
Virtual Reality in the Digital Classroom

The best teachers utilize the technology of the era to enhance student learning. From the printing press to typewriters to overhead projectors, technology always has shaped the way we educate. As we enter the digital era, there has been something of a backlash against adopting new technologies in the classroom.

Industry expert, Emory Craig, has a broad background working in both academia and technology related fields. In his current role with The College of New Rochelle, he is involved in research focusing on how educators can use social media to engage students, and the ways wearable technology and virtual reality will shape education.

Emory CraigThe mobile revolution continues, but it’s quickly evolving into the wearable tech revolution. Our information and communication tools will move from our phones to our bodies and the clothing and accessories we wear. Right now, the change is most pronounced in Smartwatches and fitness trackers, but it will soon be everywhere.“ “

Digital Bodies

[R]elated to wearables is the incredible progress in augmented

and virtual reality. We are witnessing the development of an entirely new

media form, one that is unlocked from the rectangular screen on

the wall. We can now step into the screen—or have the characters

step out of the screen and into the physical space we inhabit.“ “

Craig sees immense potential for virtual reality in the classroom; in fact, he is already starting to incorporate this technology into his own classes. He believes VR allows students to experience highly realistic simulated environments and events, and learn from those experiences.

The digital revolution already has touched so many aspects of modern life. The challenge facing today’s educators is

how to use technology to enhance learning, without letting it become a distraction. After all, we already live in a digital

world, isn’t it time to start preparing students for it?

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