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Lenin: An Introduction

“Capitalists are no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is capable of lifting himself up by his own bootstraps.”

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• Name: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Владимир Ильич Ленин)

• Occupation: Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars

• In office: November 8, 1917 – January 21, 1924

• Preceded by: Alexander Kerensky (President of the Provisional Government)

• Succeeded by: Joseph Stalin (General Secretary of the Communist Party)

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• Born: April 22, 1870(1870-04-22) Simbirsk, Russian Empire

• Died: January 21, 1924 (aged 53) Gorki, Russian SFSR

• Nationality: Russian

• Political party: Bolshevik Party

• Career Path: Profession Politician, revolutionary

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Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin was one of the leading political figures and revolutionary thinkers of the 20th century

He masterminded the Bolshevik take-over of power in Russia in 1917

Lenin was the architect and first head of State for the Soviet Union

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Political and Social Philosophy

He was exiled and expelled from university for his radical Socialist Democratic Ideals

Lenin’s beliefs evolved into a sub-philosophy of Marxism called Leninism

Lenin endorsed the compromisation of his Marxist teachings in the name of practical implementation in both the Soviet Union and the world at large

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Contribution to 20th Century Political Thought

“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.“

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Blood for Thought

Lenin understood that Tsarism could only be overthrown by a revolt of the masses. He believed that they should be headed by an elite group of dedicated revolutionists and intellectuals.Lenin's convictions differed from those of populists. He later believed that instead of using the peasants for the overthrowing of Tsarism, it should be the urban proletariat who would be led by the revolutionaries. His attitude towards the development of the Soviet Union drastically shaped Russia’s progress in the 20th century. This later shaped the development of future Leninist models.

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Lenin’s major contributions to Marxism were:His analysis and condemnation of imperialism (stressing, among other things, the importance of colonial areas as the breeding ground for revolution)His concept of a revolutionary party as a highly disciplined unitThe necessity of a practical revolution. Lenin combined Marxist theory with shrewd political instinct (supporting compromises of the populace to further the establishment of socialism)The suppression of any theoretical revisionism or gradualism that may destabilize the Communist cause

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Revolution: Contribution to the Soviet Regime

“If Socialism can only be realized when the intellectual development of all the people permits it, then we shall not see Socialism for at least five hundred years.”

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Necessity of Revolution

20th century Russia was ruled by nobility and the landed aristocracyIt was a country gripped by class struggles, backward economic practices and a great deal of povertyUprisings were common among the poor as well as in intellectual circles. But none could master enough support to hit a nerve with the Aristocrats

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Russia Without

Modern Socialists argue that without Lenin, Russia would have degenerated into a society plagued further post-war trauma

Lenin instigated the change that brought about the powerful, albeit hostile, Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic

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Vladimir in RussiaIn March 1898, Lenin joined the Social Democratic Party (the first Russian Marxist party) after returning from exileOn January 22, 1905, Lenin Participated in the first minor revolution. The day was remembered as “bloody Sunday”On January-February 1912, Lenin and the Bolsheviks split from the Mensheviks to form their own political partyThe morning of July 17, 1917, There is an attempted Bolshevik coup in Petrograd ("July Days"); Lenin goes into hiding On November 6-7, 1917, The Bolshevik party claims power, and eliminate the newly elected Prime Minister who was elected following the abdication of the last Tzar of Russia: Nicholas IILenin, who had dominated the Bolshevik party, easily seized national power and set out to transform Russia into the USSR

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Vladimir’s in the USSR

Lenin spared no time in ending all war ties. Temporary armistices ensured the end of Soviet participation until the end of the First World War

Lenin’s attempts to transform the nation resulted in a famine in which nearly 5 million people die

The New Economic Policy was instated by Lenin in the 10th congress in Moscow. This allowed some economic enterprises to bolster the economy and minimize the famine death toll

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Lenin’s International Influence

“Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin.“

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Germany supported Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution. They hoped the effort would weaken Russia's Constituent Assembly (They had been enemies in World War OneTies between the Germany, and the emerged USSR grew in Lenin’s success, and armistice between the two nations allowed for a powerful Axis aligned force in WW2 (the Nazi-Soviet Pact)Their support of the Axis broke on the advent of Germany’s betrayal and invasion of Russia’s soil

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China adopted a further doctrine of Leninism which is referred to as Mao-Leninism or simply Maoism 5 years on, following the death of Lenin, Both Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong of the emerged peoples republic of China, claimed to be the sole intellectual heirs of Lenin’s thought This brought about the Sino-Soviet split whereby the Communist interests that had bonded the two nations were shattered by Nationalist interests and political ideologies that differed to suite the political environments

