
March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Annex 5

Vibrant and Viable Places

Indicator Definitions

March 2014

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Vibrant and Viable Places - Project Indicators It is expected that all projects supported with Vibrant and Viable Places regeneration funding will produce outputs as evidence of return on investment. Outputs are collected against the indicators set out in this document. This guidance provides a brief descriptor for each indicator and includes information in respect of the type of evidence required from you when you claim the output/outcome. Information in respect of all the indictors relevant to your project should be provided at the start of the programme and also be updated in the output/outcomes grid in the Project Monitoring Form that must be submitted on a monthly basis for each of the agreed projects in your programme.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Reference

Indicator Page No

TR013* Total number of traineeships on the project 5 TR013* Number of traineeship leavers progressing to further

learning (at a higher level) 5

TR013* Number of traineeship leavers progressing to employment 6 TR007 Number of Jobs accommodated (created or enabled

through regeneration investment) 6

TR026* Number of households helped towards securing improvement in the energy performance of their homes


TR029 Number of jobs created in the construction sector as a result of Welsh Government regeneration investment


R170 Gross jobs created 8 TR019 Additional infrastructure investment levered in through

regeneration projects (£) 10

R220 Investment Induced 10 Number of people supported into work 12 R110 Enterprises accommodated 12 A260 Hectares of Land developed – employment 13

A270 Hectares of Land developed - other 15 R320 Business Premises created or refurbished (sqm) 17 OU045/R200 Number of Additional Market housing units (Built or ready

for Occupation - as a direct result of VVP support) 18

OU045 Number of Additional social housing units delivered (Built or ready for Occupation - as a direct result of VVP support)


TR093* Number of additional affordable housing units delivered (Built or ready for Occupation - as a direct result of VVP support)


TR095 Number of empty homes brought back into use via action by local authorities


TR024 Amount of electricity produced that is generated from renewable sources (Gigawatt hours GWh)


TR028 Estimated additional reduction in carbon emissions through regeneration investment (tonnes of CO2)


R100 Energy saved (Gigawatt hours GWh) 22 Community Benefits PC-PM1.1. Number completing employment related courses 23 PC-PM1.2. Number gaining employment related qualification 23 Number of economically inactive employed on or engaged

in the project 24

Number of trainees/apprentices retained 24

Number of community initiatives supported: 24/25 Number of Welsh SMEs successful in securing contracts 25 Value of contracts awarded to Welsh SMEs (£) 26 Cost of recycled materials or other re0cyclates used on the

project 26

Waste reduced, re-used or recycled (tonnes) 27

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Others: (please specify by name and state unit of measurement)

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions



Indicator Total number of Traineeships on the Project Reference TR013* Origin Programme for Government Definition Further Detail

This indicator measures the total number of traineeship places on the project Traineeships are for young people aged between 16 to 18 years old and are designed to give them the skills needed to get a job or progress to further learning (at a higher level), such as an apprenticeship or further education.

Evidence requirements

Copy of appointment letter for each trainee House number and post code for the individual to be visible (the remaining personal details can be redacted)

Indicator Number of Traineeship leavers progressing to further

learning (at a higher level)

Reference TR013* Origin Programme for Government Definition Further Detail

This indicator measures the percentage of traineeship leavers progressing to either further learning (at a higher level). Traineeships are for young people aged between 16 to 18 years old and are designed to give them the skills needed to get a job or progress to further learning (at a higher level), such as an apprenticeship or further education.

Evidence requirements

Copy of the registration of the individual onto a course or a letter from the college to confirm the individual is now in further education. House number and post code for the individual to be visible (the remaining personal details can be redacted)

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Number of traineeship leaver progressing to employment Reference TR013* Origin Programme for Government Definition Further Detail

This indicator measures the percentage of traineeship leavers progressing to employment. Traineeships are for young people aged between 16 to 18 years old and are designed to give them the skills needed to get a job or progress to further learning (at a higher level), such as an apprenticeship or further education.

