Page 1: Voice of Freedom 102

FreedomVoice of

The Newspaper of the British National Party


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ISSUE No.102INFORMATION LINES08710 500 23208710 500 233

BRITISHNaTIoNalISmThe only way out of the global chaos

WE will build a Britain that is strong, independent and as far as possible self-sufficient in all its needs.A country rich in oil, coal, gas and fertile farmland should not put its people at the mercy of world fuel and food prices.British workers should work for the benefit of themselves and their families, not to earn profits for foreign multinationals.

The international financial system of the globalised ‘Free Market’ is falling apart leaving Britain with businesses going bust, dole queues getting longer, home values collapsing and the pound becoming

worthless against other currencies . . . . . yet the Old Gang parties can offer no way out of this nightmare.


WE will take over ownership and control of the banks. It is the only way that credit can be put back into the economy.Private banks are bankrupting viable businesses with ruinous interest rates on loans just to appease their shareholders.We will introduce just one central State bank which will do exactly as it is told by the Government to revitalise the economy.

WE will take control over of what is left of our large and medium scale manu-facturing industry from the foreign multinationals that currently own it.We will reform factories into co-operatives giving the workforce a share in the profits and an input into management.We will re-establish traditional industries by protecting them from cheap imports.

WE will leave the European Union because it’s like a lead weight chained to the ankle of the British economy, dragging it down to its doom.Once we are out of the European Union we will be able to protect our own industries and send back home the cheap imported labour that is forcing more and more British workers into the dole queues.

Only the BNP can get Britain back to work by safeguarding jobs against the ravages of the global economy as it staggers from boom to bust and wrecks our fragile planet in the process.

Nationalise the banks

Rebuild the real economyleave the European Union

Make Britain self-sufficient

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To give the BNP immediate help you can donate now by credit and debit card!Call our fundraiserJACKIE GRIFFIN on08710 500 234

labour mayor and Tory chairman join the BNPIF the opponents of the British

National Party thought that leak-ing the names of an old BNP mem-bership list to the media would hurt the Party, they made a big mistake.What the membership list showed was that the British National Party was made up of ordinary British people, from all walks of life and background, who were worried about what the future held for their country.And as the media spotlight fell on individual members named in the list, the coverage that followed gave the BNP such a boost that the Party was signing up 100 new members a week in the run-up to Christmas. Now that is an incredible feat for any political party at a time when people are normally just thinking about the forthcoming festivities, and consid-ering the current economic climate.In Ashfield, the local newspaper car-ried a front page story reporting that a former Labour mayor and a chair-man of the local Conservative Party were now members of the British National Party.

Edward Holmes was a Labour district councillor and chairman of the coun-cil twice but stepped down because he lost faith in Labour.“After the last elections I ripped up my Labour membership card because I had had enough,” he told the news-paper.“I initially retired from politics, but

after speaking to a friend who told me of the work of the BNP, I did some research on their policies and decided to become an active member.“It frightens me what is happening to this country. We do not have enough room for the number of people want-ing to come here. I am more passion-ate about politics than I have ever been in the past,” he said.Lionel Buck was the chairman of the Ashfield Conservative Association for four years. He made it very clear why he had left the Tories and joined the British National Party.“The way the country is at the moment, there is no major party, whether it be Tory, Labour or Lib-Dem, looking after the indigenous population.”

“I am morepassionate

about politics now, than I

have ever been in the past . . . ”

Witch-hunt fails and Stan gets reinstatedSTAN LEESE, an honorary

vice-president of Stafford-shire Football Association, had his membership suspended after he stood as a British National Party candidate in Stoke at the local elections last May.The former football coach was just 30 votes short of winning North-wood & Birches Head ward but his candidacy angered county football chiefs, who claimed his political views were at odds with the FA’s anti-racism policies.He had been made an honorary life vice-president of Staffordshire FA for his services to local football, but that didn’t cut any ice with Staffordshire FA chief executive Brian Adshead, who demanded Stan quit the BNP or resigned from the FA.He did neither, so was suspended from the FA for three years.

But now, less than six months after the suspension, the board of directors has changed its mind over the witch-hunt and the ban has been lifted.The chairman of the board of directors Barry Shenton, told Mr Leese:“It was decided that the suspension should be lifted on January 1, after which it is hoped you will be willing to once again participate in the activi-ties of the association.”Stan Leese said he welcomed the sur-prise announcement:“It was a bit of a shock when I was suspended. I have put 61 years of my life into local football and had represented the county FA at

matches all over the country.“I’m very pleased that they have changed their minds and I am just looking forward to getting involved with the association again.”All Stan is waiting for now . . . is an apology!

STOKE CITy COUNCILNorthwood and Birches Head

Thursday May 1st 2008Dave Sutton (Lib-Dem) ............. 624Eve Maley (Ind) ....................... 623Stanley Leese (BNP) .............. 594Reginald Booth (Ind) ................ 500Barry Stockley (Lab) ................ 379BNP Percentage: 21.8%

STAN LEESE: For over 60 years he’s supported football in Staffordshire.

TURNING TO THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY: Labour mayor Edward Holmes and Conservative Party chairman Lionel Buck.

n GOOD PUBLICITY: Local newspaper.

MAY 2008: Stan Leese was just 30 votes from becoming a Stoke councillor.

“I have put 61 years of my life into local football and had represented the county FA at matches all

over the country.”

BNP cuts 1000 Tory majority to

just 8 votes

BACKING THE BNP: Our hard-working canvassing teams in East Wickham.

BEXLEy COUNCILEast Wickham Ward

Thursday January 22nd 2009Steven Hall (Con) .................... 798Michael Barnbrook (BNP) ..... 790Patricia Ball (Lab) .................... 700Grace Goodland (Lib-Dem) ..... 564Laurence Williams (ED) ............ 128BNP Percentage: 26.5%

THE British National Party has started 2009 the way it finished

2008, with another incredible local election result.Back in December, the BNP in White-haven slashed a Labour majority from over 1000 to just 16 votes in a Cumbria County Council election. This time it was the Tories’ turn, with the BNP candidate for East Wickham ward on Bexley Council cutting a near-1000 Tory majority to just 8 votes.The last time this Tory stronghold was contested in a three vacancy election the BNP came third, 700 votes behind the 3 Tory candidates and 200 votes behind the three Labour candidates. But last May in the GLA elections the figures for the ward put the BNP up into 2nd place, 20 votes ahead of Labour, but nearly 1000 votes behind the Tories.Now this massive Conser-vative majority has been reduced to single figures.The BNP candidate in East Wickham, Michael Barn-brook was the champion of exposing parliamentary sleaze.He was instrumental in securing investigations into financial irregularities con-cerning three Members of

Parliament and was responsible for reporting Old Bexley Conservative MP Derek Conway, to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards for his misappropriation of taxpayers’ money.Michael spent 30 years with the Met-ropolitan Police, including four years actually stationed with Bexleyheath Police working as an Inspector.

NEAR MISS:Michael Barnbrook and his

wife, at the count after cutting the Tory majority to 8 votes.

‘Nick can win’ says Harriet Harman


HARRIET Harman, the deputy leader of the Labour Party, has said that the British

National Party could make electoral gains at the European elections in June.She told the Progressive London conference last month that Labour was gearing up to try to stop BNP chairman Nick Griffin, from becom-ing an MEP for the North West constituency.The minister, who is also the MP for Camberwell and Peckham, said that the BNP was appealing to voters hit hardest by the recession.“The BNP cannot be ignored”, she said, citing a string of council by-elections where the party had come second. She said that Nick Griffin would need just 8% of the vote to get elected to the European Parliament.

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Keep up to date with all the latest BNP news with the

British National Party Information line0906 553 2245

The line is updated every day and calls cost £1.00 per minute

BNP wins massive vote of support


Fenham WardThursday January 29th 2009

Steven Hall (Lib-Dem) ............. 1049Patricia Ball (Lab) .................... 1025Ken Booth (BNP) ................... 836Grace Goodland (Con) ............ 186BNP Percentage: 27.0%2008: LD 1491, L 1188, BNP 295, C 290

THURSDAY 29th January 2009 can be recorded as a day

when the British people embraced British Nationalism.In Grimsby, nearly 1000 British con-struction workers demonstrated in support of “British jobs for British workers” and in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 836 British voters returned their ballot papers clearly marked in support of the British National Party.At the city’s local council elections in 2008, when Fenham ward was last fought, the British National Party polled 295 votes which was just 9% of the total vote. Last night BNP candidate Ken Booth, received 836 votes, 27% of the vote, and trebled the level of BNP support in the ward.“It is another in a string of excellent results for the British National Party in local elections,” Ken Booth told Freedom.

“We were the only Party whose vote share went up which shows that our message is getting home, and that was in spite of the huge campaign by the trade union, Unison, which put out thousands of leaflets and sent out a similar number of let-ters telling people not to vote for the British National Party. It was a

spectacular failure. “We can clearly win this ward next time, but the next stop for us here is the European Elections where with a few more results like this, we will be on course for a North East seat in the European Parliament,” he said.The result has sent shockwaves through the political establishment, and was the main item on BBC Look North news, with Labour and Lib-Dem spokesmen clearly stunned by the size of the BNP vote.The result was also covered by the BBC’s Politics Show for the North East and Cumbria in an item chart-ing the rise of the British National Party in the region.In the past the Old Gang parties have blamed low turnouts for giving the BNP a high percentage of the vote, but last night’s huge 40% turnout blows that theory firmly out of the water. The BNP result is even more noteworthy in the light of a sizeable 11% ethnic minority population in Fenham Ward.

“The result was achieved in spite of a campaign by the trade union, Unison, telling people not to

vote BNP”

A TEAM of campaigners from Durham and Liverpool supported

a day of action in Fenham ward which saw a BNP stall set up on a busy road and a British National Party banner hung from a bridge over the road.There was of plenty of support from passing motorists as they beeped their horns, especially from bus driv-ers. Even Newcastle Council workers pulled over in their wagons to ask for more information about the BNP.

activists from Durham and liverpool help the campaign in Fenham

KEN BOOTH: He cut Labour’s majority over the BNP from 893 to just 189 votes.

