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Viking Warriors

By Anthony, Zahra, Jacob and Michelle

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Vikings worship swords because they believed they possessed magical properties. It was common for a Viking warrior To be buried with his sword.

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Vikings would inscribe runes on their swords with words such as ‘Deadly’ and ‘Vicious’.

Vikings were made out of iron, they also would decorate their sword with gold wire.

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Other weapons

Vikings would carry shields to battle to protect themselves from swords and spears. A shield would most commonly be one metre in length.

Some other weapons Vikings used where axes and spears.

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The Viking warrior

The Viking warrior were known as fierce pirates and warriors, who terrorized Europe from the late 700’s to about the 11th century.

The Vikings conquered parts of England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Russia and Spain.

The Vikings were also blood-thirsty and vicious. They were usually hairy and would rather go to war that stay at the village.

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Types of war

When Vikings invaded a territory, they launched a fleet of several hundred warships, each carrying about 30 warriors.

The chief of a raiding party ( which consists of 2-10 ships ) would usually aim for small, poorly defended, isolated farms, churches and monasteries.

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Thousand of warriors would land, overpower the defenders and rule the land with the help of there handcrafted warship.

The warship suited well in either rough seas or shallow rivers and could be dragged ashore.

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