  • 1. The Chance ProgramPresentation by: Chris RichardsonKrystal LugoErnestina Ashe Model Juvenile DelinquencyPrevention Program

2. Part I: Program Description, Summary & Goals 3. Overview of program Mission of the Program Vision of the Program Program Description and Goals Program Principles Concepts of the Therapeutic Community Model Treatment Goals and Expectations 4. The Mission of The Chance Program Our mission is to directly confront and offer positive lifestyle alternatives to delinquent behavior (in both teenage male and females)such as: substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, aggressive behavior (criminality), illiteracy. 5. The Vision of The ChanceProgram The vision of the Chance Program is to see that each and every one of our clients will leave our program with the correct and necessary tools to maintain healthy and happy lives/lifestyles and the willingness of each individual to utilize these given tools. 6. The Goal of The Chance Program Our goal is simply to: Provide a therapeutic-basedenvironment as well as treatment(clinical) and operational staff toassist, support, and secure therecovery of each individual in ourprogram. This goal incorporates: A partnership between eachindividual and us in efforts tochallenge each individualsattitudes, beliefs, values, andbehaviors that have been stronglyaffected because of previouslymentioned delinquent behaviorsas the necessary changes aremade to live a lifestyle that is 7. What to look for! This program is designed to reinforce positivebehavioral changes through positive reinforcementand immediate consequences thus giving juveniles asecond chance at improving lifestyle, well-beingetc. Requirements were established to correspondwith a juveniles individual treatment plan, and assistthe resident to internalize change as individual growthand internalized values change. There are threephases that juveniles or residents must complete toadvance through treatment program while inresidential treatment. Type of Program: Therapeutic Community ModelBased Program Class of Juvenile Delinquency: All JuvenileDelinquency including, but not limited to: teenagepregnancy, aggressive behavior, substance abuse,and illiteracy. 8. General Program Description First few weeks of the program new residents willbe involve in activities which is an Orientationwhich helps staff and peers get to know eachother. New comers and peers will be involved in aTherapeutic community which is residentialtreatment program. Residents and staff will work together in a socialcommunity. Within the program structure, treatment activities,community self management and personalresponsibility functions and the variouseducational activities provide the opportunity forself- examination, skill building, behavioral 9. Program Principles Each resident regardless of personal historyis Unique, Worthwhile, and valuable. We separate the self worth and value of theindividual from the behaviors of the individual.Our Commitment is to challenge and behaviorsthe threaten or undermine self worth and value. Change is voluntary. Positive Change requires doing. Seeking recovery requires desire, hope andaction combined with willingness andacceptance 10. Therapeutic Community Concepts Practice self- help and mutual help Demonstrating responsibilities to self andothers Practice Tough Love Participating in group process Practicing social learning 11. Treatment Expectations andgoals Residents will find that most time spent in theTherapeutic Community has an expectedbehavior change. The social learningenvironment, individual treatment planning,treatment program structure and all activities areall focused on creating a solid foundation forchange. Residents will bring their life experiences togetherin a community of individuals to identify separateand shared personal, substance abuse andcriminal lifestyle problems. 12. Treatment Phases 13. Treatment Phases 1. Orientation 2. Phase 2 4. Phase 3 5. Re-entry 14. Treatment PhasesThe Purpose of Phases in our program? Practice pro-social behaviors and attitudes Experience the rewards and responsibilities ofachieving goals Experience success of failure through a trial and errorlearning process Be supported and guided by the community Internalize new behaviors and attitudes and becomeaccustomed to living on a daily basis 15. Treatment Phases Orientation Phase Brings you into the program. Also, In this phase, youwill learn about the concept and principles about theprogram. Questions and concerns are discussed and answered ingroup meetings where Senior residents participate asmentors and role models. 16. Treatment Phases Orientation Phase Provides1. Introduction to trust and group support2. Introduction to the group concept and operation ofmutual help3. Participation in the assessment process by indentifyingjuvenile delinquent behavior.4. Opportunity to coordinate with staff in identifyingtreatment plan goals, objectives and methods which aredirectly connected with the problem behaviors andsupport behavior to change. 17. Treatment Phases Phase 21. Begin to learn the concepts of juvenile delinquency and begin to recognize how these concepts apply to you.2. Begin to identify their personal behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that keep them from reaching their personal rehabilitation goals.3. Work on developing trust in your peers and staff.4. Be a member of various work crews and committees.5. Work on developing life skills that you will need to meet your goals. 18. Treatment Phases Phase 3 (Tasks and Responsibility)1. Gain a deeper understanding of the concepts ofjuvenile delinquent behavior.2. Sever as a role model to peers in orientation phase.3. Demonstrate the value of trust and trustworthiness topeers and clinical staff.4. Create a continuing care plan.5. Weekend visits with family.6. Leader on work crews. 