
Using Borland9 C+ + 3

2nd Edition

Lee Atkinson and Mark Atkinson





Introduction 1Who Should Read This Book? 2What This Book Is About 2How This Book Is Organized 2How To Use This Book 3Conventions Used in This Book 4ANote on Practicing C and C++ 7Selecting a Borland Compiler 7

I Using Borland C ++'s Basic Features

1 Getting Started with Borland C+ + 13Running the Installation Utility 13

Installing Borland C++ 13Using the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 16

Starting the IDE 17Using the IDE's Menus and Windows 19

The Menu System 21The Window System 22

Configuring Borland C++ 26Setting the IDE Options 26

Writing Your First C Program 29Understanding C Program Structure 29

Preprocessor Directives 31Global Declarations 33The main( ) Function 35User-Defined Functions 35

Using the Editor To Write a Program 36Introducing the Library Functions 41

Using Some Basic Input Functions 41The get... () Functions 42The scanf( ) Function 43

Using Some Basic Output Functions 45The put... ( ) Functions 45The printf( ) Function 46

Using Some Format-Conversion Functions 47The atoi( ) Function 48The toupper( ) Function 49

Exercises 50Summary 51


Understanding the Foundations of C 53Laying the Foundations 53

Understanding Source, Object, and Load Modules 53Understanding Program Logic and Execution Flow 56

Using Conditional Instructions '. 56Using Loop Instructions 60

Using the Basic Data Types 63Understanding C's Basic Data Types 63

Integers 64Floating-Point Numbers 65Character Data 66

Knowing Where To Define Data Objects 67Writing C Expressions and Statements 71

Understanding Expressions and Statements 71Introducing the C Operator Set ; 73

Controlling Type Conversions 77Understanding Implicit Type Conversions 77Using Explicit Type Conversions 79

Using C Macros ; 80Defining Object-like Macros 80Defining Function-like Macros 85

Exercises 89Summary 90

JUsing C Functions 93

Understanding the main( ) Function and Library Functions 93Writing the main( ) Function 94Using Library Functions 97

Knowing What Library Functions Are Available 97Including Library Functions in Your Program 99

Writing Your Own Functions 100Writing Prototypes for Your Functions 101Passing Arguments to Your Functions :.. 104

Returning Values from Functions 108Defining and Using Function Types 108Using Functions Like Objects I l l

Understanding Storage Classes 112Determining a Variable's Scope 112Determining a Variable's Duration : 114Determining a Variable's Linkage 115

Using Advanced Program Control Logic 116Writing Loop-Control Statements 117

Usinggoto 118Using break 118Using continue 119

Changing the Flow of Program Execution 119Using exit( ) and abort( ) 120Using the system( ) , exec...( ) , and spawn...( ) Functions 122

Using Variable Argument Lists 123Designing Variable Argument Lists 124Using the va_...( ) Functions 125

Exercises 130Summary : 130

4 Using Pointers and Derived Types ; 133Understanding Standard C Derived Types 133

Understanding C's Typing Scheme 134Creating New Types from Old 134

Understanding C Pointers ." 138Understanding Indirect Addressing 139Using C's Indirection and Address-of Operators 145

Using Arrays and Strings 148Declaring and Using Arrays of Objects 149Understanding C Strings 152

Using Structures and Unions '.. 157 ^Building Structures from Different Types 157Unions Are Alternate Views of Structures and Objects 161

Using Pointers to Functions 164Declaring and Initializing Pointers to Functions 164Calling Functions/with a Pointer Reference 165

Using Pointers with Dynamic Memory 169Your C Program and Dynamic Memory 170Using Dynamic Memory 172

Exercises 179Summary : 180

5 Building, Compiling, and Testing Borland C+ +Programs : .....183

Using Several Source Files for One Program 184Deciding What To Put in a Source File '. 184Setting Up a Borland C++ Project File 200

Understanding External References 203Using the extern Keyword 203Using External Functions 205

Writing Header Files for External Modules 206Deciding What Goes in the Header File 207Including User-Supplied Header Files 208

Using Conditional Compiler Directives in Header Files 209Compiling and Running Programs with the IDE 212

Compiling and Running Simple Programs 212Compiling and Running Complex Programs 214


Introducing the Integrated Debugger 216Using the Step over Command To Narrow the Search 216Using the Trace into Command To Pinpoint the Problem 218Setting and Removing Breakpoints 219

Exercises 222Summary 222

Using the Borland C+ + I/O Function library 225Understanding I/O Concepts 225

Understanding Files and Devices .....226Understanding Files and Streams 228Understanding Text and Binary Streams 229

