
Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 62 6th Waning of Nayon 1373 ME Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

* Stability of the State, community peace and tran-quillity, prevalence of law and order

* Strengthening of national solidarity* Building and strengthening of discipline-flourish-

ing democracy system* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the Constitution

Four political objectives* Building of modern industrialized nation through the agricultural devel-

opment, and all-round development of other sectors of the economy* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical

know-how and investment from sources inside the country and abroad* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of

the State and the national peoples

Four economic objectives* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation* Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation

and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national char-acter

* Flourishing of Union Spirit, the true patriotism* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the

entire nation

Four social objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 21 June—Vice-Presidentof the Republic of the Union of Myanmar ThihaThura U Tin Aung Myint Oo attended the cer-emony to hand over paperwork on 500-ton FoodSecurity Shelter built under India-MyanmarFriendship Programme, donate cash to Tahlayearthquake victims, and sign MoU betweenMyanmar and India at the President Office hereat 6.10 pm today.

Present on the occasion together withVice-President of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oowere Union Minister for Foreign Affairs UWunna Maung Lwin, Union Minister for Na-tional Planning and Economic Development U

Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo attendsceremony to hand over paperwork on 500-ton Food

Security Shelter built under India-Myanmar FriendshipProgramme, donate cash to Tahlay earthquake victims,

and sign MoU between Myanmar and India

Tin Naing Thein, Union Minister for SocialWelfare, Relief and Resettlement U Aung Kyi,Union Minister for Industry-2 U Soe Thein,Director-General of the President Office U MinZaw and officials. The Indian delegation led byMinister of External Affairs of the Republic ofIndia Mr S. M Krishna was accompanied byIndian Ambassador to the Republic of the Unionof Myanmar Dr Villur Sundararajan Seshadriand embassy staff.

Union Minister U Tin Naing Theinhanded over the documents related to the FoodSecurity Shelter to the Indian External AffairsMinister.

Indian External Affairs Minister

Mr S. M Krishna presented cash donations toTahlay earthquake victims through UnionMinister U Aung Kyi.

In the presence of Vice-President of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha ThuraU Tin Aung Myint Oo, Union Minister forIndustry-2 U Soe Thein and Indian ExternalAffairs Minister Mr S. M Krishna signed theMoU “Between the Government of the Republicof the Union of Myanmar and the Government ofthe Republic of India on Setting Up of Indo-Myanmar Industrial Training Centre atMyingyan, Myanmar”, and exchanged the relateddocuments at the signing ceremony.


Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo attends the ceremony to sign MoU onestablishment of Indo-Myanmar Industrial Training Centre (Myingyan) between the Republic of the Union of Myanmar government

and the Republic of India government.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireWednesday, 22 June, 2011

Encourage combined farmingfor rural development

The government is in pursuance of thegoal of improving the socioeconomic life ofrural folks in all seriousness. Now, Union levelcentral committee, work committee and Regionand State level work committees have beenformed for rural development and povertyalleviation.

The goal covers development ofagricultural production sector, development ofrural productivity sector and cottage industries,development of micro saving and creditenterprises, development of rural cooperativetasks, development of rural socio-economy,development or rural energy and environmentalconservation.

According to the all-round surveys,Myanmar’s poverty rate has decreased from32 % to 26 %. Poverty rate must be halvedbetween 1990 and 2015 under the UNMillennium Goal. So, poverty rate must bereduced by 16% by 2014-2015.

The term of the plan is from 1 July 2011to 31 December 2015. Respective workcommittees will have to work hand in hand withrural people with a strong sense of altruisticspirit in various sectors in the interests of over300 townships and over 80 sub-townships.

Main source of farmers is cultivation ofseasonal crops that are at harvest in at leastfour to five months. So, they should engage inintegrated farming on a wider scale for theirsecondary incomes with which they can haveself-employed jobs, incomes, organic fertilizersand bio-fuel.

Improving living conditions for farmersand workers that are the basic class of thenation can enhance the dignity of the nation. Toensure rural development and povertyalleviation will be a dream come true if all thoseresponsible provide rural-based technicalsupport and capitals.

NAY PYI TAW, 21 June—JapaneseAmbassador to Myanmar Mr Takashi Saito calledon Union Minister for Information and for Culture UKyaw Hsan at Minister’s office here this afternoon.At the call, both sides cordially discussed mutualcooperation in production of TV programme,boosting media sector cooperation, cultural exchange

Union Information and Culture MinisterUnion Information and Culture Ministerreceives Japanese Ambassadorreceives Japanese Ambassador

and the advanced courses on archaeology, museumand culture.

Also present at the call were Deputy Ministerfor Information U Soe Win, Deputy Minister forCulture Daw Sanda Khin, departmental heads andofficials from the Ministry of Information and theMinistry of Culture.—MNA

Union Minister for Information and for Culture U Kyaw Hsan receives Japanese Ambassadorto Myanmar Mr Takashi Saito.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 21June—The ceremony toopen Special RefresherCourse No. 41 for basiceducation teachers washeld at Central Instituteof Civil Service (UpperMyanmar) yesterday,

Special Refresher Course No. 41 for basiceducation teachers at CICS

NAY PYI TAW, 21June—Deputy Ministerfor Health Dr Win Myint

Director-General, GeneralSecretariat of EU Council calls

on Dy Health Ministerreceived a European Uniondelegation led by MrRobert Cooper, Director-

General, GeneralSecretariat of the Councilof the European Union,External EconomicRelations, Politico-MilitaryAffairs, at the ministry hereyesterday morning.

They discussedmatters related tocooperation in healthsector, health expenses,renewal of MoUs oncooperation between thehealth ministry andinternational socialorganizations, issuance ofvisas for foreign experts,

UCSB Chairman U Kyaw Thu addresses theopening of Special Refresher Course No. 41

for basic education teachers.—MNA

Deputy Minister for Health Dr Win Myint receives European Uniondelegation led by Mr Robert Cooper.—MNA

addressed by ChairmanU Kyaw Thu of UnionCivil Service Board.

It was also attendedby Deputy Minister forEducation U Aye Kyu,member of UCSB Dr WinMyint, Mandalay RegionMinister for Educationand Health Dr Win Hlaingand officials concerned.

A total of 1503trainees are attending thecourse.—MNA

promoting of rural healthcare and arrangements forrealization of MillenniumDevelopment Goals onhealth.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 3

French Embassy convoy hit bybomb in Baghdad

BAGHDAD, 21 June— A roadside bomb exploded Monday morning next toa French Embassy convoy traveling through downtown Baghdad, woundingseven Iraqis, officials said.

A police officer said the bomb which was exploded at about 8:30 amlightly damaged one of the three armoured SUVs in the capital’s commercialKarrada area.

Four Iraqi guards working for a private security company employed bythe embassy and three civilian bystanders were wounded, the officer said. TheFrench Foreign Ministry said no one in the convoy was hurt in the explosion.

“Nothing indicates that members of our diplomatic representation weretargeted by this attack,” ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said in an onlinebriefing Monday.

The attack was part of a series attacks launched by militants in the capitalduring the Monday rush hour.

At about 7 am, gunmen in speeding car shot and killed with pistols fittedwith silencers a policeman in the southwestern Amil area, another policeofficer said.—Internet

Smoke billows from aburning car after anattack on a French

embassy convoy in theIraqi capital Baghdad.

Seven Iraqis werewounded as an

improvised bomb strucka French embassy car,

interior ministry andhospital sources said.


Taleban force Pak girl towear suicide vest, attack

security checkpointPESHAWAR, 21 June—

A nine-year-old girl,who was on her way toschool, was kidnappedby Taleban militantsover the weekend andforced to wear a suicidebomb vest. Accordingto the Daily Times, themilitants then directedthe girl to attack aparamilitary checkpointin Timergarah, but shemanaged to raise analarm and waseventually helped bysecurity personnel toremove the suicide vest.

The checkpoint runby Frontier Corps, waslocated about 10kilometres outsideTimergarah, the maintown in Lower DirDistrict.

Police and SohanaJawed addressed a newsconference in Lower Dir

District.They said theincident took place onSaturday as she washeading to her school inPeshawar.

Jawed said that shewas grabbed by twowomen and forced intoa car carrying two men.

Police in Peshawarsaid they are still tryingto confirm her story.


Afghan policemenstand next to a cardestroyed after asuicide car bomb

blast in Kunduz on 19June, 2011. Three

civilians were killedand eleven wounded

when a suicidebomber in a car

attacked a convoy offoreign troops innorthern Kunduz

Province, the InteriorMinistry said.


People inspect at the scene a car bomb attack inBaghdad, Iraq, on 20 June, 2011. A parked car

bomb targeted a passing police patrol in thenortheastern Shaab neighbourhood, killing and

wounding several people, officials said.—INTERNET

Afghan soldier who killed Ozarmy cook Jones ‘shot dead’ in

eastern AfghanistanKABUL, 21 June—An Afghan soldier who had

killed Australian soldier Lance Corporal AndrewJones has been shot dead.

The joined American-Afghan InternationalSecurity Assistance Force patrol had killedShafidullah Guhlamon near his home village in theKhost Province of eastern Afghanistan near thePakistan border after he refused to surrender, reports. The coalition forces had beenhunting for him since 30 May when he had killedJones, the cook, at Combat Outpost Mashal in theChora Valley near Tarin Kowt.—Internet

Afghan policemeninvestigate a roadsidebomb blast in Ghazni

Province on 18 June, 2011.Four Afghan private

security guards protectingsupply trucks for NATO-led troops were killed bytwo roadside bombs in

Ander District of GhazniProvince, southwest of

Kabul, the deputy policecommander for Ghazni

Province said.—INTERNET

Two carbombs kill

25 incentral Iraq

BAGHDAD, 21 June—Two car bombs near thehome of the provincialgovernor killed at least 25people and woundedmore than 30 in the city ofDiwaniyah in central Iraqon Tuesday, a DefenceMinistry official said.

“Two car bombsexploded almostsimultaneously near thegovernor’s home inDiawaniyah, killing 25people and woundingmore than 30,” theofficial told AFP.

