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Vocabulary for Bank PO & SSC Exams

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FORTITUDE: Boldness; Courage; Tenacity; Grit; Spunk; Valor

Antonyms : Cowardice; Cravenness; Pusillanimity,

Timidity; Timorousness

The tales of Rani Lakshmibai’s fortitude are an integral part of Indian history.

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GAUNT:Lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age

Synonyms: Cadaverous; Emaciated; Haggard; SkeletalAntonyms: Husky; Corpulent; Fleshy; Flabby; Plump

A lot of African children become gaunt and diseased because of malnutrition.

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CLANDESTINE:Secret; Covert; Furtive; Stealthy

Antonyms : Overt; Open; Conspicuous

She felt no shame in having a clandestine affair with her husband’s friend.

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HUMDRUM:Dull; Boring; Ordinary; Monotonous; Ponderous; Tedious

Antonyms: Engaging; Engrossing; Gripping; Interesting; Intriguing

Nobody took the toddler out for merriment; it was yet another humdrum day at home for him.

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LACKADAISICAL:Lacking enthusiasm; Lethargic; Apathetic; Listless; Sluggish; Spiritless

Antonyms: Ambitious; Animated; Energetic; Enterprising; Motivated

He is quite lackadaisical towards exercise that is why he is not losing weight.

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NETTLE:Anger; Miff; Offend; Madden; Badger; Harass; Pester; Affront

Antonyms: Delight; Gladden; Gratify; Please; Placate; Appease

It nettles him that his younger coworker got a promotion before he did.

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CORPULENT:Fat; Obese; Plump; Portly; Stout; Chubby; Rotund

Antonyms: Lean; Skinny; Slender; Slim; Thin

After months of overeating, the skinny boy finally became corpulent.

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MALADY: Sickness; Disease; Ailment; Infirmity; Affliction

Antonyms: Health; Wellness; Comfort

The child was suffering from an incurable malady, of which he died shortly afterwards.

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CLEAVER:Chopper; Axe; Knife; Hatchet

There is a criminal on the run; I am going to sleep with a

meat cleaver beneath my pillow to be on the safe side.

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EXCRUCIATING:Intensely painful; Agonizing; Acute; Intense; ViolentAntonyms: Genial; Hospitable; Peaceful; Bearable

Jesus Christ endured the most excruciating pain and torture to cleanse mankind of its sins.

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PEJORATIVE:Insulting; Disparaging; Derogatory; Deprecatory

Antonyms: Commendatory; Complimentary; Laudatory

Sally did not wish to attend school; she felt humiliated by the pejorative remarks of her classmates.

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OPULENT: Wealthy; Rich; Affluent; Well off

Antonyms: Destitute; Penurious; Impecunious; Impoverished; Indigent

Liquor trade and smuggling have made mafia bosses highly opulent in the last few years.

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POIGNANT:Sad; Piteous; Sorrowful; Mournful; Wretched; Miserable

Antonyms: Unaffecting; Unemotional; Cheerful; Happy

The death of her beloved grandmother made the young girl extremely poignant.

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CLAIRVOYANT:A person who claims to have the ability to perceive events in

the future; Prescient; Fortune teller; Visionary; Astrologer

The villagers believed in Panditji who claimed himself to be an excellent clairvoyant.

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JOVIAL:Blithesome; Festive; Gay; Gleeful; Jocose; Jocund; Jolly

Antonyms: Abject; Aggrieved; Anguished; Blue; Brokenhearted; Crestfallen

There was no hint of envy to be seen at the reunion and the atmosphere was quite jovial and friendly.

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IMPEDIMENT: Hindrance; Obstruction; Obstacle; Barrier

Antonyms: Catalyst; Goad; Impetus; Incentive; Spur; Stimulant; Boost

The impediments could not reduce the speed of sprinters who had trained hard for years.

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PROCRASTINATE:Delay; Postpone action; Defer action; Be dilatory; Stall; Temporize

Antonyms: Accelerate; Persist; Hasten; Expedite

Most people have a tendency to procrastinate, when it comes to filing their tax returns.

