Page 1: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic

© Division of Chemical Education  •  •  Vol. 86 No. 8 August 2009  •  Journal of Chemical Education 969

In the Laboratory

Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic chemistry and employs wide-ranging synthetic, analytical, and physical techniques from both chemistry and biology. While bioinorganic chemistry lecture courses are becoming more com-mon, available laboratory experiments are usually traditional coordination chemistry experiments with some biological rele-vance (1, 2). With the recent availability of inexpensive, purified metalloproteins in relatively large quantities, it is now possible to add a new dimension to bioinorganic laboratory experiments. For example, Donlin et al. developed a laboratory experiment to spectroscopically examine the rate of iron removal from the iron-storage protein ferritin and to investigate the structural aspects, including metal binding, of ferritin using computer modeling (3). Williams and co-workers and McQuate and co-workers also developed bioinorganic laboratory experiments investigating aspects of metal binding in carbonic anhydrase (4–6).

Because the iron-binding protein transferrin is available in gram quantities and has a shelf life of five years when refriger-ated, it is ideal for use in a student laboratory setting. In this experiment, students gain experience in making biological buffer solutions and handling a protein by loading iron into transferrin and characterizing the Fe(III) protein by UV–vis spectroscopy. They then use the commercially-available iron-chelating drug Deferiprone to measure the rates of iron removal from transferrin, as monitored by the decrease in iron loading of transferrin. Since measuring the ability of a ligand to remove iron from transferrin is a method used to rate the effectiveness of compounds for use in iron chelation therapy, this experiment is particularly relevant in this field (7, 8).


Iron is an essential element required by most organisms, and is involved in a multitude of biological processes including oxygen transport, the synthesis of DNA, and electron transport (9). Within the body, iron homeostasis (the balance of iron uptake, transport, and storage) is tightly regulated due to the toxic nature of non-protein-bound iron, since the formation of oxygen radical species by non-protein-bound Fe(II) has been im-plicated in cellular damage and disease (10–14). Furthermore, the insoluble nature of Fe(III) at neutral pH makes solubility of iron a potential difficulty for organisms (9). Thus, iron must be tightly bound and solubilized, and mammals, including humans, achieve this by utilizing a complex iron transport and storage system.

Serum transferrins are the major iron-transporting proteins in blood and are part of a family of transferrin proteins that includes serum transferrins, ovotransferrin, and lactotransfer-rins (15). Transferrin proteins are small, containing approxi-

mately 700 amino acids (MW ~80 kDa) and are synthesized primarily in the liver (9, 16). Structurally, transferrin consists of a single polypeptide chain with N-terminal and C-terminal lobes. Each lobe contains two domains that are joined by a short peptide to create a hydrophobic metal binding site (9, 15, 17). Transferrin reversibly binds two Fe(III) ions with high affinity (Ka = ~1020 L mol–1); the amino acid residues coordinating iron in each lobe include two tyrosine, an aspartate, and a his-tidine residue, along with a bidentate carbonate anion (CO3

2–) (Figure 1) (18). In this coordinating environment, the positive charge of the Fe(III) is balanced by the negative charges from the tyrosine and aspartate residues; the negative charge of the carbonate anion is balanced by neighboring positive charges on nearby amino acids (19). Transferrin can also bind other metal ions, including bismuth(III), gallium(III), indium(III), aluminum(III), copper(II), manganese(II), zinc(II), nickel(II), and ruthenium(III); however, transferrin binding affinity is highest for iron. Binding of non-iron metal ions by transfer-rin may have a significant role in the transport and delivery of essential metal ions, diagnostic radioisotopes, and toxic metal ions to cells (17).

Conformational changes occur in transferrin that are associated with iron binding or release. When iron is bound, each domain moves to enclose iron in the metal binding site. Similarly, upon release of iron, the metal-binding domains move apart; these “closed” and “open” conformations have been ob-served through crystallography (Figure 2) (15, 20). Once iron is bound to transferrin it is internalized by the cell through a process known as receptor-mediated endocytosis; iron is then released and either used or stored in ferritin (21).

Researchers have studied iron removal from transferrin to gain a better understanding of its mechanism of iron binding, and also how iron is stored and transported throughout the body. Additionally, iron availability has been implicated as a limiting nutrient for bacterial infections since the high affinity

Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment: Iron Loading and Removal from TransferrinErin E. Battin, Ashley Lawhon, and Julia L. Brumaghim*Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634; *[email protected]

David H. HamiltonDepartment of Chemistry, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO 64110













Figure 1. The amino acid residues that bind iron in the C- and N-terminal lobes of transferrin; the protein backbone is indicated by P.

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970 Journal of Chemical Education  •  Vol. 86 No. 8 August 2009  •  • © Division of Chemical Education

In the Laboratory

of transferrin for iron prevents elevated levels of non-protein-bound iron, thereby limiting bacterial growth (22, 23). Inves-tigating the mechanism of bacterial iron sequestration during infection may have significant implications in the treatment and prevention of serious bacterial infections, including tuberculosis and peptic ulcers (24, 25).

Non-protein-bound iron also can react with naturally oc-curring hydrogen peroxide to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide radical (O2

–) and hydroxyl radical (OH), in the Fenton reaction (11):

Fe(III) + •OH + OH−Fe(II) + H2O2

ROS have been implicated in increased oxidative stress and development of cancer, inflammatory, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases (26–29). Iron chelating agents may provide a way to prevent oxidative damage by keeping the non-protein-bound iron concentration low, thereby decreasing oxida-tive stress. For example, because long-term transfusion therapy is required to treat β-thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder that causes decreased hemoglobin production, a continual increase

in iron concentration occurs in patients since humans have no mechanism for iron excretion (30, 31). Similarly, hemochro-matosis, a genetic disorder associated with elevated iron levels due to increased intestinal iron absorption, results in fatigue, diabetes, heart disease, and death (32). Chelation drugs must be used to remove this excess iron, and continuing efforts are focused on developing new chelating agents that would have improved properties over currently used drugs (33).

Several chelating agents are used for treatment of iron overload. For example, Desferrioxamine B (Desferral; Figure 3) is available to treat iron overload diseases, such as hemochroma-tosis and β-thalassemia (8, 34). Desferral is a very effective iron chelator with relatively low toxicity; however, it is expensive and can only be administered by continuous intravenous infusion, re-sulting in poor patient compliance (8, 35). Another drug used to treat iron overload is 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone, also known as Deferiprone (Figure 3) (33). Deferiprone can be administered orally rather than intravenously; unfortunately, the high toxicity of this compound has led the FDA to ban the use of Deferiprone in the United States (8). Testing chelators for their ability to kinetically remove iron from transferrin is a good method for evaluating their potential usefulness as chelation drugs. This laboratory experiment will consist of monitoring iron loading into transferrin and then studying the kinetics of iron removal by the drug Deferiprone using UV–vis spectroscopy.

Summary of Procedure

This experiment can be conducted in an advanced bio-inorganic, biochemistry, or inorganic laboratory course where students have been previously introduced to both UV–vis spectroscopy and kinetic concepts in lecture. The experiment requires two, three-hour laboratory sessions with a pre-lab lec-ture and assignment, as described in the online material, prior to starting the first three-hour laboratory session.

