








From Wenda: “I went for a walk to try to take pictures of the "face" of Salasaka but they do not like having their picture taken.”




Ecuador Blog September, 2016

Ecuador 09/03/16

The trip here was different in that I was traveling with my wife and she made the trip seem shorter.

We arrived yesterday about 5:30 pm, unpacked, took hot showers and got a good nights sleep. 

Today we went to Ambato with Guillermo and Elvia and then to Pelileo to get some copies made for the training tonight.

The rest of the day was spent setting up the training rooms and preparing for tonight.



The men met at the church with the children and the women met at Nelsons in the market.

We had 15 in attendance and I had prepared studies relating to the end times. There had been a lot of questions in the past concerning this.

The topics were:

1. What to expect in the end times.2. The Rapture.3. Lucifer.4. Christ's second coming.5. The final rebellion.6. The three Heavens & Eternity.

I asked them to pick 3 topics to study this week and the rest they could study at home using their Bibles to answer the questions.

They all wanted to study The Rapture, The second coming and The final Rebellion.

We started by defining Rapture using Genesis  5:24

and what happened to Enoch as an example. 

Then questions arose about the "Dead in Christ" rising first, from 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.

Just like Enoch there will be those who never experience physical death when Christ's Church is raptured.

It was a wonderful time spent in His Word with His people.

SBC was invited to participate in a service at the God is Love Church in Salasaka starting at 10 pm. It is the other evangelical church in town who's pastor is a lady.

SBC prepared a drama based on Luke 15:11-32, The Prodigal Son. 

There were a lot of Salasaka people there and we used this opportunity to present the Gospel.

The ladies have had questions about their role in the church as well as at home so we decided to study "Divine Design" by John Macarthur. It just happens that the book is in Spanish and comes with study questions. We began tonight looking back at Creation where the attack on God's design began and how feminism has continued the attack on the unique design of men and women. There were 18 ladies in attendance. We'll meet back on Monday night continuing through Friday looking at God's design for marriage and God's design for the church. (Pictures attached)

That's all from me (and Wenda) for today,











Ecuador 09/04/16

Today is Sunday and we attended PIBA in Ambato. The sermon was on what it means to live a sacrificial life and not to give up. Run the race  to completion as Paul said.  (1 Cor. 9:24)

From church we went to lunch then to the grocery store. Wenda is showing Elvia some new recipes.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in preparing for the service tonight at the SBC and for nightly training the rest of the week.

The sermon was taken from

2 Tim 3:1-5 with selected scripture from Zechariah 4:6, 1 Kings 18:11-13 and 1 Tim. 2:8-15.

After the sermon we celebrated the Lord's Supper with the believers.

There were about 25 in attendance not counting children. With children the place is very small.

Today was a good day to be about the Lord's work and being able to see the Father glorified.

Speaking of God being glorified, I forgot to mention proof of His working in the hearts of men here.

As you may remember I have mentioned such people as Pablo, Patricio, Franklin and Javier, Segundo's son. These men have been faithful in coming to the discipleship training for 3 years now and God laid on their hearts a desire to attend the seminary that Pastor Guillermo attends.

Last month they made application and obtained all their reference letters. 

This past Friday the married ones, Pablo, Patricio and their wives were interviewed by the board of admissions as well as Javier and Franklin.

All 4 men were accepted and start seminary September 10th.

What man could have ever guessed that after 3 years of discipleship and from a little church plant in Salasaka, Ecuador there would be a pastor ordained and 4 other men accepted into seminary.

Little is much when God is in it and He has a plan. (Pictures sent)

Please pray for the ministry here and the men God is raising up,


Ecuador 09/05/16

Today was spent getting vehicles serviced and being a food taster. That is a story Wenda will tell.

Tonight there were 13 men in attendance for the lesson on the Rapture of the Church. 

We answered questions such as what to expect prior to and during the rapture? Where we will be raptured to and what happens to those not raptured.

We will finish up on the rapture study tomorrow night and move to the Second Coming of Christ.

