

-. is' justnegmningfo in'C-O"ak ..... e ..... t-.l.:!hin~·-c: ....... gs ... ·-·· I~.ic-'+--- -BY ALL ARDIN" THIS-\VEEIC- -.-IJ --I- 1;ia:ve <le-cided to closeout iny e~tirestock of

. - - COST. . I rriU-;".have-~ocm to pnJperly display-my oth"r goC'ds.

~;>~;,-- COME AtfD GET A

,;.,~- BAR~G--AIN ,-... ,!~ .', 0 • _ &

at AUGUST DORMAml'S, '._ Successor to HENRY LEY

... ne.w dress goo~s. 'g.en1:!f"fyrnishing goods., _. and see my I· i\ -fine line of and

_ S_at~en' for triIlJrning {,DC. per y'd and upward:, __ ~:l~~tee~ for-tri~m-ing . . --

L.- ...fuaxy.unbleached-mm1ID- - - - -J:-~ -Heavy-wuot,"""len,,'"iIl~ _______ -------ee-.-pe~y_ard - --- -- -- 1_ flannel,2Sc per

". -~ ~-~-::---:-:-----~-

~ Gent;, stifEfur hats I '" Plec.ed buck' I Gents soft QJ.f hats _ la.test-style - gloves new style

- $I.50 _a_~ up"'va~. ____ -,-___ ~?c~ __ I ____ $1.25 and- up~a~d.


Dllcss ·-good~. under~vear,

OUR ENTIRE STocK 0":. flannels, carpets,. rugs,

cotton flannels, prints, yrtrus,-- ;ringhalhs

BOOTS a.nd SHOES, ';',J:ATSaud CA:PS~

Areru:f-in:; andwe m.Vit~you' to look-, ovQl'befQr'~_b1iying. We have' an e', l~g1anN'

of. plush cloaks~bo,thloni~nd' Sh4[)rt. -AU THE NEWEST . [HEJ'MAltliH,'~;


To-ever~' ?~~<::'~':L~er of one dol~ars wor;h for ~;SI~~V~~\~~~I:~ ~u~:~~' f~'l~}' up, still I sell cash,J \vill ~\r~~icke~J~ whie.!!. ~~}~~ -l-4---.ll ~-A-" --"------ -;'-' ~- - --'';;;J--~·-----.:L:=t=lH'=t=;\----A~~f.:J7\--::'J~I'::\-ctc-1B'::F~n:--c-'~~:-,=~

-=-8tickets gets a sih'er plated f;1gar shcll worth $1.00. IS " __ cxtra f~ " " ]0 - - " bJtter kmfc " $1.25 r 5" C ,!5

, 12 ,,~ new str),e.lace pin - 1.50 Coffee per pOUlJd 2$ "-.,, set af teaspoons 3,00 Syrup -," --~.- ___ ~

~~ ::, '::_ ::,:: ~;k:S . ~:;~ ~~ b~rs\";:~i~~ russian 39ap "

50" "_""" tabiespoolls ". 6.00. 23" 'Lenn?x~-=-_-o -.:'- -'-' 'This silver platnd table cutlery is the H'ry bTcst .~t~r:a~~:~eg~~as":L

I could obtam and bears the stamp ob. the' W)1. Golden " "g" RODGERS MEG., Co. ' , -7- ~ Castor Flour, salt and c1tothing an" .exeepted-from- thi-s , O:-IL[I-ci!-- , offer. - ------ Sahper bbl.

~ _______ --'-~ --'-'" --L--.-.-·~.--'---------lF':-,... -" Goodsdeliv-ered free of charge to al,ly part of the Clty.


With,the best line of clothing ever '~ ill. t(t WAyne~- --

'00 Just out of a rE';lguIar' tailorin.g establishment. ;~ give you frock an4- sack coats and a~pl'et!y a. fit

-YOUccan,get from any taIlor. '. W.e w<¥1l\'y~!!r trade and hope b),':-fair de~~ng<t9_ merit i,h' c:>~f n~p,~;k~" us. over __ ;nd be

, '0."", ""k~'iRBiimrr".·f'_-"""~:;:; Sucoessor to :EI:ENFl 'Y LEl'Y_

-R-AY ~~AI!VHSmiG TOOLS,! IUS~~;'~~~~~:;:;E' THE TARIFF BILl"I ~1~~5>i"t;;'.:"~~~~;~~i;~~.p;"§:OL'i}~: . - 1- -------- The House Sends the Measure I

The ~·Stackel' at $75.00. .. to Conreeence. ~i:~~~;~Kl~;:'~;·~~'~~::~'·f.~i;::: ". " SW~Il!i'-'----- 25.00. I ATTlr" Il"MATQt:n

-The best Sweep and Sta-cker made, I dtan~ll.rd 4 i.2. 5 and ~ft. ¥o~eE~. ___ " 1)eetlfig 4~·2,o, ana:Ulal:itl'tfow~r~'1 .'

PH~~lE9- -&r-G!HMSlEll =, \\ D .

