Page 1: VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing · VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing Haipeng Chen 1, Jing Liu 2, Rui Liu 1, Noseong Park 2 and V.S

VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing

Haipeng Chen1 , Jing Liu2 , Rui Liu1 , Noseong Park2 and V.S. Subrahmanian1

1Dartmouth College,2George Mason University

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]

AbstractKnowing if/when a cyber-vulnerability will be ex-ploited and how severe the vulnerability is can helpenterprise security officers (ESOs) come up withappropriate patching schedules. Today, this abil-ity is severely compromised: our study of datafrom MITRE and NIST shows that on average thereis a 132 day gap between the announcement of avulnerability by MITRE and the time NIST pro-vides an analysis with severity score estimates and8 important severity attributes. Many attacks hap-pen during this very 132-day window. We presentVulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing (VEST), asystem for (early) prediction and visualization ofif/when a vulnerability will be exploited, and its es-timated severity attributes and score.

1 Introduction & MotivationWhen a new cyber-vulnerability is discovered, a CommonVulnerability and Exposure (CVE) number is publicly as-signed to it by a vulnerability number assigning authoritylike the MITRE Corporation. The vulnerability is then an-alyzed by the US National Institute of Standards and Tech-nology (NIST) whose Common Vulnerability Scoring Sys-tem (CVSS) provides both a severity score and 8 commonlyadopted security attributes of the vulnerability. We studied 23months of CVE numbers assigned by MITRE and found thatNIST takes an average of 132 days to release CVSS.

Early knowledge of the severity and security properties of avulnerability is critical for ESOs as it enables them to to takeappropriate security actions (e.g., deactivate buggy software,prioritize patching). To this end, we present VEST (Vulner-ability Exploit Scoring & Timing), a vulnerability analysissystem consisting of two parts. The first part predicts if andwhen a CVE will be exploited by cyber attackers. The sec-ond part estimates the CVSS score and its associated 8 at-tributes released by NIST. Twitter discussions about CVEsare used by both predictors. The predicted results, along withother information related to a vulnerability, are visualized bya web-based user interface (UI).

2 The Problems & SolutionsVEST develops predictive models for two major problems.

First, we estimate if and when a CVE Will be exploited.From our extracted CVE-related Twitter discussion data, wepropose a novel concept called CVE-Author-Tweet (CAT)graph, which captures the intrinsic inter-dependencies amongthe three types of entities in the graph. Based on the CATgraph, VEST automatically estimates a popularity score foreach CVE, author and tweet. These unknown quantities areexpressed as variables and a set of recursively defined equa-tions are obtained from the CAT graph. The resulting popu-larity scores generate features that can be used to efficientlyestimate if/when a CVE will be exploited. We show thatVEST accurately predicts when real-world exploits of vul-nerabilities emerge to ±11.90 days. A detailed description ofthis component could be found at [Chen et al., 2019].

Second, we estimate CVSS severity scores & attributes.The second part of VEST is to automatically estimate theoverall CVSS score of a vulnerability (which is on a 0-10scale) as well as the values of the 8 severity attributes (cf.Fig. 3) produced by NIST as part of the CVSS report. Toachieve this, we propose a novel attention-based feature em-bedding [Graves et al., 2014] method to extract useful la-tent features for each vulnerability from the Twitter discus-sion contents. Moreover, to exploit the intrinsic correlationsamong different vulnerabilities, we adopt a Graph Convolu-tional Network (GCN) [Kipf and Welling, 2016] approach tofurther improve the prediction. The embedded tweet contentvector is fed into the GCN for a final prediction. Our predic-tor is able to accurately predict CVSS severity scores with aMean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 0.18, using only3 days of Twitter discussion data that is related to a CVE.

