
Applied Biology Notes

Chapter 7.1: Life Is Cellular


The basic unit of _______________ and _________________ in living things.

They carry out life processes:o



All organisms are made of cells! They are either ___________________________ (single celled) or

_____________________________ (many cells).

SCIENTISTS: Match the correct scientist with his discovery/contribution.

______ Leeuwenhoek A. Discovered that all animals are composed of cells

______ Shleiden B. Invented the first electron microscope

______ Schwann C. Discovered that all plants are composed of cells

______ Ruska D. Was the first person to observe living cells under the microscope

______ Hooke E. Discovered that all cells come from existing cells

______ Virchow F. Observed and named “cells”

The CELL THEORY states:




Key Microscope Terms:

Lens –

Micrograph –

Total Magnification –






Utilizes WHAT to view specimen?

What does it allow you to see?

(what is the micrograph show?)

Total Magnification

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes:

Two Main kinds of cells

1. ________________ – Cells that enclose their DNA in a nucleus

2. ________________ – Cells that do not have a nucleus. The DNA is not separated from the rest of the cell.


1. Smaller and simpler than ______________________.

2. DNA floats freely in the _______________________.

3. Prokaryotes _____________, ____________and ________________to their environment.

4. Some prokaryotes can __________________ along surfaces and ___________________ through liquids.

5. An example of a prokaryote is ___________________.


1. Larger and more ____________________ than prokaryotes.

2. Most eukaryotes have dozens of ___________________ and ___________________ inside them.

3. The _________________ separates the DNA from the rest of the ________________.

4. _________________ live as single __________________.

5. Others make up larger __________________ with _________________ cells such as _____________,

___________________, and __________________.

Chapter 7.2: Cell Structure

Cells are different by:






A cell’s form fits its function

Similarities that cells share.

All eukaryotic cells (plant & animal cells) have the same general structures:




1. Nucleus = __________ __________

Has 3 main parts:




a. Nucleolus

b. Nuclear Envelope (membrane around nucleus)

Allow exchange of _____________ ( into & out of nucleus) Made up of a _________________ bilayer

c. Chromatin of nucleus DNA (and protein mixed in) Clumps up to form _________________ during cell division.

2. Cytoplasm – Gel-filled space that organelles float around in

Organelles – Mini “organs” – Perform ____________ ______________in cytoplasm.

(Ex: Mitochondria)

3. Cell Membrane – (aka plasma membrane) Boundary between ____________ and ____________ of cell. Made up of __________________ bilayer.


1. A part/piece inside of a cell that has a _______________ job.

2. Organelle means “_______- _______”

3. There are many ____________ types of organelles in cells.

Mitochondria – Location for ______________ ________________ process that makes ________ molecules (useable energy)

Ribosomes – Site for ____________ ____________ (Process by which proteins are made)

Endoplasmic Reticulum- ________________and ______________ materials.

Rough ER = With Ribosomes

Smooth ER = No Ribosomes

Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Body)

Fixes, _____________, and sends _______________ and other chemical products around the cell.

Lysosomes – Contain ___________ ____________ that breakdown ____________________ (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids) or __________________ bacteria.

Vacuoles – Storage (water, _________, _________)

Cell (Plasma) Membrane

Makes up _______________ between ______________ and _______________ of cell. Makes up phospholipid bilayer.

Special Structures of Plasma membranes

__________ moves materials across the cell surface _______________ helps the cell “swim” (pushes it through water like a __________).

Plant Parts:

Chloroplasts (Found only in plant cells)

Organelle where _____________________ takes place. Uses _____________(Energy) to make __________________ (food).

cell membrane

1. What is a Chloroplast? Chloroplasts are like “_________ ________ packs”

Trap light _________________ energy and turn it to _______________ energy for the cell via ___________________________.

2. Cell Wall (Only found in plant cells) Protects the plant cell and is _____________ to keep the cell’s _________- like shape. Outer-most layer of plant cells. The cell wall _____________ the plant cell’s insides and gives it _______________.

Chapter 7.3: Cell Transport

Cell Membranes:

Function of Cell Membranes

Cell (Plasma) Membranes:

1. Is the boundary between inside and outside the cell.

2. It controls what goes in & out of the cell.

Structures of Cell Membranes- Parts include:



Phospholipid Bilayer:

Made up of ______________________ in 2 layers “bilayer” AND many _________________ are squeezed into the membrane.

