Page 1: Vibe front cover research

Vibe front cover research

Page 2: Vibe front cover research


Page 3: Vibe front cover research

This is the masthead of the magazine and is a simple white font. The masthead says VIBE and is behind the main cover artist Chris Brown and this is acceptable because VIBE is a well established magazine so we know what the masthead says even though some of it is blocked due to the main artist.

Page 4: Vibe front cover research

The sell line of the magazine is above the masthead and is to advertise what may be in the magazine and sell the magazine to the audience. The font is sans serif, white and bold to stand out and some certain words such as “RISE”, “TRAGIC FALL” and “DEBARGE” are in different colours so that they stand out from the other words and attract people to read the sell line.

Page 5: Vibe front cover research

The main image of the front cover is Chris Brown and without reading the magazine or knowing who this artist is we can tell that the magazine will be a rap, or pop magazine due to the props and attire that he is wearing, for example the snapback, watch and gold chains. The main image goes over the masthead to standout however it is behind some of the cover lines to make them stand out. The colour of the artists shirt is different than the other colours used on the front cover and this is once again to make him stand out.

Page 6: Vibe front cover research

The cover lines advertise what may be in the magazine, the cover line on the left is white and is bigger than the other cover lines, this is to show that it is the main one and so that it stands out, it is also anchored by a pull quote to attract people to read the magazine. The font is sans serif and the colours used are mainly white and green to follow the colour scheme of the front cover.

Page 7: Vibe front cover research

“I’M STILL A VIRGIN… IN YOUR EYES” this is a pull quote to attract people to the magazine and make them think what it could be about and to make them buy the magazine.

Page 8: Vibe front cover research

This shape has been used to highlight a certain section of the magazine and the colours used are yellow white and red because they stand out with the other colours used on the front cover.

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The bar code is placed vertically on the bottom left of the magazine and the date and website is also located by the barcode. The date is October 2007 which suggests that it is published monthly.

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