Well that's all for me today,


Guillermo and Elvia wanted some new recipes so this morning was spent showing Elvia how to make biscuits from scratch (picture sent). Guillermo provided the bacon and eggs. This afternoon we fixed homemade spaghetti sauce and fresh baked bread (picture sent). I wished I had gotten a picture of the “oven” it would have made the successful bread baking even more impressive. The reason Elvia is outside with the pan of biscuits is because the oven is a metal box that sits on the concrete structure to her right! But they were delicious.

The ladies training continued to discuss the matter of the submission of women with 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 as our reference.  The question was asked, “Should a woman submit to an alcoholic husband who is beating her?” Very sad testimonies followed from family members witnessing this. This is what sin does, the man and woman are not husband and wife but rather live together.  We will continue our lesson tomorrow night.





Ecuador 09/06/19

Today started with an outstanding breakfast of scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and home-made biscuits from Elvia using an imported recipe. It's hard to fathom that biscuits are now a new food item here in Salasaka.

From there we went to Condoragua to meet with Maria concerning Berta the daughter who is being abused by her husband Louise. 

During the women's study last night it was revealed that Louise was drunk Sunday afternoon and lit into Berta in front of the children, which happens quite a lot.

Berta has been trying for over a year to get rid of him but the police won't act and he threatens suicide when she tries to kick him out. 

Apparently last year the 5 year old son found him hanging from a tree and ran to Berta who cut him down and saved his life.

I asked her 11 year old daughter how she felt about her father and she said she stays with her grandmother, Maria, because she is afraid of her father.

We have scheduled a meeting with Berta tomorrow night at 10 pm to see if she really wants help in this situation and if she does we are going to help her so her daughter and son will not have to live in fear like they do now. (Pictures sent)

From there we went to Aurora's and Pablo's house for a bible study and lunch.

The study was on Proverbs 17 with most of the family in attendance. There was a good discussion on V. 28.


From there we met with Mercedes and Patricio concerning their desire to get married in the church in December. The conflict was that Patricio wanted a large wedding and was willing to borrow money to pay for it but Mercedes was not wanting any of that. A small wedding that they could afford was what she wanted.

The compromise that was suggested and accepted was a small affordable wedding in the church, now, and when Patricio becomes rich they can have a rededication of their vows and invite all of Salasaka. 😊Also Mercedes's sister and husband have moved to the coast and yesterday asked Patricio and Mercedes to take responsibility for Michele, their 17 year old daughter, so she can stay in school in Salasaka.

Patricio was against it and Mercedes was for it and wanted advice on what to do.

They were asked to take it to the Lord which they did. 

Patricio agreed today to take her in if a contract can be drawn up and all the rules agreed to beforehand so Michele knows the family rules. Tomorrow at 10 am we will meet to write down what is expected of her and then meet with Michele to make sure she understands the rules and consequences if violated. 

Tonight we had 13 men in attendance for our beginning study on Christ Second Coming. Tonight tied in the previous study on the Rapture and gave a more complete picture of the events and sequence. 

One thing that was brought out was that when Christ comes again he will bring with Him His Church to reign with Him in His millennial kingdom, that is us who believe in Him as Lord and Savior! 

(Rev. 19:14)

I guess that's all for tonight.


Tonight the Ladies training was such a blessing as the women participated in reading scripture and asking questions. We were able to finish the last 5 questions in Chapter 2 of “Divine Design.” Most of our discussion centered on the questions, “When and where is it appropriate for women to pray or proclaim God’s Word” and “In what ways are men and women equal and in what ways are they different?”  As you can imagine many questions arose but they were able to see God’s clear teaching in His word.


Ecuador 09/07/16

Today started with breakfast at Guillermo's but today the biscuit had egg, bacon and cheese in it. I think Wenda has unleashed the breakfast monster because the biscuits are getting larger and larger.

After breakfast we went to Ambato to drop off the laundry and go by the bank.

At 10 am we met with Patricio and Mercedes concerning their niece Michele and her living with them. We drew up a list of family rules that Michele needs to adhere to so that Patricio & Mercedes can have peace of mind.

They are going to meet with her tonight and discuss the rules and if she agrees then she will sign her copy. If she disagrees then her father and mother will have to make other plans for her.

After this meeting we went to lunch and then to Condoragua to meet with Angel we thought. The reason I say that is that the Lord had another plan. (Pictures sent)

Some background. The men that were accepted to seminary were not the only ones to apply. Orlando Morales who is married to Elizabeth also applied. 