• TOHN ~. I ~, .IIL - V~tmn~r1

---S-w-eafPads-:-Coliills, Ifl;-lwlrs, AUol everythiug ill the line. -1 Illakl' all my lInrlH'<~ Olll ot' Ih(\' I

Be""t 00.1£ 1 .. ('l'~"!-(her und:- '" t.he I5"1ttttl!" to hi! bCLler'thtlp an;; of my (>,.,mr"'litar~

_ .,' PX"'1.0~S' th'" LO';;,,;'I'!It: or rILe H,ln.1

t--TH£CI:nZENSBAN K[ {j'\(nHI'Oi~ .

. PAID-UP CAPITAL. $75.000.

, ,



mac~smit~ S~o~, M. STR:INCER. Prop.

Wor~ gua:rrrnteM. Shop first p.oor south of Perry &: Warner's ba.rn.

W" A. IVORY, :r co:~~.~'·:,~~ors~l~:l::~e~l!·: ~ E N TIS T.

, biu of oatg from waich the I . b"[u~ dl'll.w'!. He was not I Vitalized AirfOIl' Paillll'SS Extrnctln~

0"0 I ',lih'o''','.''u"",."' u:I~~ ~::)~o'~;~::ll~h~:'~~c~ Work 6I1al'nnteed FirS~-l'lnss. eight feet of o.ats. How he got int\' II n' ... ");·NE., •• • - • NEa

til~~~~~~aL:~~~~~~t-~-~:er of the' W. B. ~ARISON'8 ;~:~O:h::~~l~l~~linbg:::t;:~ u~~:~.e~~~~! Barber 'Shop. ~~'!~~i:~~'o~C::ccdtt~t waiter on '~l~: ! w~.t Side MIlln Stroet. .

uti;ht of Sept. l-s-t t!.Ild-i~ .!.he t Hair Cniting, SllRving, Etc,!. l"6sln1 01 a jea.lo,/s The I Done ~entlJ" nud p,.ompllJ".

lor ,",olallO!)' I\'ould te>"pf'('tfu'l", ",10,.", the public that

:oa~~~~: M'~~~g~ pr~~d'~~'RD;i;ibl;a W':~ :-OF BUILDINGS."

I .l..dJrou lb~1D "t -WAI~B

W"'Y>;r: ..... r.lln.~sK ••

~I,:.\~~" ~:,,~t·lrn"~~:;\~·~:'''I':~'51~1~,~ .. ;::t:; .. ~~ PLOW AND CARRIAGE WOR/( ll,'~ j~ Ib,. '-'rll of ilf'r n'pl'! d""""I»i ... S"BO:I,t,I..TY. ru, llt. tl:tuTIlwa h"" her "oJ:!\ p:,.,,,'" ------~ ~--_ ("b\cln hee ""u'kefu) blue...:;,

!'>ioJw, (",I.,· """P~"~ .,,'1 ),.'r AUGTST STO:1E.

!eouring Illld cleaning, Illld labor, which W9re thnn ',­

"~'-'--".=.= ljeopfe Willfinu S.UOLIO tho bc,t and chcapest so~p for house cleamng and. lliioul'lIIg. - ~ ---

.--~="----A -head ~f everything ~pi!!:S~)_eusedforwashing. wid. ·cJeailing.-~jdE..bR~-._ rNE. ffYOUr\\'oTkisheavy, .--=: it is a necessity; if YOllr:= __

wurkislight, it isaluxury. ' 1 t lcs:.eos the labor of was' b::' n to: J::' t:; -

where in "the housework. There'snotbing so harm-=-------­

~ - les5 ~nothing so effcct­ivc--nothing- 5.0 p.opnlar

-ar;-d Tct-so-new~--n:-is rapidly- -

Wh""'Jlnh; ..... 'lek ... egn.~h~tCMtorra. / succeeding"soap, Tryitforwash-1'Vh,·"olm ... ,,-,, t:",J:<..:tccrledrorCQtorl6,. . ing .dishes-try it (oL~yashl.!l!! .nfI-X-___ _ W""""""''''''',"''''''HS!.''l!odunll"toCasto~ thmg--en'.rythlll b,",* €ln,ly try It-fl.)r yuur own sake and O\lrs. -.... h,,".11·Jh4..Ill.ouJ;-oa.olle"'neLucmcut.orta, , A lH)Uo.l:·\I"ILhullt Pearline is "behind the times."

I B 1 il;c~~I~~~,t~2,~o,~i~,,;:::,c~~,:1~~sl~~~~i~::>'ilW)~ l'?'~'L'~~~ e\' are ",""""" ",m,""''''''. """ ,fy""','''''' ""',, r""'''"'': thill' in J,la''e"f I'c,llln,e, do\h~ h"n .. 1 Ihi"l:-s(II'/ ,i /".~. ,~] j.I...'!rs j'Y!.1:, ~ew ~~k. -r-

~';'''i~k-MiL~ER-ha.~itT ~, ==~==============~~.~

_ S. n-. Relyea, I Real Estate and Ctiatet - -STOCK IS BROKEN I Contractor and Bwlder .. Loans made on favorable Term&. J

I -=-;:--cc:----:--:-:-:c~~~-:: I ~__'_~~~~~~~_II ana lIlspect the fi"e hoe now on Plans and SpeClficatlOnsfurmshed Pension Claim.~~osecute~ All Work Warr¥nted. I A. J. FeI;gusoD ..


