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Tcates, anad which dispatch had not as yet 1"Snow Drop" Flour,

VAL'S DOCTORS ON DUTY, e a lengthy discussion on this sub- LOCARoiET.IH.AJONESELSole Agent 18"49" ee0e ) ject it was finally agreed that the Secre- N "c tary be instructed and authorized to advise Notice. p E LS

A LOG SESSION OF THE COUNTY BOARD the authorities at Cedar Keys that passen- LITTLE THINGS GATHERED HERE AND Ima pato notfy, th amd y Bargains. in OF HEALTH. ges will be admitted through that port Told patrons generally, that I have again

only upon the exhit i ion of proper certi'l- *I commenced to receive all kinds of fine CITY PROP cates, 'ssued by Dr. Burgess, or Havana, Chicago and New York meats fresh each , a Xa RstAwil- ndD. orer o Ky etan cuner ,k, nd J A DH *I Sewpn-room house, Beaver street,

Dr. Quackenbush ay Rest Awhile- and Dr. Porter of Key West, an cou t happenings that Have Taken J.A. Do. near Cedar. Lot ndaxe05. ESTABLISHED IS68. Fum igation X atters--ostal Clerk -- signed oy the health offi cer at the port of( ti g f H p e i g h t H v a e . Brnnwic Askd t Exlain-I~valentry;: after which the Board adjourned. Place :During the Last Twenty-four Reilable.250,aetLt5x5 Amstrtnr lso v11, 1

migao ate E i ru t terw hoo aHours-Condensations oftheBig Events Information concerning Florida--its re- a200. rke x0, Adams street,nea

County to Keep an Agent at Tampa. SUB-TROPICAL NOTES. of the Day-News in Brief. soues. advantages, attractions, et-can Lot 90 Ad'ms street, neaU

be obtained from our descriptive pamphlet held The Advertising Mill Already in Rapid ' . now in press. This book doesn't paint 00 Lotr52 Beaver street, near New- to see us regarding a good The Duval County Board of Health Operation. The J. L. I.'s are now having nightly Florida in the flowery language of the * nan.

their usual daily session yesterday at, which At the regular meeting of the Executive drills. and speculator, but tells of hings as they 100, ot 203x72, First street, near Ada- Watch,a Diamond, or any ladseuaobusm l ftigsa hy lto laine and Springfield

a full board, consisting of Doctors Mitch- mittee yesterday the details of adver The Cherokee sails for New York at 1 actually exist. Price by mail, 10 cents; ell, Knight and Bacon, and Messrs. Hart- ing were discussed quite fully, and it o'clock to-day. per dozen, $1. Address, 850. Lot *on Heln avenue, near Third other article in our line Li_-ng erediscsse qute flly an itstreet, Springfield.

; ridge and Kennedy, was present, r.wsdeidtokeupheuplofhe The first annual ball of the Knights of- FLORIDA AGRICULTURIST aydesre Dr. was- decided to keep up the supply of le Labor takes place to-n igh t theirall in DeLand, Fla. Lot 70x100, First street and Helen Which you ray desire.

Mitchell, presiding* single sheet circular now being issued, the Herkimer block or e. D.UCE Wondel 1e. '50 0. Lot 105xI05, Beaver street" O"Wl

DR. QUACKENBUSH'S VACATION. without limit, except as to the demand for The low places on Hogan street north of W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail a1T-_ The first matter brought forward for diribution. Bay were being filled in yesterday with Druggists, .of Rome Ga. say: We have 8 Lot 76x15, Beaver street.l'to

consideration was the petition of Dr. The responses to the circular letters lime-stone under direction of Major R. been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, M cLaughlin., Lot -. X25 tet-a i e