Evidence requirements

Copy of the appointment letter from the employer or a letter from the employer confirming it has taken the individual on. House number and post code for the individual to be visible (the remaining personal details can be redacted)

Indicator Number of jobs accommodated Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator

Definition Number of jobs accommodated within the sites and premises referred to in the indicators

• ‘Premises created or refurbished’ (Reference R320) Accommodated: The maximum number potentially located at any one time. This is not the number accommodated over the life of the premises. NB

• If the project involves the refurbishment of a premises then this should be the number of additional jobs accommodated

The English Partnerships’ Employment Densities Guide (2nd Edition, 2010) may be used when calculating jobs accommodated.

Evidence requirements

Buildings should be complete before reporting jobs accommodated. Evidence:

• Floor plans

• Building specifications to support the number of new desks/positions provided.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Number of Households helped towards securing improvements in energy performance

Reference TR026* Origin Programme for Government Definition Further details

This indicator measures the number of households helped towards securing improvements in the energy performance of their homes. This does not include WHQS improved properties or renewal area projects.

Evidence requirements

Addresses of the properties improved

Indicator Number of jobs created in the construction sector

Reference TR029 Origin Programme for Government Definition Further details

This indicator measures the number of jobs created in the construction sector as a result of Welsh Government regeneration investment. A construction job includes unskilled, skilled, technical and managerial roles that would be utilised in the delivery of construction projects. The number of new jobs should be provided as full time equivalent (FTE) jobs. The FTE equivalent is calculated as follows - calculate the total person months for the duration of the project. This is then divided by 12 to provide equivalent person years. A temporary job is a new job that lasts more than a total of six person-months during the course of the project (thereby being equal to one FTE job) but not beyond the period of assistance from Welsh Government. A new job that last for at least two years beyond the project period is considered permanent. Please specify whether jobs are temporary or permanent.

Evidence requirements

Written confirmation from the Tier 1 contractor of the number of jobs created during the life of the project (temporary jobs) of jobs retained for two years beyond our funding. If these jobs are created by sub-contractors then this written confirmation should come from the sub-contractor.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Gross jobs created Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator

Definition Further details

The gross number of jobs created. Job:

• A new permanent post, i.e. not of a fixed duration and there is a reasonable belief that it will last indefinitely;

• The post itself should be counted, not an estimate of the number of people that may occupy the post over time.

• A seasonal job may also be counted, so long as the job is expected to recur indefinitely. In this case the project should report, in addition to the number of hours per week, the proportion of the year worked.

• Project management/administration jobs within a Structural fund project cannot be indicated.

NB Jobs should be reported as full Time Equivalents (FTEs), based on a 30 hour week. For example

• If a post involves working 30 hours or more per week then it is 1 FTE.

• If a job is not full-time, then the hours worked each week will need to be divided by 30 to give the proportion of FTE represented e.g. 18 hours per week would be 0.6 FTE.

Gross: The total number achieved through this activity (irrespective of the proportion of the project funded) and has not been adjusted for deadweight, displacement, leakage and multiplier effects. Created: Achieved through assistance or financial support and did not exist prior to the activity. This does not include jobs that have been relocated.

Evidence requirements Category breakdown

Evidence required:

• Written confirmation that the jobs are to be created.

• Standard occupational classification (see below)

• Salary (by wage band) – see below

• Personnel records showing the increase in headcount

• Any other documents showing that these directly relate to the project

Standard Occupational Classification 1. Managers and senior officials

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


2. Professional occupations 3. Associate professionals and technical occupations 4. Administrative and secretarial occupations 5. Skilled trade occupations 6. Personal service occupations 7. Sales and customer service occupations 8. Process, plant and machine operatives 9. Elementary occupations Wage band £000’s Minimum wage 10.5 – 14.9 15 – 19.9 20 – 24.9 25 – 29.9 30 – 34.9 35 – 39.9 40 – 44.9 45 – 49.9 50 – 54.9 55+

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Additional infrastructure investment levered through regeneration projects

Reference TR019 Origin Programme for Government Definition Further information

This indicator measures the additional infrastructure investment (£) levered in through Welsh Government regeneration projects. Infrastructure is enabling works or services that accelerate economic, social or environmental outcomes. The Treasury (Investing in Britain’s Future 2013) defines infrastructure investment to include Roads, rail, energy, science and innovation, housing and digital communications. The investment measured will be the non Welsh Government funding into the infrastructure project.