It was not imme-diately known if thegovernor, Salam HusseinAlwan, was among thecasualties.


People inspectthe scene of a

bomb attack inBaghdad,

Iraq, killing 25people andwounding

more than 30.INTERNET

One NATO soldier killed inIED blast in S Afghanistan

KABUL, 21 June—A NATO soldier was killed inan Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast inrestive southern Afghanistan on Tuesday, bringingto four the number of casualties of military alliancein the country since Monday morning. “AnInternational Security Assistance Force servicemember died following an improvised explosivedevice (IED) attack in southern Afghanistan today,”said a statement issued by NATO-led InternationalSecurity Assistance Force (ISAF) here on Tuesday.

Earlier Tuesday, the multi-national ISAF alsoconfirmed losing two soldiers in two separate insurgentattacks in the country’s volatile eastern provinces onMonday. Another ISAF service member was killed inan IED attack also in southern Afghanistan on Monday.

Troops mainly from the United States, Britain,Canada and Australia have been stationed in thesouthern region within the framework of ISAF tofight Taliban militants there while US forces mostlyhave been stationed in the eastern part of theinsurgency-hit country.

Over 250 NATO soldiers, most of themAmericans, have been killed in Afghanistan sincebeginning this year.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

A river is pictured in the Costa Rican Pacificcoast. A new species of large land crab wasdiscovered on Cocos Island in Costa Rica, a

local newspaper reported on Monday.INTERNET

New large crab species discoveredin Costa Rica

SAN JOSE, 21 June—A new species of largeland crab was discoveredon Cocos Island in CostaRica, a local newspaperreported on Monday.

University resear-chers from Costa Ricaand the United Statesdiscovered the newspecies, named “John-garthia cocoensis,” onthe Pacific Ocean island.The distinguishing char-acteristic of J cocoensis,

according to theresearchers, is its largesize a male can measure40 cm (15.7 inches) withtheir front legs extended(females measure small-er). The crabs live inholes dug into the soiland eat primarily grassesand seeds.

Robert Perger andRita Vargas from theUniversity of Costa Ricaand Adam Wall from theLos Angeles County

Natural History Museumare credited withdiscovering the newspecies.

Perger told the localnewspaper that Jcocensis resembles the Jmalpilensis crab, whichlives on nearby islands.

“The similarity withother species in thewestern Pacific indicatesthat larvae (whichdevelop in the sea) mayhave crossed to CocosIsland by sea currents,”and then adapted to thehabitat to grow into anew species he said.

Cocos Island islocated off the coast ofColombia but within theterritorial waters of CostaRica and is the onlyisland in the WesternPacific that has a humidtropical forest climateand a wide variety ofanimal species.


Last shuttle crew arrives at NASAspaceport for launch practice

CAPE CANAVERAL, 21June—The four as-tronauts who will fly onthe last-ever space shuttlemission landed atNASA’s Florida space-port Monday evening (20June) to participate in adress rehearsal for their 8July launch.

Flying in a pair ofNASA’s T-38 supersonicjets, the crew toucheddown at 5:30 pm EDT(2130 GMT) here atNASA’s Kennedy SpaceCenter, landing on thesame runway theastronauts plan to usewhen they return to Earthat the end of theirupcoming mission.

The shuttle will becommanded by ChrisFerguson, who landed hisT-38 jet today withcrewmate Rex Walheim,an Atlantis missionspecialist. Atlantis’ pilotDoug Hurley rode in onthe second T-38 jet with

mission specialist SandraMagnus.

Over the next threedays, the Atlantis crewwill take part in a numberof training activitiesleading up to their suitingup and climbing aboardthe shuttle on Thursday(23 June) to proceedthrough their pre-launchchecklists as a simulatedcountdown ticks down tojust before engine ignition.

The training sessionhas been standard for allNASA shuttle missionsand is known as theTerminal CountdownDemonstration Test, orTCDT.

Meanwhile, shuttletechnicians working outon the launch padcontinued Monday in-stalling a cargo pod insideAtlantis’ payload bay.

Now positioned forlaunch, the Raffaellologistics module is packedwith more than 8,000

pounds (3,628 kilogra-mmes) of supplies andequipment for the spacestation. A separateexperiment platforms isalso packed in Atlantis’payload bay. Techni-cians were also busyperforming X-ray scansof support beams insideAtlantis’ external fueltank.

The 50-foot (15-metre) beams, called“stringers,” were beinginspected to ensure nocracks formed during arecent fueling test thatfilled the orange-browntank with supercoldpropellants subjecting itto the same supercoldtemperatures it willexperience on launch day.

Workers also beganreplacing fuel valve inAtlantis’ space shuttlemain engine no 3 todayafter seeing indications itwas leaking during thetanking test.—Internet

Nokia’s Chief Executive StephenElop speaks with a projected imageof the new Nokia N9 phone in the

background during a press briefingon the sidelines of CommunicAsia


Nokia to launch microsoft platformphones in 2011

SINGAPORE, 21 June—Finnishhandset maker Nokia Corp plans tointroduce its first mobile phones usingthe Microsoft Windows operatingsystem this year, the company’s chiefexecutive said Tuesday. Nokia is facing

steep competition from competitorsin several products. At the top end ofthe market it is struggling againstsmartphones such as Apple’s iPhone,Research in Motion’s Blackberry aswell as Android, and on the lower endagainst emerging market phonemakers who are dropping their prices.

Nokia will start to deliver theWindows-based mobile phones inbulk next year, CEO Stephen Elopsaid in a speech at a technology tradeshow in Singapore. “Our primarysmartphone strategy is to focus on theWindows phone,” Elop said. “I haveincreased confidence that we willlaunch our first device based on theWindows platform later this year andwe will ship our product in volume in2012.” Elop has acknowledged Nokiahas been too slow to meet the challengefrom competitors and has hinted thatthe company would drop its cellphoneprices.

Last month, the company warnedboth sales and profit margins in thesecond quarter would be substantiallybelow previous forecasts.


Researchers find new wayto add smell to TV

SAN DIEGO, 21 June—What if whenwatching Pirates of the Caribbean, youcould actually smell the ocean as CaptainJack Sparrow’s ship sped through it?Or if you could catch a whiff of thefantastic desserts contestants werepreparing on Top Chef? Adding scentto the entertainment experience is thepromise of a new technologydeveloped by scientists at the Universityof California San Diego collaboratingwith Samsung.

The new tech is far from the firstattempt at creating “Smell-O-Vision,”the name given to one of the techniquesfor introducing aromas to entertainmentexperiences in the 1950s and ’60s. Butit’s definitely the most sophisticated,said to be able to create up to 10,000different odors from a relativelycompact device.

“That’s the hypothetical number,”Sungho Jin, a professor ofNanoEngineering at UC San Diego andthe leader of the research team, toldPCMag. “It’s a matter of programming.All the odors would be pre-programmed,like sound is synchronized with theimage. So there are a lot of possibilities.”

Jin cautions that what his team hasdeveloped is just a proof of concept atthis point. The device keeps an aqueoussolution in several tiny compartmentsthat can be heated with a metal wirewhen the time comes to release thesmell. That turns the solution into a gas,and its pressure opens a tiny compressedhole in the compartment, making theodor “live.”

The breakthrough they discoveredwas mapping the odors on an x-y matrixto minimize the complexity of thesystem. Without that simplifying move,the device would need thousands ofindividual controllers to create odors,but the matrix approach could allow thedevice to be miniaturized so much thatit fits in a cell phone.

“If you want to do 10,000 odorswith 10,000 switches, that’s a verycomplicated device. But if you have anx-y matrix system, that device is morepractical. It’s not a problem doing100x100 on a 50-inch TV. Eachchamber would be millimetre size.

On a cell phone, you may not beable to do 10,000 odors. Maybe 100.”


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 5

Men’s waistlines could bekey to health

WASHINGTON, 21 June—Men can gain significanthealth benefits from watching their waist size and,if necessary, losing some flab around the middle,the American Dietetic Association says.

“Just as it’s important to know your bloodpressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and weightnumbers, men need to know their waistcircumference. So, get out the tape measure,”registered dietitian and ADA spokesman Jim Whitesaid in an ADA news release. For an average male,a waistline of 40 inches puts him into the “disease-risk zone,” the experts warned.

Excess abdominal fat, as opposed to fatelsewhere on the body, increases men’s risk forhealth problems such as diabetes, heart disease andsome types of cancer. This fat around internalorgans is known as visceral fat. To correctly measureyour waist size, wrap the tape measure over bareskin on your natural waistline, a little above thebelly button at the narrowest part of your torso.Don’t hold the tape measure too loose or too tight,White said.

“Eating better, decreasing stress levels,engaging in physical activity and getting at leastseven to nine hours of sleep every day can helpkeep a man’s midsection under control,” registereddietitian and ADA spokesman Manuel Villacortasaid in the news release.

Villacorta suggested reducing portion sizes,cutting back on alcohol and exercising regularly.


A nurse prepares a dose of vaccination againstmeasles. Congo aims to vaccinate every child inits second largest city after a measles outbreak

killed 32 people, health officials said.—INTERNET

Festival-goers inEngland sit in

hammocks in 2010. Ateam of Swiss andFrench scientists

published a study thatsuggests the rocking

motion of a hammockimproves sleep qualityand helps people get tosleep faster.—INTERNET

No amount of alcohol safeto drive

SAN DIEGO, 21 June—The standard US blood-alcohol limit may be 0.08 percent, but no amountof alcohol seems to be safe for driving, a sociologistsays. Study leader David Phillips and co-authorKimberly M Brewer, both of the University ofCalifornia, San Diego, examined official data fromthe Fatality Analysis Reporting System, includinginformation on all people who were involved infatal car accidents in the United States — 1,495,667from 1994 to 2008.

The data reflect blood-alcohol content inincrements of 0.01. “Accidents are 36.6 percentmore severe even when alcohol was barelydetectable in a driver’s blood,” Phillips said in astatement.

