Download - V Model and W Model

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V and dual V SDLC

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ParticipantsMuhammad Asim


Zaheer AlamFA13-BCS-083

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History• Devised by the late Paul Rook in 1980’s.• To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

software development.• Accepted in Europe and UK as an alternative to

Waterfall model.


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V Model• Evolved from waterfall Model. • Completion of each phase before the next phase begins. • Instead of moving in a linear way, process steps are bent upwards. • Emphasizing on testing is more when compared with the waterfall

model. • Structured approach to testing. • High quality development of products can be guaranteed.


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Diagrammatic viewVDetailedDesign











Verification and Testing

Sys architecture and design

Actual SW components


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Verification PhasesFollowing are the Verification phases in V-ModelBusiness Requirement Analysis: • This phase involves detailed communication with the customer to understand

his expectations and exact requirement. • The acceptance test design planning is done at this stage as business

requirements can be used as an input for acceptance testing. System Design: • System design would comprise of understanding and detailing the complete

hardware and communication setup for the product under development. • System test plan is developed based on the system design.


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Verification PhasesArchitectural Design: • Based on the technical and financial feasibility the final decision is taken. • System design is broken down further into modules taking up different

functionality. • High Level Design (HLD).• The data transfer and communication between the internal modules and

with the outside world (other systems) is clearly understood and defined in this stage. • With this information, integration tests can be designed and documented

during this stage.


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Verification PhasesModule Design:• In this phase the detailed internal design for all the system modules is

specified• Referred to as Low Level Design (LLD).• It is important that the design is compatible with the other modules in

the system architecture and the other external systems. • Unit tests can be designed at this stage


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Coding Phase• The actual coding of the system modules designed in the design phase is taken up in

the Coding phase.

• The best suitable programming language is decided based on the system and architectural requirements.

• The coding is performed based on the coding guidelines and standards.

• The code goes through numerous code reviews and is optimized for best performance before the final build is checked into the repository.


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Validation Phases Following are the Validation phases in V-Model:

Unit Testing: • Unit tests designed in the module design phase• Unit testing is the testing at code level and helps to eliminate bugs at an early stage

Integration Testing: • Integration testing is associated with the architectural design phase. • Integration tests are performed to test the coexistence and communication of the

internal modules within the system.


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Validation Phases System Testing: • System testing is directly associated with the System design phase. • System tests check the entire system functionality and the communication

of the system under development with external systems. •Most of the software and hardware compatibility issues can be uncovered

during system test execution.


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Validation Phases Acceptance Testing: •Acceptance testing is associated with the business requirement analysis

phase and involves testing the product in user environment.• Acceptance tests uncover the compatibility issues with the other systems

available in the user environment. • It also discovers the non functional issues such as load and performance

defects in the actual user environment.


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Pros and Cons cont.• This is a highly disciplined model and Phases are completed one at a time.• Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well

understood.• Simple and easy to understand and use.• Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model. each phase has specific• deliverables and a review process.


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Pros and Cons cont.• High risk and uncertainty.• Not a good model for complex and object-oriented projects.• Poor model for long and ongoing projects.• Not suitable for the projects where requirements are at a moderate to high

risk of changing.• Once an application is in the testing stage, it is difficult to go back and

change a functionality• No working software is produced until late during the life cycle.


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When to use the V?• The V-shaped model should be used for small to medium sized projects

where requirements are clearly defined and fixed.• The V-Shaped model should be chosen when technical resources are

available with needed technical expertise.•High confidence of customer is required for choosing the V-Shaped model

approach. • Since, no prototypes are produced, there is a very high risk involved in

meeting customer expectations.


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V vs. Waterfall VFeature Waterfall Model V Model

Requirement Specifications Beginning Beginning

Cost Low Expensive

Guarantee of success Low High

Simplicity Simple Intermediate

Flexibility Rigid Little flexible

Reusability Limited To some extent

User involvement Only at beginning Only at beginning

Change incorporated Difficult Difficult


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V vs. Waterfall VVs.

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V-MODEL• Paul Herzlich introduced the W-Model. In W Model, those testing activities

are covered which are skipped in V Model.• Deals with the problems that V model could not tackle.•  V Model Represents one-to-one relationship between the documents on the

left hand side and the test activities on the right; not always correct.• Technical Design and architecture is also considered with the functional

requirements.• V Model does not cover couple of testing activities; major exception.• Ensures that testing starts from the very first day of inception of project.


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Detailed design

Code Code walkthrough




Test Design

Install system

Build system

Build software

Build software

Acceptance testing

System Testing

Integration Testing

Unit testing


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Detailed design

Code Code walkthrough




Test Design

Install system

Build system

Build software

Build software

Acceptance testing

System Testing

Integration Testing

Unit testing








Regression test cycles

Static Testing Dynamic Testing


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V-MODELEach phase is verified/validated. Dotted arrow shows that every phase in black is validated/tested through every phase in sky yellow.• Point 1 refers to - Build Test Plan & Test Strategy.

• Point 2 refers to - Scenario Identification.

• Point 3 refers to – Test case preparation from Specification document and design documents


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V-MODEL• Point 4 refers to – Test case preparation from Specification document and

design documents• Point 5 refers to – review of test cases and update as per the review

comments.• Point 6 refers to – Various testing methodologies (i.e. Unit/integration

testing, path testing, equivalence partition, boundary value, specification based testing, security testing, usability testing, performance testing).• After this, there are regression test cycles and then User acceptance testing.


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Regression Test Regression means retesting the unchanged parts of the application. • Test cases are re-executed in order to check whether previous functionality

of application is working fine and new changes have not introduced any new bugs.• This is the method of verification. Verifying that the bugs are fixed and the

newly added features have not created in problem in previous working version of software.


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Static TestingStatic Testing, a software testing technique in which the software is tested

without executing the code.It has two parts.• Review - Typically used to find and eliminate errors or ambiguities in

documents such as requirements, design, test cases, etc.• Static analysis - The code written by developers are analyzed (usually by

tools) for structural defects that may lead to defects.


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Dynamic Testing• Involves interaction with the program while it runs.• Dynamic testing involves testing the software for the input values and

output values are analyzed. Dynamic testing is the Validation part of Verification and Validation.


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