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Table of Contents

Introduction to Video Creation Scientist 3

Choose a Video Type 5

Video Creation Tools 7

Windows Movie Maker 7

Apple iMovie 7

Wideo 8

Stupeflix 10

Animoto 10

One True Media 12

Go Animate 13

Masher 14

Videolicious 15

Video Resources 17

Stock Photos and Videos 17

Stock Graphics 18

Voiceovers 18

Music 18

Final Words 20

Resources 21

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983209983090983088983089983091 983105983148983148 983122983145983143983144983156983155 983122983141983155983141983154983158983141983140

983118983151 983152983137983154983156 983151983142 983156983144983145983155 983152983157983138983148983145983139983137983156983145983151983150 983149983137983161 983138983141 983145983150983139983148983157983140983145983150983143 983138983157983156 983150983151983156 983148983145983149983145983156983141983140 983156983151 983154983141983152983154983151983140983157983139983141983140

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Introduction to Video Creation Scientist

Video creation is one of those things a lot of people seem to believe you have to

be a super genius mad scientist to be able to pull off but nothing could be further

from the truth Absolutely anyone who can use a computer can create a video

with the tools and resources that are available today

A lot of people who feel video creation is extremely technical are those who have

seen software like Adobe After Effects and other software that is complex to use

However you donrsquot need to add these high end effects to your average video

Yoursquore not looking to create the next Lord of the Rings movie Marketing videos

should be simple and to-the-point

Because you only need relatively simple videos you can use simple software

There are tons of resources you can use to create videos and many of them are

so easy to use that even children are able to use them successfully

In this report yoursquore going to learn about some of the tools and resources you

can use to create amazing videos that look completely professional and get

results without spending a fortune on complicated software or outsourcing the

creation and spending hundreds of dollars

So letrsquos get started

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Choose a Video Type

The first thing you must do is figure out what type of video you want to create To

do that you need to ask yourself a few basic questions

1 What is the purpose of your video

2 Is it purely for marketing on sites like YouTube

3 Is it for a sales page

4 Is it an educational video yoursquoll be selling

Different types of video require different video creation methods different

elements (such as photos video clips voiceover music etc) and differenttechniques

Here are some different types of videos you may want to create

1 Marketing Video ndash A marketing video is meant to sell a specific product

via sites such as YouTube Think of this type of video as a television


2 Sales Page Video ndash A sales page video is a bit like a cross between a

movie trailer and a television commercial Its purpose is to excite potential

customers present some basic information about the product and assist

in the sales process A sales page video can also be submitted to sites

like YouTube however due to its nature it wonrsquot be as effective without

the aid of the sales page

3 Educational Video ndash An educational video is typically created for one of

two purposes It is either meant to be a free video uploaded to sites like

YouTube in order to generate traffic or it is meant to be sold in some way

(such as on Udemy ClickBank or in a membership site)

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4 Video Blog Posts ndash You may also want to create a post for a vlog that

could be informative instructional present industry news interview

someone or it could just be entertaining

There are other types of video you may want to create but these are the most

popular for the average marketer

Once you know what type of video you want to create and what the purpose of

that video is you will be able to choose the best tools and resources for creating

that video

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Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

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gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

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Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

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gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

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983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

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983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

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gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

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gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

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The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

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Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


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Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

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Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

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Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

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Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

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Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

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Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

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If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

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Table of Contents

Introduction to Video Creation Scientist 3

Choose a Video Type 5

Video Creation Tools 7

Windows Movie Maker 7

Apple iMovie 7

Wideo 8

Stupeflix 10

Animoto 10

One True Media 12

Go Animate 13

Masher 14

Videolicious 15

Video Resources 17

Stock Photos and Videos 17

Stock Graphics 18

Voiceovers 18

Music 18

Final Words 20

Resources 21

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Introduction to Video Creation Scientist

