Page 1: Vogue by niamh and meg

By Niamh Hills & Meg Hughes

Page 2: Vogue by niamh and meg

Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine. It has been described by many as being the world’s most influential fashion publication. Vogue is produced in 18 countries and with a history of over 120 years. Vogue has earned its place in fashion history.

Page 3: Vogue by niamh and meg

DEMOGRAPHICVogue is generally targeted towards anyone with an interest in fashion.

87% of the magazine readers are women with an average age of 33. The total readership for the magazine is 1,398,000. 63% of the readers are in the ABC1 category and 31% are in AB.

On the total page impressions are 39,277,184. 95% of these are female. The average age for readers is 28. 73% are ABC1.

Group A are generally lawyers ,doctors, scientists and well-paid professionals.Group B being Teachers, Middle management and fairy well-paid professionals. And C1 are generally junior management, bank clerks, nurses and ‘white collar’ processions.

Information from

Page 4: Vogue by niamh and meg

PSYCHOGRAPHICThis magazine is aimed towards anyone in the psychographic category ’Aspirer’. Aspirers are interested in image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion.

A typical aspirer is interested in Vogue, America’s Next Top Model, Made in Chelsea, Girl bands, Fashion and Makeup.

People who read this magazine are business minded and also outgoing. They are fun and happy. They enjoy shopping and going out to eat at nice places. They are materialistic and youthful people.

Page 5: Vogue by niamh and meg

MASS OR NICHE?A mass audience are the generalized population that tend to sway towards main stream products such as popular games, tv programmes, magazines and other media products. The media will target these large audiences in a way that caters to every individual in some way.

A niche audience is a small group of people that want specific things from their media that differ from the mainstream media.

Vogue is Mass because it appeals to a lot of people and has lots of variety in the fashion industry.

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