Page 1: UW-Madison€¦ · UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot

moving toward peak performance

Union South UW-Madison

Madison, Wisconsin


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Celebrating 25 Years of Administrative Excellence

Page 2: UW-Madison€¦ · UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot

7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Check-In

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Welcome and Keynote Presentation — Varsity Hall II & III

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Featured Sessions

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Featured Sessions

12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Lunch — Varsity Hall II & III

1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Featured Sessions

2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Featured Sessions

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

APRIL 15, 2015


Union South, UW-Madison Madison, Wisconsin

APRIL 13, 2016


Page 3: UW-Madison€¦ · UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot

The Myth of Multitasking: How to Increase Your Productivity by Doing Less Darcy Luoma Do you check email while on a conference call? Do you pride yourself in your ability to juggle two things simultaneously? While this is normal behavior for many, research shows it is not effective. Not only is multitasking inefficient, it actually reduces your productivity. Mindfulness means being fully present in the moment focusing only on the task at hand. Learn the value and importance of single-tasking to improve your creativity, memory, attention, and productivity!

B iography Darcy Luoma, certified professional life coach, dynamic facilitator, fun and engaging public speaker, has expertise in leadership, team development, emotional intelligence, and personal effectiveness. Her optimistic attitude, playful and intuitive style has helped hundreds of clients achieve remarkable results, including greater work/life balance, a clearer vision, and enhanced leadership. In 2012, Darcy was thrilled to be voted Madison’s Favorite Life Coach! Her master’s thesis (MSOD, Pepperdine University) showed profound results that life coaching significantly increases overall life satisfaction and improves personal and professional growth. Darcy recently completed 12 years as the Director of U.S. Senator Herb Kohl's office and is now a full-time leadership coach, organization development specialist, and lead instructor for UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot camp, hot yoga, adventure travel, competing in triathlons, and afternoon naps. Darcy brings passion and practical ideas for action to her highly engaging keynotes! To learn more:

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Fifth Quarter Studio

(2nd floor) Marquee

(2nd floor) Varsity Hall I (2nd floor)

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Looking for Connections

Nancy McCulley

Engage in the Records Management Experience

Peg Eusch

and Claire Dalle Molle

Achieving Balance: Why “No” is Not a Four-Letter Word

Darcy Luoma

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Writing for Impact

Sarah Gibson

How to Lead Without Being in Charge!

Roe Parker

Managing Change and Transition: Embracing Transitions

and Providing Leadership in Change Efforts

Harry Webne-Behrman

1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Building Your Leadership Capacity for the Purpose of

Positive Change

Nancy Mitchell and

Brittany McGowen

Technical Resources and Training Opportunities for

UW-Madison Employees

Sara Tate

Sandwich Generation

June Partoll

2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

It’s All About Your Brand

Hayley Chastain

and Tara Martino

An Introduction to MS Outlook365

Cliff Cunningham

Clear the Blear

Anne Asher

Keynote Presentation:

The Myth of Multitasking: How to Increase Your Productivity by Doing Less

Darcy Luoma 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Varsity Hall II & III

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Industry (3rd floor)

Landmark (3rd floor)

Northwoods (3rd floor)

Beyond Words: Non-Verbal Communication

in the Workplace

Brenda Ferreira

Maximizing Your Benefits: Health Insurance &

Supplemental Plans

Thomasin Propson

Esteemed Confidence

Shelly Vils Havel

Building a Wellness Culture; It Starts with YOU!

Lori Devine

Maximizing Your Retirement: Early- and Mid-Career Retirement Planning

Chris Calkins

Esteemed Confidence

Shelly Vils Havel

Paving Your Way to Success with SMART Goals

Jessica Moehr

De-Stress for Success

Molly Heisterkamp

Creating an Efficiency Toolkit

Ann Zanzig

Paving Your Way to Success with SMART Goals

Jessica Moehr

Maximizing Your Benefits: Leaves of Absence, Disability

Benefits, and Disability Retirement

Sharon Christian-Gunderson

Attitude: The First Step Towards

Successful Service

Mike Farrell

STRETCH BREAKS Please join us for two 5-minute stretch breaks,

9:20 a.m. and 2:35 p.m., in the First Nations room, 3rd floor.

