,i.s ot Uie cUiU wece Mr. and trr.. Clnyd Sorenson ami Cloyd, Jr.; Ir. and Mrs. R. C, Votiiig and Mr.

iinrt .Mr. . F rank Tlilctten.Club niembrr.s included

:r. an<l Mr.-.. Bill MartcU, Mr. and ;rs. C harles O'lJo:!. Mr, a n d Mrs. a rra r . Mr. and Mrs. Perle Belle­

ville a n d nephew. Glen MnrUn, Mr. a n d Mr>. U iw rrnce Ciunpbell. Mr.. nnd M rs, E m m ett Oauer, Mr. and M rs. Roy DavLi. Mr. and Mrs. M ar- •In H a rd y . ' ond Dcvem; Mr. ind Mr.'i. Roy SmlUi, Mr. and Mrs. Jeo K lrkm on. L arn ’ ond Jimmy, ind Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McGuire

nnd duuKhter. Carol.¥ w

Guests Present Poetry During

Scribbler MeetT v a RMcsU'. Dl Uic Scllbblers club ■»ntrlbuted to the procrnm when

th e group m et P'ridny eventnc a t thi hom e of Mr.n. J . A. Dygert, Buchon.

I i.trert.M rs. W. P. McClunR, Long Beach

CnUf.. nim l ol M rs. Dygcrl. ic cited .•several of he r orlKlnal poenw. n n d M r. McClung. S7. rcclted from m em ory "The Jnpane^e JuRRlcr, one of the publLihed poems of MLm Ro b e rta Holloway, daughter ot Mrs. McCllsns.

' M lis Holloway, who has a mas­te r ’s <IeKrre. Is In the RnRllsh de- p u r tm rn t a t the Unlver.lly of Cali­fo rn ia . At prc.',ent she U collalx>r- n tlng w ith a profe.v.or on th e ’ writ- Ing o t RH EiiRlli.h textbook. Mr. M cClung told th e Kfoup. The Mc- C lungs, uncle and aun t of Mr.n. Dy- g r r t . lire RUest-i a t the Dygert home.

Mrs. J. H. Scavcr conducted a (inn I n correct pronunclaUoii, wlilcU v,ns won by Mrs. EUiel Gray. Mr.'i. Olive M. Cook presented the piiblbherr.' advance reviews ol ••Person to Person Call" by Jack W oodfordr nnd "StranRC Daughter," by Loiiella W oodford, his daughler,

Louclla WntKlford. only 32. wrote h e r f i r s t novel when slie was 13 S h e recently signed contract-i for tw o m ore tipvel.-:. and has appeared on th e KtaRc nnd screcn. . WooiU ford 's la tes t novel b his 3Cth pub­lished hook.

M rs. Florence Bcnr.on rend .■■liort .itory for criticism . Mrs. Cook rend nn original ortlcle. Mrs. John E. Ifayes presented nn ouUlnr of n hum orous short .story .she Is wrltlnK. Dlr.cusalon o t Rliort utory. mdto .■;crlpt a n d cu rren t c o n te s t fpllo' ed . Mm . Hayes and Mrs. Cook r po rted publications.

N ex t m eeting will be ot the home of M rs. G ray. "Mrs. Seaver will pre­s e n t a n d lead U>c dlacucslon on th(. 30 d ram a tic sltuoUons. Mrs. Cook w ill pre.sent an article and a rtic le writing.

Mr.i. D j’gert was a.wUtcd by Mrs. M illie M errill in serving rcfrcjh- m ents.

Murtaugh LDS Unit To Fete Centennial

M U R T A U ajt. Miu-cll lO-Tli'p I, D . S. .\oclciy a t an all-day qullth)K a t th e churcli Tlnirsday completr<l plnn.i fo r the an n u al program of tlip found ing of the organlrJitlon.

B ecause of w ar condltlon.i the e lab o ra te plans which had brni jnivde lo r th is year's centennial cele­b ra tio n have been abandoned. In- s tcnd a buffe t supixrt' will be served a t Uie church Tuesdoy evenluK, M arch 17. followed by a program.

M rs. M , U Perkins, Mrs, Cllffnrd T olm A n. Mrs, Melvh^ W alker anti M rs. Dftvld Moyes are In charge of g e n e ra l arrangem ent.s.



571 926

Sirs. Fjirle E. Fe rfo son . who was Mil* E leanor fT te tnan . Jerom e, prior to her a iarrU g e Sunday a l tlie home of h e r pa renU , M r. and Mrs. Harlow Freem an.

(Tlm ei-N ew j Engr»»lnt)

Eleanor Freeman And E. Ferguson Marry a t Jerome

JKRO.ME, Mnrcll 1ft—A l 13:30 p. 11, Suiulay a t Uip hom e of h e r pnr- ’nl.',. MKi Eleanor F reem an . jx>p- ihir young school teacher, exchang­'d murrlaRe vows wJUi E rie E. Fr.r-

gu.'.nn. soldier wlUi U nited S tates m in i forces In Wn."J*»gton. l l i e bride Ls th e d a u g h te r o f Mr. lid Mrs. Harlow Freem an , pioneer •.Mdriits, Rev. A lbert E, MorUn.

l>n,Mor of the M cUiodlst ch u rch . i>er- fonncd the single rin g rlte.s In the

I m em bers of th e family close friends of Uie cou-

Soldier’s Bride

Amcriai needs volunteers for youth leadership. I t Is one of the moat im p o rtan t wartime Horvice.s a woman can offer. '* Who nay« ao? T he office of civiliftn defense snya ao. in these words: “W e need vohinleor.<» for youth Icndcrahip, Proper training o f younRHtcrs in ns c.s.scntinl to ln.itinB vic­tory M the am m unition crammcd into our Runs.”

And who elHC soya so? The President of llic United S tates any.'t so, as followw: “A jiro- Rram for th e development of character in youth is of the utmost imiKjrlancc in the prc- .■(cnt c r i s i s . Democracy's atreiiK'th hes in ev ery citizen’s iindorsUindinR his o r her re­sponsibility nnd tak in t; part

ibis Kovernment."

plr.•n ir bride

and a corsage o

Bridal^ A ttendanU liirK urrltte Prccniiin . Idaho

Fiilh trach rr and ^ lstcr of th e bride,............ler's m aid of honor. MLvi

Prcrmiin wore a green s tre e t suit ml a ro^^aRr ol swceVptTVs,BeM ninn wa.i Ja ck K ennedy. Je r-

AnoUier ^l^tcr p rese n t fo r the nup ­tials was Mrs. SaraJi D lllm an. Mo.v ■ow, who flew hero to a tten d Uie :I•rt•n^ony. Mrs. D lllm an "Kore n grey .jirliig'M ilt and corsage of s? pcii.v

.Mrs, Jiarlow F reem an. moU» the brtdr. wore o rcoe p r in t nfter- noiiii street fro c k 'a n d n cor.sagt.

Pr<'cc<ll»tt Ute cerem ony. M arnaret Halbert, Jere»nc, san g "At Dawning,’' accom panied by Mrs. Ulllmiin.

All abundance of sprlngU m e blos- .soiin of Miapdnigon.H a n d sweetpeas wrrc tm ublned effectively In bou- (juets about Uio room s and in addl' Uon to Uie large decorated weddlni cake which wos a centerpiece for Uie bride's lable. a bouauet o f sweet- pea.s. flanked by ta ll ligh ted tapers. wa-1 u;.e<l.

Jerom e T eacherFor the pn.sL several yeor.'i Uii

bride 1ms been a teacher In Jcrom ' city i<:hooI«, and,rccplvc<j h e r edu cation a t Je rom e high school one Uie Albion S ta te Normal .school, SJie took extension work la s t sum m er from th e University of W a.shlngton. SeatUi-. • '

Following a w i'rk’;i wedding trip. Uie bride will resum e h e r duties teacher here, a n d he r hiy.bnnd will re tu n i to his du ties In W ashington. H e Is ft .son of Mr. and Mr.s. F red ­erick Ferguson. Bremi-rton,

Among out-of-trtw n guest.s a l Uu c c r e i^ iy lUMi wedding b rrakfost were Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s Oaniis, Boise.

M ¥

Enid Rydalch and L, Funk Engaged

BURLEY. M arch 1 5 -O f In terest lo Burley people Is the announce­m en t of Uie m arrliig r of Miss Enid Rae Rydalch. Burley, to Leonard Funk, A m erican Palls, the ceremony taklnif place Sftlurriav. M arch 7. a t Ln,s VcKlus, Nev.

For Uie wedding Uie b ilde won a blue crepe dre.s.s and ro;it en scw ble wlUi m a tch ing ncce«.'wieV

Tliey will m ake Uirlr honle In Oxnord. C alif..'w here Mr, Funk Ls ( .supervisor In nn a irc raft p lant.

T lie bride a ttended Hurley school' and m ade he r hom e wlUi h e r sis­ter, Mrs. Florence Beasley.

Club HostessFILER, M orch Id — Merry-Go-

Round club WO.S en terta ined recen t­ly by Mr.s. H cber Han,-:en a t lunch ­eon. Mrs. M ary Claiulin. Hollister,w-as a Ruest. T lie afternoon ......spen t doing Red Crm s ;.ewing. Mrs. Lyle Abel, whose birtlKlav annlver- rjiry occurs In M arch, wii.', pre.sented w ith a glfi of defense stampn.



P EAVEY -TABER CO.n io N E 2 0 1

. i n Shosbono St. E art

CONSUMERS M R R K E T(D /vncct S U c rtc


Wanted—Volunteers to Direct American Youth

recoRulr* Its responsibility to youth —and to recognlM aU o youUi's nee<l of leadership — wa.i tlio NaUoiial Council of Cam p F ire O lrU . accord- lug to Mrs. B lanche Tca.sley. T»-in Palis, office secretary of the local Camp Fire Olrls.

'As a re.sull. n na tionw ide call for volunleent to .serve a.i gua rd ians a o-vbiant guardians, giving leadi ship lo girls th ro u g h o u t the coun- tr>'. has gone ou t from Uie notional council.

Tile ^^^'ln Fnlls C am p F ire head- quarters rccenUy m ade nn ajipral for women to lead local Camp Fire and Blue n ird groups. I l wa; urgent appeal.

Tlie responses were ln.''Plrlng , inrt Jieartenlnjr to locnj leaders— lut more are sUll needed . R ight here are two groups w ho could l>e

combined. TliMr due.i a re payable, and they cannot' go on with the work unlMs a gua rd ia n volun to help Uiem,

Here's the -story of one volun Here’* the .Spirit

She has th ree sm all children.> cannot leave h o m e .'b u t she

con.scnted to take th r guardlai group of girls. If they can

Uielr meetings a t h e r home,wanted lo be a C nn ip F ire Girl I I wos younger, b u t I couldi

belong, because we cou ldn ’t get leader.”

While .vhp has no Camp T ire Iralnlng herself, .ihe appreclj w hat U m eans to glrl.s.

■'But I am n o t trn ln e d !” Is ild excu-'e fo r no t accep ting youth

leadership In th is orgnnlrAUon. Mi Teasley pointed ou t yesterday .

A Camp Fire G uartllan.'.M ialnlng lUTse is planned tnV-s spring for

local leaders. T lie C am p F ire Olrls organization lia s a p rac tic a l, appeal Ing proRroni to guide new workers, and trolned workers to he lp eoch

ew leoder, .she said.Kotti Intorm atlon o n th e

Firo Olrls service fo r victory pro-, gram can be obtained by prtKpecllvr guardians. T liey m ay e ith er vLsIt the Camp Fire, office, under Uie Wiley drug company, o r telephone th« oCftce.

* * >(■Circle No. 0. W. S . C. S. of the

M ethodist church, w'ill meet Wednesday a t 2 p. m . a t th e home of Mrs. E dim K ing. -«01 W alnut. Mrs. Qrace B eer will be asr.lstnnt hostess.

Weds'at Filer

Vernon 0. Sims-. And Miss RicH Marry a t Filer

H L BR. M arch 10 — Al home lo Uielr many frlcncLs a fte r April 1 o t, will be Mr. and Mrs. Vernon On'ille films, whose m arriage took

; S iilurday. M arch 14. a t 7:30 i„ o l th e home of the bride’s

pXrenLs. Mr. and Mr.s. Davo Rich, l''ller.

Tlie bridegroom la the son of Mm. A, K, Durdlck, Jam estow n. K an. Tlie bride Ls the form er Mias Florence E lliabcth Rich.

spring tim e RaekgroundRev, F . a. Kuecy, p tu tor o f the

Flier M. B. C. churcli, read th e Im- pre.-.alve ser\'lce. wlUi Uie party s tanding In from of a large win­dow In n lovely background of spring flowers and llghtf<l Ivory ta p e n in cathedral cundelabrtv placed on ^•lUier side, Tliey were oltciidcd by Mr. and Mrs, Uoyd Hartley.

Tlie brltlo cho.-.e fo r her wedding n navy blue Rjiring .suit w ith which she wore w hile acces-sories and a cor­sage of rosebuds and sweet pen.<. T lie bridesmaid's co.stume waa a black rrdiiigole mo<lel .with w hite occe.v.orlea and a corsage of jiweetPCB.'(,

•FHjllowlng Uie ceremony, a buffet supper WHS served to Uie gue,>.Li. who were the lmme<liate members of the families. O ul-of-low n giieat.s were the bridegroom's uncle, a u n t and foiL^ln, Mr. and Mrs. I3\'eretl Andres and daughter. Jerom e.

Wedding CakeTlie table irom which refre,'li-

meuLs were rrfTve«l wa.s centered wUh a <Iccoraled cake, which the bride cut, -

.Mrs, Sims Ls a graduate of the FllerrvitBl hlRh w hooi wnl th e Boise Business university nnd ha.s been employed In Boise by the Automo' live Supply company. Mr. Sims haj a p<x',lllan o l Bol,se w ith tho Rapid Espre.vs company.

Mr*. VemoD OrvMlo Sims, wha Wat M ill F lon tK c £U u b « th lUch, daughter of Mr. and Mj;*. 0 »t« Rich. Filer, before her m arrUge Saturday a t the home of h e r p sr- enU. . (Tlmea-Ncwi EngrsTlng)

Birthday Event F o r . Mrs. Park

Mrs. Evetcll PtiTk and M rs. U oyti Hari>cr were honlcsscs a l the homo of Uic former In Flier S a tu rday .In honor of Mrs. KenneUi P ark , occa> .Sion being Uie cel(4)raUon of her blrUidoy annlvcr.sary.

Cror^sword puzzles were worked, prior to the opening of the blrUiday g lfu . dweetpeaa In a blue pottery vase, and tupers decorated the lace- ' covered.jcfrc.shmcnt table.

O ther gurats were Mrs. oeo rga ' Decker. M urtnugh; M rs. 'EUiel Parie. Mr5, H arper and son. of T w in Falla: Uie honoree, Mrs: W illiam Sllford, Shearer and Doris Shearer.

# ¥ *

Surprise PartyKIMBERLY. M arch I S - M m 'o n -

bert Miller was honored recently a t a surprise party arranged by her hiubond. Quests \(ere Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fallls, Mr. and M rs. WtUard T e tte r . M r. nnd Mrs. Bud ■ Silver*. Mr. and Mm. Al Hankln.1 , Mr. and Mrs. DOC Miller, Mr. and M ra. Don Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. O. J . Preekel, Twin Falls. P inochle was the diversion.


Huve Ju.'.l received two perm its In conjunction w ith the present servlcrs.

No. 1. Bringing th e m orning bus out ot Sun Valley through aon> nett, riciibo. Carey and Richfield. Leaving U. S. 03 a t Bellevu« 8 ;is A. M. Connecting U. S. 03 n l Shoshone thence to Jerom e and 'I'wln Falls on regu lar route. Relum ing In evening over sam e route. TliLs Bcrvlco will begin abou t April 1st.

No, 2. A call .'xrvlce on dem and from Bellevue nnd H ailey to Uic T rium ph and NorUi S ta r m ines and retu rn over aame routes. - This service Is ready on proper arrangemenls,

FO II'INFORSIATION SSZ «-3. L. SCHWINN. Owner nnd Mnnajjcr


You cix^yi help bill

nient.'i^Ieiuied by I

DISCOl/NTCash and Carry .

We’ll m a in ta in pre.sent low prlce.s as long a s possible b u t we urge you to have all necc.*.sary clean- U ig'done NOW.

I bu t look find fee! .smart In sfir-

' the famous Dri-Sheen process

here nt th e Troy Nntionnl. Don’t acccpt less when

this.procc.'js co.sLs no more than regular clcaninff.

You can'dcpcnd on

D R I - S H E E NThe Nationallu Advertised Proccis •


Ttoin Falls, Jerome, Gooding, Slioslwne, HaileyIN TWIN FALLS PHONE 66 or 788

Page 6: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

Pago Six TIMES-NEWS,;rWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, 16, 1042


: £

Capital Club Posts Great Camp Record"


— Spring trnininfr may be u bore to baflcbftH’s veterans and the exhibition f ra m e schedule a tedious g rind to both old timers and rookies but it has been like a tonic to the Washington S e n a t o r s , “ uRly ducklinRs” o f the American league.

ClMk OrUnUi’a club wound u p In A Uo (or Jilxlh place wlUi th o SL Louis DiWTO last yeivr nnd U»Li een-

,M)n. lLi InJlcId by Uio lowor foiir tJiIrd brnomen to Uie nnnr<l rrfTvlcc5, Ita pltcJilnK nUifJ headed by n. 32.ycar-oId vet^rnn nnd 1U» out field wlUitnit n JOO h itle r . rntn< ns 100-1 Miot. But n flcr 15 <layii o R nipctnilt IcnRue piny. WiiilUnRloi jMl Uic pnradc' today wllh n 337 nvcriiKC. •

Tixhiilciiliy. Uic ChlcnKo CuUi nri l!> f ln t plnce wllli a pcrccnLiiRc o 1,000 in th rrc Knnirs Ijiil Uic Bnilii hove bcaltn » m inor IcnKiie cliil nnd ycnlerdny divided llirlr .nfjtmd U\U> iw o wMUv lEKlraccvfipulr of vlctnrlr.v Tlic Snm tor.i 1' aeorfd t>ll Uiclr trltimphu n t U ptnsp of m njnr Icamie oinx’nc jUx or Rpvcn Riimr.i—iinrf have lo.i only to Uie New York Yiinkfen.

A’o Pennant T hreat Of co iin r, the Senators c a n n o t b(

Mrlou.ily rntcd ns a pcnnnnt blllty o r even n choice for Uie division by ih rir nprlntf vlctorle.i bu t Uip cliib'fl nbllUy to win r.o o ften a fte r Uielr Infield's declmaUon u n ­doubtedly mu.1 t send It up a notcl) or two In Uie future book.

Not BO flurprl.'.lns ns the Senator.s’ flurfie bu t cqiinlly Iniprevilvp lin.n been Uie record of llie S t. Loiiln«llniils-popuIiir choice to w in the 1D43 NfttloniU lenuiie flng—w ho ran k third vlctorl«i, Uiree tle- feutji nnd a pcrcentnar of .700. All the Cards’ decisions have been over m ajor lenffuers, loo.

Connlo Mnck’n perrnnlnlly lir lp - Ie.« Philadelplilp Athletlc.i have compiled Uje m ark—7-4— .03S—but the ir record is Qualified by two factor*. The Mnckmcn have won six of the ir seven victories m inor lenRUcrs nml In add ition mntle one of Uie earlleS iitnrl.n li; Uie mnjors, their .'>prlnR tra ln ln t

under way In m id-F ebruary V anlu W llhput tte ruU r*

Next come Uie duim plon Y nnkers. whose record of five vlctoriM lo Jilno Barnes ha.i been dUnppolnUnu livrt. n o t BurprlslnR becauie MimnRor Joe M cC arthy has been unable to piny a lineup of regulars t> of his m any hoWoiita.

