
Multiplex network inference

(using hidden Markov models)

Petar Veličković

University of Cambridge

Bioinformatics Group Meeting

11 February 2016

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Words of warning


I These slides have been produced by combining & translating

two of my previous slide decks:

I A five-minute presentation given during my internship at Jane

Street, as part of the “short expositions by interns” series;

I A 1.5h long lecture given during the Nedelja informatike1

seminar at my high school (for students gi�ed for informatics).

I An implication of this is that it might feel like more of a

high-level pitch than a low-level specification of the models

involved—I am more than happy to discuss the internals during

or a�er the presentation! (you may also consult the paper

distributed by Thomas before the talk)


If anyone would like to visit Belgrade and hold a lecture at this seminar, that’d

be really incredible :)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs


Why multiplex networks?

This talk will represent an introduction to one of the most popular

types of complex networks, as well as its applications to machine


I Multiplex networks were the central topic of my Bachelor’s

dissertation @Cambridge—this resulted in a journal

publication (Journal of Complex Networks, Oxford).

I These networks hold significant potential for modelling many

real-world systems.

I My work represents (to the best of my knowledge) the first

a�empt at developing a machine learning algorithm over these

networks, with highly satisfactory results!

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs



1. We will start o� with a few slides that (in)formally define

multiplex networks, along with some motivating examples.

2. Then our a�ention turns to hidden Markov models (HMMs), in

particular, taking advantage of the standard algorithms to

tackle a machine learning problem.

3. Finally, we will show how the two concepts can be integrated

(i.e. how I have integrated them. . . ).

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Let’s start with graphs!

I Imagine that, within a system containing four nodes, you have

concluded that certain pairs of nodes are connected in a certain


0 1 2 3

I You’ve got your usual, boring graph; in this context o�en

called a monoplex network.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Some more graphs

I You now notice that, in other “frames of reference” (examples

to come soon), these nodes may be connected in di�erent ways.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction


I Finally, you conclude that these “layers of interaction” are not

independent, but may interact with each other in nontrivial

ways (thus forming a “network of networks”).

I Multiplex networks provide us with a relatively simple way of

representing these interactions—by adding new interlayer edgesbetween a node’s “images” in di�erent layers.

I Revisiting the previous example. . .

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Previous example

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Previous example

(0, G3) (1, G3) (2, G3) (3, G3)

(0, G2) (1, G2) (2, G2) (3, G2)

(0, G1) (1, G1) (2, G1) (3, G1)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

We have a multiplex network!

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Review of applications


Despite the simplicity of this model, a wide variety of real-world

systems exhibit “natural” multiplexity. Examples include:

I Transportation networks (De Domenico et al.)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Review of applications


Despite the simplicity of this model, a wide variety of real-world

systems exhibit “natural” multiplexity. Examples include:

I Transportation networks (De Domenico et al.)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Review of applications


Despite the simplicity of this model, a wide variety of real-world

systems exhibit “natural” multiplexity. Examples include:

I Genetic networks (De Domenico et al.)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Review of applications


Despite the simplicity of this model, a wide variety of real-world

systems exhibit “natural” multiplexity. Examples include:

I Social networks (Granell et al.)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Markov chains

I Let S be a discrete set of states, and {Xn}n≥0 a sequence of

random variables taking values from S.

I This sequence satisfies the Markov property if it is

memoryless: if the next value in the sequence depends only on

the current value; i.e. for all n ≥ 0:

P(Xn+1 = xn+1|Xn = xn, . . . , X0 = x0)

= P(Xn+1 = xn+1|Xn = xn)

It is then called a Markov chain.

I Xt = xt signifies that the chain is in state xt (∈ S) at time t.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Time homogeneity

I A common assumption is that a Markov chain is

time-homogenous—that the transition probabilities do not

change with time; i.e. for all n ≥ 0:

P(Xn+1 = b|Xn = a) = P(X1 = b|X0 = a)

I Time homogeneity allows us to represent Markov chains with a

finite state set S using only a single matrix, T:

Tij = P(X1 = j|X0 = i)

for all i, j ∈ S. It holds that


Tix = 1 for all i ∈ S.

I It is also useful to define a start-state probability vector ~π, s.t.

πx = P(X0 = x).

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Markov chain example









S = {x, y, z}

T =

0.0 1.0 0.00.0 0.5 0.50.3 0.7 0.0

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Hidden Markov Models

I A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a Markov chain in which

the state sequence may be unobservable (hidden).

I This means that, while the Markov chain parameters (e.g.

transition matrix and start-state probabilities) are still known,

there is no way to directly determine the state sequence

{Xn}n≥0 the system will follow.

I What can be observed is an output sequence produced at each

time step, {Yn}n≥0. The output sequence can assume any

value from a given set of outputs, O.