~~ri~.\:~~~~~tlfutttf--.~~.~ DRUCGLSIc'

- - , . Physicians' Perscriplioos--a~j!ecilaty.


Dry _Gop]'s, _I'!~~ Groceries and Boots, Shoes, Clothing. Etc.

White Sewing :'iachint' ALw Agent for Transatlan~c Steamboats.


article is not true. No .gested It to us, was

--:-regard to' it, or had· do witt. it in any shape or

_::::BQ.n,B~f~to night 1'bec(lrn palnce nex-t wc~k

... ,lm L

wilirelllrn 1n II ID tl~J>rtnl( Iipwdl,n.nllll1l(·

~:~l:):r 0''/ tr.;.~;·~~:\;!~~!,1 ~~~"~~;,'!::; Rill

~:t~if~r~ii;:~;!::!If,;~i;ii;\i:j I:,;,:: " . I I : I T11~ llnf(JrllllHLIC thing'r""nprj",l \I 11111" I

jh~ B~le i. !bat we will j",.e \lr ):(ewlOll ' who will rom)O'l't.' ,0 (;PIII"fIlI.~ Fl.' "OO~ I ~beciill gN bi. DUS)[le~S af!lursj,culed

1 am prep(l,rcd 10 mAke farm loana a~ 7, per <:enlBtrnlgbl, no commiaoUo.n......Op· ;~ linft paymoDtB; thnUII, you can_p.!y ~~y ~ part o~ all Qf it 11.1 any time after two -, :' j'cllr~. 1 believe tbls IS better thaD you.-:"'·. cl1n-(fo-ahfwb~rrW-aYD1!;-·~~ .. -


i"ALL IN -IDMRA-uE~----=~';-'­_-Aud .c..!!J!l!l~to J:!!Lomce. 'Hnve all; bllL!lkeRlidoeCBsserypalleril~ newoena!on Jllw,lI.etQfJune27th,181l0;-· . Alijucupi\)Bolthelnw. '"

-, A. J. FERGU!O!,.~_", __ 0

LOAI.;f!' L6A:J.;fS!!

- ~ . ~

~~ ____ , ____ .... ::,,~~~.~~~.=~~~::~!i~~:~~~ ~" ... _c,,,c,,, .. "ril;~~~~.~=:::"~~ ~~::;. OVER ~r HE STMT.ID. ~h; ~~: ~~~1::\:;~ ~",;':il~:,,':~~f &T" .. I~na~._DI"~!J"h_"'~" !""'''~~~''~_I''I ~~~~;nthe ~~~Z -:~~h~~~t:~~~ 1 .,,_to Lauda OCSUb./4iZO:d lI_allrx"~~'I:~,~lf:tr.N~~;=:Z:;'::':,:;t= ~ ---.~ ." when "he ~as prOlltt'n\cd Bnd dled-r- Errbn. tn-: ~"lIev1ne:.lh;e J!(oneT has--been :manUested. This wus tne

-~-- 9,.fjI~:;;:·~:~~~f'~~~;~~:~~r-:ov~~~ -r~:!E~~~~:{~:!~. I~~t;:~~!:1 Z!r:~~:i::~:; E:~;~:::-~l~Ef~~~~r iS~~;:--MRS. KQUN'.t'ZE.' -;WI!..., of Herman . - j wu:s Qno of the Boos-ill-laW _ of Hon.; oC:H~pr .... ".~~~v..,.;-

'''' K()untze, onc of Omal:.!n.~s·mo6t-welilthi TIll:: e..xtenstve hlil-dwure esttLbllsh· - Of":~JlUk"-. " - Mr. ruler. During-- the tl"ial Con. . ~ cjti~eD~, died Ill.!3t ~eck:. . IllCIl+-!'lf-lt. W. Gel'c of Jl~litr!l:e WI!.!I ~ ----.:., -- • sMbla- J. N. Anc.n..=-atffitner .5oti"ill~l-liw-~ t.-o~GU)!;S!llOl'lA.L .FUe~EDJNG&. --

at~::::~1~ra~~~ e::;:~c~::~c~o~yO=nt!~ ~~~ay~rs~~:~o~n~~:~~~ ~oa~~: f~~ .. Ifm ~ R~I:r;.l::'l~.~b" Dl~"fll ~~~:ll~d thej~: ~::~ a :~~~:!:; The ae-na~ on th~-E~r A.OTa~ IIW!loD of SeGr'·{.<:\rv FUI'llaB $4 000, an,! MI'II A~1l L ~~Iden 01 I WASlJI:;Gl'O~, Sept 13,-R~"p..£esent- lllwtho 100m an~d fell-=aCMsli~1F,= lng t'3-. tho confer!,nca report on the