Video creation is one of those things a lot of people seem to believe you have to

be a super genius mad scientist to be able to pull off but nothing could be further

from the truth Absolutely anyone who can use a computer can create a video

with the tools and resources that are available today

A lot of people who feel video creation is extremely technical are those who have

seen software like Adobe After Effects and other software that is complex to use

However you donrsquot need to add these high end effects to your average video

Yoursquore not looking to create the next Lord of the Rings movie Marketing videos

should be simple and to-the-point

Because you only need relatively simple videos you can use simple software

There are tons of resources you can use to create videos and many of them are

so easy to use that even children are able to use them successfully

In this report yoursquore going to learn about some of the tools and resources you

can use to create amazing videos that look completely professional and get

results without spending a fortune on complicated software or outsourcing the

creation and spending hundreds of dollars

So letrsquos get started

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Choose a Video Type

The first thing you must do is figure out what type of video you want to create To

do that you need to ask yourself a few basic questions

1 What is the purpose of your video

2 Is it purely for marketing on sites like YouTube

3 Is it for a sales page

4 Is it an educational video yoursquoll be selling

Different types of video require different video creation methods different

elements (such as photos video clips voiceover music etc) and differenttechniques

Here are some different types of videos you may want to create

1 Marketing Video ndash A marketing video is meant to sell a specific product

via sites such as YouTube Think of this type of video as a television


2 Sales Page Video ndash A sales page video is a bit like a cross between a

movie trailer and a television commercial Its purpose is to excite potential

customers present some basic information about the product and assist

in the sales process A sales page video can also be submitted to sites

like YouTube however due to its nature it wonrsquot be as effective without

the aid of the sales page

3 Educational Video ndash An educational video is typically created for one of

two purposes It is either meant to be a free video uploaded to sites like

YouTube in order to generate traffic or it is meant to be sold in some way

(such as on Udemy ClickBank or in a membership site)

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4 Video Blog Posts ndash You may also want to create a post for a vlog that

could be informative instructional present industry news interview

someone or it could just be entertaining

There are other types of video you may want to create but these are the most

popular for the average marketer

Once you know what type of video you want to create and what the purpose of

that video is you will be able to choose the best tools and resources for creating

that video

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Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

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gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

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Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

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gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

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983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

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983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

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gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

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gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

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The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

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Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


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Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

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Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

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Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

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Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

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Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

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Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

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If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

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Introduction to Video Creation Scientist

Video creation is one of those things a lot of people seem to believe you have to

be a super genius mad scientist to be able to pull off but nothing could be further

from the truth Absolutely anyone who can use a computer can create a video

with the tools and resources that are available today

A lot of people who feel video creation is extremely technical are those who have

seen software like Adobe After Effects and other software that is complex to use

However you donrsquot need to add these high end effects to your average video

Yoursquore not looking to create the next Lord of the Rings movie Marketing videos

should be simple and to-the-point

Because you only need relatively simple videos you can use simple software

There are tons of resources you can use to create videos and many of them are

so easy to use that even children are able to use them successfully

In this report yoursquore going to learn about some of the tools and resources you

can use to create amazing videos that look completely professional and get

results without spending a fortune on complicated software or outsourcing the

creation and spending hundreds of dollars

So letrsquos get started

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Choose a Video Type

The first thing you must do is figure out what type of video you want to create To

do that you need to ask yourself a few basic questions

1 What is the purpose of your video

2 Is it purely for marketing on sites like YouTube

3 Is it for a sales page

4 Is it an educational video yoursquoll be selling

Different types of video require different video creation methods different

elements (such as photos video clips voiceover music etc) and differenttechniques

