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Final report – development of a good practice guide to support

partnerships between RTOs and schools

JUNE 2011

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Final report Good Practice Guide to VET in Schools



NQC Secretariat

TVET Australia

Level 21/390 St Kilda Road Melbourne Vic 3004

Telephone: +61 3 9832 8100

Email: [email protected]


D ISC L A IME R This work has been produced on behalf of the National Quality Council with funding provided through the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and state and territory governments. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Australian Government or state and territory governments.

A CK NO W LE DGE ME NT This work was undertaken by Precision Consultancy as part of a project commissioned by the

National Quality Council in 2011 with funding through the Australian Government Department of

Education Employment and Workplace Relations and state and territory governments.

©Commonwealth of Australia 2011

This document is available under a “Preserve Integrity” licence. For details:

All other rights reserved. For licensing enquiries contact [email protected]

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Project aim .................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Methodology .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

The Literature Review ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Communications .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Drafting the products ............................................................................................................................................. 6

State based workshops .......................................................................................................................................... 7

Expectations of schools and RTOs .......................................................................................................................... 7 Feedback and changes to the draft tools ........................................................................................................... 8

Presentation to the client and feedback ............................................................................................................. 9

Appendix I............................................................................................................................................................. 12

Appendix II............................................................................................................................................................ 13

Appendix III: Workshop attendees ..................................................................................................................... 14

Appendix IV Workshop Slides ............................................................................................................................. 16

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Executive summary

This project to develop a Good Practice Guide for VET in schools focussed on supporting

schools and RTOs in their relationships with each other to provide VET in schools programs that

provide quality assessment outcomes. The need for a guide came out of research highlighting

concerns in partnership arrangements and the impact on assessment, and the diverse range of

support materials available to schools and RTOs in different states and territories. The aim of this

guide was to address key concerns raised by both schools and RTOs and develop a suite of

tools that would support both parties in their work together to deliver VET in schools programs.

The differences between school structures within and between each state and territory meant

the tool needed to be flexible enough to be used in each jurisdiction, but also remain relevant

to common issues that frequently arise in partnerships.


Precision Consultancy’s methodology for the project involved:

- a literature review of existing resources and research highlighting concerns about

partnerships between schools and RTOs

- a communications strategy that promoted the development of the resource, and sought

input and feedback on the tools through telephone, email or at workshops

- the creation of a suite of draft tools to support schools and RTOs through the process of a

partnership to deliver VET in schools programs

- interactive workshops in four states to get feedback from stakeholders on the draft tools,

and develop greater understanding of the needs of both schools and RTOs

- the development of the guide and tools for presentation, discussion and feedback to the

client at the Quality and Assessment Advisory Council on 9 June 2010, and final

amendment for delivery to the client with this report.

Project Outcomes

The goodwill and interest of schools, RTOs and other stakeholders in this project and resource

was demonstrated through their willingness to share information about their experiences and to

review draft tools. Each workshop in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide was

oversubscribed and those unable to attend were still keen to provide feedback. Workshop

participants appreciated the opportunity to come together to discuss issues relevant to their

own, and each other’s, circumstances. The commitment to students and their learning and

assessment outcomes was also clear from workshops. The response to the workshop also

highlighted the desire for more support through professional development of school and RTO

staff to develop partnerships and strengthen delivery and assessment outcomes.

The need for clear communication between the school and the RTO in the partnership was a

feature in all research and discussions. As a result, the guide focuses on bringing clarity to the

roles and responsibilities of each party. The guide takes schools and RTOs through some of the

challenges in partnerships for VET in schools and explores the expectations both parties have. It

introduces the stages, or cycle, of a partnership and provides specific tools to support schools

and RTOs through the partnership. Finally, the tool provides a reference list of useful resources

already available from different states and territories and key contacts.