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The USA become the sworn enemy of communism. With the USSR a superpower, they were in direct competition the United StatesWith the word of Lenin Spreading, the USA geared up to engage countries that adopted a pro-communist stance. The USSR would do the same by default in their universal Communist stancePresident Regan declared war on the Soviet Union. This effort was shamed for lasting less than a decade, it was the centre piece of American foreign policy from the mid 1980’sThe Regan Doctrine also pursued war in Soviet backed communists governments throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America, while not in direct war with the nation

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Other Nations

Ruling parties of North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and Laos all hold the Marxism-Leninism (Stalin's interpretation of Leninism) as their official political ideologyEach State respectively was influenced by Lenin’s military support of revolutions and parties that were sympathetic to their causeThe Communist North Korea split from the Capitalist South Vietnam was divided and the made the primary battle ground of the Cold WarLaos was transformed into a land ranked amongst the lowest of political and economic freedom through heated revolution

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The Desire for a Soviet State

“Communism is Soviet powerplus the electrification of thewhole country”

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Why Lenin lead his cause

• in May 1887, when Lenin was 17 years old, his eldest brother Alexander was arrested and hanged for participating in a terrorist bomb plot threatening the life of Tsar Alexander III. His sister Anna, who was with Alexander at the time of his arrest, was banished to his family estate in the village of Kokushkino, about 40 km (25 mi.) from Kazan. This event radicalized Lenin, and his official Soviet biographies describe it as central to the revolutionary track of his life. He grew to despise the Tzardome

• The phrase “We will follow a different path" refers to Lenin choosing a Marxist approach to popular revolution, instead of anarchist or individualist methods. His mother mentioned this to him, and inspired Lenin to fight for a Soviet future. As Lenin became interested in Marxism, he was involved in student protests and was subsequently arrested. This gave him further time to study what had effectively become his bible, and Lenin become more and more interested in holding a revolution.

• He didn't want Russia to go to war

• He strongly disliked the monopolies that often resulted in capitalistic societites

• Tsar Nicholas the ii abdicated and the provincial government was relatively weak. Lenin saw a chance for change, and turned Russia into the USSR

• He was very concerned about creating a free universal health care system for all, the rights of women, and teaching the illiterate Russian people to read and write

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The Road to Soviet Rule

“Fascism is capitalism in decay”

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How Lenin Came to Power• In the first World Warm the Germans knew Lenin would be the source of political and

particularly military turmoil. • The Germans put him on a train and sent him back to Russia. • Russia Suffered a lot in the later stages of the war. The Imperial Army had not faired

well at all. It had lost repeatedly to the Germans. It even had trouble against the armies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

• The people of Russia were ready for a change. Lenin had spread secret propoganda and organized for factories and various labor offcials to work in the subtle good of their cause. Lenin and his Marxist views were readily accepted when he arrived in Russia.

• The Czar was not able to contain the Marxist problem. The October Revolution pursuide, and this led to the fall of the Romanov's dynasty and the end of Imperial Russia.

• Lenin then set about making changes to Russia. One of the first was to withdraw from the war. This freed up all of the troops on the eastern front. The Germans were thus relieved of the 2 front war, but not in time to save their situation.

• Vlademir was respected by the Soviets and the international community aliike, whether or not they approved of his views. This recognition was the final stage of Lenin’s dominance over Russia.

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The Source of his Power

“It is true that liberty is precious;so precious that it must becarefully rationed”

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Governmental Power

• Lenin was ideally a revolutionary democrat• Democracy is rule by the majority, however, so

his power as head of the USSR came from popular verdict

• Lenin was reputed for his personal kindness and the allegiance of his Socialist officials had him leader of the country until his death

• Personal kindness does not account for individual kindness and the secret police which Lenin employed had political opponents, dissenters of the regime and threats to the security of the USSR quenched at his command

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Revolutionary Power

• the will of the majority of the workers and peasants - the overwhelming majority of the country’s population, was the source of Lenin’s Revolutionary Power.

• He harnessed what his philosophy dictated what was in their best interest, to offer a government that would please them

• Given “ a fair go” the proletariat gladly joined under the Soviet banner to give power to Lenin

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Conclusion: Summary of Lenin’s Effect on the 20th Century

“A lie told often enough becomes truth”

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Vladimir Lenin was a both a politician and a murderer. The revolution which he set into motion, his affect on the international populations and how he entertained a political and social philosophy that would cause the death of countless Soviets and their enemies alike, made Lenin, a significant figure in the 20th Century

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“When one makes a Revolution, one cannot mark time; one must always go forward - or go back. He who now talks about the "freedom of the press" goes backward, and halts our headlong course towards Socialism.”

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R. Service, Lenin: A Political Life (1985) and Lenin: A Biography (2000). (Images)

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The cold War – PowerPoint Presentation (Mhs Resources)

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