Quackenbush, asking for a leave of ab whichweresentoutbytheSecretaryabout Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica 100 ts100x15,onstreet-car line, T'he Mallory Line steamship State of Salve for four years. Have never handled verside. ThePonularAmericanPoet, the autho sence. a week ago to every General Passenger Texas sails from Fernandina for New remedies that sell as well, or give such 1,500 LotlOOx125, Commercial street, of ,Betsey and I Are Out," anl Dr. Bacon strongly opposed the granting Agent in the United States and the Cana- York to-day after the arrival of the 4:50 universal satisfaction. There have been * Rvs other home life classics, of the request at this particular period. das, are now coming in freely, and with- train from Jacksouville. some wonderful cures effected by these 800. Lot, Barnaby street, 100'1r5,

out exception they sa : "Send us your ad- The north side of the warehouse on the medicines in this city. Several cases -of Riverside. He cited to the Board the generally ac- vertising matter andwe will distribute it Clyde dock has been improved by the ad: pronounced Consumption have been en- ',500 Riverlot,100x850, Riverside. cepted report that the yellow fever was through all our traveling and station dition of an awning which extends from tirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. frst introduced into Tampa by the author- agents." t buldn o t ralra trak . King's New Discovery, taken in connec- 50 Lot, Jackson street,Brooklyn. -TO THEities allowing a small sloop to remain in Besides these distributing '. agents, there Theitd itie ail l and th tion with Electric Bitters. We nne 5

the harbor, from which many believe the are many in other states not connected the was. Sold byPalmet acy Lot, Magnolia street, Brooklyn. fever first originated; and concluded by With railroads who write, offering to dis- 'Alerts of thGs cey two coloredubase ball ems g hes clbwllpa...thgm ti fe a, tGeo. Hughes.

suggesting that it would be imprudent to tribute, and to whom packages of circa- clubs will lay a tch ome this after- * Lot Adams street, near Fourth, leave the port open by allowing the port lars are sent. Now there are all the peo- noon at the Grounds small purse Personal. La Ila. physician to withdraw for even a few ple of Florida to be supplied, both for of moned. a Mr.N. H. kohliebstein, of Mobile, Ala., THE FIRST ONE APPEARED das hi w s n omi oterfins Aprvt dsac rm-e oka-80adUwr Jacksonville. H IS I EAPAE

vy e on,"rd e ' thei itwrites: I take great e mr Lots inFair- Sunday, October 9, 1887. Mr Knndys.e in other states. BiEcry letter that goes Bounces the airival in that city yesterday mending Dr. Ki s lew Discovery for Lotad pwr s nair ~d ctbr9 81 viwsexrese b D. acn.whleMr 'utf.mFlrianholdhaerneo.thseofMrBad rs . u.bbardd ro tef00anoU wads.hied

Hartridge and Dr. Knight expressedilhe circuhlars in it,, and all can be sup- extended trip in Europe. They will be at attacm Bron chii and Catrh. Itrgave Also lots improved and unimproved in all These letters by Will Carleton arerecords of w i l lc c al a tn h i t h e i na r h a rt s A o f l t se im t r v a n d u pr o T o v e i n R C S . t e i s i opinion that there could be no possible plied if they Exposition home in Jacksonville in a very few days. me instant relief and entirely cured me, and partsofecityandsuburbsaBOOPRICES.we live, and gra hic de

da , in view of the fact that during office, or will address W. T. Forbes, the The Cherokee takes as freight to-day lTELFAIR STOCKTON scriptions of places which are making the dr.eCerketae s rih to a t e nat enafflicted otcer remeiso bergn otietfmu.Thyae rt Dr. uackenbush's seven years service at Secretary, who will keep the printing 100,000 feet of lumber, 7,000 cross-ties, to se a dtd r m s American.contmentfamous. They are writthe ar there has never been a vessel to mill basy and supply all who ask as fast 2,00 bundles of shingles and a large with no good result. Have also used "49" West Bay Street. lte ewh1 name is rea dy known as enter this port from Tampa, Kew West, ot as they canbeprinted. number of miscellaneous ackages, among Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life style which Is &new departure ia corresHavana, nor any port on the western coast. Among many letters sent to the Com- the latter several boxes o oranges. Pill, both of which I can recommend. pondence. The millions of people who have

A TIE VOTE. mittee, the following is of public interest: Among the Cherokee's freight on her Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- read Mr. Carleton's "Farm Ballads," "Oit