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The main deliverable for this project is a resource which provides guidance and fifteen tools

that can be utilised across the various stages of partnerships between schools and RTOs. The

resource is highly practical and based on a feedback from workshops and from key


Issues for Schools

Schools indicated that they need RTOs to work with them in the following ways:

By providing Information about student behaviour and attendance, in particular,

information about students at risk of not continuing with their training

By including them in communication beyond the school, e.g. to parents of students

By ensuring that reporting is timely and fits with school reporting schedules (of particular

concern for final year students)

By recognising and assisting with scored assessment (in some states which assist with Yr

12 scores)

By ensuring there are links with and understanding of local industry and enterprise

practices for work placements

By being clear and up front about costs involved in the provision of VET services

(particularly if any costs need to be passed onto students and families).

Issues for RTOs

RTOs need schools to assist them in the following ways:

By committing to quality outcomes for students in VET programs (not as a program

which is second rate to traditional academic offerings)

By documenting roles, responsibilities and expectations

By communicating regularly and raising issues of concern as soon as they occur

By advising them about students special and LLN needs

By providing a single point of contact for the VET in schools program

By recognising the RTOs regulatory requirements and using agreed learning and

assessment strategies.


The research undertaken as part of this project identified that there are many different models

of partnerships between schools and RTOs for the delivery of VET in schools. It emerged that

successful partnerships require structure, knowledge and commitment to shared outcomes.

Despite many good intentions the delivery and assessment of VET programs in schools raises

issues that need to be addressed.

This project identified two key actions which should be taken so that RTOs and schools can

improve partnership arrangements and work together more effectively for VET in School

student outcomes.

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Key Action 1: Develop skills of VET in Schools’ trainers and assessors

Although the AQTF makes clear the responsibilities associated with training and assessment in

the VET system, the unique schools context requires tailored support and assistance. Based on

the numbers of people who expressed an interest in attending the consultation workshops, and

the feedback from people who did attend, there is a perceived need for more professional

development which is targeted specifically at VET in schools personnel. The Good Practice

Guide will address a number of needs but it will be more effective if supplemented with face-

to-face professional development workshops offered in each state and territory.

Key Actions 2: Promote the Good Practice Guide for VET in Schools

The Good Practice Guide for VET in Schools will be a welcome and practical resource in all

states and territories, however it will require promotion if it is to have any sustainable impact. In

addition to making it freely available on a website, information about the release of resource

will need to be circulated through state, territory and local networks. A communications plan

would assist with the take-up of the Guide.

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Schools play a significant role in vocational education and training, by delivering VET programs

at a range of certificate levels within the AQF. Some programs offered by schools provide

pathways into employment, but most often VET programs offered by schools are preparatory

and seek to provide pathways into the VET or higher education sectors.

While schools with RTO status in their own right can be identified through the National Training

Information Service (NTIS), no data is available to indicate how many schools offer VET

qualifications under partnership arrangements with RTOs. It is likely that the majority of schools

delivering VET qualifications do so under partnership agreements1. Under partnership

arrangements, the RTO has responsibility to show compliance with the AQTF:

The RTO monitors training and/or assessment services provided on its behalf to ensure

that it complies with all aspects of the AQTF Essential Standards for Continuing

Education (AQTF Standard 3, Element 3.3)

Partnership agreements are specific to the context of the RTO and the school and vary in detail

to reflect the level of complexity of arrangements with partners and the level of risk to the

quality of training outcomes for clients. States and territories also have varying requirements in

relation to partnerships between RTOs and schools. Several jurisdictions have developed

additional guidelines for RTOs and schools to consider in the establishment and maintenance of

partnerships. Typically these focus on the need to clarify the services and responsibilities of

each party to the agreement, however there are variations in the approaches taken.

Project aim

This project will develop a Good Practice Guide for VET in Schools. The Guide will include a

suite of resources to support robust partnerships between RTOs and schools and will be equally

applicable to new and established partnerships arrangements. In particular, the Good

Practice Guide will have a focus on clarifying roles and responsibilities in relation to assessment

and in so doing will improve the quality and consistency of assessment outcomes which are

provided through partnership arrangements between RTOs and schools.

