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Classifying the Backboned AnimalsVertebratesClassifying VertebratesVertebrates can be classified into two groups using this characteristic:Cold-blooded Warm-blooded These animals get heat from outside their bodies. The body temperature changes with the temperature of its surroundings.

**If the outside temps change, so does its body temperature.**Cold air temperature means cold body temperature.The body temperature does not change much. They use energy from food to keep a constant temperature.

**If body temp changes much, this could mean sickness (like a fever for humans).Reptilescold-blooded

vertebratedry, scaly skinlays eggsbreathes with lungsmany have fourlegs, but some have nonestrong,waterproofskincan live in many environments, both dry and wetAmphibians

vertebratecold-bloodedmoist skinAll amphibians live near water so their skin wont dry out.Frogs spend half their lives in water and half on land.lays eggs; usually in a jelly-like mass in waterbreathe through lungs,skin, and gills during different parts of lifemost have 4 legslife cycle includes larva stage (tadpoles) frogtoadsalamanderFish

vertebratecold-bloodedcovered by scalessome species only livein freshwater (rivers,lakes) and some only live in saltwater (ocean)lays eggs in waterbreathes through gillshave fins and streamlined bodies to help themglide through watereyes usually on side of headlife cycle includes larva stageBirds

vertebratewarm-bloodedhave waterproof featherslive on land; found in allenvironmentslay hard-shelled eggsbreathe with lungsand haveair sacsall birds have wings and beakshollow bones allow birds to flynot all birdscan flyMammals

vertebratewarm-bloodedmost have body hair or furmost live on landreproduce by live birthbreathethroughlungsnurse their young with milklarge,well-developedbrainsdifferent kinds of teethfor eating different foods

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