Page 1: UXANS. · 2017-09-20 · IbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__ A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide lar sale day and Mi atiH abiding In single blrssedn'csv it comes ••ul with it*






mi. i j1 111' (■ " ■

cuusTr cttKosrcLes.N«t Tntviiy i| uie dar.

K«w i* (he line U swear off.

Severs! ef ear youeg men see slleiidlhg the Augut a rnoer,

The crosses vour psfter l< s speeis JnviU U*S for y«*«. gesile resder. Is cell «t thies/^

west Tsrsde; ssd Is psjr up yeiir dues te The rscM.«,

Our Vighl and hesdeens yens* friend, M. C. Willie, sf Williston Tsw^ship, na* I snorahlj giadueit’l tael week at Csl. fsw- ard s Ki>.|s Muunuin Military Academy

C«.S«slly-0»t.-By Kev. W. D McMillan. «n tbs aflerhoen *f Lteeember ‘Jdih, lh'S2, »l <he reaideitee of ihe bride’s faiher. L. M. <>«t, Etq.,wear Branelmll*, Mr. W. T. Cou- bstly qtBirntfell ««un!/ I« Miss Mary K. Ott »>f Orangeburg county^

Governor Tliowpaen k«s mads and Iks Resale confirmed Ihe felUwtoif Inpeialiaenis (hr this saunly ; Treasurer, N. I. Kirkland; Auditor, 8 W, Trait1 ; Jury Cetnnii«si4ner, M. W Felder; Trial Justices, 3. R. ISoya ♦oa,*J. B.r inn ter. D. J. R-we. J. w! Free- wan W. Il Bellinger. C. J. Hay, IT. M. Haeliek, f. 8. llunbar, H. L. Jobnssu

• rtnusTaiAsCowroaT.—All oar caunlry *x Shangos. edited hy married men. are Inking f hrisiines this week. We eupp.>»e (key have boon -pnoking bmi-j nee-S* »nd gwoiring forIbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide lar sale day and Mi atiH abiding In single blrssedn'csv it comes • •ul with it* usual bill of fare. Wehnpe.ibst- Ing brnhren. that you have had geod luck Mud dhall leek for year viails uext neek with a« aaiieue appetite.

The ' e-islatnre adjnarwed *n Iasi Saturday nseming after a brief and bu*y ssMtnn. A hundre-l and aevauty eight Acts were pas-cd. the graaler psrtisn being af (seal iat>rest. Th. f.dlewiug spp'.y especially ta <h » cetin- ty: A a An Is charter Thi Barnwell Rail­way Cempany, An Actto prohibit the sale nf ardent spirtio er liquor* in the town of WillieU;n. An Act loeulherito tho Connty ComwiiMlsaors of Uarnwetl rsunty in use Hrtaie fUnSo 1!»r ft# «fp>n*os oT thb lseiT yeer Mbd 8S A Joint Renelutien maki.ig pr«vi*ien f*r the enfo ee-nent of eertaru hsnd* oi tko t» County Ttfaiuren of Rom. w«ll counts, and for the dispo-itlon ef the fuadt renliiod therefreia.

Fnvttian 9t rri.irt.—That nM aM>( reJia- s1«le r<*a»peny, ih* Wende. ho* opened the wiatrr <n i| aig*. See »d«eti-*metit.

I’* «v**.— t^Gi S t ('sproM Towa*hip an tbs tO<h tnst . *1r« »T T C.vs after an MU »**• of e«* that hour*. v

la Ited (*al| Tnwaship oa Iho Clbh in<1 . af paeuntouiS. Mr l*alrie<i Rasloy, after sn i> * kertof ion day*

Mr* Nsnry l.. Allen, rsllrrpf the l»te • ’apt. J. 1' Alisa, dtodllker re.tdeve ow iha ’JTifc taMoal after week* •fintea** saffocing W

Metrnvrv* *>a rttsrek* —Wilt A*d it *k their advaalagt belora purrhaaiog H«rJ- *sd ignoul *>al 1 mp *1*0.1 a if they w** d call oa*ft MURaS roraor flay ne an-i

M*eiis; *»d comer Me ti.g and M^rkit Fire U, C.aranie", f.C.

•« • %m

-a >W- 0 d z;*. I'l 1 f'lf.*i-1 ...tia'f" I1””

ItGV __ ______.. —t f*** with«nito»AerlDr fi It contain^i!^. ^? P1Wa.SwAh|kUwtU>«. arnirato

iSttfERRYaCO. S“'"W_____________ Detroit MiCM.