Using the Standard Streams for I/O 231Using Formatted I/O Functions 231

Understanding scanf( ) 235Understanding/>rm#f ) 240

Using Character I/O Functions 243Using the File Control Functions '. 249

Opening, Closing, and Controlling Files 249Controlling File Buffers 254

Using the Direct File I/O Functions 256Understanding Direct I/O Concepts 257Reading and Writing Direct Files 259

Using the File Positioning Functions 265Obtaining the Current File-Position 265Setting a New File Position 267

Handling File I/O Errors '. 269Detecting File I/O Errors 269Displaying and Clearing File I/O Errors : 270

Exercises 271Summary 272

Using Memory Models and VROOMMTechnology 275

Introducing 80x86 Architecture 276Understanding Segments, Paragraphs, and Offsets 276Understanding CPU Addressing Registers 279

Understanding near, far, and huge Pointers : 281Choosing the Pointer Size You Want 281Using the near, far, andhuge Specifiers 284

Using the Six Borland C++ Memory Models 286Deciding Which Memory Model To Use 287Programming with Mixed Models 288

Creating COM Executable Program Files 291Using COM Files 291

Understanding the Overlay Manager 294Knowing What an Overlay Manager Does 294Understanding Borland's VROOMM 295


Designing and Creating Overlay Programs 297Deciding What Modules To Overlay 298Compiling and Linking an Overlay Program '. 299

Exercises 302Summary : 302

8 Using the Borland C++ Video Functions 305Understanding the IBM/PC Text Modes 305

Surveying PC Video Adapters and Screens 306Understanding Memory-Mapped Screen I/O 307

Controlling the Text Screen 309Using the Text-Mode Control Functions 309Using Direct Console I/O for High Performance 314

Using the Window Functions 315Understanding the IBM/PC Graphics Mode 319

Understanding Pixels and Palettes 319Controlling the Graphics Screen 324

Introducing the BGI Graphics Library 326Using the Drawing and Filling Functions 327Controlling the Screen and Viewport 332

Using Text in Graphics Mode 334Understanding BGI Fonts 334

. Using the Graphics-Mode Text Functions 335Exercises ,. '. 338Summary f!\. 338

9 Using Turbo Debugger and Turbo Profiler 341Setting Up for Debugging 342

Understanding Bugs and Debuggers 342Preparing To Run Turbo Debugger from the IDE 344

Using Turbo Debugger ..- 345Running a Program with Turbo Debugger 345Viewing Data..... 350

Using Advanced Debugging Features. 353Changing Program Values 353Setting Breakpoints 355

Using Turbo Profiler ...: 357Knowing What Profiling Is 357Starting Turbo Profiler 359Knowing Basic Profiling Information 360

Using Advanced Profiling Features 366Selecting Areas To Profile ; 366Displaying Profiler Statistics 369Choosing Active or Passive Profiling 372

Exercises 373Summary 374


10 Using Borland C++'s Extended Features 377Using Inline Assembly Language 378

Understanding the Inline Assembly Environment 379Using the asm Keyword 382

Interfacing Assembly Language Routines 386Calling Assembly Routines from C 387Calling C Functions from Assembly Routines 400Using Interrupt Functions 409Understanding 80x86 Interrupt Architecture 409Using Borland's Interrupt Interfaces 411

Using Interrupt Handlers 415Declaring Interrupt Handler Functions 415Implementing a Timer Tick Interrupt Handler 418

Exercises .-. 422Summary 424

\ /

II Using Borland C++'s v

Object-Oriented Features

11 Using C++ Classes 427Comparing Derived Types in C and C++ 428

Redefining "Derived" in C+;+ 428Understanding C++ Encapsulation 430Declaring Classes with struct 432

Declaring C++ Classes 437Understanding the class Declaration 440

Using Class Declaration Syntax 441Declaring Class Members 446Building a LIFO Stack Class 446Using the this Pointer 455

Using the public, private, and protected Keywords ....462Writing Member Functions for a Class 463

Associating Member Functions with a Class 464Compiling Member Functions Separately 464Declaring Inline Member Functions 465Specifying Default Arguments for Member Functions 467

Providing Constructor and Destructor Functions 469Using Friend Functions 473

Including Friend Functions in a Class 474Deciding When To Use a Friend Function 475

Exercises 476Summary 477


12 Creating C++ Objects 481Defining C++ Objects 481

Assigning Storage Classes to Class Objects 482Defining Arbitrary-Duration Class Objects 484Defining Local (auto) Class Objects 501Defining Global (static) Class Objects 511