Protein Functions: The proteins in the phospholipid bilayer carry out many function.

1. ________________ - (catalysts) speed up chemical reactions

2. _____________ _____________ - carry materials into and out of cell.

3. __________________ - with other cells (“cell to cell recognition”)

4. _____ ___________ - as “chemical messengers”

Fluid Mosaic Model

Sometimes the membrane is referred to as the “________________________________________ model” because the parts move around constantly.

Cell Membranes are “Semi-Permeable” = allow _________ materials to pass through and restricts/stops others!

What characteristics might keep a molecule from being able to pass through a membrane??


Cellular membranes control traffic of molecules __________________________________ of the cell.

KEY IDEA: Molecules move because of _________________________ differences.

High Concentration of Molecules (dots)

Low Concentration of Molecules (dots)

Passive Transport Type of transport in which it is easy for molecules to move through/across cell membranes

NO ENERGY IS REQUIRED for the molecules to move because particles naturally move down a concentration gradient!

Molecules move from _________ __________ concentration

There are 3 types of Passive Transport:

1. ________________ Diffusion (movement of molecules straight through membranes)2. ____________________ Diffusion (movement of molecules with help from proteins)3. __________________ (movement of water molecules)

1. Simple Diffusion: Movement of the particles of a substance from where they are more concentrated to where

they are less concentrated ( molecules move from _________ ________ concentration) Doesn’t stop until ________________________ is established

2. Facilitated Diffusion: Is diffusion of molecules through ______________________________. This occurs because some molecules can’t simply squeeze through the

phospholipid bilayer, so they need help. Molecules move from _____________ ____________ concentration.

3. Osmosis: Special type of diffusion where _______________________ move

across a semipermeable membrane. Water molecules move from ________ ________ concentration.

3 Types of Aqueous Solutions: (use Kool Aid as a way to remember )


Transport protein

1. Hypertonic – (solution with):– LOWER concentration of water molecules (than the cell)… because there is a lot of solute (NacL)

What will happen to the cell? __________________

3. Isotonic – solution with equal concentration of water & solutes

What will happen to the cell? _______________

REAL LIFE APPLICATION: What is Plasmolysis?


KEY CONCEPT Cells use energy to transport materials that cannot diffuse across a membrane OR need to be pumped against the normal concentration gradient.

Let’s compare the 2 types of transport (active and passive)….

Passive Transport Active Transport

Molecules involved

Direction of molecule movement

1. Hypertonic – (solution with):– LOWER concentration of water molecules (than the cell)… because there is a lot of solute (NacL)

What will happen to the cell? __________________

Energy required? (yes or no)


Active Transport:

Allows a cell to move a substance against its normal concentration gradient.….so now molecules are moving _______________ concentration

Requires energy from the cell in the form of _________ molecules.

There are 3 types of Active Transport:

1. __________________ (proteins push molecules across membranes ______ _______ concentration)

2. Exocytosis (“sounds like___________”) – the process of expelling material ______________________.

3. Endocytosis - the process of taking large materials _____________________________.

So….Cells can _______________(bring in) & __________________ (move out) large materials or large amounts of materials using Endocytosis and Exocytosis active transport methods

Chapter 7.4 Homeostasis and Cells

Homeostasis – Relatively ____________ internal physical and chemical conditions.

Single-celled organisms1.




Unicellular Organisms

Prokaryotes are very _______________. They live everywhere (Ex: Bacteria_ Soil, on leaves, in the ocean, in the air and within the human body.

Multicellular Organisms

____________ _________ and other __________________ organisms do not live on their own.

They need other cells to _________________.

They become _________________ for certain jobs.

They _________________ with one another to maintain ___________________.

Cell Specialization

1. Some cells are specialized for _________________.

2. Some must ____________ to their environment.

3. Some must take in substances that the organism needs.Ex: air passages have cilia to sweep dust away to keep lungs clean.

Levels of Organization

Specialized cells are organized into ______________.

Tissues are organized into _____________.

Organs are organized into _______________ ______________.

Cellular Communication

1. Cells in large organisms use _________________ ________________ to communicate.

2. They can __________ ______ or __________ __________ activities of the cells that receive them.

3. Cells have _____________ ______________ to help communicate with other cells.Ex: ________________ to receive communication.

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