OFFICIAL NOTICEOritri: or ('orxtT CoMMiasiovsRa. T

nABiwELt S.^. 18th Dec. 1882. ( The IlsAid et tajiinty, (^umniimiionera » Ml

raCetfor the f.rnnsaciion of business 00 Wed- ne«J#y. Ad January, I,-Jut.

By order of tho lUard. • ,f. >f. mtotVMNQ, nerk.

dsc21-2w^ .. M|'

HegistratiOn NoticeThe Registration Hooke will,be open at tho

county seat on tho. First M<>nd y in each msath uQtil further not>ca i* given.

JNO. W. HOLME8, Supervisor. dee’Jl if

Sale of Land./ I will offer for sale at Bvrnwell Cowt ll«ii-o-un saleaday in fantipry n'ext, l>eing the first Tu*«day nod 2nd da^of the month, to the highest, bidder fbr cisit'Jhs following tract of land, tho fame si lupin, near live Itoil- it g.>p»ing* tn **nl county, c-usaiH-Hs-g UVi acres and i>ettnde<l an t h; Fist by the pohlic ro.J leading from Barnwell C. 11. to Usldne, aepiorauny il land of .1, C. Fowke, on tie Ntirlh by I-nd* of J 8, Hovayer.tind R, V. (InnII, on tbs west by the l^sweV Tbres Runs and on |bs South by land* of U*s«ry

The •aid tract of Uni) will salan be sold at private sal* kl nay lime before the oaid sale day if purchasers prefer lo treat lor it on ap­plication to

P. M. CATER Purchaser to pay for papers.

u ' dee2l-2w

K^iksli-s-Diteot Ituporta*

WANTED^ ^ < •

in.OOO Torn* o11*>n Mim-v).

Ittghcia cosh price paid for Cotton Horst Sollrenst in rar ‘nwt |..u at ainr It. Jh f» -poi or Stvaiatvikt lan- •llng In Hoittli (Vntilsa, tbmrgia nr Nnrtli Carolina. I Melina cash price paid K»r kcroeRit', Uni and wbt.*- kvy hom-K


Tire heat and chcaiMs.! hxsl for all kind* ofatork ami th-rhra|Mwt and tx-sl fcrtllliirr on the market. Write for ulijmphrita rnitUiniiiL'.imlvMa t>v Mr. C. V« Shkpard, htalethioniat. «r«t dlrretivms Ibr uae to

CMAULUIXIM on. MsKUKAtm'in.NOnv.ti (tread Si. Charlvatan. A C.


Christmas Goods.V:


MO In AIRST’art of ourst.ftt has already been receiv­

ed and largo sliipmeots are on the way direct from the headqiiS/tdrs of Santa (Man*.

Christ mas cniies but once a year n .id Mo­hair will have tile bent, largest nnd cheapest stock uf Christmas Goods ever brought to Barnwell. Call early and make your selec­tions brfnro the stools 1* pick erf over. Make the litt e folks happy.

nov^8 If tlBOfMOLAIR.

Central Hotel,IT ROAD) MT'RTCKT.


Ceutnillj located, conveoient to bn»i- nes*. ’ - mv-G tf

*, LAxb ta— E»Jt«M4)ietl 1 R®0. —t. l.AXni’E


A LANG SR Sz SON*Importer* and Wli.dw-alc lW»rj*lit For- oixn .vtid Domer-tie’Fmttaaml.PriMiuC'',

XO. 61 MAhKEF RTBKET, CHA*LK»TO!*, •. 0 LARtritsT rrocii< I.OWEST fBICM.

*>0x21-4m ^ ’_________

EierMitMtloii. ..

I*rrmrlian Cemnisw—Direct fmm th*Aacnt it. th* IWutumi laviy irntwot. >

I’i - la (Jnano Ct&T7+r ocoL ammofttl.

....... Parlors of FashionMwoth I'lirollHi*ph.*s«—Pin* gr.diod and of hi*h grad*

Fo»snl*byHKRilANN nni.WINKLE,

Ke r’* Wharf,Chari stop, 8. C.d**14 *ua

Bta WEli RAILROAD.'T imo Tnbl* No.

To take Kffcrt Motiday IVc. 11, 18B2,

*t 6 00 A.M. ’

vv K.-*r VV A 1M ».TfAfiovd

I.r B arV * ill*** A.hl.ieh “ Woodward'.

Ar * arnk-ll

t Act'*. 1TSTaVll »’M*iV f Va n..—*- r -e- ——

A M A w‘i r w r. m.’ *u 1 #4» it* 7 torr 1 »'•]

lajel!■* : IJ-

iii IT 4# 7.4*t.4i '1 IS 4# | 12 k#

60 4 WTAV AfiD.