Here are some different types of videos you may want to create

1 Marketing Video ndash A marketing video is meant to sell a specific product

via sites such as YouTube Think of this type of video as a television


2 Sales Page Video ndash A sales page video is a bit like a cross between a

movie trailer and a television commercial Its purpose is to excite potential

customers present some basic information about the product and assist

in the sales process A sales page video can also be submitted to sites

like YouTube however due to its nature it wonrsquot be as effective without

the aid of the sales page

3 Educational Video ndash An educational video is typically created for one of

two purposes It is either meant to be a free video uploaded to sites like

YouTube in order to generate traffic or it is meant to be sold in some way

(such as on Udemy ClickBank or in a membership site)

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4 Video Blog Posts ndash You may also want to create a post for a vlog that

could be informative instructional present industry news interview

someone or it could just be entertaining

There are other types of video you may want to create but these are the most

popular for the average marketer

Once you know what type of video you want to create and what the purpose of

that video is you will be able to choose the best tools and resources for creating

that video

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Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

983127983145983150983140983151983159983155 983117983151983158983145983141 983117983137983147983141983154

gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

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Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

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gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

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983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

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983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

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gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

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gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

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The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

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Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

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Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

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Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

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Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

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Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

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Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

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If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

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983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 4: Video Creation Scientist

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Introduction to Video Creation Scientist

Video creation is one of those things a lot of people seem to believe you have to

be a super genius mad scientist to be able to pull off but nothing could be further

from the truth Absolutely anyone who can use a computer can create a video

with the tools and resources that are available today

A lot of people who feel video creation is extremely technical are those who have

seen software like Adobe After Effects and other software that is complex to use

However you donrsquot need to add these high end effects to your average video

Yoursquore not looking to create the next Lord of the Rings movie Marketing videos

should be simple and to-the-point

Because you only need relatively simple videos you can use simple software

There are tons of resources you can use to create videos and many of them are

so easy to use that even children are able to use them successfully

In this report yoursquore going to learn about some of the tools and resources you

can use to create amazing videos that look completely professional and get

results without spending a fortune on complicated software or outsourcing the

creation and spending hundreds of dollars

So letrsquos get started

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Choose a Video Type

The first thing you must do is figure out what type of video you want to create To

do that you need to ask yourself a few basic questions

1 What is the purpose of your video

2 Is it purely for marketing on sites like YouTube

3 Is it for a sales page

4 Is it an educational video yoursquoll be selling

Different types of video require different video creation methods different

elements (such as photos video clips voiceover music etc) and differenttechniques

Here are some different types of videos you may want to create

1 Marketing Video ndash A marketing video is meant to sell a specific product

via sites such as YouTube Think of this type of video as a television


2 Sales Page Video ndash A sales page video is a bit like a cross between a

movie trailer and a television commercial Its purpose is to excite potential

customers present some basic information about the product and assist

in the sales process A sales page video can also be submitted to sites

like YouTube however due to its nature it wonrsquot be as effective without

the aid of the sales page

3 Educational Video ndash An educational video is typically created for one of

two purposes It is either meant to be a free video uploaded to sites like

YouTube in order to generate traffic or it is meant to be sold in some way

(such as on Udemy ClickBank or in a membership site)

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4 Video Blog Posts ndash You may also want to create a post for a vlog that

could be informative instructional present industry news interview

someone or it could just be entertaining

There are other types of video you may want to create but these are the most

popular for the average marketer

Once you know what type of video you want to create and what the purpose of

that video is you will be able to choose the best tools and resources for creating

that video

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Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

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gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

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Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

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gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

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983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

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983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

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gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

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gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

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The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

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Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

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Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

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Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

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Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

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Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

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Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

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If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

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Choose a Video Type

The first thing you must do is figure out what type of video you want to create To

do that you need to ask yourself a few basic questions

1 What is the purpose of your video

2 Is it purely for marketing on sites like YouTube

3 Is it for a sales page

4 Is it an educational video yoursquoll be selling

Different types of video require different video creation methods different

elements (such as photos video clips voiceover music etc) and differenttechniques

