  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report






    Submitted in partial fulfillment for


    Program me of



    BATCH 2010-2012

    Submitted by: Submitted to:

    Vivek Singh Mrs.Preeti.c.sharma

    Lohit Aswal HR De

  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report



    We would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to

    complete this project. I express my thanks to respected Dr. Latika Sahni,Dean

    Asian Business School (ABS) Noida, for extending her support. My deepest

    thanks to my teacherPreeti C. Sharma maam for guiding and correcting various

    documents of mine with attention and care. She has taken pain to go through the

    project and make necessary correction as and when needed. My deep sense of

    gratitude to Mr. Amit Gupta and Ms. Kiran Singh for their support and

    guidance. Thanks and appreciation to the helpful people at Topcon Sokkia Ind.

    Pvt. Ltd. and HCL Technologies for their support. I would also thank my

    Institution and my faculty members without whom this project would have been a

    distant reality. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my family, friends and well


  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report


    Executive Summary

    In this project the researcher has made an effort to find out the HR policies of twodifferent companies TOPCON SOKKIA and HCL ECHNOLOGIES. The

    questionnaire method was used in order to get the desired results. The researcher

    visited these companies for understanding the working environment and their HR


    The report also presents a comparative study of HR policies of the companies, how

    they implemented their policies, and a study of the respective companies. It

    contains an interpretation of the research and the findings of the survey.

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    ContentsIntroduction and Overview .................................................................................... 6

    Rationale............................................................................................................. 6

    Objective(s) ........................................................................................................ 6

    Scope of the study ............................................................................................... 7

    Benefits of the study ........................................................................................... 7

    Limitations of the study ...................................................................................... 8

    Research and Methodology .................................................................................... 9

    Research Design ................................................................................................. 9

    Different type of Research designs ..................................................................... 9

    Exploratory research .................................................................................. 9

    Descriptive research .................................................................................. 9

    Data Collection methods ....................................................................................10

    3) SAMPLE DESIGN ......................................................................................11

    Types of Sample design ..................................................................................11

    LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................................................13

    Company 1: TOCON SOKKIA .........................................................................13

    About the company: ........................................................................................13

    Company Profile .................................................................................................13

    Company 2: HCL TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................18

    About the company: ........................................................................................18

    Company Profile .................................................................................................18

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    Summary of the articles ........................................................................................20

    Article 1: ............................................................................................................20

    Article2 ..............................................................................................................20

    HR-policies ...........................................................................................................21

    Findings and recommendations .............................................................................22

    Data Analysis.....................................................................................................22

    INTERPRETATION .........................................................................................27

    FINDINGS ........................................................................................................29


    BIBLOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................31

    ANNEXURE ........................................................................................................32

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    Introduction and Overview


    y As a potential employee it will help in understanding the ambit of HR and

    how does these policies affect one. As a potential HR graduate it will help

    in formulating the right HR policies and differentiating the popular ones

    from the practical ones.


    1)Primary Objective

    y To understand the HR policies of the companies

    2)Secondary Objectives

    y To know how the HR department recruits new employees and selects them.

    y To understand the parties involved in designing specific policies.

    y To understand the bases of policy formulation.

    y To know on what basis employees get promotion.

    y To know what HR department does for the employees to keep them

    motivated and effective.

    y To understand the purview of the HR department in an organization.

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    Scope of the study

    y This study can help the readers in understanding the functioning of the

    companies in question like one can know from this work that how these

    companies recruit, train or appraise their existing or potential employees as


    Benefits of the study

    y Got the opportunity to understand the HR policies of a company and how

    they are formulated.

    y Got the opportunity to interact with experienced people

    y It was also an industrial experience.

    y Come to know how to conduct a survey and come to different kind of


    y Come to know how to approach corporate and its formality.

    y Come to know the practical of the theories what we have learned in theclassroom.

    y Come to know the working environment of the companies.

    y Come to know the value of time.

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    Limitations of the study

    y The survey is based on only one method which is questionnaire.

    y The researcher could not get enough time to interact with the HR

    representatives as they were usually busy.

    y The researcher come to know only about the HR department so the study

    is limited to it and miss the opportunity to understand how HR department

    coordinates with other departments.

    y The questionnaire has a limited scope as the number of questions couldnt

    be too many.