ET 'TtOXA I t Arv'ni j 4 Mall * Mail '*Ac<’t»

► ptEirr’s sai.-* -iz*‘u'l»* *vl*>_I/• - *•» WiU*k »*. C J. Keen* Tke nwdlrlded tMev *•» *f v ' J r-er<-In r.V • rra b'A kMtkd^d tip UeaU*’lk«r*o*. W/rdt !*Im< .e<>. Praiv- r*> t'»t.«*ea nd n J. U~4*.

tirdef *• t*--- J M Oraf ta J i Ikwrewee. a lw>-aiert ai>ra k.vatr U kt «» fam %>ik win* JO bv »• (rwK ea T. tf. WilliuyhuB > Snaprma plk,e. 4*

■ laewuen aaia* — fee. il. Jwbaekn, Agt , »« Jeha D«e IP aarao Imkadod Kwrth and IvtlHrffiVlay land, and J aad fr*i ky tka it *fjaa<Eead* asd (A. Tetwg

Haari/ti* W»iae* (sow flatt*) v*. 8. W. E»r*a 4^0 aarav. bawedad by ‘nsd* C. M M 'bwua. Jxtb llano*. A. N«ni^ Mary M« beer, oat «(I af IT a*. .Hi via on. *ad Ma. I el a

I.v Berawth “• B imdwartl't f

AatUrtgll tin*Arltlbtk


• «.V

A M A. Vs s



a- i *>1»*a 1 '■A I11.16 | S t-11 a-l »A*ti.a 1 sso

■ Ay ft**. U Daves, Tilly

barnwtll Hallr >ad Train* manrrl ‘ hli Havh Car- •lia* IUd«»t Tr-tt« *• Sdlmf*: --

B*. 1 l•*llna»^• *HI« Hwkih Ceinltaa Hallway 8*. t r-i tn>ars-w*a.and l-«wl Mat:••* Kaa Of Ww »v Ule and rwlawMa TWvlatad

Ha. 1 baa r«nW^I*wi frtww Wnttlk Oamltn* Railway N*. 4 frwaa Ajji.m* and luteal H«aMoas Witl nf UwkvMo.

l*a. 4 ratia^Ht wltk Aaatli Cwmllwa lUilwat Kn. 6 fer Sa-uWe ami lawal UtlUat Warn wf BW. a nil*.

“ » ta* •-•wvi.w-vlaa fr'Htv smMk Caolfna Hadartaft


n«vioff Icnmxl the hmist* and nt^r* fur* marly • ><•••11 fried Dv Mm; Pr It chars). Eli Up *d HliV.**, I bar* flUeri up thrts* ..f that hnndm>in*»st MIKlncry Harlot# PrHth of Hiallmtora ntyd am now rca.iy lo abow th* ttii'Ki mid ru t r.-li clod •lock of French P.vtiwrn Bonnet# nn") U *T# ever brought to Aitgtia’n and cr. rv <>nt* In Invited t«» aall an<l cx • wUt.c nty cn and price#. Our .Dx-k ut rtnalc a 'Velvet#, .r-ilha, #«tb<#. Feath­er*. Fi-'Wcm Pilds'lin and HO*-»adc rawn- A>lctc *nfl at |«w i>rt> cd ilatr Uoo*1a and 1*1' Ml Jew- lea" a np**. twite.

Don't forget Hi** pi*.*- f.w Fir* MBMiRry .f tstCt tCIMZ.

* 1 ' v: * 4 tAr>a i •‘Irncf.door to Putt A Mciiyaiin'• Umtt Htor®.

ihivB 1m-------- kj---------------------- ------- ■—

AshleyfPhosphate Company.CM ABLE9TON,

SOLUBLE GtlAHO, hiflily •mmoiiiatei;DISSOLVED BON ft, Lighekt firm!* ;

ACfl) I’ll081*11 ATK» for compokling ;ASH ELEMENT, roado nf Floats, fur Cotton, Crain'«6mR Pfji;

GENUlNK M#t>lj^>LpSil ALD-KAlNlT, imporicd tfirset from tl>««• Miaca in Oeirtiftnyrniril Wumtuted pure; ' *1' -met* i.-« «'v»*f*j i"V.:_t . i_ i.. ,. •».„ r\ < . ; .

V.■ V,?

Tr / ,...

GENUrXK FLOATS, ofliiglieM, product of the Duo Atomiser} SMALL CHAIN Si’KClFHJu .




