Page 1: Vision Mainstreaming women in the development process and elevating their status in the society Raising awareness about children rights and the development

VisionMainstreaming women in the

development process and

elevating their status in the

society Raising awareness

about children rights and the

development of the

latent potential of

the children.


Establishing the rights of the

women and children, the

empowerment and


of women and children in the

mainstream of development

through various socio-


and awareness raising


History of the Ministry After independence, the Govt. formed ‘Women

Rehabilitation Board’ in 1972 and in the year 1974 the Board was transformed into Women Rehabilitation Foundation. • In the year 1978 Govt. Formed Ministry of Women Affairs for the Protection of

Women's rights. Finally it was transformed into Ministry Of Women and Children Affairs

in 1994.

Ministry of Women and Children Affairs Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


Gender perspective in National Plan for Disaster Management 2010 to 2015:

● Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD) has been revised with special emphasis on gender and diversity group.

● Revised SOD has outlined the role of women and accordingly in all committees representation from women is placed.

● All levels of committee from national to local have responsibility to ensure the overall security of women.

● Organize rapid assessment of damage and vulnerability of people giving special attention to women and children in coordination with Ministries of Women and Children Affairs and Social Welfare.

● As part of the cyclone and flood response plans gender issues are incorporated and ensure that the newly constructed cyclone shelters create separate facilities for women.

● Provision has for promoting gender, cultural and religious sensitivity training as integral components of education and training for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation

● Development of guidebook to ensure gender equity and inclusion of socially disadvantaged group in disaster management business.

● Incorporation of risk mitigation and risk reduction elements in all the development programs and plans of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs for empowering at risk communities.

● In order to strengthen emergency response systems women participation in the preparedness and disaster management activities is ensured.

Challenges and issues• Lack of attention of among

organizational leaders, policy makers and researchers about gender analysis and on to the uneven impact of disasters on gender groups.

• Lack of sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis of changes due to disaster.

• Lack of resources.• Poor involvement of women in the

decision making process. • Lack of participation of women in

particular and the local community in general in the planning and execution of counter disaster plans.

• Bureaucratic disaster response tends to be short term in its scope and fails to link disaster response and rehabilitation with development activities.

• Women's lower economic power in the society, socio -cultural restriction and tendency to coercively control women.

Gender Equality Policy related to Disaster prevention and Disaster ManagementThe government of Bangladesh firmly believes that gender equality is more than a goal in itself. The journey to ensure gender equality began since the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Constitution of Bangladesh guarantees women equal rights with men in all spheres of the State and public life as a fundamental right (28(2) and prohibits discrimination and inequality on the basis of sex.  Bangladesh has a long tradition in incorporating gender aspects and promoting women leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction at local and national level through policy directions. The government has approved The National Plan of Acton for Disaster Management which demonstrate a commitment to address gender issues.


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s fo

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Women’s participation in disaster management

Women in Disaster in Bangladesh (Cyclone, flood, etc.)

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