Figure 2. The crystal structure of ovotransferrin: apo-ovotransferrin (left) and diferric ovotransferrin (right); carbonate anion not shown. Structures were obtained from the Protein Data Bank with identifiers 1AOV and 1DOT, respectively.








H3N (CH2)5 (CH2)2 (CH2)5 (CH2)5 CH3(CH2)2



Figure 3. Chemical structures of Deferiprone (top) and Desferri-oxamine B (bottom).

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© Division of Chemical Education  •  •  Vol. 86 No. 8 August 2009  •  Journal of Chemical Education 971

In the Laboratory

In the first three-hour laboratory session students begin the experiment by preparing an iron nitrilotriacetic acid, Fe(NTA), stock solution (pH 4.0). A solution of human apotransferrin is also prepared, and the initial concentration is determined by measuring the protein absorbance at 280 nm using UV–vis spectroscopy. Because of the low solubility of Fe(III) at pH 7.4, iron is loaded into transferrin by Fe(NTA) and monitored us-ing UV–vis spectroscopy; no changes in the UV–vis spectra are observed when iron loading is complete. The percentage of iron loading in transferrin is estimated by measuring the absorbance at 470 nm and calculating the concentration using a transferrin extinction coefficient of 87,200 L mol–1cm–1 (35). Students perform column chromatography to remove any unbound iron, and the diferric transferrin concentration and quantity of iron loading is re-determined.

In the second laboratory session, students remove iron from diferric transferrin using Deferiprone. After preparing a stock solution of Deferiprone (commercially available from VWR International), the chelating solution is added to the protein. The kinetics of iron removal from transferrin is then monitored using UV–vis by measuring absorbance at 460 nm for 50 minutes (3000 scans); kinetic experiments are performed at either 37 °C or 25 °C. Using a spreadsheet program, students fit the kinetic data to the equation At = A∞(1 − e–kobst) + A0e– kobst to determine the pseudo-first-order rate constant for iron re-moval (kobs) from transferrin by Deferiprone; kobs is defined as –ln[(At − A∞)∙(A0 − A∞)]∙t. Determination of kobs and calculation of the second-order rate constant (k2) from kobs enables students to compare their measured rate constant for iron removal by Deferiprone to published rate constants for iron removal with other chelating agents.


NaOH and HCl can cause severe burns. Iron salts, tris (base), and Deferiprone can be harmful if ingested in large quantities and can be irritating to eyes and respiratory system. Nitrilotriacetic acid is a possible human carcinogen (Class B). Because of the possibility of infectious agents being present, human apotransferrin should be handled at the bio-safety level 2 as recommended in the CDC–NIH manual Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (36). To avoid these biosafety issues, bovine serum transferrin can be substituted for human serum transferrin for these experiments. If this substitu-tion is made, the extinction coefficients for the apotransferrin and Fe(III) transferrin will be 85,000 L mol–1 cm–1 at 278 nm and 4500 L mol–1 cm–1 at 463 nm, respectively (37). Slight dif-ferences in the rate of iron removal from bovine serum transfer-rin may occur; however, these will not be significant owing to structural similarities with human transferrin.


The concentration of apotransferrin is determined using UV–vis spectroscopy prior to iron loading. The protein con-centration should be 50–100 μM. If concentrations are lower than 50 μM instructors can have students use a larger quantity (>20 mg) of apotransferrin.

To determine the efficacy of Deferiprone at removing iron from transferrin, apotransferrin was first loaded with iron using iron nitrilotriacetic acid and monitored using UV–vis spectros-

copy at 25 °C. UV–vis spectra demonstrating efficient iron load-ing are shown in Figure 4; complete loading is indicated by little or no change in absorbance at 470 nm upon addition of iron. Excess unbound iron is removed using a Sephadex G25-column (PD-10). Once protein purification is complete, the transferrin concentration and the quantity of iron loading is re-determined. The concentration of the iron-loaded transferrin should be simi-lar to the original concentration of apotransferrin.

UV–vis spectra (25 °C) illustrating the decrease in absor-bance as iron is removed from transferrin is shown in Figure 5. As expected, spectra show the opposite behavior observed for iron loading. A plot of ln[(At − A∞)∙(A0 − A∞)] versus time for iron removal by Deferiprone is shown in Figure 6 (at 25 °C and 37 °C). The pseudo-first-order rate constants (kobs) can be determined from the slope of the resulting line. The average kobs for iron removal determined by all students completing this laboratory experiment was approximately 1.2 s–1 at 25 °C and 2.2 s–1 at 37 °C.

Figure 5. UV–vis spectra showing a decrease in absorbance as iron is removed from transferrin at 25 oC.





400 450 500 550 600

iron rich

iron depleted




Wavelength / nm

Figure 4. Typical UV–vis spectra obtained by students, showing an increase in absorbance as apotransferrin is loaded with iron at 25 oC. The legend indicates equivalents of iron nitrilotriacetic acid, Fe(NTA), added to apotransferrin.





500 600 700

apotransferrin with:

2.8 equiv iron2.4 equiv iron2.0 equiv iron1.6 equiv iron1.2 equiv iron0.8 equiv iron0.4 equiv iron0.0 equiv iron




Wavelength / nm

Sticky Note
The two k(obs) values reported here are actually k(obs)t values. The actual k values are 0.00069 / s and 0.0015 /s for the two temperatures, respectively.
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In the Laboratory


This laboratory provides students with an excellent hands-on introduction into bioinorganic chemistry by exploring the rate of iron removal from transferrin by Deferiprone, which has real-world applications in drug testing and design. By utilizing this simple experiment, students have a better understanding of the biological role of transferrin, and how UV–vis spectroscopy is used to determine the performance of potential iron-chelating drugs.

Literature Cited

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Supporting JCE Online Material

Abstract and keywords

Full text (PDF) Links to cited URL and JCE articles Figures 2, 4, and 5 in color


Instructions for the students, including prelab assignment and postlab questions and an evaluation form

Notes for the instructor, including a summary of the student evaluations


– A


– A





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500



Time / s

iron removal 37 °C

iron removal 25 °C

Figure 6. A graph of ln[(At – A∞)/(A0 – A∞)] versus time for iron removal from transferrin by Deferiprone versus time at 25 oC and 37 oC. The slope is –kobs. (The data at 37 oC starts below 0 owing to the few second time delay between mixing the sample, loading it into the spectrometer, and then pressing “start”.)

Page 5: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Supplemental Material

Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment: Iron Loading and Removal from Transferrin A Bioinorganic Chemistry Experiment

JCE Section: In the Laboratory

Authors: Erin E. Battin,1 Ashley Lawhon,1 David H. Hamilton,2 and Julia L. Brumaghim1

Author Information:

1Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0973. Telephone Number:

864-656-0629; Fax Number: 864-656-6613; E-mail Address: [email protected],

[email protected].

2Department of Chemistry, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO 64110; Telephone Number:

816-501-4000; E-mail Address: [email protected].

Corresponding Author: Julia L. Brumaghim1

Corresponding Author Information:

1Address: Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0973, USA;

Telephone Number: 864-656-0481; Fax Number: 864-656-6613; E-mail Address:

[email protected] (preferred method of communication).

Word Count: 7,079

Page 6: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment:

Iron Loading and Removal from Transferrin

A Bioinorganic Chemistry Experiment

Authors: Erin E. Battin,1 Ashley Lawhon,1 David H. Hamilton,2 and Julia L. Brumaghim1

Author Information: 1Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-

0973. Telephone Number: 864-656-0481; Fax Number: 864-656-6613; E-mail Address:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

2Department of Chemistry, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO 64110; Telephone Number:

816-501-4000; E-mail Address: [email protected].