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    Research and Methodology

    Research Design

    A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of

    data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with

    economy in procedure. (CR Kothari, 2009)

    Different type of Research designs

    Exploratory research

    Exploratory research is the type of research in which the research is

    conducted for the problem that has not been clearly defined. This type of

    study is conducted for formulating a problem for more precise investigation.

    As the hypotheses are not clearly defined, this method is applicable.


    Descriptive research includes surveys and fact finding enquiries of different

    kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of

    affairs as it exists at present. The main characteristic of this method is that

    the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has

    happened or what is happening (C R Kothari, 2009). This method is not


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    Data Collection methods

    Collection of data is the most prominent part of any survey. As soon as the

    research question is created the data collection begins. There are two

    methods of collecting data i.e. Primary data and secondary data.

    1)Primary data

    The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time,

    and thus happen to be original in character. (C. R. Kothari, 2009)

    The following are the methods of collecting primary data

    Questionnaire Method

    A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a

    definite order on a form or set of forms.(C.R.Kothari,2009).

    Interview Method

    The interview method of collecting data involves presentation of oral-verbal

    stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. (C.R.Kothari, 2009)

    The researchers in this project has surveyed through questionnaire method.

    Questionnaire was designed in such a manner that could help arrive at a

    conclusion as to which is the motivating and hygiene factors. The

    Questionnaire that was used in this research is the structured form.

    10 surveys have been done in total in which 3 employees are from TATA

    Teleservices and 2 from Engineers India, one from airport authority.

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    2)Secondary data

    The secondary data, on the other hand, are those which have already been

    collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the

    statistical process.(C.R.Kothari,2009).

    Review literature uses secondary data in this study


    A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given

    population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would

    adopt in selecting items for the sample. (C.R.Kothari, 2009)

    Types of Sample design

    Non-probability sampling

    Non-probability sampling is that sampling procedure which does not afford

    any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population has

    of being included in the sample. (C.R.Kothari, 2009)

    Types of Non Probability Sampling

    y Purposive Sampling or Judgmental sampling.

    y Snowball Sampling.

    y Quota Sampling.

    y Dimensional Sampling.

    y Convenient sampling.

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    Accidental, Haphazard or Convenience SamplingIn this type of sampling the sampling units that are convenient to the

    researchers are contacted. The researchers have used this type of sampling


    The researcher has contacted companies which were easy to go because it

    was more convenient. So, Gurgaon and Noida were covered.

    The HR managers in Noida and Gurgaon were interviewed directly by the

    researchers and the questionnaires were filled by the managers themselves.

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    Company 1: Topcon Sokkia Ind. Pvt. Ltd.

    About the company:

    Topcon Sokkia India Pvt Ltd is a leading technology provider for GIS mapping

    information system. The products we can provide give solutions for Surveying,

    Construction, Agriculture Application, GIS mapping, statistical analysis, database

    technology etc with very high standards.

    Company Profile


    To use our decades of experience to build lasting relationships and to be

    a reliable partner in offering high precision positioning solutions

    Our brand promise is precision and reliability. It shows our

    commitment to deliver products and solutions that are highly accurate,

    reliable, and developed to meet the needs of customers in our business

    areas: surveying, construction and industrial measurement.

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    In a world where technology reaches many aspects of our daily lives,

    We want to use our experience to be a reliable partner in the areas

    of surveying, construction and industrial applications. Our aim is to

    provide positioning solutions in their characteristic application

    environment and accuracy


    We respect each individual and draw strength from diversity, promote

    personal development and benefit from the entrepreneurial spirit of eac

    individual to create an encouraging place to work


    We are committed to integrity in all we do, always, everywhereProfessionalism

    We are committed to the highest standards of professionalism, we deploy

    imagination, are open to new ideas and act decisively and consistently

    We are determined to deliver outstanding quality in order to have

    personal and long lasting relationship with our clients


    The essence of our ability to succeed as a trusted preferred supplier o

    measurement solutions. We learn from each other and share our skill

    and resources across organisational boundaries for our clients benefit.

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    Business Unit

    In any civil engineering, monitoring or cadastral job people require

    accurate positioning data; height data distance and angles. This is

    where we deliver our expertise; from classical optical instruments up

    to our GNSS systems capturing all available satellite positioning

    signals. More than ever, it's important to have a seamless integration

    between optical instruments and GNSS receivers through software.

    That's what we aim for with our surveying solutions.