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Page 8: UW-Madison€¦ · UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot

Second Floor Evacuation Routes Varsity Hall I To evacuate Varsity Hall I, exit out of the left and turn left down the hallway. Take the stairs down to the first floor exit. Varsity Hall II & III To evacuate Varsity Hall II & III, exit out of the right and turn right down the hallway. Take the staircase at the left end of the hallway down to the first floor exit. The Marquee To evacuate the Marquee, exit out the side or rear doors, and head right down the long hallway towards the main staircase. Go down the staircase and turn left and exit out the doors onto the terrace area. The Fifth Quarter Studio To evacuate the fifth quarter studio, exit the room and go right down the hallway towards the main staircase. Take the main staircase down to the first floor, turn left, and exit out onto the terrace area.

Third Floor Evacuation Routes Northwoods Room To evacuate the Northwoods room, exit from either of the two rear exits. Turn left down the hallway and then turn left again; the stairs will be directly in front of you. Landmark Room To evacuate the Landmark room, exit from the front of the room. Take a right down the hallway and then take the first left; the stairs will be on your left. Industry Room To evacuate the Industry room, exit the room and turn right down the hallway. The stairs will be on your left.

Page 9: UW-Madison€¦ · UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Looking for Connections Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd fl) Nancy McCulley

Office professionals are in a unique position to provide service, collaborate, network, and share ideas. But our efforts are often stifled because we are not the decision-maker, don’t have enough resources or don’t recognize the value of our influence.

Based loosely on the concept of “six degrees of separation,” this workshop is for you if:

you’d like to learn why networking is critical to your career success—no matter what point you’re at;

you’re considering a job change, anticipating a major life change or starting a business;

you want to contribute more to your volunteer organizations;

you want to use social media efficiently but don’t know where to start;

you have a project that you need help with but don’t know who or what to ask.

First, we’ll begin by identifying the connections that exist in our personal and professional lives. Then we’ll discuss how office professionals are uniquely situated to leverage the benefits of those connections for ourselves and our organizations.

Then we’ll get tips and share ideas about how to effectively use and grow our networks. To wrap up, you’ll initiate a plan that uses your network to achieve specific work and personal goals. Engage in the Records Marquee (2nd fl) Management Experience

Peg Eusch and Claire Dalle Molle

Participants in this workshop will become more knowledgeable about university policies, legal requirements, and best practices concerning the retention, management and disposition of records in their care through the entire records lifecycle. Those attending will gain the understanding and knowledge of the following concepts:

What records management is and why it is important to manage our university records through the entire records lifecycle.

The 8 Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles of Accountability, Transparency, Integrity, Protection, Compliance, Availability, Retentions and Disposition.

What a university record is and where records are stored.

That good records management practice includes documenting

the departments/units records management processes for transparency.

How implementing a good classification and naming scheme promotes accessibility and retrieval of records.

The importance of having a records retention schedule and where to find the schedules.

That all employees are responsible for good management of university records in accordance with university policy and State and Federal rules and requirements.

The Public Records Law and how to apply it.

Achieving Balance: Varsity Hall I (2nd fl) Why “No” Is Not a Four-Letter Word Darcy Luoma

Do you feel overwhelmed by your own life? Do you find it difficult to organize life around the things you must do and the things you wish you could do? Achieving balance is about making choices to focus on areas of your life that matter most to you. This involves setting clear personal boundaries and knowing when to say no. When you stop doing things out of guilt, you’ll find more time to focus on the activities that truly bring you joy. In this interactive and engaging session, Darcy builds on the concepts from her keynote to help you get clear on what’s most important to you, learn the importance of saying NO and achieve greater balance and fulfillment!

Beyond Words: Industry (3rd fl)

Non-Verbal Communication in the Workplace Brenda Ferreira

Are you sending co-workers or customers mixed signals when your words say one thing, but your facial expression says another? What about that eye roll or potentially offensive gesture? What does your body language say about you? What does it tell you about the people around you?