Evidence requirements

Match funding letters in relation to the project.

Indicator Investment induced Reference



Based on 2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme Indicator descriptor

Definition Further Detail

Measured in ‘£’, this is the gross amount of direct tangible or intangible investment from the private sector; commercial, charitable and not for profit organisations and private individuals. This does not include funds awarded from the National Lottery. This indicator is for capital investment only; all revenue investment should be excluded. Investment does not include operational ongoing costs, such as personal costs (ibid). The investment must have been induced through the financial support and must not include any project match funding. Investment may be in tangible or intangible assets; property, plant, machinery, refurbishment, etc. The investment induced is the total cost of the project assisted by VVP minus the total public sector investment (which includes lottery funding as noted above). The total cost of the project includes:

• Assets with a readily available market value under standard accounting rules contributed to the project;

• Amounts borrowed such as bank loans and financing;

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


• Interest paid, where material and able to be calculated with reasonable certainty.

Bank Borrowings are included in the Investment value, as over time, as they are repaid they do form part of the cost of the project to the investor. Directors Loans (ensuring all legal forms are followed) to the business if used in the project are also included as they are an investment by a private sector individual. Interest costs – Where interest costs are material (see below) they may be included. Guidance is as follows:-

• Where possible actual interest costs should be used, this may be available when the investor has chosen under accounting rules to capitalise the interest costs associated with the construction of an asset, or if the business can identify the individual interest element.

• It is likely in most cases that the interest element will not be separately identifiable, in these cases the businesses own estimate Cost of Capital would serve to provide an appropriate estimate.

Materiality, interest would be material if its omission or inclusion would influence the understanding and interpretation of the reported investment value. Investment induced specifically excludes:

• Other public sector grants / funds i.e. local authority

• Spend incurred in the development phase by a third party, prior to the project being approved by the Department. (Finance Wales investments fall under this)

Evidence requirements

Scored once support has been provided and detail for each investor:

o name address, o contact details, o receipt of financial contribution or for intangible

investment, o recipient statement (signed by Finance Director) on what

was provided and its financial value, with evidence of its financial value (e.g. equipment, evidence of market value such as invoice or copy of receipts) (Off PAT 2006 p.11)

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Number of people supported in to work Reference Origin New Definition Further Detail

This indictor should count the number of people who have through the VVP Programme been supported into work. To record an individual he/she must have been employed for at least six months.

Evidence requirements

Copy of the appointment letter from the employer (house number and post code for the individual to be visible - the remaining personal details can be redacted) or a letter from the employer confirming it has taken the individual(s) on.

Indicator Enterprises accommodated Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator


Number of enterprises accommodated within the sites and premises referred to in the indicators:

• ‘Innovation centres and R&D facilities developed’ (Indicator Reference A240)

• ‘Premises created or refurbished’ (Indicator reference R320) Accommodated: The maximum number of Enterprises potentially located at any one time. This is not the number accommodated over the life of the premises. Enterprise: Any entity engaged in an economic activity, irrespective of its legal form. This includes:

• Self-employed persons

• Partnerships or associations regularly engaged in an economic activity

Evidence requirements

The building should be complete before reporting enterprises accommodated. Evidence required includes:

• Floor plans

• Building specifications to support the number of new desks/positions provided.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Land developed – employment Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator (split between ‘employment’ and ‘other’ land for reporting purposes)