19. Treatment Phases Re-entry (Congratulations) 20. Part II: Program Statisticsand Applicable Laws 21. Applicable Federal Laws 28 CFR 2.106 - Youth Rehabilitation Act: (a) Regulations governing YRA offenders and D.C. Code FYCA offenders. Unless the judgment and commitment order provides otherwise, the provisions of this section shall apply to an offender sentenced under the Youth Rehabilitation Act of 1985 (D.C. Code 24-901 et seq.) (YRA) who committed his offense before 5 p.m., August 11, 2000, and a D.C. Code offender sentenced under the former Federal Youth Corrections Act (former 18 U.S.C. 5005 et seq.) (FYCA). An offender sentenced under the YRA who committed his offense (or who continued to commit his offense) on or after 5 p.m., August 11, 2000, is not eligible for release on parole, but may be terminated from a term of supervised release before the expiration of the term and receive a certificate setting aside the conviction under 2.208(f). 22. 28 CFR 2.106 - YouthRehabilitation Act: Continued (b) Application of this subpart to YRA offenders. Allprovisions of this subpart that apply to adult offendersalso apply to YRA offenders unless a specificexception is made for YRA (or youth) offenders. (c) No further benefit finding. If there is a finding that aYRA offender will derive no further benefit fromtreatment, such prisoner shall be considered forparole, and for any other action, exclusively under theprovisions of this subpart that are applicable to adultoffenders. Such a finding may be made pursuant toD.C. Code 24-905 by the Department of Correctionsor by the Bureau of Prisons, and shall be promptlyforwarded to the Commission. However, if the findingis appealed to the sentencing judge, the prisoner willcontinue to be treated under the provisions pertainingto YRA offenders until the judge makes a finaldecision denying the appeal. 23. 28 CFR 2.106 - Youth Rehabilitation Act: Continued d) (1) Program plans and using program achievement to set the parole date. At a YRA prisoners initial parole hearing, a program plan for the prisoners treatment shall be submitted by institutional staff and reviewed by the hearing examiner. Any proposed modifications to the plan shall be discussed at the hearing, although further relevant information may be presented and considered after the hearing. The plan shall adequately account for the risk implications of the prisoners current offense and criminal history and shall address the prisoners need for rehabilitational training. The program plan shall also include an estimated date of completion. The criteria at 2.64(d) for successful response to treatment programs shall be considered by the Commission in determining whether the proposed program plan would effectively reduce the risk to the 24. 28 CFR 2.106 - Youth RehabilitationAct: Continued (2) The youth offenders response to treatment programs andprogram achievement shall be considered with other relevantfactors, such as the offense and parole prognosis, indetermining when the youth offender should be conditionallyreleased under supervision. See 2.64(e). The guidelines at 2.80(k) -(m) on awarding superior program achievement andthe subtraction of any award in determining the total guidelinerange shall not be used in the decision. (e) Parole violators. A YRA parolee who has had his parolerevoked shall be scheduled for a rehearing within six months ofthe revocation hearing to review the new program planprepared by institutional staff, unless a parole effective date isgranted after the revocation hearing. Such program plan shallreflect a thorough reassessment of the prisonersrehabilitational needs in light of the prisoners failure on parole.Decisions on reparole shall be made using the guidelines at 2.80. If a YRA parolee is sentenced to a new prison term of oneyear or more for a crime committed while on parole, the caseshall be referred to correctional authorities for consideration of 25. 28 CFR 2.106 - Youth RehabilitationAct: Continued (f) Unconditional discharge from supervision. (1) A YRA parolee may be unconditionally discharged from supervision after service of one year on parole supervision if the Commission finds that supervision is no longer needed to protect the public safety. A review of the parolees file shall be conducted after the conclusion of each year of supervision upon receipt of an annual progress report, and upon receipt of a final report to be submitted by the supervision officer six months prior to the sentence expiration date. 26. 28 CFR 2.106 - Youth Rehabilitation Act: Continued (2) In making a decision concerning unconditional discharge, the Commissionshall consider the facts and circumstances of each case, focusing on the riskthe parolee poses to the public and the benefit he may obtain from furthersupervision. The decision shall be made after an analysis of case-specificfactors, including, but not limited to, the parolees prior criminal history, theoffense behavior that led to his conviction, record of drug or alcoholdependence, employment history, stability of residence and familyrelationships, and the number and nature of any incidents while undersupervision (including new arrests, alleged parole violations, and criminalinvestigations). (3) An order of unconditional discharge from supervision terminates the YRAoffenders sentence. Whenever a YRA offender is unconditionally dischargedfrom supervision, the Commission shall issue a certificate setting aside theoffenders conviction. If the YRA offender is not unconditionally dischargedfrom supervision prior to the expiration of his sentence, a certificate settingaside the conviction may be issued nunc pro tunc if the Commission findsthat the failure to issue the decision on time was due to administrative delayor error, or that the Supervision Officer failed to present the Commission witha progress report before the end of the supervision term, and the offenders 27. YOUTH TRAINING AND REHABILITATIONAct 150 of 1974 - YOUTH REHABILITATION SERVICESACT (803.301 - 803.309) YOUTH REHABILITATION SERVICES ACT Act 150 of 1974 AN ACT to provide for the acceptance, care, and discharge of youths committed as public wards; to prescribe the liability for the cost of services for public wards; to prescribe procedures for the return of public wards who absent themselves without permission; to provide a penalty for the violation of this act; and to repeal acts and parts of acts. 28. Public Law 96-272 of 1980 The Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, amends the SocialSecurity Act 42 USC 601 et seq. and provides the federal basis forplacement services to children. The intent of this law is to strengthenpermanency planning for children nationwide. Under this law, theDepartment of Human Services (DHS) must document that: Reasonable efforts have been made to prevent removal of youthsfrom their family. Efforts are continually being made to return the youth to the parental home. A permanency plan is developed for all youth under DHS supervision. 