The study, published in the journal Addiction,found even with a blood alcohol level of 0.01, thereare 4.33 serious injuries for every non-seriousinjury vs 3.17 for sober drivers.—Internet

PNC to buy RBC’s USretail division

A view of the PNC Bank building in Washingtonon 21 January, 2010.—INTERNET

PITTSBURGH, 21 June—US banking giant PNCFinancial Services Group Inc said Monday it agreedto buy the US retail division of the Royal Bank ofCanada for $3.45 billion. The acquisition, which isexpected to close in the first quarter of 2012, wouldgive PNC 424 branches in North Carolina, Florida,Alabama, Georgia, Virginia and South Carolina,creating a bank with 2,870 branches.

That would make it the fifth largest US bank ifmeasured by the number of branches, PNC said ina news release. RBC, as of April 2011 included $19billion in deposits and $16 billion in loans.

PNC Chairman and Chief Executive OfficerJames Rohr called the deal, “an outstanding growthopportunity for PNC.” PNC, which is based inPittsburgh, said it could reduce annual operatingcosts by $230 million.—Internet

Visitors look at Toyota vehiclesat the company’s showroom in

Tokyo on 17 June, 2011. ToyotaMotor Corp is on track to raise

overall production volumesstarting in July to levels plannedbefore the 11 March.—INTERNET

Toyota hiring 3,000 to 4,000temp workers in Japan

TOKYO, 21 June—Toyota said it will hire 3,000 to 4,000 tem-porary workers in Japan to be ready for a recovery in vehicleproduction as automakers bounce back from the 11 Marchearthquake and tsunami. Toyota Motor Corp will start recruitingthe factory workers in July, as production is now graduallyrecovering and expected to surge by October, companyspokesman Shigehiko Okamura said Tuesday. Automanufacturing is expected to be back at predisaster levels in thelatter half of the year.

Toyota, which employs 69,000 people in Japan, now hasabout 950 temporary assembly line workers, after not renewingcontracts that ran out after the disaster. Temporary workers areon a different, more flexible contract from other employees toadjust to production fluxes and save costs. The practice iscommon at Japanese plants, although it has some-times beencriticized as unfair. During its boom years peaking in 2005,Toyota had more than 11,000 such temporary line workers.

But Toyota’s production was hurt, first by the global financialcrisis in 2008, and then by massive global recalls that began twoyears ago. Nissan Motor Co, whose domestic production hasalso been hurt by the disaster, said it will hire more assembly lineworkers to keep up with recovering demand.—Internet

Goldman Sachsin Puerto Rico toll

road ventureSAN JUAN, 21 June—A coalition that

includes a unit of Goldman Sachs haswon the concession to operate two busytoll roads in Puerto Rico over the next 40years, the island’s governor said Monday.

The partnership of Goldman SachsGlobal Infrastructure Partners II andAbertis Infraestructuras bid $108 billionto operate the roads, Gov Luis Fortunosaid. They also agreed to make about$350 million in improvements andrepairs and maintenance under thecontract. The consortium beat out apartnership led by Morgan Stanley In-frastructure Inc, which bid $960 million,according to the Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnership Authority.

Fortuno said in a statement that thedeal would allow major improvementsto the roads that the government can’tafford to make and help the highwayauthority reduce its debt.

“This project will not just benefit thehundreds of thousands of drivers thattake these roads every day but will anextraordinary positive effect on theeconomy of the 12 cities through whichthese highways run and for Puerto Rico’seconomy overall,” he said.—Internet

If your school-age child has asthma, schooleducators and staff should know the specifics, incase of an emergency. The US National Library ofMedicine says parents should consider an actionasthma plan for school. The agency says the planshould include:* A short explanation of your child’s history of

asthma.* Symptoms to watch for.* Contact information for doctors, nurses, parents

and/or guardians.* A list of the child’s asthma triggers.* The child’s best peak flow reading.* A list of medications, and how/when they are

taken.* Suggestions on how the child can be physically

active during gym and recess.—Internet

Health Tip: Create an asthmaaction plan for school

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

Nuclear chief warns no“business as usual”

VIENNA, 21 June—The head of the UN’s nuclearwatchdog warned on Monday that confidence inatomic energy had been “deeply shaken” by theFukushima disaster as he began a conference todebate the lessons of the crisis in Japan.

“The eyes of the world will be upon us in thenext few days,” Yukiya Amano said at the start ofthe five-day ministerial meeting of the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

“Public confidence in the safety of nuclearpower has been deeply shaken.”

Since the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima nuclearplant in the wake of the 11 March earthquake andtsunami, several countries, such as Germany andItaly, have decided to abandon nuclear power.

Still, Amano noted: “Nuclear power will remainimportant for many countries.”

“Nuclear events respect no borders so aninternational approach to nuclear safety is essential,”he added. “Business as usual is not the option.”

In a report to be handed to the agency’s 151

A picture taken by Tokyo Electric Power Co(TEPCO) shows IAEA inspectors looking at a

reactor building of the Fukushima Dai-ichinuclear power plant.—INTERNET

member states, the IAEA criticised Japan’s responseafter the Fukushima accident, especially its failureto implement the agency’s convention on dealingwith nuclear emergencies. The convention laysdown the rules for cooperation between the nuclearwatchdog and states that may need help, in theareas of security and communication.—Internet

NEW YORK, 21 June—A self-published authorhas joined James Patterson, Stieg Larsson and othersas a million seller on the Kindle. announced Monday that thrillerwriter John Locke, whose books are released throughthe online retailer’s Kindle Direct Publishing, hassold just over 1 million e-books, many of thempriced at 99 cents. His novels include “Vegas Moon,”“Wish List” and “A Girl Like You.” His latest workis an advice book he was well qualified to write:“How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months.”

Another self-published e-book sensation,Amanda Hocking, signed a six-figure deal earlierthis year with St Martin’s Press. But Locke says hewants to remain independent.

“It just wouldn’t be fun for me’” Locke wroteMonday in an e-mail message to The AssociatedPress. “I like the idea of being able to walk awayfrom writing if it stops being fun.”

Locke does have a literary agent, Jane Dystel,and said she is working on movie and TV and audiorights.—Internet

Self-published author JohnLocke sells 1m e-books

Airbus gets $15 billion in orders,commitments

This computer image provided by Airbus on 20June, 2011 shows an A320 in the livery of GECapital Aviation Services as Airbus says GECAS has ordered 60 new more fuel-efficient

A320 jets. More than 2,100 exhibitors from 45countries have signed up to take part in the

weeklong event showcasing both commercialand defence aircraft.—INTERNET

orders for 90 of itsA320neo, a version ofthe workhorse jet that’sbeen revamped to makeit more fuel efficient.

GE Capital AviationServices and Sweden’sSAS AB in combinationmade firm orders worthover $8 billion for theA320neo, a jet that Airbusis expected to begindelivering in 2015. LosAngeles-based Air LeaseCorporation also made acommitment for 50 of theaircraft including 14options.

The Europeanplanemaker announcedthe deals at the Paris AirShow, where the searchfor a cheaper and cleanerway to fly is emerging asa major theme.


worth $15 billion at listprices on the first day ofthe Paris Air Show, thecompany said Monday.

Of note were firm

LE BOURGET, (Franch)21 June—European jetmaker Airbus SAS tookin orders and commit-ments for 142 aircraft

People walk at thesite of a plane crash

about 1 km (0.6miles) from the

runway at the airportoutside the northern

Russian city ofPetrozavodsk in this

still image takenfrom video footageon 21 June, 2011.


FDA plan aims to increase import safetyWASHINGTON, 21 June

—US food and drugregulators would sharemore information withtheir foreign counter-parts as part of a multi-faceted strategy to policethe safety of millions ofimported goods.

A Food and DrugAdministration reportissued Monday lays outplans to deal with a floodof imports to the US,which have quadrupled

over the past decade.The FDA’s plan

recycles ideas that havebeen circulated by FDAofficials for more than adecade: computerizesystems for trackingimports and collaboratemore closely withregulators in developingcountries.

The FDA reportpaints a daunting picturefor regulators tasked withassuring the safety ofmost foods, drugs,cosmetics and medicaldevices sold in the USNearly two-thirds of allfruits and vegetablesconsumed in the US areimports, while 80percent of pharmace-uticals ingredients areimported from abroad.

“The shift in globalproduct flows will makeit difficult to identify the

`source’ of a product andto ensure that all playersalong the supply chainmeet their safety andquality responsibilities,”states the report.

The FDA has takensteps to increase foreigninspections in recentyears. The agencyopened its firstinspection offices inChina and India in 2008and 2009. That initiativefollowed dozens ofdeaths and hundreds ofallergic reactions in theUS to the blood thinnerheparin — which wasprimarily made from aningredient made at aChinese facility.

The FDA points outthat it increased inspec-tions of foreign drug-manufacturing sites by27 percent between 2007and 2009. But a 2010Government Accounta-bility Office report foundthat the agency is stillinspecting less than 11percent of the plants onits own list of high-priority sites.


Fire fighters take partin a fire drill in

Jiaozhou bay subseatunnel in Qingdao, east

China’s ShandongProvince, on 21 June,


Demand for video drivingmobile data traffic

the go. Some analysts and investors have alsodoubted whether the operators can fully profit fromthe change, as they have to invest in their networksto support the demand. “Continued aggressivegrowth in mobile data — fueled by video andapplication usage over faster networks and morepowerful, user-friendly devices — has created aformidable traffic management challenge forcarriers,” said Ronny Haraldsvik, vice president ofGlobal Marketing at Bytemobile.—Reuters

LONDON, 21 June—Up to 60 percent of mobiledata traffic is generated by consumers watchingvideo, with owners of Apple’s iPhone driving thedemand, according to a company that specializes intraffic management.

Bytemobile, which helps operators manage andcondense traffic, said the overall data demand wasalso likely to intensify as 90 percent of the total datatraffic was currently generated by just 10 percent ofmobile data users. The company said video watchedon iPhones generated 58 percent of data traffic, withphones on the Google operating system Android onslightly less at 52 percent, as smartphones nowcopied the usage patterns of laptops.

Mobile operators have been taken by surprise inrecent years by the intense demand for data services,as consumers opt to access the Internet and video on

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 7

Cash donated for renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan

NAY PYI TAW, 21June—A ceremony todonate cash assistancefor renovation ofancient Bagan pagodaswas held at Ministry ofCulture here thisafternoon, attended byUnion Minister forInformation and forCulture U Kyaw Hsan.