• SyrU(lme. NY., 101'$5,000 IllO total ahve1lurton of OlllO mtroduced In the exc1almmg 'lItler did It.'' Eefal'(! river a-U:d hnrbor bIll WffiIOUl-uI - the speaker It was r.efel'l'ed to the com_ ~:l:nd:~ ~~:e :~~~i'!~' ~~~~IO;ea: lItlblhtlCs will 'reneh ;i;9,000, wl-th!l.!j~ I house a bill to regulato the dmston of I thelerro~ed spectators wuld realize Ion and Without an yea nun nay vote, ml.ttee .on-ways-and means The pre_

~ ~:~era~; Ocwbt'r 1. ~ and S, -to o!o 8e~:~:I1~:~:;I\;:ar ryenoa ~haled a ~~t;r:v~~{~~~:~:~~~~~:~o~: I ~~Jt~~~~~:t~~ ~e::m:~:~51;:l;t:~l~:tbo-U\riJI])ilk =8 quem~'l:t;rl=~Y;;:I;:;~~ ~- HUG broken oUf, m :a~~o~ wh~e ::aaBl;g y~:~B a~: ~~~ nftm--tb-e---pns shot which took: effect In the dght :~:te fuee:eat!;n~:Uffil tv o:r!b~~utel ~r~i,uel~~~~;: ~~ap~~:~

erel localitIes o! Ha.dan COunty, lind mOl!) the troublcspmet~p1'oved un- nct staLes shall be dlnded into COIl breast of Geol'ge Ha.rngrover, passme: numb~r of chmi :ee a~ amend!ent;m peared and .... a c811 of the hOUlle \f~

:: ~Y?::E,:~~:h;t ;.p::::: :~:;!.:~o~: b~~~~~;::,~;~~t!~ ~~~~!;~1~::::l:~,Irf:=r~t:,~~11 :~::;~~:~O:~~i:~b"~4~ '!t~~~i ~~=~::r.o::ftl~!~,:~::F~ ~~;'~;~E~;'f!!~:~ ":~i~=:~~ ~r~~a\~h~{)t~;~~~~~t t::;~!~tO!nc;~~\~ /lfwr ;:lht

J houI's of ~eeldent us~ I ~;srtY"r~~tj=~~ [I :O°uif~to f~e ~~:~ ~as h"ald ::~=~!:~~~!e::~o~~:g~iu: _:~~ ~~d !:t~!le~/~;4~K~ii~;I~::'

~~IIlUCKET oCdirt was droppcd on C :~Ia~~~fi!~~f~t~~1~7W::~; ~= ~~n~i:~:u~o,:,:r:,:~ ~!! :noe!::.~ct ~ I ~e:~ma;:IS ~~e~;;':lo~s ~o~et:~ ~e uestion was fUI1;h~~~ house ~oeu:n::ldent at " .. rI<. :r H Broek n wett-d:igger atlableltock, in/a co y of ~ts II.rUe\eB of saBGClUtion dUltllct Ul not to be dlvlded un1ess lt~ 1 by thiS I Clmark John Hiler cousm to -SentJ,£ors Hille Bear and E,[ 1:8 m f~ - HE Sp~nw Pa Be t 9 -Too strlkwg hiS shouldel' an~~rUl'hlng the tOllethe; wIth n copy ot its oonstitutlon populatlOII exceelis by one_tenth the I tho murderer, and lUlimporta.nt IVltneas vor of the am"udment, and9-'by Sena~ C 5,S.QN Bi. P

= bO;~:~ o~:::ec:s ';;:1 :::::rbfWe ~~ltOO T'h~ t;;bJl:~: ~~~h~h~~:~~~ o~~~t::; ~~~~~~tl::C~~B::t ~n e~~~s 1~~~:J~ ~e:~~ ~:\:!h!:r~? t~ c~e~: :; ~i=~' ~~~~i Al~:D~~~~eU:r~ i:le;~~ent~:= ~nb~d;e~r~""~~!h~:;: - inpeUtlonlng Rev. A. A. Randnll who furn.lsh II,ccldent lnti'urunoo to liS mem- repl'esentatlves b.}' towns, and no db- the plaintiffs The town IS aroused gumentll made a.g:l.lnst the lWlendment toD 10 the filst mall the nomrnatlOnot - .Is now at conference. to return tQ Heb. 'bers. trlct is to-' contam mOl e than one and IS searching for tho mUI'der~"'. \Ii ho was that With a bount) of one cent 1;1. Challes Seo.ilie of Indiana bemg the -~ roa for the noxt CbUl·ch yeal. TWEN'l')~FlYE Nebraska. countIes :~:~~~:e~O::~~s~~ ~~~~~tl~~~a~ IS stlll at large ___ pound on molW!ses8ugar~ttlIe Su~ firbt ap-pDintm.en.t ~y the--jH"eBl--

- co::t~ ~h~~~ :~:u. ~~~711J;~~: ~:~f:t~~~~!::Il!~O~: ~~n ~~~;~~: b~pr!~~~~v: ofb~o!~~~ct~~ ~'WIH'l':'K:~ :e~~Qto~The dem_ ::: ~~~~~:&ll~P:~t~:a: !:~t smce hIS arrJ\~~\l~~~: _