B undled a t the JOO m ark a re four clubs, th e Drooklj-n DwlKcrfi. 8i. LouLs Drown.v PhllndMplvla PhlU and- Doston Braves. T lie D odR c- hav8 broken even In 1 0 Bameji. fl-. . ORalnst Uic Cuban A ll-Stnrs an rt tho rem aining tc^ms each have w on on nnd lost one.

Tlio New York a inn t« , s lr lv lnc t- faahlon an explosive a ttack lnu tean from ft club u.ied to playlnR "cIobi to the vest” have found Uic road rocky, w inning only Uirce giune; nnd loalnR live.

N i Wllllam .1 Punch Do,iton'n Red Sox. w ithout Uio bnt-

llnif punch of oulfleUlcr Ted W il­liam s, nnd Uie Cleveland Ind li.ns so fa r unlruplred by new nianaijpi Lou Boudrcau'fl colleRH rp lrlt. nr« bracketed a t J13 wlUi two vlclorli-; ttnd four dctcat.-v. AV lh*s per-centAfie bu t with a record of n alii- Kle vlctorj- In three atarta, nro U» PltUburBh Pirates.

M ojor lenBue opposlUon h as belted th e ClnclnnnU Reds for five In Mven start* while Uie Chlcnici \V hlte Box and DeU^lt TiRers. eacl tinable to win a gome, brine u p thi rear. Tlie Sox have loot two im d iJn T igers three.

G p f \\J M.Zeller Can’t Get Rid Of Newsom and York

National Sld Title Goes ToAlfEngen

YOSEMITE. Cttllf.. M arch 10 (/P> —Alf Ensen. the old ski m M ter f r « p Id ah o and UtaJi. is In ognln—ihl» tim e as national two-way .com blnttT cham pion. -

T h e vetem n Norseman, w'ho w-os tourlnjr U tali's wintry alopes n n d p i­oneering iskl coursea lon« before «now sports began lo cap tu re A m er­ica 's popular fancy, coursed Uie oteep 5 ltinu of Yosemlte's BndR tr pass In the colors of the Sun V iU ltt Sk i club. Ho complied an nll-nrcnind^ low score of 837 polnt-i. He failed to w in clU ier Uie dovmhlll or alnlom events, A Ue for sccond In the dow n­h ill wart his best sliowlaV. Yet h b 657 was t w o ^ l n t a be t-

te r than Uie 553 run up by M nrtJn Ptopp of Tlmlwrllne LodKe, Ort^. w ho won Uie douTiiilll. and 10 b r t^ t« r than Uie j ia of SIk E urI. Sun Valley, w ho took Uie sliUom by tw ice ilRiaffslng through th e s a if s on th e 700-foot vertical descent In a to ta l tlm o or 3:22.4.

SiUrley McDonald of Sun Vnlley. w inner of the doa-nhlll. e tnergcd as women'a combined two-way ch am ­pion. a lthough ahe failed to place am ong th e first three In th e a la- lom. H er 317J total points p u t her com fortably ahe<ul of C lorltn HenUi. of Sun Vallej-, wlUi 325.0. nnd M rs. O relchen F raser of Tacotnn. Wa-ih., wlUi 331.6.

Mrs. P raser. fifth In downlilU. won Uie alalom with twin runs In a to ta l Ume of a : c . i . m1s.i H eath , a m ird - ploce dowTihlll runner, vox second, a n d VlrRlnla Q uerm o’ of S a lt LiOke City ^ ilrd .

MONDAY. M A H C iri6 L«dle*-Wlnor lea jno -A lleys J-3.

Bowladrome v». s-M Park -In ; a l- Jeys S-4, Boden'8 >-a. PlttabtiTBh,, Pain t.

CTly leatttc—Alleyn 1-3. Id a h o Packing vs. T»'ln PalU I,u2n b e r: alley* 3-4. B ka No. 2 vs. CoeerU fs: alley i 8-«. T « in PalU P lou r M ill Tfc Detweller'* No. I : alleys 7-8.

p a u Coal Ti, H a n r '* S p o rt

ny Gf:ORGi: k i i ik s k y ORLANDO, Fla.. Mnrch 18 (UPJ— 11 tha io ri-iwrt^ about Uic WushUiR-

ton Bcnators roUir lo U nde p ltchti D utcli Leonard nnd first biisnnan Jim Vernon to the D vtrolt TlRfm for pltc lirr Buck NP«im)i and first bnscman Rudy York were m uch iwlo about noUilni;.

I t now develops th a t Detroit .’luitfxl ver>' • •

• — shhiR

•T lie TlKers were very Kcneroi lo w *nt to tuk« th e ticsv two tw players we liuve," M aniiRcr Ruclci H arris said. "I couldn 't p n r i wli Vcnion and U onnrU. and e.'.pecliilly no t fg r Newsom uml York. Wc liiul Newsom the better p a rt o f one sea- .■>on jijid doji't wn/jt luiy p u r l of iiUn. A.1 fo r York, what do wc- w a n t wlUi hlin? Wo have Uie bi-.M fleldliiR und

first bind li n be-

; 'i i very uood h itte r . V cnion li .200 und drove In 03 runs lu st seii-

3n a.! ft rookie and 1 expect him to 0 much better Uita reason."TliP TlKers. hivvln« lulle<l to pull

Uie wool over Cliirk OrlfflLli.V eyes, lire trying to e e l rid of Ncw-

.wm and York, e.ipeclnlly Newsom. Jack Zeller. D etroit Rcncral m ana- Rcr, ha.-s m ote power th a n ever this sen.ion with the W nlter O. DriBga’. boUi Junior nnd senior.,actively en- Kat:ed in bulIillnR tankJulnd unnble to devote any 'Im e to aft.seball. Zeller has n •‘mild on" iit Ncw.iom Uml np- pnrrnUy can 'l be rjnooihed over,

Zeller ftlnihrd Nett-som'a ajilary from $30,000 to JIl.OOO which h u r l mmiRh b u t in addition he'.s been saylnR i.omr veo' hnr^h wonl.i about o r Uobo. In l^iUliiR about Newsom's ease. Z.-ller continually refers to tlia-vc 20 Ramci In- lost IfuvL ncarxin.

ZelU-r-B hick of ta c t finally aroa-'ed o r Hobo, iwullni? a t his IfarCivllle, a . C., home, to ;.[)ci>k In lila own,

'•YoiL I mlKhfvi* Io.1 t 20 Ramea liuil .ie.-u.oii," New.iom ,ia)d. "B ut how about Uioip 03 ball players Zeller la it tho Tliifrs a few Bcn.sona nKO. I we cciiUI u-ie 'em now,"

If NewMmi pitches for the Tigers Uil-i ;,eii.von a lte r Uuit rem ark ItH every biiseball m an In Flor­ida. .• York's sa lurj' .suppo^ftlly was cu t from tlR.OOn to $0,000 and Uie big Indian U aImo.M as uiUjappy as NL-w.',om.

Week-End In Sports

C inC A G O -N ew York Rangers lefeated ChlcaKo Black IIawk.s.> to 1, lo clinch N ational Hockey ■enRue pennant,WASHINOTON _ Navy deparl-

n ien i announced t l i a i Bitin Barry.of (ootb:ill, basketball

and bar.eball -d Football .. o r R u : ^ ft. 1 officer* Ui 3 progrui ill iie uni

SouUiern California, i Coach Harvey Harmar -vouUl be coniniKUone n navy's phy.-Jclal fltii

KANSAS CITY—H i vcMlly of St. P»ul won th e na- Uonal Intercollegiate basketball tourney by defeating Souihea.M- ern Oklahoma SUitc, 33-31, In toum cy's lowest scoring frny.M IA .\lI-\V lse Dob. c laim ed foi

M,000 o t Hlaleali. won O rnnso Blos- lom stakes a t Tropical p a rk .

ST. AUGUSTINB. Fla. — Mary Jane Oarm an won F lorida east eoa.1 t women's roU tourney, uji- sc iung OeorKla T aln ter, 2 and 1.

Oregon State and Stanford Play For Title Tonigiit

STANFORD UN1VE31S1TY. Calif,, M arch 10 (Ufy-Ba-nketball tew iu rciircsentlnK Stanford un iversity anil Orecon Slate coUpru m eet tonltihi

and ileclillim playoff Pacific Coast conler-

i leavewliuiln

, to parUclpste In th e Nciw tourney.

S tanford defeated O regon Stati 1 to 28 Friday n luh t hut th e Brav. ■s came back to win 42 to 3:

Saturday r«*ht, S tanford, ham per' ed by the lost of Capt. Don nurner..i forward, probably will b e In thi ------ predicam ent ton lghu

Wyoming Team Takes LDS Cage Crown

SALT LAKE CITY. M arch 10 lU.PJ Echoes of Iho a ll L -D -8 church M- Mcn'ii ba.tkelball tou rnam en t were resounding hi L<5vcll, Wyo.. today ns meinbeni of Lovrll west ward re­turned home a fic r w inning m e church cliainploiishlp by defeating Tavlor^vllle ward of S a lt Lake coun- ;y 41-30,

■ :ven thousand persons a ttended four-day tournam ent. wlUi 2.000 :lators a ttend ing Uie cham pion

ganie.', S a turday n igh t In thiDe e Kymnaslui he:

■nie Lovell M-Men were ahead In every perlo<l In cupping the chani- plon.ihlp buntlnR.

In oUier' names the final nlghl Ucon ward ot Idaho Falls. Idtiho, llpi>ed Ogden FourUi w ard 42.41: WelUvllIe defeated Edgehlll of Salt Liikp City 44-3S. and La CleneRa ward of Culver Cuy, Calif., managed to pdKc p ast the toui:h Mnnavii ward of Provo 44-43 In Uie most cxclllng game of the nlRllt,

Lovell.--vlllc In bs .flnlsl:

nii: her . Wcl

T ay.the

. . Jle . u h in l La Cli-iieTs: fifth

F.ilKehlll. sIxUi: OHden. r.evcuth. ivnMai IghUi.

Lovell won the church tournam ent In 1040, b u t A rlington ward of Los A nstles. C»1U., copptil Uif crown In 1041, ArllnK ton’ did not return ic <lefcnd Its chaniplonihl|).


IG U V -W aync Sabln, Reno, Nev., <lefei.tcd Dick Skeen. Los Angelt-s, in Uie finale of th e 11,000 Daytona B r irh T ennis club prote.s.Monal tour­nam en t yesterday, 3-G. 6-3, B-3, <J-0, nm ce Bnrne.1 . H ouiton. Tex., and Bob H arm an. Oakland, Ciillf., de­feated Sabln and Welby van Horn. Los Angelea. 0-3, 0-1, 0-1, In Uic doubles.

Bruins Average 43 Points Per Game in Meet

Coach Dode C ranney nnd h is Twin PalU Bruins looked ove r th e K o r- Ing nverages today for th e dlaU-let Clos. 1 A tournam ent he re and found Uiat the local qu in te t h a d averaged 43 points per game for th e six- game th a t b rought the champlon.Milp to th e Tw in Falls club.

And It will be th e hlgh-seorlnR offen.’ilve Uiat Coach C ranney will depend upon to take h im In to the higher h rn ck ew o f th e n tate cham ­pionship race o t th e Cla;i.n A toum a- m ent a t Pocatello T liu rsday . F r i­day and Saturday of thLs week.

Score 258 PoinLi Tlic Twin Falhi club counted 250

pdnLs In six contesta— w inning five nnd lailng one. T ills com pared with a pretty goo<l defensive record of 153 points for Uie opposlU on-20 points per con te;it~or Uie l7 -po ln t edge In every giune. O nly low scor- nlg contest wa.s the one In which the O akle>\llornci.s tr ium phed on Friday ,n igh t by a 31-20 .icorc,

in oUier llli.i T w in F a lls walloped Filer. 48-14. edged O oodlng. 44-40; licked Duhl, 57-18; sneaked by B ur­ley, 3D-32; 1tv,t lo Oakley. 21-20, and then thum ped Uic H bm eta In the finale, 50-20.

Scoring honors for Uie tournam ent w enl lo O Irnn Olbb, Uio six-foot- tw o-inch Bruin guard , w ho collected 101 polnt-s In Uie six conte.iU «lUi games of 16. 15, 20. 10. 7 and f l ­an average of Just nbou t 17 polntsi per conteji.

O ther Scorer*In the six cam es T om m y Cnrtney

and O tto I'lnrencc e ac h h a d 37 polnt.i, O lcnn Terry 32 a n d Mel Hul- b ert 30.

Yestrrdny the Brulna rested aflei Uielr sirennnii.-. week—cominK lo Ihi school onlv InnK eiiouKh to po.-.e fo: pictures. They took Uilngs cft.^y ngali today, but tomorrow will probably get a another drill—th e lo st be­fore leaving W ednesday for Poca­tello and tlielr opening gam e with LewLiton •niur,%day a l 3:45.

Winter Champs

C'nntenden thought th a t w hen Jane Vaughan waa m arried ih o r l- ly a d e r winning the women's n a ­tional Ire figure akatlng cham ­pionship last year they w ouldn’t have lo worry about her l^ com­petition anym ore. B ut ahe fooled thrill. .She retum etl to fueceiufolly tlrfend her tit le a few days ago.

Dawson Quits AtTulanefor Minnesota Job

MINNEAPOLIS, M arch ' 10 ( - n - T he sma.'.hlnK B lem iaii j;ysteni. war o r piMice, contUiuc.i a l Mlnnc.-.ota. And Lowell <Rcd» Dawson, who ab- aorbrcl the powcrhoii.'c- style to bc-

r a g reat qua rte rback nnd then g league head coach. wHl soon ;i picking up a t M innesota

where llernlo B lcrn ian le ll off U o m onths ago w hen he was callcd to

'.ive duty ns a m arine major. 3aw.^on's resignation as 'm iane

fijoiball coach w as nnnounced by Dr. Rwlws C . Uwrlrv, T u lauc pret.ldenl, late Saturday, a uliort lim e a fte r the University of M inneso ta board of regenLs had h ired Daw:,on as bat field m entor and chief n.vslstant Dr, aco rge-H auser, line co;ich. w novrd along to B lerm an 's .spot for he duration.

Tlius It will be squarely up tf 'f le d ' Daw.ion, a quarlerbacklns lero w hen Bernle B lcnnan coarh- ■d ^^llnne to the Ro.-.e Howl In 1031, o producfl the offetwlve slu ff for

M innesota's 10 4 3 champlon.ihlp etialleoge and a continuation of , ho t w inning break now a t 17 game;

Golf Bdl Scuffed? Well, Hit It Again—It May Be Your Last

^ Dy JOHN OROVKR VWde World fea tu res W riter

IH IN O TO N -By mld-1043. Ui I dub may be plnylnn Just a

........... ;olf ns S.immy Snr;u l, Whybfcau .'.\ Ifa ixw.lblc th a t iiellhe

of t>»nn will have any g o lf ball' takes 35.000,000 balli i t year t U. 8 , maslilc m en .%omcming t

.. n t while Uiey hnrvc."!t dlvol; Stocks -of nibber on hand w hen Uie

proflucUon board sa id •I imy iSore will m ake about

7.500,000 to 10,000,000.Add Uiat to balls on, .On

Uiose carried w e r from la.nt f.eason -Jn golfers' bags, nnd II toUiL-» up to a !Jv JH 0 4 2 supply. S po rting good; lores figure the avernge go lfer car let by wltK two dou-n a .icn.son.

S po rt stores advise Uie nbove-30 ;o!fer to give up hLi pride nnd buy ouRh-cover pllli. T liln -eovcr halts ;o fa r th e r when h it right, b u t they

come up wiUi a wide sm ile right through Uie cover w hen topped , and most golfers make topplnR a cft»

Jo h n B. Kelly, clvlllnn de fense dl- -->ctor of pliysical tra in ing . U try ­ing to get Uie order cutU ng o ff golf ball rubber modified. I f he fo ils , golf ■-alls will be mu.ieum pieces in 150.

1th f>0 per c jn t ot th e plaj-ers aty- mled for someUiIng to swlnjf at.

Qolf balls can be re-<:overed. Pros «ay th e result doesn’t p u tt tru o and wcfeUIea tn flight, b u t rc-co v c rln j la likely to grow in popularity .

Some courses are a lready giving golfem ft break by dru ln lnR wnter ha ia rd s . bartx-rlng Uie roug li and crectlng out-of-bound.s ne ts to con­serve balls, bu t every golfer knowa golf balls have a f iendish InteUl- gence U iat enobles Uieai t o ocurry

hWc_on_ w ldp . o p e n . fair-

It'* WorM in Tennis Q olfera’ are p ne tlca lly well-off

com pared with tennla addict*. A tcn- nU ball takes more rubber th a n a ftolf ball and sella fo r Icaa. Guess which one-a tporla soodi tniinufae- tu ryr wUl make w ith Uie lltU # rub­

b e r he h a -1 le ft? Tei Uiclr oom ph faster, too,

Bndm lnton'.i Uie out for tennis plnyera. T hey figure enough Ciecli goose-feaUiers fo r birds were on h a n d 'to ] about four years.

T lie com 'o v e r of rubber bladders fo r footballs. ba.skeUMlls and the like will keep Inflated ball sporta going Uils year. F o r 1043. It's any- body's guesa.

Bowling's In for nn even greater boom, ond It's o u t of this world now. Only a shorU ge of pin boys can hnll it;i spread. PrlorlU es don’t affec t Its c<iulpment:

Baseball? Well, o rganlied ball UiLi year m ay look like an old-aRe pen- tlo n convcnUon w ith p ink -che tk t^ Doy 6cout« u.ilierlng ih e tottering delegates a round.

Oaaeball Ha* Man-Problem W hen Presiden t Rooscveli gave

baseball th e green light as a morale mea-ture. h e no t only lured a flock of wide-eyed rookies ou t of the tnulies, b u t gave a new leoAC on life' to nil th e old Bpa\-ln-ann5 in Uie 'pastim e.

W ith ih c likes of Bob EpUer. T«1 William*. H ank Greenberg, Cecil T ravla a n d o the r top -fligh t atara In uniform , prlorlU es in m en, n o t m a- terlala, a re hltU ng baseball hard. M anagers will field team* made up of a«iJe ln fan t« w ho wore ta fe tr

pins In th e ir la s t uniform.-!, nnd ven­erable old genUemcn who.%e lum ba­go fJirleka e%-ery Ume they go for a ground boll.

lx:fly Bob O rove. fee ling his years, announced la st fa ll th a t h e wa-i re- Urlng h it ancien t nrm to pa itu re on his Lonnconmg acrcw, "TliU- spring he took n starU ed look n t w hat will be playing ball U ils y e a r nnd opined hla icasoned flipper wa.t plenty good enough.

Even Ol' M an 'WUcy Moore du m b hlj.',elf a CaroUna pine .itu jn iw they aay aome klnfolka helped him up—a n d *ald h e ’d h e r to con tract tfllk. o r M an W llcy reputedly p itch ­ed the f l n t gam e w hen Uie dove csmo back Irtitn M l. A ra ra t w ith word the field w aa d ry enough lo plaj’.

More daylight and tw ilight ball U In Uie card*, dc.-.plte Uie big league rule allowing 14 n igh t games. A ball o rchard uses aa m uch power as a healUiy c lly . and Juice li need­ed for muhltlon.f.

Equipment sho rtages a ren ’t ex­pected to h i t basebaU th is year Consenswa Is a num ber of leoguei represcnUng R F D aUips will fold Reasona: No tires fo r M an* trave l­ing by tm i; a n d th e lu re of tSO-a- week eliores In fac tories fo r kids la ­boring In Class o c lrc u iu for $75 * monrn.

