
Using R at NYT Graphics

Josh Katz

Graphics Editor The New York Times

Text analysis

Spatial smoothing


Live election forecasts

Seasonal adjustment

R, input) %>% strsplit(NULL) %>% sapply(sample) %>% apply(2, paste, collapse = "")

final output from R returns to javascript as parsed JSON

Javascript var R = require(“r-script");

var out = R("example.R") .data("hello world", 20) .callSync();

data is passed to R as variable input

R attach(input[[1]])

df %>% mutate(group = cut(rating, nGroups)) %>% group_by(group) %>% summarize_each(funs_(fxn)) %>% transmute(group = as.character(group), rating, advance)

Javascript var R = require(“r-script");

R("example/ex-async.R") .data({df: attitude, nGroups: 3, fxn: "mean" }) .call(function(err, d) { if (err) throw err; console.log(d); });

Using R with Makefiles

What could go wrong?

> source(“r-work/fail.R”) Error in library(readr) : there is no package called ‘readr’

‘listWithDefaults’ Error in library(kissmig) : there is no package called ‘kissmig’ Error in library(lazyData) : there is no package called ‘lazyData’ Error in library(ecotoxicology) : there is no package called ‘ecotoxicology’ Error in library(AdaptiveSparsity) : there is no package called ‘AdaptiveSparsity’ Error in library(FindMinIC) : there is no package called ‘FindMinIC’ Error in library(geoaxe) : there is no package called ‘geoaxe’ Error in library(JM) : there is no package called ‘JM’ Error in library(cvxbiclustr) : there is no package called ‘cvxbiclustr’ Error in library(cwm) : there is no package called ‘cwm’ Error in library(SEL) : there is no package called ‘SEL’ Error in library(ForIT) : there is no package called ‘ForIT’ Error in library(solidearthtide) : there is no package called ‘solidearthtide’ Error in library(MEMSS) : there is no package called ‘MEMSS’ Error in library(mirt) : there is no package called ‘mirt’ Error in library(marked) : there is no package called ‘marked’ Error in library(luzlogr) : there is no package called ‘luzlogr’ Error in library(corrgram) : there is no package called ‘corrgram’ Error in library(dynCorr) : there is no package called ‘dynCorr’ Error in library(DiceOptim) : there is no package called ‘DiceOptim’ Error in library(LCA) : there is no package called ‘LCA’ Error in library(ldbounds) : there is no package called ‘ldbounds’ Error in library(plotpc) : there is no package called ‘plotpc’ Error in library(ppiPre) : there is no package called ‘ppiPre’ Error in library(hcp) : there is no package called ‘hcp’ Error in library(CMC) : there is no package called ‘CMC’ Error in library(randstr) : there is no package called ‘randstr’ Error in library(clinfun) : there is no package called ‘clinfun’ Error in library(AutoModel) : there is no package called ‘AutoModel’ Error in library(SIMMS) : there is no package called ‘SIMMS’ Error in library(audiolyzR) : there is no package called ‘audiolyzR’

is no package called ‘prob’ Error in library(seas) : there is no package called ‘seas’ Error in library(CopyDetect) : there is no package called ‘CopyDetect’ Error in library(ABHgenotypeR) : there is no package called ‘ABHgenotypeR’ Error in library(gettingtothebottom) : there is no package called ‘gettingtothebottom’ Error in library(flowDiv) : there is no package called ‘flowDiv’ Error in library(Sequential) : there is no package called ‘Sequential’ Error in library(smoothHR) : there is no package called ‘smoothHR’ Error in library(iemiscdata) : there is no package called ‘iemiscdata’ Error in library(RootsExtremaInflections) : there is no package called ‘RootsExtremaInflections’ Error in library(molaR) : there is no package called ‘molaR’ Error in library(KRLS) : there is no package called ‘KRLS’ Error in library(nls2) : there is no package called ‘nls2’ Error in library(SAMURAI) : there is no package called ‘SAMURAI’ Error in library(crimelinkage) : there is no package called ‘crimelinkage’ Error in library(DiffCorr) : there is no package called ‘DiffCorr’ Error in library(micromap) : there is no package called ‘micromap’ Error in library(Matrix.utils) : there is no package called ‘Matrix.utils’ Error in library(apcluster) : there is no package called ‘apcluster’ Error in library(bnclassify) : there is no package called ‘bnclassify’ Error in library(ctsem) : there is no package called ‘ctsem’ Error in library(fgpt) : there is no package called ‘fgpt’ Error in library(refset) : there is no package called ‘refset’ Error in library(ParallelPC) : there is no package called ‘ParallelPC’ Error in library(muhaz) : there is no package called ‘muhaz’ Error in library(relaxnet) : there is no package called ‘relaxnet’ Error in library(qualityTools) : there is no package called ‘qualityTools’ Error in library(PerformanceAnalytics) : there is no package called ‘PerformanceAnalytics’ Error in library(forecTheta) :