Also present wereDeputy Minister forInformation U Soe Win,Deputy Minister forCulture Daw SandaKhin, directors-generaland managing directorsof the two ministries,and donors.

Speaking on theoccasion, UnionMinister U Kyaw Hsanexpressed his gratitudeto the donors on behalfof the Culture Ministry

and said that it is awonderful chance todonate cash assistancefor renovation ofancient pagodas inBagan, a land of richcultural heritage.

The Union ministercontinued that therestill remain over 3,000pagodas in Bagan andinvaluable heritage willend in ruins unlessMyanmar peoplespreserve and maintainthose pagodas. So,measures are beingtaken to renovate theremaining pagodaswith the strength of thegovernment and thew e l l w i s h e r s .Renovation works areto be done with theaims of long-termexistence of invalu-

able heritage, enablingwellwishers to domerits by renovatingreligious edifices andenabling the public tofind inner tranquility atthose holy places.

Maintenance ofancient pagodas,stupas, monasteries,religious edifices andrest houses in Inwa,Sagaing, Mandalay andRakhine will be jointlydone by thegovernment and thepeoples like this one.Likewise, Thudhamarest houses inMandalay are underrepair, added the UnionMinister.

Union Minister forInformation and forCulture U Kyaw Hsan,spouse Daw Kyi Kyi

Win and familydonated K 5.5 millionfor renovation ofpagoda No. 2480-Dthrough DeputyMinister for Culture

Daw Sanda Khin whopresented certificate ofhonour to the donors.

Next, UnionMinister U Kyaw Hsanaccepted K 11 milliondonated by Brig-GenPyae Sone (Retd) andwife Daw Aye PyaeWai Khin of Yangon,K 202.5 million by UHtin Kyaw Lin and wifeDaw Nyein Nyein TintHsan and daughter MaLin Myat Chai of A.C.ECo Ltd from KamayutTownship for reno-vation nine pagodas,K 6.5 million by U MinNyi Aye and wife DawZin Myint Maung from

Thingangyun Town-ship, K 19.5 million byUnion Minister forCommunications, Postsand Telegraphs UThein Tun, wife Daw

Mya Mya Win and staffof CPT Ministry, K 35million by Daw NweNwe Soe and familyfrom Latha Township,K 12.5 million by staffof Yangon Region AllBus Lines SupervisoryCommittee, K 8.1million by Ministry ofForestry, K 1.5 millionby Nay Pyi TawCouncil Member UThan Aung and family,K 8 million by U WinSwe, wife Daw MinThwe Nu and sonAcademy Khant Sithu,K 6.5 million by U TinMyint and wife DawThein Han from

Kyimyindine Town-ship, K 2.5 million byU Htin Lin, wife DawSwe Swe Oo anddaughter Shwezin HtinLin of Mayangon

Township and pre-sented the donors withcertificates of honour.

A total of 12 donorsdonated K 311.6million for renovationof 20 pagodas. Since13 May, 2011, cashassistance have beenaccepted for 123pagodas that are inneed of renovation,and so far altogether26 donors havedonated K 412.3million for renovationof pagodas andpilgrims donated K10,229,000 and twounits of USD.


Myanmar focuses on anti-3D movementNAY PYI TAW, 21

June—With theassistance of GlobalFund, anti-3D camp-aigns have beenlaunched recently andrespective organizationare to redouble theirefforts to accomplishthe mission at real time,said Chairman ofMyanmar countryCoordinating Mech-anism (M-CCM) UnionMinister for Health Dr

Pe Thet Khin whileaddressing the 10th M-CCM meeting at hisministry here thismorning.

The Union Ministersaid that Myanmar isfocusing on combatagainst malaria, TB andHIV and regionalcountries are facing theproblem of resistance toanti-3D drugs and thusall countries are to takesteps to control the

problem.Programmes of

Global Fund inMyanmar implementedin the first quarter,measures for launch ofmore effective anti-3Dcampaigns, futureplans of 3D funds, andfindings of Global Fundmission in its fieldsurvey were discussedand suggestions weremade.

Those presentassessed the suggestionsand the Union Ministermade concludingremarks.—MNA

Tenth M-CCM meeting in progress atMinistry of Health in Nay Pyi Taw.


A wellwisher

makes cash

donation for

renovation of






Minister for


and for


U Kyaw





for Infor


and for


U Kyaw







of ancient




22-6-2011 NL.pmd 6/22/2011, 6:12 AM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

Vice-President Thiha ThuraU Tin Aung Myint Oo receivesIndian goodwill delegation ledby Minister of External Affairs

NAY PYI TAW, 21 June — Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin AungMyint Oo of the Republic of the Unionof Myanmar met Indian goodwilldelegation led by Minister of ExternalAffairs Mr S.M Krishna and party, atPresident Office here this evening.

Also present at the call togetherwith the Vice-President were UnionMinister for Foreign Affairs U Wunna

Maung Lwin, Union Minister forNational Planning and EconomicDevelopment U Tin Naing Thein,Director-General of President OfficeU Min Zaw and departmental officials.

The Indian External AffairsMinister was accompanied by IndianAmbassador to Myanmar Dr VillurSundararajan Seshadri and embassystaff.—MNA

Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo receives Indian goodwill

delegation led by Minister of External Affairs

Mr S.M Krishna and party at President Office.—MNA


of the Republic

of the Union

of Myanmar

Thiha Thura

U Tin Aung

Myint Oo

cordially greets

Indian Minister

of External


Mr S.M



Union Minister for Social Welfare, Reliefand Resettlement U Aung Kyi accepts cashdonation for quake-hit Tahlay from IndianExternal Affairs Minister Mr S.M Krishna.

(News on page 1)—MNA

YANGON, 21 June—Indiangoodwill delegation led by Ministerof External Affairs Mr S.M Krishnaarrived here yesterday evening.They were welcomed by YangonRegion Minister for Education,Health, Foreign Affairs andImmigration U Nyan Tun Oo, IndianAmbassador to Myanmar Dr Villur

Indian delegation tours YangonSundararajan Seshadri, MilitaryAttaché Col Rajesh Kumar andofficials, at Yangon InternationalAirport.

The visiting goodwill delegationpaid homage to Shwedagon Pagodaand donated cash for the Pagoda.After that, they paid tribute to KingZafar Shah’s Tomb.—MNA

Minister of External Affairs ofIndia Mr S.M Krishna donatescash for Shwedagon Pagoda.


22-6-2011 NL.pmd 6/22/2011, 6:12 AM8

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 9

Budget deficits to be handledwith effective management …

(from page 16)Yangon Electric Supply Board, Yangon CityDevelopment Committee and Mandalay CityDevelopment Committee apart from that of Unionlevel bodies.

Nevertheless, Region and State governments arestill in their infancy, so they need to identify particulartypes of projects they can implement with their own

funds. And in undertaking plans with funds, theorganizations related to the budgets of Region andState governments have to pay their incomes toRegion and State funds and draw expenditures fromRegion or State funds as scheduled. According to theprovisions, Region and State governments have torevise their budgets as they are facing budget deficits.Therefore, the first meeting of the FinancialCommission passed a resolution not to separate Regionand State governments’ budgets from Union budgetin the first six months of 2011-2012 fiscal year from1 April to 30 September. And the Union governmenthas administered the budgets for three months. Inview of the budgets of Region and State governmentsin the first quarter, Region and State governmentshave to submit such kinds of projects they canmanage by themselves in Region or State LegislativeList of Schedule II such as Finance and PlanningSector, Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Sector,Energy, Electricity, Mining and Forestry Sector,Industrial Sector, Transport, Communication andConstruction Sector, Social Sector, and ManagementSector.

Yangon City Development Committee, Mandalay

City Development Committee, Township DevelopmentAffairs Committees and Yangon Electric Supply Boardthat run with own funds are now included in the UnionBudget, and they are addressing issues in cooperationwith the Ministry of Finance and Revenue. Thoseorganizations will run with Region or State budgetsconcerned commencing 1 October 2011.

There is a plan to provide funds proportionatelyfrom the Union budget in dealing with cases due toRegion or State budget deficits according to the Unionbudget. However, Region and State governments will

Processes of dealing with budget deficits are to beimplemented with effective management to avert possiblehindrances to development of the nation and Regionsand States.

Union Minister for Finance and Revenue U Hla Tunreported on the budget for 2011-2012 financial year, andmatters for drawing a budget for 2012-2013 financialyear; and Region and State chief ministers and theMinistry of Finance and Revenue, Forestry, and Fish andMeat of Yangon Region, on respective budgets for2011-2012 financial year.

The Union minister for Finance and Revenue gavea supplementary report, and dealt with matters in whichthe Ministry of Finance and Revenue will renderassistance to Regions and States and ensuring collectionof all due taxes and revenues.

Union Minister for Construction U Khin MaungMyint reported on allocation of funds for roadworkand ongoing road and bridge projects in Regions andStates; Union Minister for National Planning andEconomic Development and for Livestock andFisheries U Tin Naing Thein, on fishing tasks inregions; Union Minister for Mines U Thein Htaik, onthe transferring of salt farming to Region and Stategovernments, and plan to implement mineralexploration and environmental conservation incooperation with them; Union Minister for TransportU Nyan Tun Aung, on inland water transport andmaintenance of waterways including the AyeyawadyRiver and the Chindwin River; Union Minister for RailTransportation U Aung Min, on the ministry’s income,projects for maintenance and upgrading old railroadsand building new ones, the building of railroads on thefour bridges spanning the Ayeyawady River, andprogress in implementing Kyangin-Pakokku RailroadProject; Deputy Minister for Communications, Postsand Telegraphs U Tint Lwin, on projects forcommunication facilities to be implemented byentrepreneurs with the assistance of the ministry inRegions and States; Deputy Minister for ElectricPower No.2 U Aung Than Oo, on ongoing nationalgrid projects in Regions and States; and Union Ministerfor Energy U Than Htay, on the State’s energydemand, consumption and availability, and progressin upgrading oil and gas pipelines and oil refineries.