AND VL ASTER ;corros sEEi *■>KD MEAL;Special F.irmuIds"i«a<I« to orvlcr'.KfacctaJ Miduccuientq f.^ cm eh iml rs. * )tFar trims, IRsattatr/J AWmiiac* und cnnls otIdio«sfii6 Co.

gL'V -J.--------r.M.wcrwWbw’ -r—r—-w.—-...

T-XALE MANUIFACTUUINO. CO..Factory, Office, TVnrcrooma. and LuniMr Yard#, 10 to W Cumberland Street,

.UH All E.KH'TON M. Cf.With the aid nf Mew Machlnrry, sktllod workmen and boat material, we are sntrpre

Sire.I to m .mifactuie In tbt# city »H kful# of Work: we shall make aapt cialty of inure, Hnaliep. iilitnla, kiouldltiKs, Itrackcta. HOrtril KattinW.Ftn« f .ncy front 4ov»nv of pine or har wrwdl a i-j.hctalt y Window and door frames,

fl.xviitvg Ixiard#, ALCm Etiilr ral1*. bnlueten*. i»ew>d#. inaihlr, wood and mantels — 1'nildere' Uardwaiw, wlto window gtiAida, white piMt. m.'.lu if-ny mmI Walnut. All kind#of fancy luntber, pattate. oils, Ttirnlshe-. br *di e in all atyba, nt tuu’ lunterlal#

' ‘ “ ‘............. ‘M, iVtndow olarat r r<'u h ad Atn»ile»n, Brnurd; cut and rodrnknWM *Iasand s* ylr#. putty Gl sierw’ Poli ta, jJlifiioiuis and Knlvca. * y

UtMuftfcL Aft-all color#

Pefu'ro puteha4ufr your maurlHi, consult your I tercet, attd buy at our Oieatly Re­duced Prk«i#t-Mu>lt t net iiHMS. W«buy. I. r CMSt^aiul cau afford lo a*-U at low UuuihwWa buy fur CMSl^aiul cau t

Hall ManufdCUirina: C5o.< Cb«rWa*«B N. C.Feftmtite# given for every description of wura. Finns, cpecHb'allOua, Ad, furnished


fer <1 wettings.STAIR

HairihlfTacfllM*# with Biachl ary and cftperl ncetl Wotkitien, we are • Ut ail kinds of htalr IDdl. complete, eftrly to put up, nt very low pi Ic-* uater- and Aaitd IlitU, all de.-i^ns and palteriis; aloo, all kinds of Walnut. Mahogany and Fancy LuuAer

prenarml tn gel . Newel#, Bai-

In ordering Rails w* should have form# filled out. and also #fate whether the 8; ring.It a i#. Ten with Ail-bra or not; if

Winding Ht« I n send #<vilo drawing.not. bUt« hew tar t hey are ahead or l m-k. For

a> gSt-Sm v




---------- -FOR SALE BY------------

hum ox, omiiM * co m m

Are acknowledged by everrbodf to for bash, and ua

And tMr lg*nb« thrmighogf Ibe Country.

Molalr’s M

* n?cj2S otn

T•Turt tecrirjj and npeued and tn he<nd4 ait cnof

of Mi.sac..aaud fjiildretta' itaD, Kealltftf#,Valretecns, Laessand Unimrctta, ljudi-w l)re#s Good* in all almd #, and it Ivautiftil line dll Noitlierh and Eastern lioux.'*. MiM on* of 51 CliUdrvn ami Adu’.t<i. Clotldpsi frr Men »nd Yv Bedsfcnd#, ('hairs, Uurctu#, Sit-tBinriie, Etc.,And Inst, hut not 'cam. n IttH line ol'CUota* said for cash at cash prtet # at








,FftAKn* B. Hackkh, Prcsidvat JoafA^ 8. Bnotrn, ’FrcaanrcrAeavlti St#

Axe*, Unmet, lloa#, Chain#, I’low Line#, How#, Plow Stock#, Singletrees, Shrital#,

t*! adea, Fork#. Woojwatc,

1 i.,w are,IV ware’

SouUi Carolina Hailvrny.10th 1882,

WATCH-MAKER ATBLACKVILLEI offer my# rvl<y**|otbe put. H-In the

repelr <4 Watefcea, Chirku*ano J-m H jv - Wo'h #tdrw*t<w1 t*. |N# W'tl b« Core In # wnakiiiahH'.c (Waniw r. All W<Wk b»wit by in >11 or rX:.r>-*a •ball nave epm-hvl aUeo- tiop. Oiv- ttic a call.

■ oena-Sm T. A RaoDCM.


