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    Any product intended to supplement dietary intakeExamplesVitamins/MineralsHerbs and BotanicalsProtein/Amino Acids

    The FDA has broadened its definition to include not only vitamins, minerals and protein, but also herbs and other botanicals. Often times supplements are substances the FDA formerly classified as drugs or unapproved food additives.

    Vitamins and minerals are generally considered safe if consumed in recommended doses. However, some supplements may have mega doses of vitamins that far exceed the recommended values. This is particularly important if the supplement is a fat soluble vitamin A, D, E, and K, which can be toxic if consumed in excess.

    Herbal supplements are not regulated and can vary in potency depending on where they were grown. In addition, some herbal supplements can cause liver damage, abnormal heart rate, vomiting, etc. Protein and amino acids are believed to improve muscle strength, however, this has not been scientifically proven.

  • Vitamin dan mineral adalah bagian yang penting dari makanan sehat.
    Bila seseorang mengkonsumsi berbagai variasi makanan, maka kemungkinan untuk mengalami kekurangan vitamin dan mineral adalah sangat kecil.

    Orang-orang yang menjalani diet ketat mungkin tidak mendapatkan cukup vitamin atau mineral tertentu.

    Contohnya seorang vegetarian yang sangat ketat bisa mengalami kekurangan vitamin B12, yang hanya bisa diperoleh dari makanan yang berasal dari hewan.

    Sebaliknya, mengkonsumsi sejumlah besar vitamin dan mineral tambahan tanpa pengawasan medis, dapat menimbulkan efek yang berbahaya.

  • Vitamin adalah mikronutrisi yang penting dan dibutuhkan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah sedikit.
    Vitamin yang larut dalam lemak adalah vitamin A, D, E dan K, sedangkan vitamin yang larut dalam air adalah vitamin B dan vitamin C.
    Vitamin B terdiri dari:
    - Vitamin B1 (tiamin)
    - Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
    - Vitamin B6 (piridoksin)
    - Asam pantotenat
    - Niasin
    - Biotin
    - Asam folat
    - Vitamin B12 (kobalamin).

  • Kebutuhan harian yang dianjurkan (jumlah rata-rata yang diperlukan setiap harinya untuk tetap sehat), telah ditetapkan untuk masing-masing vitamin.
    Seseorang yang terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit mengkonsumsi vitamin tertentu bisa mengalami kelainan gizi.

    Jika diminum lebih dari 10 kali dari dosis yang dianjurkan setiap harinya, vitamin A dan D bersifat racun, tetapi vitamin E dan K (filokuinon) tidak.
    Niasin, vitamin B6 dan vitamin C jika diminum dalam dosis tinggi akan bersifat racun, tetapi tidak demikian halnya dengan vitamin lainnya yang larut dalam air.

    Hanya 2 macam vitamin yang larut dalam lemak (vitamin A dan E) yang disimpan dalam tubuh sampai jumlah besar. Vitamin D dan K disimpan dalam jumlah kecil.
    Tergantung kepada kebutuhan, vitamin C disimpan dalam jumlah yang paling sedikit.
    Vitamin B12 disimpan dalam jumlah yang paling besar dan dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 7 tahun untuk menghabiskan persediaan 2-3 mgr vitamin ini.

  • Beberapa mineral (natrium, klorida, kalium, kalsium, fosfat dan magnesium), dimasukkan kedalam golongan makronutrisi karena zat-zat tersebut dibutuhkan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah relatif besar dan juga disebut makromineral.

    Mineral lainnya merupakan mikronutrisi, karena dibutuhkan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah kecil dan juga disebut mikromineral.
    Yang termasuk ke dalam mikromineral adalah zat besi, seng, tembaga, mangan, molibdenum, selenium, yodium dan fluorida.

    Kekurangan mineral, kecuali zat besi dan yodium, jarang terjadi.
    Kelebihan beberapa mineral bisa menyebabkan keracunan.