It-iy Lenahan,' who w asn’t a •.tanclnut a t a pitcher fo r th e riitiliiirsli r ira te a two decades atn, fihowetl today's diamond alar* iliai he wan th e ir peer a* a golfer. They let Ixinahan. now a sh ir t Mlr^man, In to the recent b u e b a ll

n It.solf I ncnt, 1 1 he

Ja m ri B lekford'i four-m an team U the country 's best bobiled crew. Bickford drove his sled lo .viotory In tlie .North American a n d N a­tional AAU

... .1 comes to speed skallng Ice. C arm ellla Larulry U tops.

»no won the national cham pion­ship last year and ont-dbitaneed a ll h e r com peU ton again in Feb­ruary .

Exhibition GamesBy The Associated Pres*

Hollywood (PC D 3, Chicago (

S an Diego (PC D 0-1. P ittsburgh (N) 1-3.

K ansas C lly (AA) 7, Cleveland (A) 0,

Boston (N) 6. Philadelphia <N)3.

New Y ork (N) 7, Brooklyn (N)

Tennis Pros Play In Saft Lake City

SALT LA KE CITY. M arch 18 (UJO F ou r o u ts tan d ln s tennis pros will, slash It ou t w ith rackets over neti s trung across th e D eseret, gymnas- Itim floor hero tomorrow n ig h t

T he fam ous foursome, now cn i naUonwlde tennU tour. Includes Don Budge. Bobby Riggs. Lester Sloefen and P t a a k Kovacs.

Soldier Quint Stars In 1st Round of AAU

By CARL RF.ICIIDENVER. M arch 10 (U.PJ—An u n ­

derrated team th a l travelled nil n ig h t to be on hand fbr Its opening gam e but which d id n 't le t Uie lack of aleep affec t Its acorlng punch In the slightest today he ld th e hopes of th e armed servlce.s fo r th e ir f irs t naU onal AAU boaketbail cham pion­ship.

'Tlie performance of th e accura te aggregation of nharpiihooters from P o r t Leavenworth, K an .. Jn b lasting o u t a 7D-08 decision over Uio Lowry field team of Denver overslindcwed rven an Individual scoring ou tbu rst If 34 pclnta by Fred Bcolarl. 10-

yeor-old forward for th e S a n P ra n - d sc o Salcslan Boys' club.

Playing w ith only alx m en—oil th a t were able lo m ake Uie U lp In th e one available autom obile—Uie K am a* aoldlera rallied to w;n ono of Ih e highest-scoring gam es on record. The Ully a t th e ha lf wa-s 30-35. a respecUble fina l rcault, b u t th e two service clubs d ropped polnt.s through the hoop u n til th e strings became frayed. •

Scolarl. a protege of H ank LulsetU and a lad whose play grcaUy re ­sembles Uiat of tlie fo rm er SUin- ford star, was Uie ta lk of the m orning round. Al th e forw ard post fo r th e Sftleslan club—w hich num ­bers among It* form er members LulsetU and Joe D lM aggio—Scolarl

icored 10 field goals and two free Uirows as hU club defeated the O rcen M oim taln, In.. Independenl-i, 09-40. L arry Torburen of D enver holds the m eet record of 48 points scored by ono player.

LouLi Amayn scored 28 points aa the Pueblo. Colo.. Socjim ans sen t Uie Crow 'agency . M ont.. Ind ian ■’All-Americas” ou t of th e to u rn a ­m ent, 54-38, in n th ird dazzling pe r­formance.

DENVER. M arch 18 (U.R)—Plrnl round rf.iull.s In th e na tio n al AAU tournam ent:

Milwaukee. Wls.. A IIen-Bradleys 04, Sioux City O ld Homers 40.

San Francisco Saleslans 00. G reen M ountain. la .. Independents 40.

P o rt Colllmi, Colo.. W lilto Palaces 40, A rkonsns Cnty, K an .. Sover­eigns 33.

New Mexico H ighlands U 47, D en­ver Acaela 30.

Denver Arcanum s 30, 81. Louis, Mo., Nebcos 20.

St. Loill.-!. Mo.. KUUS 47. ■WlchlUi, Kan,. T ralnera 38.

St. FraneU , K an,. S ilver Streak.n 55. Fort W arren . Wyo.. Bronco.s 48,

F o rt LeavenworUi. K an., 70, Low­ry field. D enver, 08,

Pueblo, Colo.. Saclunans 54. Crow Ind ian •'All-Amerlcaa.” "M ont. 30.

Portland . Ore.-, Signals 58, Butte, Mont., CYO 35.

Kentucky Race Fails to Get Many of Stars

By SID FEDER NEW YORK, M arch 10 <A’i — The

...oum ors' bench reserved exeluslve- ly-for hopeful three-year-o lds a t Uils season of the year hoa th e S. R. O, sign ou t today, going Col. Ed B rad­ley ono better in h is stand ing bet again st Uie K entucky derby chancea of any gee-gee In th e bunch.

r o r years Col. Ed h a s offered 3 to 1 ag sln it any derby eligible gei- Ung to ufK aost lo take a crack nt th e nccklBCB of roses. Tlila year, a lthough 150 U iree-year-olds — In­c luding siKh starry-eyer hopeful.i a. Requested and Alsab — have been nominated, several of lB41'.'t snappy Juveniles w eren't even nam ed, Tlictr ow ners wouldn't even Invest *25 to mnk«^ Uiem eligible fo r th e May 2 festival. .

T here are oiie or two uood UiIiirs w ho go bad every w in ter, like Bold Irl.ihm an la st year, a n d tlierclore d on 'i gel Uie u tp to j,ee th e blue Rra.-ui, But the ll.a Uil-s tim e H nearly blR enough (o m ount n cavalry uiilt. And UiLi doesn't upply only to the derby, mind you. T lie drew only 60 nomlnaUon.-(. Not, even Requested, the Plam lngo w inner and Florida falr-hal'red boy. g o t Into th a t set.

Among Uie big onc.i m K ilng from Uie derby eligible nre C ontrad ic­tion. the Pimlico fu tu r ity w inner: Colchis and Eternal Dull, who gave A hab a bit ot a chill J iu i w hen ho

hotte,it la s t year; R ed lho rn . the tn u l galloper who cha.icd Re­

quested home In the F lom lngo; Am- phlUieatre, n siro tc h -n m n ln « .- on of S ir Oallaliad: InconilnK, who was

. pushover In Florida Uil.-i wlntirr. Id Biijier, Jock W hllncy'.s hlgh-

prlceti yearling buy.

:las3 B m eet for ■t C oeur d ’Alene, la slng le-defeat

cham pionsh ip leys .scheduled

ts m a tch thc.'.c

16 Teams Set For Start of Tourney Play

My ’The'A ssociated PreMSixteen teams today moved toward le payoff In Idaho’s 1043 hlgl;

school biuiketbnll season.Thursday a f te m ^ n those 10 team :

will begin play lA th e two iU t/ ournam ents. the Class A event nt ’ocatello and the i he smaller schools

Play will be ori U illmlnatlon basis will:

irames In both toun fo rS atu rd a y nlfiht.>~*9{ienlng round gam ipponenls;CLASS A -L ew lston. n o r th cen tral hamplon. vs. Tw in Falls , riouth cen-

U-al winner; Preston, souU ieosi wln- v». Sugac City, eustern runner-

. . Mldtt-ay, e.-ui cham pion , v.s. Priest River, panhandle w inner; Boise, southwest Utllsl. vs. Pocatel­lo, hast

CLASS B—Ucon. e aste rn w inner, f. Rose Lake, paininndle runnerup ;

CraJgmont. norUi cen tra l cham pion, vs. Soda Springs, sou theas t v lito r; Hagerman, souUi c en tral w inner, vs, “ ottonwood. north c en tra l runnerup :

iplrll Lnke. panhandle cham pion, Frultland. souUiwest w inner.

Twin Palls won Its to u rn am en t b e rth by trouncing O akley 50 to 28 Saturday n igh t a fte r .th e B ru in s had lost U) (Jflkley a n lg lil earlie r, 21 to 30.

Midway won the e aste rn dlsU lct :hamplonshlp by edging o u t Sugar ::ity 34 to 33 on Y oungstrom 's baa- cet as the whUtle sounded. BoUi team s were eligible to e n te r th e stole m eet, however.

GARLAND TO COAST IDAHO F A U a . M arch 10 l/Ti —

Lou Oarlanil. busmeas a n d field m anager of tho Id ah o Pall.i Rua-. set-s, la In C alifornia w here h e will tour PaclJla Coast league cam ps In search of baseball ta le n t fo r Uie local Pioneer league club.

ATTENTIONCash p d d (or w o rth le a o r dead cows, borset u sd prloe o f pelt* for dead sheep.

Idaho Hide & Tallow Co. Can Colleel N earest Phone

114 •a p tr t 5 5

Hide*. pelU. tallow, fu r, aod Junk bones bough t

Spring Camp News ItemsST. PCTERSBURG. F la .' — St.

Louis C ard inal pitchers, w ho have kept Uie m ighty New Y ork Y ankee sluggera-ln check th e p a st tw o days,

■ reached Uio po in t w here they able to hurl more U ian th ree -igs. M anager Billy BouthworUj.


D E l^N D . F la,—Bad w eaUier and co n lra c l trouble have kep t the St. Louis Browns beh ind Uie clRht-bnll Instead of a baseball Uils spring bu t M anaged Luko Sewell finally has nearly a full sr;und wlUi w hich to w ork. Only jiltiher Jnke K ram er Is absen t.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — K irby Illgbe, the la te reporting p itcher of till' Brooklyn Dodger.i. lias been i:ranted a vacation of several days in hope;, Uie will remove a kink from his shoulder.

ST, PFTTERSBURG, Fla.—Pitch Red RufthiR accepti-d thYork Yankee term s --------ago bu t’l app t ^ ond M anager Joe M cCarthy L-i be- comlnR n b it Irked — e.ipeclally a fte r losing two straJgh l to the S t. ixiuls Cardinal*.

j , rm .—I'li t ii >;.-<l tliQ Ne» a lm o s l^ w c c l :a rec\i^i Cam]

ORLANDO. Kla,—Tliere was talk round th e Sena to rs’ cam p today la l ow ner Clark GrlfflU i h a d open­

ed negoUaUons w ith th e Chicago White Sox fbr a ca tcher to replace Al Evans, rated 1-A by liLs d ra f l board. D eparture of E vans would Ie.ivR Wn-^lilnglon wlUi only one ex­perienced receiver. Jake Blarly.

SANFORD. Fin . — Mel H arder, atlem ptlntt a coinctiack a fU r an elbow operation, gave the Ind ians MimeUilng to be cheerful abo u t to ­day as they faced Uie Boston Br.ive.'., A fter working th ree In­nings yesterday, when Cleveland was beaten by K ansas C lly , H ar­der said Uie "nrm fell fine. T here was no trace of pa in."

ANAHCTM. C a lif .-B o b Jolinson, 'te ran ou tfielder, hnsn 'i show n up L Uie ram p of th e Ph iladelph ia A's llhough h e was reported en route

from Tneomn. W a*h„ to Sign a con- trnct.

LAKELAND. F la.—M anager Del ■'Bilker calls M urray F rank lin , fo r­mer Unlversltv of Illinois .itar, the b fU io Tiger infield. •'T liat kid," says Baker, "m ay break In to .o u r f irs t s tring lineup a t second, a t sh o rt or n t th ird ,'’

Rangers Capture Hockey Crown

By United Pre»*.Tlie New York Rangern won Uie

r.ea.son's chtunplorwhlp o{ th e N a ­tional Hockey li!ague Sunday n ight, (lefeaUng Uie ClilcaRo Black Hawk-s, 5-1 while the Brooklyn Americans nixict the T o ron to .Maple Leafs, 0-3, Detroit clinched flfUi place de feat- Ine .ilxUi-place M ontreal. 4-1.

T lie only team s no t assured a Stanley cup playoff berUi nro the C.wiadlen.i und Americans. S e p a ra t- ed by tw o points, each ha.s one game to play, Brooklyn a t Boston on Tue.^dny ond T oronto a t M ontreal on T hursday. T he num ber o t goals scored m ay decldc the poMlble dead ­lock.

T he R angers also se t a new rec ­ord of 177 goals scored In ono sea ­son, s h o d l^ the fom ier m ark of 174 se t by l\3ronto.

FARMERS ATTENTION • I am in Ihe m arket 1o



I Hi L im ited Supply of

WOOL BAGSC el y o a n a t ence o r leave your order.

L. L. LANGDONice 4Ui At. W. Pbone ISORemember th e governm ent, need* your old scrap Iron and m etals. We can pay you h ighest m arket price*.




Tlie Twin Palls B ru in s a re a t the pinnacle of the he ap In Class A compeUtlon again—a fte r a drouUi Uiat has lasted too m any y e an .

But the Brulna s till have a long way lo go If they w an t to keep U iat s ta te championship In sou th cen tral Idaho—won In 1041 by th e Burley Bobcats.

However. I believe tlia t Coach Dode Cranney's • q u in te t h a s Uie s tu ff of which cham pions are made and th a t they m ay go a long way In s ta te compeUtlon.They got a break In th e d raw In

getting the Lewiston club of norUi a n t r a l Idaho. BoLie. Big Six cham - felons, o r Pocatello, host team, would have been m ucli tougher.

Of course. I t won’t m ake much difference In Uie long ru n which team furnLihes the oppcwlUon.

Because if the B ru in s are ho t Uiey‘11 go Uirough any club In the .state. If Uiey are cold on U idr shooting Uien Just abo ifi any Clas-i A team in sou th c en tra l Idaho will give them a thum ping. Oakley prov­ed th a t Friday n ight—a n d even tho Oakley fans will ndm it they haven 't ;he team this yenr they have been ible to pu t in to tourneys In recent

• On the basis of con.slsleney It would be neccs.inry to pick Uie Brave.i to win th e s ta le Class A ehamplon.shlp.

T lie Twin FnlLi Bru ins can take over Ihe role of "dark-hom e" nnd be glnd they don 't h ave any "ptes- tlge" to con.sldrr.

the Cla.M etlflon her Ju s tClass B ta lk a week be-

if lie tha t.T o get back lo th e Class B play

In ’general and th e championship Hagerm an Pira tes in parU cular. I have a le tte r on m y from Jim Moore, Mt. S h a ita , Calif.

Jim used to play on some good Hflgerman cage team s and has a young broUier who U a reserve on this year's g rea t club,

Wlien 1 wrote several weeks ago th a t there were probably no beUer Cla.'u B quInleU In th e state than those coming from Shashone. Ifevbum nnd Paul, J im was down­right pu t nut.

So he tlt.s lilmself down and pens UiLi note:

"As a loynl reader of 'Sport Squibs' column, one of w hich I am enelailng, I couldn 't he lp b u t no ­tice the item underlined (nbout Paul. Sho.ihone nnd H eyburn).•’So to refresh your mem ory, the

Shoshone club, which w on th e sta te title la.ll year, lost tw o season games —24 to 0 and 22-17—10 th e under­rated Hagerm an club, w hich en­joyed an undefeated .season w ith the excepUon of one loss to G lenns F e r­ry in an overUme batUe.

"I will bet you n th ree m onths' .subw lptlon. double o r noth ing , th a t Ilagermfin wins th e d is tric t cham ­pionship,'?

T lie le tte r nrrlved Uie dav nfter the tournam ent s ta rted and Hng- erm an hnd been 'trounced In Its opening game. 6o I d id n 't lake up the bet—which would have been a good p rc-toum am en t b e t for me. Ina.tmucli aa th e odds could be considered nt least 6-1 Bgnlnst any team In the tou rnam en t w in­ning Uie chnmplon-shlp.However. Mr. Moore’s pride In h li

old home town was JusUfled nnd the Pirates won wlUi one of the best-balanced clubs ever to take down a distric t C law B crown— probably ranKlTR nex t Jo la s t year’* Shoshone’s a ll-s tar nggregallon.

Which all proves* noth ing of ■ course, except th a t th e fac t Uial Jim ’s having been SLIOHTLY prejudiced, didn’t keep hlfl club from winning.


(.Vy-Husky Al Vandeweghe. end on the William nnd M ary foolball team nnd nn ouUitandlng ba.sketball play­er. won’t reiw rt fo r a rp rlng grid drill today. He Is .out wlUi a sprain-

-ed leg muscle—suffered while tak- •4«f'a dancing lesson.

m e trends of motorcar ; twice as quickly wlic 75 miles per hour as

IN A CTIO N again st W A STE

Yob uvs money *«lih n e r f ton of DLUF. BLAZE COAL that fou 1mm. SclemHie «rail>. ing and prrpiratlaR reclarrt tho aib and Increaie* tbo of* titleney.

BLUE BLAZE c o ml iy iro ^ lt tn td —S lx td —DutlpToofei




Page 7: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

Monday, March 16, 1942 TIM ES-N EW S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven ■


M urcli 11. 1M3LEGAL NOTICE

FINDINGS O F FACT AND ORDER T lio Flstt Olid Oiune Com mlulon

of Uie BtaW of Idaho, hAvlns Kivca noilco and he ld hcftruisa. oJid nav - intf m ade due and thorough iiivca- tlKaUon and received rccommenda- Clona from Conser^aUon O fltcen of th e Departmcnl and oUicr cooi- petcn i persons, finds th a t th e loU low ing chttHBca In regulalloiu nov- o v m ln e Uie inking o t wIMllfe In the BtAt« of idftho, are neccsaary; • a n em ergency exbU luid Hint cliongca tnusi be mude In (lie In icr- cfil Of Uio conservation and wise use of th e wlldUle reaources of Uie S U le of Idalio.

'rhe re fo rc . 11 la ordered U) foVlo-NlKg rcKUlttUons lo i th e la i i j i s of wildlife In the S la te o t Idalio, based upon findings ot fac t by th e Commission tue hereby declared and th e D lreeior of tlie Plslj and Gam e D cpftfttncnt Is ordered to give iioUco of sucli cliangcs as provided by law.



OENEHAL 8E1ASON-U la by ordered U>al Uie general fo r th e tak ing of trou t In the S tu te of Idaho fo f the aea.ion 1M2 Bhnll be May 3« to November 1. ’n ils son shall apply to all waters otherw ise listed. (All dates ore elusive).

T h e following wuler.s. hcrcloforc cl&>ed are now oper tlie gencrivl teasoii. Muj- lo No­vem ber 1:

Spring Creek In Dutlo County: D augh Creek h i DUvlt;c Countv: Uto.' T irca In D ear Loke County In Uic m ou th of M ontpelier Ciuiyon iinil ni oreft daxtiiyea (ti th a D rtlt Fesio abou t m ile above Snowsllile ti th e head o t M ontpelier Creek; Slut- Creek, a ;r lbu ia ry of Uie S t. Jo- R iver. In Shoshone County; Morbli C reek, a tribu tary of Uie St. Joe R iver, to Junction of H oniritcad C reek and Dudsell Creek, a UlbU' u r y of M arble Creek.

O PEN T O YEAH ROUND H SH - IN O —I t U ordered 111

^ liiK wuier.i a re open t(I a ll fWi during Uie enUre year:

S nake river—From th e Blone Bridge on Uie N orth Fork below the iiiouUi o t W arm R iver downstream, Soutlj F o rk from th e Wyoming Ihie down­s tream lo American i'a lls Dam luid from a po in t directly north of M as­sacre ftocka downstrenm: Salmon R iver—DeJow Uie mouUi of Red- f tsh Lake Creek except th a t jwrUon from the s ite of th e old Sunbeam D am downstream to a point 3W below fiaia dam site. Middle Fork of Salm on n iver below the Junc- Uon of Uciir Valley Creek and M arsh Creek.i; Clcarvi'ater River— NorUi Fork below the mouUi of L ltile NorUi Fork. Middle Pork be­low the confluence of Locn.'.n and Sclw ay Rlvcr.^ and South Fork be­low Cft.iile Creek; Denr R lv e r-E n - llrc ly except Cove and G race Dum;.: M urtaugh Lake and canaJ outlelA a n d inlcls In Tw in Falls County. K ootenai R iver; W ann Lake and th a t ixirUon of Payette Lake lylnff r.ouUi of a. line draw n acrOM Ui« L ake from Lightning Point to the m ou th o t R apid Creek; m ain canivl lead ing Into and ou t of Wilson Lake in Jerom e County.