With the increasing availability of metalloproteins it is now possible to incorporate them

into bioinorganic laboratory experiments. Thus, we have developed a laboratory experiment

where students use UV-vis spectroscopy to determine the rate of iron removal from transferrin

by a well-known, commercially-available iron chelating drug, Deferiprone. Students gain

experience in both chemical and biological laboratory techniques, while assessing the efficacy of

a drug that is physiologically relevant to humans.

Keywords: Upper-division Undergraduate, Inorganic Chemistry, Transferrin, Hands on

Learning/Manipulatives, Laboratory Instruction, Bioinorganic Chemistry, UV-Vis Spectroscopy

Page 7: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Lab Summary

Iron is an essential metal, used for many physiological functions including O2 transport in

hemoglobin and incorporated in iron-sulfur clusters used by electron-transfer proteins (1, 2).

Maintaining iron homeostasis (balance) is important for organisms, since increased iron levels

lead to disease and cellular damage (3-5). Patients with β-thalassemia require regular blood

transfusions and consequently suffer from iron overload, leading to heart and liver damage (6).

Similarly, elevated body iron concentrations are associated with increased intestinal iron

absorption in hemochromatosis (7). To treat this iron overload, researchers have focused on

removing iron from transferrin, the iron transport protein in blood (8). We have developed a

laboratory experiment to give students experience with real-world drug testing and bioinorganic


Iron chelating drugs, including desferrioxamine B (Desferral), are available to treat iron overload

disease, including hemochromatosis and β-thalassemia. Desferral is a very effective iron

chelator with relatively low toxicity; however, it is extremely expensive and can only be

administered by daily subcutaneous infusion, resulting in poor patient compliance (9, 10).

Currently, Desferral is one of a very few iron chelating drugs administered for treatment of iron

overload disease, although research continues to develop other iron chelators that can be

administered orally, are inexpensive, and are non-toxic.

Deferiprone is the first chelating agent that is effective when administered orally for the

treatment of iron overload diseases. Unlike Desferral, however, Deferiprone is banned in the

United States because of high toxicity. Nevertheless, Deferiprone is still administered to treat

iron overload diseases in many other countries (9, 10). Thus, our laboratory experiment focuses

on loading iron into the transferrin protein and measuring the kinetics of iron removal from the

Page 8: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


protein using Deferiprone. Testing the ability of a compound to remove iron from transferrin is

commonly used to screen potential drugs for the treatment of iron overload disease, and will give

students relevant laboratory experience in working with proteins and an understanding of how

compounds are evaluated as possible new drugs.

Time and curriculum level

Because the laboratory experiment combines both biochemistry and inorganic chemistry,

it can be utilized for several topics of discussion in bioinorganic chemistry, biochemistry, or

inorganic chemistry. Completion of this laboratory experiment should occur during lectures that

highlight metal uptake and binding, development and efficacy of metal-chelating drugs, and UV-

vis spectroscopy and kinetics. This experiment requires two, three-hour laboratory sessions with

students working individually or in small groups. Students should perform the experiment in an

advanced laboratory course after they have been introduced to buffer solutions, UV-vis

spectroscopy, and kinetics concepts from a lecture course.

Procedures, techniques, and concepts presented

During this experiment, students will utilize advanced laboratory procedures and

techniques to determine the efficacy of a well-known iron-binding drug, Deferiprone. After

determining the concentration of apotransferrin, students prepare an iron solution (Fe(NTA)2)

that loads iron into apotransferrin, which is monitored through UV-vis spectroscopy; column

chromatography is also used to remove excess unbound iron from the transferrin solution. Once

fully loaded, the kinetics of iron removal by Deferiprone are determined using UV-vis


Page 9: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Performing this laboratory experiment provides students with an opportunity to utilize

important laboratory techniques such as working with proteins, preparing buffered solutions,

column chromatography, and UV-vis spectroscopy. These experiments enable the student to

conceptualize how a protein, such as transferrin, functions physiologically. Students also

recognize how a simple technique like UV-vis spectroscopy can be efficiently used to monitor

the efficacy of a drug that treats disease in humans. Students will be able to compare the rate of

iron removal from transferrin by Deferiprone to iron-removal rates of other known iron

chelators, giving students an idea of the efficacy of Deferiprone relative to other iron chelators

being developed as potential drugs for the treatment of iron overload. Students are also exposed

to the interface of biology and inorganic chemistry, an important interdisciplinary field not

experienced by most students, particularly in a laboratory setting. Additionally, students become

familiar with a very useful resource known as the Protein Data Bank (PDB) that allows the

exploration of 3-dimensional structural data of biological macromolecules, such as transferrin.

Usefulness of experiment

This laboratory will be very useful for illustrating the principles of bioinorganic

chemistry, particularly the ability of proteins to bind metals, drug development, and analytical

techniques, such as UV-vis spectroscopy and kinetics. Without the hands on experience that this

laboratory experiment provides, students have a difficult time conceptualizing how techniques

like UV-vis spectroscopy and kinetics can be used to determine potential drug efficacy. In

addition, students often have difficulty visualizing the structure of a protein and understanding

the important role metals play in protein function. By performing this laboratory experiment,

students learn how to use a UV-vis spectrophotometer for kinetics experiments, enabling

Page 10: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


students to physically observe iron loading of a protein found in the body and the rate of iron

removal by a metal-chelating drug. Using human serum transferrin and an iron-chelating drug

for the treatment of iron overload makes this laboratory particularly relevant to their own lives.

Students also gain a much greater understanding of the structure and function of transferrin, iron

overload diseases, and the process for the development of real-world drugs used to treat iron

overload diseases, which would most likely not be discussed in detail in a typical lecture course.


Students completing this laboratory experiment obtained results typical of those shown in

Figures 1 and 2. Students should observe increasing absorbance as iron is loaded into

apotransferrin (Figure 1); once absorbance has stopped increasing upon addition of iron, students

should recognize that this is indicative of transferrin being fully loaded. Students then collect

data on the iron removal from transferrin by the iron-chelator Deferiprone at 25˚C and 37˚C

which is then plotted similarly to the data in Figure 2; from the slope of this graph, the psuedo-

first-order rate constant (kobs) for iron removal can be calculated. The average kobs determined

by students was 1.2 s-1 at 25˚C and 2.2 s-1 at 37˚C. From their data analysis, students should

determine that higher temperatures result in a faster rate of iron removal. In addition, students

must calculate the second-order rate constant (k2) from kobs and compare their measured k2 value

for iron removal from transferrin to similar rate constants reported for other iron chelators.

Sticky Note
The values reported here for k(obs) are actually k(obs)t values. The actual k values are 0.00069 / s and 0.0015 /s for the two temperatures, respectively.
Page 11: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Figure 1. Typical UV-vis spectra obtained by students, showing an increase in absorbance as apotransferrin is loaded with iron at 25˚C. Legend indicates equivalents of iron nitrilotriacetic acid, Fe(NTA)2, added to apotransferrin.