In his concluding remarks, the Vice-Presidentsaid that in line with the constitution, the Uniongovernment has reduced centralization and restedmore authority in Region and State governments. Inaddition, it will provide as much assistance as it can.So, they should use funds more efficiently and shouldavoid environmental degradation in implementingdevelopment projects. He urged all of them to worktogether to ensure balance budget.—MNA

have to try till they can stand on their own feet.Region and State governments should have started

drawing budgets in talk with the Union government forthe projects they can implement with their own fundsfor the second three months of the first six months fromJuly to September and the second six months of the2011-2012 fiscal year from October to March.

In drawing budges for the second six months of the2011-2012 fiscal year, they will have to draw a budgeteach to be able to figure out how they can boostincomes and what they can do for greater incomes, andfind out the expenditures that are wasted due tomismanagement.

Besides, the Union government has talked withcentral bodies and Union ministries to completeimportant projects and reduce unnecessaryexpenditures in handling the budget for 2011-2012financial year. As a result of the combined efforts, thebudget deficits of central bodies and Union ministrieshave been reduced by K 553,202 million, and the ratioof budget deficit and GDP has been decreased 3.59 percent. So, Region and State governments will have tocarry out a careful revision to reduce budget deficits.

It is also to ensure a balance budget in coming years.

Indian External Affairs Ministerarrives in Nay Pyi Taw

NAY PYI TAW, 21June—The delegation ledby Minister of ExternalAffairs of the Republic ofIndia Mr S.M Krishnatogether with IndianAmbassador to MyanmarDr Villur SundararajanSeshadri arriving inMyanmar for goodwill visitleft Yangon for Nay PyiTaw today.

The delegates werewelcomed by DeputyMinister for Foreign AffairsDr Myo Myint and officials

at Nay Pyi Taw Airport.The Indian minister

and party called on UnionMinister for Foreign AffairsU Wunna Maung Lwin andfrankly discussed politicalaffairs between the twocountries.

Also present on theoccasion were UnionAttorney-General Dr TunShin, Deputy Minister forHome Affairs Brig-GenKyaw Zan Myint andofficials concerned.

The Indian guests





U Ohn










U Thein






Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin andMinister of External Affairs of the Republic of India Mr S.M Krishna

hold discussions.—MNA

later met Union Ministerfor Electric Power No. 1 UZaw Min to hold discussionon promotion of mutualcooperation in a friendlymanner.

The discussion wasalso attended by DeputyMinister for Electric PowerNo. 1 U Myint Zaw anddepartmental officials.

The Union ForeignMinister hosted a dinner tothe delegates at the AureumPalace Hotel.


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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

YANGON, 21 June —A delegation led by IndianMinister of External Affairs Mr S.M Krishna, onMyanmar visit, attended opening ceremony of 500-ton food security shelters donated by the governmentof the Republic of India in Dawbon Township ofYangon Region this morning.

Union Minister for Commerce U Win Myintspoke words of thanks and Mr S.M Krishna explainedthe purpose of the donation.

The two ministers unveiled the commemorativeIndia-Myanmar Friendship stone-inscription.

Then, they viewed the shelters together with

Food security shelters donated byIndian government opened

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe, Regionministers, Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Dr VillurSundararajan Seshadri, Military Attaché Col RajeshKumar and officials.

The Indian government donated ten shelters: threein Dawbon Township and one in Kawhmu Townshipof Yangon Region, and one each in Bogale, Dedaye,Pyapon, Kyaiklat, Mawlamyinegyun and LabuttaTownships in Ayeyawady. The steel structured shel-ters have the length of 90 feet, width of 40 feet andheight of 14 feet. Their base water clearance height is7 feet and they can store 500 tons of rice.

The delegation led by the visiting minister headedto Nay Pyi Taw after the ceremony.


(1) Development of agricultural productivity(2) Development of livestock breeding and

fisheries(3) Development of rural small-scale produc-

tivity(4) Development of micro saving and credit

associations(5) Development of cooperative tasks(6) Development of rural socio-economy(7) Development of rural energy(8) Environmental conservation

Eight tasks for ruraldevelopment and

poverty alleviation

NAY PYI TAW, 21 June—Coordinationmeeting for display by Myanmar TourismAssociation UMTA and Myanmar MarketCommittee MMC at Nay Pyi Taw Tourism Exhibitionand Food Exhibition, took place at Ministry ofHotels and Tourism here this morning. Union Min-ister for Hotels and Tourism U Tint Hsan delivereda speech on the occasion.

Head of Office U Yan Naing of the Ministryof Hotels and Tourism presented the resolutions of theprevious meeting. UMTA Chairman U Maung MaungSwe, MMC Chairman Dr Aung Myat Kyaw, Secretaryof Myanmar Tourism Board and Managing Directorof Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Hla Htayreported on undertakings for successful holding of theexhibitions and the completed work.

After that, Deputy Minister U Htay Aunggave a supplementary report. The Union Ministercoordinated essentials after reviewing the reports.


Coordination meeting fordisplay of UMTA and

MMC held

NAY PYI TAW, 21 June— A 25-member groupof Battalion-709 underformer Kayin NationalUnity/Kayin NationalLiberation Army PeaceCouncil returned to thelegal fold on 13 June af-ternoon at No.15 PoliceBattalion inKyaikmaraw, Mawla-myine District, MonState.

On the occasion,

Armed group returns tolegal fold

State Minister for Securityand Border Affairs of ColHtay Myint Aungextended greetings andMinister for KayinNational Affairs U SawAung Kyaw Thein gavean honorary speech.

Next, company com-mander Saw Hla Thanwith the rank of captainfrom the group handedover their arms to MinisterCol Htay Myint Aung.

With the arrangement ofthe state chief minister,Minister Col Htay MyintAung and Chief of SatePolice Force Nay Myoprovided K 2.5 million,25 bags of rice and threebags of peas to the group.

The group compris-ing two company com-manders, one vice com-pany commander, onewarrant officer and 21privates totaling 25returned to the legal foldtogether with their armsand ammunition includ-ing a walkie-talkie.


YANGON, 21 June —Thai Chamber of Com-merce (TCC) and theBoard of Trade of Thai-land (BOT) have ar-ranged 30 Thaientrepreneurs’ visit toMyanmar on 28 and 29June. They will holdmeetings with Myanmarcounterparts in variousbussiness sector at theRepublic of the Union of

Thai entrepreneurs to meetMyanmar counterparts on

29 JuneMyanmar Federation ofChambers of Commerceand Industry Headquar-ters here on 29 June.

Interested Myanmarentrepreneurs are tocontact InternationalRelations Departmentof RUMFCCI not laterthan 24 June either inperson or via Phone214344-49.


Union Minister for Commerce U Win Myint and Mr S.M Krishna open India-Myanmar Friendship stone-inscription in commemoration of opening of 500-ton food security shelter.—MNA

Coordination meeting for display by UMTAand MMC at Nay Pyi Taw Tourism Exhibi-tion and Food Exhibition in progress.—MNA

Company Commander Captain Saw Hla Than hands over arms to StateMinister Col Htay Myint Aung.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 11

South Korean menwalk past a Samsunglogo in Seoul in 2010.

South Korea’sSamsung Electronics

said it has been chosento provide next-


equipment to KDDI,Japan’s number two

mobile phoneoperator.—INTERNET

Samsung to build mobile basestations for Japan

services to eight mobileoperators around theworld.

In Tokyo, KDDI saidthe Korean firm wouldprovide small basestations, especially incities. It earlier selectedNEC Corp and MotorolaMobility Holdings tobuild the large stations forits LTE network.

Samsung said it aimsto introduce the besttechnology “for hotspotsin extremely dense userareas that require highercapacity mobile broad-band, whilst simultan-eously improving servicequality in weak-signalareas”.—Internet

KDDI is scheduled tostart a commercial serviceusing long-term evolution(LTE) technology nextyear, Samsung said in astatement without disclos-ing the value of the deal.

Global mobile opera-tors are preparing tolaunch new technologiesallowing faster wirelessdata transmission to caterto increasingly popularsmartphones and tablets.

Samsung, the world’ssecond largest mobilephone maker, alreadyprovides LTE equipmentto wireless carriers in theUS and the Middle East.

It said it is working tooffer commercial LTE

SEOUL, 21 June—South Korea’s SamsungElectronics said Mondayit has been chosen toprovide next-generationcommunications equip-ment to KDDI, Japan’snumber two mobilephone operator.

A member ofJapanese electronics

venture TESNewEnergy unveils apot that can chargemobile phones whileboiling water for usein earthquake andother emergencysituations, at a

demonstration inTsukuba City in

Ibaraki Prefectureon 9 June.INTERNET

NEW YORK, 21 June—Police in New York saythey arrested a mother for sending threateningletters to a Little League coach when her sondidn’t make the team.

Investigators said Janet Chiauzzi, 44, of LongIsland sent a series of letters to the coachthreatening his wife and 14-year-old daughterwith violence, the New York Daily News reportedSunday.

Chiauzzi allegedly also sent letters to officialswith the East Meadow Little League demandinghe be fired, police said, and sent a letter to theprinciple of the school attended by the coach’schildren claiming he was molesting them, thenewspaper reported.

Nassau County Protective Servicesdetermined the allegations were false, andChiauzzi was arrested Saturday and charged withstalking, falsely reporting an incident,endangering the welfare of a child and aggravatedharassment.


Mom arrested for LittleLeague threats

Study to evaluate online smoking cessationSEATTLE, 21 June—A Seattle

research centre is recruiting adult USsmokers for a study of online smokingcessation programmes, researchers say.

Study director Jonathan Bricker, aclinical psychologist who specializesin smoking-cessation research at theFred Hutchinson Cancre ResearchCentre, says that online smoking-cessation programmes are improvingbut could use some improvements.

“Quit-smoking Web sites reachmillions of adults 24 hours a day.Unfortunately, these Web sites havelow success rates,” Bricker, of theCancre Prevention Programme in theHutchinson Centre’s Public HealthSciences Division, says in a statement.