THE Church of England is being pressurized by a vindictive

lobby within its ranks into banning clergy from being members of the British National Party.In recent years, more and more devout Christians are turning to the BNP as the only political party that is warning about the danger posed by the growth of Islam in this country.This has angered General Synod member Vasantha Gnanadoss, who is demanding that all clergy, ordinands and employed lay persons who speak on behalf of the Church of England are banned from being members of the British National Party.Gnanadoss wants to make it “much more difficult” for the BNP to claim that there are Anglican clergy or church representatives who support them.“The BNP seeks to iden-tify itself as Christian in

order to further its agenda,” she said.The proposed witch-hunt brought a swift response from the BNP’s Press Officer Simon Darby who told the Daily Telegraph.“We were made aware of this by other members of the General Synod who were worried that this was an attempt to politicise the church.“Church leaders should be combating the decline in moral values, dwindling congregations and the advance of Islam, rather than campaigning against a legitimate political party.”

Vindictive lobby within the Church of England targets BNP Christians

WHEN Hinckley and Bosworth Council was ordered by the

Government to make land avail-able for 275 traveller families in the borough, it proposed that one site should be in Newbold Verdon.The council neglected to inform resi-dents about the proposals so this was left to local BNP activist John Ryde who produced his own leaflet and updated them on the council’s intentions.

He told Freedom:“Within hours of finishing leafletting, the telephone started ringing with messages of support and offers of help. One lady said that only the BNP had taken the trouble to let her know what was happening.“I am also getting calls from people wanting to find out more about the BNP which shows that getting known for local activism defuses all the lies put out by our opponents.”

TARGETED:Christians who are also members of the British

National Party.

JOHN RYDE: Local activism is the key.

John leads the campaign against the travellers’ camps in Hinckley

TO THE NEXT MILLION:Obama’s web team, signed

up by the Labour Party at great expense to try to keep

the lid on the BNP vote.

THE Labour Party and Trade Unions have paid over one

million pounds to sign up Barack Obama’s web strategists Blue State Digital, in an effort to try to stem the growth in support for the BNP.The consultancy was behind Obama’s online success and Gordon Brown is hoping that they will stop the BNP from winning a seat in the Euro-pean elections.But there is a huge difference in generating support for some-thing and generating opposi-tion against something. Anyone living in Britain who opposes

the British National Party so strongly is already involved in campaigns against the Party.Obama’s team say they can help with innovative messaging, which prob-ably means contacting recently-arrived immigrants in their own language to warn them that the BNP would like to take away their seat on the gravy train.

obama’s team take on the BNP

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Join the Trafalgar Club

MEMBERS of the TRAFALGAR CLUB make a real dif-ference to the British National Party.

They pledge a minimum of £15 a month, in return for which they are entered into a regular prize draw, receive occasional special internal bulletins and are entitled to attend the annual Trafalgar Club dinner free of charge.In addition, fully paid up first year members receive a Trafalgar Club tie which carries the first two ‘words’ of Nelson’s sema-phore signal before the Battle of Trafalgar - “England Expects”. Ladies receive a personalised organiser file.Second year members receive a fine enamel badge and third year members a specially-designed umbrella.The Trafalgar Club always welcomes new members.

Subscribe to FreedomDon’t miss out on the news that Gordon Brown and his New

Labour cronies at Westminster would rather you didn’t read. Make sure you get Freedom every month by taking out a subscription.Now 16 pages and in a new tabloid format.The rates for 12 issues are:

British Isles - £11.95Air Mail Europe - £19.20

Air Mail America and Africa - £28.80Air Mail Australia & New Zealand - £31.40

Please make cheques/POs payable to British National Party and send with your name and address to:Subscriptions, PO Box 17, Amlwch LL68 8AB

Pay by credit card

08710 500 238Freedom is now delivered in a white sleeve within a plastic cover so it arrives on your breakfast table in pristine Condition.

07900 927 596 to join and receive your payment cardThe Secretary, PO Box 598,

Worcester WR4 [email protected]

labour council boss stole from homeless charity

A FORMER Labour Party council leader has pleaded

guilty to stealing tens of thousands of pounds from a charity.David Cartwright admitted stealing £24,695 from local homeless charity Step Out Drop In.He also admitted making false claims for the charity totalling £63,467 between June 1997 and April 2001.The court heard how Cartwright, who served as a Labour councillor on three separate occasions between 1986 and 2007, had made false claims to the borough council, a charitable founda-tion and a government department.Police were called in to investigate the Labour council leader after Worcester-shire County Council’s adult services

department became suspicious.Between June 1997 and June 1998 he claimed £21,118 from the Depart-ment of Environment, Transport and Regions after saying Step Out Drop In was eligible for a grant to employ an extra member of staff when he knew it was not.He submitted two invoices between February 2000 and July 2001 for £17,106 and £20,243 to Redditch Borough Council for payments that he knew were fake.Cartwright, who was leader of the council at various times between May 2002 and October 2005, also claimed £5,000 from the Eveson Charitable Trust by submitting a fake builder’s invoice. CARTWRIGHT: Labour leader.

Changing face of Plaid CymruAN Islamic march through New-

port city centre last month was led by Plaid Cymru’s Welsh Assem-bly member, Muhammad Asghar.The march was nothing to do with Wales or Welsh nationalism but in recognition of a Muslim martyr,

Imam Hussain who was killed nearly 1500 years ago at a battle in Karbala in Iraq.There were certainly some raised eyebrows when local shoppers saw their assembly representative lead-ing the march, which included a

bloodstained horse, and had people chanting in a language that was nei-ther Welsh or English.As the march brought the traffic to a standstill, one gentleman clearly upset by the proceedings told a reporter from the local newspaper:“If this was a parade by Christians you can guarantee that neither New-port Council nor the police would be so helpful”.To rub the point home, the march finished at the 150 year old Victoria church, now a mosque, which was decorated in black flags covered with Arabic writing.Welsh nationalists should be cam-paigning against such changes in Welsh society, not leading a march in support of them. With Plaid clearly no longer the Party to protect traditional values, thankfully the Welsh people can now turn to the British National Party to campaign on their behalf.

Tory porn-watcher selected againADISGRACED Conservative council-

lor who was reprimanded after view-ing porn on his council computer, has been chosen once again by the Tories to contest a Carlisle by-election.Gareth Ellis (right), a councillor for the city’s Botcherby ward for four years, was reprimanded in 2000 and had his council

computer confiscated after he used it to view pornographic websites.Now he has been selected to contest the Belah ward by-election in the city which either shows the contempt in which the Tories hold the the voters in the Border city or the desperation of the Party in find-ing anyone to stand for election.

WELSH NATIONALISM?: Plaid Cymru’s Muhammad Asghar heads the march.

leading Tory in Stoke is a sex offender

WANGER: Signed up to a child porn site.

THE deputy leader of the Conser-vative group on Stoke-on-Trent

City Council is under investigation for failing to sign the Criminal Records Bureau application forms that should be filled in by all councillors.Maybe Lee Wanger didn’t sign the form because he had something to hide?In 2005 he was placed on the sex offenders’ register for five years and fined £250 after being found guilty of subscribing to a child porn website. When police raided the Tory council-lor’s house, he attempted to hide the evidence by throwing his laptop into a sink of water.But police had already tracked his sordid online activities and confirmed his guilt with his credit card records which showed the subscription to a child pornography site.

Tory sent to prisonA CONSERVATIVE councillor

who acted as an advisor to a Midlands police force has been sent to prison for six months.A jury at Birmingham Crown Court heard that Mohammed Farooqui, a Redditch Borough Councillor, fled the scene of an accident he caused in Handsworth which resulted in four people being taken to hospital.

ONE of David Cameron’s fast-tracked ‘A-List’ ethnic minor-

ity Conservative election candidates has appeared in court, charged with attempting to rig an election by manipulating the postal voting system to subvert the democratic process.Haroon Rashid stood in Bradford West in the 2005 General Election and lost the seat by 3,026 votes.Along with two Conservative Brad-ford councillors, Jamshed Khan and Reis Khan, he conspired to defraud Bradford Council’s registration officer over falsely completed applications to vote by post during a three-year period in the run-up to the election.

Leeds Crown Court heard that Haroon Rashid hoped to win the West Brad-ford seat using bogus postal vote applications.Prosecuting, Mr Gordon Cole QC, told the jury the plan was “very simple, illegal and dishonest.”“Had this conspiracy continued on through to the end, had it been suc-cessful, Haroon Rashid may very well have been elected as Member of Par-liament and been sitting in the House of Commons.”

Electoral fraud charge

for one of Cameron’s ‘a

list’ ethnic candidates

PROTEGE: Cameron and Haroon.

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dONATION Euro Election 0908710 500 234 CRIME: A crack-down on crime with many more

‘Bobbies on the Beat’. Much tougher treatment of criminals, including the return of capital punishment for child killers and terrorists. Zero tolerance for drug-dealers and violent thugs.

IMMIGRATION: An end to immigration and bogus asylum seekers flooding Britain. Use the £billions wasted in foreign aid to fund ‘Homeward Bound’ schemes to encourage immigrants to return to their land of ethnic origin.

INDUSTRY: British ownership and control of British industry and resources, including the mass media. Protection of British jobs and industry by selective exclusion of foreign manufactured goods from the British market.

HEALTH: We will use the vast sums of money now wasted on funding our membership of the European Union for the restoration of an effective national health service and proactive measures to produce a healthier population in the first place.

EUROPEAN UNION: British withdrawal from the European Union to restore Britain’s freedom. We will trade with Europe where it benefits Britain, but want no political ties or monetary union.

EDUCATION: A return to traditional methods of edu-cation, with stronger discipline in the classroom and an end to ‘trendy’ teaching methods which have failed our children so badly.

ENVIRONMENT: A healthy environment for a healthy people - the protection of our countryside. A ban on greenfield-site house building except in exceptional cases of genuine local need, an end to field trials of GM crops, and the restoration of our 200 mile fish-ing limit.

FAIR PLAY FOR ENGLAND: The setting up of an Eng-lish Parliament to give England the same right of self-determination within the United Kingdom as enjoyed by Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITY: The establishment of a government that puts British interests first. A return to healthy moral values and policies aimed at strengthening the family and community. Tough penalties for corruption in public life.

FREEDOM: An major expansion of freedom and democracy to roll back the erosion of our tradi-tional freedoms and truly reflect the wishes of the people. The introduction of referenda and direct democracy.

DEFENCE: An alternative defence strategy based on the principle of armed neutrality. No British blood should be shed in conflicts which do not involve British interests. The restoration of the County Regi-ment system and the reversal of defence cuts which have weakened our Forces and cost jobs.