SrE C IA L BEASONB T h e following rpeclal seasons a rc

' hereby ordered and rioclared for Uic 1342 fbhlnB wftion: Priest. Pend O reille. Cocur d’Alune and Chatcolet Lakes; Clnrkafork' River; Pend O reille R iver; Spokane R ivet; A1 tr ibu ta ries o t Uie C learw ater River N orth Fork below the m outh of Lit' tlo North Fork. Middle Fork belov confluence of Loclvia and Selwa; R ivers. eouU i I'o rk below Ciuntli Creek. O roflno and LoLo Creeks— A pril 15 10 November 1.

All tr ibu taries of Uio Main Clear­w ater River below th e confluence of Uic Middle Fork and the SouUi Fork of C learw ater River and lOl itlbu* ta rlM of th e NorUi Fork below and including Elk Creek—April 15 to Ju ly 13.

Soldiers Meadow Reservoir In Nezi>ercc C oun ly -M ny 2< to July 15,

M aljlc Iie.'<rvolr In Blnlne Cou ' '


CIA L SEASONS: Bonner County —D ecem ber IB lo September 30. Boise. Payetlo and Lemhl Rivers— J a n u o ry 1 to December 31.• LAROEMOUTH B A S S — GEIN- ERAL SEASON: Ju ly 1 to April 30. SPECIA L SEASONS: Benewah, K oo t«na l,'D onn« r, Boundary and Shoshone CounUes—January 1 to D ecem ber 31. Swan Palls Power Re- w rv o lr on th e Snake River from ta llrac e upstream to the moulh of C astle Creek closed lo bass fishing. 31. J o e and S t. M aries Rivera and

.ill th e ir irlbu iarles from Mission P o in t east—May 34 lo November. 1. Je tfcriw n County closed lo boss and

' SMALLMOUTJ! BASS—No open season .

oyA N N E L CATFISH — No open

* STUROFX>N. BULUIEAD CAT­FIS H . PERCH, CRAPPIE AND SU N FISH — GEINERAL SEIASON: January,' 1 to December 31. SPECIAL SEASONS: Lost Valley Reservoir and E lk U k e In Adam* County— Ju ly 1 to Novembcr/H. Magic Reser­voir In Blaine County from the In- le i to a point one mile abo\-o the dam and Uie ouUet from one-half mile below the dam to a point onr- haU mile above the diversion dam —M ay I 10 November 1. Salmon D am Rwer^'olr In Tw in FalU Coun. tv—M ay 1 to November 1. Snake lilv e r from American PalU Power Diun to Massacre Rocks—Mav 24 to O ctober 1. S t. Jo© and St. Maries R ivera and a ll the ir trlbuU rles from M ission Poin t casl—May 24 to No­vem ber 1 .

SALMON and ST E ELH RA D -lr all w ulera open U> year round fish- Ing—Ja n u ary 1 to* December 31 M ain SRlmon River below iht- triQi.aV of RcdfLsh Lake Creek and a ll trlhu. lories—Januo ry 1 lo Julv 31- Yonkci For* above FIve-MlJe Creek closed to salm on fLshlng. SouUi Pork of Sa lm on River, East Fork of Salmon R iver. Johnson Creek. BIk Creek li Id ah o and Valley Counties. Lllll S a lm on River upstream to the fall below Black Bear Inn , Rock Creek In W tuihington County, and Wel.ser R iver. Including M anns Creek, shall be op en to th e taking of sleeth»

____ n o t ICM Uian IB" In IrngUi. wIng of hfX)k and line from February 1

frc in le t nllo_____ ...e dnni anil Uip outle t froi.o p o in t one -ha lf mile below the dam to n point one-half mile above the diversion d a m —May I lo November 1. Salm on D am Reservoir In Tw in F a lls Countj’- M s y l lo Novenjbrr 1.

B e ar U k c In Dear Lake County— M ay 1 to December 15,

H ayden Loko In Kootenai Cot —May IS to November 1.

I la jd e n Creek from Hayden Lake to th e head of the stream —Seplcm' b<rr 15 to O ctober !5.

Snake . lU ver between Uie Ameri­can Fulls Pow er Dam and Ma.-.^acrc Hocks; Com as Creek In Clark Coui iy ~ M ay 24 Uj October 1.

aoo;,p I>oke and Goa'C Cree T w in Lake.% and tributaries oboi L0.-.1 Valley Reservoir In Ailams Com ity: notilder Lnkr, Laki F a ll Creek J jik e , Rapid Lake, Duck i,nk r. T\«-ln Lake. Sum m li Lake and tr ibu taries ftbove In Valley County, M arshall X^ke and Lake Creek In Id ah o C o u n ty -Ju ly i to November

Deadwood ReMrvolr and tribu­ta rie s above In Valley County; Sage- h e n Reservoir In Qem Counly; Up-

Psvytti« lA kc anil N orth Porlt of Payett* River obove Payette Lake, th a l porUon of PayetUi Loke lying north of a Une draw n across th e Lake fro m LIghtnlny Polnl to th e m outh o t Rapid Creek, W ash­ing ton . P o u r t h - o f - J u l y , Frofc, Cham pion, Boulder nnd B om Lakca a n d Lake Creek In Custer County, B u rns Creek In Bonneville County —Ju ly 1 to November 1.

Grouse, TresUe and a Creeks on Uic east side of P end Oreille Lflke—Moy 34 to Ju ly lO.

H enry 's L ckc and ouUet and o il tr lb u u r le s except T orghee Creek a n d Stoley.’s Springs in Frem ont C ounty—Ju n e is to November 1.

NorUi Po rk of th e Snake lUvei from The n o r th lino of th e Island P a rk l^ n d ond C atlle Company property to the O sborn Brldgi Ju ly 10 to November 1,


• N oveabet I . SPECIAL BEA80NS; P e n d OrclUe l^ k e . Pend OrelUo R iver and Clorkiforlc R lrer. U pper a n d Lower Priest Lakes. Uppei P r ie s t River from Uie lake to Amer- I ca a ITalls—January 1 to November 31- O ronlto Creek, tribu tary to P r lM i Lake, from Its mouUi to the flah trap —Ju ly 15 to October 15

35 fish or 15 lbs. and ohl fish . B onner Counly—2S fish, no w eight Umlt.

W H T T E nS H — GE.SERAL SEA. §O N : M ay a t to N ornnber 1. JJPE-

r retlflsh. ir r.unfhh

fbh In

hfX)kJu ly 1.

D U L L F R O G S -Juna I to April 14, U m lt— 2S.

T h e following llnilU arc hereby placed on th e taking of game fh h : T ro u t, blue-back saJnion o catflBh. whileflsh, crnpple c

fl.-Ji or 15 lbs, and oi one dnv or In possession. Not morf Uian 5 trout o r less Uian fl" In lengUi may bn token In one day or telalnect In p a w s i lo n . Nol more Uian 10 Ib-s dried or smoked fish allowed In pos- psslon except th a t 35 Ibn. of tmokcf .’hllcriAh shall be pennllled on the •cion River and all th a t portion oi lie C learw ater River which Is oper.0 y e o r round fishing. WhliefL'h and

bliieback.s In Bonner. Doundar>’ nnd K oot/-nal-^unU e.-.-S O lbs.. 35 lbs. imokcd on Wmmerclnl, S al- n o n iind St/^e!hea<1-2 In one day,1 In the aggrcRiitc In po.-;.c.wlon. P e r c h - 35 In one day. 40 lbs. In po i- ie.-Ls1on. Baas—J5 fish o r 15 lb,’., and )no fLsh; unlaw ful to pof.'.rss biu,.-i ess th a n 8 Inches In lengUi, No en g th limit on bluebaek, whileflsh, :a tf lsh , pcrch, cm pple or sunflsh.

FISH IN G REGULATIONSSalm on eggs prohibited except

;h a t they m ay be tLsed for trout, Rleclhead and salmon In waters llsle<l below; nnag hoofcs and spews proh ib ited except U jat they may l>e iLsed for salmon and steelhead only In wixter/i lLile<l below: Cleanvaler R iver, South Fork o l Uie Clearwater R iver below Castle Creek, North Pork below Little North ' F o r k . Lorli-na River below Dendman Creek. Selw iiy R lvrr below Selway Fiill.i. M ain Salmon River from Redflsh Liike~Cri-ek to l u mouUi, MJiUi: Fork of Salmftn River below June lion of n e a r Valley Creek on M anih Crcek.s. L lu lr Salmon Riverbelow (lie brUlge a t ^ ’ollock. Yi.........Po rk o t anlm on helow them o u th of Flve-M llr Cfpi*,' Sna R iver from one mile beloi' Swi Fiilla Dam dowTislreora.R Weis . R iver below Starkey and Little WrUsor niver below Jeff Andersor C ab in : provided alv> tlial anas liook.n may be used on the Clarks- fork River In Bonner Countv foi the Inking of bluebock salmon. Sa l­mon fT!ga bu t no fnai!" or rpeara may be ui.e<1 on the Snake River from Uie S tone Bridge below the m outJi of W arm River on the NorUi Fork nnd Wyoming line nn Soutli Pofk downslream to Swan Falls Dam . Fishing Uirough an opening b roken or cut through the Ice shall be unlaw ful except In the following w nter.i and In the Uxklng of llie fol. lo w ln s fish: percli. bluebftck salmon and whileflsh In Bonner. Benewah and K oo tenai' Counties and fot w h ltc ftih In Uie Main Salmon Rivet below the moulh of Lake C r « k ; tlshlng IhTOWRh Ice lor trout In Jim m y Sm ith Uike In Cu.-.tei C oun ty from October 1 lo March 31 only. All species ma>- be taker Uirouflh openings. In Uie Ice Ir W arm Like nnd th a t portion ol P a y e tte l* k e souUi of n line droUT from Lightning Po in t to the mouUi of R apid Creek In Valley County.

I I Ls unlawful: To fUh for any kind o f game fish a t ony time In any u-alers of Idalio excepthook ond line; n o t more thai. ___line a n d one pole m a j be used. I t sho ll be unlawful to use a set line (a a c t line 1s defined to m ean f line le f t unattended for more th a r one h o u r); to fish wlUiln on ares posted by th e G am e Departmeni as closed waters; to r.elne for while, fish In Payette Lakes and U-lbu- ta rlc s : lo fLsh for tro u t wlUi the aid of a rtific ia l ligh t; to take readflsh from any trlbuUirlea of Redflsh, Pe tU l, Alturas. W arm and Payelte

■Laker.; lo u!C the yout\g o t auy gwnc flsli fo r boil <a aculpln. commonly k now n u a ■'mountain bullhead,” m ay b e used fo r-bait and Is not ( gam e fish); to a te minnows for Ui< ta k in g of bas. in Benewah. Kool- enoJ. Shoshone. Bonner and Bound­a ry CounUes; to use spa*-n for ball ex cep t salmon eggs as above pro­vided: to depo.s1 l sawdust, chemicals or o th e r subsUinces In Uie stream s o r IakC9>4p use cliemlcals. poison d ru M or explosives In attem pting to o r .In catching, killing or destroy­ing f ish ; to offer for sale or pur- cluuw any bullfrogs or -any parti th e reo f; to sell or ahip flsli without 0 p e rm it except as provided by law; to se in e for u-hlteflsh. ling, or onj non-e«miB fUh except as ■pro\’lded by la v . A ll closed stream s will be post-


BLUE and RUP PED O R O U BE- C learw ater. Lcwla. Neiperce, Latoli, Benewah. K ootenai. Slioehoiie, Bon­ner Boundary, Adams and Idaho counUes on Sunday# and Wednca- dajT. only—Septem ber 0 to n . Dag Limit—3.

HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE — Clearwoler, Lcwjs, Nerperce, U i Benewah. K ootenai. Bonner. Bo dary ond all of Idalio County except th a t porUon lying souUi of Uie Mali' Salm on R iver and e iu t of the Littli Salm on R iver on Sundays and Wed nesdaya only—Octobcr 14 to Novem ber 15. Dag Limit—3. All Uiat p a rt of Ado County lying north and east of Uie foolhlll road and all th a t p a rt lying r.oulb of th e M ain New York Canal and M om Canal. Boise. Gem. Payette. W’ashlngton. Elmore and Adnmn CounUes. rxccpl Uiat portion of Adata'i Counly known a s the M ea­dows Valley—Septem ber 1 lo 10 und O ctober IB lo November 18, Adn Owyhev. Adajns, Canyon and M ini­doka Counties—October 18 to No vrmber 10, Bag Limit—«. except Ir .\tlnldoka CounVf—4.

CHINESE PnEA SAN TS-Lewls. C lrarw ater, Nctpei-ct, Latali. Beiie- ,wuh. Kooieniil. Bonner, BoundaVy and a ll of Idalio Counly excepl Uiat pnrt lying »oulhT>tJiirW aln Salmon iind eas t of th e Lillie Salmon River on Sundays a n d Wednesdays only— October 14 to N ovm ber 15. Ada Adanv-i. Conyon. ElmtJre. Oem, Ov.7- hre P a y e lt* W ashington. Blnlne, Otx>dlng, Jerom e. Lincoln, Mlnldoko, Twln»PxUls. Lcmlil. that l)orllon of Cuatcr Counly lying norUi of W illow Creek Sum m it—October la lo Novem ber 16. M adison. JcSlci- •ion. F rem ont. Bonneville. Blnnhnm und Butte CounUes—October 18 to November 1. Bannock, Franklin. Oneldft. an d Power Counties—Octo­ber 18 to 27. Bag Limit—3, of whidl not more th a n one can be n hen.

M OUNTAIN. VALUiY and CAL­IFO RN IA QUAIL — Clearttiiter, Lewis, N erpercc. Latali, und all of Idaho Comity except th a t p a rt r,ouUi of th e M ain Salmon River and eaaf of th e LitUe Salm on River,on Sun- <lays nnd W ednesdays only—aep- tcm bcr D to 21. Jerom e. Twin Palls and G ooding Counties—Oclobcr 10 lo November 16, Bag Limit—5.

BODWWITE Q U A IL -E ntlre hlAle

MOURNING DOVES — Adams, Boise, Butte. Elmore. Gem, Jerome, Paye tte , Tw in Falls. OoailnK.-Val­ley. W a.shlnglon. Lemlil. Clark. F re ­m ont, Jefferson , MadLson. Donne;, vllle Bingham , Bannock. Power, Caribou. B ear Lake. Franklin. O nei­da a n d T eton Counties—S«'ptember 1 lo 10, Bag Limit— 12.

BIG GAMKDKICR— Ada, Adnm.s, Blaine. Bnl-.r.

B utic, Custer. Elmore, Gem. l.rm - il, Owyhee'. Valley. W ashlnglon and h o t p a r t of Idoho County lying ou th of th e M ain Salmon und east if tiie Little Salmon lo Uie SouUi Mrk of Salm on River—October 5 to

Novw ibor 5, T h a t purl of Idaho Counly lying i.oulh of Uie Miiln Sa l­mon and E as t Of th e SouUi Fork und U iat p a rt of Valley Coiuiiy lying cajif of SintUi Creek and norUi of Big Crcck—Srptem ber 15 to Ni


R U P ^ T , M arcii la -H c n ry L. Baker, 63, who susuonetj tw o broken legs, in te rnal U\]urlca a n d o ther broken bones when n team of horses ran nway a t his forro home S a tu r ­day oflcm don. died nJiortly a f te r 0 a, m. a t Uie Rupert general hosplla!, where ho was Uiken Im m ediately fol- lowing Uic occldeut.

Prom inent fan n e r and L. D . S. cliurcli worker In th e p ioneer dLs- trict. he was moving a .Mtiall o u t­building on h is ' farm four mllen jiortheust of R upert when th e team if horses became frlg litened und

‘y. d ro tjln g th e buU dln j over

MARKETS AND FINANCEs t [ [ l s 1 e a o ’ a s

ilm.V rc-ildent of

<u jL-u*a. ._____ . . .. 'ic e s ore p lanned . .m . W ednesday a t Uio sUike L.

D, 6 . tabernacle In R upert. , Besides nis wife, h e is su rv lv c 3 -b r ko sons. Morris E. B aker a n d W al- c e L. Baker, boUi of Burley, an le dttughU r. E sther Baker, R uper

National Grange Reports Offered

BUHL. .March 10—Mr. ond Mrs. I . E. S taiuc ll. wiio recently rJl ed from a six monUi. 11.000 trip ihrouKh eastern and soul sinte:,. were speaker.i a t Uie Buhl

:etlni^ Tuesday

illo n a lUie CranKe hall!

Tliey reported o n t Qriuinc. which Uiey a l l . . . . egate.s n t W orcester. Ma-ss., Inal fall. T lie lr U-lp was mode wlUi' a - tro llc r home" n il foUowing m e G range sc.v,ions, they went to Florida to si>end Uie w lntei

P lans w ere cortpl«l«d for Uie bl C-Orangc aucUon .snle w hich Is I be held n.-, a Red Cross benefit n Uic Hopki:is sale grounds th is ofl enioon w ith Buhl, Palrvlewi L u c e m i. Deep Creek and NorUivlew porUc- Ipating.

Next m rellng of Buhl Gi an old-fashioned niiig i

upper, nnd nil member


6A O E IIE N — Limited Open te rri­to ry w ill-be declared U ler by spe­c ial o rd e r of th e Commlsilon.

y H A N K L l N * 8 GROUSE OR

ber 5.1 of

Bee Men Urged to Place Sugar NeedsM ERIDIAN, Ida.. MorcJi 10 M-}—

ecrelary A. D, Wood of Uie Wen rn Idaho Honey Producers a ^ i latlon rrm ind.' beekeepers t h a t e; linaled requirem ents of su u a r t

IS42 bee feed m ust be nubm ltted i

CE.Markets at a ^Glance

kliiOi »u»lyi olh*n

NEW YORK, Marcl m arke t closed lower.Alaska Juneau .......Allied Stores ............

Chalmers .......

NEW YORK. M arch IB (/P)—Steels ,nd blue chi|is took the offensive In

today's stock m arket ofter early mild

................ . ................ ..........arlngforenoon. Dealings frequently

come to a gtand-'.lill. however, and, when it was realized selling lacked urgency a t any Ume. bidders begi to comc in on tlie Idea a rallyl base had been rcached.

Numerous Issues, Uiough, failed lo fuid a great deal of support and minus signs were plenUful o t thi close. Traiuifers upproxlmaletl 300, 000 ^llllre3,

Uctlcr shore perfocm crs. posUng advances of fractions lo a po in t or BO. included Bethlehem. Dow Chem ­ical. duPoiif. Philip M o n ti. LoeWj. .Motors. American Tele-

nd West-phone. G cnfrol Eh Inghouie.

ll.'ilb, olLs. rubbc did nothing much d ined to lug wer (N J). Allied Chemical

i] Harvesiei

and coppe


S tandard OU J. I. Case, m d Chrj'i

New York Stocksr'ch-ffl fU.fy—T lie M ontgomery V/ard ...




i Locomotive ^ Melal

Mining Stocks

Rad, * Sid, San.I Rolling Mills .........1 Smell. A: Refining .,1 Tel, & Tel..............I Tobacco B ....... .a Copper --------------

Baldwin ^ co m o iiv o ‘'l " r " ! r !llalllm orc J; Ohio ........... ......BendU AviiiUon .......... ...........Beihlehem Steel _______ ___Bulova .......................... ..........N<

■roughs ...California Paeltic ....................