X* * fr»a* Ck*rt'at>« t *Iu#i4>n. CaiuSoa *i>4 X-tal #t«tie"* l »»t ‘'{ Rlarkrtlh-

So a *—*...»<. vifk h**iK t >.*Una ltafl«#y No t f*r Ch* I—1««. Cahimbi* »kC all ia»t.»* fjot. »*4 <a*#k*vt* •i<h #o«lh < < oil mi Kailwvi Xu-4>.*is *«al •II k'.lkt* " o*l *f bt»rk»ir..

X» 4 k*. '^nrr-.Wn hr»N .-.mlt. (Jatoli* » It. Mvoy E.> 5 **<1 4 fo*». ra**H *'"k 4l.*.naa amt *11 l*» »l ataihvki; h*» »» ww*.-*ll»«> fT'in C«4»*.l!» Plvl-kia

Th# iia»t*r*ig«e*l ha* removed M* re*l- ilrn«a from .kllrndEte to Baruuell C. tl , w i.r re be kill eoklieeo ibv praetiac of in* prw. f*e*h*it a* kcrclafora, ,ictv« «f J. J. HKOWM.

("Vnuncncinff De-enaSer traio# will run a# follows:

COLVVPIA 1»IVI3U).\.. : (D6tiy.)

Leava Obarlvatoa T OO a m 6.20 p mArrive at Columbia ll.tftaai 16.Of pm Leave t’otniuMa t AS p m » m

C. ?, PECIIMANN, ff Rdrnwtfl,

SVeae Cw Miwtotn.

Ertraet fiom * • I# rcb by (1 W M. W lluui u vi* hi# t ill ty r>lN*tr aud refund (n the I qtivr diaf.ra uxe# i v*rcb.irip-.l t.y reioe.>ii «,f Ihr I# w chub lug tbr Hcertok III iXpll# *.ii the 31 -l of (licit De* #tu 'IT ;

-*ln tii'r.i ii.ciRkr (Id-* bid I wa* ne-tuated by a fee.lug vi /mIc# to that rlaerof hecplr, ur r>*tb*>l to tbat pe .- ptrengag.*.! lu that < u*# *>i t*r«ceft <>f ItUallieMi knuai: (<* n ■twlllttg HpitiUl'UlB Li<)>l.>ia, «tti' n#, whpin, lu my knowl-• .1#^, arc uv-n ptireof beuit, iiuri-et <<| pmpfvee nntl 'tfrt*** nt In the dl eliurtti*' «.f tli#li pub hr duty. Yen, riioti t** true #e any uirt; ttvlng. N-^w wltrnerrr a Ink la levied l>|eiii out laiel* wblch the Lrgialalure tlhl uot tutend to levy tijr ap|dl<-a!b*0. we, by law mind you, have au abatement and ti.c ninm.ut refund­ed—that la tIts amount which by law w# have been ebarutd Ngatuai the aftldt aud Inteotlbn of tha law. N >w In this mallei tin. liquor AtahTs b.<ve l*een c-niprlletl (in a great many In- etatiue*) U1 |»#y tnori> Draff the fr*. f.>r Hceraa inDndetJ by the Uw. Tl D Mil am ply menuM to rafuotl to three per- •or.a whatever hue been ovriH'ltnigetl,• nd that la all. I hare been t hi t y K»tit)<-nien upon ibis (1 mrtlint 'hr bill is a K"r'd one, the spirit, of It tight and <-4|t'|tal»|e, »>0I that ihe measure is nn tttipop'ilar nn# and cannot t>e carried. I #<.o the tight «.f (he Idll ; I pr**#ent it u» you «a riphr, just and iquitable; rote I* 'town tf you wlit (and no dotibt y.ifl ad|A, I hare done my duty and the rr-poositrillty upon you. 1 ahalt Halit the esNiat* <>f th* liquor tn«ti win n

J )<M and right to <lo do a# I would miy other clhsu of men, and the man who falls to do it fall# In hl« dtity.— Abnli*b the #ale of liquor entirely or be just In your legUI.itIon toward the denier and t>l»y no double role. I know all that! might say will do no ptiot), brC it la my duty in any what I have and tha rest fa with yon."

«. 6\BT. it ovrirt.

c n \ ut xfcco "Iwparter* *».| W e vl««alo Uoalvr* in


: 5 § nO w •! C

»•'), A7 A 311 Market it

P. «. Inx 17®.

1 :• •l 5

V hatlmrien, S, C.UkV 2-® 31

i 1« 2 ‘ *

Piir lion llott’l.biectrlo b«IU, atf-ana. g r Flevatar,

Pnvl t<*e Hotel. *t nose fre* h #nd c'raa throughout.Tatde t»al lb the Hot.t >.P« vitloii t ransfor «iwehea •.•nd*)T#gea#

at •ili tr .H*# etui taiata ItatoH r<'dne»‘d. Cwware <»f g.ving yvur cltecka to any voa nn tr«)».

