
Village ChurchVillage ChurchVillage ChurchVillage Church

United Church of ChristUnited Church of ChristUnited Church of ChristUnited Church of Christ

March 22, 2015March 22, 2015March 22, 2015March 22, 2015

Fifth Sunday in LentFifth Sunday in LentFifth Sunday in LentFifth Sunday in Lent

All music and words in this bulletin are reprinted by permission under, License #A-714276 and by CCLI, License #2910233.


March 22, 2015 10:00 AM

PRELUDE CHORAL INTROIT “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me” Spiritual WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP Liz Garrigan-Byerly *HYMN NO. 12 “I Sing the Mighty Power of God”

New Century Hymnal (black) ELLACOMBE



Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. We are truly sorry and humbly repent. For the sake of your son, Jesus Christ, Be gracious to us and pardon us; that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. Amen.

*WORDS OF ASSURANCE I receive God's forgiveness; it shapes my life; I share it with the world.

*PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST *HYMN NO. 212 “Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word”

Pilgrim Hymnal (red) LIEBSTER JESU


Children will be invited by a pastor to depart for their classes.

ANTHEM “God so loved the world” Bob Chilcott

SCRIPTURE Genesis 45:1-15, abridged and adapted (Page 37, in pew Bible)

Brian Dies SERMON “The Power of Forgiveness” Liz Garrigan-Byerly MUSICAL MEDITATION David Carrier PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Audra Teague Mackey THE LORD’S PRAYER

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

PRAYER RESPONSE NO. 509 “How Deep the Silence of the Soul” New Century Hymnal (black) TALLIS’ THIRD TUNE

THE OFFERING We love to know whom we are worshipping with. During the Offering please sign and pass the fellowship book located at the end of each pew. If you are new, please share your contact information so we can personally welcome you. Invitation Offertory “Wondrous Love” arr. Michael Sitton *Doxology and Presentation

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below Praise God for all that love has done, Creator, Christ, and Spirit One. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication *HYMN NO. 582 “O God of Earth and Altar”

New Century Hymnal (black) LLANGLOFFAN


*Those who are able, please stand.


Debra Dederich 84 Linden #2, Wellesley, MA 02482 617-875-4015 [email protected] Debra is a Scientist who has lived in the Boston area for 10 years after growing up in California. She is the mother of Antoni Scarano who was an active member of youth group. She is drawn to Village Church’s dynamic community and is a Friends of Fumbelo volunteer and Board member. Doreen and Hannah Grupposo 46 Curve Street, Natick, MA 01760 508-314-1006, [email protected] Doreen has lived in Wellesley and Natick all her life and is a Business Owner here. She wanted a church where she and her daughter, Hannah, could be a part of together. Hannah is in 8th grade and loves coming to church. She is an awesome soccer player and skier. Doreen and Hannah love to volunteer at church and are currently doing so for Family Promise. Zachary Newell 88 Rawson Road, Arlington, MA 02474 253-678-3461, [email protected] Zachary is a Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer who grew up in Seattle and Saudi Arabia. He has lived almost 3 years in the Boston area but has been in and out of the area for nearly 9 years. He has been attending Village Church for many years and feels his official membership in the community is long overdue!

TODAY’S NOTES Fellowship Hour 11:15 am, Village Common Following worship, please join us for coffee and conversation in Village Common. If you are new to Village Church, please stop by the Welcome Table. We are eager to help you find a home with us! Pastoral Care There are many ways that the Pastors and Members of Village Church help one another during the challenges of life. If you have, or know of, a pastoral care need, contact Liz Garrigan-Byerly at 781-235-1988 ext. 14. In case of a pastoral emergency, please call 334-521-2481. Care Kits and Hearing Devices If during the worship service you find you need a tissue, cough drop, or a drink of water, please ask an Usher to help you. The Ushers are in the back of the sanctuary. Hearing devices amplify sound anywhere in the Sanctuary. They are available at the back of the church. For assistance, please speak with an Usher. Chancel Flowers today are given by Julie Chapman in loving memory of her husband, Denny and their 69th wedding anniversary on March 20. FHC Coin Jar Collection To support the orphanage and the work they do, we conduct different activities throughout the year. If you picked up a Coin Collection Jar at our Alternative Christmas Gift Fair last December, please bring it with you this Sunday. We will be collecting the jars during Fellowship Hour. Thank you for your generosity. Cherub Choir Rehearsal 11:15 am, Sanctuary All children in K, 1st and 2nd grades are welcomed. Come sing! For more information, please email Linda Harding at [email protected]. Junior Choir Rehearsal 11:15 am, Youth Choir Room For information, please email Kevin McDonald at [email protected].

Middle School Youth Group 5 pm, Parlor High School Youth Group 7 pm, Parlor For information about youth programs, contact Pam Emslie at 781.235.1988 x15 or [email protected].