Here are some different types of videos you may want to create

1 Marketing Video ndash A marketing video is meant to sell a specific product

via sites such as YouTube Think of this type of video as a television


2 Sales Page Video ndash A sales page video is a bit like a cross between a

movie trailer and a television commercial Its purpose is to excite potential

customers present some basic information about the product and assist

in the sales process A sales page video can also be submitted to sites

like YouTube however due to its nature it wonrsquot be as effective without

the aid of the sales page

3 Educational Video ndash An educational video is typically created for one of

two purposes It is either meant to be a free video uploaded to sites like

YouTube in order to generate traffic or it is meant to be sold in some way

(such as on Udemy ClickBank or in a membership site)

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4 Video Blog Posts ndash You may also want to create a post for a vlog that

could be informative instructional present industry news interview

someone or it could just be entertaining

There are other types of video you may want to create but these are the most

popular for the average marketer

Once you know what type of video you want to create and what the purpose of

that video is you will be able to choose the best tools and resources for creating

that video

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Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

983127983145983150983140983151983159983155 983117983151983158983145983141 983117983137983147983141983154

gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

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Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

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gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

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983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

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983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

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gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

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gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

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4 Video Blog Posts ndash You may also want to create a post for a vlog that

could be informative instructional present industry news interview

someone or it could just be entertaining

There are other types of video you may want to create but these are the most

popular for the average marketer

Once you know what type of video you want to create and what the purpose of

that video is you will be able to choose the best tools and resources for creating

that video

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983095

Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

983127983145983150983140983151983159983155 983117983151983158983145983141 983117983137983147983141983154

gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983097

Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983089

gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

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gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

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Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

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Video Creation Tools

The number of video creation tools available is absolutely astounding Video has

become the preferred media of the internet thanks to ever-increasing bandwidth

availability and companies have responded by creating tools that make the video

creation process faster and easier than ever

We are going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to create videos

983127983145983150983140983151983159983155 983117983151983158983145983141 983117983137983147983141983154

gtgt httpwindowsmicrosoftcomen-uswindows-livemovie-makert1=overview

If yoursquore a Windows user you can create simple movies with the free Windows

Movie Maker software This software is relatively simple to use though not as

simple as some of the web-based solutions

This software makes relatively basic videos It doesnrsquot include a lot of fancy

templates with impressive effects The effects it does include are simple

transitions such as fades and swipes But it includes enough features to get the

job done and itrsquos free

There are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use this software Just

search for ldquoWindows Movie Maker tutorialrdquo on YouTube or your favorite search

engine and yoursquoll find a plethora of learning material

983105983152983152983148983141 983145983117983151983158983145983141

gtgt httpwwwapplecommacimovie

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983097

Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983089

gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 8: Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983096

Apple users also have a good option in iMovie Unlike Windows Movie Maker

iMovie is not free The Mac version is currently $1499 and the iOS version is

$499 However iMovie comes with a plethora of templates that can be used to

create stunningly professional videos with no experience

If you want to create truly professional videos quickly and easily iMovie is

definitely one of the best options Their built-in themes and the music that comes

with them is hard to beat and the software is relatively simple to use for a non-

web-based solution

As with Windows Movie Maker there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach

you how to use iMovie


gtgt httpwwwwideoco

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983097

Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983089

gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 9: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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Wideo is a bit different than most web-based video creation solutions Instead of

providing a few themes and having users insert photos and videos to produce a

basic slideshow Wideo goes further by providing a way to create custom

animations using various shapes and icons

Above you can see an example of some of the icons they have available for use

in animations These icons along with various background colors and images

shapes text and music can be used to create very cool animated movies


If yoursquore looking to make something like a cool Flash animation Wideo is a good


Wideo has several different payment plans to fit all budgets For example you

can pay $9 to remove their branding from a single video or you can pay $150 to

remove the branding from every video you create for an entire year You can also

download a 1280x720 HD MP4 of a single video for $29 or you can pay $249 to

be able to download every video you create for a year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983089

gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 10: Video Creation Scientist