The Guide will take a national approach but provide links to existing resources that states have


1 This assumption is supported by NCVER data, which indicates the significant number of students involved and the

rapid growth of VET in Schools programs to encompass 25,700 school-based apprentices and trainees and 194,200

students enrolled in other VET in Schools programs in 2008.

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Earlier this year TVET commissioned a project: ‘VET in Schools – strengthening delivery and

assessment outcomes’. The findings of the project’s final report, and the workshops delivered as

part of the project, set the focus for Precision’s project.

The methodology consisted of:

A literature review

Communications about the project

Drafting products for inclusion in the Good Practice Guide

State based workshops to test the draft materials

Revision, editing and desk-top publishing.

Timelines for the project were very short, with work beginning in late April and an end of

contract date of 30 June.

The Literature Review

Existing documentation fell into two specific areas:

1. information available to schools and RTOs who were involved in partnerships to deliver VET

in schools programs; and

2. research around the issues and outcomes of VETiS program, focussing on partnerships were

formed for their delivery.

We found that key themes were recurrent in the delivery of VET in schools programs, namely:

confusion about the nature of the relationship between the school and the RTO to

deliver VET in schools, and therefore confusion about responsibilities and expectations

the motivations of students undertaking VET studies, and of schools sending students to

undertake VET studies

the lack of workplace learning and assessment as part of VET in schools programs

vocational and VET competency of trainers and assessors delivering VET

the quality of assessment and a lack of clarity about competency based assessment

and school understanding and experience with assessment

understanding of the responsibilities under the Australian Quality Training Framework

(AQTF) and how RTOs and schools interact to ensure the AQTF is complied with.

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A letter about the project from TVET (see Appendix II) was disseminated throughout a range of

stakeholder networks, including:

NQC and QAAG contacts

State Training Authorities

Registering bodies

NVR Taskforce.

In addition to informing people about the project, project communications provided details

about forthcoming workshops and invited people to register an expression of interest. An online

registration tool was set up using There were 187 responses received

for the three advertised workshops. Places were offered to 25 participants at each workshop,

covering a mix of schools, RTOs, school RTOs and other educational bodies such as

Departments of Education, and Catholic and Independent school bodies.

People who we were unable to be accommodated at the workshops were offered the

opportunity to receive the draft tools in PDF format to provide feedback on. There was a high

level of interest expressed in providing feedback on the draft.

There was a high level of interest from South Australia for the workshops. With the assistance of

the Department of Education, a workshop was set up in Adelaide on 2 June 2011.

Approximately 60 participants attended at the four workshops. The attendees are listed at

Appendix III. The presentation slides used at the workshop are provided at Appendix IV.

Drafting the products

The research assisted in the design of a framework and structure for the Guide. This is provided

in Appendix I. In total 13 tools were designed that sit across the life cycle of the partnership.

Partnership stages can be summarised as falling into five main stages:

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All products were written to be practical with questions and space for comments and ideas.

These will be made available in Word so that jurisdictions can add in additional comments and

users can adapt the product to suit their own purposes.

State based workshops

The interactive workshops were promoted in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and held in late

May and early June. South Australia expressed a particular interest in hosting a workshop and

an additional workshop was held in Adelaide. The workshops aimed at consulting with school

and RTO representatives and other stakeholders about the issues involved in partnerships for

VET in schools. Additionally the workshops provided feedback on the draft tools.

Expectations of schools and RTOs As part of the consultation, attendees were asked what schools and RTOs expected from each

other in the partnership to deliver VET programs in schools. Responses common to both parties

are shown in the table below.



th P



- Commitment to quality outcomes for students in training and assessment

- A shared agreement, documented in writing, clearly stating each party’s


- Shared understanding about the students undertaking VET in schools programs

- Regular communications between both parties and early raising of concerns

- Identified single points of key contact within each party

- Understanding of each other’s perspectives and regulatory requirements (e.g.

an RTO’s compliance with the AQTF, a school’s requirement to meet boards of

studies responsibilities).