  • Dosis : 900 mikrogram

    Sumber :

    Sebagai vit.A:Minyak hati ikan, hati sapi, kuning telur, mentega, krim

    Sebagai karoten (diubah menjadi vit.A dalam usus):Sayuran berdaun hijau, sayuran & buah berwarna kuning, minyak palem merah

  • Fungsi Utama :

    Penglihatan normal
    Kesehatan kulit & jaringan permukaan lainnya
    Perlindungan terhadap infeksi

  • Kekurangan : Rabun senja; penebalan kulit di sekeliling folikel rambut; pengeringan bagian putih mata & kornea, yg akhirnya menyebabkan penonjolan, pembentukan ulkus dan pecahnya kornea disertai pengeluaran isi mata; kebutaan; bintik di bagian putih mata; resiko terjadinya infeksi & kematian

    Kelebihan : Sakit kepala, pengelupasan kulit, pembesaran hati & limfa, penebalan tulang & nyeri sendi

  • Dosis : 10 mikrogram

    Sumber :

    Sebagai vit.D2(elgokalsiferol):Ragi, susu Sebagai vit.D3 (kolekalsiferol):Minyak hati ikan, kuning telur, susu, terbentuk di kulit jika terpapar
  • Fungsi Utama :

    Penyerapan kalsium dan fosfat dari usus
    Mineralisasi, pertumbuhan & perbaikan tulang

  • Kekurangan :

    Pertumbuhan & perbaikan tulang yg abnormal, rakitis pada anak, osteomalasia pada dewasa, kejang otot

  • Dosis : 10 mikrogram

    Sumber :

    Minyak sayur, benih gandum, sayuran berdaun, kuning telur, margarin, tanaman polong

  • Fungsi Utama :


  • Kekurangan :

    Kekurangan:Pecahnya sel darah merah, kerusakan saraf

    Kelebihan :

    Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan vit.K

  • Dosis : 65 mikrogram

    Sumber :

    Sayuran berdaun, babi, hati, minyak sayur, dihasilkan oleh bakteri dalam usus

  • Fungsi Utama :

    Pembentukan faktor pembekuan darah
    Pembentukan bekuan darah yg normal

    Kekurangan :


  • Dosis : 1,2 miliogram

    Sumber :

    Ragi kering, gandum, daging (terutama babi & hati), kacang-kacangan, tanaman polong, kentang

    Fungsi Utama :

    Metabolisme Karbohidrat

  • Kekurangan :

    Beriberi pada anak & dewasa, disertai kegagalan jantung dan fungsi saraf & otak yg abnormal

  • Dosis : 1,5 miligram

    Sumber :

    Susu, keju, hati, daging, telur, gandum

    Fungsi Utama :

    Metabolisme karbohidrat
    Kesehatan membran mukosa

  • Kekurangan :

    Bibir & sudut mulut pecah & bersisik, dermatitis

  • Dosis : 16 miligram

    Sumber :

    Ragi kering, hati, daging, ikan, tanaman polong, gandum

    Fungsi Utama :

    Reaksi kimia di dalam sel
    Metabolisme karbohidrat

  • Kekurangan :

    Dermatosis, peradangan pada lidah, fungsi usus & otak yg abnormal

  • Dosis : 2 miligram

    Sumber :

    Ragi kering, hati, daging, gandum, ikan, tanaman polong

  • Fungsi Utama :

    Metabolisme asam amino & asam lemak
    Fungsi sistem saraf
    Kesehatan kulit

    Kekurangan : Kekurangan : Kejang pada bayi, anemia, kelainan saraf & kulit

  • Dosis : 60 mikrogram

    Sumber : Hati, ginjal, kuning telur, ragi, bunga kol, kacang-kacangan, tanaman polong

    Fungsi Utama : Metabolisme karbohidrat & asam lemak

    Kekurangan :

    Kekurangan : Peradangan pada kulit & bibir

  • Dosis : 2 mikrogram

    Sumber :

    Hati, daging (terutama sapi, babi), telur, susu & produk olahan susu

  • Fungsi Utama :

    Pematangan sel darah merah, fungsi saraf dan Sintesa DNA

    Kekurangan : Anemia pernisiosa & anemia lainnya (pada vegetarian yg menderita cacing pita ikan), bebrapa kelainan psikis, gangguan penglihatan