When facing communication challenges in the workplace, what we don’t say can be as important as what we do say. We consciously and unconsciously send and receive non-verbal messages that may not translate in ways we imagine. These messages can be powerful and mean the difference between collaboration and conflict, particularly in multilingual/multicultural work environments. Case studies, problem-solving, and self-reflection tasks will challenge our perceptions and responses to the non-verbal messages we send and receive during workplace interactions. Being more conscious and deliberate about our non-verbal communication can result in more effective leadership and collaboration. Maximizing Your Benefits: Landmark (3rd fl) Health Insurance & Supplemental Plans

Thomasin Propson

Are you making the most of your insurance plans? Do you know what to do if you have concerns over the processing of your health, dental, vision or other insurance claims? Are there free or reduced cost benefits being offered of which you are unaware? This session will provide information specific to State/UW employees but is crafted to be helpful to those receiving insurance in the private sector as well. Learn how to integrate your various insurance plans and available discount programs in order to lower out-of-pocket healthcare costs, and ensure your benefits keep up with the changes in your life.

Page 10: UW-Madison€¦ · UW-Madison’s Professional Life Coaching Certificate program. Along with balancing being a wife and mom of two daughters, she enjoys spicy Chai latte’s, boot

Esteemed Confidence Northwoods (3rd fl)

Shelly Vils Havel

Healthy self-esteem and assertiveness skills are essential for growth and achieving success in both our personal and professional lives. Being assertive can also help boost your self-esteem and earn others' respect. In this upbeat and interactive session, you will learn techniques to increase both your self-confidence as well as your ability to be assertive. Being assertive shows that you respect yourself because you're willing to stand up for your interests and express your thoughts and feelings. It also demonstrates that you're aware of the rights of others and are willing to work on resolving conflicts. Come join us for this session and learn how you can be on your way to “esteemed confidence”!

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Writing for Impact Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd fl) Sarah Gibson

Whether it’s email, letters, websites or texts, what you write impacts your reputation and professional image. Join Sarah Gibson as she walks through five tips to write more effective messages. Specifically, we’ll talk about:

Organizing and formatting your writing

Using 21st century language

Active voice

Parallel lists

Updated Grammar

How to Lead Without Being in Charge! Marquee (2nd fl) Roe Parker

Most of us will never be in charge of a large organization. We’ll never be CEO or Executive Director. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t be a leader and impact our organizations. Attend this session to experience a vibrant discussion about what makes a leader. During this highly interactive, engaging, and content-packed session, you’ll learn how to up your influence, use three universal principles of persuasion, set SMART goals, and gain the support of decision makers. You’ll leave with tips that you can apply immediately to “set the stage” for success and boost your career.

Managing Change and Transition: Varsity Hall I (2nd fl) Embracing Transitions and Providing Leadership in Change Efforts

Harry Webne-Behrman

Our professional and personal lives are swimming in the currents of change and transition. One of our major challenges is to discover ways to embrace the constructive energy of change, understand the natural transitions they cause, and then find ways to offer leadership to our colleagues that help us 'flow' through the rapids and navigate dangerous obstacles to success. This

interactive workshop will help participants understand some of the important opportunities and challenges we face in such times, offer tools to address them, and create a space in which we may all focus on the best strategies to provide leadership in our workplaces. Building a Wellness Culture: Industry (3rd fl) It Starts with YOU!

Lori Devine

A healthy work environment increases employee engagement and overall organizational health. Learn how each of us can meet the challenges of implementing healthy practices at work and beyond.

Maximizing your Retirement: Landmark (3rd fl) Early– and Mid-Career Retirement Planning

Chris Calkins

Choices you make today can help provide for your tomorrow. Whether you are new to State employment or are mid-way in your career, learn how strategies you employ now as a UW employee may better prepare you for future retirement. Presentation topics include: a brief overview of the WI Retirement System (WRS), Employee Trust Funds (ETF) and the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB); how the WRS retirement benefit is calculated; WRS account options should you leave employment prior to age 55; a review of the supplemental retirement plans available to University employees; and how your sick leave account works for you after retirement. Esteemed Confidence Northwoods (3rd fl)

Shelly Vils Havel Healthy self-esteem and assertiveness skills are essential for growth and achieving success in both our personal and professional lives. Being assertive can also help boost your self-esteem and earn others' respect. In this upbeat and interactive session, you will learn techniques to increase both your self-confidence as well as your ability to be assertive. Being assertive shows that you respect yourself because you're willing to stand up for your interests and express your thoughts and feelings. It also demonstrates that you're aware of the rights of others and are willing to work on resolving conflicts. Come join us for this session and learn how you can be on your way to “esteemed confidence”!