The question being put to a vote, Dr. present outward trip is a small, old-fash- tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a os-Ballad 'etc. with so much interest and deS i d od ORLANDO, ELA., October 11, 1887. ioed hand fire engine shipped by E. . ive guarantee. Trial bottles free atal- I eight, W1o sti read them over and over, ca COLONEL W /. T; FORBES, Secretary Sub-Tropi- McIntyre from Green Cove Springs and moetto Phamacy and Geo. Hughes' Drug wih a he graeir fa is putoeic fte

nedy expressed a negative answer, which DEAR s:-To-day we had a very grati- unsigned to F. M. Caswell, Ilion, New Store. r nation, and the adoed freedom of a prose, but .

left the matter with r. Mitchell to decide; fying meeting for te ddule purpose of .ToA Wo itay Concern. , he voted yea, explaining as he did so, that efetnaCut mirto soi-The thermometer it Gere Hughes' T l hmi [yCnen Sit was for the reason that Dr. Quacken- o S ic n Pharmacy, corner of Bay and Ocean streets Take Notice-The copartnership hereto- Read the Sunday News-erald! bush had stated in his communication,that .* * * * * * registered 81 degrees as the highest and 66 fore existing between te undersied, un-F

ie would leave a competent substitute in The Sanford folks o not recognize an degrees as the lowest temperature during th Ina n st en r his place; and again, the bar was in easy. cofitbtenteSuhFoiaEhbTtetet-orhusedn t2p nSmith & Co., has by mutual'consent been Patronize Your oMe Maufacturers. communication by telegraph withthe city, and the Sub-Tropical, and will pull with yesterday. M ss. Jacob R. Tysen and Samuel Bar- EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Keep the Money at Home I which rendered it a very easy task to dis- US. 'On his return from the North, Mr. F. M. ton ill continue the business as formerly, patch a physician down there if such a con- We can fill up vacant space we mayS se- Irononger, of the Plyde Line, brought and are authorized to collect, receive andt

tingency should arise; besides Dr.19 huac-cure (until our Exhibition is over at San- back with him a handsome walnut cabin receipt for all accounts and indebtedness enbush would not leave before the 19th or ford) with what we have in most abun- net desk, and revolving chair of the same due and owing to the late coartnership GEO. W. CLARK, 20th, and in ten or eleven days from that dance (say lemons and oranges, etc., for material, noth of which now ornament and they assume all the liabiiies of th date, the quarantine period would sale) and we will then have a fine exhibit his office, late firm. JACOB R. TYSEN. Y----

xie yth peaio f the lawanth to display in the Sub-Tropi. cal until, It The members of the Auxilliary Associa- CHRE 1.SITHI C it E X 0:12 thought it on1ty an act of justice tokrn Closes. tion of the Sub-Tiropical Exhibition (col- SAM) BARTON. the request after a faithful and unre The lmmgation Association is Started ored exhibit) are re nested to meet at the Per J. R. Tysen Att'y in fact, t .

se rvice of seven years, during which time by the appointment of five members of the DiiiySho uig at the corner of G. W, FRAZIER. vu(I Supverintendent of' St. Marys] Dr. uacenbsh hd nverbeenabsnt nd D)uval Cem~eteries.

Dr. Quackenbushhadfr. never been absent Executive Committee, with power to com- Beaver and Newnan streets to-night at andrDuralaoemeteri from his post of duty. plete the organization. Our Sub-Tropicl 7.0sa.Bsns fiprac a o Referringto th e above we hop e to have a

Dr. Mitchel's affirmative vesete mmittee is composed of three, myself be attendedto. c the question and the leave of absence was as chairman, and Hon. Walter Gwinn of stowed on the late firm by our friends all gra Sanford, and B. M. Sims, of Soth was reported that one ofa theh toaeanhatakdmo vrin WLS

nwesse r p , ; id ,tundooybuas ae n hlnyr sott '1 eO S TEY WON'T GIVE UP THE BAGS. Apopka. o eo t m u1pndedfl 1 daor re in o say thatwe have dissolve with, we r ae ta r We think Oran e county should ago; but if the Marshal will investate on think, the mutual esteem of all the late