Definition The number of gross hectares (equivalent of 10,000 m2) of brown field or green field land developed. Employment land: Land of which the development will contribute to Welsh business Developed: Making land fit for use by removing physical constraints to open it up for development or including provision of services to open it up for development. Brownfield: Includes contaminated, derelict or previously developed land, which is or was occupied by a permanent structure (excluding agricultural or forestry buildings), and associated fixed surface infrastructure within the curtilage of the development. Derelict land: Land damaged by extractive or other industrial processes and then abandoned. Contaminated land: Land where as a result of human activity an unacceptable hazard to human health and ecosystems exists. Greenfield land: Land on which no urban development has previously taken place; usually understood to be on the periphery of an existing built up area. NB Excluded from this indicator are:

• Land and buildings currently used for agricultural or forestry purposes;

• Land in built up areas not previously developed, e.g. o Parks o Recreation grounds o Allotments o Cemeteries;

• Land previously developed, but where the remains of any structure or activity have blended into the landscape over time, e.g.

o Amenity use o Contribution to nature conservation

Reclamation activities may include:

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


• Dealing with contamination

• Existing surfaces

• Stabilisation

• Levelling

• Provision of flood defences

• Provision of utilities and other services

• Environmental improvements or enhancements Brownfield land categories may include:

• Previously developed vacant land

• Vacant buildings unoccupied for a year or more

• Derelict land and buildings

• Land or buildings: o currently in use; o allocated for development in the adopted plan; o having planning permission;

• Buildings currently in use where it is known there is potential for redevelopment, but sites do not have any plan allocation or planning permission;

• Defence buildings

• Land use for mineral extraction or waste disposal.

Evidence requirements

This output should be recorded upon completion of works. Information required on the site:

• Full postal address including postcode

• Land registry record/deeds

• Local Originity/NLUD register details (for previous use to ensure it not an excluded category).

Information required for contaminated land:

• Completed land condition record

• Remediation completion certificate Evidence of works undertaken:

• Certificate of practical completion of the works

• QS certification of works carried out, e.g. o site services/utilities and infrastructure o foundations laid o walls and roof built

NB Land prepared for development through both public and private joint ventures or other partnerships must be included in outputs

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Land developed – other Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator (split between ‘employment’ and ‘other’ land for reporting purposes)

Definition The number of hectares (equivalent of 10,000 m2) of brown field or green field land developed. Other land: Land that has been developed or reclaimed which does not have an employment after use. This will include land that may subsequently be used for residential, community and public realm use. Developed: Making land fit for use by removing physical constraints to open it up for development or including provision of services to open it up for development. Brownfield: Includes contaminated, derelict or previously developed land, which is or was occupied by a permanent structure (excluding agricultural or forestry buildings), and associated fixed surface infrastructure within the curtilage of the development. Derelict land: Land damaged by extractive or other industrial processes and then abandoned. Contaminated land: Land where as a result of human activity an unacceptable hazard to human health and ecosystems exists. Greenfield land: Land on which no urban development has previously taken place; usually understood to be on the periphery of an existing built up area. NB Excluded from this indicator are:

• Land and buildings currently used for agricultural or forestry purposes

• Land in built up areas not previously developed, e.g. o parks o recreation grounds o allotments o cemeteries

• Land previously developed, but where the remains of any structure or activity have blended into the landscape over time, e.g.

o amenity use o contribution to nature conservation

Land developed for employment land should be excluded as this

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


is counted under a separate indicator (Reference A260). Reclamation activities may include:

• Dealing with contamination

• Existing surfaces

• Stabilisation

• Levelling

• Provision of flood defences

• Provision of utilities and other services

• Environmental improvements or enhancements. Brownfield land categories may include:

• Previously developed vacant land

• Vacant buildings unoccupied for a year or more

• Derelict land and buildings

• Land or buildings: o currently in use o allocated for development in the adopted plan o having planning permission

• Buildings currently in use where it is known there is potential for redevelopment, but sites do not have any plan allocation or planning permission

• Defence buildings

• Land use for mineral extraction or waste disposal

Evidence requirements

This output should be recorded upon completion of works. Information required on the site:

• Full postal address including postcode

• Land registry record/deeds

• Local Originity/NLUD register details (for previous use to ensure it is not an excluded category.