Would you like to deliver an Easter plant? The Community Deacons wish to share in the spirit of Easter by encouraging Village Church members and friends to participate in the delivering of an Easter plant after the 11 am Easter worship service. Delivering flowers to people can be a great source of joy. If you wish to help deliver Easter greetings from our church please email Liz Garrigan-Byerly. You may also just come up to the chancel after the service to pick up a plant and a card with the name and address of a recipient. Thank you for helping to share the Good News of Easter! Family Fun: Easter Craft Night Friday, March 27, 6:30-8:30 pm, Village Hall You’re invited (Everyone! kids, parents, grandparents, family, friends) Pizza, Dyeing Easter eggs, Easter crafts and more! $10 donation per family appreciated Please RSVP to Michaela McDonald at [email protected]. Couches for the Youth Room We are looking for couches for our youth room to replace those that were damaged during our recent plumbing problems. If you have a gently used couch that you would be willing to donate, please contact Bobbie Suratt at [email protected]. Please send a photo and measurements (length, depth and height). Our young people love their comfy youth room couches and want them to last a while, so we are particularly interested in couches that are in good shape and have some years left in them. We will arrange to pick up your donations.

Family Promise 6th Annual Walk Away Homelessness On Saturday, April 11th, Family Promise Metrowest will be holding its 6th Annual Walk Away Homelessness Event to support families who are homeless. Family Promise Metrowest (FPM) is more than a shelter for families. It is a place they can call "home" for as long as they need. More than 2000 volunteers, many in our church, provide safe, warm bedrooms for our families, three nutritious meals a day and lots of love and kindness. Since opening its doors in October of 2008, the Family Promise Metrowest has been "Home" to more than 145 children. Please help support FPM's mission of providing families shelter with a spirit of warmth, hospitality and respect. Please consider joining the Wellesley Village Church team for the walk or supporting one of our members who is walking. Registration is on the Family Promise Metrowest website. Village Bread Village Bread provides bread for communion at both the 10 am and First Worship services and made the bread for communion today. We hope this project will include many members of the church. We are looking for new bakers to assist us! We bake over a week: Tuesday is mixing and kneading, Thursday we set the loaves for the second rising, and Saturday we bake. This schedule means that the bread rises slowly in the refrigerator and no one has to devote an entire day to the process. A slow rise also allows the bread to develop the best flavor. Kneading takes about an hour and a half (Tuesday), setting the loaves about a half an hour (Thursday), and baking about an hour (Saturday). Our next round will be Tuesday, March 31, Thursday, April 2, and Saturday, April 4. We welcome one and all, whether new to bread baking, an experienced baker, or just curious. Bread is forgiving and yeast its own miracle. Please join us. For more information, please contact Peggy Mauldin ([email protected]) or Genanne Kissinger ([email protected]).

Easter Plant DonationEaster Plant DonationEaster Plant DonationEaster Plant Donation

Return this form with your payment to the Easter bag on the table in the Central Street Lobby by

March 23, 9 am.March 23, 9 am.March 23, 9 am.March 23, 9 am. Please print clearly! Given InGiven InGiven InGiven In (check only one)

� Loving memory of � Celebration of




ByByByBy (your name)


Cash $________

Check $________

Plants are $20 each, payable to Wellesley Congregational Church.

Please note Easter Plant on your check.

Following services on April 5, the plants will be taken to those

in need of encouragement or support.


The Rev. Mary Luti – Interim Senior Pastor The Rev. Pamela H. Emslie – Associate Pastor

The Rev. Elizabeth G. Garrigan-Byerly – Associate Pastor The Rev. Christina L. Braudaway-Bauman – Pastor at Large

The Rev. John C. Allen – Pastoral Resident The Rev. Audra C. Teague Mackey – Pastoral Resident

Linda C. Smith – Pastoral Residency Coordinator Michaela F. McDonald – Director of Children’s Ministries

David R. Carrier – Director of Music Dr. Kevin J. McDonald – Director of Youth Music

Jodi M. Hitzhusen – Music Director of First Worship Erin I. Donato – Church Administrator

Leslie W. Petzing – Controller Shawn Doung – Church Accountant

Tricia T. Kibbe – IT and Administrative Coordinator Felicia R. Nadel – Administrative Assistant

Christy L. Cadigan – Administrative Assistant Donald S. Banks – Sexton

Dolphe Richard – Assistant to the Sexton Gerardo Ortiz – Assistant to the Sexton

2 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02482


An Open and Affirming Congregation of the UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

What’s happening in 10 am Church School today?

• Kindergarten students and younger will be welcomed in their classrooms before 10 am worship begins. The Infant/Toddler Room is located on the main floor just outside the Sanctuary to the left of the Chancel. 2 year olds through Kindergarten classrooms are located on the upper floor. Children should be picked up promptly at the conclusion of worship.

• Grades 1-8 will worship with their parents until it is time for class, as indicated in the bulletin. At that time,

Grades 1-5 will meet at the signs downstairs in Village Hall and proceed to the following classrooms for a special activity. This week… Grade 1: Fishes and Loaves Cafe Grade 2: Artisans’ Market Grade 3: Artisans’ Market Grade 4: Storyteller’s Tent Grade 5: Games in Village Hall Grades 6, 7 & 8 will meet in Miriam’s Retreat. Classes for Grades 1–8 conclude at 11:15 or the end of worship whichever is later. Students in Grades 3 and below should be met by their parents at their classrooms. The Family Room is available for parents who aren’t quite ready to leave their infants and toddlers in childcare. In this room, parents will be able to listen to the worship service while their child naps or plays. This room is located upstairs beyond the library.

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