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    Iron: Uses of Iron

    These days, the uses of iron are much more as compared to the past. In this article, you are go ing

    to get relevant information related to different uses of iron...

    We all know, iron is one such metallic element

    which has innumerable uses. Chemically, it is

    represented by the chemical symbol of Fe, and is

    categorized as a transition element in the periodic

    table. Iron is rarely found in its pure form on the

    surface of the earth; as it tends to get oxidized

    when it comes in contact with atmospheric oxygen.

    For this reason, most of its ores are in the form of

    iron oxides.

    Role of Iron in Human Body

    Iron is an important mineral required by the human

    body, and has a major role in the execution of

    various metabolic processes. It is a component of hemoglobin, which is present in the red blood

    cells. Hemoglobin is made up of iron and protein. It carries oxygen from the lungs to different parts

    of the body. Iron is needed for the production of ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphate, the main

    source o f energy in our body). Deficiency of iron will result in lack of energy and one will feel weak

    and tired. Moreover, as less amount of oxygen reaches different parts of the body, the various

    functions of the body will be adversely affected. Low iron levels in the body causes iron deficiency

    anemia. The condition has to be treated with the help of dietary supplements that contains iron in

    the form of iron gluconate.

    Uses of Iron in Everyday Life

    Iron can be used in so many ways mainly because of the fact that its properties can be changed

    according to our needs by alloying it with other metallic and nonmetallic substances. Thus, a large

    variety of steel with desired properties is obtained. There are about 27 different types o f steel. In

    each of them, iron is combined with other elements which include carbon, chromium, nickel, silicon,

    molybdenum, and so on. Therefore, it can be said that the most important use of iron ore is in the

    manufacture of steel which has a w ide range of use in industries. There are hardly any industrieswhich do not use steel in any form.

    Steel is essential for variousconstruction work. This is because it has the strength that can

    withstand both high pressure as well as high temperature.The framework of many buildings,

    including sky scrapers and bridges, are built with alloyed s teel. It is also used in the bodies or

    frames of heavy carriers like ships and heavy machinery. Some automobile parts and machine parts

    are also made up of stee l. Tungsten steel is required for making cutting and drilling tools that can

    cut hard metals. An alloy of iron and niobium is exceptionally strong and is used for the construction

    of nuclear reactors.

    There are several uses of iron in our homes; where we find it in the form of wrought iron and cast

    iron. This is because they have better resistance to rust formation; at the same time they can be

    molded very easily. Wrought iron is an excellent choice for making outdoor household things like

    decorative iron fencing, arbors, iron trellis, patio furniture, and so on. On the other hand, cast iron
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    is almost an indispensable part of our kitchens. Its uniform heating quality makes it an ideal

    material for manufacturing skillet. Properly seasoned cast iron cooking pots can last in the kitchen

    for generations. It is also used in many other types of cookware like cake pans, dutch ovens,

    cornbread trays, and so on. Stainless steel is used in kitchen cutlery, cookware, and various

    kitchen appliances.

    Metallic iron possesses natural magnetic properties and hence, it is used for making permanent

    magnets as well as e lectromagnets. Iron chloride acts as a coloring agent, and is an important

    chemical component for making of various types of dyes, paints, and pigments. Iron arsenate is a

    compound present in insecticides and can protect plants from pest attack. Many water purification

    systems that are found in our kitchen sinks contain iron hydroxide.

    Thus, you can see that iron has a significant impact on our day-to-day life, directly or indirectly. The

    main reason behind such a huge demand of this metal is that it is not very expensive as compared

    to other metals, but is also abundantly available on the surface of the earth.

    By Bidisha Mukherjee

    Last Updated: January 18, 2012

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