- Information about student behaviour and attendance, in particular,

information about students at risk of not continuing with their training

- Communication beyond the school, e.g. to parents of students

- Timely reporting about student performance and achievements to fit in with

school reporting requirements (of particular concern for final year students)

- Scored assessment by the RTO (in some states which assist with Yr 12 scores)

- Links with and understanding of local industry and enterprise practices for work


- Clarity up front about costs involved in the provision of VET services (particularly

if any costs need to be passed onto students and families).



- Commitment and genuine interest in undertaking VET studies from both the

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school and students

- Information about any specific needs of students e.g. Language, literacy and

numeracy, welfare issues

- Specific communication about changes in school schedules that impacted on

students attending at training and assessment (and in particular, the dilemma

this created for students if they had to choose between a compulsory school

activity or their VET program)

- School cooperation with RTOs to ensure AQTF requirements were met

(including information about trainers and assessors VET and vocational

experience and current competency)

- Using agreed learning and assessment strategies.

Feedback and changes to the draft tools

Tool considered in the workshops Changes as a result of workshop feedback

Getting ready for a partnership Slight amendments to detail

Skills analysis for RTO staff Slight amendments to detail

VET and vocational competency assessment Amendments to reflect clarity of RTO’s role in

providing professional development as

separate from auspicing responsibilities

Choosing an RTO Slight amendments, including a ‘ranking’

system for assessing the RTO’s suitability

How to negotiate the partnership

Implementing the partnership Slight amendments to detail

Training and assessment strategy Slight amendments to detail

Maintaining the partnership Slight amendments to detail

Contextualising units of competency

LLN in units of competency

Planning an assessment tool

Evaluating the outcomes of training and

assessment Slight amendments to detail

Reviewing the partnership Slight amendments to detail

New tool: Elements of an agreement

New tool: School skills needs analysis

New tool: Key contacts in the partnership

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New tool: Contact and resource references

The suite of tools that have been developed following consultation can be shown as they

apply at different stages in the lifecycle of the partnership, as shown in the diagram below.

Presentation to the client and


On 9 June 2011, Precision Consultancy presented the report and the draft resources for

discussion to the meeting of the Quality and Assessment Advisory Group (QAAG) of TVET.

The resource was well received, and discussion and feedback from QAAG has been

implemented into the resource as follows:

Summary of discussion points and

feedback from QAAG meeting on Draft 1

(9 June 2011)

Changes to create final resource (17

June 2011)

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Responsibility of the RTO under the AQTF,

unless the schools in an RTO

Added detail to the section ‘Partnerships

and the AQTF 2010’

Vocational competency of teachers for

training and assessing VET – not clear

what qualifications/experience the

teachers have in a vocation

‘Trainer and assessor competency’ tool

amended to include reference to proof

of vocational qualifications at first page

of the tool (more detail of ‘vocational

competency’ is asked for later in the


Trainers and assessors must ensure they

refer to the current version of training


‘Developing a learning and assessment

strategy’ tool amended to include

specific reference to consultation with

the current training package.

Specific reference to Condition 9, AQTF

2010 added.

Need for motivations for offering and

undertaking VET in schools need to be

clarified by all involved to see if these

are compatible; what are the outcomes

from a VET in schools program and are

parties are in agreement?

Advice/comment regarding mutually

compatible motivations and outcomes

added to introduction to ‘Are you ready

for a partnership tool’.

New key question added: ‘What are the

objectives or outcomes from offering VET

in schools?’ with suggestions for


New key question added: ‘What are the

motivations for offering VET in schools?’

with suggestions for consideration.

Change of word – ‘government

incentive’ to ‘government initiative

‘when discussing motivations of schools

and RTOs.

Amendment to ‘Reviewing the

partnership’ tool to reflect the need to

revisit identified outcomes from the

development stages of the partnership.

Introduction to the ‘Training and

assessment strategy’ amended to

include the strategy can be used to

discuss and develop how to achieve

identified outcomes.