‘deconstructSigs’ Error in library(kzs) : there is no package called ‘kzs’ Error in library(heritability) : there is no package called ‘heritability’ Error in library(blme) : there is no package called ‘blme’ Error in library(dkDNA) : there is no package called ‘dkDNA’ Error in library(NBPSeq) : there is no package called ‘NBPSeq’ Error in library(profdpm) : there is no package called ‘profdpm’ Error in library(reports) : there is no package called ‘reports’ Error in library(wikibooks) : there is no package called ‘wikibooks’ Error in library(xgboost) : there is no package called ‘xgboost’ Error in library(EloChoice) : there is no package called ‘EloChoice’ Error in library(shinyAce) : there is no package called ‘shinyAce’ Error in library(PubBias) : there is no package called ‘PubBias’ Error in library(ProfessR) : there is no package called ‘ProfessR’ Error in library(gpmap) : there is no package called ‘gpmap’ Error in library(fracdiff) : there is no package called ‘fracdiff’ Error in library(paran) : there is no package called ‘paran’ Error in library(rjags) : there is no package called ‘rjags’ Error in library(gazepath) : there is no package called ‘gazepath’ Error in library(jomo) : there is no package called ‘jomo’ Error in library(caret) : there is no package called ‘caret’ Error in library(smcUtils) : there is no package called ‘smcUtils’ Error in library(pdmod) : there is no package called ‘pdmod’ Error in library(LCAextend) : there is no package called ‘LCAextend’ Error in library(qcr) : there is no package called ‘qcr’ Error in library(boxr) : there is no package called ‘boxr’ Error in library(optCluster) : there is no package called ‘optCluster’ Error in library(srd) : there is no package called ‘srd’ Error in library(Deducer) : there is no package called ‘Deducer’ Error in library(dendsort) : there is no package called ‘dendsort’ Error in library(dlmap) : there is no package called ‘dlmap’ Error in library(HSROC) : there

Error in library(KernSmoothIRT) : there is no package called ‘KernSmoothIRT’ Error in library(rspa) : there is no package called ‘rspa’ Error in library(dse) : there is no package called ‘dse’ Error in library(emdist) : there is no package called ‘emdist’ Error in library(data.tree) : there is no package called ‘data.tree’ Error in library(UScensus2000cdp) : there is no package called ‘UScensus2000cdp’ Error in library(superMDS) : there is no package called ‘superMDS’ Error in library(PROFANCY) : there is no package called ‘PROFANCY’ Error in library(CrypticIBDcheck) : there is no package called ‘CrypticIBDcheck’ Error in library(FREGAT) : there is no package called ‘FREGAT’ Error in library(probemod) : there is no package called ‘probemod’ Error in library(gitter) : there is no package called ‘gitter’ Error in library(phangorn) : there is no package called ‘phangorn’ Error in library(NormPsy) : there is no package called ‘NormPsy’ Error in library(gRbase) : there is no package called ‘gRbase’ Error in library(gRapHD) : there is no package called ‘gRapHD’ Error in library(redcapAPI) : there is no package called ‘redcapAPI’ Error in library(Quandl) : there is no package called ‘Quandl’ Error in library(sprinter) : there is no package called ‘sprinter’ Error in library(cytoDiv) : there is no package called ‘cytoDiv’ Error in library(rchess) : there is no package called ‘rchess’ Error in library(BioStatR) : there is no package called ‘BioStatR’ Error in library(lsbclust) : there is no package called ‘lsbclust’ Error in library(tmvnsim) : there is no package called ‘tmvnsim’ Error in library(Segmentor3IsBack) : there is no package called ‘Segmentor3IsBack’ Error in library(rrBLUP) : there is no package called ‘rrBLUP’ Error in library(Sofi) : there is no package called ‘Sofi’ Error in library(RANKS) : there is no package called ‘RANKS’ Error in library(entropart) : there is no package called ‘entropart’