Pacific ....................J . I. Case Co..............................Cerro dp Pn;k;o Corj). ...........Chc.'.npeake k Ohio .............Chry iler Corp.......... ........ ........Oocn ColaColorado F, <t I ..................... N

Commercial Solvents .............Consolidated Copper .............Consolidated Edi.son .............Consolidated Oil ................ ...ConU nenUl C;ui ...... ............ConU nental Oil .......................Corn ProducLi .........................C urll.« WrlKlii .........................DMPoflV ..........Plre.ilone T lrr Rubber .....F reepo rt Sulphur ................G eneral Electric ..................G eneral Food.i ......... ..............G eneral Motor.-, ............... .....G lllc tle Safely Razor ........NG oodrich ...................................Goodyear Tire Rubber .....G reyhound Cp........................H ouston Oil .......................... N

Howe Sound ,...... ....................Im.p. Copper .........................

■rnaUonol Harvester .......:rnotlonol Nickel ..........,.

TnoUonol Tel. 6i Tel........n« MonvlUo ....................

K ennccott Copper ..................K reasc ______________ ____L orrllard ..M ack Trucks .................M iami Copper .................... .

lonal Dairy Producta _ _ 13’iNoUonnl DLstlllcni ..................... 20

York CenU-al ................... 8'.,NorUi American ...................... . 7*'NorUi. American A v loU on__ 12'NorUiem pacific ..... ................. 5'Ohio O i l ......................................... O'-Packard Motors ........ ....... .......... 2P u rnn ioun t-P ub ........ .. .... .. ....... 14'J . C, Penney Co. ............. . C3Pennsylvan ia R. R ................. .. 33Peoples On* ................................ 40'.Phelps Dodge .......................... . 28

PhtllijM Pcirole im j................32’Public Servicc of. N. J . ...... .... II*Pullmni

rica ..

le e.-,ilmat A. E. Bott-man, ducUon sugar

.siiould be se n t i hief of the w nr pr< ction. Wood said.

Lewis, NoziTcrec, Uiol j>ori ... Clearwnit-r County lying souUi and

if th e N orth Pork of the Cleur- R tver up to th e m outh of the

U tU e NorUi Fork nnd east of Uie L ittle N orth Pork nnd a ll of Idnho County excep t Uint pa rt lying souU». of th e M ain Siiimon ond cost of Uic U tU e S.olmon R iver-O c tober 5 to November 10. Bonneville County, cxcept Uiot portion lying ond no rm of th e Snake River and BlngiiiiJii C ounty — Octobcr 35 to 23, IJaiinocic, B ear Lake, Caribou, F ranklin . O neida. P ouer and Uiat iw iio n of Ciuvsla County lying east Ilf U, S, Highway No. 30 In R aft River Vall.-y, IncludUig the Sublel und Black P ine Divisions of Uie Mln- Idolui Forc .st^O ctobcr 25 to Novi-m- Ijtr 3. a n O ntld :i, Power and [V.rilon of F rank lin Counly lylnt wc.1 t of B ear River and the obovi df.-<Tlbixl portion of Cu.'.sla Counly IncludlnR the Sublet and Block Pine Divisions of the Minidoka Foi Uin tak ing of deer l,i confined to Bucks only). Clark Counly—Octobei 25 lo November 10, Benewoh. Bon- ner. Uoundnr>’. K oolenal. Laioli and Uiat p a rt of C learw ater Counly lying norUi and w est of the Clearwate: R iver up to Uie m oulh of Uie LllUi N orm Fo rk and wesT of the LltUe NorUi P^rk und Shoslione Counly— Novem ber 1 to 30. except Uiai por­Uon of Slioshone County lying eo-sl of th e following dererlbed ime to wit: B eginning a l the head of B ul­lion Creek where 11 intersects Uie Ido lio -M ontana line, Uience follow­ing m e F>3r<.’s l Servicc Road down Bullion Creek to -lhe St, Joe River; Uience following Uie St, Joe River to Avery; Uience following Uie F o r­est Scrvlce R oad-from Avery souUi to Uie Roundtop Ranger StoUon; thenco following th e Forest Service R ond from Roundtop Ranger S to - Uon to w here i t c ra v es Uie LltUo N orth Pork of Uie Clearwater River; Uience following th e LitUe N orth Fork of th e Clearwater River to w here I t Intorsecta Uie Clearwoler- Shoslione County lino on Uie no rm line of SecUon 4, TowTiililp 41 north . R ange fl cast— which fhiU open O c­tober 8 to Novem ber 10.

ELIC—All tiiaV p a r t ot Clearwoler C ounty lying souUi and east of tiie NorUi Po rk of C learw ater River up to liie m ourn of Uic UtUe N orm Pork and e a s t of Uie LllUe NorUi Pork and a ll of Idaho Counly ex ­cep t th a t p a r t tying south of m e Moln SoJmon R iver and east of m e LllUe Salm on—O ctober 5 to Novem­ber 10. AU m a t p o r t of Idaho Coun­ty lying souUi of m e M ain Salmon R iver a n d en st o f m e South Po rk of Salm on R iver and Uiot p a rt of V alley C ounty lying of Sm ith Creek and n o r th o f Big Creek—S e p ­tem ber 15 to November 5 . ,

L au m and m a t p a r t of C lear«-^er County lying no rm and w est of m e N orm Po rk of Uie Cleare-ater R lvfr u p to m e tnoum of m e Llttla N orm Porlc and w est of Uie LllUe N orm Pork—NOT-ember 1 to 30. Prcm ont and T eton Counties—November 35 lo Dcce.mber 15,

M OUNTAIN GO AT — Adams, Boise. E lm ore. Blnlne. Custer, B utte, L cm hl. m o t portion of Valley Coun­ty ly ing eas t o f Uie Soum Pork of Solm on R iver nnd Uiot porUon of Idnho Counly lying »ouUi"of m e M ain Salm on nnd east of m e Soum P o rk of m e Salm on R lre r—O ctober 15 to 31. a e a rw a te r and a ll of Id a ­h o C ounty except m o t porUon of th e County lying souUi of m e M ain Salm on a n d cost o f m e p tU e S a l- tpon—O cto b er 5 to November 10.

BEAR—Boundary . Bonner, Koo- te n s j. Shosticne. Bcn«w*h. L atah . C learw ater, L ev is, Mesperce and a ll

LUCKYWENDELL. M iuch 10 — Ed

lun.son figures he';, pri-tty lucky. Lust week he fell 25 fee t from

lie top bronclies of a tree In

nly mliKslioulder injut


t T u t-.•orklng

F rank Rovenscroft farm He. was trim m ing lim bs away from electric wires near th e top of th e tree. The Occident occnr- r«-<l when a limb, he wa.-i Jitnnd- liig on broke under his w eight.

Marian Martin Pattern

P a tte rn 0000 m ay be ordered only in m isses' and women's oUes 10. '* 30, 34. 3fl. 30, 40 a n d 42. S l « 10 quires 3H yohls 58-lnch fabric.

T o get m ia po tte rn send FIFTEEN CENTS (plus ONE CENT to i cost o f moiling) to Tlm ea-N ew s . te rn departm ent. G et rendy for spring w im our new p a tte rn book. 1 1 b rings you colorful m oke-ot-hom c fashions for every acUvlty.

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSof Id ah o County, except U iat p a rt lying, soutli of the sa lm o n lU ver arK" cas t of m e LllUe Salm on lU v cr- Septcm ber 1 to November 30. B al­ance of s ta le open the enU re year.

S Q U IR R E L S -n t fJiftll be unlaw ­fu l to ku i o r dcstro>- any spccle.s of W estern chipm unk o r any spccles of tree K ju lrrtl a t any tim e of m e year. Provided m o t this sh a ll no t apply to ground squirrels o r oUier g round burrow ing rodents.

• ST A T E PIS II AND GAME DEPARTMENT J im e t O. Beck. IHreclor.

P ublish ; M arch 18, m 3 .

Sugar Ration Action Awaits More Details

Sugar rationing regls wlU be announced upon arrival o t iiddlUonol Information from federal nnd sUlo.offlclftls, It was .Ma day by Tw in Fulls county rati school outhoriUe.1 .

"Sugar rationing rcjlstrati been postponed pending arr supplies of oppllcntlon ciuila M rs. Doris Strodley, co-,Kiiy Intendenl of schools, who charge of the f irs t signup.

OPA officials nnnounc.'cl in Ington the rcgLstratidn W n peeled to be held ••until soi in April.-'

I t Ls u-selcM, It wa.s iioinli lo request raUonhiR plans c ither th e ration boarduperintendei; offlc

form ation has arrlv t "However, It will bi

th e Tlmcs-News as s tolls a re received." : C arl N. Anderson board.


on as the di \id Clialrma f the raUoQ

Home Educational Club Has Election

JEROME. M arcn 10-M em bers th e Home EducoUonal club m et la s t week a t Uie hom e ot Mrs. 0 . T . Crow. aaalsUd by Mrs. E. V. Cooke. Mrs. M argare t Hill Carter, d is tric t home dem onstration agent, w u able to be present.

D uring elecUon of officers M rs. Jo h n Overflew was reelected p resi­d en t; M rs. Russell Poley. v ice, president; Mm. Lloyd Gilmore, a^e- rcta ry .treasu re r, nnd Mrs. Guy P . Sturgeon, reporter.

Ml&s V irginia Cooke was a s


son’s f ish U ken from Wood rlv« c r near the railroad bridge be« loV Mogle dam were a lllUe on m e expensive side.

They cost h im tSQ and costs S a turday In .m e court of Probate Judge George A. McLeod. Kalley. M r. P a u l» n Is a Richfield resi­dent.

Ha was brought in to court on a charge of extracting fish from Wood river by m e use of explo- olvea. Com plaint was filed by T . J . MUer, sUkle consenraUon o f­ficer.

Oil .............Uudio Con), of Aint Radio K eim Orr>»icRepublic Steel ...................." ■ • Tobacco B ____

.. . :buck ...............Shell U nion O il ........... ........ainunon.s Co.................. .—Socony Vacuum _____B ouihrm Pacllic ................SouUicrn Railway ............Siwrrj- Corporalibn ...........

,rd Brands ...............rd Oil of Callfornli ird Oil of Ind iana .

a u in d ard Oil of New Jcrs.S tudcbakcr .....................Buiwhlnc Mines .................Sw ift A: Co ..................T exas Coriw ralion ............T im ken Roller Dcaring...,

Union Carbide ...................Union Pacific ...................UnUcd Alrcrnfl Corp.........United A ir lin e s ...................United S tales Rubber.....U nited su ite s S te e l ........W arner Brotiiers ..............We.stem Union .................W estlnghouse E lectric ....F . W. W oolw orth.............


CHICAGO, M arch, 19 fllJO -Rc-’ icwed selling of ryo futures, price* if whloli slum ped more than 3 cen ts • k bushel a t one Ume to m e lowest

po in t since early In the year, helped to u m e ltlo Uio enUre grain m ar­ket today.

S top losn orders executed in m e rye p it acceleraU d the decline b u t weokness w as oa.ioclate(l wim lag­ging dem and in m e spot m arket and pox.slblllly of Increased dlstribuUon ot C anadian groin in Uie domesUc trade. W hcot continued lo suffer from npaUiy of flour buyers and un fcrla ln ty regarding outcome of Uie controversy over the commodity corporation grain selling program:

W heal closed H to H cent lower Uian S aturday , May tl.38K , Ju ly

com \ to down. May Ju ly 0 0 '. ; ooU H to H off;

rye i \ to U i lower; soybeans %■. h igher.

N. Y. CURB STOCKSte r nu i-Sutllvnn ..................s Se rv ice ...

Livestock Markets

r>t .w r. lUtrt/, t

Khp«ni ti*lalj|> USO:

VUV <UTT,kn« Ti


• Upl* Unilh*.


tWpl..... l.5» isii IJ2SMuirh*'...July

-9:!l si;.‘i.’l'I.

I d i'«** si

Har b««nil Ipi t,M% l.« H l.»«uI.S1 l-»,?4

Hor b«in>i 1* 'l.M fj

o c i ' :.: zi:.'.. l'»»S

:!!5 ■,*i

CHICAGO. Uifrhiij:4Vi,

l«1r>-W Uali Id s<>;e! Na.'t

No. STtllo*

: No, tai’ad* yrlluw

S7-.;o; N... S

.VC. • *i« ir*cU wkiu 1 rali*<l

4M« to»hll«

H licJNn. 4 SOVj :

• ItinfcN; Ha.


No. J yrllaw 11 u:1 ixr h'unilrrtl«>lfhl. lutnlnall


Twin Falls Markets


OTUEB CRAI.S!(IUtt«7 and O.U n trk it <1

local fMd«r 4«B>Dd. No u 4«IIr prtoa* QoeUd. Mar rtt frem g«oUtles« IUt«l btlovi lU rlay_____ _________

V. n. n u m u N ..'i (Two dMUn ouatad),

S:I:S2=!;S:‘. -

t> ilMUn Quotrdf.

Colored S«ni. under 4 lu . L««bom h«B*. ortt SU lb>. _ Ucboro h*a>. und«r sU . CWor»« frx«r«. H i to * . C«lor«l Touura. 4 U>k ««d nt

BtJKk r*«i. too P<

a FLOURrch 1» v»7-n8uriI In *1 lb. (nllaa '


(Courtesy Sadler, W egeMr a n d com pany, EUu DuUdlngl.

-StiSU.SO kIJi » .u


m WIr* Inquiry rsUMr llfbi. b .tlrr; .I.mand •Io«| Burk*l 1 f. o. b. cub tru k to dMl-


iv ,s .i“.^r,sss! L,'Si rsteiII,<0; } o r U rn

tU . t l .S t 'n ; 'J, J»-lb. **ck». I c tr I1.S0.. o, b. •bippinc polaui niu-o .‘I. IO»-lt>. ocki. '>Mb«l. M It u t2.:o, Itn oceul«n>I u U uul M btih u It.iS i unwtoh- ]0-lb. wcki U. 6. No. 1, . l u

I iundardt, I

»dln» r*poti«d *t

.nk. vwhH

t< n : :< .<»: urmuM : fr^h tcmMfim l.rK«lpU 2«%e] dIrtiN tto ; «b«ka u U e i

packfd rin u »«Hei •*Itm MS*.fau llrrt * tnxki: UMttU*4: twtu

nrtr S lU . :1H(. S tb*. iDd Ixhors h*n> X0<: br«IWn J S Iba. . .lown, «.lor*d, ri7«o>ith KmIu:«Hc. Whlta tt^ks 24K<: 4 th*.up. raWir*.!. rimogUi Radu S7e.WhIU tindrf 4 Ib«_ eeleNd.:4e: PIrraoulh Rachi t$e, WWU Rock* U c; bor*bB<k ehlcWn* Ste. neat«n-US<. k<Sam naialm I4>4«: imm 12 Ita. down t»f. orrr I t n«. 1 t«i tutUft. iM,2Ck. m in i II.U Slet tfpea* T lb*,up XTe, und*f T Da. STe, *I1»* XM.

• UU« Call B

r a n I.4IS eaa«; b«U« l« STa.CaadUd Ian* SS«i t n M

dIuM SO*, cudlad aauUi iU .

Denver Beaus

Page 8: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

P ag e E igh t T IM E S-N E W S, T W IN l-’ALLS, IDAHO Monday, March 16, 1942


CIIAPTER XXV ^ I I E nex t oflem oon M r. P a lie r -

io n Law es n t th e B urton C ounty Bank carefully polished h is slassen nncl reread th e cablc- t^ n m Uint had been hancSed to him .

M r. C nrter. the a u tjln n t cashier, cam o ou t o f iho vault. "W hnl'o u p :"

" T h a t young Mitchell—try ing to b e a fool."

•■Yes?""Cabled orders to tu rn ove r lhni

— you know , the Tower estiitc th a t w as Icfl to him, to D rnkc M c- l lu s h .”

■DANDY odju jtcd the window shade, poked thn fire, and

n n d e sm all rustlinff nolse.i.D rnkc spolce Unally. ‘'I l ’.-i no, Rnndy. you've got to talk to m o tooncr o r later. M ight as w ell be now."

"H ow w ould you like It if .lome- thlnR happened to Pnrrls and he

.d id n ’t Icl you know?"D rake hesitated. "I don 't know.

1 h a d n 't tliouglit of it,""W ell. It's tho »;irne th ins.

D rnker he'.i your best friend."D rake jilcked up the me.isaKe

from th e counterpane. Me had olmo.^t w orn It out ultice y e s^ c r- ' day readInK and rereadioK It.

"G ee. he 's n urent friend, H an­dy."

"O f course.""O ut—"•'B ut w hat, nnxv? W hat?"•'This la st sentence."•'Yes, I Icnnw. W int about It?" •■‘You and Randy stick toRelher

till I Bcl there. We'll w ork c\-ery- Uiing ou t.’ "

" I know It by heart.“• she said eoftly.

"O f course he doesn’t u n der­stand."

' "D oesn 't understand w h W hat o re you drivinR a t, D rake?"

She w alled .. H e did no t notice . how pa le slie had become.

" I te ll you. Ilandy, I—I rem em ­bered th a t If you had Just n little

.m o n e y there— " His vole® faded. 'T v o h e ard the re was hom es you

. could ge t Into—maybe.""W ould you—w ould you de lib ­

era te ly tr e a t m e tha t w ay, and Pa rris , too?"

" I— I don 't—•'D rako w as looking a t lU ndy

w ith a n expression half desperate w ith h is ow n emotion, a n d ha lf a puzzled concern' for her.

" T h en lis ten carcfully. W hat­e ver you say , o r however you feel — It’s, you a n d m o hereafter— to - gethejw B om ehow ."

Tho eicpresalon w ent o u t of D rake’s face.

" I w an t you to tru s t yourseU . in tl rc ly to m e f o r 'a w hile u n til . you ore w ell and—" She b it her

Up sharp ly .•■But you K t . h o n e y -1 can 't

•v e r b e 'well,* as you say.’'"D rake, I 'm going to te ll you

aom ethlng, and I w ant you to lis ten u n til-1 have finished. It'.i iflrst o f a ll about w hat P a rris said lin th a t cablegram : 'You and R an ­d y s tick togcUier till I get the re .' W c’ro golnff to do that. B u t I

- m ade up m y ow n m ind about tlial aong before this— liappencd. Then A fter you go t h u r t I Just h a d to ithlnk of how— th a t w as a ll. Do you rem em ber one tim e you snld 4om ethlng abou t m arry ing me? W ell, 1 m ade fun o t the Idea b e ­c ause I guess I 'd been a little hurt. B u t la te r on w hen you came down h e re —rem em ber the m orning you cam e to -a s k P a to help you get a Job? 1 m ade up m y m ind tliat day th a t I 'd m a rry you os a a s th e r ic h t tim e came a round.I knew 1 w an ted to m arry you—"

D rake flu n s hla arm s across ' face, b u t Randy w ent on evenly .

"W e’ll g e t m arried , any tim e ro w , and then we’ll w ork > some v,Tiy w h at w e’ll do a fte r­w ard ."

D rake raised his arm s 'and c lu tched tlie head of th e bed. T hen h e tu rned h b face to . . . . w all again, b u t one hand reached out fo r hers.

'p u n E B days Inter Randy • ...' hu rry ing about her house­keeping w hen Mr. L.iwe,< called.

