Download - Verruca Vulgaris



VERRUCA VULGARISNAHDHIAH ZAINUDDIN110 209 0114ANDI FATMAWATI MAHIR110 209 0121CASE REPORTRegistration: 269331Name: Mrs. JAge: 27 years oldAddress: Bontugape TakalarDate of admission: 14-3-2013

HISTORY TAKINGChief complain: bump behind the earBrief Anamnesis: since 21th years ago. PRESENT STATUSGeneral condition: goodHiegene: goodVital sign:Blood pressure: 130/80 mmHgPulse: 100x/minuteRR: 20x/minuteTemp: 36,5OCConsciousness: Compos mentisPHYSICAL EXAMINATIONHead Examination: Icteric (-) Anemic (-) Cyanosis (-)Cor / Pulmo: BJ I/II, Pure, Reguler Thorax: Vesikuler, Rh (-)/Wh(-)Abdomen: Normal, Peristaltic (+)Extremities: Normal

DERMATOLOGY STATUSLocation: Reg. Auricalis posteriorSize: linear and konfluensEffloresensi: firm hyperkeratotic papules with vegetations

LABORATORY RESULTRECOMMENDED EXAMINATIONRESUMEDIAGNOSISVerucca VulgarisTHERAPYVERRUCA VULGARISETIOLOGYHuman papilloma virusPATHOGENESISCLINICAL MANIFESTATIONFirm papules, 110 mm or rarely larger, hyperkeratotic, clefted surface, with vegetations.Palmar lesions disrupt the normal line of fingerprints. Return of fingerprints is a sign of resolution of the wart.Characteristic red or brown dots are better seen with hand lens and are pathognomonic, representing thrombosed capillary loops.Isolated lesion, scattered discrete lesions.Linear arrangement : inoculation by scratching.Annular warts : at sites of prior therapy Occur at sites of trauma: hands, fingers, knees.Butchers warts : large cauliflower-like lesions on hands of meat handlers.Filiform warts have relatively small bases, extending out with elongated cap.DIAGNOSISUsually made on clinical findings.In the immunocompromised host, HIV induced SCC at periungual sites or anogenital region should be ruled out by lesional biopsy.DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSISMolluscum contagiosum,Seborrheic keratosis,Actinic keratosis,KeratoacanthomaTREATMENTPROGNOSISTHANK YOU

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