  • Dosis : 200 mikrogram

    Sumber : Sayuran berdaun hijau yg masih segar, buah-buahan, hati, ragi kering

    Fungsi Utama : Pematangan sel darah merah
    Sintesa DNA & RNA

    Kekurangan : Berkurangnya jumlah semua jenis sel darah (pansitopenia), sel darah merah yg berukuran besar (terutama pada wanita hamil, bayi & penderita malabsorpsi)

  • Dosis : 6 miligram

    Sumber : Hati, ragi, sayuran

    Fungsi Utama : Metabolisme karbohidrat & lemak

    Kekurangan : Penyakit saraf, kaki terbakar

  • Dosis : 60 miligram

    Sumber : Jeruk, tomat, kentang, kubis, cabe hijau

    Kekurangan : Scurvy (perdarahan, gigi rontok, peradangan gusi)

  • Dosis : 1 gram

    Sumber : Garam, sapi, babi, ikan sarden, keju, zaitun hijau, roti jagung, keripik kentang, acar kubis

    Fungsi Utama : Keseimbangan asam-basa
    Fungsi saraf & otot

    Kekurangan : Kadar natrium dlm darah rendah, kebingungan, koma

    Kelebihan : Kadar natrium dlm darah tinggi, Kepekaan saraf, kegelisahan

  • Dosis : 1,5 gram

    Sumber : Sama dengan natrium

    Fungsi Utama : Keseimbangan elektrolis

    Kekurangan : Gangguan keseimbangan asam-basa

  • Dosis : 2 gram

    Sumber : Susu skim, pisang, buah plum yg dikeringkan, kismisFungsi saraf & otot

    Fungsi Utama : Keseimbangan asam-basa & keseimbangan air

    Kekurangan : Kadar kalium dlm darah rendah, kelumpuhan, gangguan jantung Kelebihan:Kadar kalium dlm darah tingi, kelumpuhan, gangguan jantung

  • Dosis : 1 gram

    Sumber : Susu & produk olahan susu, daging, ikan, telur, gandum, buncis, buah-buahan, sayuran

    Fungsi Utama : Pembentukan tulang & gigi
    Pembekuan darah
    Fungsi saraf & otot
    Irama jantung normal

    Kekurangan : Kadar kalsium dlm darah rendah, kejang otot

    Kelebihan : Kadar kalsium dlm darah tinggi, hilangnya tekanan usus, kegagalan ginjal, tingkah laku abnormal (psikosa)

  • Dosis : 0,9 gram

    Sumber : Susu, keju, daging, unggas, ikan, gandum, kacang-kacangan, tanaman polong

    Fungsi Utama : Pembentukan tulang & gigi
    Keseimbangan asam-basa
    Komponen asam nukteat
    Produksi energi

    Kekurangan : Mudah tersinggung, kelemahan, kelainan sel darah, kelainan usus & ginjal Kelebihan:Terjadi pada penderita gagal ginjal, kadar fosfat dlm darah tinggi

  • Dosis : 0,3 gram

    Sumber : Sayuran berdaun hijau, kacang-kacangan, gandum, makanan laut

    Fungsi Utama : Pembentukan tulang & gigi
    Fungsi saraf & otot
    Pengaktivan enzim

    Kekurangan : Kadar magnesium dlm darah rendah, fungsi saraf abnormal Kelebihan:Kadar magnesium dlm darah tinggi, tekanan darah rendah, kegagalan pernafasan, gangguan irama jantung

  • Dosis : 12 miligram

    Sumber : Tepung kedele, ginjal sapi, hati, buncis, kerang-kerangan, buah peach

    Fungsi Utama : Pembentukan enzim, yg berfungsi mengubah berbagai reaksi kimia dlm tubuh
    Pembentukan komponen utama dari sel darah merah & sel-sel otot

    Kekurangan : Anemia, kesulitan menelan, kuku berbentuk sendok, kelainan usus, berkurangnya kinerja, gangguan kemampuan belajar Kelebihan:Pengendapan zat besi, kerusakanhati (sirosis), diabetes melitus (kencing manis), pewarnaan kulit