Kalra................................ $2 t»-fj S’)K T. (iA.LLJtEl*, I’m) i In or.

Charloatnn, 8. tl.

NOTICE.A 1 partita ind*',!#.! to tka estate of IT. T.

ULAlvl OJC tfitfgoiue forward and »etito with the undaisigntd, or vith ‘

8. W. II UK TOM. ai th* Homeelead.

Pirtie# hol.tiaT claim* ag»in*t tke e*t#t# will proaoitllie same duly attested to


* .^diainiatrat »r*.WillUton, 8. C., Ptcrmtor lltV. 18X2.

de«!4 4w

J. W. Strickland,Wh ilwriRhl an! D]fi(bm!l\


w ami at all time# prepared withm*ie

I* nafirst eTn«# w.irkmen and Aral cbm* fLl to do all work in hi# line in first c'aes style and at iftuannable llguree. He solic­its publln patrenair# and .-onfldefitly refer#

PmtAoarn ix Bt# Hliyf —In the r|- olftliy nf SVIchba, Kttneaa, there r> aide# with hie parents a young man whose (jhrUMnti natna la unfortunately not ni'-ntlnuad by the Journal wMcti r^- o >rde th# fnllowlng kxtrwordlpary Incj- »tent In hia career. Oae night hi# pa- r-ftta wrra asouaed by aingnlnr no'aee on the roof, ai d ko.iwing tUDr aou’a habit of ciitthig caper# lu hla sleep i hey ran owt to the yard sod looked up. There sat the y«ung man on th# iditmovy p»p, dad <»nly in that garment which Itom* mortal usage ha# const*-, erntoff to the purpose of alnnibcr.— Presantly he ros* to hia feet and ad- «fro.*ln)r tha Irnagln-try audience, gave out th* hvrtm, 'AH ball tha power c< Jfsiis name," which he forthwith prv- oceded to alng through from itegbuileg to rud to tb* aonormte tuns "Uoiuoa- tlow.’* H# tb*n aeJec'e.l h text ^frem fat John, ▼. IS, preached a ▼fgorotik itlseouniw dftex-u mtoutea loog. ?nd *1H down the UpfctMlna rod Into a t ub of water, Wfttofefctofatfaer bad hurriedly

wegl l do th# «K>*t T)M#a%ork aroused bla aad he


to all persons who have f.erur 'd Idm with their orders, Hal# always at home and always at work. W, % m>v2!-3<n

O’Neill & Sons,BOOTS AND SI10E8^


CHARLESTON, 8. C.7 -♦af-—*ep<

The Blatkv lle Ma‘e*iii Fnnule S(B


Will Im op#n»4 Mnadav, ta<f Ubtohor. It will W ta rkwrc* •f Hr. W. E. Or»T, a of Mieraryt**t* aa* (altwr*. )IU rvWrcama »fb J’rof. Oarlide, of WaffWtl CnllBf*. »wd Krot H. H. ftrun* *4 C ti»r-i- 4kar<>Mw* > n»nrh G«r*.»t. **4 Apjckrt. wilt ha t**xi.l la a.MIUon tn Vim Matt Cn;liafc tad tUmoal •aura*, laerwctiai. ta oimoV* H 4a*ifrd Tlotc* al tattiwa a wit* low. Bowl Ik private taavdir* varyr—*a«H«-

Appij i# tha P-intipal ar «ae of Urn TraWooa.'C. A lartigw*. iaam* K#By. W. J. Map la. a t. V, fasrA, BoaiAwTTamtam. a^rfl t<


TAP.YER, CfAHlfl & €9Ml.hi .sale and Retail Dealers in


M ill Le liappj to aec and serve hi# nu­

merous iiuu.d# in Barov# 1 and a.lj esnt

M-pU Smcomn-a.



Arrive at I’kartrolon 11.30pm K(W * m |Al’GUZT A MITISIOK. .