I Here we will assume O to be discrete, but it is easily extendable

to the continuous case (GMHMMs, as used in the paper) and

all the standard algorithms retain their usual form.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Further parameters

I It is assumed that the output at any given moment depends

only on the current state; i.e. for all n ≥ 0:

P(Yn = yn|Xn = xn, ..., X0 = x0, Yn−1 = yn−1, ..., Y0 = y0)

=P(Yn = yn|Xn = xn)

I Assuming time homogeneity on P(Yn = yn|Xn = xn) as

before, the only additional parameter needed to fully specify

an HMM is the output probability matrix, O, defined as

Oxy = P(Y0 = y|X0 = x)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

HMM example

















S = {x, y, z}

O = {a, b, c}

T =

0.0 1.0 0.00.0 0.5 0.50.3 0.7 0.0

O =

0.9 0.1 0.00.0 0.6 0.40.0 0.0 1.0

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Learning and inference

There are three main problems that one may wish to solve on a

(GM)HMM, and each can be addressed by a standard algorithm:

I Probability of an observed output sequence. Given an output

sequence, {yt}Tt=0, determine the probability that it was

produced by the given HMM Θ, i.e.

P(Y0 = y0, . . . , YT = yT |Θ) (1)

This problem is e�iciently solved with the forward algorithm.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Learning and inference

There are three main problems that one may wish to solve on a

(GM)HMM, and each can be addressed by a standard algorithm:

I Probability of an observed output sequence. Given an output

sequence, {yt}Tt=0, determine the probability that it was

produced by the given HMM Θ, i.e.

P(Y0 = y0, . . . , YT = yT |Θ) (1)

This problem is e�iciently solved with the forward algorithm.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Learning and inference

There are three main problems that one may wish to solve on a

(GM)HMM, and each can be addressed by a standard algorithm:

I Most likely sequence of states for an observed output sequence.Given an output sequence, {yt}Tt=0, determine the most likely

sequence of states, {x̂t}Tt=0, that produced it within a given

HMM Θ, i.e.

{x̂t}Tt=0 = argmax{xt}Tt=0

P({xt}Tt=0|{yt}Tt=0,Θ) (2)

This problem is e�iciently solved with the Viterbi algorithm.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Theoretical introduction

Learning and inference

There are three main problems that one may wish to solve on a

(GM)HMM, and each can be addressed by a standard algorithm:

I Adjusting the model parameters. Given an output sequence,

{yt}Tt=0 and an HMM Θ, produce a new HMM Θ′ that is more

likely to produce that sequence, i.e.

P({yt}Tt=0|Θ′) ≥ P({yt}Tt=0|Θ) (3)

This problem is e�iciently solved with the Baum-WelchAlgorithm.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Problem setup

Supervised learning

I One of the most common kinds of machine learning is

supervised learning; the task is to construct a learning algorithmthat will, upon observing a set of data with known labels

(training data), construct a function capable of determining

labels for, thus far, unseen data (test data).

Learning algorithm, L

Labelling function, h

Training data, ~s

Unseen data, x Label, y



Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Problem setup

Binary classification

I The simplest example of a problem solvable via supervised

learning is binary classification: given two classes (C1 and C2)

determining which class an input x belongs to.

I The applications of this are widespread:

I Diagnostics (does a patient have a given disease, based on

glucose levels, blood pressure, and sim. measurements?);

I Giving credit (is a person expected to return their credit, based

on their financial history?);

I Trading (should a stock be bought or sold, depending on

previous price movements?);

I Autonomous driving (are the driving conditions too dangerous

for self-driving, based on meteorological data?);

I . . .

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Classification via HMMs

Classification via HMMs

I The training data consists of sequences for which class

membership (in C1 or C2) is known.

I We may construct two separate HMMs; one producing all the

training sequences belonging to C1, the other producing all the

training sequences belonging to C2. The models can be trained

by doing a su�icient number of iterations of the Baum-Welchalgorithm over the sequences from the training data belonging

to their respective classes.

I A�er constructing the models, classifying new sequences is

simple; employ the forward algorithm to determine whether it

is more likely that a new sequence was produced by C1 or C2.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs


A slightly di�erent problem

I Now assume that we have access to more than one output type

at all times (e.g. if we measure patient parameters through

time, we may simultaneously measure the blood pressure and

blood glucose levels).

I We may a�empt to reformulate our output matrix O, such that

it has k + 1 dimensions for k output types:

Ox,a,b,c,... = P (a, b, c, . . . |x)

. . . however this becomes intractable fairly quickly, both

memory and numerics-wise. . . also, many combinations of the

outputs may never be seen in the training data.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs



I There exists a variety of ways for handling multiple outputs

simultaneously, however most of them do not take into

account the potentially nontrivial nature of interactions

between these outputs.