  • Dosis : 15 miligram

    Sumber : Daging, makanan laut

    Fungsi Utama : Komponen enzim, Pembentukan sel darah merah
    Pembentukan tulang

    Kekurangan : Pertumbuhan yg lambat, tertundanya kematangan seksual, berkurangnya sensasi rasa

  • Dosis : 2 miligram

    Sumber : Daging, tiram, kacang-kacangan, tanaman polong yg dikeringkan, gandum

    Fungsi Utama : Komponen enzim
    Pembentukan sel darah merah
    Pembentukan tulang Kekurangan:Anemia pada anak yg menderita malnutrisi Kelebihan:Pengendapan tembaga dalam otak, kerusakan hati

  • Dosis : 3,5 miligram

    Sumber : Gandum, buah-buahan yg dikeringkan

    Fungsi Utama : Komponen enzim Kekurangan:Penurunan berat badan, iritasi kulit, mual & muntah, perubahan warna rambut, pertumbuhan rambut yg lambat Kelebihan:Kerusakan saraf

  • Dosis : 150 mikrogram

    Sumber : Produk olahan susu, gandum

    Fungsi Utama : Pengaktivan enzim

    Kekurangan : Asidosis, denyut jantung yg cepat, pernafasan cepat, bintik buta, rabun senja, mudah tersinggung

  • Dosis : 60 mikrogram

    Sumber : Daging & hasil hewan lainnya, konsentrasi tanah yg terdapat dlm tumbuhan

    Fungsi Utama : Penting untuk sintesa suatu enzim antioksidan

    Kekurangan : Nyeri otot & kelemahan Kelebihan:Rambut & kuku rontok, peradangan kulit, mungkin terjadi kelainan saraf

  • Dosis : 150 mikrogram

    Sumber : Makanan laut, garam beryodium, produk olahan susu, air minum

    Fungsi Utama : Pembentukan hormon tiroid, yg berfungsi mengatur mekanisme pengontrolan energi

    Kekurangan : Pembesaran kelenjar tiroid (goiter), kretinisme, tuli-bisu, pertumbuhan janin & perkembangan otak yg abnormal Kelebihan:Kadang menyebabkan tingginya kadar hormon tiroid

  • Dosis : 2,5 miligram

    Sumber : Teh, kopi, air yg mengandung fluor

    Fungsi Utama : Pembentukan tulang & gigi

    Kekurangan : Meningkatnya resiko terjadinya kavitasi gigi, mungkin terjadi penipisan tulang Kelebihan:Fluorosis (penumpukan berlebihan dari fluor), gigi berbintik & berlubang, pertumbuhan tulang diluar tulang belakang

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    Dietary supplements that contain extracts or active ingredients from plants

    Herbs and Botanicals are supplements that contain ingredients that come from the roots, berries, seeds, stems, leaves, buds, or flowers of plants

    It is a common misconception that supplements made from plants are safe because they are "natural" or "organic

    One example of a harmful herb supplement is Kava Kava. Kava Kava was banned in Canada in 2002. However, it is still on the market in the U.S. Kava Kava has been linked to a number of side effects including liver damage.

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    Suggested to help depressionNegative side effects No tests on long-term safety

    St. Johns Wort has been proven to treat mild to moderate depression by alleviating some symptoms, including lack of activity, tiredness, fatigue, and disturbed sleep. However, St. Johns Wort has been associated with negative side effects, like gastrointestinal irritations, allergic reactions, and restlessness. Another problem is St. Johns Wort has not been tested for its long term safety. For more information visit the website

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    Increases blood flow to brainLarge doses can cause restlessness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

    Ginkgo biloba's has been proven to increase blood flow to the brain in many scientific studies. Enhanced blood flow has also been shown to alleviate disorders such as calf muscle blood vessel atherosclerosis and varicose veins. There are few mild side effects that may come with taking Ginko biloba, but if taken in large doses, it can cause restlessness, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

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    Believed to stimulate immune systemStudies use echinacea concentrate - not the same as what is sold

    Echinacea is thought to be a stimulant to the immune system, making it a low risk and effective alternative to some cold medicines. Studies that have proven this to be true, tested Echinacea concentrate, not Echinacea sold in stores. Thus, Echinacea sold in stores may not be potent enough, and it is possible that additional substances are in Echinacea supplements. It is important to find out about the product manufacturer's reputation.