Flask server

Web page

3D graph

Node/edge data



vulnerability data in JSON format

Database (SQLite)

SQL query Vulnerability data

3D force graph in NodeJS

Vulnerability graph construction engine

Node table Edge table

Data crawlerTwitter

CVEVulnerability exploit probability

& timing predictor

Vulnerability severity score and attributes predictor


Figure 1: System Architecture of VEST

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19)


Page 2: VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing · VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing Haipeng Chen 1, Jing Liu 2, Rui Liu 1, Noseong Park 2 and V.S

3 The Overall VEST System ArchitectureFig. 1 shows the VEST architecture, which consists of a front-end UI and a back-end with a vulnerability database (VDB)and the two predictors. The two components are integratedvia the Flask framework. A video of the UI’s detailed descrip-tion can be viewed online.1 Fig. 2 shows one of the functionsof the UI, which is used to visualize the performance of theprediction results for the CVSS severity score. The UI allowsusers to specify the time interval during which the CVEs arepublicly released by MITRE, and then returns a set of rele-vant CVEs. The x-axis is the date on which the CVEs arereleased by MITRE, and the y-axis is the CVSS score. Thereare three types of circles for each CVE. E.g., Fig. 2 shows thethree circles (linked by lines) of CVE-2018-11140. The greycircle on the bottom represents the date of release by MITRE.The same CVE is depicted as a hollow purple circle to repre-sent the predicted CVSS score of the CVE by VEST. The 3rdtype of circle is a solid red circle, which represents the groundtruth CVSS score and the date it is released by NIST. Natu-rally, the color of a circle is darker if the predicted/ground-truth CVSS score is higher. The vertical gap between thepurple and red circles visualizes the prediction error.

Figure 2: A screenshot of the UI.

Users can also click on the CVE to see detailed informationof that CVE, including the basic information from MITREand NIST, the predicted results, and a 3d graph to visualizethe popularity of the CVE on Twitter, as shown in Fig. 3.When the user selects a CVE via the UI, an SQL query istransmitted via the Flask framework to the VDB. The answerto the query is then returned to the UI for further visualiza-tion. Note that VEST does not make predictions when theuser sends a query – rather, CVE information is updated daily.Thus, when a user asks about a specific CVE, that informa-tion can be quickly retrieved and served up in the UI.

The vulnerability database (maintained by SQLite) is up-dated daily via the following three modules. i) Data crawler.This module crawls CVE data from MITRE’s CVE dataset2,CVSS related data from NVD3 and vulnerability-relatedTwitter data. ii) CAT graph engine. This module builds outthe CAT graph (c.f. Fig. 3) using the Twitter data, whichconsists of CVE, Author, Tweet nodes. Author-tweet edgesconnect authors to tweets they wrote, tweet-CVE and author-CVE edges connect tweets/authors to CVEs they mention,etc. iii) Vulnerability severity predictors. As described above,



Figure 3: Graph visualization of a CVE

these two novel predictors use CVE-related Twitter discus-sions from the data crawler as well as the constructed CATgraph to make predictions. The predicted results are then up-dated and stored in the VDB, which can be queried from theUI via the Flask framework.

4 Related Work[Khandpur et al., 2017] uses Twitter to detect potential cyber-attack events, while [Lippmann et al., 2016] does the samewith Stack Exchange, Reddit, and Twitter data. [Liao et al.,2016] develops an automated feature content extraction en-gine to extract information from open sources such as tech-nology blogs and forums and then tries to automatically iden-tify cyber threats. Unlike [Zong et al., 2019] which predictsthe severity of a vulnerability based on only one tweet andthen returns the max severity of the vulnerability across alltweets that mention the vulnerability, our approach makesprediction based on a much larger set of tweets using GCNswith attention based feature embedding. In addition, weare also able to predict the various CVSS severity attributesof a vulnerability. Compared with [Sabottke et al., 2015;Bullough et al., 2017] which can only predict after NIST re-leases the CVSS scores (which are used as features in theirpredictor), our predictor makes a much earlier prediction us-ing a suite of more advanced features, without using any priorinformation from NIST. Moreover, our predictor also predictswhen, not only if a vulnerability will be exploited.

5 ConclusionWe presented VEST, a visualization tool for vulnerabilityseverity-related scoring and exploit timing information. Us-ing an integration of a powerful and novel vulnerability sever-ity prediction engine and a flexible and interactive UI, VESTis able to serve a handy early analysis and warning system forcyber vulnerabilities.

AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by ONR grants N00014-18-1-2670and N00014-16-1-2896 and ARO grant W911NF-13-1-0421.

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19)


Page 3: VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing · VEST: A System for Vulnerability Exploit Scoring & Timing Haipeng Chen 1, Jing Liu 2, Rui Liu 1, Noseong Park 2 and V.S

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Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19)


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