Information required for contaminated land:

• Completed land condition record

• Remediation completion certificate. Evidence of works undertaken:

• Certificate of practical completion of the works

• QS certification of works carried out, e.g. o site services/utilities and infrastructure o foundations laid o walls and roof built

NB Land prepared for development through both public and private joint ventures or other partnerships must be included in outputs

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Business premises created or refurbished Reference R320 Origin 2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator Definition

• The number of square metres of building space created or refurbished for business and/or educational use.

• Extensions to existing buildings also count as new floor space.

• All floor areas are to be measured in Square Metres on gross external area, except offices which are to be measured net internal, both as defined by the RICS Code of Measuring Practice.

NB This does not include area used for car parking or external landscaping. Created: Putting up a new building. Refurbished: Refurbishing an existing building. This does not include buildings that have simply been repaired or had only superficial internal refurbishment.

Evidence requirements

All outputs should be recorded by type on practical completion of construction of new or refurbished premises. Evidence required:

• Certificate of practical completion of the works

• QS certification of works carried out, e.g. o site services/utilities and infrastructure o foundations laid o walls and roof built.

Category breakdowns

Result should be scored by type, as follows:

• Innovation and R & D centres

• Education

• Business – office

• Business – manufacturing

• Business – distribution

• Business – retail

• Business - leisure Innovation and R & D centres – Technium or similar building Office – Stand alone or part of a mixed use building. This measure does not include offices that are ancillary to any of the above uses. Manufacturing – All industrial uses, including B1(b), B1(c) and B2

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Distribution – Warehouses and Distribution including all B8 Retail – Including all A1, A2 and A3 uses Leisure – Commercial leisure uses such as Cinema, Bowling, Hotels, Sports or Health Clubs etc.

• Multi use buildings may be recorded under more than one use category i.e. the floor space allocated to each use being recorded under the relevant heading. Alternatively, where the division of floor space is flexible it should be recorded against the anticipated majority use.

• It may be difficult to determine whether a building is distribution or manufacturing where the planning consent is for B1, B2 and B8. In such cases, you are advised to record the space as manufacturing, unless the planning indicates that the B1 and B2 uses are ancillary to the B8.

• There may be rare occasions when it is not possible to either record on practical completion or there is a lack of clarity about the final use. Best practice in such cases will be to defer recording until good evidence is available but if you are able to place on file a robust rationale for earlier recording this may be done (e.g. on sale of land by a joint venture partner), though in such cases you should provide for post event monitoring of what outcome is finally achieved.

Indicator Additional market housing units Reference



Programme for Government

Definition The number of market housing units developed as a result of support and are ready for occupation. Market housings units: All housing units, excluding affordable (social/Intermediate) housing units.

Evidence requirements

• The number of residential units recorded at the time a site is sold.

• The planning permission will define the total number of units and either the sale contract or S106 Agreement will specify how many of these units will be ‘affordable’ homes.

• Sales to Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) will almost certainly result in the total number of units consented falling into the affordable category.

The WG may institute an audit process to review a sample of the residential units recorded to check that final outcome is in line with the output recorded.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Additional social housing units Reference OU045 Origin Programme for Government Definition Further Detail

This indicator measures the number of social houses that are built in Wales and are ready for occupation. Social Housing is that provided by local authorities or social landlords where rent levels have regard to the Welsh Government guideline rents and benchmark rents.

Evidence requirements

• The anticipated number of social units to be created at the time a site is sold

• Copy of planning consents defining total number of units.

• Sale contract or S106 Agreement specifying how many units will be social units.

• Number of units built Local authorities or RSLs or sold to RSLs.

An audit process to review a percentage sample of the units to check the final outcome may be instigated to verify final outcome is in line with outputs recorded.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Additional Affordable (Intermediate) Housing Units Reference TR093*/R190 Origin

DE&T indicator and Programme for Government

Definition Further details

This indicator measures the number of additional affordable housing units delivered and available for occupation in Wales each year. Affordable (intermediate) housing is that where prices or rents are above those of social rent but below market housing prices or rents. The measure is the number of self contained housing units reserved as “affordable” developed as a result of support, e.g.