is no package called ‘datacheck’ Error in library(MNM) : there is no package called ‘MNM’ Error in library(VBmix) : there is no package called ‘VBmix’ Error in library(FCMapper) : there is no package called ‘FCMapper’ Error in library(ParentOffspring) : there is no package called ‘ParentOffspring’ Error in library(LRcontrast) : there is no package called ‘LRcontrast’ Error in library(PabonLasso) : there is no package called ‘PabonLasso’ Error in library(cna) : there is no package called ‘cna’ Error in library(CALF) : there is no package called ‘CALF’ Error in library(RcmdrPlugin.MA) : there is no package called ‘RcmdrPlugin.MA’ Error in library(crimCV) : there is no package called ‘crimCV’ Error in library(SAPP) : there is no package called ‘SAPP’ Error in library(pystr) : there is no package called ‘pystr’ Error in library(oc) : there is no package called ‘oc’ Error in library(GAMBoost) : there is no package called ‘GAMBoost’ Error in library(bisectr) : there is no package called ‘bisectr’ Error in library(bodenmiller) : there is no package called ‘bodenmiller’ Error in library(SoftClustering) : there is no package called ‘SoftClustering’ Error in library(fptdApprox) : there is no package called ‘fptdApprox’ Error in library(choroplethrMaps) : there is no package called ‘choroplethrMaps’ Error in library(elec.strat) : there is no package called ‘elec.strat’ Error in library(RTextureMetrics) : there is no package called ‘RTextureMetrics’ Error in library(gensemble) : there is no package called ‘gensemble’ Error in library(inarmix) : there is no package called ‘inarmix’ Error in library(rvgtest) : there is no package called ‘rvgtest’ Error in library(svKomodo) : there is no package called ‘svKomodo’ Error in library(twitteR) : there is no package called ‘twitteR’ Error in library(spcosa) : there is no package called ‘spcosa’ Error in library(qtutils) : there is no package called ‘qtutils’ Error in library(informR) : there is no package called ‘informR’ Error in library(mousetrack) : there is no package called ‘mousetrack’ Error in library(GMCM) : there is no package called ‘GMCM’ Error in library(NetComp) : there is no package called ‘NetComp’ Error in library(linERR) : there is no package called ‘linERR’ Error in library(gnm) : there is no package called ‘gnm’ Error in library(robeth) : there is no package called ‘robeth’ Error in library(bootRes) : there is no package called ‘bootRes’

is no package called ‘tidyr’ Error in library(mosaicData) : there is no package called ‘mosaicData’ Error in library(PogromcyDanych) : there is no package called ‘PogromcyDanych’ Error in library(SeleMix) : there is no package called ‘SeleMix’ Error in library(flacco) : there is no package called ‘flacco’ Error in library(ngspatial) : there is no package called ‘ngspatial’ Error in library(wpp2015) : there is no package called ‘wpp2015’ Error in library(groupRemMap) : there is no package called ‘groupRemMap’ Error in library(ETAS) : there is no package called ‘ETAS’ Error in library(bmrm) : there is no package called ‘bmrm’ Error in library(pegas) : there is no package called ‘pegas’ Error in library(pragma) : there is no package called ‘pragma’ Error in library(robCompositions) : there is no package called ‘robCompositions’ Error in library(jmuOutlier) : there is no package called ‘jmuOutlier’ Error in library(customizedTraining) : there is no package called ‘customizedTraining’ Error in library(DCODE) : there is no package called ‘DCODE’ Error in library(VertexSimilarity) : there is no package called ‘VertexSimilarity’ Error in library(validate) : there is no package called ‘validate’ Error in library(splusTimeDate) : there is no package called ‘splusTimeDate’ Error in library(multivator) : there is no package called ‘multivator’ Error in library(colorhcplot) : there is no package called ‘colorhcplot’ Error in library(pocrm) : there is no package called ‘pocrm’ Error in library(mlxR) : there is no package called ‘mlxR’ Error in library(SpeciesMix) : there is no package called ‘SpeciesMix’ Error in library(JacobiEigen) : there is no package called ‘JacobiEigen’ Error in library(PoweR) : there is no package called ‘PoweR’ Error in library(aqp) : there is no package called ‘aqp’ Error in library(Weighted.Desc.Stat) : there is no package called ‘Weighted.Desc.Stat’ Error in library(multisensi) :