• ::~a~~~~V;~~L~~8~:P~CI6 :~~~t70~~::l~=-~~~I~~::r~b~;!Ia~:~~ ~~~::a~:~~~:::;ms;;::"!:~:~ :~;~~j am~~~~ ~:~~IS~~~.:::~:\:~ear;;;~~~ ~ ;~:~~~~e~ ~:!a!yo~~ ~~~~~~i!l8 jl~o;eg~~!r:o ~~oron;~=--There is to bo no natlODal bonrd of five misElOmsts eo e a fnc on me::a~o~~~ ~~~~zn~f::r=t=~f:hle--alte- f0!91.'--I'Iry-dock on the1'aclhe

~nco City. ~:_u~:g 1O:r J:'~~~~: lon, _ _ ~ ~ lL ~~~~c,.~~~-!>~~ ~i theS:re-me;uIs~ ~~~=~~a:-:;hw~i::hn::~~ e~ts~.~~: ~~~e!u~~~ f~r: t!:oh re~u:c%n;e~: ~~~~~;::,f the nOi·thern bounaal·Y .•

'l[~ &!henck'B leg. -- -" CIT11'1fAlISHAJ. S)!lTH, ot ·Fremont, I ap;oi~~~~; tho n P~!identes==~ ingwobtain. through the legislature. since J!l.Dllltl,'y,1690. Senator Eustis -The presid~nt's system waS some-

~~ oj 1!~~:o~e~r~~k~ ;t~ ~~=~:a~~;lt8~; ~I~~ec~~~;cl~ ;do;~Ji~JnsoYu~~~~; ~:Iru~!~: o:=~!=~:l;h:"::a¥! . :me~e;~~~o&o U;~~D':;_ :O!!;~~m-::=El1~ ~~a~:~~,~;~~.;h~~~~ r~~~~erd ~~~ ~'- injure1 by tho klcl~. of n horse nnd unjl~rm,Pwho.\;l ;;uppoHed to be wanted. bQdrds. The districts mado by the~e To !\ttain these ends they fOI'llled"'o. sorgh= S aug:. ESe~?-u:r Man~e~son ~ H~ appetIte 16 goo,<! and. h1S SPI:ltS

:'l~ ~~~:!n ~~\'~~I~ken "lth lung leVDI', there lor gmnd lureeny 'l'he :regr~ ~~~~d:e:~s~p;Ol ti~nmont ooruts Both entloqS"-tnetraHh a~ so db:s ;olle:U~ Se~~tor Pad oppressed htm trr-'I~~-~fl~ ban!! ~xmnlllCr to tuke

e eff:~ Oct~~~ i~:I!~~!~~r~~s o~I: :~e o~~~~:~~~~~~: i & Hell"Vl?~ ~y Uorkel. ~~:~I~o~~~~e~I~;~:n!l~~~~ ~~~~e~~ ;~~~ de~~l ~ecnu~:~~~ t~V1;~:19~O~IS~ m~~:~~;:Xe:~~r;~~y afterwards

i ~;n~~ll::Ju~~~e~~~~bl~ V~~t:::i und lodgod HI Jnll ~ Th~~eO;r::~~Nn~8iS ~:k;n;a:~e;: 1: Sheridan, of ~WOlPorIDY fr!.tllil'- ~~~~:~~~ took along~rl:e, v~~~ng the Ll~~~ ~ bank of HU$tlng~ ~: ;:'~ti:g~~Bc ~~~y :ar:~r~~I~r~~ term-Tn the finahcial situation 18 lece~ad :u:Otnmi~ ~-:~ered wl~f ~:s~~r:~:a~rs ~~':~I:'t~~e c~:~, ~:~ ~s~~~~~~~:!~~:u~~t!~~Ce~~~~~t r--€;tll1 UMl_'iG opened 1n Gretna. mont went to the Ccl.\;ket" bll.glllP shown by ~the tucl that he devoted one from the resubmisslonlsts on reSD- Jdea and Senators HllIgms Ilnd-Evart"s 'rho preSIdent Inspected the "hole - ~t jiQ~ U~d\l~ l.~~h lJ.USPIC:S ~: ti~e and urlested .1 I\ltcen~ell.r old girl nearlJ two hour~ thiS a!wrnoon to tel_ lugon.s and ~eported:l. platform to the lDB1stlDg.tbat there was no nece~slty ;;:hUlch attached-to thll" co.nent and

~:nr: ~~~o l'~l~h;B of ~!~L~Ia, fa ~~n: ~::~~~~!!l:t t1Ial/c~~~;~~~t!~~llew~~s~:~d ~!:;\~:~d~:r::p,~~fl~::;~~ ::s~ fu o~O=~!~~fing the democratiecon_ ~~rt~: :on:~~;~~tren::OIll~::n~ ~ha:~an~~:s=~ =~~ .:. uetJ~g ~so~~e N ~ lhogllLwllsput lU ltl.ll for the nIght and MSlstunt Secleturles Batchel ventlOnmadethe~m:;ral Fan;" - ce-the----ITta:crnnery ~sllles8of payanothel 'I!;lt to tho place to luok ~~:;: I'I~Alik. C II.LAN.of Obln~(a an R lLYIill ~-te---sefi/l---l t \inti lojeLtJeton at as.Jnngton as to.the /on perf~ne~t an opte the p at- llnPOn.aIlC6I'as tro.nsant.@]uthehouse.~1 o'er the wu~ent The p Lrt\ returned ~ tllOrGlorm school ~best~.Q! .... :;;ITe.vIllO'-the-preSGnt- orm ~res.QlW.Qsiti.Clntn.pateF- - -- --- to Cresson m the n.ftelnoon ha\ln£!,

