Page 1: Visual Techniques SB 1.4

Visual Techniques SB 1.4As part of your first project you will be asked to create an Illustrated narrative.

Share what you know about visual techniques, movie making, photography.

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Film and illustrations

Understanding how film makers use “shots and framing” to create a mood will help you choose how to use framing to illustrate your narrative.

Glue on the next open Page IYNB Visual Techniques. Academic Vocabulary: A technique is a way of carrying

out a particular task, so visual techniques are ways images can be used to convey narration.

Mood: is the overall emotion that is created by the authors language, tone and subject matter.

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FramingLong Shot

You can see the some background, as well as the majority of the character’s body.

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FramingMedium Shot

You can’t see as much of the background and the characters are shown from the waist up.

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FramingMedium Shot


Director is focusing on one part of the body and it takes up most of the frame.

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FramingExtreme Close-up Shot

You only see part of the face.

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AnglesEye Level

The shot is head on.

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AnglesHigh Angle (Birds Eye View)

The city looks smaller and less intimidating.

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AnglesLow Level

(Worm’s Eye View)

The man looks tall and powerful.

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Camera Point of View

Subjective Objective

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Lighting Low Key

High Key

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You as the director

Pretend you are directing an action movie:IYNB: What mood would you want to create?IYNB: What techniques would you use to

create that mood? IYNB: Explain your choices.

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Analyzing Visual Techniques

IYNB: Write down the following questions: 1. What framing is used to film the protagonist? (LS, MS, CU,

ECU) Why do this? 2. What angles are used in the opening scene? (Eye level, high

angle, low angle) 3.What kind of lighting is used? (High Key, Low Key, Neutral)

Why did the director use this lighting. 4. Which camera point of view is it shot from? Why did the

director choose this point of view?

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Visual Techniques The Lion King

While viewing, jot down how the director uses the visual techniques.

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30-Second Run DownWhat mood is created by using these


How is this mood created?

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Writing Prompt How does the director use a combination of

visual techniques to create a specific mood?

Topic sentence: The directors of The Lion King, Allers and Minkoff, use ___, ___, and ___ to create a ___ mood in the opening sequence of their film.

Evidence: For example, they use [technique 1] to ____Commentary: [connect the supporting detail to the mood]

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Revisit of a Wrinkle in time1. IYNB Analyze the mood of A Wrinkle in

Time? 2. IYNB provide textual evidence to support

your interpretation.

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Partner/Group work3. Imagine you are creating a film version of

A Wrinkle in Time. Work with your partner to plan and draft a visual frame that represents imagery from the text. Use a variety of techniques to achieve your goal.

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