Error in library(biogas) : there is no package called ‘biogas’ Error in library(SGP) : there is no package called ‘SGP’ Error in library(PoisNonNor) : there is no package called ‘PoisNonNor’ Error in library(readr) : there is no package called ‘readr’ Error in library(simctest) : there is no package called ‘simctest’ Error in library(rationalfun) : there is no package called ‘rationalfun’ Error in library(SEMID) : there is no package called ‘SEMID’ Error in library(heatex) : there is no package called ‘heatex’ Error in library(wPerm) : there is no package called ‘wPerm’ Error in library(rstpm2) : there is no package called ‘rstpm2’ Error in library(safeBinaryRegression) : there is no package called ‘safeBinaryRegression’ Error in library(rich) : there is no package called ‘rich’ Error in library(gcbd) : there is no package called ‘gcbd’ Error in library( : there is no package called ‘’ Error in library(wgaim) : there is no package called ‘wgaim’ Error in library(YPmodel) : there is no package called ‘YPmodel’ Error in library(emme2) : there is no package called ‘emme2’ Error in library(nFactors) : there is no package called ‘nFactors’ Error in library(RVideoPoker) : there is no package called ‘RVideoPoker’ Error in library(mgraph) : there is no package called ‘mgraph’ Error in library(SemiCompRisks) : there is no package called ‘SemiCompRisks’ Error in library(HTSCluster) : there is no package called ‘HTSCluster’ Error in library(kselection) : there is no package called ‘kselection’ Error in library(Tides) : there is no package called ‘Tides’ Error in library(selfingTree) : there is no package called ‘selfingTree’ Error in library(Oncotree) : there is no package called ‘Oncotree’ Error in library(ECctmc) : there is no package called ‘ECctmc’ Error in library(SetMethods) : there is no package called ‘SetMethods’ Error in library(np) : there is no package called ‘np’ Error in library(GCPM) : there is no package called ‘GCPM’ Error in library(FField) : there is no package called ‘FField’

Error in library(forensim) : there is no package called ‘forensim’ Error in library(BlockMessage) : there is no package called ‘BlockMessage’ Error in library(semdiag) : there is no package called ‘semdiag’ Error in library(cartography) : there is no package called ‘cartography’ Error in library(semsfa) : there is no package called ‘semsfa’ Error in library(tis) : there is no package called ‘tis’ Error in library(dpglasso) : there is no package called ‘dpglasso’ Error in library(NPC) : there is no package called ‘NPC’ Error in library(orclus) : there is no package called ‘orclus’ Error in library(RESS) : there is no package called ‘RESS’ Error in library(EpiBayes) : there is no package called ‘EpiBayes’ Error in library(plot3D) : there is no package called ‘plot3D’ Error in library(bios2mds) : there is no package called ‘bios2mds’ Error in library(CpGFilter) : there is no package called ‘CpGFilter’ Error in library(MiRSEA) : there is no package called ‘MiRSEA’ Error in library(psData) : there is no package called ‘psData’ Error in library(BSGW) : there is no package called ‘BSGW’ Error in library(fAssets) : there is no package called ‘fAssets’ Error in library(GetTDData) : there is no package called ‘GetTDData’ Error in library(fgac) : there is no package called ‘fgac’ Error in library(steadyICA) : there is no package called ‘steadyICA’ Error in library(gdistance) : there is no package called ‘gdistance’ Error in library(surveyplanning) : there is no package called ‘surveyplanning’ Error in library(QualInt) : there is no package called ‘QualInt’ Error in library(hybridModels) : there is no package called ‘hybridModels’ Error in library(qPCR.CT) : there is no package called ‘qPCR.CT’ Error in library(sejmRP) : there is no package called ‘sejmRP’ Error in library(datapack) : there is no package called ‘datapack’ Error in library(batteryreduction) : there is no package called ‘batteryreduction’ Error in library(WeightedPortTest) :