What will the pathway of VET in schools

result in? E.g. further education, job

opportunities, industry recognition of the


Amendment to ‘Are you ready for a

partnership’ tool to include a new key

question ‘What are the pathways for

students studying a VET in schools

qualification?’ with suggestions for


Amendment to ‘Choosing an RTO tool’

to include asking the RTO about their

ability to advise on a qualification’s


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AQTF Element 1.2 regarding consultation

from industry

‘Developing a learning and assessment

strategy’ tool amended to include

consultation with industry about training

and assessment e.g. Industry Skills

Councils, local industry and any specific

advice from ISCs about implementing a

training package.

How would a school or RTO already in a

partnership use this tool?

New section ‘Where are you in the

process’ added to introductory pages

giving advice on how the tools could be

used for schools or RTOs already in


How do schools and RTOs establish

benchmarks to assess the quality of their


Amendment to the ‘Getting ready for a

partnership’ tool to include this as a

suggested point of discussion between


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Appendix I

Draft tools to support a partnership

Name of the tool Who the tool is for

(RTO, school, both) What the tool does

Getting ready for a

partnership BOTH

Questions for schools and RTOs to ask themselves to see if they

want to enter a partnership.

Skills analysis for

RTO staff RTO What skills do staff in the RTO need to work with schools?

VET and vocational



BOTH What skills do staff at the school have and need to deliver

VETiS? How can RTO’s do to assist?

Choosing an RTO School Research for the school to find the ‘right’ RTO.

How to negotiate

the partnership BOTH Simple steps to agreement.

Implementing the

partnership BOTH

What does each partner need to do to implement the

agreement to delivery VETiS? This a key reference document for

the partnership.

Training and

assessment strategy BOTH

How will the RTO and school and others work together to

implement VET delivery and assessment?

Maintaining the

partnership BOTH How can you ensure the partnership keeps moving forward?


units of


BOTH Are units of competency contextualised to the workplace that

student will experience learning and assessment in?

LLN in units of

competency BOTH

How to identify LLN requirements in a unit of competency to

better support learners

Planning an

assessment tool BOTH

A tool to develop competency based assessments for teachers

and trainers to work with.

Evaluating the

outcomes of

training and


BOTH What were the results of the VETiS partnership?

Reviewing the

partnership BOTH

What was the experience for each party working in

partnership? Would each work together again?

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Appendix II

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Appendix III: Workshop attendees

MELBOURNE, 23 May 2011

Name Organisation

Sam Franzi Catholic Education Office - Diocese of Sale

Jennifer Fleischer Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority, VET Unit

Alison Wall Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Adam Nettleingham Berwick Secondary College

Penny Vakakis IMVC


Heath Blair Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce

Jenny Marks Sandringham College

Carmel Hempenstall Catholic Education Office

Lisa Howlett Highlands LLEN VETiS Cluster

Fiona Purcell Outer Eastern LLEN

Gay Gallagher TVET Australia

Kevin Redfern Automotive Training Victoria

Gary Buckeridge DEECD/EMR

Pam Jonas Victorian Teachers Associations

BRISBANE 26 May 2011

Name Organisation

Bob Barr Murwillumbah Adult Education Centre Inc T/A Murwillumbah Community


Robert Bingham Agnew School

Heddy Butler College of Natural Beauty

Jim Colley MEGT Education Group

Penelope Coore AHST

Grant Mills Blue Dog Training

Alier Morgan The Beauty House

Julie Niblett Brisbane Youth Education and Training Centre

Bede O’Brien Sunshine Coast Institute TAFE

Jenny Plant SkillsTech Australia

Mike Bareham Gold Coat Institute of TAFE

Cherie Thompson MEGT – Australian Apprenticeships Centre

Karyn Trapp Browns Plains High School

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SYDNEY, 1 June 2011

Name Organisation

John Purcell MEGT Institute

Johanna Vance TAFE NSW - SWSI

Jamie Breden Newington College

Denise Johnston Health Information Management Association of Australia Limited

Magda Quinlan Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta

Jacqui Austin NSW Department of Education and Training

David Mustafa Holmes Institute

Peter Hall The Armidale School (a technical trade school) and TrainingArm (an RTO)