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8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983089

gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 11: Video Creation Scientist

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983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983089

gtgt httpwwwanimotocom

Animoto is another video creation system that uses templates to allow jazzed up

slideshow type videos They have a wide range of templates for everything from

general use to more professional styles

Their system is very easy to use You just need to upload some pictures choose

your music add a little text and press a button and your video is created

At the moment they have nearly 50 themes available for pro users Pricing starts

at $39 per month or $249 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 12: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983090

983119983150983141 983124983154983157983141 983117983141983140983145983137

gtgt httpwwwonetruemediacom

One True Media is a good option if you need something easy and free and you

donrsquot mind branding in your videos For creating a bunch of short 30-second or

less videos itrsquos a great option

However if you want to download your videos and use them for something like a

Udemy course or you want to upload them to places like YouTube and Facebok

yoursquoll need a pro account

A pro account increases your storage from 200 MB to ldquonearly unlimitedrdquo lets you

create 1-hour videos instead of 30-second videos and allows you to have

unlimited songs in each video as opposed to a maximum of three in a video with

a free account

A paid account is only $399 per month or $3999 per year if you pay annually

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 13: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983091

983111983151 983105983150983145983149983137983156983141

gtgt httpwwwgoanimatecom

GoAnimate is different from other video creation websites because it allows you

to put together animated cartoon videos You simply choose a starter cartoon

edit it and create your video You can move around various elements in the

environments add characters change their look and more

Plans start at $39 per month or $299 per year and go up to $79 per month or

$599 per year

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 14: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1424

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983092


gtgt httpwwwmashercom

Masher is a very simple system that allows users to create simple videos for free

You simply choose a theme upload videos andor photos add some text and

save the video

Masher has very limited themes at the moment but itrsquos extremely simple to usewith a step-by-step system Best of all itrsquos free if yoursquore fine with branding on

your video

You can also download a non-branded video in the future but at the moment it

says this premium service is coming soon

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 15: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1524

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983093


gtgt httpwwwvideoliciouscom

Videolicious is made for editing actual video through an app made for iPhone

iPad and iPod Itrsquos best if yoursquore going to take videos and put them together into

interesting presentations Other video services can do this too but Videolicious

is made specifically for dressing up videos rather than making slideshows of


Videolicious has a number of different features It works very well on mobile

devices because you can choose video clips directly from your iOS device and

put your video together right on your device You can add a voiceover or music

add music from their huge collection of free licensed songs and then upload and

share it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 16: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1624

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983094

The personal plan is free and business plans range from $5 to $10 per month for

a single user but that is billed annually (If you canrsquot pay for an entire year at

once you can also pay monthly however the price is doubled)

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 17: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1724

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983095

Video Resources

Yoursquoll probably want to include some various resources in your movies You

could just use standard text on solid backgrounds but the use of things like stock

photos video clips clipart voiceovers and music adds depth and interest to your


983123983156983151983139983147 983120983144983151983156983151983155 983137983150983140 983126983145983140983141983151983155

Never ever grab images or videos from the web and use them in your videos

This is copyright infringement and could lead to some major legal troubles Itrsquos

not even a good idea to get images from ldquopublic domainrdquo image collections

because there is no way to verify with 100 certainty that those images were

uploaded by the legitimate copyright holder

Instead you must purchase your images and videos from a reputable stock

photo agency There are hundreds of stock photo sites perhaps thousands if you

count the smaller sites that sell images from only one photographer

Some good resources for stock photos and video clips include

gtgt httpwwwphotodunenet

gtgt httpwwwshutterstockcom

gtgt httpwwwistockphotocom

gtgt httpwww123rfcom

gtgt httpwwwfotoliacom

gtgt httpwwwbigstockphotocom gtgt httpwwwdepositphotoscom

gtgt httpwwwdreamstimecom

Yoursquoll find that most of these sites has the same basic collection of photos

however ShutterStock and iStockPhoto generally have the widest selection

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 18: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1824

