
8/8/2019 VNA Hospice Conference Final Brochure 1/2

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Hospice Education C






Terry D. Feinberg has

two bachelors of art degrees

in communications and

political science and a

master’s degree in public


Guest Speaker

 Terry has a diverse background divided between

education/training and as a practitioner at

the local and federal government levels. Her

experience runs the gamut from being in charge

of community development for the City of 

Indianapolis under the auspices of the CFO/

 Administrator for Community Development

and Financial Services, to team member, then

managing editor of the White House Task Force

on Reinventing Government. Terry also served

in the US Army as an Intelligence Analyst and

Korean linguist.

 With Extension, Terry focuses on programs

designed to assist businesses and organizations

in developing more positive work environments,

employee relationships and robust bottom lines.

 At the local government level, Terry helped

developed and currently provides Tomorrow’s

Leaders: Understanding Illinois Local

Government to high school teachers in northern

Illinois; is one of the instructors of the Certified

County Officials program; offers strategic

planning and other facilitation programming;

and, works with associated agencies and

CEU’s have beenapplied for the following professions:

 Please call (815) 971-3550 for further CEU information.

• Nursing

• Nursing Home Administrator

• Funeral Home Director

• Social Worker

 The attendees will pay all fees for educationalcredit on the day of the conference.


nonprofits to better organize and provide services.

She is also proficient in statistical analysis and


 Terry is an adjunct professor of political science

and public administration and has extensive

experience in professional training in both public

and private sector.

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8/8/2019 VNA Hospice Conference Final Brochure 2/2

Presented by

The Hospice EducationCollaborative of Rockford

Program DescriptionEach year the Hospice EducationCollaborative of Rockford strives to developa fresh innovative program that educates andmotivates the attendees. Previous conferenceshave focused on topics such as the basics of hospice, the myths of hospice, the holisticapproach to hospice patients and eventhe importance of providing humor whendelivering end-of-life care.

 This year our eighth conference focuses onculture and communication. As healthcareproviders, we all know it’s the little things thatcan make all the difference to a patient or theirloved ones. Sometimes, however, we stumble

 with a tiny misstep and unknowingly dissolvethe trust we’ve established.

Often, it’s our understanding or lack of understanding of cultural differences andcomfort levels that enhance or diminish ourrelationships with our patients and theircaregivers. This workshop will provideinformation on the differing cultures of peoplein northern Illinois and ways to approach

our patients and their loved ones in orderto enhance our relationships and avoid themissteps.

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the seminar, attendees will:

1. Recognize the impact of cultural diversity in end-of-life care

2. Learn about some of the culturaldifferences that make a difference topatients and their loved ones duringend-of-life care

3. Acquire knowledge on how to avoid

missteps as you provide end-of-life care


8 – 8:30 a.m.

• Registration and Buffet Breakfast

• Exhibits

• Welcome and Introductions

 Breakfast partially sponsored by Fitzgerald FuneralHome and Crematory, LTD

Keynote Presentations

8:30 – 10 a.m.

Terry D. Feinberg, MPA

  “Culturally Different Responses to End-of-Life Care”

10 – 10:15 a.m.Break with Refreshment and Exhibits

10:15 – Noon

Terry D. Feinberg, MPA

  “Culturally Different Responses” part 2

Fees: Chck on

r$40 per person

r$20 for students/

 Name ________________

Title _________________

Employer ____________

Address _____________

City  _________________

State _________________

Daytime Phone _____

E-mail Address _____

rChck enclo

rVIsA  rmA

 Name ________________

Card # _______________

Signature: ___________

Exp.  ______________ / _

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Nohn Illinoi



Call (815) 398-05

Deadline f

is Nove



4215 Newburg Road

Rockford, IL 61108

(815) 398-0500 • Fax: (815) 398-0588

4223 East State Street

Rockford, IL 61108

(815) 971-3550 • Fax: (815) 971-3510

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