~G(l~=~~3~ ~1't~~~-a:~!~ f~1 :tll,e Souih Olllllh ~ U~on stock ~ardS ~~~;e:e7uI~~ ~~et~0:!J:~:~:twIL90:: ~~~~~ ~~ \~ro;e~~;~~B ia~oo :nnd~::; bU~ W::g:~:d~; t!~:::neta~~ eDJOye~ the1r rlde_gJ eatlL_ _

~~ ~~:~t~~ -flew hrhl rr ~:t~=4i~~~~u~lno~ A~7t~:t ~: :~~~ rep") m nt Of I i sFTt i :o:I~El:~~t~;~~et,i=(an par~y e resea-ved amendments.hlm~een LI!~~~:," ;;~b NS:;,;p~lbrr ~~ttfrne;---ik=- &<lroasthe Loup which Will {OtlIlC~~ le~cI\~d IlR complll"d WIth 1 U6!. cars ~~r:gllt1Og f 000 OO~on c:teln~y 66 m thiS ~!:I.te to make religiOUS bahel a. dUlpO~e4 0(. the pl'€sld1Ilg ofll~or Wl-l Vi Hallklils commlttoa ~Uldil" .It 1 "'C Nnntaeketand U'3.\ennn J:'ydll'(\(trmld with oL:I,07:J head dUllDgAugtlstof last ~ n t. 9b~J\~ u tvan$;e;~ ~at1 0 per testforpohtlcalprefer,nent declares the I nounced that the bill was now beforc I ~;~l;ck ,esterdav morn In 'U1 hB IOGm

'~f:hrJr:,;ve/t:hd bee~ d;hvclCll UPOIII ;\~:~:J ~~~l~:~ .. tl~OltS:'~ZO ;;~g~e~: ~~~ CO~~ld~r~~ w~iJt~ ~~:~07:~~~~ t~ell1~:l:I~:~~:~ ~~~mS:P:ll!~1 fOa;:n~pe;~t" ~~~:~~~rrtdWmOloi!K oi-o st,eclJY 6 e ? '" now 6 rue uro L'OInparoli \\Ith Btl 7"9 dUlln!:, tho cor-- suggestmg the exten~lOn of bODded presltlepcJ, hnors a tariff bll.lled upon i the coromlttee amend@ent ~t'lklngou._J,OOI:in .. MillS",\{ thlou"h tbe heart

_THE I!l!l~6Chool hOuse two miles 1{.~p(Jn(j!.ng month last yeel per cents under the new turlfi' law, but pub11c tiecoSBitles,-the froo oOlnall~I't*_the bill the PIOVI~I?n wr sbo"ptJ' of 1 i'j'-H,fr----a- thl t" 'nO dUll'" rClOher

~~=~hO~;aO!I~;;:ca ~o~m~~~t,~~I'~U:m~~ ~:~~~~~a~~~~r ;I~~~':~~~ ~~~n~l~~~~~:~aa:~~~:ce~~ed ~ ~=~;nm-~=:~;::~e;;~: I coo~~~ =:~!~r ~ll~~~~~~!'~~at~~-I !~'l~k~I~,,~r ~~e :~: ;I~~:~II~I~~ -+-1I'Or1ro1 Un mcclldinry, as school haH tIlll" lust \ eek 1I1r McCunneli came the presgeni \vore .to.. Ilie. effect that Wit fUij:l.tlatepowel, wh!)thor lu fao 'fOOam.ndmenttohtl~keout\\asagreed J lator-of the Omah.\. \\o,lc! U,--,,-,lu aJl(I '" "notyGt commenced fOI" tbo sou.~on taOmahu. In lIHi7 and "ns-~ ronny mOll-oy w~ ~"j,aler a.~ the clost of,bum_ tory or on farm opposes smnptUII.ry I ~:?.~n.s 62 D~S a, (-&en.'tor~FtImunds, als!:> a studeut of th" st 'te UIII<el'Sltv

KEAIINIYhuspurclinsedthopJ!vuto \elU 1I11U1tel mcch'"IC lit thcUmOll n~sandt eOllloo ~ore avorable legislatIOn nnd 'dotnands :ut.ear~~t..1iitehe-lt Plllm\i'undletlel).~ From letters- left lo~hnuflOmn16