1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Building Your Leadership Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd fl)

Capacity for the Purpose of Positive Change Nancy Mitchell and Brittany McGowan

This workshop will introduce you to UW-Madison’s Leadership Framework. Using the framework as an informal assessment, you will discover your leadership strengths and identify opportunities to stretch and grow. Through individual and group activities, we will

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take a deep dive into understanding leadership behavior that supports positive change. While the focus will be on developing your professional leadership capacity, you will also learn how leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities can benefit all aspects of your life.

Technical Resources and Training Marquee (2nd fl) Opportunities for UW-Madison Employees

Sara Tate

As a UW-Madison employee, are you familiar with the variety of technical resources and training opportunities available through campus? Or who you would contact if you experience technical difficulties with your work PC, Mac or related equipment? In this informational session individuals will gain valuable insight and will walk away with the knowledge of where to find information regarding the UW-Madison campus computing policy, safe computing including anti-virus protection, work at home (WAH) software licensing and availability, technical training opportunities, and how to ensure expedited service when technical assistance is needed. Additional time will be allotted at the end of the session for individual questions and answers. Sandwich Generation Varsity Hall I (2nd fl) June Partoll

In today's world, we are self educating via all the technology available, but this can also lead to more confusion. We are individuals who are multi-tasking at an incredible rate. We solve problems daily, sometimes moment to moment, and we rarely have time to plan ahead and educate ourselves about things that will affect our future.

Join us for a day of Self Education with June Partoll RNC CLSW NHA. Topics covered in this session include Insurance, Retirement, Medicare (Parts A-F), Medicaid, Supplemental Insurances, Social Security, Spousal Impoverishment, Home Health, Powers of Attorney, Wills and Care Giving. Paving Your Way to Success with Industry (3rd fl) SMART Goals

Jessica Moehr

If you’ve ever wondered why you and your manager are not on the same page during your performance review, the source may go back to the beginning of the year during goal setting. Well-written SMART goals provide clarity to both you and your manager and help prevent surprises during your mid-term or summary performance evaluations. SMART goals clearly lay foundation and guide you throughout your evaluation period.

Attend this session to learn the elements of SMART goals, receive a helpful template for writing SMART goals, and the importance of including clear measurements in the process. These concepts can also be used when writing your career or professional development goals.

Please come to the session with an idea of at least one of your

performance goals. Or, bring a copy of your current goals for an

opportunity to edit and make them even stronger. Time will be

allowed in the workshop to practice the key concepts. Walk away

with a SMART goal that will clearly and objectively outline your plan,

leaving no room for ambiguity during your formal performance


De-Stress for Success Landmark (3rd fl) Molly Heisterkamp

Is stress leaving you feeling irritable, unable to focus, or fatigued? Avoid the negative impacts chronic stress can have on your overall well-being! In this session, you will learn different techniques to incorporate into your life to be better prepared when stress strikes. We all want to be our best selves at work and at home, so learning to cope with stress in a healthy way is essential to our success. The session will include time for personal reflection, small group discussion, and participation in stress relieving activities.

Learning Objectives:

Define stress, and differentiate between chronic and acute stress.

Learn what happens to your body when faced with stressful situations.

Identify and practice techniques to integrate into your life so you

can be better prepared to cope with stress.

Creating an Efficiency Toolkit Northwoods (3rd fl) Ann Zanzig

90% of employees report that they are in meetings almost 30 hours per week. And yet, 30% say these are a waste of time! In this session, you will learn and practice tools to not only make meetings productive, but also day to day decision-making, communicating, and consensus building. Learn how efficiency can free up your time for the really important (and fun) stuff you want to accomplish.

2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

It’s All about Your Brand Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd fl)

Hayley Chastain and Tara Martino

With the many different demands of a dynamic work environment, it is

often a challenge to know how to put your best foot forward, get

recognized, or even move up the professional ladder. Creating and

maintaining a personal brand can be a critical step in becoming your

best self and reaching optimal success in the workplace. In this

workshop we will go over the basics for creating a personal brand

utilizing social media outlets such as LinkedIn and Facebook. We will

also give tips on how to best dress for various occasions in your

professional life.