"I am Pa tte rson Lawcs. I be- • Jieve Mr. D rake McHugh is hero

a t presen t."" I th ink D rake w ould w an t r

to deal w ith It— w hatever It Is.'’- M r. L^w es rcached lo r hi.i

le a th e r despatch case. '•] hard ly th in k so, Mi3s—«r—"

" I am Mrs. D rake McHugh, M r. I^iw es."

" I h a d n 't Ijcen advised of tha t. M rs. M cHugh," He arose and Ixiw cd I'lighlly. "1 didn’t know D rake w as m arried."

"W c w ere m arried yealerday." "But— God bless me. the boy

h a sn ’t any legs!’'■’I d idn ’t m arry Drake because

o t h is legs, M r. I-awes. Suppor.ff •we h e a r abou t th e bualnes.i now ?”

"W ell—I h av e here, Mrs. M c­H ugh. a communication th a t a hould b e of g rea t Interest to b<fth o f you. 1 suppose it w ilt help

. solve som e problem s—If you have 'a n y ," h e added h.istlly.

H e looked a t h e r sharply."W ere you e.xpccting a cc

munlcnU on frtim ..Mr. P a r : M itchell In V lennal"

"I expcc t a le tte r soon. I had a cable from him. D rake had one o ljo .”

" I sec. Now, Mrs. M cHugh— " He lai<\ tho papers on th e tab le and exp lained briedy th e ir p u r ­port. R andy lis tened w ith on ' creasing d lsn a y .

*'I sha ll leave these w ith you,• c r—M rs. M cHugh."

R andy shook h e r head. " I don 't know how D rake U going to take this. I 'm so a fra id h e m ay th in k I a sked P a rrU fo r help."

M r. L aw e s 'ru b b ed th e back o t I lls head . H e w as completely pe r­p lexed . , • • •« T D O N T know , Randy, I ju s t

d o n 't kn o w w hat to say.?' iSpots o f high color stood o u t on S r s k e ’t th in cheeks. H andy w aa, I d l s l j g ^ b f c h l> . i r t i< k n

— " I guess I —oh. I d o n 't know . %Vhat do you th ink abou t Jl? '’

T he discussion o f P a rris ' oITcr h a d proved less troublesom e than R andy had an ticipated . D rake w as no t v io len t about t t .- b u t he w as no t easily convinced th a t he sljould accep t 11. She tcmcm bcTed a w arn ing line in a second cable­g ram slic had had from Parris; •'A* soon a s ho is well enough m ake him decide things. Give h im fu ll kense o f independence."

" I don 't know w hnt to .say, D rake. We’v e go t to look a t 11 a s n loan, ncit as a gKl."

"U ut w tia t dn you th ink 1 ought to do?"

" I don 't know . Drake. A fter a ll, w omen haven’t go t mucli sense abou t money. You'r(« a mnn and you know b c tlcr than I do w lial’.i righ t."

"O ut how u . . _ ... _ p a y it back, Ilandy?"

’'W ell, o u t of whnlevei nomc day. A s ; a b le w e've go t to make abou t w hat w e’ll do.'’

"You th in k w c ought to

Page 9: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

__ Monday, Mnrch 16. 1942 TIM ES-N EW S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Pago Nine ■

PHONE 32 or 38 c l a s s i f i e d a d v e r t i s i n g RESULTS

a t ' LOW GOST

W A N T A D R A T E STlinet*t^evs

W A N T A O R A T E 8 OS C ott-Per-W ord

0 p e r wordSB <U ya-

A oilnlm am o l te n wonla t i w - qulred la a&7 ona ci m l tled ad. T e m a tor *U clasalOed »da—CASH.



Leava »cU s t K. & W. B oot Beer Btu id

d e a d l i n e s Week days. IX »■ m.

B u o ^ , 0 p . m . Baturd»7Tbld paper lubK rlbes to th o code

o l eth ics of tho A ssociation of N evspaper ClaaaUlGd Adverttalng M anagers and reserves tha r l j h t to e d it o r reject any claMUled adver- lUinir. "Blind Ad»” co n y ln s » Tlmes-News box num ber are s tr ic t­ly confldcntlal and no InformaUon can be given In reeard (o tAo a d - vertlicr.

E rrors should be reported Im m e­diately. No allowaneea will b f made for more th a n one Inecrrec t Insertion.

CARD OF THANKSW e are slncMrly gnxtcful to friends

a n d neighbors for Uielr m any klhd acUi o t B>TOp(\U\y durloR our sad be­reavem ent. O ur ftppreclntlon c an n o t be adefluately cxprc.'acd.

Tlic E iidlcolt fam ily.

W ith deepest graUtude wo extend thU word of Uianks fo f tho m any k ind n c u of sym pathy expressed by thoughtful friends a n d neighbors in

SPECTAL NOTICESP O R REN T: Pasture land. Blda will

be considered M arch 21. 19*2. T n 'ln Palis Highway DLitrlct.

P O R REN T: 30 ftcrc.i of w ater. Bids wUl be considered M urch 21, I8i2. T w in Palls Highway D istrict.

PERSONALSYOU toko your c ar to a specia list

fo r service. Your hcnlth ls prl<^o- See Dr. L. A. Pctrrson . Oa-

leopftUilc Physician. 130 M ain north .


Have pliotostatlc copies miule of your vuluablo papers and docu­m ents, (Birth records are o f cs- peclttl im portance). L e t Uie

TIMES*NEW8 .PholQ-EnKrarlns D opartm ent

do the Job for you.

TRAVEL & RESORTSSHARE, expense trfp# m any places.

Travel Bureau. 817 PourUi Ave­nue east—1900.

SCHOOLS -AND TRAININGLEARN bookkeeping, typing, nliort-

h and and other business subJectJ. courses are offered In n igh t school as well nn day. Call o r wtUc fo r Information. Tw in Palls Busi­ness University.


h ig h ' blood pressure. Dr. Alma Hardin. 130 Main ;iorUi.

BEAUTY SHOPSHALP price special on genuine oil

perm anenta. Beauty Arts Acad­emy.

EASTER specials—Perm anents. , fo r one, Dlekard’s Beauty Sliop. phone 1471.

S4H0. 13.00, te,00 perm anenU . h a lf price. Idaho Darber and B eauty Shop. Phoae 4 2 t

EA ETira special—Regular $S .....chine perm anents *a.W(. E ugene Beaut>*. Phone 60. Opposite C ourt House.

LOST . AND FOUNDLOSfT: Black female Scotty pup. A n­

swers -name "Snooks," Rrs^-ard. Paris Company.

SITUATIONS WANTED stw O L E 1, farm work, Vogel, l

north , 3 east. 1 no rth , ’.j e as t of Bum.

H ELP WANTED— WOMENBEA'DTY operator to work and m an-

aga shop. P. O. Box 332. Filer,

HOUSEKEEPER, for two adults. References required. 504 N ortli Eleventh. Buhl

WANTED: U d y for general house­work. S tay n ljh ta . Inquire 200 Lincoln,

HOUSEWIPE who w ant* to supp le ­m ent family Income. ex­perience or full Umc unnecessary Box 39, TUnes-News.


YOUNG m an for farm . work. E xpe­rienced Irrigator. Jo h n Pastoor, Amsterdam.

pay 74c per hour, tim e and H for overtime, board and lodging ftvnll- ab le for men w ithout fam ilies. H ousing for men w ith famUles now under coxistrucUon. B irth c e r­tificates o r evJdenea of A m erican c ltltensh lp required. Ph>-slcal ex- w n lnauon required. NAVAL AM ­MUNITION DEPOT, H aw thorne, N n-ada,


A S T r i R E A T ^j.oAoeo w /m

W IU . P L O W T H A N O N B T H A T (S

By William FergusonTWO small houses to be m oved. In

quire com er of H eytn im and ' W aslilngton. Locklear.NEW strictly m odem two bedroom

home. Beautiful k itchen , e x tra large living roooi. Insu la ted , f ir e ­place, bln feed stoker. B a rgain if k AA In (ev days. 1330 Addl&on east. ISSO-J,


,S W A R M IM < S vA R C FOl-L O P /V C W i£ = > '

AMO y v H a N tra t h i s COMDITIOM P IN D fT '



D ic k PoeK D A vo., O f//.*-.

HELP W A N TED -M ENWANTED: Elderly genUeman. U iat

doesn't drink, use tobacco or swear, to do chores end care fo r premises, s ta le age. experience and wages expected In own hand WTltlng to Box 35. Tlmcs-Ncws.



FO R RENT—PounlAln nen-lce BtB' tion a t Hagrrm an, Call 92. W est' c o t to n . Buhl.


THREE nice roctns, ba th , furnace^ water licatcr. hardwood floors— 0407-R3.

THREE rooms, m odem. E lectric rauRe. refrigerator funilMiciJ..404 Blue LnkM. Phone 1097-R.

PIVE rooms In motleni duplex, a io . . ker heaL Adult.<. Inquire 221

ElghtJi avenue east.


LAROE modem two room.', J25. Two room opartm ent, »8.00. 450 Second north.

THREE roms. ground floor, private entrance. Adults. 3M Blue Lakes north.

TW O room*. elecUlc refrlserator, range. Reduced rent. 202 P lfth north.

MODERN two rooms, glassed In porch, Adults. 319 T hird avenue north.

POUR rooms, modem, sleeping porch, stoker, garage, garden. Phone 44<-w.

N ICE one room apartm ent. R eason­able. Adults only, 222 P lfth ave­nue east.

TH REE room modem, stoker heat. Bungalow' ApartmeoLs. ' Second avenue east.

CLEAN, comfortable, a t t r a c t i v e apartm ents. Private ba th . CaU. fomla, Boston, Cottage A part­ments. Inquire California A part­m ent lO. 2C0 Second avenue north . Phone 1004.


FURNISHED ROOMSCLOSE In. h o t water, stoker heaU

313 Second aven^ie north.

SLEEPINO, ligh t b^tLKkeeplng and basem ent roomi.i MO Pourth ave ­nue e u t .

NEWLY decorated fron t bedroom , s toker heat. 443 Second avenue north .

CLEAN, pleasant, comfortable. S u it­able for two. 301 Seventh avenue north..

UNFURNISHED HOUSEST H R E E rooms and batli. Close In.

Phooa 3M o r 97. ■


NEW three room p lastered Large garden, berries. Phone 0483-R4,



U P TO 500 ncres*-com pletf new o u t­f it. Can finance. Phone 04. J e r ­ome.

rU R N fSH ED or pa rtly fum U lied 4 or 4 room house w anted. A dults. Reference. Box 38. Tlme.i-News.

REAL ESTATE LOANSPARM and city loons. N orthern

Life Insurance C om pany—Pred Dates. Phone 1279.


TWO small, i

POUR rooms, sem i-m odem , com er . lot. Take c a r as dow n pnymeiit,

enny terms low as S13 per m onth. Plione 234,

STRICTLY modem. Uirce bedroojii home, moliofiany fin ish , two bath.1 . K. L, Jenkins.

O NE 4 room hoUfC, 23 ft. x 22 ft., located on Pioneer Square, To be sold Marcli la a t 2 p . m . Jo h n i». Klmes. 205 4th avenue

OWNER leav lnB -m ju t r.ell new 5 room modem dwelling w ith fire-

, place, stoker, air conditioner. New d istric t. UpOOO—ea.iy term s. Phone 2041.


NEAR SUN VALLEY Completely m odem home, lo c a t­

ed opjxjslte grade scJiool In Ketclium. Ida. H ot a ir fu rnace , electric h o t w ater heate r. batJi. and good fireplace. In q u ire o f

R. C. Prldm ore L incoln Inn O oodlng, Id ah o


30J ACltES, hay and pastu re land , KO«l buildings, best w ater r ig h t 11500. geU pOft-se.vilon A pril 1st,

160 ACRES—80 acres tillable land Good i room hoii.^e. deep weJf. nil fencrd. Im m edlote p0M0.'jl0n,

If you are looking forAN INVESTMENT

UiHt Will pay you good In terest T H IS 18 Y O Un O PPO RT O N IT Y :

203 iicrc.i f irs t class land In hlg)- sta tc of cultivation, n e a r H azelton . No noxfous weeds. New house, r.mall outbuildings . . . 1 " ncre. Rood trrm.i. Also I



1425 AcIdUon eaat. Phone 1139-J.

P. A: O. bean cultivator, Oliver po ln - plonter. i.leri com iuotor. Mile


Ion tivnk-0202-Jl2.

FEW new sets of work hom r;;; and lol« o f-co llars . W ill trade. H arry Musgrave.

SEEDS AND PLANTS500 BUSHELS clean seed burley

ji.GO cu t, John S, K lniw , 205 4tli avenue west.

EXTRA good first year from A shton blue tag RuMctt seed potatoes. Luke V. Sonner. Bulil. Idaho .


Dependable stocks of all

A -shortage l.i anticipated In w m e ltem .w buy early w hile stocks are complete.INTERMOUNTAIN SEED CO,

HAY, GRAIN AND FEED W ANTED TO BUY30 TONS f irs t and second cutting al­

falfa hay. Phona 1088.CASH pa id for iised hom e appli­

ances. Robt. E . Lee Soles Com­pany.

CLOVER and a lfa lfa hay . John P a r­ish. 2’.i no rth of Curry. USED appliances w anted—refriger­

ators. washcra,- stoves. Highest prices. G am ble Storee.SEVEN tons of hay.* 6 miles from

Ttt'ln FalU. Chase. 0491-Ji.A OOOD 80 or ICO acre {arm In ex­

change for f i r s t c lass c ity Incont property. Bo* 30. T tm ea-N ew .,

HAY for sale, w est o f F lier. 80 tons, •Ed Wells. Route 3. Buhl.

CUSTOM O R IN D IN O 1 or 2 ton 8o cwL: over 3 tons. 7o MILLER M ILLIN G SERVICE

Ph. 7U3, Filer. Ph . calls o ff grinding

WANTED: W ood o r wire hangers, , tn good condition , Ko each. Troy or N a tio n a l p lant.

A FEW two row bean cutters. In ­quire Self M an u factu rin g Com­pany.


MORELAND M ILLIN Q SERVICE Ph. 218. Filer, ph . call# off grinding. WANTED to b u y : Scrap and cast

Iron, also a ll so r ts of metals. No quantity too am alL L. L. Langdoo. T ruck Lane w est. Phone 1662.FEEDERS!

FEED W H EATT ake U o ff th e car Q3c PER. BU SHEL

Place your order fo r th a nex t car.We grind — W e mix


WE are agents fo r scrap and cas t Iron. Also a ll kinds of m e u is . H ighest prices pa id . Idaho Ju n k House. 1&2 Second avenue south.


In m arket for v e ry good used dump body and liol-nt. a lie 2 to 3 cu. yd, body, ho ist m u s t be heavy duty and good o rd er. S tate age. condi­tion and sire, p rese n t trxwk used on. T liorpe M p to r Co.. Jprorae.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALEONE extra good work m are . Ed Tol­

bert. Phone 0394-R4. T tt'ln Falls.

EXTRA good young w ork horse. In ­quire Earl Po tter, H ansen , Idaho.

ONS good team mules. Jo h n Ollck. 'j mile en.1t F ile r cem etejy,

80 EWES wlUi lamb.i. B. E. Hartley, mile out Sugar Fac to ry road.


GOOD bay work horse. 8 yean', Wflsht 1.400. E . H . L ancaster, 3 wcM. IV wmth Filer.

SPFCIA L buy.-j—D riving light.'!, fog UbWji, P riced t l .9 5 up. Firestone.

BIRCH popcorn m aclilne. gootl con­dition. Inquire n t 445 M ain m ule 5 yearn, ja c k mule 3

years.. Broke. Phone 0182.RI. L. C, Pace.

USED 8 volt battery*, radio ojid pow­er M ax w ind charger. Gnmble Stores.THREE good work horse.-i and hor-

n r« . H arry W ohUalb. Phone 020C-J2,

TH REE coal b rooder stoves. IW miles n o rtli W iishlngton school— 0486-R3,REGISTERED H olstein bull. 14

monUis old. p lione Dden 1 3 n , El- Koii, 3^4 /o u th Eden.

EXCHANOE y o u r v -8 fuel pumps, carbure tors a n d d titrlbu tors a t Scully’s.A NUMBER of good w ork horses.

WlnsUin, *i eo.1 t, 1 so u th of Sugar factory.

AUTO glass, coinvaa, canvas repair­ing. T honte t* T op ond Body Works. •WELL broken saddle horse weighing

about 1100 jjounds, J o h n S. Klmes.- 20i 4lh west. FU RNITU RE U pholstering and re­

pairing. T h o m e tr Top and Body W orks—7M.FOUR year old strawbiJrry roan

marc and colt, gen tle saddle horso and several o thcm fo r sale or triide. See L. RilllnRton. 2 mlli’s sniitli, 1 west S outh P a rk or phone 0304-R4.

PRO TECT your fam ily. Have tliat broken gluss repa ired today ot


STOCK Sa lt, JIOJW per ton. Bring sacks. L. L. LnngdoD. T ruck Lane we.1t. Phone 1563.THREE ptirebred Perche ron m u m .

,1.700 pounds each : 1 team , 1.500 pound.1 each: Jo h n D eere 2-way plow. 10 Inch: se t harness. Elll.i Shuwver. Etli'n. Plione 2B-R2. Ralph Shttwvcr, Je rom e. Phone ino-J,

13.000 F E E T 8 Inch . 4 Inch. 2 Incli wood -■\lnve p ipe , lilw ln Danltnan. Phone 0200-J1.

C. C. C. salvnfic goods. Raincoats, overshoes, hom e blnnket-s. army coL^, quilts. b a U r mbs a n d sinks. Idaho Ju n k H ouse,

THREE coming two y e a r old saddle rolt.1 ou t of K ovem m cnt stallion. Four year.olil Kaddle m are . Phone 51-R3. Kimberly. AUTO gla.ns IrLitalled a t Twin Palls

W recking, K im berly Road. Phone i37.BABY CHICKS

800 NE\V H AM PSl^IRE Red ehlcLi •to 'place on llbernl shares, Week old Leghorn cockerels. 6c. Huycs Hatchfry.


SW IPT S baby chlclc.-»—H atches each •Wednesday and Saturtlny. Call a t Sw lffs H atcherj-, 264 FourtJi ave­nue south. Phone 185,

POOR piece bedroom suite, ISOiO, C edar che-sLs-ntlll n t oW prices. S ee 'th e se be fo re you bift-l Moon’s.

USED F rlg ld iilre refrlKcrator. Good condition, »35,00. Ti'rms. Wilson Bates A ppllonce. rGOOD THINGS TO EAT

MILK fed cnpoiw. Poultry Supply. 141 Fourtlj west. Phone 1345.

REPOSSESSED w hite iv>rcelahl coal range. $50.00. T cn iii, Wilson Dates Appliance.

TABLE carroW, any amniint. 2c pound .-M ark K null_-4 wMt, n south, SouUi Park.

SW ING Chairs, vploiir covers. as.iort- e<i colors *13.50. End table.i »1.25. Davenoes, hardw ow l construction, excellent q u a lity $32.50. MoonX. PETS

GREAT DANE piippi'’.'- Call a t Twin F a lls V eterinnrv Hospital. Phone 20-W. .

SPRIN G hom ecleiinliig a ids—Blue Bral c leanser, 25c iwund:

' kuJ;,omlne, b u lk !3c pound; Vello cascinc piiln t. 5 poundi *1.13, Mc- M urtry palnUs. viirnlshe.'i, cnani-

•cL'i; C lim ax wiillp:ii>cr c leaner 10c can ; Im peria l a n d wall­paper. M oon's.

WANTED TO HUYMEDIU.M sized roll top dr.'.ic. Good

condition. Phone 5. Moon's.

lUDES, pelta and fur.v Idalio Hide & Tallow. Phono 314,

USED vacuiun c leaner, 116.50, Used light p la n t. *25.00. W estern Auto.

