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Fredy Vengean

Logo creatorRafael Jóvine

Writer & President

Jon Ramirez

Southern CA


Rae Ann Varona

Center/Southern C


Hey everyone!

Hope you are doing great!

Welcome to a new issue from Vents Magazine. Featuring the best of new and indie music fro

Althought this issue may look a little bit small, this is only a 2% of what we bring this mont

confirmed and come... You can find loads of interviews at our magazine from so many genres a

all over Rock to Folk, we have so many options to full your computer, laptop, iPod, CDS, Ca

As well below you can see just got few new team members which many of them you can alrea

our website

So without anything else to say, enjoy the issue and spread the word!

Rock on!



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rKevin Sloan

Designer (Top Bands)

CA Luisa Fernandez

SoCal photographerBre Steele

SoCal photographer

& show writer

Lena Marisola

MA photographer &


Nicolas J. DiNatale

MA photographer &


John Colson

Uk writer &




UK photog-




UK writer

Cody Blevins

Bands and CD


Melissa Hurry

Uk show


om all the world!

h and as for now it still missing so many things to be

and talented, few knowns and others not, bands. From

ssettes... It only takes for you to look out!

ady find works from them to us here at the mag or at


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ReviewSecret And Whisper, is a moody melodic rock band, full of Circa Survive-like climbing melodies, edgy ethereal vocals, and

an amalgam of swirling guitar tones that dance and float, before punching you in the gut. No song identifies these proper-

ties more than Whale Bones, a song full of hair trigger angst, and hazy arpeggios that melt into a crescendo, of anger, and

release. It seems like Canada has their very own Anthony Green killer, hopefully Secret And Whisper will be able to make a

mark outside that sizeable shadow.

InterviewWhat's the meaning behind the band's name?

The name Secret and Whisper was derived from the circumstances surrounding the bands inception. When we

all first got together, Charles had previous contract obligations, we had just lost our singer, and we were just

kinda keeping things on the low down overall. On top of that, SAW is a pretty sweet acronym! Haha

How the band started??

Well, Jordan, Jason, Bradyn and I (Ryan) were in a band called Stutterfly previously. Our singer Chris left to do

go after a regular life, and the rest of us wanted to keep going with music. Around the same time, Charles was

kicked out of his old band because his old band mates were morons. Charles wanted to try out and recorded a

crappy quality demo tape for “Vanishings” and blew us all away with what he had. We all got together and had

Charles out to a practice and he nailed it. At that time, it was still “Stutterfly” and we played a few shows with

the old songs. However, after writing music for what is now “Great White While”, we all decided that we could-

n’t keep going as Stutterfly anymore. Secret And Whisper was officially started! The only change is now our

friend Dave plays guitar, as Bradyn decided to leave the band.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

We don’t really have any hidden messages or motives with our music. We want to write music that we are happy

with, challenges us creatively and is just fun to play I think a lot of people get caught up with wanting to sound

like something, or write a certain way, or achieve something specific. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great to have

goals and directions, but I think those things should be kept out of your music writing specifically, you know?

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What's your method at the time of writing a song??

It always starts off with a specific guitar riff, keyboard line, something small, and then goes from there.

We usually throw some ideas together with Jordan’s studio equipment, jam it out, go back to the stu-

dio, and repeat until it’s done! We are all pretty meticulous with writing and if something isn’t exactly

where we want it, we won’t keep it. It’s gotta feel good to play and come across good live as well. That’s

a big thing! If you can’t pull it off live, then don’t record it.

Which are your music influences??

We all have so many musical influences, but some of them are the same. We are all huge Deftones, Ra-

diohead, Bjork, Mew and Smashing Pumpkins fans. Outside of that, our tastes vary quite a bit. I think

one common thing we all like about these bands are that they write “albums” and not just songs put to-

gether in succession, you know? I miss the days when bands put out albums that had such varied writ-

ing that covered different moods and styles, but still represented their band so well.

What plans do you guys have for the future??

We want to keep playing shows as much as we can, maybe do a tour if it’s right, and write some more

music for sure! Jordan and I were actually talking about our next CD, and we’re getting pretty excited

to start working on some of the things we were chatting about.

Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

Oh wow…there are just too many and I don’t even know where to start. Watch our Tour Update videos

on YouTube and you’ll see what we get up to on tour! Jordan stole a golf kart once, there were police…fill

in the blanks Haha

Which country you guys would love to play?

We were fortunate enough to play Loud Park in Japan back in 2008 and we would LOVE to go back

and do a tour or some more shows there; Such an amazing country and culture. Definitely Europe and

Australia as well!

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

Deftones for sure! We just played with POD and that was amazing. We’ve all been huge fans of them for

years and years, so it was pretty crazy for all of us.

Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

We are all really happy with how things are. We wish we could play more but we’re just at a point where

our lives need to be the first priority with family and loved ones. However, we’re nowhere near finished

and will always be working on things as much as possible. New music, shows and everything will be on

the way :)

Check more of Secret and Whisper by going to:

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Back to the Roots Tour

For the first of two nights that The Devil Wears Prada’s Back To The Roots Tour would be at Harper’s

Ferry in Allston, Massachusetts, the line to get in was stretched around the corner and a sign was posted

on the door that the show was 100% sold out. Fans waiting in line without a ticket, hoping to see The

Devil Wears Prada, Miss May I, and Your Demise up close and personal would be out of luck.

Starting promptly at 8pm, British hardcore band Your Demise took the stage. Promoting their new

album, The Kids We Used To Be…, they’ve been touring in order to spread their UK popularity farther

to the west. A smaller portion of the crowd showed good interest in their set, but with most people being

there to see Miss May I and The Devil Wears Prada, a larger number of them saved their energy for the

later bands. The band’s set was fairly short, but still solid. Soon enough they handed the stage over to

Miss May I.

When the club went dark and Miss May I marched up onto the stage, the crowd immediately pushed to-

gether in anticipation. As soon as the music started the crowd rushed the stage. With the club already

sold out and well packed, the fans closer to the front were comparable to a can of sardines. The set con-

tinued like so until the very end. The only break that the front rows received from getting crushed to-

gether was when lead vocalist Levi Benton initiated a wall of death. (For those who aren’t familiar with

a wall of death, it’s an event that normally takes place at a metal or hardcore show, when the band tells

the crowd to separate. Once the singer says “go”, the crowd runs in from all four sides of the pit into a

sea of moshing. It is an impressive sight, for sure.). Miss May I performed songs off of their older re-

lease, Apologies Are For The Weak, but with their new record, Monument just being released, they also

advertised for, and played songs off of the new CD. The band’s music was a big hit throughout the crowd,

but with The Devil Wears Prada still waiting to go on stage, the crowd had even more energy left to


With the club engulfed in darkness, The Devil Wears Prada began their set with their song, Danger:

Wildman, a fan favorite. For those in the crowd that thought Miss May I was rough, The Devil Wears

Prada’s set brought it to a new level. The fans packed in tighter, the pit got rowdier, and even more peo-

ple sang along. Performing songs off of their first three full-length albums, and their newly released,

Zombie EP, the band brought and unprecedented amount of energy to the stage and truly got the crowd

to feel their music. Members of the crowd were moshing, jumping, and pumping their fists in appreci-

ation. When the band took a break and asked the crowd, a show of hands showed that a fair number of

fans would be coming back the following night to see the band play their second night at Harper’s Ferry.

The band then continued their set, which went on for at least a half dozen more songs, including new

tracks, such as Outnumbered. The band was very thankful to the fans for coming out to the show and

supporting them in their return to small venues, which was the purpose of The Back To The Roots Tour.

They have definitely done a great job with the tour, with great attendance, and emotionally charged

shows. If you didn’t get the chance to, make sure to check out The Devil Wears Prada next time they’re

in the area.

Photo’s by: LMND Photography

Review by LMND Photography

Special thanks to Lena Marisola and

Nick DiNatale www.lmndphotogra-

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InterviewDeas Vail

Wesley Blaylock- Lead Vocals

Laura Blaylock- Keys/Vocals

Andy Moore- Guitar

Justin Froning- Bass

Kelsey Harelson- Drums (not present for interview)

Is this your first time on Warped Tour?