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    Clinical tests show mixed results for claims

    Ginseng is said to stimulates the immune system, elevate mood, and improve physical and mental performance. However, clinical data has shown mixed results for these claims.

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    May boost immune system, increase metabolism, act as antioxidant, lower cholesterol and triglycerides

    Green Tea has been proven in some studies to boost the immune system, help with weight loss, and also increase metabolism. Some other claims for green tea include: powerful antioxidant, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, decreases blood clotting, and helps protect against some forms of cancer.

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    Central nervous system stimulant and decongestantClaims:Increases body fat lossImproves athletic performance by increasing alertness and mental performance

    Ephedra is an example of a dangerous plant extract, and is also known as Ma Huang, epitonin or ephedrine alkaloids, including ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Ephedra is an extract of the Ephedra vulgaris plant and is marketed as a supplement to help with weight control and boost athletic performance. It is often combined with caffeine, which can augment its adverse effects Ephedra increases the bodys metabolism by stimulating many organs including the lungs, heart, and adrenal glands. However, stimulation of these organs can be life threatening.

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    Negative side effectsirregular heart rate, elevated blood pressure, dizziness, headache, heart attack, stroke, seizure, psychosis155 deaths and over 16,000 side effects FDA banned in April, 2004

    Ephedra has been reported to be involved in over 16,000 adverse health reactions, including high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. The FDA has also linked ephedra to as many as 155 deaths. Among those deaths, include the death of Korey Stringer from the Minnesota Vikings. Following his death, the National Football League (NFL) became the first professional athletic association to ban ephedra. It was the death of Steve Bechler, a pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, that escalated the FDA to consider banning Ephedra. About a year after Bechlers death, on April 12th 2004, Ephedra and Ephedra containing products were officially banned by the FDA.

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    No standards existLittle scientific evidence is availableCan be potent

    The FDA does not require testing of supplements for safety or effectiveness. Therefore, manufacturers of the herbal supplement can choose what to put in them. There has been some scientific research that shows benefits of herbal supplements; however, it is done on the supplements in their pure form, which generally is not the form sold on the market. Potency of an herbal supplement varies depending on where it is grown, growing conditions, such as soil and rainfall, and what part of the plant is used.

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    Additive or 1+1=2When two supplements are combined so the effect = DS1 + DS2 (Calcium and Vitamin D)Antagonize or 1+1=0When one supplement negates the effects so DS1 + DS2 = 0 (Creatine and Caffeine)Synergize or 1+1=3When two supplements are combined so the effect > DS1 + DS2 (Coenzyme Q10 and fat)Potentiate or 1+1 = 10Similar to synergism, but to a greater degree

    when CoQ10 is taken with fat, the action of CoQ10 exceeds what is would be if not taken with fat.

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    Stacking supplements can be detrimental, in some cases fatalExamples of stacking:Muscle MilkNO2 HydroxycutGAKICRedlineCreatine + Protein