(Orlando & Elizabeth were married in a ceremony with his brother Carlos and Mariuxi during a team trip  on May 11, 2014)

Orlando is the son of Angel and Lidia who was until recently leading the Condorahua Church, that's another story for another time. Anyway, Orlando, since he was a young boy, was heavily involved with the youth and his church.

Since he got married he has been less interested in church and even has not been coming to the trainings offered in Salasaka.

Well when he heard that the seminary was going to accept applicants he applied with Pablo, Javier, Patricio and Franklin but was denied. I knew this

but didn't know why. I suspected it had to do with the fact that when he went for his interview Elizabeth did not go with him. I was told that Orlando was very upset about not being accepted but he has not shown the desire to know more about God, that the other 4 men have shown over the last 3 years.

When we arrived at Angel's the family, including Elizabeth, were boxing tree tomatoes. (Pictures sent)

The Lord laid on my heart to speak to Elizabeth privately about Orlando, her and the seminary.

I asked why she didn't go with him to his interview and she said that they were saving money for a house and she didn't want to spend it on him going to seminary so he went by himself. I told her that the seminary is not going to accept a married man who's wife doesn't support him in his decision to attend and it is not good for a wife to put worldly things and herself before God.

At that moment she started crying and said that she has lost the love she once felt for the things of God and that her heart has gotten colder toward God and her husband and she doesn't know how to turn around. She said that for sometime she has known she was drifting away and wants to experience the warm heart she once had for God and her husband but didn't know where to start.

I told her that I thought we were coming to talk to Angel about church matters but God brought us here for you and today, right now, was the start of her reconciliation with God and family.

We talked at length about what she needed to do including asking forgiveness from God and her husband.

I told her about the women's training in Salasaka and gave her the book with instructions on how to study it.

I told her to get with Orlando tonight and pray together, start reading God's Word together, attend church regularly and start taking advantage of the training opportunities God provides for her. 

I also told her that Carlos and Mariuxi have been down the road she is on now but have overcome all that and have a strong marriage in the Lord.

That they would be a good source for encouragement and accountability.

This was the mini version of what was talked about but she thanked us for coming and helping her see a way to restore her relationship with God and her husband.

Hopefully Wenda will see her tonight at the women's training.

We left Condorahua and started the men's training continuing with our study on The Second Coming of Christ.

Tonight we compared how Jesus left this earth during His  ascension and how he will return as well as comparing the days of Noah and the days before the coming of Christ, according to the comparisons revealed in Genesis and Revelation.

There were 17 in attendance tonight.

Guillermo and I are headed to Condorahua again today to meet with Berta, Maria and Segundo. We have a 10 pm appointment with them to discusses the abuse of Berta by Louise so that update will have to be on tomorrow's report.

That's all for me today,


The ladies tackled chapter 3 tonight: “Marriage As It Was Meant To Be.”  Not surprisingly they have requested that their husbands go through this chapter as well!  This may very well be a future marriage training class…We began by discussing the death of the traditional family and looked at the characteristics of people in the last days using 2 Timothy 3:1-4 as a reference.  But our main focus was Eph. 5:23-33 as we looked at God’s directives for wives and for husbands. We ended with a discussion on the meaning of a final statement, “Your marriage is either a symbol or a denial of Christ and His church!”  After further explanation the ladies not only understood what that means but agreed with it. There were 23 of us in the training tonight (picture sent) and no matter the age, old or young, the ladies all seemed to hunger for an understanding of God’s word. It is a blessing to share with them and learn from them. Please pray that the Spirit of God would continue to teach us.




Ecuador 09/08/16

Last night after training 

Guillermo and I headed to Condorahua to meet with Berta, Maria and Segundo. We had a 10 pm appointment with them to discuss the abuse of Berta by Louise so this is the update report.

We arrived about 11 pm and Berta was there but so was Louise. Guillermo, Angel, Carlos, Segundo, Maria and I met in a little room to discuss what I thought was verbal abuse by Louise.

Berta started telling us about how last Sunday afternoon Louise came home drunk, started cursing at her and the children and saying all kinds of nasty things about her.