- (Baiijr#fH4.)i *- -w Hl.aa v# Ch .rtp»l<»a / 3 36 a tn 9 4ft p m/rrlTeai Rranehfll'o . 10.46 a m 6 UOp mLeava BrnwchviU# 19 Oft a m a. O0 p m *l^*ve Kdisto 11 27 a m H. f 2 p mla-i** Midway 11.13 * m 6 2*p «*?Leav* It.mberg 11 30am C 31 p mLc«v* Graham* 11 3-1 am 3 47 peaLeave l*r* t 11 43 a a f 8 * p mtoavw It'ackvill* 11.62am 7 12pm!.*«?« F. k.i 12 "ftp at T.tfop mi.eave M illi*4 n 12 16 pm 7 32 p mArrive *1 Augusta 1.00 p m ft 0 Ip 04

'(Drily — Fa«t |towve .Anguet v 7 0.'. a m 4 20pmL ave AVillLtoa •.It a ta C.u\p mLeave Fdka 9 VM* m H. 13 p mleave ItUrkvilIe • 97 a m *.30 f a*l.eave Leoa ft. 13 a at 4.3H p aiI.e»ve Graham* ft. A’, a m 6.47 p mI.•>ve Rvmhorg It -Oft a m 3 68 p aileave Midway lu. IH a m 7 l»H p mLeave Rdiato 10.29 a m 7 It* pmAr. at Branch villa 19 39a m 7.2ip m!.e«v» Uranchritle -19.46 » a. 7.3" f mAr al Charleston 12 66pm It.tJpm

(Freight and Arrow modal ioa — Most.)Leav* Cianehrille 6 66 a a.Leave B sckville 6 Ai a atAr. et Auguaia ft. 10 a 1 <

W# ©ootimi# to •et aaaoh<ytor* for paten •#, towats,

I, copyright#. #4*.,for tha United Bmtea^and to obtain pat-

la Canada. Bnglaad, Franco, Germany, and all other cmntrto#.

T6vlvly*«6x gwwvw* nractic#. N" rharga for oaamiaatltm of aaodola or draw- inn. A dries by mail frwo.

Patents obtained through u are noticad Inih# scawwnnr awawicAn, whveh hastb* iargowt rixpatottfm, aad ta th* m»«» ladu

asor of Ito kind totWlahod In thoTb* ad vaworld. TV* ad raniagoa ef awch a aotie# ovary

ta# andorotaadaThislsrg# #*d •vleadidlv Ulnatrated new#* pactapwbltahad wKBKLT aitAlOayear.

aad ta admitted to be the heel paper devoted moe. meokauee,iBveatiOba, oagineenu* i, and other 4rptrlrawn * of industrial oat, pwblisi.ed In any eetmtry. Singlel^ff

eopie<•a by mail, 10 eenla. Sold try an aews- • r*.

Addroea, Mnn* A 0».. pnbltahora of fteistv ««- Aaaeriaaji, Ml ftroadway, Xew York.

Handbook about patonle maitod free.«•-1 v




J. H. POnOKR. dealer In Fresh Bread aadG-k##, Choice CowfvCilufteiVr# and #e- l.ict Faw.ily Oiooeries, B.ilroail Avenue, Wlackvltle. 8. 0.

Hot Meal# nerved at short nottae.AIV goods at 4easonabla fixate t


JdAtES H. CACSyiWTonsorial Artist, /

N O. UOIH A SKL ST.Kbie Kixo St (Sign Tc’opkoao Pels and

Ua«d.S .




Cliarlestonr S C-Maniifaetnrera of High Fertilizers,

Proprioior* of th» CeltbraleU Brands:

(Frsigktsnd Acaammodatioa —Cas(.) l^avs .4 ugiiota s W.CO p mAr. at ttaakvilta 11 (0 pmA r. at Bianck villa iJ.A^am

COLUMBIA DltlXlON.(Daily, Kxccpl Snadaj.)

Leava Branchvlil# 11.00amAriiv* *i Uehimbia 4.0® p m 'Leav* Columbia • 00 a mAr. at BranchTpU 10 *7 « m

••tyKNrCT10)l8.•’Trains leaving ItrMiehTill# at A.(k> A. M.

and Columbia *( 6.6 ft P. M m*k« ermae* lioea dai!y. cqehpt Sundays, with iraiu* oa Aiiguata Uivisu n.

Tmi** leaving Clmrlerton at 3.4.* P. M aad leaTmg August tat 7.0u A. M. and 4.20 P. 61. make e.-nnectiouk daily with trains ef lb* Georgia Kail road and On I rat I'.ailroad of Gcorgyv, fer klacen, Atlanta and all pwinia \te»l affd 8oiHhwc*t.