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An Introduction to MS Outlook365 Marquee (2nd fl)

Cliff Cunningham

An Introduction to MS Outlook365:

A brief overview of the Office365 migration project on campus – Where we are? Where we’re going? Who’s next?

A general introduction to the Office365 web-client, called OWA and focusing on the Mail & Calendar modules.

A brief compare/contrast between OWA and the desktop client, Outlook 2013.

And, of course, answer any questions along the way.

Clear the Blear Varsity Hall I (2nd fl) Anne Asher

Learn techniques for countering computer mesmerization - that bleary feeling that tends to emerge after a few hours of staring at the screen. Easy to learn and remember, alignment experiences employ breathing, mental imagery, and gentle motions to help you release unnecessary muscle tension. The workshop takes place at your seat - as though you were working at your desk. Upon completion, you'll likely feel focused, alert, and mentally and physically energized. Relief of muscle related neck or back pain is also possible. Paving Your Way to Success with Industry (3rd fl) SMART Goals

Jessica Moehr

If you’ve ever wondered why you and your manager are not on the same page during your performance review, the source may go back to the beginning of the year during goal setting. Well-written SMART goals provide clarity to both you and your manager and help prevent surprises during your mid-term or summary performance evaluations. SMART goals clearly lay foundation and guide you throughout your evaluation period.

Attend this session to learn the elements of SMART goals, receive a helpful template for writing SMART goals, and the importance of including clear measurements in the process. These concepts can also be used when writing your career or professional development goals.

Maximizing Your Benefits: Landmark (3rd fl) Leaves of Absence, Disability Benefits, and Disability Retirement

Sharon Christian-Gunderson When faced with a serious illness, injury, or disability, what are your options as a State employee? Presentation topics include: unpaid Leaves of Absence (LOA) and benefits billing; the role of Divisional Disability Representatives (DDRs) and job protection afforded under FMLA; how Income Continuation Insurance (ICI) elimination periods and sick leave balances affect the begin date of disability payments; how a reduced schedule upon returning to

work may affect ICI and other insurance plans; and Long Term Disability Insurance (LTDI) versus 40.63 Disability Retirement options under the WI Retirement System. Please come to the session with an idea of at least one of your performance goals. Or, bring a copy of your current goals for an opportunity to edit and make them even stronger. Time will be allowed in the workshop to practice the key concepts. Walk away with a SMART goal that will clearly and objectively outline your plan, leaving no room for ambiguity during your formal performance discussions. Attitude: The First Step Towards Northwoods (3rd fl) Successful Service

Mike Farrell

Are you energized and focused in your commitment to service excellence? Do you focus on maintaining a daily positive attitude in the workplace? Excellence in customer service all starts with attitude…your attitude! This highly participatory workshop will take you on a journey in learning how to equip yourself with the confidence needed in building positive relationships, understand the value in demonstrating commitment to service excellence, and understand why a positive attitude makes the difference in what others are looking for when it comes to customer service excellence. Through a variety of engaging activities, group discussions, and team exercises, you’ll gain insight and strategies into how your attitude can make the difference for others both inside and outside of your workplace.

