Page 1: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

Vocabulary Unit 5

WordPart(s) of speech with definition for each



A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how it is used.

Alternate forms

Connections to previous vocabulary or idiom

Page 2: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

AltruisticAdjective: Unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others

Synonyms: selfless

Antonyms: selfish, self-centered

A truly altruistic person will help someone out without expecting anything in return.

Alternate forms

Altruism (n): the act of being altruistic

Page 3: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

AssentVerb: to express agreement, to agreeNoun: agreement

Synonyms: concur, consent, accede

Antonyms: disagree, differ, dissent

Workers hope that the threat of a long strike will force management to assent to their demands. (verb form)

Romeo and Juliet knew they would never gain their families’ assent to marry. (noun form)

Do not confuse with ASCENT, which means a slope or incline upward.

Page 4: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

BenefactorNoun: one who does good to others

Synonyms: patron, humanitarian, philanthropist

Antonyms: misanthrope, malefactor

Without the help of many benefactors, most charities would be unable to carry out their work.

Word root: bene. Compare to benevolent, benefit, beneficiary (the recipient of a benefactor’s altruism.

Page 5: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

ChivalrousAdjective: marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly

Synonyms: gallant, civil, valiant

Antonyms: crude, uncouth, boorish, churlish, loutish

It is rare to find someone willing to do a chivalrous act, but there are still many altruistic people in the world.

Alternate forms:

Chivalry (n): the act of being chivalrous

Chivalric (adj): referring or relating to chivalry or chivalrous acts. Usually as in the medieval chivalric code of conduct for knights.

Page 6: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

ClemencyNoun: mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness

Synonyms: leniency, forbearance, gentleness

Antonyms: harshness, severity, cruelty, inflexibility

Because the boy was young and had never been in trouble before ,the judge showed clemency and sentenced him to probation instead of jail time.

Alternate forms

Clement (adj): lenient or merciful; mild, as in clement weather

Compare to inclement—clement weather is pleasant and mild, the antonym of inclement.

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DearthNoun: A lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine

Synonyms: insufficiency, want, paucity

Antonyms: surplus, oversupply, glut, abundance

An employer may complain of a dearth of unqualified applicants for available jobs.

New parents suffer from a dearth of sleep until their baby sleeps all night.

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DiffidentAdjective: shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved

Synonyms: timid, bashful, unassertive, withdrawn

Antonyms: bold, brash, audacious, self-confident

A diffident man may not win the girl of his dreams unless he can be bold enough to speak to her.

Alternate forms:

Diffidence (n): showing shyness or a lack of self-confidence

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DiscrepancyNoun: a difference; a lack of agreement

Synonyms: disagreement, divergence, inconsistency

Antonyms: agreement, convergence, consistency

There can be a discrepancy between my opinion and yours, even though we are friends.

Alternate form

Discrepant (adj): marked by discrepancy, showing disagreement

Page 10: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

EmbarkVerb: to go aboard; to make a start; to invest

Synonyms: commence, launch, begin, board

Columbus spent years raising money before he was able to embark on his perilous ocean voyage in search of a passage to the Far East.

Alternate forms:

Embarkation (noun): the boarding of a ship, the beginning of a venture.

Disembark (verb): the opposite of embark; to end a venture, to leave a ship or plane.

Page 11: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

FacileAdjective: easily done or attained; superficial; ready, fluent; easily shown but not sincerely felt

Synonyms: effortless, assured, poised, specious

Antonyms: labored, awkward, halting

Writing is a facile process for some authors but a laborious task for others.

Alternate forms:

Facilitate (v): to make easierFacilitation (n): a process by which something is made easierFacilitator (n): one who facilitatesFacility (n): ease in doing which results from aptitude or skill

Page 12: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

IndomitableAdjective: unconquerable, refusing to yield

Synonyms: unbeatable, invincible, unyielding

Antonyms: surrendering, submissive, yielding

All who hear of the remarkable deeds of Harriet Tubman admire her indomitable courage in the face of grave danger.

Alternate forms:

Indomitably (adv): to do something in an indomitable way.

Page 13: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

InfallibleAdjective: free from error, absolutely dependable

Synonyms: unerring, certain

Antonym: imperfect, fallible

Some critics seem convinced that their expert knowledge makes them infallible judges of the quality of an artist’s work.

Alternate forms:

Infallibility (n): Condition of being infallible or unable to fail or err.

Page 14: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

PlodVerb: to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly

Synonyms: lumber, trudgeAntonyms: scamper, skip, prance

After the blizzard, we had to plod through deep snowdrifts to reach the nearest stores.

Alternate forms:

Plodder (n): One who plods; a slow worker or slow thinker

Page 15: Vocabulary Unit 5Word Part(s) of speech with definition for each Synonyms Antonyms A picture or sentence to help you remember what the word means and how

PungentAdjective: causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting

Synonyms: sharp, spicy, piquant, caustic, racy

Antonyms: bland, unappetizing, colorless, insipid

The kitchen of the French restaurant was filled with the pungent aroma of onion soup.

Alternate forms:

Pungency: a state of being pungent

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RemissAdjective: neglectful in performance of one’s duty; careless

Synonyms: negligent, lax, slack

Antonyms: scrupulous, dutiful, punctilious

When I am remiss in doing daily chores, I have to spend a big part of the weekend catching up.

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ReposeVerb: to rest; lie; placeNoun: relaxation, peace of mind, calmness

Synonyms: (v)to sleep; (n.) tranquility, respite

Antonyms: (n) exertion, wakefulness, tumult, bustle, ado

The mortal remains of thousands who fell in American wars repose in Arlington National Cemetery. (verb form)

After spending all day with others, you may wish for a period of repose before dinner. (noun form)

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TemerityNoun: rashness, boldness

Synonyms: recklessness, foolhardiness, effrontery, audacity

Antonyms: timidity, fearfulness, diffidence, humility

Few of his subordinates had the temerity to answer the general back.

Not many of us could believe that Hashim had the temerity to walk out onto the rocks where Mrs. Almendarez could see him!

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TruculentAdjective: fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive, scathingly harsh. Also disposed to fight.

Synonyms: brutal, savage, belligerent, vitriolic

Antonyms: gentle, mild, meek, unthreatening

People with truculent dispositions can make life miserable for those who have to work with them.

Alternative forms:

Truculence: the condition of being truculent

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UnfeignedAdjective: sincere, real, without pretense

Synonyms: genuine, heartfelt

Antonyms: insincere, simulated, phony, feigned

The novelist won high praise for her ability to portray the unfeigned emotions of children.

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VirulentAdjective: extremely poisonous, full of malice; spiteful

Synonyms: venomous, noxious, baneful, hateful, maliciousAntonyms: innocuous, harmless, benign

The First Amendment protects the right of free speech for everyone, even those with virulent views that are repugnant to most people.

Alternate forms:

Virulence (noun): the state or condition of being virulentVirulantly (adverb): to do a thing with virulence

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