350 450 550 650Wavelength (nm)




Apotransferrin0.4 Equiv. Iron0.8 Equiv. Iron1.2 Equiv. Iron1.6 Equiv. Iron2.0 Equiv. Iron2.4 Equiv. Iron2.8 Equiv. Iron

Figure 1. Typical UV-vis spectra obtained by students, showing an increase in absorbance as apotransferrin is loaded with iron at 25˚C. Legend indicates equivalents of iron nitrilotriacetic acid, Fe(NTA)2, added to apotransferrin.







350 450 550 650Wavelength (nm)




Apotransferrin0.4 Equiv. Iron0.8 Equiv. Iron1.2 Equiv. Iron1.6 Equiv. Iron2.0 Equiv. Iron2.4 Equiv. Iron2.8 Equiv. Iron







350 450 550 650Wavelength (nm)




Apotransferrin0.4 Equiv. Iron0.8 Equiv. Iron1.2 Equiv. Iron1.6 Equiv. Iron2.0 Equiv. Iron2.4 Equiv. Iron2.8 Equiv. Iron








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Time (s)

Iron Removal 37˚CIron Removal 25˚C





Figure 2. A graph of ln[(At-A∞)/(Ao-A∞)] versus time for iron removal from transferrin by Deferiprone versus time at 25˚C and 37˚C. The slope is -kobs.

Page 12: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Summary of student evaluations

Student evaluations were completed after performing this experiment as part of a

semester-long advanced chemistry laboratory course with 17 students, and after offering this as

an elective experiment in an independent study course (2 students). From the results of this

evaluation, students typically did not have extensive experience working with proteins nor were

they extremely comfortable with the idea of working with proteins prior to completing this

laboratory experiment (average student ratings for Questions 1 and 2 were 3.4 and 2.1,

respectively, averages are calculated from 16 evaluations). Most felt that after having completed

this experiment they would be more comfortable working with proteins in the future; the average

student rating for Question 7 was 4.0. Students also agreed that this laboratory experiment gave

them insight into the chemistry of iron in biological systems, and a better understanding of how

the efficacy of iron chelating drugs were tested (average student ratings for Question 3 and

Question 4 were 4.2 and 4.4, respectively). Similarly, students were interested in this laboratory

experiment because it had real-world applications in drug design (average student rating for

Question 6 was 4.4). They also felt that the experiments and data analysis were an appropriate

level for the course (average student rating for Question 5 was 3.9); however, some disliked the

time required to prepare the solutions or obtain the spectral data. Several students remarked that

they liked the biological relatedness of the laboratory experiment and found that using the same

techniques researchers used to evaluate iron chelators for therapeutic use made the experiment

more interesting.

This laboratory experiment achieved its goals in that students gained experience in both

biological and chemical laboratory techniques, including working with proteins, buffer solutions,

column chromatography, and UV-vis spectroscopy. Students saw how a relatively simple

Page 13: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


technique, such as UV-vis spectroscopy, could be used to monitor the efficacy of the drug

Deferiprone, and how iron removal by other iron chelating agents compares to Deferiprone.

They were also exposed to an interface of science that incorporates both biology and chemistry,

which enabled students to conceptualize how a protein like transferrin functions and also how to

use the Protein Data Bank to gain insight into the structure of transferrin and other iron-

containing proteins found in the body.

Page 14: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Transferrin Kinetics Laboratory Evaluation

Please remember your answers on this evaluation will be used to improve this laboratory experiment and will not influence your grade in this course. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Please answer the following questions based on the following scale: 1: strongly disagree 2: disagree 3: neutral 4: agree 5: strongly agree 1. I felt comfortable with the idea of working with proteins prior to completing this laboratory experiment. 1 2 3 4 5 2. I had experience working with proteins previously to completing this laboratory experiment. 1 2 3 4 5 3. This laboratory gave me insight into the chemistry of iron in biological systems. 1 2 3 4 5 4. This laboratory helped me to better understand how iron chelating molecules are tested for efficacy as drugs. 1 2 3 4 5 5. I thought the experiments and data analysis were at an appropriate level for this course. 1 2 3 4 5 6. I liked being introduced to experiments that are used in real-world drug design. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I would feel more comfortable working with proteins in the future after completing this laboratory experiment. 1 2 3 4 5 8. What did you enjoy most about this transferrin kinetics experiment? 9. What did you dislike most about this transferrin kinetics experiment? 10. Please make any additional comments about this experiment on the back of this page.

Page 15: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Related experiments

Raymond et al. have extensively investigated iron binding to and removal from

transferrin with numerous iron-chelating agents (8, 11). Although these experiments provide a

great deal of background information, reference material, and experimental design details for this

laboratory experiments, the experiments described by Raymond et al. were not designed for use

in an undergraduate laboratory course. Use of these references, however, is incorporated into

this experiment in a manner suitable for an undergraduate laboratory course.

In a related laboratory experiment by Donlin et. al., students examine the rate of iron

removal from the iron-storage protein ferritin (12). Similar to this experiment, the concentration

of iron in ferritin was determined using UV-vis, then Fe(III) was reduced to Fe(II) with various

reducing agents, and the rate of iron removal from ferritin was monitored spectroscopically. In

addition to the described kinetics experiments, this laboratory experiment also focuses on

computer modeling of ferritin-iron binding and introduces students to three-dimensional

structures and molecular-structure function relationships. This ferritin experiment, although

similar, is unlike our laboratory experiment in that the iron-transferrin binds two iron(III) ions

and is the transport protein in blood, whereas the cellular iron storage protein ferritin stores up to

~3500 iron(III) ions per protein (11, 12). In addition, a primary focus of our laboratory

experiment is to determine the efficacy of an iron-chelating drug, Deferiprone, to remove iron

from transferrin, an experiment that is relevant to both drug testing and design as well as human

disease. Similarly, removal of iron by iron-chelating drugs target transferrin rather than ferritin

due to accessibility of iron. The ferritin experiment described by Donlin et. al. would

complement this laboratory experiment, particularly to augment bioinorganic lectures that focus

on metal transport and storage, metal-protein interactions, spectroscopy, and kinetics.

Page 16: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Williams et al. developed a kinetics laboratory experiment investigating the rate of zinc

removal from carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of carbon dioxide to

bicarbonate (13). Similar to this transferrin laboratory experiment, the rate of zinc removal was

determined spectroscopically using various chelating agents. Structurally, carbonic anhydrase is

a very different protein from transferrin with extremely different biological activity, and the

experiment focuses on zinc removal, a process that is not biologically relevant for the carbonic

anhydrase enzyme. The chelating agents used to remove zinc from carbonic anhydrase were

chosen based on ease of use rather than physiological relevance. It is also worth noting that both

bovine and human carbonic anhydrase are commercially available in much smaller quantities and

at significantly higher prices than transferrin. Other laboratory experiments, including “Carbonic

Anhydrase and Metalloderivatives: A Bioninorganic Study” and “Kinetics of Formation of

Cobalt(II)- and Nickel(II) Carbonic Anhydrase”, also investigate metal binding in carbonic

anhydrase using spectroscopic studies (14, 15).


1. NaOH is very corrosive and can cause severe burns.

2. HCl is extremely corrosive and can cause serious injury, including severe burns.

3. Skin and eye burns can occur with FeCl3⋅6H2O exposure and it can be harmful if ingested.

4. Nitrilotriacetic acid is a possible carcinogen for humans (Class 2B) and can cause irritation

if skin or eye contact and inhalation occurs.