• Units for letting by Councils and other Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)

• Units for sale at less than market value

• Co-ownership units. NB Houses should previously have been in the private sector and their refurbishment has increased the stock of affordable homes.

Evidence requirements

• The anticipated number of affordable residential units to be created at the time a site is sold

• The number of actual residential units when released back into the market as affordable homes.

• Copy of planning consents defining total number of units.

• Sale contract or S106 Agreement specifying how many units will be affordable home.

• Number of units sold to RSLs. An audit process to review a percentage sample of the units to check the final outcome may be instigated to verify final outcome is in line with outputs recorded.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Empty homes brought back into use via action by local authorities

Reference TR095 Origin Programme for Government Definition

This indicator measures the number of private sector dwellings that had been vacant for more than six months at the beginning of the financial year (1 April) which have been returned to occupation during the year through direct action by the local authority.

Evidence requirements

Addresses of the properties improved and available for occupation.

Indicator Electricity produced that is generated from renewable

sources Reference TR024 Origin 2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator Definition

The amount of electricity, measured in GWh, generated from renewable sources due to intervention. This should be counted on an annualised cumulative basis during the lifetime of the intervention. Renewable energy is the term used to describe energy flows that occur naturally and continuously in the environment, such as energy from the wind, waves or tides.

Evidence requirements

Where electricity is supplied to the national grid the account information, including GWh supplied, shall be provided by the electricity company that receives the contribution to the National Grid.

Indictor Additional reduction in carbon emissions through

regeneration investment Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator

Definition This indicator measures the estimated additional reduction in carbon emissions resulting from Welsh Government regeneration investment This is measured as the gross reduction in greenhouse emissions (CO2 and equivalents, kiloton per annum) produced by enterprises.

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


This should be counted on an annualised cumulative basis during the lifetime of the intervention.

Evidence requirements

This should be based on DEFRA guidelines for the Measuring and Reporting of Emissions in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme. The reductions would be based on what would be expected to happen if the project did not go ahead. The Carbon Trust web site includes an outline of the methodology.

Calculation The calculation of CO2 emissions is: CO2 emissions (tonnes) = Energy consumption (kWh) X Fuel emission factor (kgCO2/kWh) X 0.001

Indicator Energy Saved Reference



2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator

Definition The amount of energy, measured in GWh, saved as a result of the intervention. This should be counted on an annualised cumulative basis during the lifetime of the project.

Evidence requirements

Independent data such as invoices on energy requirements before and after the intervention on an annualised cumulative basis.

March 2014

Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


COMMUNITY BENEFITS Indicator Number completing employment related courses Origin Definition Further detail

Please record the number of individuals that complete employment related training courses whilst engaged on the project. "work- related training" is defined as any training course or other activity which is designed to impart, instil, improve or reinforce any knowledge, skills, or personal qualities which:

• are, or are likely to prove, useful to the employee when performing his/her duties or

• will qualify or better qualify the employee to undertake the employment, or to participate in charitable or voluntary activities arising through the employment.

Evidence requirements

Letter from the employee confirming numbers completing courses with details of the house number and post code for each those employees.

Indicator Number gaining employment related qualifications Origin Value Wales Community Benefits Tool Definition Further detail

Please record the number of individuals that have gained an employment related qualification whilst engaged on the project. NVQ attainment by new or existing staff should be considered, provided that the NVQ course was started and completed as a result of this contract.

Evidence requirements

Letter from the employee confirming numbers attaining qualifications with details of the house number and post code for each those employees or Letter from the training provider with details of the individuals attaining qualifications, this should include the number and post code for each those employee.

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Number of economically inactive employed or engaged in the project

Origin New Definition Further detail

A measure of the number of economically inactive employed or engaged in the project The definition of Economically inactive are people who are not in work, but who do not satisfy all the criteria for ILO unemployment (wanting a job, seeking in the last four weeks and available to start in the next two), such as those in retirement, those who are temporarily sick, those looking after family and those who are not actively seeking work.