or Kihaee eha at ohe reu st of er e_71,b om .t wa e091,TBAC tSOlS RICE.0& I f

trhe cha ree hed m Surntnet have spa e to build ikeeernndo. hWhat tse east side of the cit hewillfnd the eberiee and their kindest l wishes forusies oicer bb hPo tyOreing tant ad 'em uhP conditions, and how soon should tie is being other y aa 1 oRttce eelauo d

ofmiese hlat beadrebim thatv e -r -*t* Sorry you or Dr. Paine could not members of the foMrce. givers t[Ii x< ra

mails fumigated u oe in ampanatARS AT a s on f an burnings f C o. 5 t A N DO C

h habeen received from Dr. Cadwell to a the flme scorched th car n psm rm tfhe lan hotel e Lt E BX 5. .O

thepeffect that the postal clerks would gd meeting. t Cpuoty lerk's tffieed yes terday viz: Sarah TTT, ANTED-ALL LADIESTO S E nguthe authoritieontis cot hud oe us pThe yellow fever was not mentioned, T Simmonstand . T. Si treonsdto Georgen...uho 1 e Byo4 d6 sF yt r

cet ive nd rei for thmiafeezgt h dirctonofse a potofie opeing Go r1 o s eu ns in o d

e and te re turPat ity Ha ls sandthe men did not talk as if there was E. Chase, the mest half of lot 14, T oin WANTS. hey aent r theoldstuction ep at anything but rand success ahead, if we tv eo beach near iayport, kJoak as one of nl"HAio ryo ft

talo clrkm lhe appliedic atarmet the- windowO for fiveGE two-cen sonville, StAugusineo and Hallifa Rive Nay"Sutrad.HghsPouhrcm

Dr. Mitchell explained that according t only do our ty. Dr. Haris presided, he beach lots, for th280. Dated Ciay 9, md8a7. slolcrknED--PITO S readi l y. W Hi SHEP TOBACCO AR0 D the dispatch received from .Superinten d~ n anutr aw n asrs nt " h o i g sengers com ing into the eiy on the experience. W a s six y .ar head lerk at W doag n rl Ral Estate busines. Po n ge G roun EB son and t efBie com

-ash i of the Post-Office Department, and hetendeedhimsafiveydo late train yesterday evening rom St. Prebe ose, Portland,:e3 Was proprietor thets Co.e Atlann G

was unanimously Af arethtsc rgodcitocuginrerotakehJ.T. &et K.lete W.d Railwa bon southalso FOR SALE SOLEit STAT AGENScFO

read before the Board on Tuesdaylast, atr- .. Sen tok Auste report that a large ood rack, numbereo the United States Hote Portlandp assen gersy m thgements had been made by him to have cbhut six miles from Sout r Jacksonville, FisO las seAFson was head cleGkE aO lhe Oiel S a nt n suh man arranemt ould be ermited change whic Ahe took andwwasats on e ubropica Euositin b, nearly new, ii e. Pc

tod tat ARASHACT.t of referetchs and ge recomendatins CNoo 25 Pie Streeti aokso folro theV window wiou cS E the waosud ugoted are Tampa, the fltS kds scorched he cars an pa ssclg. f.rom he leading hol aen in the Suate ef e han.e I O Te

to take charge of the matter. The Stam Clerk at the Post Office which a13O i cn S D. M. CONNOLLY, OF SRN aistrong northeast wind prevailed all aine, also ai Hall, Iad Brton uilliken,

4_" raITEI ofEmpra tedat the Stw Jahyes Hgteve Jacksonville.

Dr t n cd t i se Yesterday evening about 5 o'clock Mr. duing the temperatfire several degrees,s er I t k AL he N ot allow wthe arraumnta ofe stlie .no h ebn s o hes do of th e os-i i a fords, Me.