U S r o Birdsell clover hulli-r. No, 7, 8 or 0. R. L, 'H unloii. Chester Brown Farm , Shoshonl. Wyoming.

FREE c u ttin g Of window shades w hen pu rchost'd in King's Biise- nicnt.

WANTED to buy. good iLvcd picket fence, or used lumber. Miltjible for making some. Box 37. ^^mr.^•Ne»•s,

MONARCH coniblnaUon range, *49,50, Used w ashers $14.50 up, C. C. A nderson Company,

Th# Sta-W ell. 637 Main W. Ph. 155,


DIRECTORYMaths and MoBsages

Bicycle Sales and ServiceBLASIUS CYCLERY.

Curtain ShopsWindow Shop. 603 Main S. Ph. B14.

Curtain & D rap ery Shop. 335 OUi E. Also tllp covers, earpeta. Ph. 802.

DiamondiR. L. Roberts, Jew eler. 115 8ho. N.

Floor SandingA-BB n r . Co. F lo o r service. Ph 711W

Uelder & Sons. CU Main E. 1450-W.

insurancePor Plro a n d C asualty Insurance,

Surety n n d . Fidelity Bonds, see Swim In v estm en t C a Baugh Bids-



PERSONAL STATIONERY Engmvlng, le tte r prew . lltliograpli>'

School A nnuals. bu.ilnesa forms n .'.peclulty

T IM ES-N EW S Commorclol P rin ting Dept.

Keu Shop

Moneu to Loan

SALARY LOANS Strictly confiden tia l *

»5 to »50 to em ployed people on your ow n nignaturo

CASH C R E D IT CO.MPANY Rootn 2. Burklioltler Bldg. P h . 776

AUTO loans. Bob Reese n t Magel's,

Money to Loan

AUTO LOANSRefinance your p rese n t c o n ta c t—

reduce paym ents—coah adronc*.

WESTERN FIN A N CE CO. Next to Fidelity Bonk.

$25 to $750ON YOUR CAR




Consumers Credit Co.-by Pacific F inance)J AVENUE NORTH

Naturopathic PhysicianAnUia Lee H arbert. 1303 Klmb. R d .

Osteopathic PhysicianDr. O. W. Rose, 114 M . N . P h . 937-W.

Pholo Finisfdng8 prints any roU IDc. 6av-M or D rug.

Plumbing and HeatingAbbott Plumbing C a

Home Plumbing 4s H eating. Ph. 383.

Schools and TrainingT. P. Duslness U nlveralty. Fbooa 34L

TrailersQem T railer Com pany. Phone 439

TypewritersSales, ren ta ls and service. Ph. DO.


Water System sFloyd UUy. Ph. 2020. 2 H a h a &


0 POUND co tto n felted mnttress for only 10.85. We huvc only 75 a t thl.n price. F o il o r tM n slues. Moon's.

COMPLETE iu rn lsh ln w . appliances. Oood condition. 112G 6tli av east. 1273.

RADIO AND MUSICCLOSING o u t rn t l r c :,tock of Mo­

torola nullo.1 . u ttriiellvc discount. Robt, E. Lee S a le s Company.

REPOSSESSED Console walnut piano. S'our c h an c e to save money. See Adams Mu.nlc Store, formerly Dnyne.i Miwlc Comp.\ny.


1030 CHEVROLET coui>e. five good tires, nin.'j good. J85.00. Inquire 402 T h ird avenue

1040 PLY .M O U 'ni rir luxe sc<l«n. 14.000 mllM. cxcrilen t condlUon. *700. Plione 201. dayrime.

1940 CHEVROLCT business coupe. Qocd tires. L ifeguard tubes. 451 SlxU) avenue eu.nt.

MU£n’ iocrlflce 1541 Chry,slcr coupe, Oood tlrc'ii. low mileage. Sec a t Joe Covey T exiico Scn ice.

*300.00 E-aUITY In 1942 Ford tudor, driven 2.000 nillM . Inquire 1 nortii, 1 \ cast Wn.M ilnston j.chool.

NIfM. F VOtl (UVB CAZm'LL'iccwip»c£p sw eznf, etew

I wja S€£ s£v. saisc)? acttr that n'OiJip a n sF V us.ivlji'J n e rfincce uc lui,! morr ' ttirr i Tniur’ Ke cuniiinTllWt ne SHWID

I 7Air tsTTH Auwne mus IeujS5Pt1,FKST. SUS

w-vrs rr 7W5 Bic ukewcop

rr IS Nor mcs. iw uets w cPPw c MO m e cwncnWCTATE n-JE?E AMD BY ftWMMY CUWlfrEJ? ts K hKSeHD. y

NEiTwee streeziy noc i IS'ANT A 610 ISEDDWO, MTHEff. SUT I IVf SHCIAJ7 AT lEAST P;SCl)SS

rr ivrTU hek.



1930 BUICK Coupe, good condlUon. Phone 0104-JS evenings. 400 A d­dison w est M aymo 6wim.'


8x20 W ELL-DDILT tra i le r house, trade on house, o r cash . Two blocks west, one no rth subslAtion.

GOODINGGooding ■ W-C,T,U. m e t T hursday

at Uie home of Mrs. H u lda Beem an. Mrs. E thel R ogen led devotJonals nnd presided a t the business m e et­ing, Mrs. EdlUi C happelle had th e lesson.

Mr. and Mrs, F ra n k Swan. E u­gene. Ore.. and Dr. a n d Mrs. H . E . Lamb, also of O regon, visited In OoodUig last week. All ore fo rm er ' Oood,ti\g tcsldcnls. D r. M ra. Uinib vl.ilted Uielr daughter, M rs. A, W, Wlllmi. and fam ily .

Mrs. H. P. B lodgett h a s recelted word th a t her son, H ow ara, has been appointed by governm ent «n» Klneers as a technical rad io tra in e r of studenU-i for th e s ta te of S outh Drvkota. Ho has stud ied far IhLi I>a i in In the s ta te college a t Brookings. S. D.

Mrs. Pau l Ryan, form erly M iss Lob H arnett, a rrived la s t week to vblt Indefinitely a t th e hom e of h e r niotlier, Mrs, B ert H nrne tt. H er hu:>bund. Lieut. Ryan, w ho h a t been stationed a t F t. O rd. M onterey, Cnllf,. has been called to lervlca over.'.ea.;.

HANSENMr. and Mrs. Ben L aucr. who have

miule th e ir home h e re for several years, plan to leave soon for D ie t- rich to live.

Mr. and Mrs. K en n e th Naylor a t ­tended th e wedding o f M rs. Nayior's broUier, Jack M orris, an d M iu Helen Brandon. boUi ot- Jackson. Wyo., a t the P resby te rian m aosa. T s'ln Fulls last week.. - ■

Dt>en Copsey has re tu rned frecn Broken Bow. Neb., w herv he w as called tw o weelis ago ^ th e d e a th of a sister.

MTOTAUGHMISS Bonnta W UlhiU e n le r ta lae d

several young people a t a p a rty . Wednesday. Parlo r gam es were ploir* ed and refreshm ents w era serred by the hostess and h e r .m o th e r . M rs. Fay WlUhlte.

Clyde M cFarland w u hooored * t birthday party a t tila b o n a o a

Wednesday.Miss EUeen W right en terta ined

several gIrU a t » a lom ber p w ty « Wednesday. TtoUovlnc » m orla i n

READ 'm c i ^ K r w B W A ir r A o a .

Page 10: VOL. 24, NO. 285 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. MARpH 16. 19 … · 2014-12-12 · In the three years the annual af fair* have

rP a g * T e n TIMES:NEWSrTWlN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, JrarcK 18, 1942


N -G O V E R N iN8tJN VALLE7V, MnrcJi 10 M”)—Dl'

rrc to rs of Uio IdftJio Junior Cliam b r r o f Commerce Uiliik llie Ktnrni' m e r t nhbuW rIvp llit> wiir rffo rt "more ubie nnd nctlve Irndcr.’ihlp.'

A rrsoluUon ns Uip Kroiiiconclitdcd n iwo-duy Kr.v:loii riillc< n tlrnU on lo llie Jnya'iv.' i«illcy o iidvocntlnc nnntxl .MT\lcr, or con- IribuUon Ujrouicli prfKlucllau or civ. Illim ilffen.w, fo r i'll m rn bclwci-r 21 nnd 35.

T he rc.ioluUon. ftcMrr.'Kwl In I<!n- Iio's cotwrrMloiiiU rriirc^rntnllvM tlien ftnld "Imvlntc r:;l.iblulir(l Uil; policy we fed we .-Jioiild nsk jin t ,U jiuiW Umt otir Kovrmmpiil comhict ll.v ir nJniiR cninimrnble liiir.i by k1 ins Uic u-(ur wore ncH'mid able Icndcralilp. I t Muwlcl iiJso flwLit Uiut Iftbor. cnpllnl iitifl Kovi’rn- m rn tR rl nalde nit dlfffrcnci-:t cliirinit Uii- cincrKcncy,"

T tie rexoluUoii nskrxl for cciki- fJiilM In non»c.v,riitlnl KOvcmnu'iUul ncUvltle.i.

N om inalrd fo r I 'm ld m rf W libiir Dnknn of Calil’RfH nnd X)r.

T lius Cornell of kH Iw k wcrr iioinl- im lcd for pr<'.sldriit. llm nu ii Uijuji- m an of Pocntelli), Rf>bprl Howrll of Council, no b c rl if. Wurncr <if Twin FnlLi nn<I Dr. H. M- Kli>:irfu of Mlon wrrn nomlniiH'd fnr vicr-rin-s- Idpnt: Wendell Lnw rnirc nf I’j iy t i r for Aecmnry. find llalpti Cavnu of JJainjJa for niilloniil <llrcTtxir.

R irlle r tlie tli-le«ul<vi hi'i.rd n n t Sccrelnry Floyd Wim nf ihc- Mnfio C/mmf>er o f Coiiiinrrcc up . pCftI fo r non-di-friVM- ccniirrinlr.i ;uul new JndiiMrlrs for Id;iln>.

"We trii.U Imvf In I'flii i' inni who rfcofinizo tlio ii(\-r?.vtiy nf irontjiny in nil otliiT • (tinn-.Irf.-iiM-) in ,,, trrtinui." lie inkM-ricd. •'Tlih U Jum iu'j iru e o f tlip;mfillp5t. offlri- in a iiniiU- Clpallly fts It 1.1 of Ule ftxlrral kov- cm m enl. .

Urce n«pon*IM r M t u “Be they Dnnocrai-';, Iti'jmljlli-an.-

Iiidppcncdenla or wlial-iiavr-yoi wc cnn .luppnrt iJiu m an -.vlih Ijraln a n d Ihc tvUllUy lo UUiik nnd above a ll Uie cniiraKi- to :<a •no.’ Now the tim e wlim fiilnc ore b f ln s miwle for n.Tllona!, d'-xi (Uid county offlcen, nnd now H iii

r f tim e to upro rpr.pcn.ilble ini-:i lo ki- In to Uie racM-".'

LjicIc of Inddslriw In Wi.lio re quires Uie iiUIe's youUi lo j.rt'k nn ployroeni eLvrwherr, lie inW, in iiri: Ink new Imluatry to "ntnblllic on economy."

) Filer Heajjs up Scrap Iron for Uncle Sam

llnl !«T.-«p Iron nia' Irtiilfird tl i r l r S1euri>u» tlrlvr. Aim rlKht. In th e lilxiln. Irft l» rlth l,

n n and C irde K. U rlrli.

e pllr S u n a a r aa AtJicriran I.pRlon mfmber« |) in rta l. I 'a r t nf Cite hlc ulockpllr h vMIiIp

Ja^iirr, T . .•'I. llm lirr. W. K. ilren n rn . J. C.iTlnim-News I’hotu and Knirravlnc)

Union Possibility Seen for Clerks

OrBtLtxltaUon of r c lrik 's Mnlon In Tw in Pftll/i mny re.Milt If Uie More hours (ire Bgnln ln;.miited licre. This, according to imloti lradpr:i, WM conseanis of opinion Batur- doy niBht n.1 members of the polntn «ortera luilon. now In Uie procpw of orRnnlM tlon. m et a t Union Imll,. Tlie po ta to nortcr.-i decided Uiat

■ Ihelr new union covild no i be oix-ii to clerka. hod carrlrrn . J)ulldlnB nnd

.common Inborem. Word to thLi ef- fee t W03 received from Jipndrjuartfr» of the A. F . of L.’ ftt WflAhlnRlon. D. O.

As «oon M ch a r te r for the n u n it Ls irecelvctl here Uie nfflci... Vlll be obUscutea by K- U. helm , volunteer Reneral orKunlirr tor the A. F . of L. Announcpnicnt of nnmea of th e officers will be m ade n t Uint tim e.

Severnl new membem were ccpted n t Saturctfty'n se.vilon, Frei helm snid.

Second Offense•. M.-a.n

aeiitenced week tc m onths ' term In th e couniy Jail on charKes of Kmlnu clircks ou t fund.1 .

JiidRB W illiam 0 . Comntock of probftlo court nlso decreed tha t Rogem cnn have no vl'liors fnr 30 (layn. T lie check tliU lime wax w ritten ou t to th e U nlird Oil c pnny of Idaho, and w ai for J7A0.

FILERPaat M atrons"club membprn nnil

huabantls will have a no-hckit din­ne r W ednesday, M arch 18, a t ilip home of Mr, and M r.i.,Prank Slkc.s,

L. M. Sm ith, accompanied by Iil.i d aughter. MIm Ellr.nbeth Hmltii. hivvc retu rned from GrimKcvllle. where Uicy were called by Uic death of M r. SmlUi's sister. Mrs. Mary Jack- non. who died M arch 7.

Mrs. T . S. NlchoUon lias returnwl from EURene. Ore., where «he went to visit h e r son. Jay NlclioUon. who Is recoverlnK from pneumonia.• EURcne Oullck. who ha.i been at Hollywood, Calif., has returned to Filer.

atA f Social club will meet 1'iim. day. M arch 17. wiUi Mr,'.. O. j . Child*, fo r a no-host lunchrnn nl 1 p . m . nnd election of offlci-M,

Poplar Hill club m et Tiir.sdny at Uie home of Mrs. F rank M omuhan M rs. C. K . Wilson was tuusiMant lu». less. W omen quilted a nullt for tlic Red Cross.

Boy Clifton. Lyle Miller. Unltisli Davis. S herm an W illiams nnd n o jd Lolif hnve gone to S a lt Lake Cliy to bo Inducted Inio ser^’lce.

K. O. M unyon en tertained a t din­n e r Friday n t D ean's cafe for ftal- elRh and Orover C. Davis. Jr.. Hay C llflon nnd Sherm an-W m inrw, who hM o enlWTiJ U. s. sen-lce.

Jnck lUm-^ey. who li aiiendluK Uic University a t Moscow. ha.i been »ecept«J In Uie m arines.

Mrs. J . M. Jam erson entertained h e r co n tra c t b rldsc club Friday nt luncheon. Mrs. W. L. KloppcnUurB a n d Mrs. D. L. Beam er, T»'ln FalLi. were Ruesu. Mm. R. K . DllllnRliani w on high.

Mr*. N. L, L.'vr.ion has relurnrd ftfw r visiting relallves a t Denver. Colo.

M r. and Mrs. Cecil Drown and fam llr. who spent Uie winter nt Son Prnncbco Calif,, have returned.

Mrs. R ay DelSoard nnd jon,-.. w ho have been eucsta of her iiac- enU , M r. a n d Mrs. Bterlle McKle.

. le f t F riday for the ir home a t S ic- n im en to . Callf.

Mr». Stan ley D ex trr and Mljs C lara S tu tzm an le ft Friday for CnI. U om la. M rs. D exter will visit Mr. D exter In S a a Pnm cbco and mi.m S tu tzm an v lu vlsll relaU res a t Mar- tines.


Moiilhly h rn .'f lt payniiiil:. lo dr- lU’tidfnu. of worker.-, wlin iiri? vic- lUu'.i lit Uw w iir vu Uiv 5’,>rlin; ni,\y run a:, lilKh n« a m onth. It an!inuni-i-d today n t the Twin Kail.i ofllcu of the .•.o,-iJl ,M.'curliy bouni.

More lliaii nin<' cliilms already have burn ri-uclvi'd from ;,urMvor.i or dcjiciidrnii. of workc

J l''all.i^Cll0I

■J lla\ MlffUirdliiR

nd loi-to the .sorliil M-eurlly bo.............Wa.viiint;ion for piiyini-tit. Sli-ncfli: will bc'Kin Imna-dinti-ly. -I'ucki-r i.ald

WitJi the num ber of Idaho worK «T,', klUrd. taken iirl.-;on> r. or nil.-a- hit: runnlni: ^^n^ld^rab:y hlkin'i ihiin orlnlnally aciticiparrd. llirT w ii FalUi olflcr will cominup It^ effort: ihrouiiiioiit thi- wcpk to coinjilpie all cu rren t tlalui;,.

t'o r the pre.'.enl, tlip:.e inomhly benefit ])iiyineni-'. will be litijiu-d lo claims from fnmllle.'i of rlviliann .'m* I'lnyed by ron trac tor.i in tlip rcin- siruetloix of n^^vnl tt 'r bines oi\ cer­tain b la n d outpo-ii.s.

llrnpflLi lo dc|>endpnts nnd .Mir- vlvors will be com puted on tJie basis of tlie Income earnc^l by Uic worker —for exnmple, the widow or wife w ith no m inor ch llilrrn will rccelve 35 per ccilt of tJie worker'.i carn - inKs, but no t to i-xcer<l or to be lew m F rom th e re llir llRurrs rbp ]o the mnxlm um, dppcndiiiK on Uie num ber of children.


inK or the flr.1 t full year’s leiid-le.i.-.c purclin.-.e.i o f A nierlcnn food prod- uei-v vehicle;! for revival of the United Stnt.M’ laKRlnR prr-w nr Hi;- rlc-ulitiral cx |x irt traffic. InilU-aled today Uipre haa hreii a record break- liiK flow of m any farm comino<llllr!i abroad .Mni-o nild -M areh of 1041.

A year a«o tile U, 8 . farnier.s' w artim e export m arke t lnnKUl'he<I, Now. IrntllnK nnd ipasltiR of war .inp- pl|p>. .InchidhiR foodstuffs, ha.i boomed t l i u traffic fu r beyond eucl- ler mo<lc5t expectntloiLi and ex ixr- lencf of W orld w ar I, contrlbuilnK to a Reneral p rice ri;.e.

Lard exports, for e.tamplc. have been revived to proportions Ameri- iJan farm ers hnve no t enjoyed slnre {he p re-drou«ht jwrlocj a decade nKi’- Flow nf dniry and euR pro<IiicM i>lironsi exceerts nny th in s e \ t r ex- IKTlenccd. M ovem ent of n ired am! canne<l pork hiui been stepped up [o the best volume In mntiy yea^.^. M eanwhile. Krnin e.'^port.i. which ac­counted for th e bulk of shlpment.i drliiR W orld w ar t. liave dlmlnl.ihed iharnly. T lie enil-hasLi now Is on nore concentraleil jiroce.v^ed food.

Transient Found “Ffozen to Death

ir»-'^-o IncHie.ii

I, n iranslpnt. wiiriser wh«ie body a.1 found In tiu- desert five mlle-i (Utlnvrst of he re Sunday, body of Uie w orker. UTnpped hi

l)l:inkel.i, wa.1 found. In n de.'.ert l> by Jack O ochnour and Rny r.i, who were on a rabb it h u n t-

inR trip.Deputy She riff W, W. W illiams

and Chief of Police Clarence P h il­lips, wiio inveiiliinled. said Uiat the mail had evidently frozen to BeatJi. He wa.1 last seen In Duriey ‘on Ja n .