Divine Design

She was so beat down and felt like there was nothing left to no but commit suicide. She left the house put a wire around her neck and just before the wire tightened, cutting off her oxygen, she thought of her children and didn't go through with the suicide.

After talking with Louise he admitted he beats her and has committed adultery. 

At that point I pointed out that he was not fit to be called a husband or father, that he was just a little boy trying to impose his will on the weak and tonight was his last night with Berta.

I asked Berta what she wanted and she said peace and a divorce.


This has been going on for the three years I have been coming. Every time Louise is confronted he says he has changed, he loves Berta and will stop drinking and committing adultery but that is just his way of manipulating the family and anyone who tries to counsel them. Even two years ago when Pastor Larry counseled them he went so far as making a profession of faith but continued in his evil ways. He will say and do whatever he needs to and manipulate situations so people will feel sorry for him. He is a snake.

The previous is just a sampling of the sins that he has been involved in.

We all assured Berta that she had done all she could in trying to hold the marriage together but now the situation had gotten dangerous for her and her children.

I told her to get her children and go to her mother's house until the legal process could be arranged.

Carlos is a policeman and gave her the information she needed to get a restraining order.

Louise started begging Berta not to do it, he would change.

We blocked Louise while Berta gathered her children and valuable papers and took them to Maria's home for the night. 

Today at 9 am Maria, Berta, Carlos and I met at the police station to start the process. The attorney we met with was very sympathetic and the papers should be ready to be served on Louise by next Tuesday.

Maria told me that Louise came to their house looking for Berta after we left last night and also caught her getting off the bus this morning trying to convince her to not meet us. He even showed up at Guillermo's at 5 am wanting him to talk to me so I would talk to Berta.

This guy is evil and please pray that nothing happens to Berta or the children during this process.

Pray for Louise also that the Lord would touch is black heart and that he would truly repent before it is too late for him.

From Pelileo we went to Ambato to pick up laundry and buy some bibles.

After that we had lunch with Carlos and Mariuxi and encouraged them to encourage Elizabeth and Orlando in what they are going through in their marriage. (See previous report)

We had a really good time of fellowship. 

Today was also an especially clear day so I will send some pictures of the Ecuadorian scenery.

Tonight's training was attended by 17 men counting Louise who has not come in 2 years. 👺

The lesson was on His visible second coming, where He will appear and why he will come.

That's all for me today,


View from Salasaka

View from Salasaka

Ecuador 09/09/16

Today I had a meeting with Pastor Jonathan at PIBA in Ambato and tried to offer some encouragement. He is dealing with some personnel issues within Samaritan's Purse and stuff a pastor has to deal with in the church.

I gave him an update on the 4 men starting seminary tomorrow and he was so glad. He said that God has blessed the Salasaka Church with the calling of these men. He is one of the instructors and he already knows the men for being around them in church.

I also updated him on Berta and Louise so, acting pastor, Javier from PIBA won't get sucked in by Louise as he ministers on Sunday in Condorahua. Please pray for discernment so Javier won't fall for Louise's deceptions.

After the meeting I met Guillermo, Elvia and Wenda for lunch and a good time of fellowship was had.

The rest of the afternoon was spent packing and preparing for tonight's training.

Tonight's lesson was on the millennial kingdom of Christ and how the scriptures describe it.

There were a lot of questions on the children who are born during this time and how they, like us, have to come to the belief and trust in Christ as Savior to also spend eternity with Him.

Well that's all for this week’s training in Ecuador. We leave Salasaka at 3:30 am and will arrive RDU at 10:30 pm tomorrow.

For more pictures of Ecuador go to the FBCRM missions, Ecuador September blog.


Our chapter title Thursday night for the ladies training was, “The Excellent Wife at Work.” We focused on Proverbs 31 as our text. Unlike the night before where we had a robust discussion concerning the role of husbands in the marriage the ladies were much quieter. Twenty two ladies attended.

Tonight we finished our training, but not the book, looking at God’s plan for widows and single women. We also looked at Christian wives who are married to non-Christian husbands and how they should treat their unbelieving husband. We had a good discussion and prayer time. I am not sure how many ladies attended but we ran out of chairs and doubled up where we could.

After training the men arrived with bread and coffee. The men served the women and we all enjoyed a time of fellowship before saying goodbye. (pictures sent)




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