Evidence requirements

House number and post code for each person employed or engaged, and the reason for the individual’s inactivity

Indicator Number of trainees/apprentices retained Origin New


The number of trainees or apprentices retained by the contractor and employed for at least six months following completion of the project.

Evidence requirements

Copy of appointment letter for each trainee/apprentice House number and post code for the individual to be visible (the remaining personal details can be redacted)

Indicator Community initiatives supported Origin Value Wales Community benefits toolkit Definition Further detail

The value of cash contributions provided to community projects/groups. How much in cash contributions or sponsorship did the contractor and or subcontractors donate to community initiatives/organisations or projects based within the VVP area? This should relate to cash donations and sponsorship only. This may also include cash donations or sponsorship from other organisations made as a result of the contractors and or sub contractors efforts.

Evidence Written confirmation from the community groups/projects that is

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


requirements has received a funding contribution - including the level of funding received.

Indicator Community initiatives supported Origin Value Wales Community benefits toolkit Definition Further detail

What is the estimated value of in kind labour donations? Labour donations relate to an individual employee or team of employees provided by a contractor to support or facilitate delivery of a community project Please provide a monetary figure based on number of hours of in kind labour contributed. This should include any additional resources that have been drawn in as a result of the contractor and or subcontractors community engagement. This figure should be based on an hourly or annual wage for staff involved.

Evidence requirements

Written confirmation from the contractor of the value of the employee time provided for community purposes.

Indicator Community initiatives supported Origin Value Wales Community benefits toolkit

Definition Further detail

What is the estimated value of other in kind contributions/donations? Examples may include materials, redundant or surplus equipment, unsold consumer products and free use of corporate facilities.

Evidence requirements

Written confirmation from the community group of the benefits it has received.

Indicator Number of Welsh SMEs successful in securing contracts Origin New Definition Further detail

Where whole or part contracts are awarded to SME businesses based in Wales in respect of individual projects the number of those SMEs should be recorded. An SME is a small or medium sized enterprise defined more fully by the European Commission -

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Evidence requirements

Copies of the post tender contract documents.

Indicator Value of contracts awarded to Welsh SMEs Origin New Definition Further detail

Where whole or part contracts are awarded to SME businesses based in Wales in respect of individual projects the value of those contracts should be recorded. An SME is a small or medium sized enterprise defined more fully by the European Commission -

Evidence requirements

Copies of the post tender contract documents and ‘form of tender’.

Indicator Cost of recycled materials or other re-cyclates used on the

project Origin Value Wales Community Benefits Toolkit

Definition Further detail

The price paid for re-cycled materials or other re-cyclates used on the project. Measured in ‘£’. Waste recycled is waste that has been brought back into productive use through some sort of processing technique.

Evidence requirements

Many contractors calculate this value using WRAP's Net Waste Tool - You may wish to consult with your design team who may have influenced this.

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Vibrant and Viable Places Indicator Definitions


Indicator Waste reduced, reused or recycled Reference R400 Origin

2007-13 ERDF Structural Funds Programme indicator

Definition Further information

The gross amount (in tonnes) of waste reduced, made available for re-use or recycled through intervention. This should be counted on a cumulative basis for the life time of the project.

Waste reduction - a lessening of the amount of waste produced at source. Waste re-used - waste that has been brought back into productive use and that has not required any processing technique. Waste recycled - waste that has been brought back into productive use through some sort of processing technique. Waste can be from the following sources:

• Commercial waste: waste from buildings which are primarily used for trade

• Industrial waste: waste from any buildings occupied by an industry or factory

• Construction waste: waste from construction, repair, maintenance and demolition of buildings.

• Municipal waste: waste collected by the local authority.

Category breakdown

For each source of waste the following categories should be reported on:

• Reduced

• Reused

• recycled

• energy recovered

Evidence Sponsors should discuss their project’s proposed methodology for reporting against this indicator with the Welsh Government

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