‘EurosarcBayes’ Error in library(TraMineR) : there is no package called ‘TraMineR’ Error in library(saeSim) : there is no package called ‘saeSim’ Error in library(NPsimex) : there is no package called ‘NPsimex’ Error in library(BEDMatrix) : there is no package called ‘BEDMatrix’ Error in library(GEVStableGarch) : there is no package called ‘GEVStableGarch’ Error in library(forensim) : there is no package called ‘forensim’ Error in library(BlockMessage) : there is no package called ‘BlockMessage’ Error in library(semdiag) : there is no package called ‘semdiag’ Error in library(cartography) : there is no package called ‘cartography’ Error in library(semsfa) : there is no package called ‘semsfa’ Error in library(tis) : there is no package called ‘tis’ Error in library(dpglasso) : there is no package called ‘dpglasso’ Error in library(NPC) : there is no package called ‘NPC’ Error in library(orclus) : there is no package called ‘orclus’ Error in library(RESS) : there is no package called ‘RESS’ Error in library(EpiBayes) : there is no package called ‘EpiBayes’ Error in library(plot3D) : there is no package called ‘plot3D’ Error in library(bios2mds) : there is no package called ‘bios2mds’ Error in library(CpGFilter) : there is no package called ‘CpGFilter’ Error in library(MiRSEA) : there is no package called ‘MiRSEA’ Error in library(psData) : there is no package called ‘psData’ Error in library(BSGW) : there is no package called ‘BSGW’ Error in library(fAssets) : there is no package called ‘fAssets’ Error in library(GetTDData) : there is no package called ‘GetTDData’ Error in library(fgac) : there is no package called ‘fgac’ Error in library(steadyICA) : there is no package called ‘steadyICA’ Error in library(gdistance) : there is no package called ‘gdistance’ Error in library(surveyplanning) : there is no package called ‘surveyplanning’ Error in library(QualInt) : there is no package called ‘QualInt’ Error in library(hybridModels) : there is no package called

is no package called ‘RPMG’ Error in library(password) : there is no package called ‘password’ Error in library(profileModel) : there is no package called ‘profileModel’ Error in library(qrjoint) : there is no package called ‘qrjoint’ Error in library(compound.Cox) : there is no package called ‘compound.Cox’ Error in library(GlobalFit) : there is no package called ‘GlobalFit’ Error in library(MCI) : there is no package called ‘MCI’ Error in library(cvAUC) : there is no package called ‘cvAUC’ Error in library(stima) : there is no package called ‘stima’ Error in library(hypergea) : there is no package called ‘hypergea’ Error in library(eqs2lavaan) : there is no package called ‘eqs2lavaan’ Error in library(Demerelate) : there is no package called ‘Demerelate’ Error in library(varComp) : there is no package called ‘varComp’ Error in library(radarchart) : there is no package called ‘radarchart’ Error in library(ssfa) : there is no package called ‘ssfa’ Error in library(tgram) : there is no package called ‘tgram’ Error in library(snpEnrichment) : there is no package called ‘snpEnrichment’ Error in library(gWidgets2RGtk2) : there is no package called ‘gWidgets2RGtk2’ Error in library(DeducerPlugInScaling) : there is no package called ‘DeducerPlugInScaling’ Error in library(elmNN) : there is no package called ‘elmNN’ Error in library(fslr) : there is no package called ‘fslr’ Error in library(SemiParSampleSel) : there is no package called ‘SemiParSampleSel’ Error in library(leiv) : there is no package called ‘leiv’ Error in library(datacheck) : there is no package called ‘datacheck’ Error in library(MNM) : there is no package called ‘MNM’ Error in library(VBmix) : there is no package called ‘VBmix’ Error in library(FCMapper) : there is no package called ‘FCMapper’ Error in library(ParentOffspring) : there is no package called ‘ParentOffspring’ Error in library(LRcontrast) : there is no package called ‘LRcontrast’

there is no package called ‘ngspatial’ Error in library(wpp2015) : there is no package called ‘wpp2015’ Error in library(groupRemMap) : there is no package called ‘groupRemMap’ Error in library(ETAS) : there is no package called ‘ETAS’ Error in library(bmrm) : there is no package called ‘bmrm’ Error in library(pegas) : there is no package called ‘pegas’ Error in library(pragma) : there is no package called ‘pragma’ Error in library(robCompositions) : there is no package called ‘robCompositions’ Error in library(jmuOutlier) : there is no package called ‘jmuOutlier’ Error in library(customizedTraining) : there is no package called ‘customizedTraining’ Error in library(DCODE) : there is no package called ‘DCODE’ Error in library(VertexSimilarity) : there is no package called ‘VertexSimilarity’ Error in library(validate) : there is no package called ‘validate’ Error in library(splusTimeDate) : there is no package called ‘splusTimeDate’ Error in library(multivator) : there is no package called ‘multivator’ Error in library(colorhcplot) : there is no package called ‘colorhcplot’ Error in library(pocrm) : there is no package called ‘pocrm’ Error in library(mlxR) : there is no package called ‘mlxR’ Error in library(SpeciesMix) : there is no package called ‘SpeciesMix’ Error in library(JacobiEigen) : there is no package called ‘JacobiEigen’ Error in library(PoweR) : there is no package called ‘PoweR’ Error in library(aqp) : there is no package called ‘aqp’ Error in library(Weighted.Desc.Stat) : there is no package called ‘Weighted.Desc.Stat’ Error in library(multisensi) : there is no package called ‘multisensi’ Error in library(guess) : there is no package called ‘guess’ Error in library(mateable) : there is no package called ‘mateable’ Error in library(httk) : there is no package called ‘httk’ Error in library(wrspathrowData) : there is no package called ‘wrspathrowData’ Error in