REMEMBER! It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with us on every last policy. Like all the other democratic political parties, the British National Party includes some members who disagree with one or two policies. Just ask yourself whether you agree with more of our policies than those of Labour, the Tories and the Lib-Dems. Most people do, which is why we are the fastest growing political party in Britain today.

What We Stand for

EURo-ElECTIoN aPPEalThe British National Party is on the verge of a major breakthrough into mainstream politics. Last May, the BNP achieved another good set of local election results and gained representation on the Greater London Assembly. In June 2009, it’s the European Elections and it is vital that we continue to make progress.But to win against the old gang parties in such a fiercely contested set of elections needs considerable funding and we are appealing for your help as the BNP makes this vital push for power in order to save our country.I enclose a donation to the BNP for £ . . . . . . NAME.................................................................... Tel No................................ADDRESS........................................................................................................................................................................................ Post Code.........................

Cheques/POs payable to British National Party or British Heritage

P.O.Box 14, welshpool Sy21 0wEThose making donations of £200 or over must be on the UK Electoral Register. Send SAE for receipts for amounts of £25 or under.


Result June 2004Conservative ..................371,362 ..........26.4%UK Independence Party 366,498 .........26.1%Labour ..........................294,918 .........21.0%Liberal Democrat ..........181,964 .........12.9%British National Party . 91,860 ......... 6.5%Green ............................ 76,633 ......... 5.5%Respect ........................ 20,009 ......... 1.4%

how the seats were allocated1st Seat: Con ...................... 26.4%2nd Seat: UKIP ..................... 26.1%3rd Seat: Lab ...................... 21.0%4th Seat: Con........................ 13.2%5th Seat: UKIP ..................... 13.0%6th Seat: Lib-Dem................. 12.9%

BNP looking for 13% in the East midlands

THE British National Party in the East Midlands will be

looking to secure 13% of the vote if it hopes to win a seat in the European Parliament.Even though the huge Euro constituency has lost one of its six seats from 2004, according to calculations that won’t make any difference to the percentage needed.Five years ago the Lib-Dems won the sixth and final seat with 12.9% and after factoring in the collapse in the UKIP vote, which will certainly take place in June, it will still be that sort of percentage that will be needed to win the fifth and final seat this time around.An opinion poll in the Sunday Telegraph last month gave UKIP 7% of the vote, which taken for the East Midlands would mean that its vote drops to 98,000 - not good enough to win a seat. The balance of the UKIP vote from 2004 will no doubt go back to the Tories from where it came, bumping up its vote to 640,000 which would mean that Seats 1, 2 and 4 would return Conservative MEPs. Seat 3 will go to Labour and Seat 5 to the

Liberal Democrats unless the BNP can double its vote from 2004.So how have the British National Party been performing in recent elections in the East Midlands?The region’s election officer Wayne McDermott, provides the relevant data.The British National Party’s average by-election vote in 2008 was 20.25%

“The balance of the UKIP vote will no doubt go back to the Tories”

but this needs to be compared with how the other parties performed. The vote share figures of the 27 East Mids 2008 by-elections (excluding the Harborough result as it was won unopposed) were as follows:

CON - 38.0% (25 contests)LAB - 27.30% (20 contests)

BNP - 20.25% (12 contests)Lib-Dems - 20.19% (22 contests)

UKIP - 7.0% (7 contests) GRN - 4.1% (3 contests)

So our average by-election vote share in 2008 in the East Midlands was above the Lib-Dems and only just 7% behind Labour. UKIP’s vote share was boosted by the Middle Rasen by-election where it polled 23.8% in a straight fight with the Tories.Although we contested 12 seats, we missed out in 15 so our percentage is flattering. But the Party is performing very well in the region at the moment, as our stunning victory in Boston at the end of last year showed.The work put in so far, along with the five months of hard work that lies ahead, could start to pay off and possibly provide a surprise result in June.

The British National Party’s campaign team in the East Midlands

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THE British National Party believes in telling the truth, even if it is

sometimes uncomfortable to hear or offensive to those who would rather bury their heads in the sand than face real problems in our society.But while we often pass quite critical comment on the impact of immigration, multiculturalism and alien religions on the indigenous people of our lands, we have no animosity towards immigrants, their descendants or the followers of non-native religions.Nor do we intend to encourage others to feel such animosity, or believe that

anything we have to say is likely to ‘stir up hatred’ against anyone. In fact, we believe that by providing a peaceful and Constitutional outlet for the anger and the frustration felt by millions of our people over the undemocratic transformation of our country by our political masters, the BNP actually defuses tensions.Where there is ‘hate’ we seek to turn it into righteous anger and political action against the only people who deserve to be hated - the politicians who use our taxes to turn our country into a place where we often feel like strangers in our own land.

Righteous anger& political action

NEwS IN BRIEFn THE last large shoe manufacturer in Leicestershire has closed with the loss of 100 jobs.The collapse of Equity Shoes marks the end of an era for the county’s once-thriving footwear industry, stretching back 123-years.Equity, a workers’ co-operative owned by its staff, blamed their financial problems on competition from foreign imports.

n THOUSANDS of migrant workers from Eastern Europe who have lost their jobs plan to ride out the recession on British benefits - costing taxpayers over £200million a year.Up to 200,000 migrant workers are likely to stay in Britain and even ask their relatives to come and join them to cash in on Government handouts which are four times higher than in other European Union states.

n DEPUTY Labour leader Harriet Harman, wants councils, schools, hospitals and other public bodies to give foreign faiths the importance of ChristianityIt’s a move which could lead to an onslaught of politically-correct rulings, such as outlawing crucifixes from the workplace or even banning Christmas celebrationsThe measure is part of the Government’s flagship Equalities Bill which seeks, amongst other initiatives, to encourage the promotion of ethnic minority employees in the workplace.

THE Government has sold off the last vestige of its owner-

ship of the ‘British’ nuclear deter-rent to the Americans, allowing US firms to own the factory that makes and services ‘Britain’s’ atomic warheads. A majority share of the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Aldermaston, in Berkshire, had already been sold off to a private firm, and now Jacobs Engineering of California has bought the last bit of the British nuclear deterrent. The result is that the nuclear war-heads for the Trident D5 missiles are now entirely made by private corpo-

rations. Two thirds of them are US owned corporations who get most of their business from the Pentagon, whose interests they will therefore put before those of defending the British people. Thus Labour completes the sell-out of British nuclear bomb production which the Tories started when they began the privatisation of AWE in 1993.This is the latest in a long line of

betrayals by Labour and Conserva-tive Governments going back to the late 1950’s, leaving us totally depen-dent on America. There is even a serious doubt as to whether a British Prime Minister could even fire ‘our’ American missiles carrying ‘our’ American nuclear warheads without permission from the White House. But – as we showed in the 1950’s before the Americans were allowed to take our nuclear research and development off us – British sci-entists and engineers do have the know-how to produce our own weapons and, if need be, they can do so again.

Sell-off leaves the defence of Britain in american hands

“a long line of betrayals by Labour and ToryGovernments goingback to the 1950’s”

NUCLEAR DEPENDENT: Aldermaston is now US-owned, making warheads for the unreliable US-made Trident 5 missiles.

ANOTHER job centre for immi-grants seeking work in Europe

has been opened secretly in West Africa as part of the European Union’s plan to help Africans legally settle in the West.A similar job centre opened in the African state of Mali back in October.It is part of a Brussels’ taxpayer -funded initiative to invite more than 50 million African workers into Brit-ain and other mem-bers of the 27-nation EU bloc.The centre will pro-vide the details of job opportunities in Britain and other EU states and provide training and support for potential migrant workers. It is being heralded as “just

the beginning” by European Union officials for other job centres across Africa and Eastern Europe.The initiative has the support of Gordon Brown despite tens of thou-sands of British workers losing their jobs. He believes that opening up Britain’s labour market to legal Afri-can immigrants will help to stem the growing tide of illegal African immi-grants coming to Britain.

EU wants 50 million african immigrants

THE European Union is spend-ing billions of euros a year on

schemes to promote itself and its central aim of binding member countries together in a European super-state.In 2008 alone, it spent more than 2.4 billion euros on a propaganda cam-paign to ‘sell’ the EU and its political message, as well as a further billion euros on efforts to engender a common European culture and citizenship, designed to increase people’s attach-ment to the European Union.

It also spends hundreds of millions of euros each year on think-tanks and lobby groups to promote its policies and campaign for further EU integra-tion specifically to young people.British taxpayers should not be footing the bill for EU propaganda the purpose of which is to dismantle the independence of Great Britain.

EU makes us pay for

our own destruction

SUPERSTATE: European Union is target-ing young people with its propaganda.

ON THEIR WAY:50 million African

immigrants heading for Europe.

THE price of being a member of the European Union cost British

taxpayers £65.675 billion last year.By the end of the current EC budget period Britain will have made total contributions to the European Community Budget of £315.4 billion.The Common Agricultural Policy costs us £16.8 billion a year and the Common Fisheries Policy £3.275 billion. Brussels’ red tape costs British businesses £28 billion a year.Britain now has an accumulated trade deficit with the other EU member states of £383.7 billion.

The cost of EU membership

BRITAIN’S North Sea oil and gas supplies are to be seized by the European Union.

EU leaders are demanding control of British energy reserves to prevent the kind of power blackouts that have left millions of eastern Europeans without heat and light.Euro-MPs are calling for the creation of a Euro-pean gas reserve, made up of British and Dutch supplies, which member states can tap into in the event of any future shortage.The transfer of ownership would be enacted under secret powers written into the Lisbon Treaty. It would give the European Parliament the legal power to take over individual states’ supplies to “ensure security of energy supply within the European Union”.

EU to seize our power supplies

Page 7: Voice of Freedom 102


NEwS IN BRIEFn A presenter with BBC Radio Bristol has been sacked following a complaint alleging that she made a ‘racist’ phone call to a taxi firm.Samantha Mason had asked the firm to send a non-Asian driver to pick up her 14 year-old daughter because she felt more comfortable with an English driver.The taxi firm refused and sent a copy of the recorded telephone call to The Sun who alerted the BBC.The mother-of-one was immediately supsended and sacked 24 hours later.n CONVICTED criminals are being granted licences to drive taxis by council's too frightened to refuse the applications.Convictions such as selling an offensive weapon, fraud and being drunk were amongst those on taxi drivers’ records in East Lancashire and a licensing committee chairman even revealed that a murderer’s accomplice had been granted a licence.But taxi bosses in Blackburn and Pendle still complained that council committees were being too tough on people asking for a licence.