“Our team has revamped our Web

site to improve the experience for peoplein the study, which will help us findways to boost the success rates of quit-smoking Web sites.”

Study participants will learn newtools for dealing more effectively withdealing with the urge to smoke andreceive step-by-step quit guides andcreate personalized plans for stayingsmoke-free.

Participants will be randomlyassigned to one of two online smoking-cessation programmes. The success ratesof participants will then be compared.

“Our goal is to try to find whatworks and what doesn’t and what toinclude in these programmes and howto improve them so they can becomemore effective,” Bricker says.—Internet

China enters major flooding seasonBEIJING, 21 June—

China is entering its majorflooding season. Thesouth of the country isbracing for another roundof storms, and a tropicalcyclone near thePhilippines is on its way.

The Ministry ofWater Resources has laidout this year’s weatherconditions.

Rainstorms follo-wing lengthy droughthave brought flash floodsin China’s southernprovinces.

Since the beginningof June, water levels ofover 90 rivers in 10provinces had onceexceeded the alert level.Floods swept Zhejiang,Anhui and JiangsuProvinces, and set recordsin Hubei and Jiangxi.

In Linxiang Countyin Hunan Province, over2 metres of rain fell within6 hours, the heaviest in300 years, causing

China is entering its major flooding season. Thesouth of the country is bracing for another

round of storms, and a tropical cyclone near thePhilippines is on its way.—INTERNET

landslides in nearbyprovinces.

The good news is thatfor the time being, waterlevels in major southernrivers have remainednormal.

Apart from somebranches of the Yangtzeand Minjiang rivers, waterlevels in major rivers haveremained below alertlevel. The country’s sevenmajor waters systems arerunning calm.

Continuing rain haseased drought conditionsto some extent.

But some areas, suchas northwestern HubeiProvince, central andnorth Anhui, northJiangsu, and parts of NorthChina still suffer. Droughtcontinues to affect over48,000 square kilometresof arable land, and over600,000 people havedifficulty accessingdrinking water.—Internet

Family keeps hope for missing studentHAYWARD, 21 June—Members of

the family of a missing Californianursing student say they are holdingout hope she is alive even thoughpolice say they believe she is dead.

Michelle Le, 26, grew up in SanDiego County and moved to the BayArea to attend college and nursingschool. She disappeared fromHayward, Calif, 27 May.

“We wake up each morning andthink, ‘What can we do today to keepher story alive?’” Krystine Dinh, 23,a cousin of the missing woman, told

Two children touch anawarded model of the trainfor the Beijing-Shanghai

high-speed railway line onthe exhibition of an

industrial design competitionin Qingdao, east China’s

Shandong Province, on 19June, 2011. A total of 150

awarded works weredisplayed on the


the Los Angeles Times.“We don’t do anything normal

anymore.”Le’s family and friends have put

up billboards, started a Web site andoffered a $65,000 reward forinformation about her whereabouts.

Le was training at KaiserPermanente Medical Centre inHayward the night she disappeared,telling co-workers she was going toretrieve something from her car in thehospital parking structure.


22-6-2011 NL.pmd 6/22/2011, 6:12 AM11

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV ASIAN NAGA VOY NO (3)Consignees of cargo carried on MV ASIAN

NAGA VOY NO (3) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 22.6.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of S.P.W-7 where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914


Consignees of cargo carried on MV OCEANFRIEND VOY NO (37) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 22.6.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of S.P.W-1 where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914

The Republic of The Union of MyanmarNay Pyi Taw Council

(Special Development Project)Invitation for supply

1. Everyone is invited for supply of the followingMaterials;

Sr No; Description1. External electrification2. Internal electrification3. Airconditioning4. Lighting Arrestor5. Internal water supply & sanitation6. External water supply & sanitation7. Construction Materials8. Information & Technologies Work

2. Application forms are available at our officebefore end of 15-7-2011 and for further detailunder office hour please call: Secretary of SpecialDevelopment Project. Phone; 067-414205, 067-414467, 067-414202.

SecretaryPurchasing Committee

Armed policemen help evacuate villagers inLongtoushan Town of Dexing City, east China's

Jiangxi Province, on 19 June, 2011. Anotherdownpour strikes Dexing City again on Sunday

after countinuous heavy rainfalls in the pastdays, pushing up the water level of rivers here. A

total of 106 villages and more than 34,000people have been trapped by the flood as of 2:00

pm (0600 GMT) on Sunday. —XINHUA

A man takes part in thehomemade car race inKiev, Ukraine, on 18June, 2011.—XINHUA

Extinction-threatened Qiangculture calls for protection

after devastating earthquake

Celebration of Father’s Daydwarfed by Mother’s Day in China

TAIYUAN, 21 June—Kids forget! Fathers don'tcare! Shops ignore it! Fa-ther's Day in China is notenjoying the same levelof attention as Mother'sday. "On Father's Day, Iusually just send a textmessage to my father. Idon't call him because Ifeel it will be awkward tosay 'Happy Father's Day'to him," said Wu Ruihua,a 30-year-old woman inTaiyuan, provincial capi-tal of Shanxi.Father's Day,a day to honor fathers andfatherhood, is celebratedon the third Sunday ofJune and this year it fallson 19 June.

However, on Mother'sDay, Wu said she wouldnot only call her mother,but also buy a bunch of

flowers or go shoppingwith her mother and buyher some presents. WangHongyue, an employeewith a Beijing-based bank,said he had only offeredthree phone calls to hisfather in the past nine yearssince he first knew aboutFather's Day. "I often for-got about the festival whenI was busy!" Shoppingmalls in Taiyuan haveshown little enthusiasmabout Father's Day, com-pared with the fierce pro-motion campaigns onMother's Day.

A shoe salesman saidthat they did not pay muchattention to Father's day,and their shop had neverorganized promotions onthat day.

XinhuaCHENGDU, 21 June—

Although Wei Jun comesfrom Beichuan Qiang Au-tonomous County, theworst hit county of the 2008earthquake in China'ssouthwestern SichuanProvince, neither does sheknow the origin of her eth-nic symbol flower, nordoes she speak the Qianglanguage. The 25-year-oldgirl realizes her identity asa Qiang person only whenshe sings a toast song inthe traditional Qiangclothes with unique Qiangembroidery floral patternsduring festivals.

The Qiang ethnic mi-nority, with a history ofmore than 3,000 years, isone of the original ethnicgroups in China. It has apopulation of around300,000, who mostly in-habit mountainous areasin the Aba-Tibetan QiangAutonomous Prefecture inSichuan. The Qiang peo-ple have created a uniqueculture, which consists ofa variety of invaluable in-tangible cultural heritage.


Ukrainian girl Irynaplays a Chinesediabolo at CentralChina Normal Univer-sity in Wuhan, capitalof central China’sHubei Province, on 19June, 2011. Iryna is aninternational studentwho came to study inChina in 2008. Shelikes traditional Chi-nese sports and wishesthat she could introducesome Chinese sports toUkrainian children.


SANTA BARBARA, 21 June—The US safety netprivate, non-profit health centers and clinics forthose with no health insurance is stretched treating21 million, researchers say.

A report released by Direct Relief Internationalsummarizes the safety net provided to the mostvulnerable people in the United States and howreduced funding from both government and privatecharitable contributions has made their job a lotharder to meet the demand of those who have losthealth insurance because of lost jobs.

Direct Relief’s report says from 2006 to 2009,independently run non-profit organizations operatemore than 8,000 community-based facilities in all50 states that treat 21 million people, of whom 38percent lack health insurance and 71 percent ofwhom earn incomes of less than $22,000 a year fora family of four.

“This report provides a clearer view of thesheer breadth and critical role of America’s non-profit community health centers and clinics inproviding access to primary healthcare services,”Thomas Tighe, president and chief executive officerof Direct Relief, says in a statement.—Internet

21 million treated in non-profit clinics

Three killed, 7 wounded inbomb attack in south of

BaghdadBAGHDAD, 21 June—

Three people were killedand seven others werewounded, including apolice chief, in a bombexplosion in a town insouth of Baghdad onTuesday, a local policesource told Xinhua.

A bomb hiddenoutside a popular coffeeshop in the town of al-Mussyab, some 50 kmsouth of Baghdad, wentoff and killed three peopleand wounded sevenothers, the source said oncondition of anonymity.

Lieutenant Colonel

Salman al-Kharji, policechief of the nearby townof Jbala, was among thewounded as he wasinside the coffee shop,the source said.

The incident is underinvestigation, as the policebelieve that al-Kharji wastargeted by the attack, thesource added.

The town of al-Mussyab is part of theonce restive area, dubbedTriangle of Death, whichis a cluster of townsscattered north of Hillacity, the capital of Babilprovince, some 100 km

south of Baghdad.Violence and sporadichigh-profile bombattacks continue in theIraqi cities despite thedramatic decrease ofviolence over the past fewyears.—MNA/Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 13

Photo taken on June15, 2011, shows a

stone shaped exactlylike a pumpkindisplayed at an

exhibition in Guiyang,capital of southwest

China’s GuizhouProvince. A rare stone

exhibition openedTuesday in Guiyang,attracting numerous


Motorcycle drivers attend the 19th Toy-Run inVienna, capital of Austria, 19 June, 2011. Over1,000 motorcycles came with toys and money to

a child welfare in Petronell-Carnuntum nearVienna. Some 580,000 Euros were donated bythe activity to the welfare from 1993 to 2010.

Robber paid $1 for gum Police in Florida said a robber paid $1 for a

pack of gum when store clerks explained theycouldn’t open the register without a purchase.

Fort Lauderdale police said the unidentifiedrobber pointed a gun at an employee of the 1939NW Ninth Ave. Family Dollar store 1 June andordered a second clerk to open the register, theSouth Florida Sun Sentinel reported Monday.

However, the clerks explained they could notopen the register unless a purchase was made, andthe robber took $1 from his pocket and paid for apack of gum, police said.

Police said the man fled with the money fromthe register, including his $1. The incident wasrecorded by security cameras.

Investigators said the same man entered theneighbouring Caribbean Mizik at 11:50 am thefollowing day and took money from the register.