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CAMARADERIE:Friendship; Comradeship; Fellowship; Companionship

Antonyms: Forlornness; Loneliness; Lonesomeness

Everybody admired the fabulous camaraderie that existed between the two dance partners

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MENDACIOUS: Dishonest; Lying; Untruthful; Deceitful; False

Antonyms: Honest; Truthful; Veracious

Beware of the mendacious colleagues who pretend to be well meaning and sweet.

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IMPECUNIOUS:Penniless; Poor; Indigent; Insolvent; Destitute; Penurious

Antonyms: Affluent; Deep-pocketed; Opulent

The impecunious trash collector got lucky and was ably to marry a wealthy woman.

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PLAGIARISM: Copying; Infringement of copyright; Piracy; Theft; Stealing

Antonyms: Return; Original; Originality

Plagiarism, during the exam, may prove to be a costly mistake for both the parties involved.

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CONFABULATE:Chat; Talk; Advise; Confer; Consult; Discuss; Parley

Antonyms: Be quiet

The young women could be seen confabulating with each other at the office all day long.

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SPELEOLOGY: The study or exploration of caves

Speleology involves a great deal of travel and can also be physically demanding.

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SUAVE: Charming; Sophisticated; Debonair; Urbane; Polished; Refined; Poised

Antonyms: Boorish; Churlish; Classless; Clownish; Loutish; Uncouth

The suave gentleman was a great favorite of the ladies who attended parties at the embassy.

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MORIBUND: Dying; Expiring; Terminal; Near death; At death's door

Antonyms: Alive; Animate; Living; Thriving; Blossoming

The patient has lost a great deal of blood; he is moribund and probably won’t survive.

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PLETHORA:Deluge; Plenty; Superfluity; Abundance; Glut; Copiousness

Antonyms: Lack; Scarcity; Want; Paucity

I don't see why my mother wants more shoes when she already has a plethora of them.

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OBFUSCATION:Bafflement; Bewilderment; Confusion; Discombobulation

Antonyms: Enlightenment; Illumination

Obfuscation on sign boards can be really frustrating for a person not familiar with the area.

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AMELIORATE:Improve; Amend; Better; Enhance; Enrich; Help

Antonyms: Aggravate; Worsen; Damage; Harm

The treatment rendered at the super-specialty hospital ameliorated the suffering of the patient.

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VORACIOUS:Wanting or devouring great quantities of food; Insatiable;

Unquenchable; Gluttonous; Greedy

Antonyms: Content; Sated; Satiated; Satisfied; Stuffed

He has such a voracious appetite that one can spot him eating food multiple times a day.

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The pellucid backwaters surrounding the island made it attractive to western tourists.

PELLUCID:Crystal; Crystalline; Limpid; Liquid; Lucent; Clear; See-through; Transparent

Antonyms: Cloudy; Opaque; Foggy; Hazy; Misty; Nebulous; Smoky

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DICHOTOMY:Division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups;

Contrast; Difference; Conflict; Contradiction; Incongruity; Paradox

Antonyms: Agreement; Sameness; Similarity; Likeness

The dichotomy between theory and practice can at times be disturbing to the inexperienced.

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HOWL:A crying out in grief; Groan; Yelp; Cry; Yowl; Wail; Lamentation

Antonyms: Exultation; Delight; Rejoice; Murmur; Mutter; Whisper

Wolves can howl messages to one another from more than a mile apart.

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ACERBIC: Expressing harsh criticism; Sharp; Sarcastic; Sardonic; Trenchant; Cutting; Biting; Hurtful

Antonyms: Merry; Playful; Sportive; Gentle; Mild; Bland; Good-humored; Polite

The young woman and her mother-in-law kept were in the habit of exchanging acerbic comments.

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HAPLESS:Unfortunate; Unlucky; Luckless

Antonyms: Fortunate; Happy; Lucky

The hapless boy dove into the water for the first time and straightaway landed on a rock.

