Page 1:  · Web viewidentifying what health risks will be targeted - they must include but not be limited to excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, health literacy, poor diet and

Fact sheet

Health Risk Factors Project

IntroductionTasmania Medicare Local has received funding through the Australian Government’s Department of Health and Ageing for the Social Determinants of Health and Health Risk Factors Project. This project is unique to Tasmania and offers an exciting new opportunity to explore innovative and evidence-based approaches, particularly through strong partnerships and shared vision. As part of the Tasmanian Health Assistance Package this project will focus on improving the health of Tasmanians through:

targeting known lifestyle-related health risk factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, health literacy and poor diet and nutrition; and

addressing the social determinants of health such as, but not limited to, social disadvantage, transport, housing, food and education.

Components of overarching project The program has three main interventions that will be implemented from March 2013 to April 2016:

the Exercise Treatment Initiative (March 2013 to April 2016) the Health Risk Factors Project (July 2013 to April 2016) the Social Determinants of Health Project (January 2014 to April 2016).

Guiding principles of overarching projectThe guiding principles upon which we will be working to achieve our aims and objectives are:

acting as advocates for change working collaboratively with key stakeholders developing trusting and respectful partnerships across multiple sectors committing to a coordinated approach to inform future policy development working purposefully to connect the health risk factors and social determinants projects so they

inform and complement each other.

The project has a steering group which consists of members from organisations across the State engaged in primary care and health promotion and also a community member. 4, 172 Collins Street Hobart TAS 7000GPO Box 1827 Hobart TAS 7001t 03 6270 6900 f 03 6224 5284ABN 47 082 572 629

Medicare Locals gratefully acknowledge the financial and other support from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

Page 2:  · Web viewidentifying what health risks will be targeted - they must include but not be limited to excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, health literacy, poor diet and

It is well understood that the health risk factors combined with the social determinants of health result in poor health outcomes for some Tasmanians. Similarly there has been evidence of strong desire for greater common effort to address these critical issues so the project plan and implementation are both timely.

Health Risk Factors Project PlanTasmania Medicare Local will undertake a process to develop, implement and evaluate a Health Risk Factors Project Plan. This is a key activity in the short term, with the plan due on 31 May 2013. This plan will include:

identifying what health risks will be targeted - they must include but not be limited to excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, health literacy, poor diet and nutrition

a justification for why these risk factors should be addressed what range of activities will be planned, implemented and evaluated to address the identified

risk factors which population and target groups will be the particular focus of the plan how the activities (programs, projects and other approaches) will be implemented and managed.

Key tasks in developing the Health Risk Factors Project Plan review the most recent Tasmanian Health Risk Data evidence review the current state and local government and non-government agency strategic context for

levering change review the frameworks, programs, policies and projects of others who have worked to address

the same risk factors identify potential key project plan partners consult with critical stakeholders and partners to prioritise the health risks and understand the

current level of activity to address the risk factors, evidence of success and gaps and other approaches which should be considered for inclusion with the plan. Analyse this data and assimilate it in to the plan

consider and include approaches which will intersect with future plans to support addressing the social determinants of health

consider and develop a risk management plan consider evaluation and what will be measured as part of the project activities, embedding the

project performance measures, methodology and evaluation in the plan draft a plan for review by the steering group submit the plan to the Department of Health and Ageing by 31 May 2013.


Leah Galvin – Coordinator, Social Determinants of Healtht 03 6270 6900 f 03 62705284

[email protected]

Updated May 2013

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