29. Public Act 73 of 1988 (803.224 et seq). The Juvenile Facilities Act mandates that if a juvenile is within the jurisdiction of the circuit court the department must prepare a written report to the court prior to the juveniles sentencing. This report is to include a recommendation as to whether the juvenile is more likely to be rehabilitated by the services and facilities available in adult programs and procedures than in juvenile programs and procedures. 30. Public Act 56 of2003 (MCL 3.691 etseq.) The Interstate Compact for Juveniles Act provides the foundation for DHS supervision of out-of-state wards, obtaining out-of-state supervision for Michigan wards, and provisions for returning runaway youth across state lines. 31. Local Applicable Laws According to Superior Court Judge Steele,Attorney Jeffrey Moorehead and AttorneyDewese: There are no local specific laws in terms of youthrehabilitation, however the following laws wouldbe required: 501 C(3) Status Law: Tax Exemption Insurance Laws Juvenile Confidentiality Laws Approval and Sanctioning by the Department ofHuman Services Business Laws 32. 501C(3) Status Law To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the InternalRevenue Code, an organization must be organized and operatedexclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3),and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder orindividual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., itmay not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part ofits activities and it may not participate in any campaign activityfor or against political candidates. Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are commonlyreferred to as charitable organizations. Organizations describedin section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safetyorganizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributionsin accordance with Code section 170. The organization must not be organized or operated for thebenefit of private interests, and no part of a section 501(c)(3)organizations net earnings may inure to the benefit of anyprivate shareholder or individual. If the organization engages inan excess benefit transaction with a person having substantialinfluence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposedon the person and any organization managers agreeing to thetransaction. 33. Part III: Funding Source and Advocacy 34. Funding Source This program is federallyfunded by the federalgovernment. It is an alternative tojuvenile incarceration (i.e.Youth RehabilitationCenter). It is also an extension ofcourt referrals: Referralscan be done by socialworkers, court system,educational system(school administrators andteachers), and parentsaccompanied with furtherinvestigation from theDepartment of Human 35. Advocacy Outreach Program:We found that themost successfulmethod would bepresentations held atlocal schools. These presentationswould incorporate:lectures conducted byprofessionals involvedin program as well asactivities to stimulateinterest in our 36. Whom We Presented To As a required portion of our presentation, wepresented our program and presentation toJudge Steele at The Superior Court of the VirginIslands located near Central High School. After viewing and listening to our presentation,Judge Steele had the following remarks: Therapeutic based programs are the mosteffective in terms of youth rehabilitation. Theprimary purpose of juvenile courts should bepurely therapeutic. Also, one cannot functionwithout the other; meaning that our programwould not be able to function without thetherapeutic-community based model. 37. Youth Rehabilitation Services SurveyAre the Virgin Islands in need of a residential treatment center for juveniles? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeDo you think that a residential treatment center for juveniles would be more effective indealing with juvenile delinquency than a detention center? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeDo you think that the Youth Rehabilitation Center provides juveniles with behavioral healthservices and interventions to youths with special needs? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeIs mental health a major problem for youths in the Virgin Islands? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeIs substance-use a major problem for youths in the Virgin Islands? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeAre youths in the justice system are at greater risk for HIV/AIDS? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeDo you think that a residential treatment center for juveniles would decrease delinquent andother violent behaviors in youths? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree 38. Survey ContinuedDo you think that the Youth Rehabilitation Center is completely effective in controlling andminimizing juvenile delinquency? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeDo you think that juveniles would greatly refrain from engaging in criminal and delinquentbehaviors if a residential treatment center could provide activities and services to improvelifestyle behaviors? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly AgreeShould a residential treatment center be implemented and built to replace the YouthRehabilitation Center? Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree 39. The End!!This concludes ourgroup presentation!!

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