5. Human apotransferrin should be handled at a bio-safety level 2 for any potential infectious

agents present, including HIV and syphilis. Guidelines for handling bio-safety level 2

materials are located in the CDC/NIH manual "Biosafety in Microbiological and

Page 17: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Biomedical Laboratories", 1999, or can be found at the following web address: To avoid these biosafety issues,

bovine serum transferrin can be substituted for human serum transferrin for these

experiments. If this substitution is made, the extinction coefficients for the apotransferrin

and ferric transferrin will be 85,000 M-1cm-1 at 278 nm and 4500 M-1cm-1 at 463 nm,

respectively (16). Small differences in the rate of iron removal from bovine serum

transferrin may occur; however, these should not be significant due to structural similarities

with human transferrin.

6. NaCl is not believed to present a health hazard.

7. NaHCO3 causes slight skin and eye irritation.

8. Tris (base) is hygroscopic and can result in skin, eye and respiratory irritation.

9. Deferiprone can cause eye and skin irritation and can be toxic if ingested in large quantities.


Areas of trouble that might occur while completing this laboratory experiment should be

minimized if students follow the notes provided in the Student Handout. However, one area

where students might require additional assistance is in using the Sephadex column. First, be

sure that students have read and understand the Using the Sephadex G25-column (PD-10)

section of the Student Handout. After reading these instructions, students should understand

that after the tip of the column is cut, the liquid in the column should be discarded. Several

milliliters of Tris buffer should then be added and allowed to enter the column; only after all

of the Tris buffer has entered the column should students add their iron loaded transferrin

sample. Once all of the transferrin sample has entered the column, students then add

Page 18: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


additional Tris buffer to force the iron loaded transferrin through the column and allow

collection of the orange band.

Problems may also arise with the transferrin concentration in the initial protein solution.

The laboratory instructions state that concentrations of apotransferrin should be between 50-

100 μM. Obtaining initial protein concentrations within this range is critical, since at lower

concentrations sufficient UV-vis absorbance may not be observed in order to carry out the

subsequent kinetics data acquisition. If transferrin concentrations are too high, more of the

protein is used than necessary, and the UV-vis absorbances may exceed the linear absorbance

limit of the spectrophotometer, preventing determination of accurate rates of iron removal.

Adapting this experiment

This laboratory experiment is very easily adapted for use in any undergraduate advanced

laboratory course, and is particularly relevant for bioinorganic, inorganic, or biochemistry

laboratory courses. Transferrin is a relatively inexpensive protein and can be stored for

several years when refrigerated. In addition, the UV-vis spectrophotometer required for this

experiment is a very common instrument found at nearly all educational institutions. This

multidisciplinary laboratory experiment also provides instructors with experimental ideas

that can be adapted to suit laboratories with a biological or chemical focus as described in the

Instructor Notes section.

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Lab Documentation


Pre-laboratory assignment

Prior to the first three-hour laboratory session, you should receive and read the copy of

the laboratory experiment and complete calculations for the desired solutions in the experimental

procedure. You should also explore the Protein Data Bank (PDB) found at The PDB allows you to find and study the

three-dimensional structures of biological molecules, including apo- and diferric ovotransferrin.

For this pre-laboratory assignment, you should locate and examine the structures of both apo-

and diferric ovotransferrin from the PDB identifiers given in the caption of Figure 4. You should

also locate one other type of transferrin protein or an iron-containing protein found in humans

and provide a brief synopsis, including PDB identifier, structure, function, and other relevant

material, about the protein.


You have recently been diagnosed with hemochromatosis, a genetic disease resulting in

increased absorption of iron in the intestines and excessive iron accumulation in the liver and

other organs. Symptoms of hemochromatosis include extreme fatigue, headaches, joint pain,

diabetes, heart disease, and even death (7). You were told by your physician that donating blood

is a simple and effective way for treating hemochromatosis; however, even with blood donation

your symptoms are persisting. You contact your physician to determine if there is any other

medication that can be prescribed to treat hemochromatosis, and learn that a drug, Deferiprone,

has been used to treat hemochromatosis because it chelates (binds) to the excess iron and

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removes it from your body. It is also active when taken orally in pill form. Unfortunately, your

physician cannot prescribe Deferiprone because it has been banned in the United States by the

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (10).

Being an inquisitive scientist, you decide to research Deferiprone. From your research,

you find that although not prescribed in the United States, Deferiprone is still used in other

countries, including Europe and India (6, 10). Uncertain why some countries prescribe

Deferiprone and the United States does not, you want to determine the efficacy of Deferiprone

for yourself. After having investigated how pharmaceutical companies test chelation drugs, you

decide that determining the rate of iron removal from transferrin, an iron transport protein found

in humans (11), would be a simple method for determining the efficacy of Deferiprone.

In your laboratory, you have a UV-vis spectrophotometer available to monitor iron

loading and then the rate of iron removal from transferrin by Deferiprone. Once your

experiments are completed, you can decide whether Deferiprone is effective at iron removal

based on how quickly iron is removed from transferrin.

Background information

Iron is an essential element required by most organisms, and is involved in a multitude of

biological processes including oxygen transport, the synthesis of DNA, and electron transport

(1). Within the body, iron homeostasis (balance) is tightly regulated due to the toxic nature of

non-protein bound iron, since the formation of oxygen radical species by non-protein bound

Fe(II) has been implicated in cellular damage and disease (3-5, 17, 18). Furthermore, the

insoluble nature of Fe(III) at neutral pH makes solubility of iron a potential difficulty for

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organisms (1). Thus, iron must be tightly sequestered (bound) and solubilized, and mammals,

including humans, achieve this by utilizing a complex iron transport and storage system.

Serum transferrins are the major iron-

transporting proteins in blood and are part of a family

of transferrin proteins that include serum transferrins,

ovotransferrin, and lactotransferrins (11). Transferrin

proteins are small, containing approximately 700

amino acids (MW ~ 80 kD) and are synthesized

primarily in the liver (1, 19). Structurally, transferrin

consists of a single polypeptide chain with N-terminal and C-terminal lobes. Each lobe contains

two domains that are joined by a short peptide to create a hydrophobic metal binding site (1, 11,

20). Transferrin reversibly binds two Fe(III) ions with high affinity (Ka = ~ 1020 M-1); the amino

acid residues coordinating iron in each lobe include two tyrosine, an aspartate, and a histidine

residue, along with a bidentate carbonate anion (CO32-) (Figure 3) (21). In this coordinating

environment, the positive charge of the Fe(III) is balanced by the negative charges from the

tyrosine and aspartate residues; the negative charge of the carbonate anion is balanced by

neighboring positive charges on nearby amino acids (22). Transferrin can also bind other metal

ions, including bismuth(III), gallium(III), indium(III), aluminum(III), copper(II), manganese(II),

zinc(II), nickel(II), and ruthenium(III); however, transferrin binding affinity is highest for iron













Figure 3. The amino acid residues that bind iron in the C- and N-terminal lobes of transferrin; the protein backbone is indicated by P.












Figure 3. The amino acid residues that bind iron in the C- and N-terminal lobes of transferrin; the protein backbone is indicated by P.

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Conformational changes occur in transferrin that are associated with iron binding or

release. When iron is bound, each domain moves to enclose iron in the metal binding site.