    In all construction jobs people need to make measurements to take

    projects to the next level. With our versatile construction portfolio we

    bring expertise in all building and construction areas. For interior

    construction jobs, we offer rotating lasers with scan functions and

    line lasers to do ceilings, floors and partition walls. For exterior jobs,

    we offer long range horizontal and grade lasers which can be

    combined with machine receivers to control your excavator fleet. Forstaking out, we have superior reflector less totals stations specially

    designed for construction purposes. For any construction job, we

    offer the right product.

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    Company 2: HCL Technologies

    About the company:

    Developed the first indigenous micro-computer at the same time asApple and 3 years before IBM's PC in 1978. This micro-computer

    virtually gave birth to the Indian computer industry.

    HCL's in-depth knowledge of Unix led to the development of a fine

    grained multi-processor Unix in 1988, three years ahead of Sun and HP.

    Along with the swiftly growing software technology industry, HCL,

    which was hitherto known as the pioneer in modern computing made

    the advent into software development.

    HCL's R&D was spun off as HCL Technologies in 1997 to mark their

    advent into the software services arena.

    Today, HCL sells more PCs in India than any other brand, runs Northern

    Ireland's largest BPO operation, and manages the network for Asia's

    largest stock exchange network apart from designing zero visibility

    landing systems to land the world's most popular airplane. And this it

    does across 23 countries and across 360 service locations in India.

    Company Overview

    HCL is a leading global Technology and IT Enterprise with annual

    revenues of US$ 5.9 billion. The HCL Enterprise comprises two

    companies listed in India, HCL Technologies ( ) and HCL

    Infosystems (

    The 3 decade old enterprise, founded in 1976, is one of India's original IT

    garage start ups. Its range of offerings span R&D and Technology

    Services, Enterprise and Applications Consulting, Remote Infrastructure

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    Management, BPO services, IT Hardware, Systems Integration and

    Distribution of Technology and Telecom products in India. The HCL

    team comprises 80,000 professionals of diverse nationalities, operating

    across 31 countries including 500 points of presence in India. HCL hasglobal partnerships with several leading Fortune 1000 firms, including

    several IT and Technology majors.

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    Summary of the articles

    Article 1: Maruti helps vendors sort HR issues.

    This article tells us about how Maruti, the largest car manufacturer of India has

    decided to help its vendors lay down their HR policies in a better way so that their

    production activities are not hampered. Temporary workers are being given

    uniforms and the same canteen facilities as permanent workers. They are also

    introducing training programmes for contract workers.

    Maruti asked vendors to put in place a hierarchy among contract workers similar to

    systems already in place for permanent staff. Vendors were also asked to give

    increments in a phased manner, given that most have the tendency to merely offer

    the minimum wage. Vendors have also started communicating with each other so

    that wage increases can be decided in line with each other.

    Article2: HR policies need tweaking to overcome attrition.

    Human resource (HR) policies in Indian banks need to change in order to motivate

    and retain employees and increase productivity to take on what is a rapidly

    changing and competitive domestic banking industry.

    Meeting the intellectual requirements of an employee is a challenge. They are

    providing 40-50 e-learning courses to hone the skills of their staff. People are

    being trained to use computers. If banks are able to create an environment of job

    satisfaction, they can retain people.

    They understand that people need to be paid in line with industry remunerations.

    However, accelerated promotions, training, incentives, profile enrichment,

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    openness to new ideas and attitudinal changes within the organization can help in

    retaining talent.

    But the bank chieftains say that pride in their work and social recognition does

    motivate their employees. However, higher wages being paid elsewhere for the

    same work does bother some.


    HR policies provide an organization with a mechanism to manage risk by staying

    up to date with current trends in employment standards and legislation. The

    policies must be framed in a manner that the companies vision & the human

    resource helping the company to achieve it or work towards it are at all levels

    benefited and at the same time not deviated from their main objective.

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    Findings and recommendations

    Data Analysis

    Data Analysis is about summarising the data collected via questionnaires into asimple format so that the research question can be answered.

    An analysis is given below by the researcher on the data obtained during the

    questionnaire survey. Each question from the questionnaire is taken and its

    responses are carefully tabulated, based on which a table is prepared, supported by

    explanation and analysis for the same.