t h e m w t o AM (r T E NR l l. O h e P o1st -O fl e ttc a s e s . A t a l a t e h o u r l ap n i g h t i t w a s Depart hent, who was in bhe city yesterday stamp window in the postoffice, shot t pli aSed to was breinvil the - ANTED-ALL LAES TO USE

adis a aTurner) wanu ttednd i do n he tepped out w o f s, 1 0unn Married Ladies' Friend for umornhe authoties in this County e would per- i asd soe qste a s- v icesS. Onehundred dca s ot Rcnniug rough from 13 West By to 14 and 16 West Forsyth Streets bmit the postaltcler ds to aon~eill of rollur pd'esen nos stan p in Theo Iua! l ofotel opened for thi rece rm sO. HAS e ll Or N, r address they didn't go any furths the ena s tun ltyly, the ball missed its mark, but tion of guests yesterday even i ng a t3 Duen i &Co.R R . ee *--, *y*

i !,-City, the object being, if possible, to secure sped out through the front door, across o'lokner Er.Te tnablaeeo as spr - X t; ~ y S toANTD--Hri &O l HOUSE TO person wio is entd acclimated whic .e ihe ta ignKeda doio, as AE-- H-E -- AE T R ~

acldtinitofrMtel wacclied.Who Baystreet and whizzed alaringlynear acpmbefoun at G. C. ig's,. Tre IIOWereoFe-rnnIStiH Rppli1ants l811 dMri. r n oly loiig enough to e gentleman who was crossing the street in which was the first heal served after forihouseevey(l. A. t. e & CO.

ceive and recei or the mails after beiig the direction of the postofficeD opening. hmssaltEetB. FE TL I E-, T C d fumigated, and thenjreturn to Plant C ity Halls statement of the affair wvas that An) unusully large numnbe of passengers XANTED-GOOD AGE-NTS FOR Tt E

wherepo they would be turneate. o na plied an hex inon a v et fonthe afternoon tra 1 via et e Jack- w y " irsaoy ofBe Conaededate States' O C , STR Di bond n the w of for hia e tonvit August ieand Hallifax River 3NvW"ay st ready. H .Soute c

beur postage str rs, wwhich Mr. Sebring gave Rtilwah yesterday for the Arcient Oity E Hele W-CORNERBe

and is it appeared themost feasible i hivr , and he tendered hii a five-dolln and pointssouth. The 12:am0 train .n the sfa c o u an s t t thy atbere s c rul P SON A coin to chu tonge ti order to take the J. T. & K . le . R ai tay bound south, alsm d Or A e. S O Li TG Er Tr i oly rlee t0v ns Nr F Geor. He uskl T ndn

rangement ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A S.ld Pedlto fromacor theh City of tesai.M.S brin oth- brough wit thremereas of thsen e ir

the Board, and that postal clerks under peace, changed it a handed Hall back the Yest erdaymoning wo kin ion sE M ntr Oin Y r such an arrangement would be permitted change which he took and was urning played on the Sub-Tropical Expositio n gr bus, nearly new, in faie order. Price, R400, S pass throge thep County, as under this away fro the window without counting building became involved in a war of with a good harness. Write for photograph. Iceberg Chief Refrigerators, Manney's Lemon

la1 they would potgo nearer Tampa than it when Sebring asked: "Why dont you d w edt blows and a scuffle, G. F. vYFernandi a, Fla 1 TI'a : lnCity. cunt thatmnoney! .1 may have given you duringw- hich aito1, which one liad on _i RS. D. tCONNOLLY, OF -SPRING- Squeezers, Chandler's Ice Cutters. thatefec Asnooffcia informa tionO m h.e;" to which hCouroy his p person, wa priessechaar ged, bu fo ranately I field Nursery, has a large number of

•THE PRESENT ARRANGEMIENT SATISfFACTORZY. toouhcae(Hl)r-plied, "Well, if youl have given me too no damage was done, although the matter chioce rose bushes at 25 cents each. Call and TH E T LN•F A E O L R Dr. Bacon expressed the wish that the uch that is your loss and my gain," created Considerable excitement for a 5hcnt see her. B3 aips might be fumigated at Plant City, Rnd said Hall,"I arded, ain't you got time was te n ic lr 1O0WlAYRS OS O

ssible instead of Tampa; but it was de- sense enough o knowwhen you give the yeserdOR SALTOfu N LOTS IN SOUTH A Da L AGEN IN p A} l cox, filgwauket chanMea J. Two letters recei ved by Dr. n. Betes -L Ja sovlle, near ferry, f n50 oo instoBretnll -T

endodtttfi etothtterBoardpeney ofleneed " rli rnti ctyserd i 750i ah brt f~~ak 'ReGHT& J.S S-CHJ.T. L Y