Initializing Class Objects 521Using Constructors To Initialize Class Objects 521Using Initializer Lists '. 524

Exercises 525Summary 526

13 Accessing C++ Objects 527Using the Scope Resolution Operator 527

Using Scope Resolution in General 528Using Scope Resolution for Syntax Control 530Controlling Ambiguities with Scope Resolution 532

Understanding the C++ Scope Rules 537Understanding the Differences between C and C++ Scope 537Examining the C++ Scope Rules 539

Communicating with C++ Objects 543Sending Messages to Objects 544Understanding *this ' ; 570

Using the Reference Operator ! 571Evolving the Reference Operator from the

Address-of Operator 571Understanding the Reference Operator 572

Using Objects as Function Parameters 573Passing Objects by Value and by Reference 573Accessing Other Objects from a Member Function 575

Using Pointers to Objects 577' Understanding When Pointers Are Required 577

Declaring Pointers and Arrays of Objects 579Exercises 581Summary ;: 581

14 Using Overloaded Functions and OperatorsI in C++ 583

Overloading Member Functions 583Understanding C++ Overloading 584

; Declaring Overloaded Member Functions :...588! Overloading Friend and Nonmember Functions 590' Overloading Friends of a Class 590

Overloading Nonmember Functions 596i Understanding Type-Safe Linkage...! 597! Understanding Function Mangling 598j Controlling Linkage Problems with Standard C Include Files 600


Overloading Operators with C++ 604Understanding Operator Overloading 604 x

Declaring Overloaded Operator Functions 611Setting the Stage for Operator Functions .611Understanding Overloaded Operator Function Syntax 612Specifying Arguments for Overloaded Operator Functions 614Specifying a Return Type for an Operator Function 616Overloading Operators with Friend Functions 617Defining Cast Operator Functions 621

Overloading Binary and Unary Operators 622Overloading the Subscript and Function Call Operators 62 5

Using an Overloaded Subscript Operator 625Using an Overloaded Function Call Operator 631

Exercises 635Summary, 636

15 Using C++ Constructors and Destructors 639Understanding Constructor and Destructor Calls 640

Declaring Constructors and Destructors 641Declaring Constructor Functions 641Declaring Destructor Functions 647

Using Constructor Initializers 649When Are Constructor Functions Called? 654When Are Destructor Functions Called? 662

Overloading Constructor'Functions 667Writing a Default Constructor Function 668

Writing Other Constructors 671Deciding When You Need a Copy Constructor 673

Using operator new( ) and operator delete( ) 674Using new and delete in General 675Dynamically Creating and Deleting Class Objects 678

Overloading operator new( ) and operator delete( ) 681Overloading the Global Operators 682Overloading the Operators for a Class 690

Exercises '. 693Summary 693

16 Using C++ Streams 695Introducing C++ Streams 695

Comparing C++ Streams to Standard Streams 696Using C++ Streams for Standard I/O .TTT. 700

Handling C++ Stream Errors 711Detecting C++ Stream Error States 711Using the Stream State Member Functions 714

Controlling Data Formats with C++ Streams 716Using Inserters and Extractors for Built-in Types 717Overloading the << and >> Operators 723


UsingC++ Stream Manipulators 727Understanding C++ Manipulators 728Using Manipulators To Change States and Attributes 729

Using C++ File I/O Streams 740Reading and Writing fstream Files 745File Positioning with C++ Streams 746

Using and Converting Old C++ Streams 748Differences between Old and New C++ Streams 749Converting to the New C++ Streams 751

Exercises 752Summary 753

17 Using C++ Derived Classes 757Reusing Code without Inheritance 757

Understanding Code Reusability 758Reusing Code by Composition 758

Using Single Base Classes 763Understanding Inheritance .• 763Declaring Base and Derived Classes 764

A Practice Project: Extended Memory Support 773Understanding the Extended Memory Specification (XMS) 773Building the XMS Manager Class 776Deriving a Swap Buffer Class 789

Using Virtual Functions,- 795Using Late Binding and Virtual Functions 795Using Scope Resolution To Control Member Function

Access , 799Using Multiple Base Classes 801

Deriving from More Than One Base Class 801Declaring and Using Virtual Base Classes ....805

Deriving Classes from Abstract Classes 807Understanding Pure Virtual Functions 808Implementing Pure Virtual Functions 808

Using Constructors and Destructors with Inheritance 810Initialization Code Is Not Inherited 810Understanding the Order of Constructor and Destructor

Calls with Inheritance 810Using Virtual Destructor Functions 811

Exercises 814Summary '....814

18 Object Control, Performance, and FutureDirections 817

User-Defined Type Conversions 818Using Constructors To Convert Types 818Overloading Type Cast Operators 820