    The survey was conducted in two companies:TOPCON SOKKIA & HCL TECHNOLOGIES

    Data Analysis



    Area HR function Questions Options




    Topcon HCL1 Procurement Job description,


    specification,job analysis,


    Whichsource does


    adopt torecruit fresh


    a. Employee referralb. Campus recruitmentc. Advertisingd. Recruitment agenciese. Job portals

    a, b, d, e All+headhuntin

    g as well

    2 Recruitment To find and

    employ the bestperson for each

    job, to retain thebest talent,

    facilitatepersonal growth

    on job, selection

    Which all

    tests do youuse during

    the processof


    a. Writtenb. Aptitudec. Group Discussion

    d. Personal Interviewe. Psychometric Test

    a, b, d a, b, d

  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report



    3 HR planning Analyzing

    organizationalplans and




    Who all

    comprisethe selection


    a. Technical + HumanResource Management(Executive).

    b. Human ResourceManagement

    (Executive) only.c. Human ResourceManagement Executivehaving Technical


    a A

    4 Recruitment To find and

    employ the bestperson for each

    job, to retain thebest talent,

    facilitatepersonal growth

    on job, selection

    Are the




    a. Yesb. No

    a A

    5 Induction Welcoming new

    recruit and givecompanys

    manual, provideknowledge

    about thecompany, give

    details of pay,

    benefits,holidays, leaveetc.

    Which all is

    part of theinduction/or



    a. Classroom Trainingb. Field Assignmentsc. Job Rotation

    a A

    6 HR planning Analyzing

    organizationalplans and




    Who all is

    part of HRplanning?

    a. HR Managerb. Top Managementc. Functional Area

    Manager.d. All of them

    a, b a, b

    7 Motivation Reward bothfinancial and

    non financial,performance

    appraisal etc.

    What is themotivational

    policy basedon?

    a. Positive reinforcementb. Negative reinforcementc. Both

    a A

    8 Job


    Wage and




    a. Pay for individualperformance

    a, c None of the


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    n administration,

    wage policy,job evaluation


    y your

    companyfollows for


    b. Incentive on teamperformance

    c. Seniority based pay

    9 Performance Effectiveness,cost, profit,

    satisfaction etc.

    In whatterms is the



    a. Cost reducedb. Profits earned

    c. Lesser coordinationissues

    d. Improved customersatisfaction

    e. Others

    e b, d

    10 Humanrelations




    collectivebargaining etc.

    Are the KeyResult


    (KRA)shared withtheemployees?

    a. Yesb. No

    a A

    11 HR planning Analyzingorganizational

    plans andmanpower




    How thetargets are


    a. Individually by theManager.

    b. Jointly by the Managerand Team Members.

    c. Only by the Team


    b a

    12 Personal

    developmentprogram me



    career planning,performance

    appraisal etc.

    Do you

    follow amentorship

    program inthe


    a. Yes.b. No

    a A

    13 Personaldevelopment

    program me


    development,career planning,

    performanceappraisal etc.

    Which ofthe


    opportunities are being


    a. leadership trainingb. executive trainingc. technical trainingd. computer traininge. specific skill based


    all a, c

  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report



    select ALL

    that apply)

    14 Personaldevelopment

    program me


    development,career planning,

    performanceappraisal etc.

    Are trainingneeds

    regularlyassessed by


    a. Yes, by Humanresources

    b. Yes, by outsideconsultantsc. No

    a A

    15 Personal

    developmentprogram me



    career planning,performance

    appraisal etc.

    Are the


    times offfrom work

    to attend


    a. Yes, with payb. Yes, without payc. No, only after work

    hoursd. No, only in special


    a A

    16 Personal

    developmentprogram me



    career planning,performance

    appraisal etc.

    What all

    efforts aremade for


    planning?We sponsor

    them for:

    a. LeadershipDevelopment Courses

    b. Degree/DiplomaCourses

    c. Formal ApprenticeshipProgram.

    d. Seminars/ Workshops

    a, b, d D

    17 Counselingfor effective


    Counseling What allways are

    adopted soas to combat



    a. Meditation/YogaSessions

    b. Employee Counsellingc. Informal Gatheringsd. Outbound Tripse. Family Associations

    b, c, d, e b, d

  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report



    18 Policies,

    rules andregulation




    absenteeism,turnover etc.

    What all

    Disciplinaryactions are

    takenagainst non-


    a. Suspensionb. Demotionc. Salary Deductiond. Transferse. Any other please





    e: depends

    on situation

    19 Quality of

    work life

    Morale, job

    satisfaction,social security,

    health andsafety, labor

    welfare etc.