I Worst o�ender: Naïve/Idiot Bayes

I This is where multiplex networks come into play, as a model

which was proved e�icient in modelling real-world systems.

I Fundamental idea: We will model each of the outputsseparately within separate HMMs, a�er which we will combine

the HMMs into a, larger-scale, multiplex HMM. The entire

structure will still behave as an HMM, so we will be able to

classify using the forward algorithm, just as before.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Model description

Interlayer edges

I Therefore, we assume that we have k HMMs (one for each

output type) with n nodes each.

I In each time step, the system is within one of the nodes of one

of the HMMs, and may either:

I change the current node (remaining within the same HMM), or

I change the current HMM (remaining in the same node).

I Assumption: the multiplex is layer-coupled the probabilities of

changing the HMM at each timestep can be represented with a

single matrix, ω (of size k × k).

I Therefore, ωij gives the probability of, at any time step,

transitioning from the HMM producing the ith output type to

the HMM producing the jth output type.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Model description

Multiplex HMM parameters

I Important: while in the ith HMM, we are only interested in

the probability of producing the ith output type; we do notconsider the other k − 1 types! (they are assumed to be producedwith probability 1)

I With that in mind, the full system may be observed as an

HMM over node-layer pairs (x, i), such that:

π(x,i) = ωiiπix

T(a,i),(b,j) =

0 a 6= b ∧ i 6= j

ωij a = b ∧ i 6= j

ωiiTiab i = j

O(x,i),~y = Oixyi

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Model description

Example: Chain HMM

x0start x1 x2 . . . xn1 1 1 1

y0 y1 y2 . . . yn

O0,y0 O1,y1 O2,y2 On,yn

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Model description

Example: Two Chain HMMs

x0start x1 x2 . . . xn1 1 1 1

y0 y1 y2 . . . yn

O0,y0 O1,y1 O2,y2 On,yn

x0start x1 x2 . . . xn1 1 1 1

y′0 y′1 y′2 . . . y′n

O′0,y′0 O′1,y′1 O′2,y′2 O′n,y′n

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Model description

Example: Multiplex Chain HMM

x0 x1 x2 . . . xnω11 ω11 ω11 ω11

y0 y1 y2 . . . yn

O0,y0 O1,y1 O2,y2 On,yn

x0 x1 x2 . . . xnω22 ω22 ω22 ω22

y′0 y′1 y′2 . . . y′n

O′0,y′0 O′1,y′1 O′2,y′2 O′n,y′n

ω12 ω12 ω12ω12

ω21 ω21 ω21 ω21




Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Training and classification


I Training the individual HMM layers (i.e. determining the

parameters ~πi,Ti,Oi) may be done as before (by using the

Baum-Welch algorithm).

I Determining the entries of ω is much harder; this matrix

specifies the relative dependencies between processes

generating the di�erent output types, which is undetermined

for many practical problems!

I Therefore we assume an optimisation approach that makes no

further assumptions about the problem—within my project, a

multiobjective genetic algorithm, NSGA-II, was used to

determine optimal values of entries of ω.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Training and classification


I As mentioned before, for binary classification:

I We construct two separate models;

I Each model is separately trained over the training sequences

belonging to its class;

I New sequences are classified into the class for whose model the

forward algorithm assigns a larger likelihood.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Training and classification

Pu�ing it all together

~sTraining set,

−−−−−−−→(t1, t2, . . . ) ∈ C1

−−−−−−−→(t1, t2, . . . ) ∈ C2

Train layer 1 Train layer 2 . . .

Train interlayer edges

Train layer 1 Train layer 2 . . .

Train interlayer edges





~yUnseen sequence,

forward alg. forward alg.P(~y|C1) P(~y|C2)

C = argmaxCiP(~y|Ci)

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Results and implementation

Application & results

I My project has applied this method to classifying patients for

breast invasive carcinoma based on gene expression and

methylation data for genes assumed to be responsible: we have

achieved a mean accuracy of 94.2% and mean sensitivity of

95.8% a�er 10-fold crossvalidation!

I This was accomplished without any optimisation e�orts:I Fixed the number of nodes to n = 4;

I Used the standard NSGA-II parameters without tweaking;

I Ordered the sequences based on the euclidean norm of the

expression and methylation levels.

so we expect further advances to be possible.

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Results and implementation

Implementation and conclusions

I You may find the full C++ implementation of this model at

I We are currently in the process of publishing a new paper

describing basic workflows with the so�ware.

I Hopefully, more multiplex-related work to come!

I Developed viral during the Hack Cambridge hackathon; check it

out at . .

Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

Introduction Multiplex networks Hidden Markov Models Multiplex HMMs

Results and implementation

Thank you!


Multiplex network inference Petar Veličković

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