~~ ~;;~g ~~JY;Ju!:~:IIl~I~lln~~~I~~r~ I ~~~t!~C~~:~~<lij U~Il~B r~;~~~~~n~e~rl~t 1 WASBlS~~~,T;e~~ ~~hlsmorn_ :UU::l.B):~!vt~~ PI~~~~lto;~:I~~~~ :~n~~e:u~;~~e ,\e!eIc~~I~ I ~7ti~~Ii'~n GIIfl~~~~~:"lI~ ~~;,k~: ~:~ lL the nuoleus or Il free public library and Ille l~ sahl to be ono of tho Gldost tt Ing the wn~s and menlls CODlmIttee has brought,. upon the people o(\h the bill be ent'Tos"<ed and oldeled to no I "Ullted 1n Blopmln..:-t{)n III fm Lhe ~ wUlshortiy be thl'Qwoopontothe pub II,\0t tho olde>ft, locomotlvo ,mg.neersh(" h 10. dis b. state. IIIcalculable eVils, und dcclures thlld l"Cadlllg On quc>;tIOn tho ~ murd"r of Ii m:w uul nOll II on __ "'--UO. th', "DUutl.}' e a ~~3\On-t-o elias t e sonat-e empb.atlcaUJ III f,nor of high lIcense yeas and nll.~a II'c,e takl)nnnd ,csulted July 4 1884 IHIS out

QmT£ane>;citementwIlS Giou.t('dat. A~FlUI.NK SWINDJ~/\ "!lS wulking amendmellt~l A£tthe and local option d"cl.'r=mfl\'orol Yeas 38 na)B 25~_~tv vote In f.wentytwo J'ears un,] tbe kill_ Custer over a pot woU.1l.nd ~og whICh thu !iU.rIiIlbrton buck IWlll tho fu,r F bin ltJ><lU nnEi not reached thO' commit,;. the exerCISe by tIl\') legurraturlrutlta -thu-homm;-t'he V':irgm1ll. dcchon case .rng h lppt'nei!,. while IHtb Ii nllm_

all tho ~~l~f~m:JL:;;sdl~~=:~ ~~~s ~~~~~~t~ ~':e:~i.I:'~I~ ::(~=_!~~dC(\~~ ;!~,Tl~':'dBt~n S~~= Anotber!,~ ~~f~f;~:~ ~:fin7;e l:~t~~~!'e -t = ~e 1)O~ ;~I~~UID~erc!~~:::n gellCl'a. ~ ughter of dogs tho 4:JjO tnl.ln pnsB Ii)ld Onto tho west. 1tned te a general diSCUSSIOn It se"mod u.slts the poojllo of h_unsa.s to repudiate ml)oulueo1 , months ago and h.a& beefl conueded

---- '- n::~e~~c~f ~~:~~~~IC;~ ;~e~~I~~~~f~\:gr~:~stl~!~!~C ~~l~~ I :~~~~~ I~~~~~:\n p~I:~I~~m= aWd~~!- i off::e~l: :~:~::~:nt1\: :It~~ ~~:e:;e~I~~n ;:~ ot~~a~~~~~ ll~~l:~ ,~hl\'~:~ l~r - -o thirty llIwhels t)(J1 I ::In~II~~fllD 1~I;:I~Wlm~I~I~=ITe~~~ ~~~h~I~~u~~tB~~ 1!~i8~'~~1~1~~rR:\ ~~~~ ~?~~~I~nd p~~:~~c~t~~a ~:~;:I,(!:,;~ t~": ~~~ I callwg on the seclet.\ \ of tho IJiterIOr ~~leet~~: u~,~~~~! 01 ~~s I~)il','~~ b~\~::' fort.y to flIt, bu~lI- ~', I'--'P.lrl of:l.~ intI unnl-n.ldcll tCle~('e b!±-\r-t-h-e-t",,' -ll()f Ih t tb g::f J u"d ,I,e !!m----::-;-tur-a Rtatemf'nt conL" 'lI!1 6 the lanu H" lIeHr spoke of ~> P 'bl life o.u.:hlS =

igh fOl·ty pounds to I .. . diHpo6TIion on both ;;-tl,,~ to hasl<.'n ·,c- -plo~n"'nt of hu"eo1 He~SllJ.llll- In elloI[!- cla.Jm~ of the :r-;orthel'n l'a.Glfic raihla~ rcLlt",€'~. and the onl~ lu ,,",de from

/tlir, the gr.·atest in tho histOl'J{)( );". bl""bkn. !!nded }estertlny. The d,""


'Hual' r~f"II'~llg tu thel'C'cijJlodtr prGp_

.\.'fIJ_lerJ Solv<,-d. tent! nd fl' bl co n t I B Iii oS t l' Ali cilk railr()s.d and tbe otb('r 'eompaUics 'i\'lreo'-.N~ ~ .. IT~~!:l;c:~!;r;;:~;:l:;~~o~'~~{j,I;;~:~ ~~o~ s~~lt~~:~·~·t~~!\)nl.t)~~~.on ~~~~n~: f~ct, o~h: dlsl~l,,~lai~ el'':~:Jnb;' o~~ 1 lrri~)O~;:::T~~;tth~~ ~~k!-~; 'w~: whose rorrU" Wel'e not CQllll'l,.t<=d \nthin Cnrrl-)<U ~ ~.mJ