Craigslist hoax lists boat,van as free

A Wisconsin womansaid she was shockedwhen a group of peopleshowed up at her homein response to a hoaxCraigslist ad offering herboat and minivan for free.

Debbie Brown ofSheboygan said sheawoke Thursdaymorning at 7 am andfound about 18 peopleon her propertyresponding to the ad,which she did not place,the Sheboygan Pressreported Monday. Brownsaid the people told her aCraigslist ad had listedher boat and minivan asfree for the taking. Shesaid the ad told people

Capone’sgun up for

auctionA London auction

house said a nickel-plated revolver oncebelonging to infamousgangster Al Capone isexpected to sell for$80,000 to $112,000.

Christie’s auctionhouse said the six-shot,“police positive” gun,which will go up forauction Wednesday,was owned and usedby “the most famousmobster of all time”before his 1931 arreston income tax evasioncharges, the ChicagoTribune reportedMonday. The gun wasthen passed toCapone’s older brother,Ralph, and is now beingsold by a privatecollector, Christie’ssaid.

they could just take the10-foot Jon boat if shewas “napping,” so it waslucky her dog barked andwoke her up.

“If it wasn’t for mydog they could have takenmy boat,” Brown said.

She said about twodozen people respondedto the ad over the courseof the day Thursday andshe placed the boat inher garage with a signsaying it was notavailable. “I don’t knowwho did this but I’mgoing to track and dosome legal action,”Brown said. “I’ve neverhad anything like thishappen to me before.”

‘His Majesty’ renaming rejectedThe Swedish Tax Agency said it

denied a man’s request to have “HisMajesty” added to his name due tothe “misunderstandings” that couldresult.

The agency said it denied HansErik’s request under a 1982 namelaw, which gave officials the power

to reject names seen as offensive orotherwise unsuitable, The Localreported Monday.

“Titles used in society can oftenbe considered to lead tomisunderstandings and are thereforeunsuitable as first names,” the agencysaid in rejecting the request.

News Album

‘Jackass’ star Ryan Dunn dies in fiery Pa crashPHILADELPHIA, 21

June—“Jackass” castmember Ryan Dunn diedearly Monday of injuriessustained in a fiery carcrash, and speed mayhave been a factor, policesaid.

Dunn and apassenger in his 2007Porsche died after the carleft the roadway and burstinto flames, WestGoshen Township policesaid. The crash occurrednear the Philadelphiasuburb of West Chester.

The 34-year-oldDunn appeared on MTV

In this Nov 2, 2010photo, US reality

television personalityand daredevil Ryan

Dunn attends theJackass 3D UK

Premiere at a centralLondon cinema.


shows “Jackass” and“Viva La Bam” and thethree “Jackass” big-screen adaptations. Healso was the star of hisown MTV show,“Homewrecker,” andhosted “ProvingGround” on the G4 cablenetwork.

According to abiography posted on hiswebsite, Dunn was bornin Ohio and moved atage 15 to Pennsylvania,where he met BamMargera on his first dayof high school.


Mao’s Omega watch notproduct placement

HONG KONG, 21 June—The propaganda film“Beginning of the Great Revival” naturally is aprime advertising opportunity: It’s a star-studdedfilm that’s overtaken movie screens in China, acoveted market with 1.3 billion people.

In one scene, the actor playing CommunistChina’s founding father Mao Zedong accepts a goldOmega pocket watch from his girlfriend. The camerazooms in, making the Swiss luxury brand namevisible to viewers.

It appears to be a glaring example of productplacement — but the movie’s director and star bothdenied it late Monday on the sidelines of the film’sHong Kong premiere.

“It is definitely not. It is a detail of our propdesign,” co-director Han Sanping told The AssociatedPress.—Internet

Hong Kong actorChow Yun Fat and

Hong Kong actress WuHang Yee attend thepremiere of their newmoive ‘Beginning ofthe Great Revival ‘ inHong Kong Monday,

on 20 June, 2011.INTERNET

Moore, Moulitsas to beOlbermann’s guests

LOS ANGELES, 21June— The first guestson Keith Olbermann’snew US talk show will befilmmaker MichaelMoore and columnistMarkos Moulitsas, TheHollywood Reporter said.

“Countdown withKeith Olbermann” is tomake its debut Mondaynight on Current TV.

In an ad promoting

Keith Olbermannarrives at the “Defying

Inequality: TheBroadway Concert - ACelebrity Benefit forEqual Rights” at theGershwin Theatre in

New York on 23February, 2009.


the show on the cablenetwork, Olbermannpromised he will say whathe wants without fear ofgetting in trouble with hisbosses. “For every storythere is a flurry of heavilybiased, corporate-sponsored spin that candistract even the mostengaged viewer,”Olbermann said. “Andevery day we’re all left

with a bit less clarity …until now.” Olbermann’sdecision to join CurrentTV was announced inFebruary. In addition toexecutive-producing andserving as host of theshow, Olbermann wasappointed Current’s chiefnews officer. He leftMSNBC in January aftereight years, followingstormy interactions withmanagement, including asuspension for con-tributing to politicalcandidates.—Internet

‘Flights Over Neverland’ forJackson anniversary

SANTA BARBARA, 21 June— Helicopter flightsover Neverland Ranch in California are being bookedfor the second anniversary of Michael Jackson’sdeath. The singer was 50 when he died on 25 June,2009. He owned the Neverland Ranch in the SantaYnez Valley for years. Oxnard-based ChannelIsland’s Helicopters says the half-hour “Flight OverNeverland” event costs $175 per person and $500for a private flight of up to three people.

The Santa Barbara News-Press reports theflights run from 9 am to sunset on 24 June and 25June. A spokesman for the company says it hasalready booked about 100 passengers, with moreseats still available for 25 June.—Internet

22-6-2011 NL.pmd 6/22/2011, 6:12 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

Top Russian referee feareddead in plane crash

Red Bull out of NASCARat season’s end

80-year-old McKeon is Marlins’ interim manager

Genoa sign promising Merkel on loan from Milan

FIFA vice-president JackWarner resigns

Porto’s Villas-Boasin Chelsea talks

Lyon confirm Puel exit

Brazil see Copa testas springboard to 2014

RIO DE JANEIRO, 21 June—Reigning championsBrazil will be looking beyond next month’s CopaAmerica to the World Cup they will host in 2014,coach Mano Menezes admitted on Monday. The‘auriverde’ will use the Copa as a springboard to whatthey hope will be a sixth world crown but the lattertournament will be the clear priority - even thoughthey hope to put one over rivals Argentina, who hostthe continental showpiece from 1 July.— Internet

Swiss doctors waking Solerfrom induced coma

Jack McKeon

Highly-rated teenage Germanmidfielder Alexander Merkel

Claude Puel

A flag of the World Soc-cer Association FIFA isseen here in front of it’s

headquarters inZurich.— INTERNET

FIFA vice-presidentJack Warner


Porto coach AndreVillas-Boas

LISBON, 21 June— Portocoach Andre Villas-Boasis set to succeed CarloAncelotti as coach ofEnglish Premier Leagueside Chelsea, according toa report from Portuguesenews agency Lusa onMonday. Citing sourcesclose to the talks, Lusaclaims the London clubhave agreed to pay the 15-million-euro ($21.35m)departure clause in Villas-Boas’s contract. A formerassistant to Jose Mourinhoat Chelsea, 33-year-oldVillas-Boas led Porto tothree titles in his first seasonat the club: the Portugueseleague title, the PortugueseCup and the Europa

League.In doing so, he became

the youngest coach to wina European trophy. TheBlues are seeking to re-place Ancelotti, who wassacked at the end of lastseason after failing to landany silverware, just 12months after guiding thewest London club to anhistoric double of leagueand FA Cup titles.


MOSCOW, 21 June—One of Russia’s leadingPremier League footballreferees is feared to havebeen killed when a pas-senger jet crashed onto ahighway in the north ofthe country, according toreports. Vladimir Pettai,38, who has been a top-

flight Russian refereesince 2003 and in 2010earned the status of a FIFAreferee, was among the44 killed in the accidentoutside Petrozavodsk air-port, the RIA Novosti newsagency said.

The name V. Pettaiappears on the list of pas-sengers who were on theflight published by theemergencies ministry andis not among the list ofeight people who survivedthe disaster. RIA Novostisaid his death, while notannounced officially, hadbeen confirmed in sport-ing circles and at the sceneof the disaster. — Internet

ROME, 21 June—Highly-rated teen-age German midfielder AlexanderMerkel signed for Serie A outfit Genoaon loan from champions AC Milan onMonday. The 19-year-old Kazakhstan-born midfielder - who has appeared forGermany internationally up to Under-19 level and is adamant he wants toplay for his adopted country and notKazakhstan at senior level - has been atMilan for three years after he ended afive year spell at VfB Stuttgart.

Genoa - who finished 10th last sea-son as city rivals Sampdoria were rel-egated - also look set to complete thesignings of Guinean internationalmidfielder Kevin Constant from rivalsChievo and French central defenderKevin Vinetot from Serie B outfit

Crotona. All three players underwenttheir medicals on Monday with onlyMerkel signing on the dotted line - butboth Constant and Vinetot are expectedto finalise their deals in the comingdays.— Internet

GENEVA, 21 June—Doctors treating JuanMauricio Soler said Mon-day they are slowly wak-ing the Colombian cyclistup from his inducedcoma, a process that maytake days if all goes well.The 28-year-old rider is instable condition and hisrecovery is proceeding asexpected, but there areconcerns about the extentof his brain injuries andwhether he will suffer anylasting damage from hiscrash during the Tour ofSwitzerland last week.

“The anesthetic medi-cation has been stoppedand Mr. Soler is in a con-trolled wake-up phase thatwill last several days,” saidRoger Lussmann, thechief surgeon at St. Gallenhospital’s intensive care

unit. Soler was flown thereby helicopter Thursday af-ter hitting a curb, thensmashing into a spectatorand a metal fence duringthe sixth stage of therace.— Internet

LYON, 21 June—French football heavy-weights Lyon confirmedon Monday that ClaudePuel would no longercoach the club. The 49-year-old has failed to de-liver a trophy in his threeyears at the club since ar-riving from Lille. Puel hasa year left on his contractand could earn up to fourmillion euros ($5.7m) incompensation.