NEwS IN BRIEFn THE Ministry of Defence has sponsored a prize at the Muslim News Awards for Excellence each year for the past five years at a cost of £60,000.That the Department responsible for the defence of our country should be sponsoring awards for one particular section of the community is surprising, especially in the light that almost all of Britain’s casualties in war during the last 5 years have been inflicted by Muslims.n MUSLIM prisoners at a maximum security jail were treated to £3,500 worth of takeaway curries to mark a religious festival.Some 200 inmates at Whitemoor prison near March in Cambridgeshire had meals worth around £18 each brought in after complaining about the quality of the prison’s food.n A COMMITTEE of MPs has called for prison inmates to be allowed to vote at the next General Election.They are demanding a change in the law to give the majority of Britain’s 84,000 prisoners the vote, no doubt in the hope that the majority of the prison population will vote Labour.

RESIDENTS who opposed the setting up of gypsy camps

across Bedfordshire were accused of being racist by their council.Despite the fact that most of the con-tributions sent in to mid-Bedfordshire district council’s Gypsy and Traveller Consultation were concerned with an increase in noise levels, the damage to the environment by the dumping of rubbish and the reduction in property

prices that such camps would bring, they were all rejected by the council on the grounds that such comments were racist.The council sent out letters to 3,500 people who had offered their opinions to the consultation, accusing them of “inciting racial hatred,” and telling them that their opinions would not be taken into account in formulating the result of the consultation process.

Now it’s racist to be worried about noise from a gypsy camp

Housing chief evicts pensioner to move in! THE arrogance of the council

officials serving the ‘Old Gang’ political parties couldn’t have been typified better than the housing boss who evicted a pensioner from her bungalow and then moved into her home.Kristine Reeves 38, the £52,000 a year head of neighbourhood and strategic housing for the Labour-controlled Norwich City Council has become the tenant of a one-bedroom bungalow with a £47 a week rent.Ms Reeves now lives in a property, with a fellow senior housing offi-cer, that was the home of Ida Hall, 89, whose husband was a prisoner of war. Ida told the local newspaper:“I didn’t want to leave. I liked my little bungalow. It was lovely.”Mrs Hall and many of the other evicted tenants were former resi-

dents of Greyhound Opening, a postwar sheltered housing scheme. They were distressed at having to leave their homes, neighbours and gardens when transferred to

other old people’s accommodation around the city.Private one-bedroom flats in Nor-wich usually cost between £350 and £750 a month to rent, yet Ms

Reeves is appar-ently paying just £200 a month for the small bungalow she is sharing with her work colleague.

IDA HALL:“I didn’t want to leave.I liked my little bungalow.It was lovely.”

BEDFORDSHIRE: The council wants to establish gypsy camps in the county.

A CHARITY-run care home for pensioners in Brighton

has lost its council grant because it refused to ask its residents about their sexual orientation.Pilgrim Home in Egremont Place, houses thirty-nine single Christians all aged over 80 years. It was asked by Brighton & Hove Council to question residents, but declined to do so.

The care home also refused to display council leaflets with images of elderly homosexuals, and lesbians. As a consequence, the council has accused the charity of “institutional discrimination” and withdrawn its £13,000 grant.

Charity loses grant after refusing to display gay


PILGRIM HOUSE: Elderly residents were asked about their sexual orientation.

THE Government has admit-ted that foreign workers

now make up one-in-seven of the labour market in Britain and that the number of migrant workers in work is growing while the number of Britons in work is falling.The Home Office acknowledged that there were 3,682,000 over-seas-born individuals in employ-ment in the UK, a rise of 469,000 in the past 24 months while during the same two-year period the number of British workers in jobs fell by 149,000.

one-in-seven workers in

Britain born overseas

migrant workers back in Britain after tax break

MIGRANT workers are returning to Britain after taking a three month

‘tax break’ back in their homeland.Poles, Latvians and others from the former Soviet block are back in Britain asking for their old jobs back after walking out back in September. They are returning now to start a new 9-month spell of tax free work in Britain.Eastern Europeans are still cashing in on Britain, despite the downturn in our economy. They work for nine months over here sending most of the money they earn back home each month. They then apply for a tax rebate because they haven’t worked

the full year, and when they receive it, they come back to Britain and start the whole process over again.Migrant workers are effectively working here and not paying any tax. It has become a business in itself for tax rebate companies working on behalf of migrant workers with companies like POLTAX advertising, “Worked in the UK? Claim your tax back”

NO WONDER THEY’RE HAPPY:Workers not paying any tax and a company

set up to help them milk the system.

TWO million immigrants have settled in London since

Labour came to power and, as a result, 2 million Britons have left their capital city to move to another part of Britain.The south-east of England is one of the most popular ‘white flight’ sanctuaries with 550,889 former Londoners settling in the region.

Changing face of our capital city

Page 8: Voice of Freedom 102


SCOTLAND BNP’s campaign for the European Elections

moved to Aberdeen at the end of January where the response from the public in the Granite City was described by Scotland Northeast organsier Roy Jones, as “quite unbelievable”.“We had queues of people eager to find out more about the British National Party and asking for leaflets and newspapers to take away for their friends. At one point police moved a crowd along from one group of activists as the numbers were blocking up the walk way!”What pleased Roy the most, apart from the excellent turnout of BNP

activists, was the palpable change in the way people were treating the Party’s representatives. “In the past we might have expected a very cool reception, but not any more.


Thursday January 22nd 2009Nicola Pontius (Ind) ................. 429Colin McClean (Con) ............... 328John Morgan (BNP) ............... 229John Payne (Lab) .................... 151BNP Percentage: 20.1%

BNP poll 20% onCanveyIsland

More papers were sold than during any previous outing in Aberdeen, even though it was a bitterly cold day and not really conducive to political discussion,” he said.

MId SUSSEX dCBentswood Ward

Thursday January 22nd 2009Irene Balls (Lib-Dem) ............... 514Richard Goddard (Lab) ............ 456Andrew Mackintosh (Con) ....... 332Anthony Brewer (BNP) .......... 92BNP Percentage: 6.6%

a fair first effortin Haywards Heath

Great day for the BNP in the Granite City

Aberdonians queue up to get their Freedom

AN energetic British National Party campaign in Canvey

Island in Essex saw John Morgan poll 20.2% of the vote in a contest where the Labour Party came last.“It was the first time the BNP had con-tested this ward, and we came from nowhere to take one-in-five votes” said local organiser Barry Harvey.

The ward was won by an Independent candidate much to the dismay of the local Tories. Vera Partridge, chair-man of the Castle Point Conserva-tive Association, admitted to the local newspaper that the vote for the British National Party had cost them victory.She said: “We’re very disappointed; if it wasn’t for the BNP I think we would have won. It’s surprising they got so many votes.”As a result of this campaign Canvey Island BNP has received a lot of requests for information about the Party as well as people coming for-ward offering to stand as candidates the next time around.

JOHN MORGAN: Pushed the Labour Party into 4th place on Canvey Island.

SOUTH Birmingham BNP’s first meeting of the year welcomed

BNP chairman Nick Griffin, as the main speaker.Liz Wainwright was ‘Master of Cer-emonies’ for the evening and intro-duced the first speaker, Mark Harland, to a record attendance of 132 people.Mark reported on the demonstrations and petition opposing the conversion of an empty doctors’ surgery into a mosque in Billesley.

Mike Bell did a review of all the branch’s achievements of the previous year while Michael Mulvihill gave one of his usual informative but also humourous speeches.After the break Nick Griffin gave a speech and took questions from the floor which he answered in depth.A collection and a raffle helped raise over £600 for the Euro Elections and the meeting closed with everyone rising to their feet to sing Jerusalem.

132 hear Nick in South Brum

ON Saturday 17th January ten Cornish

BNP members held a day of action in Camborne.Even though the weather was cold and there was a strong wind, the BNP team sold newspapers and handed out leaflets, cheered by the response the people of Cam-borne gave them.

CAMBOURNE:Half the BNP team were in the High Street, while the

rest leafletted a nearby housing estate.

Cornwall BNP cheered by response

Bassetlaw was a great Christmas PartyWHEN asked last month about

his favourite BNP Chris-tams social, British National Party chairman Nick Griffin, was quick to reply “it must be Bassetlaw.”The guest list for this particular party had been purposely selected by the local committee to include a majority of non members and the venue was full to capacity, with the revellers treated to live music, tra-ditional Christmas Fare and plenty of liquid cheer.Nick’s speech on this occasion was

on the folly of our membership of the European Union and the effects of crime upon the elderly and vulnerable of our society.During the evening Nick did his usual party piece joining the band singing some of his favourite songs.Several hundred pounds were raised on the evening by way of a bumper raffle, auction and very generous donations, the bulk of which were forwarded on to the European Fighting Fund.Local organiser Dave Otter, said that he had received telephone calls,

letters and cards after the event from the guests who had never been to a British National Party function before, expressing their apprecia-tion of a wonderful evening.

A FACE IN THE CROWD:Organiser Dave Otter, auc-

tions off a beautiful piece of calligraphy of “There’ll

Always Be An England”, the work of a Bassetlaw member

and signed by Nick Griffin.

TONY BREWER: 6.6% of the vote.

THE British National Party in Mid Sussex were quite

happy with their first election effort in Haywards Heath in the district council Bentswood ward by-election.Tony Brewer polled a respectable 92 votes, nearly 7% of the vote as the Lib-Dems and Labour battled for the marginal seat.

THE South East region of the British National Party now

holds regular meetings of its local organisers, specially designed to teach the new and proven systems of electioneering that will be used in the forthcoming European Election Campaigns.Twenty organisers along with their support staff attended the two and a half hour meeting and were joined by Dorset official, Barry Bennett, who said the tips he picked up made it “very well worth the long distance travelled to attend”.

The educational meeting covered all aspects of electioneering, computer technology and security. The new anti-European Union leaflets were handed out and a programme of action days were drawn up to ensure that no stone is left unturned in the task of delivering the important election campaign leaflets.The BNP representatives were briefed in full as to what was required of them during this crucial of elec-tion year. At the end of the meeting everyone was eager to get the BNP campaign programme rolling.

South East organisers get election briefing

OUR WAY: South East organiser Andy McBride, on electioneering techniques.

Page 9: Voice of Freedom 102



latest issue out NoW!FSID is the BNP’s monthly DVD

video magazine produced by BNPtv.It features news bulletins, interviews, and film of BNP meetings & activities.