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Anne Asher Anne Asher is certified by the American Council on Exercise as a health coach, personal trainer, and orthopedic exercise specialist. Her work focuses mainly on helping people to use movement, exercise and alignment to relieve chronic pain and improve physical performance. Anne is the Back and Neck Pain Expert on, as well as the author of Inside Out Pain Relief available on Amazon Kindle: Chris Calkins Chris Calkins has been a part of UW-Madison’s Office of Human Resources as a University Benefits Specialist since May of 2014. His main areas of responsibility include leading retirement meetings, providing general benefit counseling to UW-Madison employees and developing and delivering presentations to meet the needs of the campus community. He is excited to be back in his home state of Wisconsin after spending the previous four years in Michigan as a HR Generalist with a K-8 educational institution. Hayley Chastain Hayley Chastain recently graduated from UW-Madison with degrees in Psychology, Social Welfare, and a minor in Business. While at UW, she enjoyed leadership and service opportunities through her involvement in the University Wellness Foundation, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and Psi Chi. Hayley completed her student internship with the Office of Human Resource Development focusing on UWell, surveys, and event assistance. Since graduating, she has begun working as a Training Officer for OHRD and hopes to continue a career in organizational development or consulting. Sharon Christian-Gunderson Sharon Christian-Gunderson’s career at UW-Madison began in June of 1997 in the UW-Madison Office of Human Resources. She spent 13 years as a Workers’ Compensation Specialist before switching gears to her current role as University Benefits Specialist (UBS). As a UBS, Sharon provides employees with education on benefit options and counseling regarding employees’ benefits as they pertain to life and employment events. Sharon’s accomplishments at UW-Madison include: being a key contributor on the Disability Processes document which is the primary training guide provided to new Divisional Disability Representative (DDRs), mentoring her teammates on processing events within PeopleSoft, and being a member of the Madison Benefits Services first Employee Engagement workgroup to determine initiatives for encouraged engagement. Sharon is proud to share that she is the first in her family to graduate from a university (UW-Madison), has served in the United States Army, and is the mother of two. Cliff Cunningham Cliff has a Masters in Science from Purdue University. For over 20 years, he has been teaching and training all manner of computer applications – beginning in the manufacturing industry, switching into health care, and finally landing on office productivity and web development in the public sector. In his Senior year in high school, he was voted runner-up “Most Likely to Become President”, and runner-up “Class Clown.” He is in his 21st year of marital bliss, has an awesome 13-year old daughter, and enjoys moonlit strolls on the beach while downing a half-dozen “hot now” Krispy Kreme donuts. When not reading about the amazing feats of his fellow Americans in the Revolutionary, Civil and World Wars, Cliff can be

frequently found pondering the questions of life, and wondering why he was so blessed to live in this country, at this time. Claire Dalle Molle Claire Dalle Molle is University Legal Counsel. Her legal specialties include employment law, criminal law and public records law. In her role as University Legal Counsel, Claire assists University employers by advising them on employment and labor law issues and reviewing and developing human resources policies. She represents the University in proceedings before administrative bodies such as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Wisconsin Equal Rights Division. Claire also advises the University records custodian and consults on various University records issues. Prior to joining the Office of Legal Affairs team, Claire worked for the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families and the Office of the State Public Defender. Claire holds a B.A. from UW-Madison in Political Science and Spanish and graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin Law School, where she was a member of the University Moot Court Board and a writer for the University of Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender and Society. Lori Devine Lori Devine is the Assistant Director of Fitness/Wellness at UW-Madison Division of Recreational Sports. Lori holds multiple certifications through the National Wellness Institute, American Council on Exercise, American College of Sports Medicine and others. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, she is also University Educational provider for the American Council on Exercise, providing education for personal trainers and group fitness Instructors. With over 35 years as a fitness professional, Lori has helped thousands of people get fit and healthy. Peg Eusch Peg Eusch is a Certified Records Manager and the UW-Madison Records Officer. She has responsibility for managing and directing the UW-Madison Records Management Program. Peg was working in the Milwaukee area before coming back to the Madison campus 5 ½ years ago. Peg is a veteran in the in Records and Information field with 30+ years of diverse records management experience in manufacturing, corporate, legal, health care and records consulting. She is continuously working to promote the Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles and best practices for management of university information by engaging and consulting with the campus community and collaborating with many campus areas such as IT, Legal, and Risk Management on records management issues affecting the campus. Peg is originally from Madison and holds a B.S. in Family Resources and Consumer Sciences from UW-Madison; she possesses a Technical Degree in Health Information Management and earned her Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science (MLIS) from UW-Milwaukee along with pursuing continuing education in her field. She received her professional certification as a Certified Records Manager from the Institute of Certified Records Managers in 2010. Peg is a member of ARMA International and the ARMA Milwaukee Chapter and the Institute for Certified Records Manager. Mike Farrell Mike is the Director of Fully Prepared Programs in the Office of Human Resource Development at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is

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responsible for the development, promotion, and administration of faculty and staff development training programs focused in the areas of leadership, management, and engagement. He most recently served for 25 years as a military career senior officer having held several key leadership positions. On campus, Mike has provided vision, creativity, and business acumen in working with diverse groups of supervisors and managers. Brenda Ferreira Brenda Ferreira is an English Language Learning (ELL) Instructor and Training Officer with Cultural Linguistic Services at UW-Madison. She helps employees improve their English language and communication skills needed to achieve goals on the job and in the community. She also facilitates trainings for supervisors, managers, and other campus groups on communication in multilingual/multicultural work environments. She holds a master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from the School for International Training and has more than 15 years of experience teaching adult English language

learners in academic and vocational settings.