Brendon Croft ATC Western Sydney Tas TechWest Sydney

Danielle Andrews Motor Traders' Association of NSW

Marianne Troop First Aid Plus Australia

Melissa Wyatt Taronga Training Institute

Mena Jones Vocational Education in Schools - NSW Department of Education and


Trish Thompson AIS (Association of Independent Schools) NSW

ADELAIDE 2 June 2011

Name Organisation

Maria Urbano Catholic Schools

Marilyn Wall Independent schools

Daphne Daniel Tyndale Christian School

Barbara Workman TAFESA

Margaret Thornton Department of Further Education, Employment, Science & Technology

Marina Borrello Department

Lise Windsor Training and Skills Commission

Heather Thomas Hamilton Secondary College RTO

Gaye Becis Theburton Secondary College

Karen Thornton MTC Training

Adam Waters ACPET

Dannii Armfield Quality Links

Malcolm Hughes DECS

Sophia Matiqsz DFEEST

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Appendix IV Workshop Slides

Slide 1

Good Practice Guide for

VET in Schools

May 2011








Slide 2 Research

• National Quality Council

• Victoria University report (for NQC)

• National Centre for Vocational Education and

Research (NCVER)

• Australian Council for Educational Research









Slide 3 Language

• Teachers and trainers and assessors

– school system

– conducting learning and assessment

• VET trainers and assessors

– competency based training and assessment

– one person might be a trainer but not an

assessor and vice versa

– AQTF requirements for competency (VET and









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Slide 4 Key themes

• The nature of the relationship

• Workplace learning and assessment

• Vocational and VET competency

• Quality of assessment

• Aims of VETiS


What are your experiences?








Slide 5 AQTF

Standard 3

Element 3.3

The RTO monitors training

and/or assessment services

provided on its behalf to

ensure that it complies with

all aspects of the AQTF

Essential Conditions and

Standards for Continuing









Slide 6 What’s available

Supporting documents

• Sample contracts

• Assessment guidelines

• Workplace learning guidelines








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Slide 7








Slide 8








Slide 9 Models for VET in Schools








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Slide 10 Models for VET in Schools








Slide 11 Activity 1

Divide into groups that will represent the

views of schools or RTOs

For the Schools group

• What are your expectations of RTOs that

you form partnerships with for VETiS?

For the RTO group

• What are your expectations of schools that

you form partnerships with for VETiS?








Slide 12 Activity 2

Sort cards into 3 groups:

• Allocate responsibility for each action to:

– schools

– RTOs

– both school and RTO

• Prioritise the actions

• Are there other strategies you would like to









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Slide 13 Other partnerships – RTOs and


Are you ready?

Negotiating Implementing MaintainingEvaluation and review








Slide 14 Successful partnerships

• Ongoing dialogue

• Trust and respect

• Working together to develop programs

• Flexibility in training and assessment


• Commitment to a common goal

• Sharing ideas

• Common language








Slide 15 Draft tools

• How can we support schools and RTOs in

their relationships with each other to

engage in successful delivery of VETiS


• Strategies and tools can help provide

guidance and ideas for action








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Slide 16 Activity 3

In groups, choose a tool...discuss

1. Who would use this tool in your


2. At what stage should the tool be used?

3. How could the instructions for the tool be

made clearer?

4. Overall usefulness of the tool

5. What other comments do you have?








Slide 17 Additional tools?

• Mentoring

• Developing relationships with industry and


• References

• Contact lists or bodies

• Glossary of definitions

• Anything else?








Slide 18 Conclusions

• Why deliver VETiS?

• Benefits of partnership

• Goodwill among schools, VET and


• Support is available








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Slide 19 Where to next?

• More consultations

• Timelines for final guide and circulation

• Any more comments by 1 June to

[email protected]

...thank you!








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