    What all do

    you offer asSocial

    SecurityMeasures to


    a. WorkmensCompensation

    b. Sickness/MedicalBenefits

    c. Maternity Benefits towomen employees

    d. Disablement Benefits

    e. ProvidentFund/Gratuity

    b, c, d, e b, c, d

    20 Quality ofwork life

    Morale, jobsatisfaction,

    social security,health and

    safety, laborwelfare etc.

    What allamenities

    are offeredfor


    a. Housing Schemesb. Transportation Facilityc. Education for Childrend. Medical Facilitiese. EntertainmentClubsf. Any other please


    b, d e, f:JimCrcheCounseli


  • 8/4/2019 Vivek Lohit Hr a Project Report




    In the questionnaires for both the companies there are some common responses. It

    may be because in India companies follow popular HR policies.

    In the procurement area regarding recruitment both the companies follow campus


    In the recruitment process, both the companies conduct several tests like written

    test, Group Discussion, Personal Interview. This may be according to their need as

    they recruit people even for higher post.

    In the selection panel they both have included both the Technical people and

    Human Resource Management (Executive) because in the present scenario people

    must have technical knowledge also other than educational or professional


    Both the companies declared publically their internal recruitment vacancies

    because both are big companies so they dont seem to have any problem in

    advertising the internal recruitment publically.

    In the induction programme both use classroom sessions, through this they will

    let the fresh recruits to understand the policies of the company, pay, promotions,

    rules, about the job and their role etc.

    In HR planning both the companies includes HR Manager, Top Management.As

    its difficult for the HR alone to analyze organizational plans and manpower

    requirement, developing employment plans alone so its necessity for the HR to

    take help of the top management.

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    In the quality ofwork lifeand Counseling foreffective HR development there

    is a huge difference. Both the companies include Workmens Compensation,

    Sickness/Medical Benefits, Maternity Benefits to women employees, disablement

    Benefits, Provident Fund/Gratuity Housing Schemes, Transportation Facility,

    Education for Children, Medical Facilities, Meditation/Yoga Sessions and

    Entertainment Clubs. Because both the company believes that employees are the

    most important resource for their company.

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    After a clear study base on the questionnaire for both the companies, now we can

    say that more or less both the companies have same HR policies. They are doing

    many activities for the employees like Yoga session to reduce stress, give

    employees training in and outside the company. The policy of this company is

    more structured. They give many facilities like Sickness/Medical Benefits,

    Maternity Benefits to women employees, disablement Benefits, Provident Fund/

    Gratuity, Housing Schemes, Transportation Facility, Education for Children,

    Medical Facilities, Entertainment Clubs etc.

    These activities help the companies in the efficiency and effectiveness of the

    employees. These are very important for their productivity, growth, maintaining a

    good working environment and for motivating employees.

    But still these policies and activities are common and popular in all the companies.

    And until and unless we are there for a job we wont come to know whether it is

    practical or not, is it really implementing there or not.

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    In India these policies are very common. The companies do not come with

    innovative ideas regarding HR policies. This is something which takes lots of time

    to change the existing policies. The existing policies are also very effective if they

    are implemented well. Recently in India changes are coming up slowly. The

    companies have realized that the cost of recruiting a new employee is much

    expensive than retaining the old one. Therefore many training programmes are

    being going through. Many facilities are providing for the employees. These are

    very good activities. In todays scenario human resources are the most importantfor a company.

    Therefore, the HR department plays an important role in a company in order to

    manage the people around the company. If they fail to do so , the company cannot


    But its not only the HR department to look after the people working there. The

    managers are also equally responsible for the employees working under them. The

    cooperation among them is very important otherwise the policies made for the

    employees cannot be effective. Therefore all the departments have the same

    responsibility as much as the HR department has in managing the human resource

    of a company. Only at that time the working environment will be good and will

    motivate the employees which will increase the effectiveness of the employees.

    So the time has come to change our perception that it is HR department to look

    after the people and manage them. But practically it is the managers who have to

    handle people with the HR departments enabling them to do this.

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    BIBLOGRAPHY B.S.P Rao - Human Resource Management

    Dr P G Aquinas - Human Resource management

    Research Methodology: - CR Kothari, 2009

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