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APLOMB:Self-confidence; Self-assurance; Poise

Antonyms: Disquiet; Solicitude; Uneasiness; Worry; Nervousness

He has the ability to handle even the most uncomfortable of questions with perfect aplomb.

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PERSPICACIOUS:Having a ready insight into and understanding of things; Perceptive; Astute; Shrewd

Antonyms: Dull; Stupid

Chacha Chaudhary, the famous comic character, was known for his perspicacious judgment.

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CORDON:Close off; Seal off; Tape off; Fence off; Rope off

Police officers in riot gear cordoned off the entire area after the bombing.

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CONJUGAL:Of or relating to the married state or to married persons and their

relations; Matrimonial; Connubial; Nuptial; Bridal

Newlywed Emily looked forward to sharing conjugal happiness with her doting husband.

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PHILANTHROPIST:One who donates money to charitable causes; Benefactor;

Patron; Donor; Contributor; Sponsor

Antonyms: Opponent; Miserly; Niggardly; Parsimonious; Stingy

Bill Gates is a well-known philanthropist; his foundation donated $ 7 Lakh to the flood victims of J & K.

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PEDAGOGUE:Teacher or Schoolmaster; especially: a Dull, Formal, or Pedantic

Teacher; Educationist; Educator; Instructor; Preceptor

Janis wasn’t a traditional pedagogue; she encouraged the students to interact freely with her.

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CONVOLUTED:Extremely complex and difficult to follow; Complicated; Complex;

Intricate; Knotty; Labyrinthine; Tangled

Antonyms: Noncomplex; Uncomplicated; Plain; Simple

The young boy had a hard time understanding the convoluted direction puzzle.

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INCITE:Abet; Brew; Foment; Instigate; Provoke

Antonyms: Bridle; Check; Constrain; Curb; Inhibit; Rein (in); Restrain;

Tame; Allay; Calm; Soothe; Subdue; Tranquilize

In a bullfight, a matador incites a bull to thrill and entertain the spectators.

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STOIC:One who can endure pain or hardship without showing his/her feelings or

complaining; Forbearing, Long-suffering; Patient; Tolerant; Uncomplaining

Antonyms: Complaining; Fed up; Impatient; Kvetching

The stoic monks at the monastery endured hardships to make their mind and body strong.

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ERRONEOUS:Flawed; Faulty; Inaccurate; Incorrect; Inexact; Invalid

Antonyms: Accurate; Correct; Errorless; Exact; Factual

Erroneous calculations have proved to be the undoing of many a student in school.

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YOKE:A wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two

animals; Harness; Coupling; Enslavement; Servility; Servitude Antonyms: Freedom; Liberty

The area of land ploughed by a yoke of oxen in one day was called an acre.

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COVERT: Not openly acknowledged or displayed; Secret; Furtive;

Clandestine; Surreptitious

Antonyms: Open; Overt; Obvious; Visible; Exposed

The spy had a closet full of disguises that she frequently wore for covert undercover operations.

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AMBIGUOUS:Not expressed or understood clearly; Obscure; Arcane; Cryptic; Elliptical;

Enigmatic; Equivocal; Fuliginous; Inscrutable; Nebulous; Occult; Opaque

Antonyms: Accessible; Clear; Unambiguous; Obvious; Unequivocal

Due to the ambiguous nature of the question, it was difficult for her to choose the right answer.

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HIRSUTISM:Excessive growth of hair of normal or abnormal distribution;


Hirsutism does not result in any physiological problem; it is only a cosmetic issue.

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APPALLING: Shocking; Horrifying; Horrible; Terrible; Dreadful; Hideous; Horrendous; Frightful

Antonyms: Innocuous; Inoffensive

The expression in her eyes was so appalling that even the psychiatrist got scared.

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ELUCIDATE: Explain; Illuminate; Clarify; Unravel

Antonyms: Confuse; Complicate; Cloud; Obscure

When Chang was asked to provide more details, he declined to elucidate any further.

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