Page 1: Välkommen till Sommarkollo 2007 2006. Introduce XNA Game Studio Express Make A Game!

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Page 2: Välkommen till Sommarkollo 2007 2006. Introduce XNA Game Studio Express Make A Game!
Page 3: Välkommen till Sommarkollo 2007 2006. Introduce XNA Game Studio Express Make A Game!

Introduce XNA Game Studio Express

Make A Game!

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Embrace creator community on Microsoft platforms

WindowsXbox 360

Make writing games significantly easierEstablish a vibrant creator communityProvide education solutions using retail Xbox 360 consoles

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XNA Game Studio Express

Extends C# Express to support XNA Framework, building game content and targeting Xbox 360

XNA Framework

Cross Platform Game Development Framework

.NET Framework for 360

Custom version of the

.NET Compact Framework

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A .NET game development platform that you use to create games for Xbox 360 and WindowsSimplifies cross-platform developmentFocus on your game, not the platformConsistent, easy-to-use APIs

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LegendLegend XNA ProvidesXNA Provides You ProvideYou Provide CommunityCommunity

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Get up and running quicklyFirst lines of code are for your game

Platform abstractionWhat’s the best way to design the game loop? How do I create and manage my window?How do I follow platform best practices?

ExtensibleProvide base components that are easily extended.Interfaces for plugging in existing libraries

XNA Content PipelineGet’s your artifacts into the game

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Provides low level render capabilitiesBuilt on top of Direct3D 9Programmable Pipeline Only

No Fixed Function SupportBasicEffect helps get up and runningSpriteBatch for doing 2D and Particles

Provided resourcesModel, Texture, Effects, and Shaders

Unifies Platform Hardware and APIsTiling, Resolve, Surfaces, etc

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Makes getting user input extremely easyImmediate mode programming model

No initializationNo state management

ProvidesXbox 360 controllerKeyboardMouse (Windows only)

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Based on XACTLets sound designers and programmers work more naturally

Build up sound assets using XACT ToolEasier integration for developers

Access them via logical namesLooping, streaming, and memory managementNo low-level buffer management

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MathVector, Matrix, Quaternion, Plane, AABB, Sphere, Ray, Frustum, CurveRight-handed by defaultIntersection and movement helpers

StorageProvides an easy way to read and write game data and savesFiles stored in the correct location on each platform

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Support Windows VistaBug FixesBackwards compatible with v1.0New FeaturesReleased in April

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XNA Framework3D AudioBitmap based text drawingBasicEffect supports per-pixel lighting

Visual StudioIncremental deployment improvementsDeveloper binary sharing

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XNA Framework• Networking support• Presentation and GUI• Low level audio• Multimedia playback

Game Studio• Visual Studio support• Cross platform projects• Better debugging• Shader development

Professional Games• Enabling certified games• Additional tool support

Community Games• Share community games with everyone• Sell community games

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