*-~~g~~tr~~~~~~~· "l'hQ bn1w. ~~~b;omW. tl~~I~~l~~:~ ;:am d~;I~OV~'tl;~,~i ~~~~f~\~~~~Ih~:lri~I~~~:\::~::r ::::i~: '~;~:::~Jt~{~o~~~~\;~. in ~ eb .. ' o~~~,""M:e'::'':'''''',~::~,~lk:,~~"':i'::,~ld;~:l~;;h,fm:;:;,~;i':~:f.';,::;,\,~,fv,l r:,~:,f,~:",~:·:;;"".",,::,,~,,',,::~,~, .'.,,',.' " .. ". AS:rOI\Y:A.N:PAIIALFfro.modwolHng uotiuu!il'ould \}"d<)no but to ('Qllhnn tho b,,~t exh'blts wIlSm"de l.l_lwu~tJ. 1"'11 knowll ,--,ha.'·ueter UIIU ''"U ':;"~.,:u,:~. ,,,U: .. ',:'.:~:."::.~ ,.: .. ~~'~o: :.~ ....... .

tr'::~~~;"i[w;'~~':~kt::~~~: ~~=~~; ~~~'i~I~~;o :\~3 ::~o~;:tl(;:'n:o. o?;'::~~~l;~,:~ ~~:~h"'~~.}I; f,~rll~~:!' t~;(~:.'t~lI~~I'I·~~:I~~ I ~':~t'~I~~~~h~"::'(~~~'~'; ~;C.~~i~~l!-Ie:t~~~t ~r""~ ( I .... "c'''_~, <I", by ftte at Gothenborg.~ It originatctl Il'~~ "el'O burned. 'til"!'l'by tho gold nwdal 'Cm' taldng tliu J '--'ll.r h,' ~llot and klll,,<\ rm"k ~kelo, ~f~'~::::i:"~~~~:.:'f.~r:·~~II"'~

OPI"'" te t~, lind l', """UllnO\lS ~.':',:::,;. ;""" 'l~" ~.boJ 1"" It> ~"".( l·o"""~.-l;'er 4U


e" ... uo . \\·,,~JIJ:.;'>rON. S<Jpt. 14.- Til!) ('en.

SUn oftlooannounC<:l" the populatIOn of thQ sLate of ~e~,.dn a..~ 44,..'144, which

nexllfl O!"ji'i''''~ !.rtbe~~tu11 ':~~\:~I-ln:sOJ}~Jri'i~~b::i:~8~~~

I 1."'" ,'en~. Tho t'-'tnl populntlOn 01 tho

_ .,g,.~" p,,,;,,,~,, .',. ,:"" ~f~~g;:Il~:~:(~:;!i:,:t~i~~~:~2 be'~n recdvcU----Dj the cOJIlmln('o an.11 crl', 8 1)00, Mankato, 8,BOO,I/lCro~~~,

, ~~Et~~ a~~hi~l~~~r~j'h:~:~:~f)~:~ ~d ~~,~~~:~ 5o}~ijfl~~~~~~C~L, ~

l .-... werinat (l.t fihoy\/) thl~rnOrning~,glvo 106,610, increlll>o, 11,041,

. - -- - - . ,

since 1881', lJ-:liQ...e OC<'llrrcu 11'11'"". ~Ol'k. Ohio, IlhnOI8, lind in northwc~t­ern stake and in borne olherb of l,,~~

. in

e'p' .. ..,,',Jn ,,~ tu th" UMU1'U

m<luand"I",th{1iH::f,illT!g"todo nil th" I" oph· ah!"<llld 1 "~pll('[l my "0(1011 ,,/ M"Kllli,': ,,:t." that

ft'",or: )'OUIlg", of Prwp,·toll. <Jxpltunij pn~~lh"y he lwd au nlca "r .

.·.'~,':~:/;~~:'"'i"""'''i.f :~;:::':'"'':':'+'I/ffi~'tlIWlHic[11 l'i~" -«. m-io.'-l'~ ""~.:''::'''-~,'~,~:;O;;'':;:'4::::::;;;;::;,_~~",;;;;;;;",:::~.~

:d~~~f{:,~,~~E~j:'~:;~~~~ I r~,:~1~~~~~:~::::::;~~:~~:;"::'::: : ~f~t~~j;}{~fP~\~~~rJ~I¥~~~ SW""4 the )O"SC" of llHl !lr~t hull of lh'; I ""1" <-fnlrnl rm\.<l hll~ ~ot yot boon uble with til" Am~l'l(':1II h"g". tho WOI"t

\Il(;;~~'IOW6st condition Is In Kansas, ~~f;:'~' ,t;: ~~I~e;:':~li~~lQ~n o~cL11:r~~ ~~; ~~~:~~H~:~~ :l~;~C~~ :It ~~~~n~'~~!~~:~ though Borne 01 tho c~st.erll ('.(IuntlCll [w lncrc;'''" 01 pay. I hog lit 11011)('," .. _

---i---n: 11, Tillman was no;'lTnalL'u- foi"---=-::-:=;

gOl'cl'ncr by tho dClI!oCl',d~ af SOIlIn. tUroHnn. ,," '; ,

r- __ ~_,-

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