    200 mg

    20 - 25 mg

    80 mg

  • Muscle-BuildingPerformance/Recovery AgentsWeight LossAppetite SuppressantsThermogenicsDigestion InhibitorsJoint HealthGeneral Health/Well Being
  • Steroids and Steroid-EnhancersLinked to liver toxicity, testicular shrinkage, and increased risk of heart attack and strokeAndro and Andro precursorsBanned for use by military personnel!Listed as Schedule III controlled substances Ephedra (Ephedra sinica)
  • Synephrine CompoundsBitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) and Country Mallow or Heartleaf (Sida cordofolia)Present in ephedra free compoundsValerianSold as a sleep aid: has a sedative effectCan be dangerous when mixed with alcoholKava KavaLinked to liver damage and liver failure!Banned in European countries and Canada
  • St Johns WortInterferes with a huge number of medications Safety warnings posted in other countriesAristolochiaFDA considers all products containing aristolochic acid to be unsafe and adulteratedUsnea or Usnic acidUsed for weight loss and pain reliefWarning issued by FDA on this product
  • GuaranKola nutYerba matGreen and black teaCocoaCoffee arabica
  • Omega-3 Fatty AcidsQuercetin dihydrateCoEnzyme Q10Glucosamine/
    Chondroitin SulfateAdaptogensHMBCreatinePre-ProbioticsZinc
  • Designed to give a burst of energyCaffeine: 33 mg - 80 mg per servingMost provide > FDA limit for colas Combines sugars, caffeine, amino acids, B vitamins, herbal products Taurine, carnitine, creatine, leucineGuarana, ginseng, and/or ginkgo bilobaMay contain inositol and glucuronolactone FDA does not regulate energy drinks
  • Potential side effects in heart rate and blood pressureAnxiety and nervousnessTaurine: 3 or > times higher than what is typically obtained through the dietLimited information to assess the risk of excessive taurine intakeGlucuronolactone: 100 or > times > what normal diet providesEffect of high glucuronolactone intake is unknown
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    Pre-digested proteinClaimBecause they are pre-digested, they will be absorbed better.FactThe body gets better use out of amino acids

    if they are broken down from whole foods.

    Amino acid supplements are simply pre-digested protein. Proponents of amino acid supplementation claim that because the amino acids are predigested, the body will absorb them better, leading to greater improvements in strength and muscle mass.

    However, the opposite is true. The human digestive system was designed to process whole foods. Therefore, the body gets better use out of amino acids if they are broken down from whole foods. Some people think that taking amino acid powders is helpful for increasing their muscle mass, but these powders don't actually have any special muscle-building effects.

    Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Although it's scientifically true that they're required to build muscle in addition to enough exercise, the human body can easily get all the amino acids it needs from protein found in food. So, if you work out properly and eat a balanced diet with enough protein, taking amino acid supplements won't actually do anything for you - except maybe empty your wallet.

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    Amino 2000Amino Acid Supplement ChickenBreast100% Whey ProteinSupplement Protein/Serving30 g /18 tablets31 g / 3.5 ounces23 g / 1 scoopPrice/31g of Protein $4.03 $0.62$0.93

    This chart compares a common food, chicken breast, to a whey protein supplement and an amino acid supplement.

    First, it compares the amount of protein in each RECOMMENDED serving. 1 serving of chicken breast is 3.5 oz. The recommended serving for the amino acid tablets 6 tablets, 3 times per day, equaling 18 total tablets/day. The recommended serving for the whey protein is 1 scoop.

    Chicken breast has the most protein/serving.

    Second, the price of the protein was compared. Thirty one grams of protein was used as the reference because there are approximately 31 grams of protein in 1 serving (3.5 oz) of chicken breast. This is equivalent to 1 and 1/3 scoops whey protein and 18 amino acid tablets.

    The amino acid supplement was 6.5 times the price of chicken breast and the whey protein supplement was 4.3 times the price of the chicken breast.

    This clearly shows that not only is there less protein in a recommended serving of amino acids supplements and whey protein, but they are also a lot less cost-effective.

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    Claims for supplementationSupports muscle growthIncreases muscle strength and massImproves recoveryProblems with supplementationDehydration Stress on kidneysIncreased calcium excretion Reduced intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals

    The list of protein supplements on the market is never ending. The marketing is intense promising anything from increased strength, energy, and/or muscle mass to losing weight, staying fit, and obtaining lean slender bodies. Although some studies have found an increased muscle size as a result of increased protein intake, few have reported an increase in strength. Large protein consumption in one setting that exceeds the bodys requirement will be converted into fat. It will NOT increase muscle mass.

    There are problems with taking protein supplements including dehydration, stress on the kidneys, and increased calcium excretion. If the athlete is using protein supplements in lieu of dietary intake this may result in reduced intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other important nutrients.

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