the Post Office Department and, as they Tr. Sebrig beca e very k idgnant ate nt c it t a oe h Ie r .u t o i s I b TH STAT OMPEY

kee made arrangements to have o th this remark, Doyou say haven't an- Picolata, la., Oct. 15, 1887, I h e sa onthn v.A.Oi0W RIaT

i latter attended to u it was justas well to sense? " to which Hall replied tha be tid very fast mail delivery, consider g that OR SALE- FINE VEGETABLE AND

allow the arrangement as established not haeany sense off te did not now yesterday was Yhe V2th, En addition tothis Forange lands near aksonville, eheap. j. otheradeweoffer' peral ndvempntA tl r

them to remain. wboen he gale the proper Change, wGere- error of the post-office Bficials at Picolata, S. SMta JN C

: NXOU T3 TNore ens upon Sebring sudnlypresented the t he letter had been RiUssent to SAtsaa, r- 1OR SALE--2R,000 ACRES YELLOW

Har STrid~geTd tha hehadmet sermmer vcatiydlso s tatedl o F0A., although the 0 superscription 0ask W r o li ch e ll at d r t e a ds ' M e m b e r o f t h e H oed M i s ot ar e r e T i k e s s P e d m n imx p aa k s n t P in e , 900 ,000 ,000 fe e t, W a sh c ofto n c o.,ty ,

se warsalemp e frete s co sng the t e e st lorida, $1.25. ca beS E c bd

who said head been out of Taml the pistol snapped when he stepped out Of Thepetitions to the County C oumis- 30,000 acres, -Liberty county 1.

th o M. 100,000 acre yellow pine, facPson cohaty,delpiaadtwntyminuesfoma dysand h a nt etonw h o the Boarddneednotohavoany r.. th strdfomew orstlain Leave 0 dvartisce Dkl- leat. F..LIL DiG E I Sn

touch t Tama or ay othrinfete por. thela estconcens ofthe kidin heatorrscaleonlBN. Hne OPRIsaAur.,cALFORNI$RESTARANT.HARLE Mr. artriead hcoe to htisoeln-i ; Serg wraRvs so binig b u si (TrCuty avee 's Fr ien s tre, erPlzSt uusie Bac

amember of his oayfrd, anisda which hallthe Sotal athe imercthan alwsada ts nerme~g enhl I MPLLR-H EDNG ME r o C H O O L G a SuiF LI aeSial beetin mad puli itch a ro , theypubliclBucklen'susArnicanSalve.gedhant Tailorohhas now aifull a11ue offall-and

prs. A~rrdeeotdh ehde CYCLONEhic INmpe hE GULo Tche et scalve'sm in te world forkeuts, witr od." .11Ue T en ui ilow Er TIIA ET flowingrtmessagengwasfreceived ot BriesD o rs, Uestalthe m Feve 51dprva e t B: il.4 l. h -I I -... ,

his rough uapthesubiec f apt e ll thel Sbignga Offien et sterd y veing So ries T etehpet Has, Chilamsn-OR N-DEI L OEO wh-ch hamitd bee received fomnt. J. Lust 1Shrf 'illiaTmsD , Otober 1hm18eforns an-l kn rpinan oi . LRE H PUBR A

teroh t eda Kes astSuday inwhch 7'tielye ils r none p iay " qu reI rmove fE-LRomHEs'Bokt oeAs aE TRS-GR ful ine ,2 ofSTinr and BlankBooks uthe s igdener tcaes Morgi~an lieOsevranti ve3 is arantreet gieert satoninsation commoaous Ceuarteso r street . , an the f, rm Keyg1testaned tHaa woul e ve r- Con in the Gulm f sout ofo Key Wpesra mnyrfnenri2cetee ast o t 1 nounn!l!CO xA L O GE mied teot come hr oug Duvlhounyi we th neortheasterlynales bor a sn x Forwa sl ed ht ws a n d 1W steettng bahb, wae(lst n Ws tet,- oue -oo Jko nlle Flret

tepyer e uovided wih proer ceymeig u oeincnatwt hohetiirD*GO HH draind puta in. ets 0alsnil,8 o . RJs

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