Similarly, upon release of iron, the metal-binding domains move apart; these “closed” and

“open” conformations have been observed through crystallography (Figure 4) (11, 23). Once

iron is bound to transferrin it is internalized by the cell through a process known as

receptor-mediated endocytosis; iron is then released and either used or stored in ferritin (24).

Researchers have studied iron removal from transferrin to gain a better understanding of

its mechanism of iron binding, and also how iron is stored and transported throughout the body.

Additionally, iron availability has been implicated as a limiting nutrient for bacterial infections

since the very high affinity of transferrin for iron prevents elevated levels of non-protein bound

iron, thereby limiting bacterial growth (25, 26). Investigating the mechanism of bacterial iron

Figure 4. The crystal structure of ovotransferrin: apo-ovotransferrin (left) and diferric ovotransferrin (right);

carbonate anion not shown. Structures were obtained from the Protein Data Bank with identifiers 1AOV and 1DOT,


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sequestration during infection may have significant implications in the treatment and prevention

of serious bacterial infections, including tuberculosis and peptic ulcers (27, 28).

Non-protein-bound iron also can react with naturally-occurring hydrogen peroxide to

generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide radical (O2•-) and hydroxyl radical

(•OH), in the Fenton reaction (18):

FeII + H2O2 FeIII + •OH + OH-.

ROS have been implicated in increased oxidative stress and development of cancer,

inflammatory, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases (29-32). Iron chelating agents

may provide a way to prevent oxidative damage by keeping the non-protein-bound iron

concentration low thereby decreasing oxidative stress. For example, because long-term

transfusion therapy is required to treat β−thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder that causes

decreased hemoglobin production, a continual increase in iron concentration occurs in patients

since humans have no mechanism for iron excretion (33, 34). Similarly, hemochromatosis, a

genetic disorder associated with elevated iron levels due to increased intestinal iron absorption,

results in fatigue, diabetes, heart disease, and death (7). Chelation drugs must be used to remove

this excess iron, and continuing efforts are focused on developing new chelating agents that

would have improved properties over currently used drugs (35).

Several chelating agents are used for treatment of iron overload. For example,

desferrioxamine B (Desferral; Figure 5) is available to treat iron overload diseases, such as

hemochromatosis and β-thalassemia (10, 36). Desferral is a very effective iron chelator with

relatively low toxicity; however, it is expensive and can only be administered by continuous

intravenous infusion, resulting in poor patient compliance (8, 10). Another drug used to treat

iron overload is 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone, also known as Deferiprone (Figure 5)

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(35). Deferiprone can be administered orally rather than intravenously; unfortunately, the high

toxicity of this compound has led the FDA to ban the use of Deferiprone in the United States


Testing chelators for their ability to kinetically remove iron from transferrin is an

effective method for evaluating their potential usefulness as chelation drugs. This laboratory

experiment will consist of monitoring iron loading into transferrin and then studying the kinetics

of iron removal by the drug Deferiprone using UV-vis spectroscopy.

Experimental procedure

Preparation of Fe(NTA)2 solution. Due to the low solubility of Fe(III) at pH 7.4, the

iron is loaded into transferrin using iron nitrilotriacetic acid, Fe(NTA)2, stock solution. You will

prepare Fe(NTA)2 by dissolving 45 μmol of FeCl3·6H2O and 90 μmol of nitrilotriacetic acid in 2

mL of 1 M HCl, and adjusting the pH to 4.0 with 1M NaOH solution, and diluting to 10 mL.1,2

Iron loading of transferrin. Dissolve human apotransferrin (20 mg, ~ 0.25 μmol; from

Sigma) in 3 mL of Tris buffer (Tris 50 mM, NaCl 150 mM, NaHCO3 20 mM; adjust pH to 7.4),

and take a UV/vis spectrum from 200 nm to 800 nm; be sure that you also collect a UV-vis

spectrum of Tris buffer as a blank at the same wavelengths. Calculate the concentration of

transferrin by measuring the protein absorbance at 280 nm and using an extinction coefficient of

87,200 M-1cm-1 (8).3 (Your concentration of apotransferrin should be between 50-100 μM.)

Figure 5. Chemical structure of Deferiprone (left) and Desferrioxamine B (right).














Figure 5. Chemical structure of Deferiprone (left) and Desferrioxamine B (right).



























Page 25: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Add Fe(NTA)2 solution (0.4 equivalents per transferrin protein) to 2700 μL of

apotransferrin, and, after waiting five minutes, take a UV/vis spectrum from 200 nm to 800 nm.4

You should repeat this process of Fe(NTA)2 addition and acquisition every five minutes until no

further changes in the UV/vis spectra are observed. Since the exact molarity of transferrin

cannot be accurately measured by weighing, it may take up to 3.2 equivalents to completely iron

load transferrin. The percentage of iron loading in the transferrin can be estimated by measuring

the absorbance at 470 nm using an extinction coefficient of 4,860 M-1cm-1 (8). Remove unbound

iron by passing the transferrin solution through a Sephadex G25-column (PD-10 column,

Pharmacia Biotech) equilibrated and eluted with the Tris buffer (pH = 7.4). You should collect

only the orange band to ensure purity. The protein concentration and iron loading should be re-

determined after the protein is collected. Your solutions can then be stored at 4 °C until further


Iron removal. Carry out iron removal studies from diferric transferrin at 37 °C and pH

7.4 in Tris buffer (50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, and 20 mM NaHCO3). Prepare a stock solution

of the Deferiprone (commercially available from VWR) by dissolving the desired amount of

Deferiprone in 1 mL of Tris buffer, heating this solution and 700 μL of your diferric transferrin

solution to 37 °C, and allowing 10 minutes for temperature equilibration.6,7 At this point, you

should add 300 μL of the chelator solution to the transferrin solution (final volume = 1 mL; 120

equivalents of Deferiprone to transferrin protein)8 and monitor the kinetics of iron removal from

transferrin by UV/Vis at 460 nm with scans every second for 50 minutes (3000 scans).

Using the Sephadex G25-column (PD-10)

When using the Sephadex G25-column (PD-10), cut off the bottom tip of the column,

remove the top cap, and pour off the liquid. Add several milliliters of Tris buffer to the column,

Page 26: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


wait for it to completely load onto the column, and discard the flow-through solution. Once

equilibrated with Tris buffer, your iron-loaded transferrin solution should be immediately added

to the column. Once your transferrin solution is completely loaded onto the column, collect only

the orange band by adding several more milliliters of Tris buffer to elute the transferrin solution.9


1. pH should be above 2. If you exceed pH 4, Fe(OH)3 precipitates.

2. When adjusting pH of Fe(NTA)2, a precipitate may occur; however, as pH is increased

(with shaking), the solid will re-dissolve.

3. Dilution by a factor of 20 is usually required to get the absorbance below 1.

4. Use the calculated apotransferrin concentration when determining equivalents of


5. Solutions of transferrin, stored properly at 4 ºC, can be used for approximately 3 months.

6. When preparing the Deferiprone solution, be sure that all of the Deferiprone is dissolved

prior to use; this may require several minutes of mixing.

7. These experiments can also be conducted at room temperature (25˚C). If experiments are

performed at 25˚C, heating the Deferiprone and diferric transferrin solutions and

temperature equilibration are not required.

8. The ideal final concentration of transferrin should be between 20-100 μM.

9. Be sure to collect only the orange band from the Sephadex column so that dilution of the

transferrin solution does not occur.