Little U know n of Uie m an's back- Krouiid. Up u n til today no relatives have been found. I t Li known th a t At one tliue h e w as employed In «. suKftr factory a t a n r la n d . Utah.

Tlie botly wn.i tnken to^yie Me- Culloch monunr>- .w here pending funeral nrranRcments.

Centennial PartyPAUL, M arch 10— Mrs. t ) . T. M il­

ler, prer.ltlent o r ttie. Pa«V Relief i<s- clety, announces th a t th e centennlnl program a n d lunch will be Riven n t the Paul L. D. S. church Tuesday. M arch 17. n t 6 p. m . wlUi |m.ibands of members a.i suesis.

All women of U>o Ward ore Invited to a ttend a n d b rln tt th e ir hiubands.


New Vitamin Coinhats Gray Hair, Tones Down Frcckles

NI-;w YOHK, M arili IG r,

l« n \c d up 111 11 lodown Ihi- tilarlni: cnlnr of fre and lonall blrlhm:lrl:.^,


i-pverrd I

-nal ol Koulhem Mr( .SiirKery lelb the .•'U ry today. The vltam

I 11 blended with

le vllnm ln o It aid. A .lerlie for

The Public ForumAPI'ItKCTATION

a i l to r . 11ine.i-New,v T h e 1VU» Fall.s rlinplrr D .uuh -

ters of Uic Alnerlpnii U,•volution, to ex tend lo ynu ili.-ir tlninl:-. nixl app recia tion tor Ilii- .-.iilendUl publicity Kivcn them.

V eo ' truly.MAUY H. ROllKR-I-SON. IC halrm asi ot Vrr»^ HeUllnn^)

Twin FaJl.i. M arch 13.


axis ■ubmt■ntly

■ offtl •-vi-r>- i>osMiiU " iirMroyp.i

tliree, the Akron ilr,iiou-,/oiirnal rrpo ried today in a d s iw u h bv IL

'p orfer, P atrick .Mi.Mahon.'whc a lched the action Iknii al>i>,ird a aval bllinp.■nip ncUon occurred 'Aitliln a per-

lod of th ree hours anil teiirc>ciiu-d :he worjc of only niie fiiri-e off n .mall %e«nient of the A;l;iutlc Hip dLipnlch scpmcd to th a tinly n .'.mall p a rt Wan iif the lucce.v, of roiintermpa'iui-N nKaliiM ,hn axl.n ra ldprs wlilch h iu r a ttack- Pd o re r 90 sh ips in Ameriran ^valer^.

TJie th ree subm nrlnr. wrre of n pack w hich had sunk iwn vp;,-.r|i off the c oast "w ltliln the pm rd in j: <8 hours," M cM ahon re[Kiri.-ii,

M cM ahon's dispatch s.iUl- "Oi\e t>{ ih c U-bOAls r„ivnseh-

iltncked by a U. S. n.uv alr>hlp ,nd a rtx-ky lUtle coa;.l i:u.iril \ r v e l ih rn It rit-kles-ily .lurlnred w iihin , few hou rs lind w ithin :i 'e-,v nille.i if the torpe<lolnK nf an alllr.l nlilp.

I t w; a t launched llie lorpec

" It Is probable ih a t ihe e:iei iilimnrlne .■<ltlpl>er nnd e\erv me; er of hLi crew pnid wllh ih rir in

for th e ir tem erity ,"

Thespian Initiation Ceremonies at Buhl

nU H U M nrch IO-Tllr.^pl,vns of Uuhl hlRh rchmil lnniaie<i U new m em bers Into troupe Nn. Wedne-;- day a t th e home of J.ime.i Jnvre. prp?il<lcllt, M rs. Rrtr.e J. \Vi;'.n:i. snrr-n.v;lsied in the imiiallon urre- monlttfi.

New Tliesplan.1 '|n re Jane Park.i. Jean T hylor, Phyllis Ilrbtow, Olenna WiLion. Doris R lns. t \ : i Miteliell. Davis lx>w. Don MarKnv, Do:, l_ i- pray. Roy stra w sc r nnd DIfk M rrrl-

•<irrji.H oldover members are Arlme Her-

rinser, Jnm es Joyce. Frricin Woo.]. J e a n n r Atwood. WH-h.t .^y.inner. Belly a ra h a m and Lob Jlaker.

CASH-Paid fo r dead, .old or dL'abled horses, m ule^ and eowj. Call col­lect* Pe rcy O reen nt N ARY ALICE TROUT FARM

T w in FatlA Pb.


TOKYO. March Iti _ (Jiipam.-.e liroadrn.n recorded bv U P at San Frnncl-'.cnl—Tokyo radio made a M-corid denial to<lay ol alloRalluns by Uriti.-.h Forclun Kerretary An­thony Kden th a t Japan.•^r ti<M)|is a t Hniii; Korn; committed atruclllcv

n i e riullo Issued wliat It t.'rni.^d •■u eornpleto refutatlnn - a iv.'ek ai:o a fte r Eden .' imke of liie aiictjed a ltoeltles I n j l ie hou.-i- of eQinnions.

The rndlo dl.icur.'.ed "a hrli-f lil:i- tory of the rapture ol Honli Konc." w riiten bv GeorHe G tiflin , fnreii:n eilltor of th e HonR K our Telecraph, which oriRlnally was ititende<l for puiiitcntlon In either the l.oiiilnn D allyT clcRraph or the Toronto «!ar, AiuS r.OMSht lo pviivr Iw UM>t <lls- pa teh th a t the charge.-; wrre UMlrue.

'T hrouK tiout the lotin Ntory, it is notew orthy tha t lui irnre'. la ii t>e

I of 1

I t nuotcd Orilfln thatallty ■ nf ' ha


■•V of

anti the , .iilnKlrs w ith the IlKiu'.aiui;, In Ihe •Ity street.'!. . . without mole.-<latl(iii."

Hut Ihe radio carefully ri'fraiued rom IndlcnUnR w hether ’tlie dlr;- lateh was written before the Jap- mi'.'e occupation, as woulti r.eeiii lo

be Uie U was tUuiUtful It lie voiild write sueh a iil>i.ateli after he tall of H our Koiik iiiit before the »llek-ed atrocities, knnwinR 1 1 wiaild lot reach It.', deslliiatlon.

Death Cause!l(;art disease Is liie chief

■i .len^h in the UiMle.l Wa( UI.H a m te of 2t>a.9 deathv [h-i

OOO jx^pulatlon.

L A S T e o



Sixty-five more tons of sc ra p iron, which will find Its way In to Industries, wns collected over th ti section SundajI by m em bers of tlic Twin Fall.i nn<l Filer posw of the American I / 'kIom.

A check today by Uie Tlmes-News shoued thni nitproxlnintcly ^ 0 tons wet.' coUrtUd by m tm bcrn of ttw Filer prvit and 2i lon.1 by 'm em bers of ihe Twin Falls po.-,t.

100-Ton r i leN-oiiard A. Winkle, F iler, ch air­

man of the drive Uiere, snld to<lny th a t thrre are Mill some 30 to -40

pledRcd In th a t d is tric t bu t has not yet ).■en collected. Tlie •'pile" a t Filer iinw eniilnliw nboul ion tons. W, W, ^Tantr. com m nnder of the Twin Fnll.'. po .t, po in ted out that nit^inURh i.rveriil iruckii. do- nat--rl bv the 'nvln Fall.s hlRhwaydi.^irtct. --------' ............ ‘~ -jjfi-.'.lble

I tin- \ It Vill all placeji where

, , , , 1 been K athered bytlividual dnuon. T tie d rive, ho-*'- rr, will Ik- .•nnllmicd anti tlier.n

plaee', will all he visited In th e Im-

At I'iier th ire were ^lx truek.s, aril niatined by th iee o r fou r Le- inn member.'., partlelpatlliK In Ihe rive. ’Pie •ame num ber Is expeet- <l tr> make another lour o f the

next.Kwwlwy. 1-wln F;\lU ni<><s were driven bv hlKhway dl;- r iri men, who douai'-d th e ir time,

nviat (.1 Ha In 'r.vln Fails per.-nn?: wl.'.hlnR to

nil,lie scrap Iron for the Lenlon'n .•In> e drive either ,'ihoulil brlnp

to liie storage place, lo riiled n t


MOSCOW. M a rc lA o fU.P)-Rus- sla a.-.:crled today th a t th e llberntlon of lui fourth city, the K rcat /soitth-

indu.'.irlal cen tcr o f K harkov,:iill c e of

tlie t'>llowlnR per:.(>iis in o rd e r ihi a tiuel; ean call fnr It:

Mrs. l-'inyd C.-impbell. Mrs,O i.inl Kunkle. 2103: Mr.n. tvan Oi.ils. ::n33; Mr;i. II. K. Josltn, trj:m -li.:; Mr;;. J . it. DoiicUis. 1773; ,1, J. Wmterlioler. 1111.

Lesion at Filer Marks ‘Birthday’

of the • AJnelernhers 'o f

imxiil,.r>'. will olv.erve th e nu ­ll blrtiulay nf Uie or/;inIfc-itlnn I jKil-hieV; n t U\e FilerI Mlirxii tonlRht. officials an- i.rd this afternoon, rilulay nf tiie Lexloii Is Mnruh

, bu t lx-ca'.L'.i-this - fel I tiun

Former Resident Of Bellevue Dies

JlAII.FrY, Mait-h 10—F u n e n il r.erv-. iees were held •Piur-vlav. a t 11 a, m, fnr Mrs. Je.'.sie S haffe r Perkin.-,, fnrmerly Dellei,-ue. She dle<| n t B um s. Ore.. M arch a n l th e hrc of34 y

H er Ixxly nrrlvcd liere by train ind services were held from the farrls funeral parlnr.s un .ler th e d l- •ectlon nf the Harrl.i m ortua ry . Serv- ce.s were ennducled by Uie L, D. S, ;hureh officials nnd th e prlncli>;U .'•ix'aker was W, M. SUin/Iekl.

■ wiLs In th e Bellevue

Pocatello CouplieVisits Sick Child

PAUL, Mnrch 16—Mr, nnd Mrs, Mvln Stlm ii'on left la s t week for he ir litmte m Pocatello a fte r .spend- n s several days liere, called by the lerioiis iilner.s nf Mr. Stlmpson'.T sl.i- tr . IJiirbarn Stlmpson. n lnc -year- old <lnuKhler of Mr, nnd M rs. ClaudSllmswAw.

le child underw ent an em er- y opertaion last week for a

ruptured ai'P'-ndlx n l the Cottiice hospital 111 Hurley, s h e Is >,Iowly Im- provhiR.

Henry Zemke Farm S o ^ f o r $ 1 1 , 2 0 0

PAUL, -Marb) 10 — Tlie H enry Scmkc 80-acre farm was .sold to Mr, itid Mrs. Don Hnckney for a cash ronslderntlon of $11,200. T h e deal vas closed Friday,

Mr. Hnckney. well-known farm er of the eouiiiy. purchii-sed the Zemke place, northwest ot P au l ar, mi In-

ilm cnt. nnd exi>ect.s to lease It.




N either — the ; vUlblo from any . jw hit .o n •earth . . , bu t th e re n visible dLitlnctlon In eurtnins llinl have been denned by "HOO" Cle.mers.

and Remember— CASH and CARRY


MXti E lU a Rota l a Choree

Hunts U-Boats

n e a r A dmiral A dolphua An­drews. comniander of th e eastern kea frontier of Uie Itn lted S t a in . U<i the talk of h unU n t dow n U- boalK n l i l ln r a lo n r ou r Atlontlo seaboard.

ijrUierfront, It:; crack I ' t h kmwhH «llvtslos\ 'lad Ntorine.l nnd taki'ii iiti entire ie rinan defem e i.ystem n e a r K tar- ija Ilavsa, where the 10th G erm an

army b belnc crushed.Today's noon war eoinmuiilqiie

aid. In addition, th a t In two days of flRlitlnR on the U -nhuin id front Uie Uus-'iliuw had Ullli-d l,aOO G er-

A jipecln! <llsp,itch of Ilie news- pnix'r Pravda. Com m unlr.t pnrty orKan. from the S taray ii front ,s.-vld the po.-.ltlon of th e iGtli German nrmy. now su rrounded , be- cnmc more serlotw <lajly.

A captured n e rm a n o rtlc r to o f­ficers of the lO.Uh a rtlllccy rc-,;l- ment .-.aid th a t a r ta i m be u.ied niiiiliist men who failed to .show .stif- flclently m artial .-.pirit b u t tha t nevcrtliele.v, the num ber o f au rrend - crlni: Germans Inere.vicd.

iLoiuion reported th a t on Uie -louthern front the Ru.'^l.ins had broken ihrnuch Uie O erm nn lines bcUveen Kharkov nnd O re l lo Ihe north nnd conilnued iiielr ndvaneii niter laklllB :.everal lown.i a n d vll- InRcs.)

Red tile arm y new spaper. In reportlnR ihe rnpture of K harkov wns nenr. .lald aL-o th a t on th e front as a whole Oerm an liiie.s of re.\bi- lance had been broken In prlneiiml seelor.i '^Ith Uie re.sult U nit unity nnd fo-relaUon of O erm nn front-i hnd been dl.snipted.

Fingers vs. SawHANSKN. M nrch I G - n i r e r flnK-

eni on Mnrvln U ttcr’.'S le f t hand came out .sccoiid best w h e n tlicy taiiRled with n ;iaw In th e m anual tnilnlnR room n t the llan .ien .school Wednr-'day. Son of .Mr. a n d Mrs, A. H. Ulter, he was trea te d a t Uic offiee of n local physician.


WASIIINOTON. M aroh 10 (,?)— Con8rcs.\lonn] friends of labo r serv^ ed notice today they would fiRhl lo link a dnuitlc IlmltJiUon o f war proflt.i’ wlUi nny legislative wn«e controLi Uiat may be proposed by Pre.ildent RoosevelU

SenalcoHllI of Alobnmn, Uie Dem- oernUc whip, nnrt S enator LiiPollctlfi Pro.. WIs,. both lonK-tlme support- er.i of labor, demnndeO U nit nny iic- Uon laken lo place n cellhiR on woficji be accompanied by leRLilatlon which would lake away mo;it. If not all. ot Uie profits on w ar producUon contmcL'i,

Hill conceded Uuit I t m lR lit be nece.isnry to apply brakes to wuko lo prevent In flation , but added Uiat It wns Jtl-st rut es-scntlal Uiat war proflLs be lim ited.

lA PolIelic said Uiat wlillc h e wils prepartxl to accept wurc con tro ls If Uiey were arcompanle<l by profit curb.s. he UioiiRhl the placlnff of un iirbltm ry ccUlnn over waRes mlRht re.->ult In dLiniptlon of Ujc Industrial machinery.

While he declliuxl lo cla.-;.',lfy wiiRCS juid pm flt .1 In ihc ;.ame cate;;orj'. Chairm an GeorRe. 0 .. Gii.. ,salrt Uin finance cnniniltlee iindoubtM ly would filudy a proposal to linpa'.e n .sui>er war tax nn all Kovcm inent i-on- in ic lh when It considers Uie ni-w rev­enue bill.

Dl;;cu.','lnn of several o the r i>liitse.s o f Uie labor problem wil-i scheduled and a senate approi)rlaUoiis sub­committee. headitl by ‘Senator Thom as, D.. Okla.. expected to touch iipon these In licnrlni:^ a t w hich rov- e rnm enl o fficia l nnd Inbor leiider;i hnve been lnvlie<l lo testify.

Lewiston Leads in Telegraphic Shoot

nO ISE. March 10 (-T>-A jlw rp - r.hootliiR Lewiston o u lfii ih iii c a r­rier! Qlf Hit unjihy In IasV ycnr'r. annual Idaho telcRraplilc lrap;,hoot had the first IrR on ilic cup nRalii to<lay.

•Hie northerner,'; .shot a perfcc t and scored ihrce victories t-*o by the Cobe i.hoo ten . who also gained a 73 In openhiR day Jir- hiR. Score of Boise’s th ird oppon­ent, HuntlnKton. Ore.. was unre- IKirted,. Lii Grunde. Ore.. j>o.iied th ree vic­

tories wllh a 73 Rood for trium phs over Salt Like City. ORden and Pocatello,

IJuite, Mont,, second In it year, won two matches wllh a 71.

n i c shoot will end May 3. O l^ rrx partlcliiatlnR are Caldwell. H unlhiR- lon. Ore., and Twin Fall.i.

Potato Men WiU Hear Worm Data

BURLEY, M arch 10—O f Interest to potato farm ers on thU project U the/dlicu.'jlon of wlreworms, on#0 1 tlie mo.'.t serious pesLi In Uils ^ p art of Uie country-. U) bo given ” Tue.idny, M arch 17, a t 8 p . m.. n t Uie CoMla county • nRcnt's office, with Dr. M. C. I.Jinc. of th e U. S. entomoloRy departm ent tm d Dr. W.E. Shull, of thtJ University of Ida ­ho. u spenkers.

Dr. Lnnc. s ta tioned a t Walla Wnllft. Wa.sli„ X \ M been In cUarRr. of Uio principal experlmenUil work In connection w ith w lrcw om u for many years.

Sufficient experim ental work has ..oiv been completed show lns th a t If farmers carry a certain rotation, the spread ot thU pest w in be cut do'*n. Tlie.'.t; rotations nnd methods Jor conlrol w «l bo d lscaricd a t UiLi mcelltiB.

SEK I) CA TALOG UE A'oty H e a d y ! .

mW rite or Call fo r

your copy ■


I’honc 8

Tongue-TwistersDENVER. M arch 16 (>P}—NoUl-

Ing personol, bu t the announcers a t the notional AAU baaketball tournam ent would Just as soon « « \X\t Division s u e e t YWCA Clippers o f ChleaRO elim inated.

•Tlie Chicago club's rooter In­cludes Zmudxlil. Padm zn, R y . bicki, BaEdanskl. Kardtlonsk. Prawddk. Storgyk and Oajewskl.


i l l t h i s i c c c lc ' s


viT nni'T v o u -


Next to O rjjhcum P h . 270

* * * * LEADER * * * *in providing this specialized service

CHEVROLET’S Car Conservation Plan'

LEADER/.in adm inistering it

-«For a l l m o to r l it s w h o w ant to k e e p t h e ir c a rs l a r v in g

d e p e n d a b ly , t h e w o rd * to re m e m b e r a r e i See yo u r

lo ca l C h ev ro le f d a ch r , . • . C h e v ro le t o rig in a te d the

> -"C a r C o n t e rv a t lo n P lan / ’ a n d h e I i a ip e c lo l lit In " C a r

C o n t e rv a t lo n .” > . • H e giVe t (k illed , re lia b le , econom ical

' 's e r v lc o o n a ll m o k e t o f c a n e n d t r u c k s . . . . S e e h im to d a y

— n o h im a t re g u la r In terva ls— If y o u w a n t you r car to

"s e e yo u t h r o u g h . "

/ tu obouc lA. riiuu Low Itemt on p t l t wd —irkt.

A lw a y s tee y o u r focal


C H EV RO LET DEALER FO R SERVICEon a n y car o r truck

rtMiCTorr -cA« conpavATiorr io o « u i- r « t t i Ynu m .r r«c«Jr« ■ cos'* o( (,hl4 uwful bnokirt from / '*<13 tint ChtvTolet dMlcf. or fcr wtilln* «o: ChurrtJri lioior / '— •* , I1i.1.ioo. 0»nn.l Motor. Cotpor»‘lo". A.1J7 0«n«.l / / MMori UulUlni. Drtrwf. Mlcb. / /


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