
Joseph FeracoRich Stapleton

Movement Analysis Project



Name: Joseph Feraco

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Height & Weight: 5’11’’(180.34cm), 220lbs (100kg)

Body Mass Index: 30.7

Medical & Physical History Questionnaire

1. Have you sustained any injuries? Did they require surgery? If yes describe incident and surgery.

I have sustained a torn hamstring. It did not require surgery.

2. Do you have joint pain? If yes, explain where.


3. Does anyone in your family have arthritis?


4. Is anyone in your family affected by: (x all that apply)

Parkinson’s Disease [ ] Dystonia [ ] Huntington’s Disease [ ] Myoclonus [ ] Tourette Syndrome [ ]

5. How often do you exercise? ( x the box that applies)

1-2 times a week [ ] , 3-5 times a week [ x ] , 6-7 times a week [ ]

6. Do you currently play any sports? (If yes, write down sport(s).

Yes, currently playing volleyball

7. Do you have any muscle stiffness? If yes, where?

I have some stiffness in my lower back.

8. How often do you stretch your muscles? (x the box that applies)

Never [ ] Sometimes [ x ] Often [ ] Very Often [ ]

Movement Goals

Stretch and strengthen the hamstrings so that I do not sustain another leg injury and to also alleviate my lower back stiffness.

Improve posture when sitting (chair,couch,desk) Improve my running mechanics because my feet turn outward when I land with each foot

Initial Summary

From the questionnaire and demographics, the main areas of improvement are to improve body posture in both exercising and when seated. Based on the above demographics and questionnaire, the suggestions to start reaching these goals are to practice body posture in a fitness center and at home. Also having a partner help in adjusting the body so that it is in the correct posture and to also give back feedback so that incorrect posture is corrected. Having a friend help stretch will also be a big help in reducing the chances of injury. If possible finding a fitness coach will further help reach the goals in having better posture and preventing injuries.


Kinesiology [Online Image]. Retrieved September 20, 2015 from

Range of Motion


Lateral Flexion Rotation Lateral RotationRotation

Neutral Position Flexion Extension External Rotation

Internal Rotation Neutral Internal Rotation

Sit and Reach Start Sit and Reach End Straight Leg Raise

Straight Leg Raise Thomas Test Thomas Test

Extension Flexion Neutral

Extension Flexion Neutral

Flexion Extension External Rotation

Internal Rotation External Rotation Internal Rotation


The motions in the pictures above all seem to look like a normal range of motion. But for the straight leg raise, Thomas test, and sit and reach it seems that the hamstrings may be too tight and need to be stretched.

Posture and Overhead Squat

Frontal view Sagittal view Sagittal view

Posterior view Frontal view Posterior view

Sagittal view

Analysis of Posture

According to the posture analysis, the feet point outward. This can be from incorrect squatting techniques or due to an injury in the muscle group. To prevent excessive stress or further injuries, proper stretching and exercise techniques can help the feet straighten out and improve posture. Also it looks like the pelvis is tilted anteriorly. This can be due to leaning forward while standing or sitting. To correct this dysfunction, stretching the back will counter the tilted pelvis which will help with posture.

Overhead Squat

According to the overhead squat analysis, when squatting the feet turn outward and the knees point outward. This is known as bow legged. The back is relatively straight throughout the squat. To correct this dysfunction, stretching the hips will help reduce the bow legged position. Also exercising the soleus will bring the feet back inward.

Gait Analysis


Posterior Toe off Posterior Heel strike Posterior Mid stance

Sagittal Toe off Sagittal Heel strike Sagittal Mid stance


Posterior Heel strike Posterior Mid stance Posterior Toe off

Sagittal Heel strike Sagittal Mid stance Sagittal Toe off

Gait Analysis

After looking at the pictures and performing the activity, I see that there is inversion of the feet. Also I saw and felt that the feet point outward. This could because of an externally rotated tibia. To prevent injuries, stretching of the gastrocnemius and strengthening of the gluteus medius and the hip flexors. Other than that I do not see any other dysfunctions.

Exercises to fix Dysfunctions:


Leg Raise Crunch Side Plank Normal Plank


Shoulder Press

Reverse Flies Deltoid Raises


Strengthening the core is a major area of focus because the trunk is a base for movement of all other extremities. To strengthen the trunk I performed the leg raise, crunch, side plank, and normal plank. These four exercises will strengthen the core and allow easier movements of other body parts. This can also help my posture because my other body parts will be supported by a strong base. Strengthening the shoulder girdle and complex will help keep me from protracting my shoulders and help prevent me from

leaning forward. The exercises I performed were the shoulder press, reverse flies, and deltoid raises. The deltoid raises will strengthen the supraspinatus and the middle traps. The reverse flies will strengthen the rhomboids, middle traps, posterior deltoid, teres minor, and the infraspinatus. This exercise will make sure that the head of the humerus does not pinch the suprasinatus that is in a precarious position between the humerus and the acromium process.

Exercises to fix lower Dysfunctions:

Straight Leg Raise Gastrocnemius Stretch

Iliotibial Band Stretch Internal Rotation Stretch


These exercises are to stretch out the tight hamstrings and to stretch the external rotators of the tibia and the hip. In the gait analysis and the overhead squat my feet were turned outwards which is due to either an externally rotated hip or tibia. The gastrocnemius stretches the lateral head of the gastrocnemius to reduce external rotation of the tibia. The internal rotation stretch and the IT band stretches the external rotators in the hip to reduce external rotation. The straight leg raise stretches the hamstrings. Due to the injury to the hamstrings range of motion was reduced and stretching the hamstrings will increase range of motion at the hip and the knee joints.

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