Sarah Gibson Following her passion for teaching with a focus on practical business outcomes, Sarah Gibson founded Accent Learning and Consulting, LLC in 2004. Since then, Sarah and her team have helped companies understand the impact of workplace communication through a large variety of classes ranging from business writing, communication styles, generational communication, managerial skills and professional development pieces. Beyond her corporate experiences, Sarah has also taught for the University of Wisconsin-Madison evening MBA program and as an adjunct instructor at Madison College, UW-Whitewater and North Dakota State University. Sarah holds a Master’s degree from North Dakota State University – Go Bison! Molly Heisterkamp Molly Heisterkamp has been working in employee wellness and health promotion for over six years, most recently starting in a new role at UW-Madison as the Employee Wellness Coordinator in the Office of Human Resource Development. Prior to working at UW-Madison, she coordinated the employee wellness programs at Dean Health Plan in Madison and before that at Wesley Acres in Des Moines, IA. While at Dean Health Plan, Molly also provided workplace wellness resources and consultation to a variety of insured employer groups. Molly earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health Education from UW-La Crosse and holds a Certified Health Education Specialist designation from the National Commission of Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Tara Martino Tara is a Training Officer for the Office of Human Resource Development. She recently received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As an undergraduate, Tara was heavily involved with various leadership development organizations on campus and has facilitated her peers through the Social Change Model of Leadership. She is the Company Manager for a Non-Profit Performing Organization called the Wisconsin Singers. Through this organization, she is the liaison between the executive board and the student performers as well as the main contact for sponsors.

Tara brings a fresh perspective on personal branding to the workforce and an established knowledge in Social Media and how these outlets can positively impact networking and professional connections. Nancy McCulley With 30 years of administrative support experience in sales and marketing, Nancy is a Certified Administrative Professional (CAP). She currently serves as president of the Wisconsin Division of International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). She has been a member of Toastmasters for 14 years, and holds the Competent Toastmaster (CTM) and Competent Leader (CL) designations. Nancy served in numerous leadership positions within the organization, sponsored new members and clubs, and has facilitated annual training workshops. Nancy works full-time as an Assistant Booking Coordinator at Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, and is the owner of Your 80-20 Assistant, a virtual business providing clerical and business management support to coaches, speakers and trainers. Brittany McGowan Brittany McGowan works as a Student-Athlete Development Coordinator for the UW Athletics Department, shaping student-athletes in areas outside of the athletic arena. Brittany also serves as co-chair of the CLI Framework Implementation and Support team. Nancy Mitchell Since 1990, Nancy Mitchell has designed career and leadership development systems for students and professionals on campus and internationally. Nancy serves on the Coordinated Leadership Initiative (CLI) where she helped develop UW Madison’s Leadership Framework and currently leads CLI Communications. Jessica Moehr Jessica Moehr is a Training Coordinator in the Office of Human Resource Development and serves as the program manager for the Fully Prepared to Lead program. She’s been teaching leadership and professional development courses for over 12 years while consulting with and coaching employees, supervisors, and managers on a variety of topics. A graduate of UW-Madison, she has facilitated workshops for the Women & Leadership Symposium, the Teaching and Learning Symposium, and Leadership Sun Prairie. Areas of expertise include Performance Management, Professional Development, and Leadership Development. Roe Parker Roe Parker is a practical educator… providing programs filled with active learning and solutions backed by sound theory. His work on project management, leadership, and coaching has helped people and organizations move through self-imposed barriers. Currently, he works as a Senior Training Officer for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Roe is also a recognized leader by the American Society for Training and Development and certified by Toastmasters International. He has also won two Toastmaster International speech contests for southern Wisconsin. June Partoll June Partoll is a Registered Nurse Certified in Gerontology, Social Worker, Nursing Home Administrator, and a faculty member at Madison College. She has worked in the field of care giving for more than 35