“PASSEKGFB FARE.”Excuraion Ticket* t«*nd from all fttations

on Ih* (load ar* »«ld at ® cents per rails for round trip. Tickrt* are g"o*l for tvn days to return On Faturdaya and Sundays ticket* arc sold to aad trenail Station* at or.# first- class fart for th* round trip. Ticket* ar* good till Monday noon to reiura. Itegular rate#, 4 cents per mile firktclaos, Z eon ta per mile >cc*iid-c!a«a wh-r* ticket* ar* purchas­ed bo loro knlering Ih# car*, bleeping Cars art rue on a I night passenger trainwbei ween Charleston and Columbia.

J) C. Al.LKN, G. P AT Agt.JOHN B. PECK. General Manage).


Kino WmUlvem.Av-riraa and K*t*a, of the Uleal (tile*.

Kiel* WVecrwlry,w aad »^al Ikatga* and KswoMta W*rk-

tal • rltsog a*llvr*wwmr*.la Fiwfc iad BeawtlW PaHoewa, •^•etaliy ada#4<4

lec Wedl.lag i'rvwwta

A»h#poo Ferttlix-r,Ashnpoo Add Pho#phata,

Eutaw Fertilizer,EutaW Add Pbosphato,

CaruliDa Pho#phatffrPalmetto Acid Pbo»phate.

Importer® of Genuine German KaluD, direct Jrom the Mluee.

Consult your iuterrat aud FuJ those goods. Make aj plication to

P. W. Farrell & C« , BlackrlD#, 8. C. Vf.J. Martin, Black ville. 8. C.B. J. Brabham A Bro., Bamberg,8.0. J. D. Copeland, Bamberg, S. C.8 J. BartZig, Bamberg, 8. 0.W. H. Kennedy, Willi*loo, 8. C.J. W. Crum, Graham#, 8. C.Fku A Govge, AileodtUe, 8. C, Aabepoo Pb nap bate Co.

BOBEBTSOK, TAYLOR * CO. Oewerai Aftftte, Cbailealoa, 8. CL


do you want to save money

IN BUYING GROCERIES?If so send your order# t#

Hit vorp)#l«*<l Wnrw,Tka Art*. Waller*, l.w rftaker*, totter m*he«, CagS

OnMrt*. #)»w«w Kaeka of kr* #«atliy, e4#Choice Knnvy CJ (XXl*. (# '

Fr-o. I* aa-t AmetWaa Ctork*, rtae T»We Cattery,#neet»rU'». a»r.

WMtrWa* >1*4 Jewatrr Car*fall- R*|wirri,The D.-W CKw*t* a* (be Lew«*« I'net*.

JAMKH At*l*A>#«.807 King F(., Ckarleakun, 8. C-

•eth :

G. T. AndrewsWit!. E. IJ. EARLE,

801 King St., Charleston, 8. C f

DealaV In (tn# fthne*. Boots, Trunk#, fte. H# guaranteea satisfaction. Exchange* cheerfully made at any lime. All erder* order*over f 1U.00 f.zpre*a eluirfe. prepaid.

Heineiteahit Iriend* of Barnwell (7ounty to come and see him. and any hnlen emrust ed to him will be promptly executed. Yeur favors solicited.

0 T. AKDnF.tVft,Near Masonic Hall, ItOl Kingftt.


Welsh & Eason,X.Wholesale and Retail dealer* In Chdce

Family aad Fancy Grecerie*. Fine Liquor*, Tees and Cigata, 127 aad 12V Meeting Flreet 8. W. corner Market 8irr«t. t'h*rle't*n. S. C.

It# carry an oxtensiv# aasortmont *f good* and hav# everything yeu want at aslouioh- tugly low prices.

Holiday Goods in Great VarWy.Country merchant# Wishing’an as#ertvieot

ef Fancy Groeerie# will ftuU it tolhehr iater- e«t to c#rre*pond with us «U the auhject.

lend for ontalugue and price list.aov28 3m


Am J.YVeatliersbee.


I HAV ft JU8T RECEIVED A large •lock of General N vrchAndiae which I will sell at very close fijurcs fof cash and e**h only.

Buyers will find it to iheir infereat (o trade with me, for I am determined to he undersold by no merchant in tlia county.

All persons indebted to me are re­quested and advised to make early set tlementa. It wid p«y tbo ■ to do so. Pa ikmce h«s ceased to Le ■ virtue

A. J. weathkrsbre,WiRuton, 8. C.



IS la A C K V I la la f V

PrwaiplfcOee aopoctoity

Haring rciurned to Barnwell C.B. tn r-matn peiaanetttly, oflbro bin nor viees to the public ta ALL braaebea of tie medical profoaaloa.

Tenaa—Oatb or pradocc.•eflb-tf

V* ‘jr t ^ ■* 'ifeo: » ,f a^. _

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