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983096

Additionally iStockPhoto offers photographers a bonus for exclusivity so you

may be able to find images there that wonrsquot be found anywhere else Just keep in

mind that because iStockPhoto must pay a bonus to photographers for

exclusivity those exclusive photos will be more expensive than the rest of their


983123983156983151983139983147 983111983154983137983152983144983145983139983155

Photos and video clips arenrsquot the only thing you can use to jazz up your videos

Stock graphics are also useful especially things such as icons and cartoon

mascots that can be used to draw attention

Some good places to locate graphics include

gtgt httpwwwgraphicrivernet

gtgt httpwwwvectorstockcom

gtgt httpwwwgraphicsfactorycom


gtgt httpwwwfiverrcom

Perhaps the best place to get inexpensive voiceovers for your videos is through

Fiverr For as little as $5 you can get someone with a great voice to read your

script and then you can take the audio file they deliver and add it to your video


Just like you should never steal images or videos you should never steal music

for use in your videos You canrsquot just use your favorite song without permission

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 19: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 1924

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983089983097

Someone owns the copyright to it Even if theyrsquove passed away someone still

owns the copyright Want to use an Elvis song in your video Yoursquod better

contact Robert Sillerman the man who bought the rights to Elvisrsquo music from

Elvisrsquo daughter Lisa Marie

Of course there are stock agencies that sell royalty free music too These songs

are relatively inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of genres and styles

so you can almost certainly find the right one for your project

Some places to locate music include

gtgt httpwwwaudiojunglenet

gtgt httpwwwfreeplaymusiccom

gtgt httpwwwincomptechcommusicroyaltyfree

gtgt httpwwwsmartsoundcom

gtgt httpwwwroyaltyfreemusiccom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 20: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2024

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983088

Final Words

Creating video is actually much easier than you probably think The newest tools

make it incredibly easy to create videos even if yoursquove never made one before A

beginner can take a few photos an audio clip and some simple text and generate

a simple video in just minutes

No matter what type of video yoursquore looking to create you can have it done from

start to finish in anywhere from a few minutes to a day Even complex

educational videos are simple to create if you have the right tools

Keep in mind these simple rules and yoursquoll be making great videos in no time

1 Choose the right video type If you understand the purpose of your video

and your target market this shouldnrsquot be too difficult

2 Choose the right video creation tool Remember that some tools are better

suited to certain video types than others

3 Choose the right resources You need interesting photos and video clips

the right stock graphics and the right music or audio

Once you understand the basic creating a video is simple Just choose a tool

follow its tutorial or step-by-step instructions and yoursquoll have a video prepared

and ready to use before you know it

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 21: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2124

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983089


Here are some resources you may want to check out for more help

Video Marketing Graphics Pack is a collection of high quality templates and

graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed

You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos By inside

I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself And by outside

I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales

pages to make them stand out more

gtgt httppremiumwebgraphicscomVIDEO

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2324

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983091

If you want to make your own video course that sells like crazy and will make you

a fortune check out Video Creation Secrets Learn how to create high quality

video courses that will make you rich

gtgt httpeasydealbuildercomdealsVideoCreationSecrets

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2424

983126983145983140 983107 983145 983123 983145 983145 983120 983090983092

Page 22: Video Creation Scientist

8132019 Video Creation Scientist

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullvideo-creation-scientist 2224

983126983145983140983141983151 983107983154983141983137983156983145983151983150 983123983139983145983141983150983156983145983155983156 983120983137983143983141 983090983090

Discover the secrets to going from dead broke to filthy rich with your own

bestselling info product even if you have no clue how to get started

Info Product Fastlane is the must-read package for every entrepreneur

determined to make serious money on line Thats because the majority of folks

who come on line are searching for information to improve their lives in some


gtgt httpwwwinfoproductfastlanecom

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