To receive the latest issue send£10.00 (inc post) to:The Secretary, FSID,PO Box 3, Burnley,

Lancashire.(Cheques made payable to FSID)

Read Land & People’s regular newsletter, The Countrysider which is of interest to

environmentalists and farmers.It comes out six times a year.

Subscription to The Countrysider is £3 for 6 issues from:Land & People, PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN

(cheques payable to British Heritage)

BNP reception committee for ‘cabinet meeting’ in liverpoolMEMBERS of the British National Party from Merseyside held a spon-taneous demonstration outside the Liverpool Echo Arena to ‘welcome’ Gordon Brown and his Cabinet to Liverpool. Holding Cabinet meetings away from London is an empty gesture by the Labour Government to try to show that they care about people ‘North of Watford’ at a cost

of £200,000 a time the publicity stunt is backfiring. The BNP in Liverpool believe that there was an ulterior motive for the Prime Minister’s visit to Liverpool and that is to form a coalition with the Liberal Democrats.Peter Tierney from Liverpool BNP explained why:“The Labour Party has lost its tra-ditional working class voter base, because they have abandoned them in favour of big business. This

Government will do anything to keep hold of the reins of power and the real reason why they have come to Liverpool today is to dis-cuss a another Lib-Lab pact in time for the next General Election.”There was plenty of support from pass-ing motorists for the impromptu pro-test with many hooting their car horns and giving the ‘thumbs up’ sign. PETER TIERNEY: Liverpool BNP.

THUMBS UP:The impromptu

BNP demo received support

from passing motorists.

Roy’s our candidate in the Thringstone by-election

THE British National Party’s by-election candidate for the vacant Thringstone

ward seat on North West Leicestershire Council is Roy Harban.Roy is married with two grown-up children and has lived in the Coalville area for over 40 years. He is well known locally for the joinery workshop and kitchen fitting outlet which he ran for many years. He was also involved in the successful local Judo club, training many youngsters and adults to a high standard. As well as coaching, Roy travelled the world as an international ref-eree and was appointed to the Board of Direc-tors of the British Judo Association. He is often seen out and about litter picking and helping to keep the local area tidy. Roy is someone who acts rather than sit-ting back and doing nothing. He will make a great British National Party councillor if elected on Thursday February 19th.

Hain ‘livid’ as Neath welcomes the BNP

POSITIVE RESPONSE: The South Wales BNP team in Neath town centre.

A British National Party day of action in Neath hit the

headlines when it prompted the town’s MP Peter Hain, to launch an incredible attack on the Party.BNP members were in the town centre at the end of January handing out a local newsletter which was critical of Hain on a number of issues.The day was a great success and local official Brian Mahoney, told the South Wales Evening Post:“The reaction has been very positive with people expressing interest in the Party and our policies.“There is dissatisfaction with Labour, Plaid, and the other Old Gang parties because people believe they have let this country down and sold us out.”Peter Hain was livid when he heard

the British National Party had been active in his constituency.“I will be consulting Party colleagues and others to make sure they are con-fronted wherever they appear next,” he told the Post.Hain was particularly upset by the BNP newsletter, which focused on his well-publicised failure to declare elec-tion expense donations on time.It said apologising to the Commons was not punishment enough and that he should resign.“I’m treating that with the contempt it deserves,” he told the newspaper.The whole event was filmed by S4C, whose reporter spoke to people pass-ing the stall during the morning and, much to his surprise, didn’t receive one critical comment.

Burns’ Night in DumfriesTHE first official meeting of

South of Scotland BNP took place on Burns’ night in Dumfries.Dumfries contact William McGeary, introduced the new South of Scotland organiser Joseph Gibson, before welcoming the first speaker, Carlisle branch organiser Alistair Barbour, who told the audience how close the BNP have come to winning seats in recent local elections just over the border and how this could be repeated in Dumfries.Elizabeth Parker spoke on Corpus

Juris which will give EU countries the right to arrest British citizens on British soil. Joseph Gibson discussed the effect of immigration on Scotland, especially Dumfries, and Charlie Baillie, the Glasgow & West BNP organiser, attacked the SNP exposing its bogus nationalism.The fifth and final speaker to be introduced to the audience was a member of the newly formed cyber activity team, Debbie McKnight, who gave a talk on why she had joined the British National Party.

BNP progress in Salisbury

LINE-UP: The new team in Salisbury led by Michael Chant (3rd left).

SALISBURY BNP’s meeting on January 22nd was its most progressive yet with an

influx of new members, including military Ser-vice personnel following the recent announce-ment that they may freely join the Party.Organiser Michael Chant, briefed the packed meeting on the latest developments within the BNP in the Mid-West, before outlining the group’s programme of planned targets for the first half of the year. Mike told his audience:“We now have a committee in place to really make headway in Salisbury.”

Page 10: Voice of Freedom 102


Sally WoodStraight Talking

Not fit for purpose

The loss of Faith

British National PartySMS ALERTS

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By Steve Johnson

YOU HAVE probably never heard of the Chinese firm called

Huawei nor, quite possibly, of the industrial city of Shenzhen, which has more people than London, in which it is based. Yet if you use the internet or a mobile phone, you use the very network infrastructure boxes that Huawei make.Marconi isn’t a British firm any more because Huawei beat the once proud British electronic giant for British Telecom’s £10 billion network upgrade contract in 2005. 97,000 people work for Huawei, a 56% increase in the last 15 months. 43,000 of them work in research and develop-ment. Despite the global economic col-lapse, Huawei’s orders are expected to rise 44% this year to $23 billion (£16 billion) and the company is taking on, not laying off, workers.So what is the secret of its success?What Huawei has done is to put into practice British Nationalism’s alterna-tive to Capitalism and global corporate greed, which is workers’ control and ownership of their workplace - the path a BNP Government would follow for our industries and enterprises, here in Britain. Huawei - whose name means “Achieve-ment for China” - was set up 20 years ago with money from Government, not banks or money markets. And it has

been owned from its inception not by shady City shareholders but by its own workforce. The firm’s founder Ren Zhengfei, is rewarded for his clearly successful enterprise and drive by having a bigger share - but it’s only 2%, the rest is owned by the workforce who share in the profits they make, but must give up their share if they leave the firm.Thus the workers whose labour gener-ates the wealth enjoy the fruits of their labours, and are motivated to get stuck

in and make their employer a success - after all, it’s theirs!Britain’s nearest example of a workers’ co-operative is High Street shopping chain John Lewis, which is the most effective player in its field here. With sales crashing all around, John Lewis has just reported a 1.2% rise in sales in the peak week of Christmas trading compared with the same time last year whilst its grocery arm Waitrose saw a 41% rise! Undoubtedly this is due to the extra customer focus brought by workers who aren’t wage-slaves of faceless corporations controlled by City sharks, but partners working for their own business.Huawei shows workers’ control really works not just in the High Street but globally, and in the most high-tech cut-throat competitive market of all. It proves there is an alternative to the Caplitalism crashing in ruins all around us.Decades ago British Nationalists, building on the ideas of British Dis-tributists like Hillaire Belloc, began offering this radical third alternative to Marxist State or Capitalist City, ownership of industry. Marxism has failed and now Capitalism is fail-ing whilst our alternative is forging ahead.We have seen the future in Shenzhen - and that it can work - join us in making it happen here in Britain.

Belloc and the BNP’s vision is a success in Shenzhen

WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVES: First put forward by Hillaire Belloc, then adopted by the British National Party as a blueprint for British industry, and now proving that it can work in reality in the Chinese city of Shenzhen.

HUAWEI: Workers share in the profits of the fruits of their labours.

IT’S a depressing sight walking down my local High Street with shop after shop covered in closing down posters.

First into view comes Adams, the children’s clothes shop and then there’s Ethel Austin which is now in administration. Next in line is JJB Sports quickly followed by Zavvi. The huge 90% reduction sale posters glare out at us accusingly as if it is us, the shoppers, that are to blame for their pre-dicament. And across the street stands the now empty Woolworths - the saddest sight of all.Further down the road a motor manufacturer is having cars transported off its forecourt and the showrooms are being boarded up. It seems as though we are witnessing the death throes of our High Streets. The chickens of the capitalist free market economy, that both Labour and the Tories blindly worship, are finally come home to roost. The unlimited credit on which we have lived in recent years will no longer be available. From home loans to car loans, we will suddenly find our once generous financial institutions have no cash to lend, and the reality will slowly dawn that it’s the end of an era.

So why are the bankers refusing to lend? Well, Ralph Silva of Tower Group gave us a clue in an interview on CNBC when he said that despite the rescue packages, the banking industry was still contaminated by toxic debt and that a third of banks would go out of business this year. It’s time that the banks came clean and told us exactly what debt they are sitting on. The taxpayer is providing them with a blank cheque to bail them out yet they refuse to tell us the scale of their debt.I believe it is time to close down the banks that we are propping up as they no longer serve us in the way they were set up to do. I would like to see all the deposits they hold transferred across into the Post Office which should take on the role of the National Bank of Great Britain.The banking industry has been taking our money and squandering it like a compulsive gambler hooked on the roulette wheel in a casino. The banks, just like everything else associated with this Government, are no longer fit for purpose.

END OF AN ERA: Not just for Woolworths, but also the age of easy credit.

MY daughter told me that when she lived in Holland, the churches there were nearly always empty because the Dutch didn’t go to

Church anymore. I couldn’t help but think that perhaps that is why it has been so easy for Muslims to move in and occupy large parts of their major cities.Things aren’t much better here, which leaves me inclined to the belief that religion is one of the tools that evolution has used to effectively retain genetic differences between tribes to prevent them merging. It seems it has locked on to our spirituality to protect our ‘diversity’, and this is more effec-tive at doing so than language and physical difference. We can chart the gradual loss of our country to the loss of our religious faith.

It is hard to imagine our medieval ancestors, so truly steeped as they were within their faith, allowing in a Christian country the building of temples and Mosques for the worshipping of other Gods. Nor would they have allowed their law-makers to be anything other than Christians.If we still had a strong Christian faith would we be so prepared to spend large sums alleviating the symptoms of disease caused by cultural differences, without first passing moral judgement on the lifestyle of those affected? How ironic that at a time when other scientists are beginning to ponder the possibility that there could be a Creator, we are in danger of losing our faith and our country.