is no package called ‘gitter’ Error in library(phangorn) : there is no package called ‘phangorn’ Error in library(NormPsy) : there is no package called ‘NormPsy’ Error in library(gRbase) : there is no package called ‘gRbase’ Error in library(gRapHD) : there is no package called ‘gRapHD’ Error in library(redcapAPI) : there is no package called ‘redcapAPI’ Error in library(Quandl) : there is no package called ‘Quandl’ Error in library(sprinter) : there is no package called ‘sprinter’ Error in library(cytoDiv) : there is no package called ‘cytoDiv’ Error in library(rchess) : there is no package called ‘rchess’ Error in library(BioStatR) : there is no package called ‘BioStatR’ Error in library(lsbclust) : there is no package called ‘lsbclust’ Error in library(tmvnsim) : there is no package called ‘tmvnsim’ Error in library(Segmentor3IsBack) : there is no package called ‘Segmentor3IsBack’ Error in library(rrBLUP) : there is no package called ‘rrBLUP’ Error in library(Sofi) : there is no package called ‘Sofi’ Error in library(RANKS) : there is no package called ‘RANKS’ Error in library(entropart) : there is no package called ‘entropart’ Error in library(ipw) : there is no package called ‘ipw’ Error in library(netgen) : there is no package called ‘netgen’ Error in library(orca) : there is no package called ‘orca’ Error in library(VBLPCM) : there is no package called ‘VBLPCM’ Error in library(DCluster) : there is no package called ‘DCluster’ Error in library(dcemriS4) : there is no package called ‘dcemriS4’ Error in library(Runiversal) : there is no package called ‘Runiversal’ Error in library( : there is no package called ‘’ Error in library(timetree) : there is no package called ‘timetree’ Error in library(MGLM) : there is no package called ‘MGLM’ Error in library(geoR) : there is no package called ‘geoR’ Error in library(jiebaR) : there is no package called ‘jiebaR’ Error in library(RQuantLib) : there is no package called ‘RQuantLib’

needs to the rescue

A simple wrapper around library and install.packages

that loads/attaches packages and automatically installs

any that are missing

> install.packages("needs") > library(needs) Should `needs` load itself when it’s... needed? (this is recommended)

1: Yes 2: No

Selection: 1

Restarting R session...

> needs(dplyr) installing packages: dplyr

> summarize(mtcars, mean(mpg)) mean(mpg) 1 20.09062

> needs(dplyr, plyr, .printConflicts = T) FUNCTION arrange

count desc

failwith filter

id lag

mutate rename

summarise summarize

LOCATION package:plyr package:plyr package:plyr package:plyr

package:dplyr package:plyr

package:dplyr package:plyr package:plyr package:plyr package:plyr

> needs(dplyr, plyr) > prioritize(dplyr) > needs(.printConflicts = T) FUNCTION arrange

count desc

failwith filter

id lag

mutate rename

summarise summarize

LOCATION package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr package:dplyr

> library(dplyr)

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The Following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

> library(plyr) -----------—--------—-------------—--------—-------------—--------—-- You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems. If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr: library(plyr); library(dplyr) -----------—--------—-------------—--------—-------------—--------—--

Attaching package: ‘plyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:dplyr’:

arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise, summarize

>iris %>% + group_by(Species) %>% + summarize(mean(Sepal.Length)) mean(Sepal.Length) 1 5.84333 >

> needs(dplyr, plyr) > prioritize(dplyr) > iris %>% + group_by(Species) %>% + summarize(mean(Sepal.Length)) Source: local data frame [3 x 2]

Species mean(Sepal.Length) (fctr) (dbl) 1 setosa 5.006 2 versicolor 5.936 3 virginica 6.588 >


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