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The concentration of transferrin is calculated using the formula A = εlc. Where A is

absorbance at 280 nm, ε is the extinction coefficient (87,200 M-1cm-1), l is the path length of the

cuvette used (1 cm), and c is the concentration of transferrin (8). When determining

concentration, be sure to account for the absorbance of Tris buffer and include dilution factors.

The percentage of iron loading in transferrin is also calculated using the above equation;

however, absorbance is determined at 470 nm and the extinction coefficient used is 4,860

M-1cm-1 (8).

The kinetic data can be fit to the equation: At = A∞(1-e-kt) + Aoe-kt. Where At is

absorbance at time t, A∞ is the final absorbance, Ao is the absorbance due to diferric transferrin

alone, and k is the observed rate of reaction (kobs). Ao should be determined by performing a

blank run with transferrin in buffer without the Deferiprone chelator. Fitting the kinetic data to

the above equation should be completed using a spreadsheet program; you can find instructions

for performing these calculations in the Data analysis section.

Data analysis

You will need Microsoft Excel or an equivalent spreadsheet program in order to graph

iron loading and removal. Your UV-vis spectra should be saved as text or other compatible files

and opened in the spreadsheet program. When opening a text file in Excel, select fixed width in

Step 1 of the Text Import Wizard. Create line breaks in Step 2 so that there are 2 columns

containing wavelength (Column A) and absorbance (Column B); once line breaks are generated,

select finish. For iron loading, the absorbance for the Tris buffer blank should be entered into

Column C and subtracted from the absorbance of the apotransferrin and iron-loaded transferrin

Page 28: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


solutions; enter data into Column D using the equation: =(B#-C#). Plot the corrected

absorbance of apotransferrin and iron loaded transferrin.

To determine the pseudo-first-order rate constant for iron removal from transferrin (kobs),

you must generate an additional spreadsheet containing time (Column A) and absorbance

(Column B). Follow the same procedure when opening text files in Excel. Similarly, the

absorbance for Tris buffer should be entered into Column C and subtracted from the absorbance;

enter data into Column D using the equation: =(B#-C#).

When determining the rate of iron removal from transferrin, enter Ao and A∞ in Columns

E and F. Determine ln[(At-A∞)/(Ao-A∞)] from the equation given in the procedure using the

spreadsheet program equation: =LN((D#-F#)/(E#-F#)). Once the rates have been calculated,

find -kobs by plotting ln[(At-A∞)/(Ao-A∞)] versus time: =LN((D#-F#)/(E#-F#))/(A#). The true

second-order rate constant (k2) can be calculated using the formula kobs = k2[L]/(1 + k2/kmax[L]),

where [L] is the final concentration of Deferiprone chelator used in the iron removal experiment,

and kmax is 1.35 × 10-3 s-1 (8).

Safety and hazards

When handling chemicals during this laboratory experiment gloves, adequate ventilation,

and protective eyewear and clothing are required. You should avoid contact with eyes and skin,

and do not ingest laboratory chemicals. Special care should be taken when handling human

apotransferrin due to the possibility of infectious agents being present. This material should be

handled at the bio-safety level 2 as recommended for any potentially infectious human serum or

blood specimen in the CDC/NIH manual "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical

Laboratories", 1999, or can be found at the following web address:

Page 29: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic

25 Additionally, after each three-hour

laboratory session, your transferrin solutions should be stored at 4˚C.

Laboratory questions

1. Describe the structure of human serum transferrin and how iron is coordinated in this

protein. How do the various families of transferrin proteins function in humans, and why

are they important?

2. Describe in detail the function of transferrin. How is ferric transferrin is taken up by a

cell, and how is iron released from the protein?

3. Why is the conformational change that occurs during iron binding to transferrin


4. Why is it important to remove excess unbound iron from the iron-loaded transferrin using

column chromatography before determining the kinetics of iron removal?

5. From your experiments, what is the average observed rate constant for iron removal (kobs)

by Deferiprone?

6. Based on the calculated second-order rate constants for iron removal (k2) from transferrin

by Deferiprone, do you believe that Deferiprone is an effective iron chelating drug?

Compare your calculated second-order rate constant for iron removal (k2) by Deferiprone

to that of other iron chelating ligands (Reference: Turcot, I.; Stintzi, A.; Xu, J.; Raymond,

K. N. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2000, 5, 634-641.)

Instructor notes

Pre-laboratory assignment

Page 30: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


It is recommended that a pre-laboratory assignment is given to students prior to the first

three-hour laboratory session. The pre-laboratory assignment is optional; however, it is strongly

suggested for reducing laboratory time, ensuring completion of the laboratory experiment, and

providing students with a greater understanding of the mathematical calculations required for this

experiment. For this assignment, students may be provided with molecular weights for each

chemical listed in the laboratory procedure; however, it is not required.

It is also suggested that students explore the Protein Databank (PDB) as an additional

pre-laboratory assignment. The PDB is a worldwide collection of 3-dimensional structural data

of biological macromolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids. Exploring this database will

allow students to investigate more thoroughly the apo- and diferric ovotransferrin protein

structures given in the laboratory background, while familiarizing themselves with this very

useful resource. Furthermore, students should locate an additional transferrin protein or other

iron-containing protein found in humans, and discuss its function and structure. Students can

access the PDB at If students appear to have difficulty

navigating the PDB, additional instruction in the form of a laboratory experiment developed by

Ship et al. may be useful (37). Alterations to the directions for the pre-laboratory assignments

can be made at the discretion of the instructor.

Alternative experiments

The experimental procedure dictates that kobs for iron removal should be determined at

both 37˚C (human body temperature) and room temperature (25˚C). However, if the required

isotemperature thermal modulator is unavailable or too costly, this can be determined only at

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25˚C. Additionally, this modified procedure allows instructors to reduce experimental length

because temperature equilibration is not necessary for experiments conducted at 25˚C.

In addition to iron, transferrin can also bind a variety of other metal ions, including

bismuth(III), gallium(III), indium(III), aluminum(III), copper(II), manganese(II), zinc(II),

nickel(II), and ruthenium(III) (20). This provides an alternative experiment that would greatly

complement the present study by enabling students to compare the various rates of metal

removal by Deferiprone; students would determine if Deferiprone is more efficient at removing

iron or other metals from transferrin, and gain some insight into the efficacy of Deferiprone as a

metal-chelating agent. Similarly, performing several UV-vis kinetic experiments with transferrin

loaded with different metals ions, will allow students to observe comparative metal binding

affinity of transferrin. Experimental procedures for loading transferrin with metals other than

iron can be found in Turcot, et al. and Li, et al. (8, 38).

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) is another technique that students can use to

analyze iron loading and removal from transferrin, and this procedural modification would

provide an alternative experiment for a biochemistry laboratory. PAGE is technique that

separates proteins based on their electrophoretic mobility, including molecular weight and

protein folding (39). Using this technique, students can estimate the molecular weight of

transferrin, and compare their observed value to the known value (~ 80 kDa) (21). Students can

also determine the distribution of iron in the N-terminal and C-terminal lobes, and determine iron

removal from each lobe by Deferiprone. Laboratory experiments using PAGE to analyze

transferrin proteins have not been published for educational purposes; however, procedures

detailing the use of PAGE for protein analysis can found in papers by Hamilton, Williams, and

Makey and their coworkers (11, 40-42).