RELIGION: Protects our ‘diversity’, better than language or physical difference.

by Pauline Hockett

THE British National Party should be fully supporting the

ground-breaking low carbon status greenhouse complex, Thanet Earth.The Kent site’s three greenhouses, seven reservoirs, power generation plant able to supply electricity to 50,000 homes, occupies a 91-hectare former cauliflower farm and support infrastructure includes an on-site packing facility.Thanet Earth’s first crop of tomatoes

and peppers was planted just before Christmas with cucumbers due to join them and are set to be ready for consumption in March and April. The next phase is to complete another four greenhouses by the end of next year with the produce providing 15% of the salad crop needs of the British people.This is a brilliant concept which should be taken to its full potential with another six greenhouse complexes established in different parts of the country enabling us to be self-sufficient in salad crop pro-

duction.And this should only be the start. We must invest heavily in all forms of food pro-duction so that we don’t rely on any food imports in order to feed our people.

Thanet Earth - taking the first steps towards food self-sufficiency

THANET EARTH:Will be able to produce 15% of our salad crop needs.

Page 11: Voice of Freedom 102


QUoTE oF THE moNTHThe spirit of the Jarrow Crusade

“In the 1930s, the Jarrow Crusade marched on London to demand work; now in 2009 they will be

marching to demand foreigners are sent home. The British National Party is finally in from the cold - inheritor of the great tradition of

British industrial militancy.”Iain MacWhirter writing in theinfluential Scottish newspaper,

The Herald, on 3rd February 2009.

BIDEFORD: Colin Fribbens, David Moore (North Devon organiser), Jeremy Wotherspoon, Lawrence West (East Devon organiser), Mike Turner, Nick Baker (West Devon contact), Gary Marshall (North Devon fundholder) and Peter Mullins (SW regional organiser).

A PACKED meeting took place on January 29th which marked

a seismic shift in the British National Party’s presence in North Devon.For many years this outpost of the south west region has been kept going by dedicated activist David Moore, who was always prepared to travel great distances to attend meet-ings and events.Now David has been rewarded for his dedication by becoming the first BNP organiser for North Devon where he will be ably assisted by another enthu-siastic member of many years stand-ing, Gary Marshall.The meeting was held in what British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin, would describe as “a proper pub” in the town of Bideford.The landlord and our host for the eve-ning was a former Coldstream Guards-man, who generously provided the room and buffet for the fifty or so mem-bers and supporters who attended.They heard Regional Organiser Peter Mullins, explain for the benefit of those attending there first meeting, exactly what the British National

Party is about and the fundamental principles that guide the Party.Other speeches were delivered by Lawrence West, the East Devon organiser, and Joan Bridge-Taylor who is building a reputation throughout the Party for her skilled analysis and clarity of thought when deliv-ering her speeches.

CLARITY: Joan Bridge-Taylor.

at last, the BNP has a base in North Devon

IT takes more than a bit of snow to deter intrepid BNP councillor

Cathy Duffy, from going about her council duties.The representative for East Goscote ward on Charnwood Council was out and about in the bitterly cold weather to deliver leaflets advising her constituents of her forthcoming surgery dates. Husband Maurice, is very much part of her campaign team and he was on hand to help deliver the leaflets and take the photographs. While doing the rounds, Cathy was stopped by a gentleman who had just been made redundant and he had a number of questions about what the BNP’s policies were to get people back into work.

“He went away reasonably happy with what I told him and I said I would get a BNP information pack sent to him. Over the last few months

the people that I meet are becoming more and more political. I think they realise that it’s time to make their voice heard,” she said.

Cathy braves the snow for her constituents

County council campaign launched in North Yorks

MALTON: The North Yorkshire team and some publicity about their campaign.

THE British National Party will field candidates across the

region in the elections to North Yorkshire County Council.It’s the first time the Party has ever contested elections to North Yorkshire County Council and a number of days of action have been organised to pro-mote the campaign across the towns and villages that make up this area. The first one of these took place in Malton and Pickering where thousands of leaflets were delivered both door to door and to shoppers in the centre of the two towns, as well as numerous copies of Freedom being sold. The BNP activists were well received and a number of enquiries gained. Further activities are planned in the coming month with visits to Harrogate, Skipton, Richmond, Northallerton, Thirsk, Selby, Scarborough, Filey and Whitby.

THE Labour Party, Conservative Party and Liberal Democrat candidates in

a local election for Harrogate Borough Council have agreed to work together against Steven Gill, the British National Party’s candidate.The exposure of this unholy alliance brought a swift response from Leeds BNP councillor Chris Beverley, who told the BBC:“The fact that the Lib-Lab-Con cartel are working closely together against the British National Party just goes to show that there is no real difference at all between them.“They are all liberal globalists who believe in destroying our country through mass immigration and giving away every last bit of our hard-earned sovereignty through our continued membership of the European Union.”

n EAST GOSCOTE: Cathy Duffy meets a constituent who has just lost his job.

Page 12: Voice of Freedom 102


FreedomThe Voice of

The Newspaper of the British National PartyISSUE No.102

FreedomThe Voice of

The Newspaper of the British National PartyISSUE No.98



Letters to the Editor - [email protected]


Steve Johnson, Tina Wingfield,Trisha Scott, & Louise Scott

Nationalist approach

The will of the people

Freedom sells at 60p 10 copies £3.50 + £4.00 p&p 25 copies £9.00 + £5.50 p&p 50 copies £18.00 + £10.00 p&p 100 copies £35.00 + £12.00 p&p 150 copies £52.00 + £15.00 p&p Groups and Branches please call

08710 500 242 Cheques/POs payable to British Heritage,

The Secretary, PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS. [email protected]

Censorship like China

Dimbleby’s dilemma

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What credit crunch?


Tackling Tuberculosis

AS a student currently studying A-level history at college, you

can imagine my surprise and then anger when I discovered that one of our text books Britain 1945-2007 by Micheal Lynch, states on page 225: “The British National Party, an extrem-ist, racist party that appeals largely to people with personality disorders.”This disgusted me and I sat there in a real rage. I stood up and said that I was a member of the BNP, that I wasn’t racist and that I certainly didn’t have a personality disorder. This led to a debate on the BNP with all 20 stu-dents attending the lecture contribut-ing and contradicting what was said in the book. I was pleased that I stood up and questioned the validity of the book because it stopped those at the lecture being brainwashed.Patrick Edwards, email.

POLITICS in Britain hardly reflects the will of the people. If

we had been asked, we would have said ‘no’ on any number of impor-tant issues. The Government has a hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing and do noth-ing policy towards immigration. The indigenous people of these islands are insulted, deprived and disenfran-chised; we are threatened and cheated and even made to pay for the welfare of those who come to Britain to cash in on our benefits system. While politicians talk about human rights, integration, negotiation and the benefits of multiculturalism, the situa-tion only worsens.The only solution is to recognise the problem for what it is and make the necessary, if somewhat painful, legis-lation to resolve it.The only way to ensure that the will of the people is served is to use your vote on June 4th to bring about REAL change. Philip Smeeton, email.

I look forward to receiving my Freedom every month and read

with interest the report that Leeds councillor Chris Beverley, has started the fight for TB injections for British school children.The very same problem exists here in Birmingham. When my son started year 9 (he’s now in year 11) he was also refused a TB jab. I think this whole affair is worrying if not rather sinister.The excuse I was given by the local health authority for refusing the vacci-nation to all was that it’s more effective in preventing the spread of the disease to target specific groups with the jab - and we all know who they are!I hope Chris Beverley is successful in rais-ing awareness of this pressing issue.Ingrid Brown, Birmingham.

I read that David Dimbleby is complaining that too many new

houses are being built near to where he lives.As someone who has been promoting the benefits of immigration for many years, I am amazed that he didn’t ever wonder where on earth they were all going to live?Anyway, now he has been effected, but only by genteel wealthy ‘white flighters’ from our inner cities.I don’t think David will find much sym-pathy within the ranks of the BNP.Ralph Ellis, Vale Royal.

HAYWARDS HEATH: British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin, and the BNP’s Truth Truck, join local campaigners for a day’s canvassing for the Bentwood ward by-election for Mid Sussex District Council.

UNEMPLOYMENT is said to be approaching the two mil-

lion mark and this figure does not include those on training schemes or the large numbers on incapacity benefit who have lost all hope of ever finding a regular job.We have never been in a situation like this before.Manufacturing jobs will not be replaced and the sector could die out completely unless the workforce is prepared to match the low pay and conditions of China or Eastern Europe.Once Africa catches up with the rest of the industrial world the prospects will be bleaker for the British worker who will have to take severe pay cuts and fit in with the global market rate for what their job is worth.This is why we need a nationalist approach to industry as advocated by the British National Party, whereby we trade with British-based manufacturers as much as possible, only importing goods which we can’t grow or make to an acceptable standard ourselves.Shipyards, coal mines, railway and steelworks need to be reopened and invested in.However, this won’t be easy because 30 years of neglect by the Tories and New Labour has seen a lot of the skills needed for these vital jobs lost.Trevor Agnew, Darlington.

I VISITED Arnold Library recently to use its internet access

and to my dismay found that I had been censored by Nottinghamshire County Council as to which internet sites I could visit.One site in particular was the British National Party’s website, although it is a legitimate political party with over one hundred elected councillors.I thought only tyrannical countries such as China used this type of censor-ship. However, I was wrong; it appears some left-wing councils like to censor our political interests.People who have their own comput-ers have the freedom to visit political sites to assess and evaluate a party’s policies. Unfortunately, it appears the county council library service does not allow some of us the same privilege.Malcolm Adock, Nottingham.

CONSERVATIVE councillors have shown just how out of

touch they are with local people by including a 50% increase in their expenses as a priority measure in a draft budget to be considered by the ruling Tory executive on Harborough District Council.The proposal will boost their combined expenses by £86,000 a year.This comes at the same time as many local people are fearful of losing their jobs due to the recession and the coun-cil itself is looking to cut 13 jobs.The same budget also proposes increasing the district council’s portion of the council tax this year by 4%. Leicestershire County Council have already announced that they are seeking a 3.5% increase in their council tax and with parish councils, the police and fire services still to announce their requirements, it could prove to be an expensive time when people have less money to spend.Harborough BNP calls on council-lors to show that they are aware of the financial hardships a lot of people and businesses are facing and vote against giving themselves a pay rise. James Mole, Lutterworth.

Gordon Brown’s attempt to con the voters with his “British Jobs

for British Workers” sloganising at the Labour Party conference has cer-tainly come back to haunt him.But better than that, it might also have started to change the very course of British history.Gerald Ramsbottom, Manchester.