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years. Her experience and expertise in these areas allow her to educate individuals and to answer many complex questions. Thomasin Propson Thomasin Propson joined UW-Madison’s Office of Human Resources in January of 2013 and is the current chair of OHR’s Engagement, Inclusion and Diversity Committee. As a Benefits Specialist for the University, she provides employees with a well-rounded view of their insurance and retirement benefits options. She regularly presents to groups on campus including a Benefits 101 for new WRS participants, Early- to Mid-Career Retirement Preparation and Pre-Retirement sessions for those interested in learning more about the UW’s and State’s retirement process, and Benefit Changes presentations during the annual “It’s Your Choice” benefits fair. Prior to joining the UW’s team she worked for 12 years in Madison’s private sector providing benefits and other HR assistance to small & mid-size businesses and not-for-profits. Sara Tate Sara Tate serves as the team lead for Customer Engagement & Learning Services (CELS) with Administrative Information Management Services (AIMS) at the UW-Madison. With nearly 20 years of IT related experience coupled with a BA in Secondary Education and Sociology, Ms. Tate believes in providing exceptional customer service and technical resource education. Spanning her professional career, Sara has addressed a wide variety of audiences a classroom teacher, technology trainer and facilitator. She is also one of the co-founders of the UW-Madison Women in IT (UW-WIT) group on campus. Shelly Vils Havel Shelly Vils Havel is a Training and Change Management Coordinator with UW-Madison’s Office of Human Resource Development. She is currently facilitating the learning and professional development needs of the HR Design Project. Shelly is a seasoned instructional designer as well as facilitator and coach. She has experience in most areas of the training and development industry with a big emphasis on professional and motivational coaching and personal development. She designs and develops tools in order for staff to execute at the highest possible level. Shelly has been involved in the private sector industry for over 20 years focusing her efforts on delivering education and professional development for Credit Union’s changing needs. Shelly has spoken to Credit Unions, leagues, and other agencies across the United States delivering education and advice about team building, coaching for success, generational differences, best practices in the workplace, and

many other topics. Shelly has a natural talent for engaging an audience and delivers her message in a way that leaves participants more knowledgeable and excited about the subject at hand. Harry Webne-Behrman Harry Webne-Behrman is a Training Coordinator/ Consultant with UW-Madison's Office of Human Resource Development. In that capacity, he coordinates professional development programs for campus staff, with an emphasis on a wide range of participation, engagement, and innovation skills development, convening several ongoing communities of practice. He serves as an instructor in courses on conflict management, communication skills, facilitation skills, managerial mediation and other areas. Along with his wife, Lisa Webne-Behrman, he has served as Senior Partner of a private consulting and mediation firm, Collaborative Initiative, Inc., since 1991. Harry has worked with hundreds of

businesses, schools, community groups and public agencies, and he maintains tremendous enthusiasm about the importance of learning to work collaboratively to build positive work environments. In November 2006, Harry received the Wisconsin Association of Mediators Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his extensive contributions to the field, and in May 2014, he was presented the Classified Employee Recognition Award at UW-Madison. He is the author of The Practice of Facilitation (1998), Guardian of the Process (1994), and co-author of the Working It Out Series in peer mediation and conflict resolution education in schools.

Ann Zanzig Prior to becoming the President of AZ Consultants, Ann Zanzig spent 25 years in higher education administration, including serving as Dean of Students, Edgewood College, Madison, WI, and Director of Student Orientation Programs, UW-Madison. Ann recently retired as a consultant for the Office of Quality Improvement at the UW-Madison, specializing in strategic planning and accelerated process improvement, meeting facilitation, leadership development, and principles and tools of quality improvement. She offers an additional focus in workplace climate and culture issues, customer-centered service delivery, process design, workforce alignment and conflict resolution. She has done work with colleges and universities nation-wide, not-for-profit organizations, school systems, governing boards, hospitals, state agencies, credit unions and small and large businesses. Ann has a Master's Degree in Education and Counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Ann's expertise in these areas, as well as her background in planning and implementing performance review systems, employee motivation workshops, and personal goals setting, makes her a perfect presenter in the area of creative employee incentive programs, professional development, improving workplace relationships , leaders’ change readiness and "best practices" in project management.

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