Where are you from and how long have you been a band?

We're from Russellville, Arkansas and we've been a band for about six and a half years.

What are your favorite parts of Warped Tour?

Meeting people, hanging out with friends, and getting to know new bands. We love the aspect of the traveling community. We leave one town and travel to-

gether and set up a new community in a new town. We also love the food. Tada! Catering, you rock!

What has been your biggest show turn out?

We've only played four shows. We've only been on tour for about a week, but the biggest crowd was about 350 people.

Your style is a bit different from other bands on tour. You're also a christian band. Has this affected the way the other bands respond to you?

We haven't felt judged or anything. We aren't rude or pushy about our faith, but we do wear the keys on our arms, which represent freedom, and God is

the only path to that freedom. We've been suprised by how many of the bands embrace us because of our music. A lot of bands are excited about us. Even

the hardcore bands like us, which suprised us. I Wrestled A Bear Once and Confide are into us. We were totally honored.

What are your favorite songs to perform?

Now it's probably Birds and Cages. For me, (Wesley) it was Undercover for a long time.

Are you working on any new music?

We're going into the studio right after Warped. We've been writing in between tours.

Can you describe your writing process?

It's organic. We just start playing and music comes out. Then we add the lyrics after. Wes does most of the writing of the lyrics, but it's a joint process in

the writing of the music.

So where can the fans find out more about your music/tours/the band?

They can contact us at


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InterviewNever Shout Never

Christopher Drew- Head man/vocalist/guitarist

How has it been going on Warped Tour?

It's been fun. The food is good. It's been really hot out though. It's kinda crazy, you don't know when

you're going to play or get up. It's all a learning experience.

Do you like being in a band or playing solo?

The press is solo, but I love having a band on tour. It's great getting to play with my best friends. I like

both the same.

How has the recent popularity been?

It's been cool. I don't really tnk about it. It's a now kinda thing. I just keep doing my thing, and keep

with my homies. I'm staying grounded in my music. If the popularity keeps going, cool, if not, cool.

What are your major influences in your music?

Mostly my family and friends. My dad taught me guitar. Life too.

What does your name mean?

It sounded right when I came up with it. I was 15. Now it's whatever. I've thought about changing it to

just my name, but I'm not sure. I want as many musical projects as I can. My other side project, Eat-

mewhilei'mhot just put out a record.


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Of Mice and Men

Jery Roush- Lead Vocals

Tino Arteaga- Drums

Is this your first time on Warped Tour?

This is our first time as this band. We've both been on it before in different bands.

How has it been so far?

It's crazy to start this tour and have our faces on our bus. We've only been in this band for a year. Jery-"I've only been in this band since

February." We're still a fairly new band.

What's been the biggest turn out you've had for a show on this tour?

We've had crazy good turn outs. The biggest crowd was 7 or 8 thousand. We were also in the New York Times.

So have you released any new music recently?

We just released our newest album in April. Then we started the tour. Warped Tour is a great outlet for the music. The kids have been re-

ally supportive and receptive to our music. It's been so awesome.

How would you describe your musical style?

"What-Evs!" It's a new genre. No, but really we just do what we want to do. We don't lasso a genre, though we've been described as post-

hardcore. We do the singing/screaming thing.

What is your favorite part of tour?

We first want to give a shout out to TaDa! Catering. The food has been so good! We also love doing the shows and getting to see the crowds

and kids. It's awesome to do interviews and see people care about us. We're not grown-ups but little kids at heart.

What are the downsides of tour?

It's the opposite of home life. We don't wake up in the morning, in our beds, knowing our phones are on our nightstands and that we have

clean clothes in the closet. We're living on a bus, and we don't always know where things are. It's also hard being away from family, friends,

and girl friends.

Do you have any advice for bands starting out?

Pick a new career. Just kidding. You never know who's watching you at a show. Make sure your play lots of shows and that your band

sounds tight. Have lots of patience and persistance. If it's meant to happen, it will.



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