Haunting & History

SO Unite union boss Derek Simpson, thinks that the tens of thousands of British construction workers who are protesting across the country are motivated by a ‘class’ issue.

What planet has this dinosaur being living on for the past 30 years. He seems stuck in a time warp of the days of Red Robbo and the British Leyland strikes of the 1970s. His pronouncements about the dispute being about class and exploitation of workers shows just how much he and his ilk of union bosses are out of touch with the grievances of the rank and file, and completely ignorant of the response they desire.Total is a French-owned company operating in Britain. It has awarded contracts to Italian firms to work in Britain who in turn are bringing in Italian and Portuguese labour. That is what this dispute is all about - it is nothing to do with “class or exploitation”.It should be British workers being employed and the contracts should be going to British firms. If Total wants to operate in Britain then it must do so for the benefit of Britain and the British people and our Government should be demanding a say in the running of the company to ensure that this is the case. And if Total don’t like it, then they can go elsewhere and the Immingham Refinery can become a state owned entity refining what’s left of North Sea oil for the benefit of the British people.Union bosses like Simpson don’t really care about the welfare of British workers. They have another agenda. They see workers as a tool to pro-mote their redundant and discredited international Marxist ideology. Just like big business they see the world in global terms, as was clearly shown with the rush of union representatives to Poland last summer to collect the union dues of Polish workers intending to come to Britain.And talking of union dues, just what are the union bosses spending their members’ hard-earned money on?Well, apart from funding the very Government that has opened Britain’s job market to the world’s migrant workforce, it is using money taken directly from the wage packet of their members, to fund political campaigns against the British National Party - the only political party that is calling for Brit-ish jobs for British workers.But their efforts will all be in vain and their members’ money wasted, because British workers are at last waking up to the reality that the BNP provides them with their last chance.There can only be British jobs for British workers if Britain gets out of the European Union.There can only be British jobs for British workers if companies operating in Britain are British owned, state owned, or workers’ co-operatives.There can only be British jobs for British workers if we ourselves are making the goods and producing the food that the British people need.When the current round of wildcat strikes come to an end because union bosses have got back into bed with Brown and Mandelson, the battle won’t be over, it will have just begun, and will carry on at every council election where a British National Party candidate is standing.

out of touch & out of date

Page 13: Voice of Freedom 102



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THE British National Party is organised into campaigning local branches, groups and Contacts across the UK. These are divided by region, branches are in bold type, groups in plain and Contacts in italics. To Contact any of these, get in touch with the region. Where there is no Contact listed, or if there’s no group in your area and you would like details of how to start a new group, please write to: Administration Support at PO Box 2004, Bristol BS99 1WG or telephone 07974 094449.

EASTERN: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZUTel: 01992 631677. Email: [email protected], Billericay, Brentwood, Broxbourne, Castle Point, Colchester, East Herts, Epping Forest, Fenland, Luton, Maldon & Braintree, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, North Herts & Stevenage, Peterborough, Rochford, South Cambridgeshire, Southend, Suffolk, Thurrock, Welwyn & Hatfield, West Herts.EAST MIDLANDS: PO Box 8816, Coalville LE67 0BRTel: 07795 000676. Email: [email protected], Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Boston, Holbeach & Spalding, Corby, Broxtowe, Charnwood, Derby, East LIndsey, Erewash, Kettering, Leicester, Lincoln North, Lincoln South, Lincolnshire Costal, Melton Mowbray & Rutland, Newark & Sherwood, North Kesteven, North West Leicestershire, Northants, Nottingham, South Derbyshire, South Kesteven, Wellingborough, West LIndsey.LONDON: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZUTel: 01992 631677. Email: [email protected] and Dagenham, Barnet, Brent & Harrow, Bexley, Bromley & Lewisham, Croydon & Sutton, East London, Enfield & Haringey, Greenwich, Havering, Redbridge & Waltham Forest, Richmond & Kingston, Wandsworth & Merton.MID-WEST: PO Box 3206, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0WUTel: 0117 947 5931. Email: [email protected], Bristol & North Somerset, Calne & Chippenham, Mendip & North East Somerset, Sedgemoor & South Somerset, Swindon, Warminster, Wiltshire.NORTH-EAST: PO Box 1132, Newcastle NE994YTTel: 07957 777521. Email: [email protected] Valley, Darlington, Easington, Hartlepool, North West Durham, Sedgefield & Wear Valley, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees, Sunderland, Sunderland South, Teesside, Tyneside.NORTH-WEST: PO Box 53, South Shore, Blackpool FY4 1FSTel: 07719 030757. Email: [email protected], Alsager, Barrow & South Lakeland, Blackburn & Darwen, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Bury, Carlisle, Copeland, Hyndburn, Isle of Man, Lancaster & Preston, Liverpool, Manchester North, Manchester South, Oldham, Pendle, Rossendale & Rochdale, Salford, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Vale Royale, Warrington & Halton, Wigan, Wirral.SCOTLAND: PO Box 11815, Turriff AB53 8WBTel: 07526 125894 E-mail: [email protected] & Islands, North-East, Central, Lothians, Mid Scotland & Fife, South, Glasgow & West.SOUTH-EAST: PO Box 4114, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9GFTel: 07926-831-855. Email: [email protected], Arun, Chichester & Worthing, Aylesbury Vale, Basingstoke, Bracknell & Wokingham, Brighton & Hove, Crawley & Horsham, Dover, Elmbridge, Farnborough, Folkestone, Hart, Hastings, Bexhill & Rother, Havant, High Wycombe, Hythe, Maidstone, Medway, New Forest, Oxfordshire, Portsmouth & Fareham, Reading, Reigate & Banstead, Slough, Southampton, Spelthorne, Thanet & East Kent, Tonbridge Wells, Waverley, West Berkshire, West Kent, Wokingham.SOUTH-WEST: PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XNTel: 0117 947 5931. Email: [email protected], Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Devon North & West, Plymouth, South Devon, South Hams.ULSTER: Email: [email protected]: 07788 526 487Coleraine, Co. Down, Co Londonderry, Co. Antrim, Co Tyrone,Co. Armagh, Co. Fermanagh.WALES: PO Box 293, Cardiff CF24 0NPTel: 0845 - 4764162. Email: [email protected], Bridgend, Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Conwy, Denbighshire & Flintshire, South Wales, Swansea, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham.WEST MIDLANDS: PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4ASTel: 07077 820271. Email: [email protected] East, Birmingham North, Birmingham South, Black Country, Burton-on-Trent, Cannock Chase, Coventry, Herefordshire, Lichfield, Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Shropshire, North Warwickshire, Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Shrewsbury, Solihull, South Shropshire & Bridgnorth, Staffordshire Moorlands, Stratford-on-Avon, Stoke-on-Trent, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire.YORKSHIRE: PO Box 20, Halifax HX1 9JTTel: 07926 324331. Email: [email protected], Bradford, Bridlington, Craven, Doncaster, Halifax, Harrogate & District, Hull, Kirklees North, Kirklees South (Huddersfield), Leeds, Rotherham, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Selby, Sheffield, Wakefield, York.

JOIN yOUR CAMPAIGN TEAMarnhem mBE backs the BNP’s county council campaign in CopelandGORDON Savage, who was

parachuted into Arnhem as part of Operation Market Garden to secure bridges over the River Rhine and aid the British advance into Germany in September 1944, attended a British National Party meeting in Whitehaven last month.Gordon was awarded the MBE in the 1992 New Years’ Honours List for his services to the Parachute Regimental Association.When his name was published on the Internet, after being taken from the stolen BNP membership list, he told the Whitehaven News that he was proud to be a member of the British National Party:“This country has been run down, other political parties don’t seem to care enough about traditions today.”The meeting was to plan the county council campaign in Copeland and local organiser Clive Jefferson, was very pleased with the way it went.

“It was only local members present and we met at a local pub which had put up Vote BNP signs in the window.“Simon Nicholson, who reduced a Labour majority of over 1,000 to just 16 votes in the Kells by-election in December, is building a very effec-

tive campaign team around him and 12,000 leaflets were taken at the meet-ing to cover Copeland over the next couple of weeks.”At the meeting potential candidates for June came forward for the wards of Hensingham and Egremont.

STILL FIGHTING FOR HIS COUNTRY: Gordon Savage MBE is fourth from the left.

ann’s leading the team in Tiverton

SPREADING THE WORD: Frank Davies, Lawrence West, Ann Conway and Peter Lucas in Tiverton.

by Peter Lucas

DEVON BNP is busy promoting its candidates for both the Euro-pean and local elections to be held on 4th June 2009.

Leading the way is go-ahead Exeter fundholder, Ann Conway, who took a team of activists to Tiverton for the first BNP enture into the town.Setting up their stall alongside the Tesco driveway and next to the local police station, it could not have been better situated. A great deal of favourable interest was generated amongst the shoppers, many of whom stated their intention to vote for the BNP at the next election.Prospective local candidates Frank Davies and Lawrence West, were on hand to answer questions from the public, in the first of what will be a regular activity in the run-up to the elections.

Page 14: Voice of Freedom 102


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ChIChESTER COUNCILWest Wittering Ward

Thursday 23rd October 2008Graeme Barrett (Con) .........410Mary Green (Lib-Dem) ........364Andrew Emerson (BNP) ...125Joe O’Sullivan (Lab) ........... 69James McCulloch (UKIP) ... 49BNP Percentage: 12.3%

APOLOGIES to Andrew Emerson, (above) our excellent candidate

in the West Wittering by-election for Chichester Council in West Sussex, for publishing an incorrect result in the 100th issue of Freedom.Andrew polled 12.3%, which is the best vote for the British National Party in the city over the past five years.

Servicemen swamp the BNP stall in ColchesterON a cold winter’s Saturday

morning beneath a statue of Boudicea, Colchester town centre came to life when the North East Essex Group of the British National Party held a paper sale and leafleting session. BNP officials Jim Taylor and Keith Beaumont were joined by 10 local members who spent the best part of the day handing out leaflets to shoppers on both sides of the busy High Street.

Jim Taylor said the response was overwhelming:“We had troops from the 2nd and 3rd Paras who had just returned from Afghanistan eager to tell us of their horror stories of life on the front-line.“There were numerous requests from the public about joining the Party, and sales of Freedom raised nearly £80.“It was the first time the BNP had held an activity in Colchester town centre, but after this response, it certainly won’t be the last!” he said.

