Page 1: Using works and materials from the internet

Using works and materials from

the Internet

Some aspects to take into account

Àrea de Tecnologies per a l'Aprenentatge i el Coneixement

Page 2: Using works and materials from the internet
Page 3: Using works and materials from the internet

Legal framework

Llei de Propietat

intel·lectual Llei 23/2006, de 7 de juliol,

Llei de Protecció de

dades ● Llei orgànica 15/1999, de 13 de

desembre, de protecció de dades de

caràcter personal - LOPD

CONSTITUCIÓ ESPANYOLA Título I, capítulo II, sección 1ª, artículo 20 b

Dret a la creació

Instruccions del


d’Ensenyament per al curs



art 428 i 429

Page 4: Using works and materials from the internet

What is intellectual property?

Set of rights that relate to the author/s regarding the result of the work

of creation

o Moral Rights: unrenounceable and inalienable

o Economic rights: the exploitation of the related work. It includes the

right of distribution, right of public communication and transformation

right. Period up to 70 years after the death of the author.

The moral rights of a work belong to the person who has created it,

whether it’s specified (for example through the © symbol next to the

name) or not and, by default, is considered to have all rights reserved.

Page 5: Using works and materials from the internet

Intellectual property and copyright

It identifies the operating rights and generally precedes the name of the

author/s, indicating that this is the person who owns the rights to the work.

In the case of a sound recording the equivalent is the P symbol, which

also identifies who owns the operating rights of a CD, for example.

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Creative Commons Licensing

o It relies on the intellectual property law and rights of authorship

o It releases certain rights the author owns, in a way that other people may use

the work without having to ask for explicit permission.

Some examples:

Attribution (by) or CCby : it allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build

upon your work, even commercially

Attribution - NonCommercial (BY-NC) or CC by-nc: it allows others to remix,

tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially

To choose a Creative Commons license:

Page 7: Using works and materials from the internet

Using works for educational purposes

Quoting right

The Spanish law allows (art. 32) the use of fragments of a work

(textbooks excluded) in a derived work without a permission demand

when the following circumstances concur:

o The works are disseminated

o Quoting the author or source

o Only fragments of text (Remember the images!)

o Teaching purposes (Remember the cartoon images or music files that

may go with it)

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Quoting as Creative Commons

Page 9: Using works and materials from the internet

Audiovisual open resources

Any audiovisual resource on the Internet IS PROTECTED BY AUTHOR

RIGHTS. The fact that it’s available on the web doesn’t mean that the

rights confered to its author by law (reproduction, distribution,

public communication, etc.) are not fully in force.

It’s recommended not to use photographs from Google Images or similar

search engines.

Image repositories

Sounds and music

Page 10: Using works and materials from the internet

Using images from Wikimedia Commons

Referencing images

Author's name and license type

By T.Voekler (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia


Address of the page describing the image and name of the author

In T.Voekler via Wikimedia Commons

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Using images from Flickr

Page address

Flickr: http: //

Author's name and license type

Some rights reserved by David Spender CCby

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Intellectual property and students works

Original works:

● stories

● poems

● videos

● pictures

● drawings

● ....

For publishing in the Internet we need parental authorization (under 18

years legal representatives)



Page 13: Using works and materials from the internet

Using students personal images

Page 14: Using works and materials from the internet


xtec/recursos/tecnologies de la informació

● Propietat intel·lectual i drets d'autoria:

● Internet segura

● Modelsd'autorització


Aquesta presentació ha estat elaborada per l'Àrea de Tecnologies per a l'Aprenentatge i el

Coneixement del Departament d'Ensenyament i està sota una llicència CC-by de

Reconeixement 3.0 Espanya de Creative Commons.

Page 15: Using works and materials from the internet


Àrea de Tecnologies per a l'Aprenentatge i el Coneixement

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