The club and Puel -

who won the French titlein his first coaching postwith Monaco in 2000 -failed to agree terms after aconciliation hearing or-ganized by the French Pro-fessional League (LFP) lastWednesday. “Lyon wishesto announce the departureof Claude Puel, who is nolonger the head coach ofthe club as of today (Mon-day),” the club said in abrutally short statement.


PARIS, 21 June—Em-battled FIFA vice-presi-dent Jack Warner has re-signed from all his posi-tions in internationalfootball, the world gov-erning body confirmedon Monday.

Warner, the influential68-year-old head of theCaribbean, North and Cen-tral American Federation(CONCACAF), had beensuspended last monthpending an investigationinto bribery allegations.“As a consequence of MrWarner’s resignation, allethics committee proce-dures against him havebeen closed and the pre-

sumption of innocence ismaintained,” said a FIFAstatement.

Trinidadian Warnerand Asian football chiefMohamed bin Hammamhad been suspended afterallegations that cash giftsof $40,000 were offeredto the heads ofCONCACAF’s nationalassociations in an attemptto topple FIFA supremoSepp Blatter in the presi-dential election earlierthis month. — Internet

MIAMI, 21 June—NewFlorida Marlins interimmanager Jack McKeonsat listening as team presi-dent David Samsonoffered a spirited defenseof the decision to give thejob to an octogenarian.Samson said the 80-year-old McKeon works harderthan many people half hisage and seems evensharper mentally than in2003, when he led theMarlins to an improbable

World Series champion-ship. In response to thecomments, a grinningMcKeon intentionallymessed up Samson’sname. “Thanks, George,”McKeon said.

The new, old skipperdrew some laughs at hisre-introductory news con-ference Monday, but thehiring was no joke. Nearlysix years after McKeonretired as the Marlins’manager, he returned tohis former job on an in-terim basis and will leadthe team for the rest of theseason. He becomes thesecond-oldest manager inmajor league history.Connie Mack managedthe Philadelphia Athleticsin a suit, tie and straw hatuntil 1950, when he was87. McKeon will wear auniform with No. 25.


CHARLOTTE, 21 June —The owner of energydrink Red Bull plans toleave NASCAR at the endof this season, The Asso-ciated Press has learned.Multiple people familiarwith the decision say a

team official traveled toMichigan Speedway andtold industry leaders Sun-day of the impendingmove. The people spokeon condition of anonym-ity because an official an-nouncement has not beenmade to team employees.

Red Bull is both theowner and sponsor of thetwo-car NASCAR team.The team has struggledsince its 2007 entry intoNASCAR and consist-ently has been plaguedby rumors and specula-tion that the Austrianownership group willleave the auto racingseries.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 22 June, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, rain have been isolatedin Lower Sagaing and Mandalay Regions, scattered inMagway Region, fairly widespread in Bago, Yangonand Ayeyawady Regions, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin andMon States and widespread in the remaining Regionsand States with regionally heavyfalls in Rakhine Stateand isolated heavyfalls in Bago, Ayeyawady andTaninthayi Regions, Mon State. The noteworthyamounts of rainfall recorded were Longlon (5.24)inches, Belin (4.96) inches, Gwa (4.49) inches,Maungdaw (3.78) inches, Bago (3.18) inches, Hinthada(3.14) inches and Nyaunglaybin (2.87) inches.

Nay Pyi TawMaximum temperature on 20-6-2011 was 90°F.

Minimum temperature on 21-6-2011 was 76°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 21-6-2011 was(84%). Rainfall on 21-6-2011 was (0.23) inch.

Nay Pyi Taw (Airport)Maximum temperature on 20-6-2011 was 88°F.

Minimum temperature on 21-6-2011 was 73°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 21-6-2011 was(84%). Rainfall on 21-6-2011 was (0.04)inch.

Rainfall on 21-6-2011 was (0.23) inch at Nay PyiTaw, (0.12) inch at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) and (Nil) atMandalay. Total rainfall since 1-1-2011 was (17.40)inches at Nay Pyi Taw, (40.59) inches at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) and (13.39) inches at Mandalay. Maximum wind

Tuesday, 21st June, 2011

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MSTOversea Transmission - (22-6-11 09:30 am ~

23-6-11 09:30 am) MST

Local Transmission* Opening* News* The Conspicuous Dhammayangyi* A Golden Day in Religious History* News* E-Government Seminar* News* Songs on Screen “Maung”* News* 3rd Inlay Orchid’s Image

Oversea Transmission* Opening* News* The Conspicuous Dhammayangyi* A Golden Day in Religious History* News* E-Government Seminar* News* Songs on Screen “Maung”* News* 3rd Inlay Orchid’s Image* News* Youth and Fashion (Yawai Aung, Sandi Myint

Lwin)* News* The Elephant Dance Festival: Myanmar’s Pride

and Devotion* Music Gallery* News* Mobile Phone, ICT and Communication

Sector* Nay Pyi Taw Gems Emporium’s offer to the

world* News* Second Myanmar Food Exhibition (2011)* Myanmar Movies “The True Love”


Programme Schedule(22-6-2011) (Wednesday)


22 June

View on today1234567890112345678901

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

WEATHER speed at Nay Pyi Taw was (8) mph from South at(09:30) hours MST on 20-6-2011.

Bay Inference: Monsoon is vigorous in theAndaman Sea and South Bay and strong elsewhere inthe Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of the 22nd June2011: Rain will be isolated to scattered in LowerSagaing, Mandalay and Magway Regions, fairlywidespread in Kachin, Shan and Kayah States andwidespread in the remaing Regions and States withlikelihood of isolated heavyfalls in Bago, Yangon,Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Regions, Rakhine and MonStates. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the Sea: Squalls with rough seas will beexperience at times off and along Myanmar Coasts.Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (40) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days: StrongMonsoon.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouringarea for 22nd June 2011: Isolated rain. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for22nd June 2011: Some rain. Degree of certainty is(80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areafor 22nd June 2011: Likelihood of isolated rain. Degreeof certainty is (60%).

7:00 am 1. Paritta By

Hilly RegionMissionarySayadaw-Uppatasanti Paritta

7:30 am 2. Morning News7:40 am 3. Dhamma Puja

Song7:50 am 4. Nice & Sweet


8:00 am 5. Health Programme8:15 am 6. Cultural Dances8:20 am 7. Teleplay8:30 am 8. Songs for

International Dayfor Preventation ofIllicit DrugsTrafficking

8:40 am 9. International News8:45 am10. Musical Programme4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:05 pm 2. Myanmar

TraditionalPerforming ArtsCompetitions(Music)

4:10 pm 3. Dance of National

Races4:15 pm 4. Musical Programme

4:30 pm 5. University of

Distance Education(TV Lectures) -Third Year(Geography)

4:45 pm 6. Songs for

UpholdingNational Spirit

4:50 pm 7. Classical Songs4:55 pm 8. “ASEAN”

Programmes5:05 pm 9. Songs for

International Dayfor Preventation ofIllicit DrugsTrafficking

5:20 pm10. International

Science News5:25 pm11. Melody Tunes

(Soga PyawshwinTay Than Shin)

6:00 pm12. Evening News6:15 pm13. Weather Report6:20 pm14. Traditional Boxing6:35 pm15. Preview of 26th

South East Asia Games

6:55 pm16. Shwe Yin Chone

Than7:20 pm17. Documentary7:35 pm18. Centanry of Alinga

Kyawzwar MyomaNyein (Composer)

8:00 pm19. News20. International News21. Weather Report22. Korea NG Award23. TV Dramma Series24. Fashion show in

honour ofMyanmar Women’sDay (2010)

O’Hara signs for WolvesLONDON, 21 June—Tottenham midfielder Jamie

O’Hara has completed a £5 million ($8 million)move to English Premier League rivalsWolverhampton.

O’Hara has signed a five-year contract afterenjoying a successful loan spell at Molineux duringthe second half of last season. The 24-year-oldscored three goals in 13 games including one againstBlackburn on the final day of the season whichhelped keep Wolves in the Premier League. ManagerMick McCarthy said: “Jamie made a big impactwhen he first came here. There was a dip in form atone juncture but he came strong again at the end.”

Wolves are also interested in £3million-ratedReading defender Matt Mills and Liverpool left-backPaul Konchesky who spent the second half of lastseason on loan to Nottingham Forest. McCarthy isalso looking for a new keeper as back-up for WayneHennessey after Marcus Hahnemann was released atthe end of last season.—Internet

Tottenham midfielderJamie O’Hara, seen

here in 2009, hascompleted a £5

million ($8 million)move to English

Premier League rivalsWolverhampton.

22-6-2011 NL.pmd 6/22/2011, 6:12 AM15

Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

6th Waning of Nayon 1373 ME Wednesday, 22 June, 2011

Budget deficits to be handled with effective management toavert possible hindrance to national and regional developmentWork coordination meeting on budgets for 2011-2012 financial year held

NAY PYI TAW, 21 June—A work coordinationmeeting on budgets for 2011-2012 financial yeartook place at the President Office here thisafternoon, with an address by Vice-President ofthe Republic of the Union of Myanmar Dr SaiMauk Kham.

It was also attended by Union ministers, Regionand State chief ministers, deputy ministers andheads of department.

In his speech, the Vice-President said that the

Financial Commission was formed under Article229 of the constitution on 30 March 2011 to makesure that Union level bodies and Region and Stategovernments administer all financial matters in asystematic way. The commission held its Meeting(1/2011) on 7 April.

According to the 2008 constitution of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar, the commissionshall vet the budgets of Union level bodies andRegion and State governments and shall submit

bills to the Union Hluttaw for approval.However, the State Peace and Development

Council promulgated 2011-2012 State Budget Lawon 27 January 2011 in accordance with Article 443of the constitution for smooth operation of budgetsof Union level bodies and Region and Stategovernments.

The Law covers budgets of Region and Stategovernments and development affairs committees,

(See page 9)

Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham addressing work coordination meeting on budgets for 2011-2012financial year.—MNA

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