TOWN CENTRE STALL: Jim Taylor and his team get ready for the Saturday shoppers at the first ever paper sale in Colchester.

LOCAL activists from West Norfolk spent a sunny spring

morning leafleting the suburbs of Norwich.This was the first British National Party activity in the Norwich area for many years, so Julia Howman of Nor-folk BNP was pleased that over 1000 of the new national recruitment leaf-lets were distributed to homes.“We hope to continue spreading

the word on a regular basis in Nor-wich. This is to generate support in West Norfolk in preparation for the local elections where we will have three excellent candidates standing in Kings Lynn,” she told Freedom. “The Norwich area has been virtu-ally untouched by the BNP and I am hoping that by starting these leaflet-ing sessions, we can inspire more members here to come and join us.”

BNP leaflets for Norwich

FIRST ACTIVITY: Julia Howman with other West Norfolk activists in Norwich. Tom briefs Halifax meetingCALDERDALE councillor Tom

Bates, updated the latest meet-ing of Halifax BNP on how he was helping residents in his Illingworth and Mixenden ward by finding solutions to the problems that the

previous Labour and Lib-Dem councillors had been ignoring.The meeting was held at a new venue in the town and the audience also heard from Chris Godridge. Organiser Adrian Marsden then intro-

duced guest speaker Richard Edmonds, who spoke about he brutality of life in London with gun and knife crime out of control.

TOM BATES:With local BNP representative, Jane Shooter, in his Mixenden and Illingworth ward.

A TEAM of activists from the Kesteven & Lincoln Group

launched 2009 with a paper sale in Lincoln City town centre, by the war memorial, to inform the public of the British National Party’s Euro Election campaign in the East Midlands.New organiser Mike Clayton, told Freedom:“It has been some time since we last had a paper sale in Lincoln, but now, as we are recruiting more and more members, we would like to make this a regular activity.

“Our victory in Boston at the end of the last year has given the BNP in the region a boost and the publicity from the stolen membership list has fired us all up and Lincolnshire as a whole is looking very promising for the future of our Party.”The day was a great success with over 200 Lincoln City Patriot leaflets attacking the EU handed out and copies of Freedom sold. But what was of most importance in Mike Clayton’s view was that: “the BNP stall and our campaigners were seen by literally thousands of people.”

City centre stall launches Euro campaign in lincoln

ON SHOW: The British National Party’s stall was seen by thousands of people.

Rosalind is our candidate in Tameside by-election

TAMESIDE British National Party unveiled Rosalind

Gauci their candidate for this month’s Hyde Newton by-election.Ros was born in Manchester and went to school in Levenshulme and Chorlton-cum-Hardy. She lived and worked in London, Malta, North Africa and Saudi Arabia before moving back north to live in Ashton.She also served for two years on the board of directors of a housing association in Tameside.“Taking into consideration all my experience in working in other countries and my time with the local housing association, I feel I can give quite a lot to the community as the BNP Councillor for Hyde Newton,” she told Freedom.Now widowed, Ros has two married sons and two grandchildren. n ROSALIND GAUCI: On the board of a Tameside Housing Association.

Rushed off their feet in Salford

SALFORD BNP activists Tommy Williams, Kevin Henshaw and

Wayne Taylor were rushed off their feet when they held a paper sale in the local precinct.“There weren’t many people about early on except for the usual taxi drivers and delivery men who were keen to get their copies of Freedom,” reported Wayne.“But later on trade picked up and we had a queue of people asking questions about the Party and how to join. Over and over again we were asked ‘where have you been’ and everyone we spoke to told the same stories of immigrants and migrant workers being put before the ordinary people of Salford in housing and jobs.”

Page 15: Voice of Freedom 102


Leaflets toattract new









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USEFUL TELEPhONE NUMBERSAdmin Support ......................... 07974 094 449Bulk Orders ............................... 08710 500 242Dispatch .................................... 08710 500 241Donations .................................. 08710 500 234Elections.................................... 07949 339 130Membership .............................. 08710 500 236Subscriptions ............................ 08710 500 238Trafalgar Club ........................... 08454 764 162Young BNP ................................ 07779 796 208

Somerset holds the first BNP meeting of the yearON Sunday 4th January, mem-

bers and supporters from around Somerset held their first meeting of 2009 in the city of Wells.It was an excellent evening with two guest speakers, Salisbury organiser Mike Chant, and the BNP’s National Treasurer Jennie Noble.North Somerset contact Perry Par-sons, was the chairman of the meeting and he introduced Mike Chant who spoke on his role in promoting the BNP in Salisbury, and how his group was growing very quickly thanks to the hard work put in by a team of dedicated activists.During the break there was a deli-cious buffet enjoyed to the music of Britain’s best military bands. Jennie Noble then spoke about her role as the Party’s treasurer, detail-

ing her responsibilities and those of her team in the finance department, including the raising the necessary funds to fight the European Elec-tions in June.

At the end of the meeting a raffle was held and a framed picture, designed by Somerset BNP organiser Andy Bamford, was auctioned off, raising £30 towards local funds.

JENNIE NOBLE: The BNP’s National Treasurer gives a run down of her duties.

A DAY of action was held across Northumberland with

street stalls, selling copies of Free-dom and giving out leaflets, set up simultaneously in the market towns of Ashington, Blyth and Alnwick.Proceedings got off to a bizarre start when rapid response units from Nor-thumbria Police arrived at each stall within minutes of the start of sales.In Ashington, an over zealous officer gave BNP representative Adam Walker, a quarter of an hour to pack up and leave or face arrest. Obviously the eager PC (Police Constable) was just being too PC (Politically Correct) and was not conversant with the law regarding political parties and campaigning.Adam, a local election candidate back in May (when he polled 28% of the vote and nearly took the Tudhoe seat from Labour) told the officer: “Well you will just have to arrest me then”.Three hours later there still hadn’t been any arrests and Adam packed up on schedule and moved on to Alnwick.There, a show of support took place

for Peter Mailer, the local landlord arrested on trumped up allegations of displaying newspaper cuttings in his pub that Deputy Chief Constable Howard Roberts, on holiday from Nottingham, found offensive.Peter told his supporters that Roberts was now barred from his pub unless on official duty.

ADAM WALKER: Threatened with arrest.

a day of action in Northumberland

by Mike Bell

RICHARD Lumby, the new organiser for the whole of the

Birmingham area, held his first city summit meeting with South Birmingham organiser Les Orton, acting as co-chairman.Although there was a large agenda to work through, more than 20 Bir-mingham BNP representatives were invited along and given the opportu-nity to share their opinions and offer suggestions.Alwyn Deacon, the West midlands elections officer, was also in atten-dance to discuss the finer details regarding the Euorpean Elections campaign in Britain’s second city.The establishment of a new indepen-dent website supporting the BNP in the city was discussed, along with a regular Birmingham leaflets similar to the The Londoner publication used in the GLA elections last May.

RICHARD LUMBY: New organiser.

Summit in Brum plans city’s Euro campaign

MEMBERS from Swindon, Melksham and Trowbridge

who attended the Chippenham BNP group’s first meeting of 2009 heard an interesting talk on the Party’s tax policy by Regional Organiser Mike Howson.It’s going to be a busy year for the British National Party in Wiltshire, with not only the European elections but also elections for the newly formed Wiltshire Council, which replaces the current 4 districts and county council,

being held in JuneElections manager Michael Simp-kins, told the packed meeting that he intends to field candidates in most of the 96 seats up for election, giving many people in Wiltshire the choice of voting British National Party for the first time.As volunteers came forward to ask to be considered as local election candidates, newly appointed fund raiser Paul Thake, raised much-needed funds by holding a raffle.

Preparing for elections in Wiltshire

Page 16: Voice of Freedom 102


Printed by the British National Party and published by the British National Party in support of the British National Party, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.

The monthly magazine of the British National Party28 full-colour pages providing a showcase for the modern,populist nationalism to which the BNP is now committed.

SUBSCRIBE FOR SIX ISSUESBritish Isles - £17.50

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Air Mail Australasia & Far East - £29.60Please make cheques payable to British National Party and send to: The Secretary, PO Box 17, Amlwch LL68 8AB

Credit card payments 08710 500 238

PASS IT ONNow that you have found out the truth about the British National Party please give this newspaper to a friend or

neighbour so that they can have their eyes opened too.

British jobs for British workers

by Mike Turner

THERE WAS a very positive response to the first ever

BNP table top sale in Exeter City Centre held on the morn-ing of Saturday 31st January.Held in support of the British construction workers at the Immingham refinery, the eleven BNP activists running the stall created a lot of local interest.Many copies of Freedom were sold and a vast quantity of leaf-lets were handed out. On numer-ous occasions those buying the newspaper gave a pound for the 60p cover price, telling the BNP sellers to keep the change.The most popular issue had the “Safeguarding British Jobs” headline, and even though it was November’s issue it still sold like hotcakes.There were also a couple of homemade posters on show detailing recent BNP election results. These created a lot of interest as most of the Exeter public were oblivious to the progress the Party has made in recent local council contests.

It is only the BNP that says “Put British people First”

by Clive Jefferson

TENS of thousands of people across west and north Cum-

bria saw the British National Party’s message when the BNP’s Truth Truck visited the Sellafield nuclear complex and then toured the towns of Whitehaven, Work-ington, Maryport, Wigton and Carlisle on Friday 30th January.The local media, which has been very hostile to the BNP, weren’t told of the visit so were in the dark and thrown into panic when their telephone lines were blocked with calls from the public. BBC Radio Cumbria in fact even tracked the Truth Truck through the county, announcing to listeners which town it was in when people phoned in with reports. One told the presenter:“The BNP lorry has just passed

through Maryport!”The day started at 5.00am when the Truth Truck parked up outside Sellafield enabling 10,000 workers to see it on their way into work. This Cumbrian tour finished in Carlisle city centre after visiting the two wards in the city where the BNP are contesting elections next month.In the city centre, 20 local BNP activists met the truck and then set up a stall to hand out leaflets to those keen to find out more about Britain’s only nationalist political party.

THE British National Party featured on the BBC’s Politics Show on

Sunday February 1st in a programme charting the rise of the Party in Cumbria and the North East.Mark Walker from Durham proved an excellent BNP spokesman in a recorded interview, and there were other good contributions from BNP candidates and officials as well as former Labour Party voters who had switched to the BNP in the recent Kells by-election in Whitehaven.

BNP in Exeter showing support for the Immingham workers

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