Page 32: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Laboratory preparation

Students can work in small groups or individually. Each group or individual should be

provided with equipment and chemicals found in the Chemicals and equipment per student


Solution preparation

Solution preparation by the instructor is only necessary for 1 M NaOH and 1 M HCl; all

other solutions should be prepared by the student. Please read Safety and hazards prior to

solution preparation.

Instrumental directions

A UV-vis spectrophotometer is required for this laboratory experiment. An

isotemperature thermal modulator is also required for temperature regulation of the kinetics

experiments; however, this instrumentation is optional (see the Alternative experimental

procedures section for experimental modifications). Also, kinetics software that enables one

wavelength detection capabilities over time greatly simplifies kinetic data acquisition.

Prior to starting each three-hour laboratory session, instructors should turn on the

spectrophotometer and allow the instrument to warm up for approximately 20-30 minutes; if

using an isotemperature thermal modulator also allow approximately 20-30 minutes for

temperature equilibration. The desired spectra should be taken at the wavelengths specified in

the experimental procedure; the appropriate blank spectra should also be obtained in addition to

the experimental spectra.

Page 33: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Tips for success

Notes are provided to students to ensure that the laboratory experiment is properly

executed; however, some additional areas where difficulties may occur can be seen in the

Troubleshooting section of the lab summary.

Answers to student questions

1. Transferrin is made up of approximately 700 amino acids (80kDa), and contains both α-

helices and β-sheets. The structure consists of two lobes known as the C- and N-terminal lobes

and are held together by a short peptide, which creates a hydrophobic metal binding site. For

iron coordination, the amino acids that bind iron(III) include two tyrosine, an aspartate, and a

histidine residue, along with a bidentate carbonate anion (CO32-) that is not part of the protein,

known as the synergistic anion. The Fe(III) is bound in an octahedral geometry.

There are several families of transferrin proteins found in humans, including serum transferrin,

lactotransferrin, and melanotransferrin. Serum transferrin carries iron in the bloodstream, while

lactotransferrin is found in milk, tears, and saliva and serves as an antimicrobial agent.

Melanotransferrins are expressed in low levels in normal tissues but higher levels in melanomas

and are required for iron metabolism and cell proliferation. Transferrin proteins are very

important for binding and distribution of iron in the human body.

2. Humans acquire iron from the food that we ingest. Once iron is absorbed, serum transferrin

binds iron in the blood, thus solubilizing and sequestering the extremely insoluble Fe(III) ion,

and allowing transport throughout the body. To be transported into cells, iron-loaded transferrin

binds to the transferrin receptor protein on the outer membrane of a cell, and is internalized in a

Page 34: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


process known as receptor-mediated endocytosis. During this process, a portion of the

membrane containing the transferrin bound to the receptor protein folds in and pinches off to

form a vesicle inside the cell. Inside the cell, the vesicle forms an endosome, and the pH inside

the vesicle is lowered (by ATP-driven proton pumps). Once the pH is lowered in the vesicle, the

synergistic carbonate is protonated and can no longer bind to the iron. This dramatically lowers

the stability of transferrin-bond iron, allowing the iron to be released from the protein.

3. When iron is not bound to transferrin (in the apo form of the protein), both lobes exist in the

‘open’ conformation. When iron is bound in each lobe, the protein conformation changes to a

‘closed’ lobe conformation. This change in protein conformation allows for easier access of

iron(III) to the iron binding site in the apo form of transferrin, and increases the stability of iron

binding in the ‘closed’ conformation of the lobes. The conformational change is also important

for the cooperativity seen for iron binding and removal in transferrin.

4. Removal of excess unbound iron prior to determining the rate of iron removal is important

because Deferiprone will coordinate to unbound iron, thus giving an inaccurate rate of iron

removal from transferrin.

5. The average kobs for iron removal is determined by students from their collected data.

6. Students should compare their measured k2 of iron removal from transferrin by Deferiprone

to the rate reported by Turcot et al. (7.8 × 10-2 M-1min-1); conversion of their rate from s- 1 to

min-1 will be required for comparison. Students should also comment on why differences or

similarities in the rates of iron removal are seen.

Based on their measured average rate of iron removal, students should give their opinion

about the effectiveness of Deferiprone as an iron chelating drug and explain the reasons for their

Page 35: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


opinions. Answers should discuss their measured values for Deferiprone iron removal in

comparison to rates reported for other iron chelators in Turcot, et al. Rates of iron removal from

transferrin using other chelators determined by are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Rate constants (k2) for iron removal from transferrin using various iron chelators (8).

Iron Chelators Calculated k2 (M-1min-1)

Enterobactin 8.1

Desferrioxamine B ~ 0


BU-O-3,4-HOPO 4.5

5LIO-3,2-HOPO 7.2


TRPN-3,2-HOPO 5.9

TREN-Me-3,2-HOPO 16

TREN-1,2,3-HOPO 6.3

Deferiprone 7.8

Chemicals and equipment per student

UV/vis spectrophotometer with kinetics software

UV-vis temperature-regulating water bath (optional)

Cuvettes (3 mL and 1mL)

Page 36: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


Automatic pipettor (100 to 1000 microliters)


~ 7-10 Plastic conical tubes (15 mL)

Conical tube rack

1 Box pipette tips (100 to 1000 microliter volume)

Marking pen

pH paper

Beaker (250 mL)


Nitrilotriacetic acid (25 mg)

FeCl3·6H2O (12 mg)

Human Apotransferrin (20 mg)

1,2 dimethyl-3 hydroxy-4 (1H)-pryidone (Deferiprone; ~50mg)

Tris buffer: tris base (73 mg), NaCl (105 mg), NaHCO3 (20 mg) (pH = 7.4)

Sephadex G25-column (PD-10)

1 M HCl

1 M NaOH


CAS registry

1. NaOH: 1310-73-2

2. HCl: 7647-01-0

3. FeCl3⋅6H2O: 10025-77-1

Page 37: Using Proteins in a Bioinorganic Laboratory Experiment ...Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that relies on a solid understanding of both biological and inorganic


4. Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA): 18662-53-8

5. Human apotransferrin: 11096-37-0

6. NaCl: 7647-14-5

7. NaHCO3: 144-55-8

8. Tris (base): 77-86-1

9. Deferiprone: 30652-11-0

Safety and hazards

When handling chemicals during this laboratory experiment gloves, adequate ventilation,

and protective eyewear and clothing are required. Avoid contact with eyes and skin, and do not

ingest laboratory chemicals. When making 1 M HCl from concentrated HCl, prepare solutions

in a fume hood with the hood shield down as far as possible. Transferrin solutions can be stored

at 4˚C and can be used for up to 3 months. Due to the possibility of infectious agents being

present, human apotransferrin should be handled at the bio-safety level 2 as recommended in the

CDC/NIH manual "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories", 1999, or can be

found at the following web address:

To avoid these biosafety issues, bovine serum transferrin can be substituted for human serum

transferrin for these experiments. If this substitution is made, the extinction coefficients for the

apotransferrin and ferric transferrin are 85,000 M-1cm-1 at 278 nm and 4500 M-1cm-1 at 463 nm,

respectively (16). Slight differences in the rate of iron removal from bovine serum transferrin

may occur; however, these should not be significant due to structural similarities with human


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