
Dia 1

Vert.x - Polyglot Asynchronous Applications

Tim FoxVert.x Project LeadRed Hat@timfox

What is Vert.x?

General purpose application platform

Superficially similar to Node.js but not a clone!

Asynchronous APIs

Polyglot mix and match Java, JavaScript/CoffeeScript, Ruby, Groovy and Python (others to follow).

Simple but not Simplistic

Part of the new breed of application platforms

Project Info

Independent Community Project

Hopefully moving to the Eclipse Foundation soon!

100% open source (ASL 2.0 + Creative Commons)

9th most watched Java project on github

Core APIs

TCP/SSL clients and servers

HTTP/HTTPS clients and servers including WebSockets

File system

Event bus

100% asynchronous

Don't call us, we'll call you!

Core APIs

TCP/SSL clients and servers

HTTP/HTTPS clients and servers including WebSockets

File system

Event bus

100% asynchronous

Don't call us, we'll call you!

Basic web-server (JavaScript)


vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(function(req) {

var file = req.path === '/' ? 'index.html' : req.path



Why Asynchronous?

Many long lived connections are a feature of modern applications Websockets, MQTT

OS threads are still a precious resource

Need to service many connections with small number of threads

Blocked OS threads means they can't do other work

But async APIs suck, right?

Use promises library like to Flatten the Pyramid of Doom

Threading model

Vert.x implements the Multi-Reactor Pattern

An event loop is an OS thread

Handles events for many handlers

Vert.x has multiple event loops. Typically one per core.

Don't block the event loop!

Hybrid Threading Model

Don't force everything to run on an event loop

Worker verticles can block

Communicate with other verticles by message passing.

Allows us to leverage the huge ecosystem of blocking Java libs


Vert.x components are single-threaded.

Actor-style concurrency.

Move away from 'Java-style' multi-threaded concurrency

No more synchronized, volatile or locking

Wave goodbye to many race conditions

Event Bus

The nervous system of Vert.x

Verticles communicate using the event bus.

Super simple API.

Point to point. Publish/Subscribe. Request/Response.

Pass simple strings, numbers or other primitive types.

JSON messages are preferred for structured data.

Event bus code example

var handler = function(message) {

console.log('Received message ' + message.msg)


vertx.eventBus.registerHandler('example.address', handler)

vertx.setPeriodic(1000, function() {

vertx.eventBus.send('example.address', {msg:'foo'})


Distributed Event Bus

Connects multiple Vert.x JVM instances

Forms a large distributed event space

Applications are loosely coupled components distributed across your network

Extend the Event Bus to the Browser

Event bus extends to client side JavaScript too

Uses the same API on the client

Powerful distributed event space spanning both client and server nodes

Ideal for modern real-time web applications

Module system

Verticles can be packaged into re-usable packages called modules

Modules can contain code in any of the Vert.x languages

Modules can live in the usual places. (Vert.x 2.0 - Maven Central, Nexus, etc)

Encourage an eco-system of Vert.x modules.

Empower the community

Keep the core project compact.

Examples of modules






Work queues

Session Manager

Web framework

Rhino, DynJS, Groovy, JRuby, Jython, Scala, Clojure, etc

Easy Developer Experience

Vert.x 2.0:Gradle template project

Maven archetype and plugins

Zero setup IDE debugging

Zero setup IDE testing

Introducing DynJS

New 100% InvokeDynamic JavaScript implementation for the JVM

Authors part of same polyglot team at Red Hat

DynJS language module for Vert.x

Node.js Compatibility

Run Node.js apps on Vert.x

Node.js support using DynJS

Migration path to Vert.x

+ V8

Vert.x +


Write apps as set of loosely coupled components that live anywhere

Polyglot use the language(s) you want

Simple concurrency wave goodbye to most race conditions

Leverage existing Java library ecosystem

Module system empower the community

Run Node.js apps too

We believe Vert.x is the platform for the new generation of polyglot web and enterprise applications


Write apps as set of loosely coupled components that live anywhere

Polyglot use the language(s) you want

Simple concurrency wave goodbye to most race conditions

Leverage existing Java library ecosystem

Module system empower the community

Run Node.js apps too

We believe Vert.x is the platform for the new generation of polyglot web and enterprise applications

Get involved!

Loads more to do

Very small team!


Google group: vertx

IRC channel: #vertx on


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