Using Generic Classes 824Understanding Abstraction and Generic Class Design 825Building Generic Classes 829

Controlling Object Behavior and Performance 839Using Friend Functions To Boost Efficiency : 839Using Friend Functions To Control Object Syntax 840Using the static Storage Class To Avoid Repetitive

Instantiation 844Using References and Pointers : ; 847Using Inline Functions To Eliminate Function Calls 850

Directions in Class Object Control 851Class and Function Templates 851Exception Handling : 854

Exercises ._. 856Summary T .....856

19 Using Turbo Vision 859Understanding Turbo Vision 859

What Are Application Frameworks? 860Why Use Turbo Vision's Application Frameworks? 860Benefits of Using Object-Oriented Code 862Benefits of Event-Driven Programming 862

Understanding a Turbo Vision Application's Parts 863Events ..- ..864Views <?.. ..864Mute Objects 865

Building Your First Turbo Vision Application 866Making a Basic Turbo Vision Application 866Adding Menu Support 869

Creating Windows with Turbo Vision ..' '. 874Adding Windows to a Turbo Vision Application 875

, Adding Text to Turbo Vision Windows 880Using the Dialog Box Window 885

Exercises 893Summary 893

III Using Borland C++with Microsoft v


20 Introducing Borland's Advanced Compilers 897New Features and Utilities 898Running the Programmer's Platform 901

Running the Programmer's Platform Under MS-Windows 901Options for Starting Borland C++ 904

Turbo Debugger 2.5 and 3.0 905


Using Turbo Assembler 2.5 and 3.0 907C Compiler Differences That Affect TASM 907NewMODEL Identifiers for Windows 3.0 Support 910Virtual Segment Support 912486 Instruction Support 912RETCODE Instruction 913TASMX.EXE and the Windows DPMI 914

Using the Whitewater Resource Toolkit 914Using the Resource Workshop 917Exercises 930Summary 930

21 Using Borland C++with Windows 933Understanding the Windows Programming Environment 934

Windows Is a Multitasking Environment 935Windows Is an Object-Oriented Environment 938

Setting Up Borland C++ for Windows Applications Building 947Setting Up Transfer Options for the Resource Compiler

and the Import Librarian 948' Running the IDE Alone 949

Running the IDE under Windows 949Setting Up Compiler Options for Entry and Exit Code 951

Using the Whitewater Resource Toolkit (RT) 954Setting Up RT as a Windows Program Item 955Resources Needed£by xhefcwin.c Sample Program 956Running RT '. 958

Navigating RT's Main Window 958Using the Resource Browser 959Creating and Editing Icons 960Creating and Editing Menus 960Creating and Editing Dialog Boxes 964

Building FCWIN Resources with Borland's Resource Workshop 970Exercises 979Summary 980

22 Designing Windows Applications 983Setting Up the Windows Application Environment 983

Building Your Own Windows Stub Executable File 984Understanding Windows Directory Usage 986Learn by Doing: Designing fcwin.c 988

Creating Source Files for Windows Applications 1019Understanding the Window? 3.0 Programming

Environment 1019Creating a Module Definition File .' : 1020Designing the Program's Header File 1022Creating a Project File for FCWIN 1024

Exercises 1025Summary 1026


23 Writing Windows Applications withBorland C++ 1027

Designing Windows Interfaces 1027Registering the Window Class 1028Setting Up the Main Message Loop 1031Writing the WndProc( ) Function 1033Setting Up Callback Functions for Dialogs 1035

Creating Dialog Functions 1035Controlling the Dialog 1037

Using MessageBox( ) for Pop-Up Help and Error Messages 1038Spooling Hard Copy to the Windows Print Manager 1040

Using Dynamic Link Libraries 1050Understanding DLLs 1050Writing a DLL Application 1051

Exercises 1056Summary 1056

24 Using ObjectWindows : 1059Introducing ObjectWindows for C++ 1060

Using C++ Classes in a Windows Program 1061Understanding the ObjectWindows Library 1075Writing Your First ObjectWindows Program 1078

Interfacing with Basic Windows API Functions and Elements 1082Controlling Applications ...<?: 1082Controlling Window Objects 1084Controlling Windows Messages 1087

Exercises 1089Summary • 1090

A ASCII Charts 1091

B Details on Usingprintf( ) andscanf( ) 1095

C Details on Using exec...( ) and spawn... ( ) 1103

D Program Listings for the quad Class 1107

E Complete Listings of FCWIN Resources 1121

Index '. 1135


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